Thursday, June 19, 2014

Is Scott Walker going to Washington or to jail ?

I guess republicans can strike another potential opponent to Hillary Clinton off the list.

It seems like some slick stuff has been going on up in cheese country.

"Documents unsealed by a federal judge Thursday revealed prosecutors’ allegations against Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R), whom they called the center of a “criminal scheme” to coordinate funds during the 2011-12 recall elections.

Prosecutors accuse Walker and two deputies, R.J. Johnson and Deborah Jordahl, of circumventing election law by machinating fundraising efforts among various GOP candidates and conservative groups. The apparent smoking gun is an email from Walker to Republican strategist Karl Rove outlining the coordination and naming Johnson, also chief adviser to Wisconsin Club for Growth, as the conductor.

The documents were unsealed due to a lawsuit by the Club for Growth, which has temporarily halted the investigation." [Source]

There is that Karl Rove guy again. ("Romney by a landslide") He is hurting more than helping candidates at this point.

But Walker has no one to blame but himself for his latest issues. Like his larger than life cohort and political soul-mate in New Jersey, Scott Walker started to read and believe all those flattering press clippings about Scott Walker.

Still, as is to be expected, the Governor is blaming his problems on others.

"Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker responded on Twitter earlier tonight about prosecutors’ allegations over his involvement in a “criminal scheme” to coordinate fundraising efforts.

Walker dismissed it as a partisan witch hunt and cites rulings from two judges that have already vindicated his innocence.

Here’s what Walker had to say on Twitter:

The accusation of any wrongdoing written in the complaint by the office of a partisan Dem DA by me or by my campaign is categorically false.



  1. It's Obama's fault Scott Walker is in trouble.

  2. And Field, why the double standars? Why aren't you writing about a Dem, wait you have done that in Philly and in NJ. Nevermind.....

  3. A better question to ask is "Why are you not writing about the sexist and homophobic statements of 2016 democratic presidential candidate Brian Schweitzer?"

    Then you can take about "double standars" in the fields.

  4. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Walker dismissed it as a partisan witch hunt and cites rulings from two judges that have already vindicated his innocence. - Mediaite

    I believe Walker meant to say "kickbacks" from two judges already who also doubted his innocence as well.

  5. Zero evidence of a Walker "criminal scheme"

    However, missing from all these accounts was one small fact: Shortly after prosecutors made the “criminal scheme” charge, it was rejected by the presiding judge, Gregory Peterson. On Dec. 9, 2013, prosecutor Francis Schmitz filed a motion in opposition to quashing subpoenas in the case in which he made the “criminal scheme” allegation. On Jan. 10, 2014, Peterson threw out Schmitz’s motion, saying that it “failed to show probable cause that a crime had been committed.”

    In fact, Peterson was only the first judge to rule against prosecutors. Last month, ruling on a lawsuit brought by the defendants, federal Judge Rudolph Randa shut down the entire investigation, issuing a sternly worded rebuke to prosecutors pursing Walker and his allies. So despite all the celebrating liberal groups were doing with the release of the documents on Thursday, few of them knew that the case is currently dead….

    "That is why the prosecution’s case was so weak, it resulted in exactly zero criminal charges. But fortunately for the left, they received the headlines they need to jab Walker in the upcoming election. They’ve won by losing. And rendered the justice system optional in the process."

  6. Anonymous11:07 PM

    I refuse to believe Walker is a crook. I am a bm who is suspicious of the Dem machine that sets up Whites as crooks when they are truly innocent.

    It's just a way to try to balance out all the corruption and crookedness that goes on with black politicians. But this is not going to work with Walker.

    Field loves to make WM look worse than they really are.

  7. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Anon 11:07 said: "Field loves to make WM look worse than they really are."

    Nope, not at all, history tells us otherwise!


  8. FN said...
    ripping Obama a new one for botching the war in Iraq.

    Obama didn't botch the war?

    Joe Biden update: Iraq one of Obama's 'great achievements'

    I guess it all goes back to clinton, it depends on your definition of the words "great achievements."

  9. "Field loves to make WM look worse than they really are."

    bm@11:07 PM, you get it. You can call field out in ways a wm like me can't.

    I appreciate that. This country would be a better one if field would embrace racial reconciliation instead of racial paranoia.


  10. FN said...
    Documents unsealed by a federal judge

    That just goes to show...
    Sealing documents and erasing tapes doesn't work.

    Losing emails and recycling the hard drive is the sure fire way to destroy evidence.

    Nixon's downfall wasn't watergate, it was the lack of the correct technology.

  11. "Why are you not writing about the sexist and homophobic statements of 2016 democratic presidential candidate Brian Schweitzer?"


