Thursday, June 12, 2014

This is not your mother and father's NAACP.

©AP / Ruby DeeLet me start this post by saying rest in peace to Ruby Dee. She and her husband, Ossie Davis, were real Field Negroes. They just don't make em like that anymore. They will be missed. 

Anyway, I hate to go from Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis to the next story, but I have to write about it, because it's close to home and it really makes me mad.

Sometimes I really have to wonder about that venerable organization, the NAACP, and the people that we choose to lead it.

We all know what happened in Los Angeles with the Donald Sterling fiasco. But I am sure that most of you don't know what's going on right here in Philadelphia.

Sadly, it seems that we have some NAACP problems of our own.

"In 2006, the North Philly Aztecs were having a tough year. The much-beloved youth football team had, against all odds, won Pop Warner Jr. Pee Wee Super Bowl the year before. Even so, they didn’t have enough money for uniforms and equipment.

And then there was the morbid state of their home field, a stretch of Hunting Park that had become a muddy swamp, forcing them to practice and play their games elsewhere.

Into this somber situation stepped Jerome Whyatt Mondesire, longtime president of the local and state chapters of the NAACP, and a well-known figure in Philadelphia politics.

Mondesire applied to a state grant agency for $100,000 to restore the kids’ field, promising to drain the field, install outdoor lighting, erect bleachers and more.

The grant, as Mondesire proposed it, would be administered by the Next Generation CDC, a nonprofit organization that he’d founded in 1999 and of which he was president.

The $100,000 would “permit [Next Generation CDC] to expand their outreach to even more deserving young people,” the grant application said.

The grant was awarded; two years later, Mondesire reported that the work had been completed.

Far from being finished, there is evidence that suggests it never started. Public officials and individuals familiar with the park and with the Aztecs say they never heard of, saw or knew of the purported renovation project.
The youth team did indeed get a restored playing field: last year, the ribbon was cut on the renewed field after a two-year, multi-million dollar rehab of the park by the Fairmount Park Conservancy and assisted with donations from Eagles’ Quarterback Michael Vick, for whom the field is now named.

But that project had nothing to do with Mondesire, the Next Generation CDC, or the NAACP and didn’t begin until in 2011—three years after Mondesire claimed to have finished essentially the same work.

No work authorized
Those knowledgeable about the park’s history say that if the playing field was restored prior to the recent project, they have never seen any evidence.

The city’s Department of Parks and Recreation, which must approve, authorize, and oversee all work that takes place in city parks, said in an email that it had never heard of nor authorized Mondesire’s proposed restoration and has no records indicating any such work was performed during the time in question, according to First Deputy Director of Parks and Facilities Mark Focht.

Kathryn Ott Lovell, executive director of the Fairmount Park Conservatory, which coordinated the effort to restore the field as part of a master plan for Hunting Park, said that while she couldn’t speak to the period that preceded her organization’s work, the field was still in disrepair and without bleachers or lighting when her group began planning its restoration in 2009, the year after Mondesire listed the project as completed.

And Wayne Allen, known ubiquitously as “Coach Wiz,” who has lead the Aztecs for 21 years, said in a telephone interview that this was the first he’d heard of any such effort by Mondesire or the Next Generation CDC and that he does not believe such work ever took place.

“I would have loved for [Mondesire] to have done it,” said Allen. But prior the recent renovation of the field “no one came” to work on the field. “Nope. Nothing. There were no bleachers, no anything.”
“I wish,” he added.

The grant was just one of dozens that were awarded to the Next Generation CDC over the years by the Department of Community and Economic Development, a state  agency that once served to funnel money to politicians’ pet projects (often referred to as Walking Around Money, or WAMs). Shortly after taking office, Gov. Corbett sharply curtailed the issuing of DCED grants.
At least eight of these grants, totaling $170,000, were issued to the Next Generation CDC after 2005, the last year for which it filed the 990 forms the Internal Revenue Service requires nonprofits to file.

UPDATED 6/12/2014: Following the publication of this article, Mondesire responded to AxisPhilly’s report. In a letter he acknowledged that the field hadn’t been restored, but said the funds were used instead “to support our anti-violence and scholarship programs” and that “the funding adjustment was approved.” Lyndsay Kensinger, a spokesperson for DCED, said in a statement to AxisPhilly that “No amendment for adjustment of funds was requested of or received by DCED.”

Failure to file
The fact that the Next Generation CDC was receiving any money, let alone taxpayer funds, without filing could put it in violation of the law, say experts with whom AxisPhilly spoke.

“I am not aware of any situation in which you as a nonprofit can receive grants and then not report it,” says Gary C. Johnson, an expert on fraud and forensic accounting and a former F.B.I. officer.

The apparent lack of federal tax reports “certainly raises some red flags,” agreed Kelly Richmond Pope, a Professor of Accountancy at DePaul University and an expert in white-collar crime.

The last form 990 from the Next Generation CDC reported by the IRS was filed in 2006 for the fiscal year 2005; a spokesman for the Pennsylvania Department of State said the nonprofit’s last filings with the state were also received in 2006.

But there appears to have been no tax forms filed by the Next Generation CDC for 2006 itself—the year of the $100,000 football field grant—or thereafter.
The Next Generation CDC, and its muddled relationship to the Philadelphia NAACP, of which Mondesire was also president, has become the focus of questions by current and former NAACP members over how Mondesire has handled the group’s finances." {More}

Bottom line: The local chapter of the NAACP received a grant of $100, upgrade a football field for underprivileged children and did nothing. If it was not for former Eagle, Michael Vick, the North Philly Aztecs would still be struggling to play on a dangerous field. 

