Friday, May 09, 2014

Unequal justice everywhere.

My man Will Bunch just dropped a cut and paste worthy article in my local paper.

Here it is:

"It's now been more than six years since the night that Dagma Rodriguez, a 33-year mother of three from the rugged neighborhood of West Kensington, said that she was sexually assaulted. Her assailant, she alleges, was a man who pressed her against a wall and began to fondle her.

"He started rubbing my breasts, rubbing my nipples," Rodriguez said. "I was so scared. My legs wouldn't stop shaking." The man kept talking lewdly, and kept fondling Rodriguez, until she began to cry...her assailant commanded her to "shut the f--- up."

It's a sadly familiar story -- the type of tale that might normally vanish into the dark night of a poor ,and largely powerless, community. But this case was different. Rodriguez' alleged assailant was a Philadelphia police officer, Officer Thomas Tolstoy, a member of what by all accounts was a rogue narcotics squad. She was willing to go on the record with her allegation -- and so were two other women who said that they, too, had been assaulted by the same Officer Tolstoy.

And the most important difference was that someone actually listened. It was two investigative reporters, Wendy Ruderman and Barbara Laker, who tracked the women down, and reported their story on the front page of the Philadelphia Daily News in 2009. They also reported in the same year allegations that another cop in the same unit had fabricated evidence on search warrants, and also something else shocking: More than 20 law-abiding bodega and corner-store owners -- most of them Latino or Asian immigrants -- said the narcotics squad had burst into their place of business, cut video cameras, and made off with food, cigarettes and cash -- thousands of dollars in all.

The stories immediately got the world of journalism, anyway. For their shoe-leather reporting in a tough part of the city (under withering pressure from the Fraternal Order of Police union and others), Laker and Ruderman were awarded the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting. Back at home, the first baby steps toward justice were taken -- cops were pulled off the street, internal affairs officers were brought in, and information was forwarded to the U.S. Attorney's office.

And then...

Nothing happened.

Some two weeks ago, at a moment when it was clear that the 5-year statute of limitations covering many of the allegations had expired, Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey conceded that there weren't going to be criminal charges (for officers accused of sexual assault and robbery! long do you think you or I would evade arrest with those allegations hanging over our heads?) and that he was taking the only avenue left: Internal charges. Five of the officers could be fired over the allegations, but even then they would go into an arbitration system that is stacked heavily in favor of cops and routinely returns dismissed officers to their jobs, even with back pay for overtime they would have worked.

In some ways, this is Philadelphia. More than 100 years ago, the famed muckraking journalist Lincoln Steffens described America's founding city as "corrupt and contented"...and nothing has changed since then. Greedy politicians and crooked cops are rarely charged with a crime here -- even when their misdeeds have been reported in the media -- and in the rare cases that someone is charged, there's a good chance that a friendly judge (who, after all, comes out of the same corrupt Democratic machine) is likely to just throw the charges away. They count on a lack of public outrage -- one colleague here dubbed it "the Philly shrug" -- and it works.

But increasingly this is America in 2014 -- a nation that has two separate and ridiculously unequal systems of justice.

One exists for the insiders, the wealthy and the well-connected who by now are well aware that there are zero consequences -- or a painless slap on the wrist -- for their insider trades and their financial chicanery, or their corrupt dealings, or, if they have enough juice, even for their rank crimes like ransacking a bodega or groping cornered women.

The other is for the outsiders, the rest of us -- who walk on streets where law-abiding citizens are stopped and frisked by law-enforcement officers because of the color of their skin, where folks are arrested in one state for possessing or selling a drug that is now legal in other states, and where a muddled, seconds-long encounter with a cop might mean years behind bars.

If you've been half-awake for the past five years, you probably know this. But knowledge is one thing. Where is the outrage? How are we are going to fix this?

How are we going to fix a system where a millionaire who fatally runs over two tourists and leaves the scene can literally buy his way out of prison time, while a troubled woman who helped a boyfriend sell a few ounces of meth has been in jail for 20 years and has no hope of getting out any time soon? How are we going to fix a system in which the white-collar banksters and swindlers who triggered a financial crisis that caused severe economic pain walked away scot-free, usually with a bonus check in their pocket, while a woman who protested Wall Street and had a highly ambiguous encounter with the officer arresting her is now facing a possible seven years in jail?

In a climate where protected elites can literally get away with murder sometimes is it any wonder that abuse of power by officers wearing a badge is out of control, from Philadelphia to Albuquerque to the sidewalks of New York. But where is the outrage? And how are we going to fix this?

How can we be proud to live in a country where decent citizens stand up and say they were robbed or molested by a police officer -- and the system does nothing? I do not understand why this Philadelphia story is not in the national news -- night after night, until someone is charged. (There's even compelling  video of officers knocking out the cameras in a bodega...hello, CNN and MSNBC? Anyone home?)

The other day I stumbled across a picture of the signs that they used to have at the Pennsylvania border, which bragged that "America Starts Here." What if we could brag in Philadelphia, someday, that "Outrage Starts Here!"

Because outrage does work. Already, there's been enough of an uproar in Philadelphia that there have been a few  actual grown-up steps in the right direction, with the district attorney's office (which had deferred to the feds, initially) now saying it will look at the allegations of sexual assaults by Officer Tolstoy. But that's still not justice for the bodega owners who say they were ransacked and robbed; if you share the outrage, you can write the U.S. Justice Department, Division of Civil Rights, and demand a civil rights probe (which could, in theory, override the statute of limitation concerns). Even demanding action on social media (use the hashtags #UntaintJustice and #MyPhillyPD) helps raise awareness.

Dr. Martin Luther King said that "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." And ultimately, America is going to have to deal with its injustice everywhere -- to demand that our leaders take real action against the con artists on Wall Street and declare an end to the excesses of "the war on drugs," including the absurd minimum penalties for non-violent offenses. And if they won't do that, we should elect new leaders who will. But you need to start with that "injustice anywhere," and right now "anywhere" is Philadelphia.