    Whaddaya wanna talk about then? About how many ostensibly straight middle-class southern white men's voices and mannerisms, particularly Southern Baptists for some reason (ever met a crowd of Baylor students?) DON'T set off pretty much everyone's gaydar (tm)?

    True, Eric Cantor's no Lizzy Graham, shit, Clay Aikin's no Lizzy Graham. Then again, he's no testosterone drenched alpha male either, is he?

  12. Gee Field, seems you can't win. No matter what you post about you'll be accused of displayng double standards if you don't also post about some similar offense by someone else. You may as well give up, you'll never make some people happy.

  13. Anonymous1:02 AM

    Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Scott Walker is a likely racist, definitely classist shit weasel. He enjoys making poor people tap dance for their welfare benefits, stomps labor unions, and takes orders directly from the Koch Brothers. Probably gives them blowies, too, if they ask nicely.

    BTW, these are the sort of jokes emailed around the Scott Walker executive staff office IT network:

    "In the nightmare ... I am a homosexual, and on top of that with a Mexican boyfriend. Oh, my God ... Black, Jewish, disabled, gay with a Mexican boyfriend, drug addict, and HIV-positive!!! ...

    Say it isn't so!!! I can handle being a black, disabled, one armed, drug-addicted, Jewish homosexual on a pacemaker who is HIV positive, bald, orphaned, unemployed, lives in a slum, and has a Mexican boyfriend, but please, Oh dear God, please don't tell me I'm a Democrat."

    So ... if you're black, Mexican, Jewish, or gay, just kill yourself. Sucks to be you! Haha, kneeslapper.

    The only reason Walker didn't get recalled two years ago is that the Republicans in the whitest Milwaukee 'burbs did a good job on organizing their voters (70-80% turnout), while the Dems did their usual half-assed job. The majority of Wisconsin's voters are actually not fans of the dude.

    I hope he and Chris Christie wind up as cellies in one of our nation's finer correctional facilities.

  14. Anonymous1:55 AM

    This is off topic, Field, but since your blog is often about racism-chasing, I thought you'd get a laugh out of this.

    Former congressman and current ultra-douchebag Joe Walsh now has his own terrible radio show on some lowlife conservative station in the Chicago area. He wanted to prove that "Redskins" is not a serious racial slur, because some football fans' feelings about their team's name are super-important and Native Americans' feelings apparently don't count for squat.

    Anyway, his method of proving that "Redskins" isn't offensive was to say the word a lot on his show ... and then say a bunch of other racial slurs, just to see what happened. What happened, of course, is that his own station kicked him off the air. LOLOLOL!

    Mission accomplished, Joe. Now go screw yourself.

  15. Anonymous1:57 AM

    Oh, I forgot this even more hilarious Joe Walsh tweet.

  16. "I refuse to believe Walker is a crook. I am a bm who is suspicious of the Dem machine that sets up Whites as crooks when they are truly innocent."

    Stop lying, OK?

    You are clearly not a black man, so what's the point of this?

    If you are going to come here and bore us all stupid by talking shit every fucking day, at least stop the lying.

  17. Anon, thanks for thar Joe Walsh update. Maybe he can get a job doing PR for storm front. Jerk!

    PC, I am with u in this one. This fake Negro shtick is getting old.

    Pilot, it is my job to make them unhappy, so it"s all good.

  18. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Ok, this is way off topic, but I need to ask.

    The other day I was at JC Penny and in the middle of the store was a young Black guy (late teens / early 20s) with his hand stuck down the front of his pants in his underwear furiously re-arranging his privates. (He got snappy when I mentioned he should probably do that in the Men's room.)

    I passed off this incident as just some hood-rat in the Mall.

    But then....

    I am walking down the street in Philadelphia and I notice two young Black guys crossing the street and one of them has his hand stuck down the front of his pants -- in his underwear -- just holding his privates.

    But then....

    A few days later, again in Philadelphia, I notice a young Black guy (early teens) standing, with what I assume was his Mother, and his hand is stuck down the front of his pants and he appears to be holding his privates.

    Is this a "new thing" in the Black community?

    Please God no!

    Pants hanging half way down the crack of your ass is bad enough.

  19. Interesting. Whitey's Conspiracy dismisses sexism and homophobia coming from a Democrat. But not shocking.

    This is the same person who has no problems insulting and delegitimizing Republicans while crying because the same is being done to Obama.

    Do as i say not as i do is the motto of the left.

  20. "No matter what you post about you'll be accused of displayng double standards"

    Happens when you are practiced at the art of demagoguery.