I have met Mr. Mondesire, and I am not a fan. But personal biases aside, if everything that is alleged is true, Mr. Mondesire and the organizations that he represents have some serious explaining to do.
There is no need for egotistical self absorbed folks leading our organizations such as the NAACP and hurting our communities in the process.  
These poor kids wanted a nice football field (shout out to Mike Vick for making it happen) and our local NAACP head promised to deliver. He did not.

Whether what he did is criminal or not, will be up to officials to investigate and decide.

Sadly, though, it doesn't take criminal charges and an investigation for us to see the obvious: That there is a dearth of strong black leadership in this country.

What I do know is that he made a promise that he did not keep.
He should be ashamed of himself.   


  1. That sucks for the kids.

    Considering the blog, I missed the part about the koch brothers and/or rightwingers were responsible.


  2. PilotX said...


  3. Anonymous8:14 PM

    "(shout out to Mike Vick for making it happen)"

    Good for Mike Vick.

    The rest is the usual political cronyism, corruption and theft.
    What's new?


  4. 2014 Hashtag Diplomacy

    Strongly condemn attacks in Mosul by the Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (#ISIL), and its efforts to turn back clock on #Iraq's progress.


    There, I solved the shooting problem in Chicago.


    Been a busy day for Bill.

  5. I got to meet Ms. Ruby and Mr. Davis years ago at the Atlanta airport. Gracious and very very nice. They don't make em like that anymore.

  6. Anonymous9:00 PM

    #STFU Bill.

  7. Anonymous9:17 PM

    So now the rightwingers are saying Iraq is Obama's fault and we need to go back in. Riiiiiiiight.

  8. Anonymous9:28 PM

    "Sometimes I really have to wonder about that venerable organization, the NAACP, and the people that we choose to lead it."

    Field, you must not be an brother born in the great USA. I say this because it has been known that the NAACP has not been 'venerable' or trustworthy for a long long time. The NAACP lost its credibility and usefulness back in the 70's.

    I am glad that the corruption in the NAACP is coming to light. I hope this exposure of the NAACP continues ACROSS the USA....Chapter-by-Chapter. You can bet your last bottom dollar there is plenty more where that corruption comes from...

    I totally relate with your anger, it makes me mad too. But it shows how our 'own' black leaders continue to devalue our lives and our needs. They have no conscience because no one could possibly do what was done in LA and Philly if they had a sense of "what's right" for the Black community.

    Personally, I find our own peeps far more dangerous to our well-being than Whites. Blacks who rip off Blacks think and feel like racist Whites who care nothing about Blacks.

    I hope they charge that SOB with criminality and throw the book at him. I don't know what the maximum penalty could be, but if it were up to me as a court, I would send his crooked ass to prison.

    In all honesty, I have felt that the NAACP should have closed up shop 40 years ago. It simply lost its focus and is a 'front' for making money to line the pockets of greedy unsympathetic Negroes who don't give a damn about Blacks.

    If possible, please let us know what will happen to that shithead.

  9. GrannyStandingforTruth10:01 PM

    Smh in disgust! I won't say what needs to be done to him in my book. I'll just say it isn't anything nice, and that I need to chill out. Soooooo, I guess I'll go, relax, and read a book.

  10. Cantor blames Democrats for loss.

  11. Granny! Good to see you back.

  12. “What we’ve discovered is that out of the 60,000 people who voted in the Republican primary, 15,000 of them were Democrats and all of those votes — 100% of those votes — went against Eric Cantor,” Rosen said. “That factor is giant.”

  13. If you lose your primary in your district as Herman Cain would say "blame yoself".

  14. Wesley R11:03 PM

    Rest in Peace Mother Sister, you are one of my all time favorites.
    I wish the 'Housewives' and some other sisters would have taken your lead, and presented themselves like 'Ladies'.

  15. Anonymous12:14 AM

    I am amazed that not one FN Negro has commented about the NAACP rip off. It would seem to me that FN folks would be outraged. Nope. Cantor seems to be occupying their minds. And Bill, of course.

    Funny thing. If it's a wm doing wrong, FN Negroes scream to high heaven. But when a brother at the NAACP is ripping off the government and black children, NO ONE says a damn thing. They just ignore it, and continue arguing with Bill. Go Figure.

  16. Trollonymous Burgundy12:38 AM

    Rest in Peace Ruby Dee.

    And does anyone still take the NAACM seriously these days?

  17. Trollonymous Burgundy12:51 AM

    Hey Granny and FP! :)

  18. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Trollonymous Burgundy said...
    Rest in Peace Ruby Dee.

    And does anyone still take the NAACM seriously these days?

    12:38 AM
    Yes. According to this post Mr Field still takes the VENERABLE NAACP very seriously.

  19. Damn right1:47 AM

    PilotX said...

    I got to meet Ms. Ruby and Mr. Davis years ago at the Atlanta airport. Gracious and very very nice. They don't make em like that anymore.

    Now we just have lunkhead wannabees like you and Nuwang.

  20. Tuco Salamanca1:56 AM

    The NAACP was created by Jews in order to use Blacks to further Jewish interests. The NAACP was so Jewish during its first 66 years that that it is almost unbelievable. Indeed, the NAACP had only Jewish presidents until 1975.

    Jewish involvement in the Black civil-rights movement had nothing to do with “ending racial discrimination,” or with their love of Black people. It had everything to do with making America less “White,” so that Jews — always the traditional enemy of gentile/non-Jewish countries — would be less noticeable in America, leading, in Jewish theory, to less “anti-Semitism.”