Someone pass the offering plate. Will is having church up in here.

{Article and comments here}
It's now been more than six years since the night that Dagma Rodriguez, a 33-year mother of three from the rugged neighborhood of West Kensington, said that she was sexually assaulted. Her assailant, she alleges, was a man who pressed her against a wall and began to fondle her.
"He started rubbing my breasts, rubbing my nipples," Rodriguez said. "I was so scared. My legs wouldn't stop shaking." The man kept talking lewdly, and kept fondling Rodriguez, until she began to cry...her assailant commanded her to "shut the f--- up."
It's a sadly familiar story -- the type of tale that might normally vanish into the dark night of a poor ,and largely powerless, community. But this case was different. Rodriguez' alleged assailant was a Philadelphia police officer, Officer Thomas Tolstoy, a member of what by all accounts was a rogue narcotics squad. She was willing to go on the record with her allegation -- and so were two other women who said that they, too, had been assaulted by the same Officer Tolstoy.



  1. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Field calls the cops in Philadelphia "Philly's finest". Imo, they are Philly's scum who abuse the citizens of Philly without consequence. The cops in Philly today are no different than the cops during Rizzo's reign. That is why I left is not a safe place for citizens, esp Blacks and Latinos.

    But you right about a lack of outrage among citizens, esp among Blacks. But when have Blacks EVER had any political clout in Philly? As a matter of fact, Blacks as a race have no clout in America, period.

    I keep hoping FP is right that God is winning but it sure looks like the devils and demons are kicking a lot of ass, and they are not bothering to names, either.

    This is so depressing. How I long for some relief. But I know there will NEVER be any relief for POCs...that is just the way it is.

    depressed negro

  2. StillaPanther29:53 PM

    Brother, you said it all. With succinctness, "the haves and the have not". The power section will be hard to change because one's values changes as he prosper in America. Justice and equality have been usurped by money.

    An example, I say, is when the latest Black gets vetted after he gets paid America style. You can change a "hood rat" to being loved by the majority with some new money.

    I feel what you say about the criminal injustice system. I am real tired that the same abuse is present and nothing has changed. The police has and will always be a gang that looks out for the "inners". You could reduce the cost of law enforcement in half by simply getting rid of drugs laws that protect no one.

  3. Sounds like Alanzo fron "Training Day". Life imitating art?

    Granny, Brotha Panther, PC, Doc and you are going to hold it down for a bit. I'm headed to tornado alley for some storm chasing. Hopefully I'll have some good pics to share if you want to see.

  4. Anonymous10:36 PM

    "... while a woman who protested Wall Street and had a highly ambiguous encounter with the officer arresting her is now facing a possible seven years in jail?"

    This obviously refers to Occupy Wall Street protester Cecily McMillan, who was just convicted of assaulting a cop who was attempting to detain her. While I certainly hope she doesn't get a seven-year jail sentence, it's hard for me to see her as innocent after watching the video evidence.

    She claimed the officer grabbed her breast and she reacted reflexively, but it doesn't look that way in the footage, which shows her winding up, throwing an elbow into the officer's face, and then sprinting away the moment he let go of her. I think I'd have had a hard time not convicting her myself, even though I do sympathize with her political cause.

  5. This ...from Fields long winded post sounds like BLACK First....

    " - to demand that our leaders take real action against the con artists on Wall Street and declare an end to the excesses of "the war on drugs," including the absurd minimum penalties for non-violent offenses. And if they won't do that, we should elect new leaders who will."

    Now how in the hell do we accomplish this by pulling the lever for another Democrat or Republican ....????


  6. Anonymous11:30 PM

    from yardiie..yes idren ,,,fantastic post!!!!!!!!!

  7. GrannyStandingforTruth uh11:31 PM


    You be careful! See you when you get back.

  8. GrannyStandingforTruth11:36 PM

    I'm wondering who Tolstoy's connections are? He's connected to somebody up at the top or politically either by blood or friend of family. That don't smell right.

  9. GrannyStandingforTruth11:52 PM

    Wow! Those who are supposed to enforce the law are lawless.

    Politicians are cheering folks with guns aimed at Federal agents and calling them Patriots.

    Police sexually assaulting women, murdering 93 yr old women, robbing store, committing murders, and felony assaults. I guess NWA had a point.

    Smh! Yep, we living in the last days for real.

  10. Aw dog, titties was meant to be fondled! Don't be hatin'!

  11. question:

    depressed negro, are you also Seeker?


    as long as folk keep telling themselves the fat LIE that they are "changing" the system from within...

    folk will get what they get.

    come out from among them= what time it is.

    we the people...

    don't need the system.

    the system both needs + hates US.

    all colors.

    WHAT'S NOT clear at this point in history?

    the Blessed Blacks must get Right first.

    Blessed Black first...

    then ALL nations will follow + gather to US...still afraid of US. but Righteously because they know Almighty of Abraham, Isaac and Yacob is with US.

    THAT'S what is written.

    THAT'S what it is.

    it is IMPOSSIBLE to please Him/His Word WITHOUT Faith.

    those walking by SIGHT+ placing Trust in MEN can ONLY end up...

    in the ditch on all levels.

    He/His Word will NEVER change.

    it is US that must line up to match Him/His Word.

    when i say THAT is more than a notion...

    those even ATTEMPTING the walk can ONLY say...



