Tuesday, June 10, 2014

This time it's Oregon, and the racism chase continues.

Image: Brandi Wilson (left) and her daughter, Trisha Wilson (right), embrace Trish Hall, a mother waiting for her child, after a shooting at Reynolds High School on Tuesday in Troutdale, Ore. (© Troy Wayrynen/AP)Another day another mass shooting in America. Yawn.

I can see now why homeschooling is on the rise. Folks are just too scared to send their children off to school these days.

The way things have been going of late you just don't know if they will be coming home.

The state of Oregon can now join a long list of states like Connecticut, Washington, Colorado, and Virginia to have experienced a mass shooting in one of their schools.

"TROUTDALE, Ore. (AP) — A lone gunman armed with a rifle shot and killed a student Tuesday and injured a teacher shortly after classes started at a high school in a quiet Columbia River town in Oregon and was later found dead as police arrived, authorities said.

Authorities have tentatively identified the gunman but weren't ready to release the name, Troutdale Police Chief Scott Anderson said.

They were in the process of notifying the family of the gunman and student who was killed.

Anderson said the teacher suffered non-life threatening injuries and was treated at the scene."

We don't need to hear anymore. The story is all too familiar.

Now comes the finger pointing and all the reasons why this "troubled young man " acted the way that he did.

President Obama says that not getting responsible legislation passed about guns is one of his biggest "frustrations" of his presidency.

Well Mr. President, all I can tell you is this: Your presidency is not yet over.

Finally, some other thoughts.

Let me start by chasing the Big R.

Tonight my chase takes me to Florida. I swear that the Big R has another home down there.  

"A Florida city commissioner apologized over the weekend for shouting the n-word at a woman in a grocery store parking lot, but said that he did it because he felt threatened by passengers in her car.

In a police report obtained by WTVJ, a woman asserted that Wilton Manors Commissioner Ted Galatis “began calling her and her passengers ’N*ggers’” in a Publix parking lot on Sunday. The driver told police that Galatis should not be allowed to “get away with it.”

Galatis admitted to WTVJ that he “may have” used the n-word, but it was while he was “protecting myself from the immediate threat.”

“I apologize for my use of the ’N’ word. It is something I never say,” a statement from Galatis said. “I offer no excuse, other than it was uttered when I was being threatened in front of my own home.”

Galatis’ wife, Donna, defended her husband when WTVJ reporter Jamie Guirola caught up with her at the family’s home.

“What did they say to me?” Donna Galatis shot back when she asked about the slur. “White bitch, I’ll slice you up.” [Source]

"Ill slice you up"? Hmmm, sounds like a line from a Blaxploitaion flick from the seventies. Methink Mr. Galatis has been watching Shaft.

And this story confused me. Does he live in the grocery store? If he called them "Niggers" in the grocery store parking lot, how was he being "threatened" in front of his home?

Oh well, all is well that ends well. I am sure that Mr. Galatis will keep his job and the woman who he called the slur learned a very important lesson in life: Always give the well dressed white man the right of way when driving.

And then there is the following story out of Iowa.

"A black Iowa high school student is publicly accusing his teacher of wanting him to refer to him as “master.” Roosevelt High School senior Jabre White complained to the school, and now he wants to know exactly how Shawn McCurtain was disciplined, if he was disciplined at all.

White said McCurtain had told the class they were heading downstairs to take the final, at which point White said, “Yes, sir.” McCurtain then reportedly replied, “Say ‘yes, master.’” White was dumbfounded by the teacher’s remark, even if it was meant in jest, and dropped the f-bomb in response.

And what bothered White even more was that when he told the vice principal about the incident, he seemed more worked up about the f-bomb than the fact the teacher made an offensive statement like that.

But even though the school confirmed McCurtain made the comment, White and his mother are upset that he appears not to have been disciplined sufficiently." [Source]

Young man, you should not have dropped the "f-bomb". I understand your frustration with the situation and your shock at hearing this educator act this way, but always try to restrain yourself and take the high road when faced with ignorance. Especially in your situation.

The better course of action would have been to simply walk away and go straight to the Principal's office and repeat what you just heard.

I know it's easy for me to say typing on a key board from over a thousand miles away, but all I can give you is advice.

Hopefully this will be teachable moment for you, unfortunately, though, it's
too late for your teacher.  





  1. Wow, I felt threatened so I decided to escalate the situation by using the n-word. Brilliant plan.

    In other news it looks like Eric Cantor is going down! Tea party for life baby!