    How's that working out for Black people?

  21. Compton was once a mostly black area in California, but now there are violent Latino gangs there who have declared certain areas off limits to blacks. If black families move into what the Latino gangs declare to be their city, then the blacks are driven out by being intimidated or beaten.

    The Los Angeles police department says there have been attacks on several black families over the last decade, most of them by Latino gangs. The Los Angeles Times details one such attack:

    “The black family—a mother, three teenage children and a 10-year-old boy—moved into a little yellow home in Compton over Christmas vacation. When a friend came to visit, four men in a black SUV pulled up and called him a “nigger,” saying black people were barred from the neighborhood, according to Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies. They jumped out, drew a gun on him and beat him with metal pipes.”

    Compton has population of about 97,000, and was predominantly black for many years. It is now 65% Latino and 33% black, according to the 2010 U.S. census, and the Latino gangs intend to keep the city mostly Latino.

    Law enforcement officials say the attacks on black families are being ordered by the Mexican Mafia prison gang. Leaders of the Azusa 13 gang were sentenced to lengthy prison terms earlier this month for leading a policy of attacking African American residents and expelling them from the town. Similar attacks have taken place in Harbor Gateway, Highland Park, Pacoima, San Bernardino, Canoga Park and Wilmington, among other places.

    Many African-Americans are leaving the city because they don’t want to be targeted by the gangs.

    If white gangs were beating up blacks to drive them out of the neighborhood, Obama and Holder would have the National Guard there the next day. But they give Mexicans their tacit approval for ethnically cleansing blacks.

    Wonder why?

  22. hi La!

    cyberhug sis;)

    makes me sad Ruby Dee is gone;(

    then i think of her and Mr. Ossie, reunited on a perpetual Sabbath...


    not much to say 'bout the naacp. somebody above told the whole thing.

    blessings all!

  23. on the LA comment with the beef between Blacks and Mexicans...

    folk won't mention how the womenfolk factor into the melee. i called it years before, after watching it with my own eyes...

    so i will let it be.

    okey doke...back to work.

    blessings all!

  24. Pilot, I am sure that they were proud of you. When they started flying back in the day brothers couldn't even get jobs as baggage handlers :)

  25. This Mondesire fellow should be ashamed of himself. The NAACP national office should have him removed should this investigation find that he callously used the plight of a children's football team to get his hands on some money.

  26. What is this NAACP you speak of? There was an organization back in the 60s that had the same set of initials. That organization was actively involved in legislature, on the the street activism, and political movements that fought against racism bigotry and inequality. That organization GAVE to people.

    This one you speak of seems sort of criminal TAKING from kids. Maybe the organizers of the one back in the 60s should sue the operators of the one you speak of for perpetrating a fraud.

  27. Anonymous Tuco Salamanca said...
    The NAACP was created by Jews in order to use Blacks to further Jewish interests. The NAACP was so Jewish during its first 66 years that that it is almost unbelievable. Indeed, the NAACP had only Jewish presidents until 1975.

    You should visit and for some history. Indeed there were Jews who *helped founded* the organization. And there were certainly Jewish people who were active in the organization and those who served as board members and executives as well. But WEB Du Bois, a black man, was one of the founders.

    You accuse the organization of having only Jewish leadership until the '70s, which is not the case.

    James Weldon Johnson, a black man, was the organization's first black president. He served as executive secretary and CEO from 1920 - 1930.

    Walter White, another black man, served as executive secretary from 1930 - 1950.

    In 1955, Roy Wilkins, a black man, was named executive secretary (the title was later changed to executive director in 1964) of the NAACP.

    Whatever the issues you apparently have with Jews, there is no need to rewrite history to fit whatever grievance you have.


  28. "Al Qaeda's on the path to defeat, the war in Iraq is over."

    Mission Accomplished.


    The 2012 Obama campaign talking point has been debunked by reality.

  29. Every once in a while the NY Times does something right. front page article:

    just in case you missed it, Field.

  30. Anonymous11:55 AM

    "Mission Accomplished."

    It was accomplished. Didn't you see the banner on the aircraft carrier that W. landed?

  31. Anonymous12:08 PM

    That banner was for the crew of the aircraft carrier, who was headed home, with their mission accomplished.

    The media pinned it on Bush.

  32. "That banner was for the crew of the aircraft carrier, who was headed home, with their mission accomplished."


  33. We made a huge mistake in 2012:

  34. Anonymous12:42 PM

    If Purple Cow calls someone a liar, you know that person has spoken the truth.


  35. The Purple Cow said...

    I love these jeopardy games where you have to guess the question.

    The person that promised the money would be spent on "shovel ready jobs?"

    The person that promised the most transparent administration?

    The person that said Al Qaeda's on the path to defeat, the war in Iraq is over?

    The person that promised you could keep your doctor?

    How did I do PurpleCow?

  36. Anonymous2:22 PM

    PC is the liar who wants to make someone else the liar. He also underestimates the intelligence of FN readers. He insults our intelligence.

    Or maybe he is just dumb and deluded?

  37. Anonymous2:33 PM

    "If white gangs were beating up blacks to drive them out of the neighborhood, Obama and Holder would have the National Guard there the next day. But they give Mexicans their tacit approval for ethnically cleansing blacks.

    Wonder why?"

    Your assessment is very wrong. If white gangs were beating up Blacks, there would be some black outcry but after court proceedings, the Whites would be found "innocent" and the Blacks guilty like Trayvon Martin was.