    FN your post only scratches the surface. the po po are israeli military trained to do precisely what they are doing.

    protesting civilians are now officially "terrorists" with a judicial buy in to the mischief framed by man laws...the police state is very nicely in place right in our faces.


    the Power lies with the People.

    folk just need to get UNafraid + Bold with it.

    the po po ROUTINELY rapes and take all types of liberties with the citizenry.

    they will ONLY stop when enough folk...

    have had enough.

    take a look at the citizens of Kiev. they are NOT playing...

    the system is broken due to corruption.

    when Almighty breaks it...

    whoa! = ALL i got. the judgment is merely lining up. there is NOTHING happening right now with the ruling socio/psychopaths that is pleasing in His Sight. the "cream" rising to the top in the devilish mess = socio/psychopaths as well in staggering numbers- which is why folk talking 'bout how "successful" they are get the stank eye from me.

    side note: take a look at "higher education":

    wonder how many 'credits' participants will receive?

  12. let the devils rush the throne if they think they got it like that...He/His Word will NOT be mocked. THAT'S what's written and THAT'S what time it is- DESPITE what folk think they see.

    how many folk would dare to put their lives on the line as they Stand for Truth + Justice?

    this is the part of His Show that we are in...

    whether folk know it or not.

    IF folk cared about what was happening to the poorest among US and the Blessed Blacks that folk are quick to determine need to be sterilized...they would have more than groping stories to be outraged about.

    BO hasn't bothered to give a whole damn about how many perish in Chicago on any given day of the week. but we got aid to send to the heathens in Nigeria. much less the time to care about the grip of Black women/girls that go missing on the regular in America. folk don't want them back?


    recall, Mitrice Richardson was last seen in the custody of the Malibu po po.

    it didn't make the news...

    but those demons left a mural depicting her sexual torture + demise.


    THIS is why i can't pretend to care about peepers + name callers.

    we are in the killing fields. let BO care kick in Right Good then watch how the hospitals will get in on the carnage.

    no crystal ball over here.

    i.just.see.clearly + am NOT afraid to call it.

    more need to clock in and go to work.

    a grip of resources + "education" =

    those that seek to save their lives will lose them anyways.

    THAT'S what's written.

    we are well past gripe time.

    the talented 1%, 3% AND 10% need to put up or...

    shut up.

    folk got generational connections....

    and NO heart.

    the Good News = EACH DAY = NEW OPPORTUNITY to get it Right;)

    those moving of their own strength don't stand a chance.

    for Real.

    THIS battle is a SPIRITUAL one ALL day. in order to move with Him/His Word...

    folk got to humble themselves and acknowledge + bow down to Him/His Word.

    IF He be for US...

    exactly NO ONE can successfully be against US.

    THIS is why folk are like we 'bout to pray and what others got to say=

    their personal business;) these stories make my day!

    it is all getting turned up + revealed so folk can see plainly that this beast is bigger than any of US.

    we.need.Him/His Word.

    those that cannot Believe that He has this whole thing under control...

    i pray will be Blessed with triple portions of Faith in Messiah's Name.

    it is wise to always bet on Black.

    the wooley haired burnt brass Almighty is NOT playing with His enemies.

    His delay is that all those too proud or whatever might be saved. running time on the clock more than anything else Right now...i AM thankful. otherwise i run the risk of not getting in;( + ;)

    PS. it is NOT what fp says. it is about what He/His Word says.

    Shabbath Shalom all!

  13. Hey PilotX, you be careful!!!

    BIB, what da' hell can you do for your people when your a$$ stays high all the d@mn time?

    BTW, you know Heroin is next, right?

  14. Are u trying to tell me that you want some Heroin?

    You obviously haven't opened up your dusty medical books since 1974 ..especially with that outdated comment about a "Gateway" theory ..or what's supposedly next after cannabis .

    The only Dr.that's been studying forever and still doesn't know what the ECS system does within the human body.

    Don't make me take you to school early in the AM...on this subject...
    Your really NOT ready...

  15. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Field Negro:

    Why is NOBODY talking about the 59 black BOYS, in Nigeria, who were murdered (some of them burned alive) just this past February, 2014. The boys were murdered by the same Nigerian Islamic fundamentalist terrorist group that kidnapped the schoolgirls a few weeks ago.

    Nothing was done about the 59 boys. If something had been done several months ago, (about the BOYS), what's happening now with the kidnapped girls might not be happening.

    Many like to say that black girls/women are ignored/abused, but this time it is the boys who were ignored/MURDERED.

    And the 59 murdered Nigerian boys continue to be ignored.

  16. "Why is NOBODY talking about the 59 black BOYS, in Nigeria, who were murdered (some of them burned alive) just this past February, 2014."

    Well the fact that you know about it obviously means the media is talking about it.

  17. Anon@7:00 that is not news to most of us except those who are slaves to the Western press. We know you just got that story because the Western press just started talking about it.

    But hey, better late than never.

    Are u trying to tell me that you want some Heroin?

    Yes, Medicine is a field that requires lifelong learning which is a strong reason for my interest in the field.

    Unfortunately for you, I'm not going into Psychiatry, and thus far my interests lie in Internal/Urban Medicine and Informatics. But I'd be happy to suggest a good addiction specialist to you because you're d@mn sure going need one one day.

    PS- This is NOT medical advice, just common sense based on the "off" behavior of BIB AKA Mr. Splif Boy who is a very well nourished Black male, presenting with symptoms of future heroin addiction.

  19. Barbf9:35 AM

    The DC police and the Capitol police pump bullets into a car driven by a black woman with her baby visible in the back seat. The woman was killed. Members of congress..including black members aplauded the police. Silence....from the NAACP and other black and supposed liberal organizations. Members of her family spoke out and asked for an investigation. NOTHING HAPPENED.

  20. Anonymous9:46 AM

    FP, "He/His Word will NEVER change.

    it is US that must line up to match Him/His Word.

    when i say THAT is more than a notion...

    those even ATTEMPTING the walk can ONLY say...


    I used to think that HIS WORD in the Bible changed constantly. I see now that it 'doesn't' change. It is timeless and unchanging. It is 'me' who is changing.