  2. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Yeeeeaaahhh, Fuck you Cantor! You little wimp!

  3. Felt so threatened that he went straight to what courts used to call "fighting words" eh? Lying %*&^%$.

  4. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Galatis admitted to WTVJ that he “may have” used the n-word, but it was while he was “protecting myself from the immediate threat.” - Ted Galatis

    I tell you boy, these crackas are getting more delusional by the day. Now, the mere presence of black passengers in a car is now considered a major to white men! Wimpy ass honky!

  5. More violence from those right-wing militia types that yo mama, i mean field, warned you about.

    Gay Man Violently Beaten at Detroit Pride Event


    2 people getting shot is now a mass shooting?

    "The story is all too familiar."

    Except mass shootings is at its lowest levels in decades.

  6. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Chicago Public Schools prom slogan: ‘This Is Are Story’

    It’s hard to deny just how poorly Chicago’s public schools are performing when it hits you in the face. Such is the case with Paul Robeson High School’s 2014 prom theme: “This is Are Story.”


  7. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Black people shouldn't threaten to "slice up" people if they don't want to be called niggers.

    Come on, people.

  8. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Yeah, Jabre White sounds like a credible fellow.

    Someone should find that boy some cotton to pick right quick.

  9. Anonymous10:41 PM

    This is from the June 9th thread but I simply can't let this one get away. Considering that two Chicago PD officers were shot but not killed it says loads. BTW they were shot by Blacks in an ambush.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If only a good guy with a gun had been at CiCi's Pizza this could have been prevented. Wait...........

    BS. Most policeman shoot poorly. Their training is directed towards specific scenarios. Get outside their training loop and bad thing happens. When I shot IDPA matches, we had PD showing up wanting to learn how to shoot. Civilians followed by some ex-military were the best. All of the PD competed in SSP category and I can't remember one of them competing beyond the novice class. The ones who knew what they were doing were competing in IPSC and there weren't many. All of the officers who shot the matches were White. I never saw a Black officer, much less a woman. A Black female officer might as well have been a three headed martian.
    The PD who shot Glocks were competitive after a few matches. Those who shot DA/SA weapons rarely could get past the trigger transition. Their organic training often interfered with them competing effectively. In a PD scenario they did fairly well. In something unexpected it was very
    different. In short, unless your situational awareness is high and you're trained towards an ambush scenario you're really behind the power curve. A lot of PD are affected because of PC and that gets in the way of effectively defending themselves. They should have a scenario about ambush in their training. They don't. A lot of civilian shooters will practice just this. You can tell where most people are by shooting the El Presidente drill. A perfect score with movement in 10 to 12 seconds puts you in a different class of shooter. Few PD can do this. A lot of civilians can. I would doubt any bangers would get even close. To summarize unless you have situational awareness and without proper training in a ambush situation, things will likely go poorly. But hey it doesn't look like the Chicago bangers practice situational awareness either. My two cents.


  10. Anonymous11:08 PM

    "My two cents."

    First, you don't have two cents. Second, you don't have enough sense to earn two cents. Go back to your trailer and let you sister take care of you buttplug.

  11. Wesley R11:09 PM

    Foxnews sure turned on Cantor quick.

  12. Anonymous11:11 PM

    "Most policeman shoot poorly."

    Most idiots have poor grammar. Most policeMEN! Maybe you should spend more time at a library and less time at the gun range practicing imaginary ambush scenarios.

  13. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Say "Yes, master"? I'm white and I'd think that teacher was an ass if he said that to me. That's obnoxious even without the racist angle.

    What a weenie. Why do I suspect there are probably a whole bunch of other complaints about this particular teacher?

  14. Anonymous11:32 PM

    In other news it looks like Eric Cantor is going down!

    Yeah, Eric Cantor lost ... to the preferred candidate of the Latino-haters' club.

    Racism for the win! Yay?

  15. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Aw, isn't that cute? QLB is a gun nut. She probably runs around in camouflage outfits and plays paintball with other military wannabes. You think she wears facepaint and everything while imagining how she'd take out a badguy? This place is a hoot.

    "ISSP PLDL SA/MW USSR blah blah blah blah blah"

  16. Anonymous11:51 PM


    QLB's fantasy.

  17. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Galatis admitted to WTVJ that he “may have” used the n-word, but it was while he was “protecting myself from the immediate threat.” - Ted Galatis

    I tell you boy, these crackas are getting more delusional by the day. Now, the mere presence of black passengers in a car is now considered a major to white men! Wimpy ass honky!