    As far as the Black/Mexican tragedy is concerned, it's been going on in LA for some time. As usual, Blacks are losing the war. Over time, LA WILL BE purged of Blacks. The Fed won't do anything. That is a state and city function--to protect Blacks. However, there has rarely, if ever, been any 'will' to protect Blacks....only incarceration.

    Note: Blacks are being driven out all across the country. If it isn't Mexican gangs doing it, it's the increase of real estate and gentrification of neighborhoods across America. Take Oakland, for instance. There is a mass exodus of Blacks because they can't afford to stay there. Yeah, yeah, yeah...Oakland is on it's way to becoming more White than it has ever been, and less Black than it has ever been--"big time."

  38. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Elections are about goodies. Even more obamaphones for all. No money down mortgages for minorities.

    One might hope that republican primaries might be conducted on a slightly higher level.

    In the recent primary, Eric Cantor campaigned that he was going to bribe the voters with their own stolen money, while David Brat campaigned on issues that have overwhelming support – campaigned against immigration, against crony capitalism, and against Obamacare. Just about everyone in America, except Washington and big business, opposes crony capitalism, most oppose immigration and Obamacare, and almost everyone who should be voting in a Republican primary opposes all three.

    David Brat won 56% to 44%.

    However, David Brat does not take the horribly extreme ultra right wing neonazi position that we might actually deport illegals, let alone stop with the Obamaphones.

    Bottom line: 44% of the voters in the Republican primary voted like sluts and underclass.

    There is no chance this country survives 20 years.

  39. And here I thought that carrier was already in port and was sailed a few miles offshore for the photo op.

  40. Leave TPC alone, he's busy watching football.

  41. Anonymous4:19 PM

    PilotX said...

    "And here I thought that carrier was already in port and was sailed a few miles offshore for the photo op."

    Nope. Wrong again.

  42. Sarah Swinehart (202) 226-4774
    IRS Claims to Have Lost Over 2 Years of Lerner Emails

    Damn, Obama has got to be the luckiest president ever to have all that government evidence lost.

  43. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Nixon resigned for much less.

    Obama is by far the worst President this country has ever had.

  44. Ah well....

    I have been telling Field for several months that the NAACP wasnt serving Black Folks interest... but Im usually called "WHITE" for making those kind of assertions..... Now he finds proof ,and acts so surprised..LOL

    Hey Field can you expound on Jamaica's announcement today to decriminalize small amounts of Cannabis for medicinal ,religious, recreational; or educational use??

    On Friday, Jamaican Minister of Justice Mark Golding released a statement announcing government support for a proposal to decriminalize the possession of up to two ounces of marijuana and the decriminalization of marijuana use for religious, scientific and medical purposes.

    “The objective is to provide a more enlightened approach to dealing with possession of small quantities and smoking, while still meeting the ends of justice,” Minister Golding said. “The proposed changes represent an approach which will ensure to the benefit of the persons concerned and the society as a whole, and reduce the burdens on the court system.”

    But before you comment on that ....

    Have you gotten your talking points together about the unrest in Iraq, and what exactly our Limited involvement entails????

  45. GrannyStandingforTruth6:49 PM

    Hi Whitey, TrollyBurgundy, and Sharon for WI

    U have mail.

  46. Anonymous7:01 PM

    "...guilty like Trayvon Martin was."

    Saint Travon of Skittles was guilty. He attacked the "White Hispanic" who, in turn, shot the embryonic thug dead. (Seems to me that the "White Hispanic" saved the taxpayer the cost of incarcerating Saint Trayvon of Skittles.)

    "Oakland is on it's way to becoming more White than it has ever been, and less Black than it has ever been..."

    Well, then there might just be some hope for Oakland.

  47. GrannyStandingforTruth7:09 PM


    For your sake, I hope they legalize marijuana. I swear I do. :)

    Btw, did you know that Queen Victoria smoked marijuana for medical purposes?

  48. RIP Ruby Dee.

    I don't think we can completely blame the NAACP. They sit back and watch white politicians do this all the time. So the figure what's good for whitey is....

  49. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Btw, did you know that Queen Victoria smoked marijuana for medical purposes?

    Did you know that Ms. Queen smoked hog for financial purposes?

  50. Anonymous7:27 PM

    "Oakland is on it's way to becoming more White than it has ever been, and less Black than it has ever been..."

    Well, then there might just be some hope for Oakland.

    7:01 PM
    Actually the entire Bay Area, esp. Oakland, San Leandro, Hayward, Berkeley, El Cerrito, Richmond...Gentrification is happening all over the place.

    I hope Granny won't have to move. Moving can be hard on elderly folks. But, gentrification must go on...don't expect Whites to have any sympathy for Blacks. They really want to be rid of do Latinos...

    Granny might have to move soon. I hope not. Have a good weekend, Granny.

  51. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Blogger Kinky.Con said...
    RIP Ruby Dee.

    I don't think we can completely blame the NAACP. They sit back and watch white politicians do this all the time. So the figure what's good for whitey is....

    7:19 PM
    OUCH!! That hurt. It really hurts. Former President Ben Jealous will go to the media about you about this. You are stomping on his integrity as a bm who cares 'very deeply' about black folks.

    I mean, the man did what he could to stamp out corruption in the NAACP. He failed. That's why he is leaving. With some good money from the NAACP of course...some of it Negroes probably don't know anything about.

    KC, stop throwing darts at the NAACP. They are corrupt whites in black skin, but you don't have to rub it in.

  52. GrannyStandingforTruth8:22 PM

    Anonymous 7:27,

    I've observed in the paper that the rents in the Bay Area are being raised to exorbitant prices to force middle-class and poor people to move.

