Saturday, June 21, 2014

Caption Saturday.

Please give me a caption for this pic.

I got some good ones last week. Keep the win streak going.

No profanity, please.


  1. ctrl.hlt.del7:55 PM

    "Third wheel gets checked"

  2. "So are you still doing your weekly juice cleanses? No, I've moved onto kelp enemas."

  3. Stymie8:01 PM

    Field wanted a caption for the photo Whitey, not your weekend plans.

  4. Anonymous8:46 PM

    JZ: Man, that Solange packs a mean kick,I got a concussion!

  5. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Beyonce: I don't know what's wrong! He's been staring ahead like that since my sister hit him!!!


    What were the clues field?

    RG3 with a white girl? Rumors RG3 is a Republican? The way RG3 talked? The facts RG3 is educated?

    Do tell field.

  7. Anonymous8:51 PM

    White guy: Has he seen a doctor for this catatonic state he's in???

  8. I do find juice cleansing rather refreshing.

    I highly recommended it..

  9. Anonymous9:37 PM

    I tried,but he insisted on wearing those ugly white sneakers that look like spats!


  10. "How much did he bet on the heat?"

  11. Some good ones so far.

    Kinky, I did not even know that the man is married to a white woman or that he is a republican.

    I do know that he ain't no Ali. More like MJ or OJ.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Beyonce": Well you see, he deserved that a$$ kickin' my sister gave him in the elevator.

    Jay'Z's face is saying: "Yeah, I guess I did".

  14. Trollonymous Burgundy10:59 PM

    Caption: "Beyonce, this guy continues to drag you down, you really should have broadened your horizons, with me."

    Field said: "I do know that he ain't no Ali. More like MJ or OJ."

    Nope, Robert Griffin III is no Ali.

    The thing is, I don't always agree when others seem to think that black people should hold the onus for fighting other people's cause, just because of our own oppression status as if we have to 'repay' somebody.

    However, folks should not expect such valor from negro men like Griffin. As long as he's financially reaping from the exploitation and continues to have 'his right' to sex and marry the white woman, his days of fighting oppression are over. Zip. Zilch. Done. Shop closed.

    Folks better leave that negro man alone in peace with his white woman and his white Cadillac.

  15. Kinky.Con said...
    RG3 with a white girl?

    No, it's RG3 with an Ooogly White girl.

  16. ***The views expressed on this site are the field's and the field's alone. They do not reflect the views of his employer, or any professional or legal organization with which he is affiliated.***

    Field, that may work for you, but asking a brother to speak up on something that may hurt his income and/or endorsement deals is just wrong.

    RG3 is one black man. If he doesn't want to speak out? So be it.

  17. Jay looks like the last pick in the NFL draft...Mr. Irrelevent

  18. Shecky11:35 PM

    "Nope, Robert Griffin III is no Ali."

    That's right, he's intelligent and is his own man.

    Ali was a moron who was manipulated and used by his handlers his whole life.

  19. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    No, it's RG3 with an Ooogly White girl.

    An ugly white girl is still better than a black ho. Ain't nobody want none of that.

  20. Anonymous said...
    An ugly white girl is still better than a black ho. Ain't nobody want none of that.

    That didn't seem to hurt your big boned Mammy bitch.


  21. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Dear Mr Field, if you want good captions you need to give good pics. This one is not a good one. Btw, who is the white guy talking to Beyonce? It's hard to relate to this pic.

  22. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Black women aren't fit for marriage, you just can't trust them, they'll steal all your money, and they have nasty dispositions. Plus most of them are fat and have sideburns.

    So if you can't marry a black woman, if you want have a family or look successful, you have to marry a white woman.

    Simple as that.

    DQ is example #1.

  23. Jay's thought bubble "if they talk about hair conditioner for ONE more minute Imma punch one of them in the throat. Wait, better not be Bey cause Solange is here."

  24. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Really? Y'all are gonna talk about Real Housewives for the entire game? I could have had a better time letting Solange kick me in the nuts for 2 1/2 hours.

  25. Anonymous5:32 AM

    I knew it was a bad idea to get marriage counseling from Jake Gyllenhaal at an NBA game. Turns out, this kind of marriage counseling is just as bad as the regular kind! I am not sharing feelings with this goofy ponytailed dude.

  26. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Oh snap! I knew I forgot something -- I was supposed to walk Bey's dog before we left for the game. That little rat's gonna drop a dookie in the living room again, I'm sure of it ...

  27. Anon@5:00, laughing at that one.

    All are,pretty good, though,

    Anon@5:32, thanks for telling the other Anon who is in the pic.