    9:02 PM
    Everything everywhere is against black folks. Whites are afraid of Blacks on the same sidewalk and now they are afraid of Blacks in cars. I am grateful the wm only used the N-word. They usually shoot us dead.

    It's "dangerous" and "humiliating" to be Black in America.

    It's so damn depressing to be Black in America....I just want to cry. I can get no peace or respect.


  18. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Aw, isn't that cute? QLB is a gun nut. She probably runs around in camouflage outfits and plays paintball with other military wannabes. You think she wears facepaint and everything while imagining how she'd take out a badguy? This place is a hoot.

    Nah, It would only mean you'd be my bitch.

  19. Anonymous12:01 AM

    If even half of what we are hearing regarding the Bergdahl story is confirmed, it is almost inconceivable that Obama would not be impeached. His administration quite literally sides with the enemy against the USA and its Armed Forces. By any reasonable definition this is treason.

    Yet being black trumps everything else in this country, so Obama will not be impeached under any circumstances whatsoever. The best we can hope is that America somehow survives this contemptible farce of a presidency, and that Obama takes the increasingly odious Democrat Party with him when he finally goes.

  20. Anonymous12:12 AM

    "Nah, It would only mean you'd be my bitch."

    Ha! Brilliant retort! Such an intellectual.

  21. Anonymous12:14 AM

    "The best we can hope is that America somehow survives this contemptible farce of a presidency, and that Obama takes the increasingly odious Democrat Party with him when he finally goes."

    And let's replace him with Sarah Palin and Louie Gohmert and the rest of the Republican brain trust. Maybe we can get into another war and ruin the economy again! Yeah! Three cheers for the stooooooooooopid party!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Anonymous12:16 AM

    "Yet being black trumps everything else in this country, so Obama will not be impeached under any circumstances whatsoever."

    Dumbest shit ever written anywhere. Well maybe this is dumber, you decide.

    "If even half of what we are hearing regarding the Bergdahl story is confirmed, it is almost inconceivable that Obama would not be impeached. His administration quite literally sides with the enemy against the USA and its Armed Forces. By any reasonable definition this is treason."

    Oh the stoooooopid is strong in this one. Bill, is that you?

  23. Anonymous12:17 AM

    "Yet being black trumps everything else in this country, so Obama will not be impeached under any circumstances whatsoever."

    Damn right bitch, just wait until Barack makes all you whities our slaves! Pick my cotton boy. And give praises to Allah!

  24. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Steve, is that you?

  25. Anonymous12:22 AM

    "And what bothered White even more was that when he told the vice principal about the incident, he seemed more worked up about the f-bomb than the fact the teacher made an offensive statement like that."

    Black Lesson 101: Never assume that the wm is going to be punished for insulting you. This is 'America', where "White is right and Black get back".

    You can never use the f-bomb on a white teacher in a white school in a white state like Iowa and expect to get some sympathy from the principal.

    Next time, do what the teacher tells you. If he says to you, "Say yes, master." Say it, and move on.

    Right, Field? I mean, this kid is too damn uppity. He needs some meds to calm him down.

  26. Anonymous12:23 AM

    What was that place you use to work at Steve? The one you got fired from for being racist?

    I would hate to see that happen to you again.

  27. "What was that place you use to work at Steve? The one you got fired from for being racist?"

    I was a pimp and your mom was my bottom bitch. I didn't get fired I retired because she could suck a mean................

  28. Anonymous12:48 AM

    So he felt threaten ha, typical white male Bitch. Why do these pale DEVILS always apologize AFTER getting CAUGHT ? I mean why bother, NO ONE gives a SHYT about YOUR apology. It reminds me of these white males who CONSTANTLY get CAUGHT RAPING their OWN KIDS & all of a sudden, YOUR SORRY. It seems that EVERYDAY some BIGOT ASS-HOLE is either SHOOTING UP INNOCENT PEOPLE or calling Black People names. I HATE a HYPOCRITICAL SOB, then you pale SNAKES call yourselves " CHRISTIANS while you DRINK your MOON SHINE, waving around your flag SCREAMING usa, usa, usa, you look like TOTAL IDIOTS, & you have the GALL to say YOU felt threaten. You are truly some SICK ASS BUMS. From the 75 yr old FAT ASS WHITE DEVILS to your BILLY GOAT KIDS. You are UNCIVILIZED, UNSOPHISTICATED &'RACIST. I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE ANY Black Person to AVOID the DEVILS WHENEVER YOU CAN. You don't need me to tell you that the DEVIL is alive & KICKING. The fact is EVIDENCED by the numbers of white folks coming out of the wood work. White folks have the CHARACTERISTICS of the DEVIL. The pale THANGS &:SATAN STOLE this land from the Native americans. What have the PALE THANGS invented other than HELL ON EARTH. EVERYTHING, & i mean EVERYTHING that Black People INVENTED, the PALE THANGS STOLEN it & CALMED it for THEMSELVES. I DON'T LIKE WHITE DEVILS. EVERYTHING the WHITE DEVILS has touched or came upon, has been UTTERLY DESTROYED. AVOID THIS BACKSLIDING BEAST AT ALL COST.