    1 br - $1595 - $2295
    2 br - $2750 - $3395
    3 br - $3595 - $4595
    4 br - $3400 - $6000
    5 br - $6679 -$15,000

    I live on a nice quiet street that is well kept up. The people on my block are employed or retired. Besides which, different family members own five of the houses on this block. Everyone on my street owns their house, except for two of our neighbors.

    Nevertheless, you never know what might happen though. Throughout history African Americans' property and land have been wrongfully seized [stolen] with the help and backing of local government.

    Greed is a major killer!

    I'm not worried about housing, but I do worry about and am concerned about those that housing affects.

    Once on the way home, I passed a homeless man digging in the garbage can. The man picked through the garbage. He found a half-eaten biscuit and took a bite of it. The man did not seem to care that people watched him. In fact, it seemed normal to all those who watched.

    The vision of that man stayed with me and it disturbs me to this day. Because we are a so-called rich country and super power, that should not be happening. Every single human being should have a roof over their head and food on their table.

  53. Granny, who's raising the rent? I know in San Francisco (some) white liberals were jacking up the rent to force black families out of their hoods.

    Funny thing, really. Since white liberals are all about diversity.

  54. Anonymous8:34 PM

    This Mondesire dude sounds like he's soon going to be facing a jail cell. Or at least a massive fine.

    You can expect some embarrassing stories about cars or vacations he bought with that grant, instead of fixing those kids' football field.

  55. Granny says...

    For your sake, I hope they legalize marijuana. I swear I do. :)

    Btw, did you know that Queen Victoria smoked marijuana for medical purposes?

    Dearest Granny.....

    I hope you realize that we are FORCEFULLY legalizing Cannabis at a Breakneck speed that can only be compared to Japans High Speed Mag Lev technology...

    I certainly do not post from a standpoint of "Wishing" for Cannabis Legalization....

    I post most times to revel in whats happening across the globe in relation to Cannabis...

    With that being said...
    (Bright Smile)

    Did you know that our most Famed Jazz Musicians were virulent almost religious Cannabis users...??

    Taken from writings held at the Louis Armstrong House and Archives at Queens College/CUNY,

    It begins: "The first time that I smoked Marijuana (or) Gage as they so beautifully calls' it some time, was a couple of years after I had left Flecther Henderson's Orchestra…And I'm telling you, I had myself a Ball…That's why it really puzzles me to see Marijuana connected with Narcotics--Dope and all that kind of crap…It is actually a shame.

    An LA-based trumpet player who toured with Armstrong described in January 2007 that Louis told him he once ran into Richard Nixon at an airport in Japan. Nixon said, "Hi Pops, can I do anything for you?" and Louis, who had his gage in his case, asked Nixon to carry it for him. Both Armstrong and Nixon toured Japan in 1953. Just afterwards, Lucille Ball was arrested for carrying what was widely speculated to be Louis's stash.

    The incident prompted Armstrong to write, and record, a letter to Glaser from San Francisco.

    "Can you imagine anyone giving Lucille all of those headaches and grief over a mere small pittance such as gage, something that grows out in the backyard among the chickens and so forth,” Louis emoted in his letter. “I just won't carry on with such fear over nothing and I don't intend to ever stop smoking it, not as long as it grows. And there is no one on this earth that can ever stop it all from growing. No one but Jesus--and he wouldn't dare. Because he feels the same way that I do about it."

    Louis bounced back, joking he'd "get higher next time" on a "What's My Line?" appearance shortly thereafter.

  56. Anonymous8:46 PM

    @ Kinky

    1) You seem to think everyone in San Francisco is a liberal, including all of the city's landlords.

    Hint: No.

    2) Assuming an individual landlord actually is a liberal, you seem to think he's can't be a businessman with the same interest in earning profits as all businessmen have. This must be because you believe liberal = communist.

    Hint: No.

  57. Neocons Rape Babies8:57 PM

    Anonymous @ 9:17 PM said...

    So now the rightwingers are saying Iraq is Obama's fault and we need to go back in. Riiiiiiiight.


    Hey, since the Iraq War is now about as popular as hemorrhoids, the Democrats should probably use this in their campaign ads:

    Vote Republican, Get Iraq War 2.0! (featuring lots of shots of Dick Cheney's ugly mug)

  58. Stymie9:04 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    "I've observed in the paper that the rents in the Bay Area are being raised to exorbitant prices to force middle-class and poor people to move."

    No, rents are being raised because there are people willing to pay more.

    The price is going up because of regulations that restrict new housing construction in California, put in place by the liberal politicians you voted for. So stop whining and pay the rent.

  59. Obama Sin Laden9:08 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Hey, since the Iraq War is now about as popular as hemorrhoids, the Democrats should probably use this in their campaign ads"

    You are right, they need to go back to blaming Bush. God knows, they can't run on any of Obama's accomplishments.

  60. GrannyStandingforTruth
    I live on a nice quiet street that is well kept up. The people on my block are employed or retired

    Granny lives in a white neighborhood?

  61. Trollonymous Burgundy9:20 PM

    FP sis, that's why when folks like PilotX start romanticizing about Black and Latino unity aka "waz up mami" (now obvious fighting words), that's exactly what these black folks hope to do, 'romance' somebody. Vatos ain't having it though. LOL!

    "Blacks are being driven out all across the country. If it isn't Mexican gangs doing it, it's the increase of real estate and gentrification of neighborhoods across America."