    Trying to line up with HIS WORD seems to be a never-ending process. At times it is discouraging because there seems to be a lot of unlearning and misinformation that I am full of....but I think it's right..LOL

    The world is full of people who actually believe the information in their minds is correct. You would think by now the history of humanity would be enough evidence to prove otherwise. But it doesn't.

    Humans are a hapless lot when left on their own= self-destructive and arrogant.

    Nevertheless, I keep moving toward HIM in the best way I can. Sometimes it is with trembling cautiousness, but I go on anyway.

    As far as I'm concerned there is nothing else to do at this time. I've tried the way of the world and it led me to a 'dead' end. I might as well try GOD'S WAY.

    For the first time, HIS WORD is making more and more sense:


    FN has been a place for me to come to learn the wrong way of thinking and living without GOD...It always turns out to be a confused pompous mess. And it's called 'reason and logic'

  21. Anonymous10:04 AM

    FP, "PS. it is NOT what fp says. it is about what He/His Word says."

    You are absolutely right. Thanks for the reminder, which I need reminding of quite I long to be rid of this wrong thinking forgetful mind. How I long to go HOME.

    I used to hate hearing "Amazing Grace". None of it made any sense to me. Now it's making a lot of sense to me. lol


    PS I always look forward to you visiting FN. You help to clarify HIS WORD for me...I am grateful for that.

  22. Dr Fraud...

    Just come out and say that you have no idea what the
    Endo Cannabinoid system is , and this is the first time you've ever heard of it..

    Instead of presenting Scientific evidence Dr Fraud says....

    PS- This is NOT medical advice, just common sense based on the "off" behavior of BIB AKA Mr. Splif Boy who is a very well nourished Black male, presenting with symptoms of future heroin addiction."

    Good Dr Fraud shall we compare the LD50 of Cannabis Vs Opiates..any Opiates for tat matter ??

    Your totally inept on this subject ,and you really should try citing real Scientific data for the Balogney your trying to pass off as medicine.

    Your totally inept on this subject and you really should try citing real Scientific data for the Balogney your trying to pass off as medicine.

    Given that my summer research project involves drug interactions seen in terminally ill cancer patients, I don't have the motivation OR desire to do ANY research for YOU, I've got my own to do.

    Besides it's not like you'd understand it anyway given that you pursued a "soft" major in college.

    LD50? I deal in IC20s these days Boy, so take your lil' Wiki knowledge somewhere else because I'm so NOT impressed.

    BTW, you may want to check your splif habit because your BMI is getting out of whack thanks to your "munchies" habit.

  24. Anonymous10:55 AM

    "Well the fact that you know about it obviously means the media is talking about it."

    You are being a smartass. You know as well as I do that there is nowhere near the outrage over the murders of the Nigerian boys (just 3 months ago) as there is over the kidnapped girls.

  25. Anonymous10:58 AM

    @Purple Cow
    You can kill the boys but BRING BACK OUR GIRLS.

  26. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I find it laughable that FN's orginal bitch session is about a Philly cop who apparenlty hasn't been convicted of anything. Besides even if there is an aquittal as in the Zimmerman trial it's just not believable.
    Here's the real Phlly, a city with the major demographic composed of African Americans that just happens to be one of the most dangerous cities in the US.
    Lets look at the benchmarks and one of them political party. Philly has a huge Democratic majority with a crime rate off the wall. Doesn't happen much if at all in Republican controlled cities.
    But here the biggest metric. US census date studies show that when an area's demographic becomes 20% Black then the crime rate shoots up like a rocket. Interesting huh? The same thing doesn't happen in conservative areas. The real reason for crime is Phllly is staring you in the face. Just go look in the mirror and get back to me.

    PS: The same thing happens in Camden, Baltimore, Detroit Birmingham etc with the same metrics.


  27. here's that MUCH needed CLUE:

    CANNABIS cures CANCER and a HOST of other DISEASES. couple that with eating for health +alkaline water/diet and the medical industry as we know it would be crippled.

    the spooks sitting by the door in uber brand new, Yahless, medical school CLEARLY didn't get the memo. they are just happy to be surrounded by less melanined folk + to acquire lots of stuff.


    special, lost, useful idiot negroes they are...

    are folk REALLY trying to pretend that there is more Love for Black African GIRLS than menfolk?

    MAYBE folk are NOT talking 'bout Black boys perishing...

    'cause THEN they would have to discuss the BLACK MEN that killed 'em?

    Black on Black demonic mayhem and carnage worldwide. folk don't discuss it because menfolk world wide have sensitive little feelings.


    the man's world- run by men is all messed up and it is the fault of:

    women + girls.

    grab seats the whole lot of ya. lol!

    folk actually act like rwanda, congo, darfur were WHITE men perpetrating the demonic madness.


    nope. they just paid for it and the Black slaves that stay for sale got their pieces of silver + their rape, murder and mayhem ON!

    THEN when someone says:

    our sons are disloyal + treacherous + easily swayed/for sale in large numbers, world wide...

    we get the babe in woods routine from the menfolk and a grip of hemming + hawing from the mule, woefully male identified females.

    these creatures ARE just female.

    WOMEN don't betray their own interests in such a manner, as far as i am concerned.


    Seeker, in Scriptures, Almighty instructed His wayward people to go see if the ways of men would profit them...OR if His Word would Stand.

    nothing has changed.