  29. This just in: 15 thousand extra Democrats in VA-07 voted for Brat in the open primary, putting him well over the mark.

  30. If not for them, Cantor would have had a 20% blow out.

  31. "If even half of what we are hearing regarding the Bergdahl story is confirmed, it is almost inconceivable that Obama would not be impeached."

    And so the great far-Right group masturbation session continues apace.

  32. The "I" word huh. Man u wingnuts are really stupid.

    The thing is, u are actually going to get worse.
    With the fall of Mr. Hair in Va rigjt wing politicians are going to get even more extreme.

  33. Anonymous6:51 AM

    "...these crackas are getting more delusional by the day."

    I feel insulted.

    FN, discipline this poster! Ban this poster!

    Only white people are allowed to use the slur "craker." You, FN, made that perfectly clear in a previous post.

  34. Anonymous7:02 AM

    The word 'cracker' is a perfectly normal word and can be used by everyone. A cracker is an unsweetened crispy biscuit, and to take offense at it is just plain silly. Honky is also a normal, everyday run of the mill word,meaning to honk (as in horn) a lot, often or too much. The word 'redneck is also a common usage word, meaning a sunburned neck. You cannot compare it to the n word.

  35. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Does that mean that I can go back to using the word "niggardly"?

  36. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Read Websters dictionary first. If it's in Websters dictionary you can.Otherwise you cannot.

  37. making it plain:

    Field; I (our office) Now in private practice) recieved a request to provide pro bono assistance in Texas Arizona and now Nevada..This is right up my alley because I have been given MUCH and now I want to take a break from capital cases and work a bit to help UNDOC??? children..Field, this bothers me more than ever because it is personal..I remember PedroPan cases out of cuba as a child and now today i know what took place because of fear.

    The children are in dire need of assistance because they are in deep trouble and risk of disappearing, of being sexually assaulted and simply abused..

    If there are any colleagues who work for self or and spk Spanish please help all doors are openAls9 will you write a short article? Pro and con Thanks


  38. Anonymous9:02 AM

    'receive' i before e except after c. Thank you. And what a noble cause. But their parents will bring them right back in as soon as they are deported. They love this country and will risk their lives to get and be here. Just as do so many other nationalities.Go figure!

    The word police

  39. Anonymous9:56 AM

    80% of all gun crime is by blacks, the logical solution would be to disarm blacks. Oh, wait, crime statistics are not allowed here, just BS.

  40. Well, i see purple cow enjoys himself some white masturbation sessions.

    " 15 thousand extra Democrats in VA-07 voted for Brat in the open primary, putting him well over the mark."

    Links please.


  41. LaCubanadeMatanzas said...
    The children are in dire need of assistance because they are in deep trouble and risk of disappearing, of being sexually assaulted and simply abused..

    These children are in federal government custody.

    Nothing to do with Rush or the NRA so your fears are misplaced.

    Unless you don't trust the government.


  42. I wonder if FN is going to do a story on the Los Angeles case where the government court decided tenure for teachers was bad for poor minorities.

    A big blow to the teacher unions that routinely put the worst teachers in minority schools.

    Sad that it takes a lawsuit for teacher unions to start focusing on helping the kids instead of enriching union reps and selected politicians.

    My solution for fixing government schools? FORCE all politicians to put their kids in government schools.


  43. In reality, airplanes not only spew far more greenhouse gases per passenger than any other mode of transport, but they do so high in the atmosphere, magnifying the ill effects.

    I always wondered how pilots can justify all the damage to the environment they are doing just out of greed for money.

  44. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Bill10:40 AMLaCubanadeMatanzas said...
    Unless you don't trust the government.
    She does not. She has said so before. And yet here she is. Enjoying all the benefits and living the good life. Go figure!