    Anon 2:33, it's happening in many parts of the Carib as well, Native blacks are losing prime property on various Caribbean islands. In the USVI alone, you can look up the cost of living and real estate for the island of St. John in particular. The island is small but now predominantly white, they systematically try to drive blacks off (except for those who go over via ferry to work and clean etc). White tourists visit and BUY UP. Privileged beach bums, old money white junkies/drunks and it's also a haven for a lot of white sex offenders from all over. As for real estate, black Native St. Johnians are now struggling to keep their inherited family land/homes due to the growing high property taxes.

    All it took was a couple of privileged white continentals to exploit a piece of land due to black native family probate issues. They build their million dollar vacation homes next door and voila. Black natives then keep selling more parcels of prime land to keep up with the yearly taxes. More whites are buzzing around like flies waiting to snatch it, and thus the cycle continued and grew. And once the property gets into white hands, they hike the prices. That's all it takes for blacks to never be able to afford and own land again, EVER. For the past two decades, the average black person under six figures (native, mainland or otherwise) can no longer afford to live on that now predominantly white (and blatantly racist) island.

    An ex boss of mine once made a comment in frustration, "it will take another major hurricane to come and get those people [whites] out". I thought those words were harsh, but deep down I know it's the unfortunate truth.

    The local black politicians do nothing, because their personal pockets are being stuffed. Sorry for the rant.

    Anon 7:01, Trayvon had a right to defend himself, but of course you already know that. If he was a white teen or a white female, the logic of trying to fight off that white sociopath stalker/killer would have been obvious to you. So cut the shit. Trayvon was someone's child, it could have been yours. And Killerman is white, just as his white mother, simple. There are whites in Peru. Hispanic is not a race.

  62. Baltimore Oreo9:22 PM

    Granny, your story reminds me of one of my own.

    Once on the way home, I passed a homeless man digging in the garbage can. The man picked through the garbage. He found a half-eaten biscuit and took a bite of it. The man did not seem to care that people watched him. In fact, it seemed normal to all those who watched.

    He went to take another bite and I slapped the biscuit out of his hand and ground it into the pavement with my boot. I told him to get a job and if I ever saw him sleeping in my neighborhood again, I'd set him on fire.

    The vision of that man stayed with me and I still get a chuckle out of it to this day. Because we are a so-called rich country and super power, that should not be happening. Every single human being should have a roof over their head and food on their table, and should be staying the fuck out of other people's garbage cans.

  63. Blas Gomez9:33 PM

    "Anon 7:01, Trayvon had a right to defend himself, but of course you already know that."

    So did Zimmerman, but you know that too.

    Every witness testified that it was Trayvon that was doing the attacking, and probably would have killed Zimmerman had he not been stopped by a defensive shot. That's why they declared Zimmerman not guilty.

    Yes Trayvon was a kid, but he was already a thug expelled from school for fighting and robbing houses. He was out that night stealing Skittles to make Purple Drank, and probably casing houses.

    Zimmerman did the right thing.

    Trayvon made his choices.

    If black people are ever going to get their shit together, they need to stop making heroes and martyrs out of thugs and murderers. They also need to keep better control over their kids.

  64. Trollonymous Burgundy9:49 PM

    Racist Troll: "If black people are ever going to get their shit together, they need to stop making heroes and martyrs out of thugs and murderers. They also need to keep better control over their kids."

    Just like those white male school/mall/Malibu shooters who were raised by white parents?

    Again, Killerman profiled, pursued, approached and likely attacked/threatened Trayvon first. It seems everyone else would be expected to defend themselves after being stalked and approached in the dark by a stranger, except for a black male/black female. And Trayvon bought his skittles, it was on camera. You are a racist fact-less hysteric troll. Conversation over.

  65. Karl Rove is a Pus-Filled Zit9:58 PM

    "You are right, they need to go back to blaming Bush. God knows, they can't run on any of Obama's accomplishments."

    Why shouldn't they, since the Bush's merry band of warmongers and torturers don't have the good graces to ever go away, but keep rearing their ugly, empty heads?

    P.S. Obamacare's popular now, and increasingly, Democrats WILL be running on it.

    It turns out that constantly lying about a government program isn't so effective once people have actually experienced that program. Weird, right?

  66. Blas Gomez10:11 PM

    "Just like those white male school/mall/Malibu shooters who were raised by white parents?"

    No, not at all like them. Young black males are over 20 times as likely to shoot someone:

    Recently, Papachristos followed up with a new investigation, and a much larger new data set: non-fatal gunshot injuries in the city.

    The data in the new paper is equally fascinating, and on one level, as you might expect, quite troubling. To begin with, the dramatic disparities the rates of nonfatal gunshot injury: overall it’s 46.5 per 100,000 for the city as a whole from 2006-2012.

    It’s 1.62 per 100,000 for whites; 28.72 for Hispanics, and 112.83 for blacks.

    For all males, it’s 44.68 per 100,000; 239.77 for black males, and for black males from 18-34 it’s 599.65. As Papachristos and co-authors Christopher Wildeman and Elizabeth Roberto point out, that’s a staggering one in 200.

  67. PilotX said...
    "P.S. Obamacare's popular now, and increasingly, Democrats WILL be running on it."


    You a funny old negro.

  68. GrannyStandingforTruth10:39 PM


    I noticed that whites were buying up property on the Islands a few years back from watching House Hunters International. They're still buying them. Most of them buy places that need a few renovations and mostly the beach properties.

    If you remember, I said on here that people living on the Islands better beware because whites are buying up properties on the Island.