  28. we are in the last chapters of Revelation- with those of a reprobate mind held up to be the brightest minds among US. the devils even boast of having "higher intelligence" as if pure uncut evil = intelligence. ok. artificial intelligence at best. fools will follow these lost causes right to hell. telling themselves they are "experts" enroute. lol!

    ps. legalizing some "drugs" will BACKFIRE. 'cause rather than putting folk to sleep it will wake.folk.UP.


    just as all of man's plans that run CONTRARY to Almighty do;)


    anyone care to discuss the many many many addictions + deaths as a result of witch doctor prescribed big pharma meds?

    the prescription drug addicted doctors that are increasing in numbers?

    the fact that the ban on Natural medicine/herbs that grow from the earth= result of corrupt folk not knowing how to regulate and corrupt what folk can grow on their own?

    give 'em a minute. they are scrambling to figure out how to pollute ALL things on the earth...

    while pretending they are out to do well by humanity.

    fools will worship/revere the most corrupt of the lot.

    people of the lie by m. scott peck= must read for folk that remain clueless despite a grip of "education". CLEARLY folk DON'T KNOW when they are faced with pure EVIL.

    doctors ALWAYS make up a large number of the evil doers. don't take my word for it. read it for yourselves. so it only makes sense in this inverted/perverted world when "healer"= agents to take humanity OUT. these same ones have no "credibility" anyways if they acknowledge the Creator of it all.

    smells like a set up.

    folk can keep their "advice"...unless they demonstrate they came into the healing biz to help/heal. many show up for the big house + the benz+ the desire to be called "Doctor". they could NOT care less about those that need healing the most. you can usually spot the folk i mention...

    they will be someone talking 'bout forced sterilization for folk THEY determined don't deserve to live in their wack g-d complex delusions of grandeur. this despite the long ago discarded oath to


    @ Seeker- do you post as "depressed negro" as well? i ask for my greater Understanding. if you will answer that direct question, i would be much obliged.

    this viper pit aka FN is contaminated by double agents. lol. so i ask questions point blank of folk and then go to Him/His Word and ask Him to show me what He knows about the situation. as long as He thinks i can handle it;)


    gotta go for now folk.

    Shabbath Shalom all.

  29. Fraudulent Dr Wang says...

    "LD50? I deal in IC20s these days Boy, so take your lil' Wiki knowledge somewhere else because I'm so NOT impressed."

    If you were being truthful you would've conceded that there is no comparison to the lethal dose of Cannabis vs ANY Opiate.

    REGARDLESS of the methodology

    You have yet to site any scientific data to back up your preposterous claim that Cannabis leads to Heroin.

    Yet you continue to cite OUTDATED DEBUNKED mythology from the 80's , and 90's

    Why must you disgrace yourself by trying to sound smart?

    You have NOTHING to counter anything I posted except childish insults...

    Thats the route usually taken for
    the Uninformed ,pompous, self righteous,

    Medical Professionals have NO NEED to counter an argument with petty insults..

    Stay in School Doc....

    One day youll catch up....

  30. Say it on the Mountain TOP FP!!

    Focusedpurpose said...

    here's that MUCH needed CLUE:

    CANNABIS cures CANCER and a HOST of other DISEASES. couple that with eating for health +alkaline water/diet and the medical industry as we know it would be crippled.

    Fradulent Dr. Wang please take a look on Israels current stance on Medical Cannabis...

    Go BUY a Book or TWO on the EndoCannabinoid system ,and continue to educate yourself.

    Your late..Dr Wang....

    Cannabis' efficacy has already been proven , and bolstered by the medical community Worldwide....

    You've supposedly had your head in books for decades, and missed the entire SHIFT outside in the REAL WORLD....

  31. "You have yet to site any scientific data to back up your preposterous claim that Cannabis leads to Heroin."

    No, I'm basing this assertion on your delusions about Black American life.

    Science NOT needed.

    1. Weak pathetic assertion that my premise on Black delusional....

      What's delusional is your false claims of being a medical professional...

      Your excused from intelligent discussion ....

  32. Anonymous3:24 PM

    BIB the fat ugly one living in moms home, head filled with weed smoke and up in the clouds.

    Get a real job,grow up and stop living in the 70's

    Talk is cheap!

  33. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Two intelligent black people duking it out on FN for???????????

  34. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Syphilis is at its highest rate since 1995. Doesn't matter what kind of "uniform" a man wears, sexual deviants, no matter what "color" will get their due. There are diseases that have no cure. There will be a price to pay for a man's nastiness. One gets away with NOTHING in his/her lifetime.

  35. BIB said..
    Your excused from intelligent discussion

    But YOU'RE NOT excused from knowing the difference between your and you're!!


  36. field negro said...

    Anon@7:00 that is not news to most of us except those who are slaves to the Western press

    But since you are a slave to the progressive media, you know why it's not a story.

  37. How could this be? Philly is a liberal/socialist utopia.

    Why are such injustices happening in these liberal cities?

    Will blah folks in philly (including you, field) continue to support the corrupt Democratic machine?

  38. Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    Given that my summer research project involves drug interactions seen in terminally ill cancer patients...

    Great God Almighty! As if dying of cancer weren't bad enough, these poor people are being tormented during their last days by having to put up with this obnoxious doctor wannabe.

    Thanks to Obamacare, some version of this nightmare scenario of spending our waning moments in the presence of cognitively-challenged healthcare "professionals" with more self-esteem than brains probably awaits us all.

    At least you will never be a doctor.

  39. Hey wingnut@4:38, there is no such thing as a "progressive media" in this country. They are all bought and paid for by big $.

  40. "But YOU'RE NOT excused from knowing the difference between your and you're!!


    Petulant Wannabe Dr...

    The depths with which you sink to substantiate your puffed up arrogance about being SCHOOLED
    on a subject you KNOW Nothing about is hilarious.

    Proper writing skills nor my lack of can save your ignorant , and uninformed comments....

    Your..U are You'r Youre
    EXCUSED... From Intelligent discussion..

    There should be a section on your Blog... Field.. WWGD

    What would GARVEY Do...??

    Im certain he wouldnt agree with some fake ass wannabe Dr ARGUING against Black First...

    Again the solution to your post is to Remove Our Political Power and leverage it completely unified with an agenda afterwards... Preferably behind candidates that have been PURCHASED...

    Thats the only way you win in this current political structure...

    Otherwise your gonna be writing articles like this till infinity about Black People getting Abused in every which way imaginable...