    Back o/t

    Hell, even MSNBC isn't buying “criminal scheme” bs coming from 5 democrat prosecutors.

    But you are field. You continue to show your loyalty to the Democrat party. Since goddess Hillary is turning into the Democrats' Mitt Romney, she's/democrats are going to need all the help they can get.

    Keep jigging for the cause, field.


  21. Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    "Why are you not writing about the sexist and homophobic statements of 2016 democratic presidential candidate Brian Schweitzer?"


    Whaddaya wanna talk about then? About how many ostensibly straight middle-class southern white men's voices and mannerisms, particularly Southern Baptists for some reason (ever met a crowd of Baylor students?) DON'T set off pretty much everyone's gaydar (tm)?

    So you have no problem with gaydar going off?


    Let's say, mitt romney said Obama in his mom jeans, unisex bicycle and his first pitches makes Obama look gay.
    Would that be okay or would that gaydar going off be offensive to you?

    See how easy it is to make hypocrites out of democrats.


  22. According to a NPR poll, the democrats are screwed!

    Here's whom they trust, by issue:
    The economy 47(R)-37(D)
    Health care 45(R)-41(D)
    The future of the middle class 42(R)-42d(D)
    Foreign policy 50(R)-34(D)

    “If the election for U.S. Senate in your state were held today, would you vote for [Name], the Republican candidate, or [Name], the Democratic candidate?” 46(R)-43(D)

    Would you say that America is headed in the right direction, or have things gotten off on the wrong
    68 wrong track
    26 right direction

    Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President?
    58 disapprove
    38 approve

    Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling the economy?
    58 disapprove
    39 approve

    Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Democrats in Congress are handling their job in charge
    of the United States Senate?
    63 disapprove'
    32 approve

    Do you support or oppose the health care reform law that passed in 2010, also known as the Affo
    Care Act or Obamacare?
    58 oppose
    40 support

    Honestly, this is a NPR poll on the NPR website.

  23. Relax Bill, the presidential election is two years away. I wouldn't go out abd buy thst Rubio inauguration tux just yet.

    Anon@7:23, I think u pulled those stories out of your ass. Is that a trend in the White community? Pulling stories out of your ass?

    Oh wait, I think it is. Forget the question.

  24. Bill, did u know that the overall approval rating for ALL members of Congress is 11%?

    Did you know that dems are beating reps in generic polls? Of course u did. But yet u cherry pick a poll to make a point.

    Typical Bill.:)

  25. Hey Field, why not mention the Texas GOP and its adoption of a proven false gay reversion therapy stance? How about a major gop event that banned the Log Cabin Republicans? How about a former Presidential candidate and governor of a large stae equation homosexuality to alcoholism? Methinks the gop has a bigger problem with teh gays than the Dems. What say you?


  26. PilotX said...
    Methinks the gop has a bigger problem with teh gays than the Dems.

    *IF* true, why isn't the democrat gay baiter getting the same media attention as someone that contributed for straight marriage?

    The media thinks different than you from their suppression of stories that paint dems in a bad light.

  27. "Larger than life": so much more devastating than, say, "morbidly obese."

    "Heart of his stops ticking"

    Field, I like your snide side. Verrry sneaky. "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee."

    Keep it up!

  28. Anonymous2:04 PM

    KC said, "Keep jigging for the cause, field."

    9:58 AM
    I wish you wouldn't say that. Nevertheless, you have changed my opinion of brother Field. With Obama going down, and now Field, what hero do I have to forward to in my race? Please tell me.

    Don't say CBC because they have been worthless for decades.

    Don't say NAACP. They've been worthless for decades.

    Who can a brother look to today?



  29. The snobbiest city on the list was Pasadena, California

    Does that make me the snobbiest on this blog?

  30. You can't even get the left to denounce their own. But you can get them to point their fingers and yeah


  31. The RCP avg shows a tie in the generic ballot.

    Overall congressional approval ratings don't matter.

    Back home polling shows most folks are happy with their congressional critters-except in red states where democrats are in trouble.

  32. Sharon in ct4:31 PM

    Wouldn't it be nice if every new president could start with a clean slate? All existing budgets -- do over. All existing federal appointments -- dismissed. All existing military adventures -- called off.


  33. Sharon in ct said...

    Wouldn't it be nice if every new president could start with a clean slate?

    Considering how Obama blamed bush for everything, it's as if Obama got a clean slate.


  35. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Soooooooo, because of one goofy Dem saying goofy stuff now the gop is better on LBGT issues. Riiiiiiiiiiight. Hey Field, you still got that bell for sell? You might have a buyer.

  36. Anon, sending them a bill of sale right now. :)