    I wish I could remember the name of this documentary video that is online. They did the same thing in Hawaii and forced the Native Hawaiians to move out, and isolated them to ghettos, which they use to dump nuclear waste. The Native Hawaiians are not even allowed on the part of the island that they were forced to leave unless it is in servants capacity.

  69. The NAACP has a knack for embarrassing itself, sometimes while selling out or cheating Blacks. It has lost most all credibility among Blacks, but remains a potent name for whites who don't know any better.

    Sometimes, the NAACP gets it right, like in filing a complaint against the all-white pool in Pennsylvania a few years back.

  70. "The Native Hawaiians are not even allowed on the part of the island that they were forced to leave unless it is in servants capacity."


    Now bring me some Goddamn pineapple!

  71. Trollonymous Burgundy11:11 PM

    "No, not at all like them. Young black males are over 20 times as likely to shoot someone"

    Apart from the innocent victims (usually other blacks) who have caught their stray bullets, the black male shooters usually have their specific target/s, other blacks, and their targets likewise in reverse. They tend to be very predictable and most people in general are able to avoid them and/or their predictable urban environments.

    However, unlike the over-privileged egotistical psychopathic white male mass shooters and building bombers who do not have specific targets. They go into 'safe places' EVERY and ANY where like schools, malls, theaters, churches, Fed buildings etc and start bombing or shooting every and anyone, any where at any time.

    The white male terrorist has historically been far more murderous/dangerous and unsettling to the human psyche, especially to black people for generations. So whip out your urban black thug stats all you want, blacks hurt mostly blacks. But NO one, not even other whites have been safe among you mass murdering white male terrorists right here in America.

    Go learn to parent your own children and hold yourselves into account before you talk about others. Historical demons.

  72. Anonymous11:18 PM

    This is the truth and facts in America and its surrounding islands:

    We live in a capitalistic society and a democracy where everyone is equal except for Blacks. That is the truth and a fact.

    Whites have the money, and therefore have the means and the power to destroy Blacks, to keep them poor. Now it looks like Blacks are being pushed out of the Bay Area, the Islands.

    The antipathy and hatred toward us never stops. It's exhausting. Being Black and having watched and experienced the blatant and subtle never-ending discrimination, I wonder more and more each day whether hope for our people will run out?

    I marvel at the substance of "hope". It is quite stubborn. By my calculations it should have run out for Blacks a long time least since Obama has been President.

    However, I think this buying up of real estate by Whites is going to put the nail in the coffin. Things are going to get worse, a lot worse.

  73. GrannyStandingforTruth11:19 PM

    "However, unlike the over-privileged egotistical psychopathic white male mass shooters and building bombers who do not have specific targets. They go into 'safe places' EVERY and ANY where like schools, malls, theaters, churches, Fed buildings etc and start bombing or shooting every and anyone, any where at any time."

    "The white male terrorist has historically been far more murderous/dangerous and unsettling to the human psyche, especially to black people for generations. So whip out your urban black thug stats all you want, blacks hurt mostly blacks. But NO one, not even other whites have been safe among you mass murdering white male terrorists right here in America."

    And the church say Amen!

  74. GrannyStandingforTruth11:25 PM

    Hi Francis

  75. Trollonymous Burgundy11:28 PM

    Granny, it's breaking my heart and it's getting worse. I do not mince words. It's really sad and blatant.

    It seems without some form of legislation/native protection, it will always be harder for native islander black people to thrive and prosper when there are whites in the midst ready to exploit and plunder.

  76. Blas Gomez11:39 PM

    Trollonymous Burgundy said...
    The white male terrorist has historically been far more murderous/dangerous and unsettling to the human psyche, especially to black people for generations

    You really need to get out the house more. Seriously.

  77. There's no place like Slum11:45 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...


    I noticed that whites were buying up property on the Islands a few years back from watching House Hunters International. They're still buying them. Most of them buy places that need a few renovations and mostly the beach properties

    Those damn white people, buying houses and such!

    You know they'll be fixing up the property and landscaping and shit like that.

    Before long, the neighborhood gets nicer and everyone's property values go up!

    White devils!

  78. Trollonymous Burgundy11:46 PM

    "You really need to get out the house more. Seriously."

    Like Trayvon Martin?

  79. GrannyStandingforTruth11:49 PM


    President Obama is not the cause of the hatred towards African Americans from whites. He is the age of my children and wasn't born during slavery or Jim Crow.

    I've lived through Jim Crow, the Black Power Movement, and was present in person and witnessed what caused the first Watts Riot. I can tell you that it definitely wasn't what the newspapers said started it either.

    Nope, the seeds of hatred toward African Americans was planted and nurtured during slavery and way before President Obama was born. The root cause of it is capitalism. Slavery was tied to industrial capitalism. When slavery ended, so did free labor. Whites could no longer profit off of the free labor of slaves. However, that meant that African Americans would join the workforce and would have to be paid for their labor. In spite of the BS they tell you about them being so superior, they're afraid of competition from African Americans, which is why they continue the lies, negative stereotypes, and dangerous negro myths. FEAR!

    The reason they continue their hatred is to preserve inequality and maintain control of the socioeconomic and political power.
    Plain and simple! No one is the cause of the hatred towards African Americans, but WHITES, it is WHITES started that hatred with lies, the media, science, and all of their institutions.

  80. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Nope, the seeds of hatred toward African Americans was planted and nurtured during slavery and way before President Obama was born. The root cause of it is capitalism. Slavery was tied to industrial capitalism. When slavery ended, so did free labor. Whites could no longer profit off of the free labor of slaves

    Well, the solution then must involve blacks becoming a source of profits to whites instead of an unending (and ungrateful) expense.