  41. George Soros7:24 PM

    field negro said...

    Hey wingnut@4:38, there is no such thing as a "progressive media" in this country. They are all bought and paid for by big $

    Hey dumbass, big $ = progressive media.

  42. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    Given that my summer research project involves drug interactions seen in terminally ill cancer patients...

    Dr Kervorkian said, "Great God Almighty! As if dying of cancer weren't bad enough, these poor people are being tormented during their last days by having to put up with this obnoxious doctor wannabe."

    ROFL!! Hey, these are the benefits of healthcare in America. You get a brilliant know-it-all Dr who is Black, highly educated with a potty mouth.

    Don't knock it. Dr Nuwang is bound to increase your business. Patients will want to find ways how to die right away rather than deal with her.

  43. for the Real men, i got NOTHING but Love for:

    e'erbody else that seems to Believe that the United States of Satan GOVERNMENT suddenly Loves + cares about POOR people:



    i wouldn't get too stuck over here.

    learned this the hard way;) time wasters + double agents.

    i come back ONLY because defeated devilish folk can't make me do anything. i AM with Him/His Word and follow ONLY Him/His Word.

    + what i say here seems to get picked up by powerful ears and i want to BOLDLY speak all up in them;)

    some folk over here are caught in a trap. so pushing one LIE after the NEXT = THE Agenda.

    the Anon that asked why two intelligent Black folk were fighting = kind to say there are two;) lol!

    ok, let me stop;( bad joke.

    the short of it= they make a valid point. wish i had been wise enough to employ that tactic with AB in retrospect.

    Blessings in Abundance and Shabbath Shalom to all!

  44. Anonymous7:49 PM

    FP, "people of the lie by m. scott peck= must read for folk that remain clueless despite a grip of "education". CLEARLY folk DON'T KNOW when they are faced with pure EVIL"

    I will start reading his book because I feel clueless with a headache quite often.

    Btw, I'm too depressed to be anybody. Why do you think I might be somebody else? I'm getting depressed.

  45. Big-a$$-Boy said:
    "Im certain he wouldnt agree with some fake ass wannabe Dr ARGUING against Black First..."

    You know I'd b*tch slap you with some slim fast, except I think you'd try to smoke it instead, ROTFLMBAO!!!!!

  46. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Dr Nuwang, you are being disrespectful to your own people. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  47. GrannyStandingforTruth10:30 PM

    Well, well, well, Frank Taffe is coming clean.

  48. Your pathetic Wang....

    Your Hurt ...I get that....

    When you have nothing else just use insults to disguise the fact that you got clowned about stupid shit u say....

    Please by all means tell me how FAT u think I am...

    Continue all means. ;)

  49. "Please by all means tell me how FAT u think I am..."

    I don't call folks like you fat, I was taught to use terms like well nourished and well fed and THAT'S what is put in the EHR/EMR.

    But allow me to be clear, BLACK FOLKS ARE TOO DAMN BIG!!! And because BLACK FOLKS ARE TOO DAMN BIG, we die from preventable 'ish like complications from diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and in many cases, cancer.

    Now you can follow Funky Piglet in "justifying" gluttony which last time I checked was a sin OR you can:


    Of course, if you'd stop smoking so much weed, you might be able to keep your appetite under control.

    Your Hurt ...I get that....

    YOU'RE right I AM hurt:

    I'm hurt that on one ER shift, I saw only ONE of 9 Black patients with a normal BMI.

    I'm hurt that during one MICU rotation, ALL of the Black patients were overweight and on ventilators due to diseases DIRECTLY related to their WEIGHT.

    I'm hurt that the first 500 pound patient I'd ever seen in person was a Hispanic man who VERY clearly had mental issues related to why he couldn't keep his weight under control.

    Yeah, I see a LOT these days that hurts me, but I keep pressing forward anyway.

    And ain't a damn thing fake about that!!!

  51. GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    Well, well, well, Frank Taffe is coming clean.

    "Frank Taafe, who served on the neighborhood watch with Zimmerman, told News13 he believes Martin was racially profiled by Zimmerman and would not have been followed if he “had been a white kid on a cell phone.”

    Well of course a white kid wouldn't have gotten the same scrutiny; white kids are about 100 times less likely to be out committing crimes at night.

    Frank's opinion was one thing a year ago, and another now. So what? The case was decided on facts. He offers none. He was not witness to the events of that night. Fortunately, there were actual eyewitnesses who backed up Zimmerman's story.

    The simple fact you cannot seem to get into your head was that TRAYVON MARTIN WAS A THUG! He was a bad kid who got kicked out school and was robbing houses. He attacked a neighborhood watch guy and got killed. That's a sad way for a 17 year-old kid to die, but it would have happened eventually anyway, and probably after a bunch of people had been victimized by him.

    Zimmerman had every right in the world to save his own life after being attacked by Trayvon.

    Trayvon made his choices, most of them bad. The last one got him killed.

    But you cling to your fantasy of Obama's Holy Son, shot down cold by a Racist White Hispanic.

    Black people like you will always make heroes and martyrs out of the worst of your people. That's why you will never go anywhere.

  52. DOCTOR Nǚwáng said...
    "Yeah, I see a LOT these days that hurts me, but I keep pressing forward anyway."

    You are so awesome.

    Slow clap...

  53. GrannyStandingforTruth12:36 AM

    Saint Skittles,

    Trayvon was not a thug, if he had been when the police ran a check they would have found a criminal record that night and believe me they tried hard to do just that. That imaginary police record was made up by the Treehouse conservatives who wanted to save that stand your ground law, so that they could go out and kill some more innocent people. Nevertheless, Zimmerman did have a record for assaults.

    It was a faux trial from beginning to end, even a blind man could see that. You know George was lying too, so did his attorneys. I'm glad his attorneys got burned and didn't get the money they thought they were going to get. Btw, Gz was not an official neighborhood watchman. He self appointed himself the night he killed Trayvon.