    Someone needs a pop culture 101 course. :)

    Anon@11:38, why do i get the impression that you struggle in the getting women department?

  28. Anon@11:38, give Donald Sterling a call. Methinks that, like him, you have a thing for the sisters.

    You just can't let your Stormfront friends know about it ;)


  29. field negro said...
    Kinky, I did not even know that the man is married to a white woman

    I wonder if RG3 is getting more hate from white people because he's dating a white girl or black people because he's dating a white girl.


  30. Perspective...

    ONLY in government could $10 million be handed out in bonuses to people that intentionally screwed over Veterans.

    Anyone been fired yet?

    How many government workers have pleaded the fifth?

    How many hard drives have been recycled?

  31. It was all Obama's fault, just ask Ed Klein:

    By 10 p.m. on Sept. 11, 2012, when Hillary Clinton received a call from President Obama, she was one of the most thoroughly briefed officials in Washington on the unfolding disaster in Benghazi, Libya.

    She knew that Ambassador Christopher Stevens and a communications operator were dead, and that the attackers had launched a well-coordinated mortar assault on the CIA annex, which would cost the lives of two more Americans. She had no doubt that a terrorist attack had been launched against America on the anniversary of 9/11.

    However, when Hillary picked up the phone and heard Obama’s voice, she learned the president had other ideas in mind. With less than two months before Election Day, he was still boasting that he had al Qaeda on the run. If the truth about Benghazi became known, it would blow that argument out of the water.

    “Hillary was stunned when she heard the president talk about the Benghazi attack,” one of her top legal advisers said in an interview. “Obama wanted her to say that the attack had been a spontaneous demonstration triggered by an obscure video on the Internet that demeaned the Prophet Mohammed.”

    This adviser continued: “Hillary told Obama, ‘Mr. President, that story isn’t credible. Among other things, it ignores the fact that the attack occurred on 9/11.’ But the president was adamant. He said, ‘Hillary, I need you to put out a State Department release as soon as possible.’”

  32. I'll be different, I promise. I never even liked Obama. Just ask Ed Klein:

    Outwardly, they put on a show of unity — but privately, the Obamas and Clintons, the two power couples of the Democrat Party, loathe each other.

    “I hate that man Obama more than any man I’ve ever met, more than any man who ever lived,” Bill Clinton said to friends on one occasion, adding he would never forgive Obama for suggesting he was a racist during the 2008 campaign.

    The feeling is mutual. Obama made ­excuses not to talk to Bill, while the first lady privately sniped about Hillary.

    On most evenings, Michelle Obama and her trusted adviser, Valerie Jarrett, met in a quiet corner of the White House residence. They’d usually open a bottle of Chardonnay, catch up on news about Sasha and Malia, and gossip about people who gave them heartburn.

    Their favorite bête noire was Hillary Clinton, whom they nicknamed “Hildebeest,” after the menacing and shaggy-maned gnu that roams the Serengeti.

    Hildebeest!? They'll pay for that!

  33. JZ's in the corner prior to round 2. The next time Solange pulls that stunt by kicking and throwing punches, well, then, you throw a smack, a head butt, a punch, an uppercut and pull off her $5 dollar wig!

  34. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I don't know how Kanye does this crap....

  35. i'm glad i can't identify these people. i'm not sure they are "important," except to people to who take their lead from celebrities or "pretty" people.

    meanwhile, Iraq is falling to the fundamentalists. Several pieces of republican legislation have passed in the house, that are borderline or blatantly unconstitutional. Over 100 bodies were found here in TX in a mass grave, immigrants not dignified with a proper burial just because they were undocumented when shot by the local police forces.

  36. Anonymous6:35 PM

    "shot by the local police forces."

    Ridiculous lie.

  37. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Bill, are you calling Chicago Dyke a liar? I always knew you were anti-gay.

  38. Anonymous3:54 AM

    "ONLY in government could $10 million be handed out in bonuses to people that intentionally screwed over Veterans.

    Anyone been fired yet?"

    Uh, yeah -- the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

    As to the "intentionally" part? Bullshit. Incompetence and underfunding have a way of producing problems all on their own.

    See? No need for dopey conspiracy theories.

  39. Anonymous1:28 PM

    "It was all Obama's fault, just ask Ed Klein:"

    Only a half-wit would ask Ed Klein anything. Ed Klein is a professional liar; all of his "anonymous inside sources" turn out to be just his own fevered imagination.

  40. The private sector hands out bonuses for incompetence all the time. Even more than government.