    After the slaves were freed, a significant proportion died, being generally incompetent to look after themselves. The abolitionists, having denied that blacks needed a paternalistic welfare state, were disinclined to provide one, even as the death rate among their supposed beneficiaries rose to quite alarming levels.

    After the civil war and abolition, black productivity as freemen was markedly lower than black productivity as slaves, leading to markedly lower material living standards. In part this must have been because of “slave driving” – that slaves were forced to work considerably harder than they would have otherwise been inclined to work, but in part it was because the employer could not trust a black employee to behave well, whereas he could make sure a slave behaved well.

    If blacks were made slaves again, we could afford to house and feed you all better than we can now.

    I think that's what is going to have to happen.

  81. GrannyStandingforTruth12:29 AM

    Anonymous 12:01:

    You are so full of dung!

    "After the slaves were freed, a significant proportion died, being generally incompetent to look after themselves."

    You left out the part about those freed slaves died from starvation, diseases caused by lack of health care. "being generally incompetent to look after themselves" Yep, you're full of dung. They worked hard to take care of themselves and even begin to build settlements that whites burned down and whites lynched African Americans who were doing good to steal what they had claiming that the African America was acting too uppity and might think themselves on the same equal status as whites.

    "Well, the solution then must involve blacks becoming a source of profits to whites instead of an unending (and ungrateful) expense."

    Some more BS! The majority of blacks have worked from the cotton fields to scrubbing whites filthy toilets during Jim Crow and whites cheated them out of their pay or didn't pay them at all. If anyone has been an unending added expense, whites take the cake because the majority of money has always winded up your pockets and been spent in white neighborhoods, schools, and all things pertaining to whites. Nonwhites always get the crumbs if any,yet they pay the same taxes.

    "After the civil war and abolition, black productivity as freemen was markedly lower than black productivity as slaves, leading to markedly lower material living standards. In part this must have been because of “slave driving” – that slaves were forced to work considerably harder than they would have otherwise been inclined to work, but in part it was because the employer could not trust a black employee to behave well, whereas he could make sure a slave behaved well."

    Will someone please pass the BS spray or run out and get a case please. I swear I almost want to laugh at the BS you wrote. Blacks worked just as hard after slavery as they did when slavery existed. Whites cheated them out of their money, wouldn't pay them, even charged them fake charges for sharecropping. Trust the slaves to behave? I believe it was the other way around, the African American employee couldn't trust you not to be raping their women and daughters or trust you to be fair and pay them what they earned.

  82. Trollonymous Burgundy1:36 AM


    I cosign with everything you said at 12:29. I'm glad you found the energy to break it down. When I first read that shameful ignorance, I was almost amazed. He/she cannot be serious.

    I once read where someone wanted to class racism as a mental disorder. I thought they were just looking for an excuse, but I can see why someone would want to believe that type drivel could only come from a mentally ill person. Some are hateful and willful, but a lot (like the anon) seem to have the mental process of those with an acute delusional psychosis.

    "the African American employee couldn't trust you not to be raping their women and daughters or trust you to be fair and pay them what they earned."


  83. Anonymous4:29 AM

    "I once read where someone wanted to class racism as a mental disorder."

    Read this: Equality is mental disorder.

  84. Trollo and Granny were on fire last night. :)

    Trolls beware.

  85. field negro said...

    Trollo and Granny were on fire last night. :)

    Yeah, well it's damn easy to be a troll-o on fire when you're part she-devil.

  86. Wow, I'm getting credit for posts I didn't even make. They were pretty good but I can't take credit for someone else's work.
    @LA, you seem obsessed with your hatred of Latinos. Maybe you should get some help with that. Good luck.

  87. Jerry Smith, LCSW6:10 AM

    Hello Brother, I grew up in North Philly during the 60s & graduated from Edison High when it was on 8th & Lehigh. I ran across your blog and was very impressed with what you're doing. I replied to your post on the NAACP & have not seen my comment. As a novice, I'm not sure what the procedure is for responding; please advise. This is my reply:

    It is amazing that some of you are surprised at Jerome Whyatt Mondesire’s behavior; after all, he is the President of local and state chapters of the NAACP. By the way, does he have “Reverend” in front of his name? I ask because many of the NAACP leaders started out as “pimps in the pulpit.” The sole purpose of creating the NAACP was to ensure that Black America’s “Talented Tenth” (so named by WEB DuBois in reference to the 10% of the Black race he felt was talented enough to lead the other 90%) remained in our place. Our place is to grovel for the crumbs from the tables of White America. Remember, it was the NAACP’s founder-Joel Spingarn (a Jew who has an annual award given in his honor) and his puppet, WEB DuBois who attacked the Honorable Marcus Garvey by writing spurious letters to President Wilson demanding his deportation. If Jerome Whyatt Mondesire had refurbished Hunting Park, he would have contributed to the uplifting of our youth; that is the exact opposite of the mission of the NAACP. All of Black America’s old school organizational leadership such as the NAACP, Urban League, CORE, SCLC, etc., are nothing more than poverty pimps and they have a stake in our people remaining poor. These organizations each have annual operating budgets exceeding millions of dollars. What have they done with this money besides squandering it away in exorbitant salaries and lavish banquets at White owned hotels? We Black Americans are in this dismal state because of these organizations and we refuse to recognize it. We are continuing to support them out of ignorance, habit and a misguided sense of loyalty. We need to disband all of these organizations because the only group benefiting from their existence is White America.

    Jerry Smith, LCSW