    George's uncle and mother are the worse liars in the world. They were as phony as a wooden nickel. Both need to keep their day jobs, acting is not their forte. That old lying racist white man who was supposed to be an expert, he's in the same category. Nevertheless, what goes around comes around. Oh, yes, it does.

  54. Dr Fraud says....

    "YOU'RE right I AM hurt".....

    Wow after nearly 24 hours you finally managed to tell the Truth about something.

    Hurt lil Dr Troll....

    I'm sorry you cant make substantive arguments to bolster your laughable fantasy of being in the medical field..

    If Trolls could be Dr's

    We should all be able to fly like Superman....

    Come on Doc tell us another Hospital story....

    They have so much detail....

  55. Anonymous1:10 AM

    "Nevertheless, what goes around comes around. Oh, yes, it does."

    And that's how Trayvon ended up dead.

    Move on, Granny.


  56. lol @ dr whatever her programmed alter is for now...

    question: does your handler zap you with a cattle prod- one Good time- before they send you in my direction to look so...


    me thinks so. this is what other d.i.d/multiple personality'd folk report. you bear the signs;(

    that said, here we go:

    fp = focusedpurpose. hopefully you won’t have to take on extra classes to get that. but do you with the childish name calling ‘cause your argument(s) won’t stand, despite a zillion years of "higher learning"…

    you MIGHT want to look into gmo and obesity also. the poison that is packaged to resemble food tends to be real inexpensive. poor people that consume the poison tend to be big as a direct result. not saying this is the case in all cases- but certainly in quite a few.

    that's another CLUE for you...since you want to be a doctor and all;)

    HOW did the convo go from cannabis- a natural healing herb dating back to antiquity- to folk digging graves with their forks? you are going to ride the "munchie" nonsense 'til the wheels fall off, huh?


    it must REALLY hurt to not be as Naturally gifted as others…

    you know...

    i would probably hate me, too, if i suffered from envy like you.

    Good News: you will be alright.


    + i'll pray for ya!

    and THAT is from my heart with ALL jokes aside.

  57. Anonymous2:47 AM

    BIB, "If Trolls could be Dr's

    We should all be able to fly like Superman....

    Come on Doc tell us another Hospital story....

    They have so much detail...."

    12:49 AM
    Dr Nuwang tell you the story about the night I ended up in ER? No one knew what was wrong with me but Dr Nuwang figured it out and saved my life.

    PS it was kryptonite

  58. Anon @ 7:49 PM-

    you should check out the book. it will help clarity of understanding.

    the author wrote a book on Good, called the road less traveled.

    the people of the lie= his study on evil.

    since you did not identify yourself + you are Anon...i don't know who you are.

    my question was to a specific poster here that i might better Understand.

    it is my prayer, in Messiah's Name, that your spiritual dark cloud will lift soon.

    i speak across...

    never down.

    what i AM learning = what we focus on expands.

    i have a bad habit of focusing on things that frustrate me. or the desire to let 'er rip on folk that challenge me to stay in a place of nonstop forgiveness. these SAME ONES don't ever seem to think it their turn to apologize nor forgive.


    this sin brings me down in a mighty way. that and other things that i won't go into here right now. too much to do. in short:

    work to change your focus. identify what's on your mind/in your spirit with the sun goes down then see if there is a way to change focus.

    i ask that you pray for me, in Messiah's Name as i for you. that we both might walk in the Light. though i do give myself permission to deal with the darkness for three days...

    side note:

    are you an artist?

    those of US that don't filter like the rest tend to battle on spiritual levels that the more "normal" or boundary fixated folk don't.

    count it all joy, my friend;)

    and change what you confess and call yourself.

    the post a few back with the elder that called herself or allowed herself to be called Ms. Dishonor has stuck in my spirit. dishonor= meaning of the word sully. that stuck with me + the question:

    did no one ever tell her not to WAVE her gun around? IF you take it out it should be time to bust some caps;)

    then the murderous po po could lay up in the hospital with as many bullet wounds as he inflicted- attended by first year C and D level new school, brand new med students- he can't even get a Real Doctor.


    ok, i got jokes tonight.


    it is either that or tears, though.

    my heart hurts for His People/my people.

  59. Anonymous3:44 AM

    FP, "i have a bad habit of focusing on things that frustrate me. or the desire to let 'er rip on folk that challenge me to stay in a place of nonstop forgiveness. these SAME ONES don't ever seem to think it their turn to apologize nor forgive."

    You are not alone with this forgiveness business. It's a business where it's always been slow, very slow.

    No matter how hard I have tried, I have never been able to forecast 'forgiveness', or 'depression' for that matter. I have been totally dependent on GOD's grace.

    FP, "i ask that you pray for me, in Messiah's Name as i for you. that we both might walk in the Light. though i do give myself permission to deal with the darkness for three days..."

    I will keep you in my prayers. FWIW, you are an exceptional and good soul. GOD has to be pleased with you.:)

    Why three days of darkness? Is there something significant about 3 days?

    FP, "side note:

    are you an artist?"

    No, I am not an artist, but if I had a chance to do my life over again, I probably would be an artist.

    However, I have always been attracted to mysticism, Saints, and Sages of all religions. Death is coming at some point in my life. I don't want to be 'caught short' when it does.:)

  60. Anonymous6:13 AM

    You support a president and party who openly flout the rule of law, because you think this time they will do things you like.

    And it gets worse and worse .

  61. thank you for your kind words Anon. ALL praises due to Almighty. i can lay claim to NO Good thing. He/His Word is worthy of ALL praise.

    the errors alone, are mine.

    i don't feel like that Good of a soul some days. probably 'cause i am privy to all the cussing + mental violence that gets done in my head;(

    it is written that if we think it we did i feel like Peter a LOT.

    Father, WHY do i do that which i don't want to do?