  45. Obama Popularity Hits Low in Poll After Prisoner Exchange

    A few more independents and democrats bailing on Obama.

    He never had republican support, all the support he has lost since his election has been independents and democrats.

  46. Anonymous11:51 AM

    I say Cubana go home! You are using up our resources.

  47. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Weak evidence Ds swung VA-7. Highest D precs have lowest total votes (not all localities in VA-7, but highest D incl)


  48. Anonymous1:11 PM

    "80% of all gun crime is by blacks, the logical solution would be to disarm blacks. Oh, wait, crime statistics are not allowed here, just BS."

    And 100% of mass shootings are by whites. Goofy white boys. See how this works?

  49. Anonymous1:13 PM

    "I always wondered how pilots can justify all the damage to the environment they are doing just out of greed for money."

    I've always wondered about all the stupid Bill puts into the atmosphere. Does he enjoy polluting or does he not know how much stupid he is actually delivering?

  50. Anonymous1:19 PM

    "I always wondered how pilots can justify all the damage to the environment they are doing just out of greed for money."

    What are you talking about dumbass? CO2 isn't a poison! It's good for the environment. What damage? Are you a global warming alarmist? Bill is an AGW alarmist! He wants to take away our freedoms! Bill is a communist! I knew it!

  51. Anonymous1:24 PM

    "In a major announcement that flies in the face of the erroneous mantra of the world's political elite, a team of scientists has declared that carbon dioxide is NOT causing climate change.

    Left (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)--Al Gore continues to push debunked notion of man-made global warming."

    "Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn't even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas." -Rep. Michelle Bachmann, April, 2009

    See Bill, even Michele Bachmann knows the truth.

  52. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I wonder if Bill is a vegan. If he isn't he is a big fucking hypocrite since going vegan will save the atmosphere tons of CO2. Of course he's not, his double standards/hypocrisy knows no bounds!

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Not a link, kkky.con; math, thus you "heard it here first." It goes like this:

    In 2012, a high turn-out presidential year roughly 47,000 people voted in the 7th District Republican primary. This time, an ostensibly low-turnout off-year election, roughly 65,000 voted. Even assuming that the entire '12 Republican turnout voted this time, that's still 18,000 new voters. If just 16,000 of these new voters were Democrats voting to axe Cantor, (having chosen their own candidate by convention) and these hadn’t voted: Cantor would then have had around 29,000+ votes, and Brat would have had around 20,000+. Which would have worked out to approximately 59% for Cantor, which is where he was at in 2012 and much closer to his internal polling showing him with a lead of 34% among likely REPUBLICAN voters.


  55. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Dear FN, just thought I would drop by to let you know that at the University of Alabama, racism is still very much alive:


  56. Anonymous3:38 PM

    You know Black People, it just dawned on me, the REAL THUGS are white males with guns. OH YES, i just love it when i here male white THUGS ALWAYS talking about " Black Street Gangs with guns"' & the thing is, as much as you male white THUGS are GUNNING people DOWN simply because you couldn't GET LAID, OH BROTHER, then i say that the SO-CALLED STREET GANGS HAD BETTER ARM UP. By the way, we all know that " INNER CITY " & " STREET GANG " is CODE for Black People. It was an ARMED CHILY COOKER & a male white THUG that GUNNED DOWN UNARMED Black teens, one for WALKING HOME & another just for listening to loud MUSIC. HUMMM, so who are the REAL THUGS, the UNARMED Black Teens who plays loud MUSIC or WALK home with a bag of SKITTLES or the male white THUGS who are ARMED TO THE TEETH & QUICK TO PULL THE TRIGGER ? ok, now, what i want to know is, why are you male THUG whites Sooooooo WEAK & CONFRONTATIONTATIONAL ? i am Black to the BONE, DON'T DATE white females & PROUD of my Black Race, but l can why white females want Men of another RACE. When a STRONG Black Man decides to takes a stand, you white males CHASTISE us while you walk around in skinny jeans & doing things WOMEN do. Hold up l have another question, why are you male white THUGS such COWARDLY WITHOUT your GUNS ? i mean help me please, i want to know, you made them & you LOVE them just like you do ANIMALS. NOW, i know you are void of a SOUL& have DEFECTIVE BRAINS but thats NO EXCUSE to gun someone down just because YOU can't get LAID, come on now. You got ASS handed to you by Black People during the RELIGIOUS WARS in HAND to HAND COMBAT. Thats why you created guns, to off set your COWARDLY NATURE. Why don't you MAN UP & stop acting like LITTLE CHILDREN by acting tough trying impress a girl.