    LOL!!!...but seriously;(

    3 = my fave #. it represents completion for me on some level.

    i pray in Messiah's Name that none of US fall short. i want what He wants which is for none of His to be lost.


    switching gears, WHY did i just KNOW that it would come out in due time.

    our gov't NEVER changes up their plays. they just run the same game on nation after nation.

    THIS could explain why folk had to think a spell before jumping on the twitter hashtag trend, KNOWING full well they could NOT care less:


    THIS is why i won't cooperate with the puppet show.

    it is my sincere prayer that folk will wake up soon.

    blessings to all;)

  62. FN said...
    Rodriguez' alleged assailant was a Philadelphia police officer

    Keep voting for the same party if your happy with the way things are going.

  63. Anonymous11:56 AM

    FP, "learned this the hard way;) time wasters + double agents"

    You have a point. I use it as a mindless fencing playground.

    I mean, what else could it be with the likes of DQAE, Dr Queen, FlyinNmy40s, Dr Nuwang, etc? It's like playing "Whac A Mole" where you whack the head of a doctor named Dr Nuwang and it pops up somewhere else as DQAE, So you whack that one and it pops up as a friend of Granny. Now you got two heads to whack. Then it pops up as Dr with a Stem Cell business; then a student who turned down Harvard Med School; then an employee of NIH; then a student with big money who has a Mercedes; etc.

    On FN, you can play Whac A Mole all day everyday with someone who is so brilliant she can spend more time on FN than Med School. The game is designed so that anyone who wants to play can whack their ass off with Dr Nuwang. And when you tire of her you can whack Field on a dumb ass political post, or a chasing the big R...then there's mean-ass attacking PC, hater of everybody, especially Whites...but he's married to a ww..LOL

    Then there is PilotX who thinks he is a genius. No one can tell him a damn thing cause he knows it is on FN so frequently that he must be texting while flying that big ass plane in the Friendly Skies. I hope there is a co-pilot watching where that plane is going. lol

    Because of the characters who come, FN is both a playground and a spiritual battleground. For me, that's what makes FN unique 'at times':

    It's where the good, the bad, the ignorant, the intelligent, the Black, the White, the educated, the uneducated, the wannabe educated, the don't care about education, the awake, the unawake, the believers, the unbelievers, the agnostics, liberals, conservatives, racists, non-racists....Right here is where 'humanity' in the flesh and spirit meets. Some are getting 'whacked' and some are doing the 'whacking'

    Come on Doc tell us another Hospital story..

    Now you KNOW I HAVE to be careful with my hospital stories thanks to HIPAA laws and such.

    But yes, I plan to share a few every now and then as I progress through my training. ;)

  65. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Then it pops up as Dr with a Stem Cell business; then a student who turned down Harvard Med School; then an employee of NIH; then a student with big money who has a Mercedes; etc.

    You MUST be a rethuglican because you sure know how to twist some 'ish people say around, LOL!!!

    From my STEM business to a STEM CEll business? From recruited by Harvard med to ACCEPTED by Harvard? From former NIH employee to current NIH employee? You did get one thing right though, I DO still drive a Mercedes. ;)

    You may need to tell your shrink to increase/change your meds, because you're about as Looney Tunes as they come, LOL!!!

    BTW, do you also own a Blue gown?

  66. Anonymous12:58 PM

    FP, "it is written that if we think it we did i feel like Peter a LOT.

    Father, WHY do i do that which i don't want to do?


    I feel the same way. The more I practice spiritual discipline, the more aware I become of this crap swirling around. For me, this Path to the Ways of GOD keeps 'narrowing'. It's not easy. The stuff I did years ago, or even a month ago, I don't want to do anymore.

    However, like St. Paul, I sometimes find myself doing what I vowed to never do again. But I have no other choice but to get up again and vow to never do it again. Of course, it happens

    Christ said, "The Spirit is indeed willing, but the flesh is weak." Matthew 26:41

    And I love what St Paul has to say about this problem because he clarifies the 'problem'. Plus, he lets me know that I am not alone...that following GOD's LAW is not such an easy task:

    14 "For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.

    15 For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.

    16 If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good.

    17 Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.

    18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.

    19 For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.

    20 Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.

    21 I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.

    22 For I delight in the law of God after the inward man:

    23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.

    24 O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?

    25 I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin."

    King James Version (KJV)

    PS. I usually go to some other translations to help illuminate St Paul's talks, such as NIV, NET.

  67. Anonymous1:07 PM

    "You MUST be a rethuglican because you sure know how to twist some 'ish people say around, LOL!!!"

    Nope. I'm a sharp Democrat with a sharp memory. I remember when you claimed to be a Republican.:) What happened? When did you change? Please give us another story.

    You know you missed your calling as a story teller. You are much more believable as that than a doctor.

  68. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Nope. I'm a sharp Democrat with a sharp memory. I remember when you claimed to be a Republican.:)

    Obvioulsy not too sharp, do you really think that posting lies about things I've said here somehow makes it the truth?

    We'll all wait for you to quote my comment where I stated I was a Physician.

    BTW, have you returned to finish your Physics degree yet? Or does your husband still have you chaned to foreskins and diapers?

    As a STEM major myself, I'd have been VERY happy to see you finish! Now all you have for a science career is what you get to vicariously experience though ME. But the jealously of my accomlishments hasn't worked that well for ya', has it Boo-Boo?

    You're STILL a quitter and nothing close to being a role model for your own damn kids!

    Hell, you don't even have an identity here, LOL!!!

  69. Anonymous6:51 PM

    focusedpurpose said...

    THIS is why i won't cooperate with the puppet show.

    6:30 AM

    So what do you do for a living?

  70. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Fascinating how anons and others (like Kinky Con) here struggle mightily to turn an issue that everyone should be equally outraged about into a partisan issue. It just makes me sad. It's all just a joke to them I guess. Meh.