  57. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Anonymous said...
    You know Black People, it just dawned on me, the REAL THUGS are white males with guns.
    3:38 PM
    It JUST dawned on you?

  58. Well Bill, I figure like this my plane holds around 170 pax. If all of those folks decided to drive to LA vice flying that would amount to a lot more emissions being tossed into the air. I also am a true believer, I don't take extra gas if I don't think I'm going to need it,you burn more fuel when you take more fuel. I also think I balance out the numerous guys who burn gas to "teach the company a lesson" ect. There's a lot to this game and I've put some thought into it. I try to spead the gospel of conservation, sometimes it works sometimes it falls on deaf ears. Greed? Maybe but I try to do my part to mitigate what I do.

  59. Anonymous4:29 PM

    "I always wondered"

    Bill probably wonders what happens to the sun at night.

  60. Anonymous4:31 PM

    "He never had republican support, all the support he has lost since his election has been independents and democrats."

    Another pearl of wisdom from our brain warrior.

  61. Anonymous4:37 PM

    I never had a problem with black pilots until I came across the PilotX character.

    Now, if I ever do see a black guy in the cockpit, I'll think it's him and get the fuck off. I would never stay on a plane where his dumb ass was anywhere near the controls.

    That stupid motherfucker is going to run out of gas some day because he thinks he controls the weather.

    You can take the savage out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of the savage.


  62. ilotX said...

    Well Bill, I figure like this my plane holds around 170 pax

    It's not my science.

    It's from MotherJones.

    I'm under the impression they believe in Climate Change and their articles reflect that position.

    If you disagree about their Climate Change articles, take it up with MotherJones.

    Maybe but I try to do my part to mitigate what I do.


    The MoptherJones link also has a link to an article about you "but" people.

    A recent study by Stewart Barr, a geographer at the UK's University of Exeter, found that people who identified as committed environmentalists actually flew more than those who didn't.

    It's MotherJones stuff. No NRA or Rush links.

  63. Anonymous6:23 PM

    This entire blog is fucking stupid. Stupid is as Stupid could be! Wiggas and Niggas!

  64. "It's not my science.

    It's from MotherJones.

    I'm under the impression they believe in Climate Change and their articles reflect that position.

    If you disagree about their Climate Change articles, take it up with MotherJones."

    But YOU said "I always wondered how pilots can justify all the damage to the environment they are doing just out of greed for money."

    So you either believe in global warming or you are lying about wondering about such. OK.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. "That stupid motherfucker is going to run out of gas some day because he thinks he controls the weather."

    Huh? Your comment makes no sense whatsoever. Well maybe to an idiot. But since you seem to want to know, transport category aircraft operated under 121 rules are flight planned following FAR 121.647 as well as FAR 91.167.
    Quick and dirty, 121.647 says you have to plan based on current and forecast weather/winds, any known delays, one approach and a missed approach and anything else that may delay landing. 91.167 says you have to have enough fuel to reach your destination and the fly to your most distant alternate and then have 45 minutes of reserve fuel at cruising speed. Now with all of that it's up to you and your dispatcher to flight plan what you believe is the proper amount of fuel.
    I have never run out of fuel but I know some people who have and guess what, they were all white.
    See, you learned something today. From a savage no less.

    1. So Bill, do you believe in AGW?

  67. Anonymous7:07 PM

    You CRAKKAS are so hostile. There's no living with you ice creatures in peace. NONE, if you CRAKKAS were twice as smart as you are now, you would be absolutely STUPID. I actually don't like MOST CRAKKAS in general, their so RUDE, IGNORANT, LOUD, & OBNOXIOUS & getting more FEMININE every day. Their ALWAYS COMPLAINING like little BITCHES, its SICKENING. Always talking about how lost their girl. Geez, get a WIFE. No one WHINES like a pale male, Nooooo ONE, you T.H.E most ANNOYING BITCHES in the known World. The males WHINE, the females WHINE, WHINE all the f#$/@! $ time when you cannot get your way. Why do you think YOU are ENTITLED to MOON, SUN, & STAR'S ? the World DOESN'T REVOLVE around YOU. & don't let us Black People talk about ECONOMIC INDEPENDENTS, you lose what's left of
    your llittle minds. Blank People, i know the attacks on obama by RACIST CRAKKAS is a cause to rally around obama, & thats GOOD ! CRAKKAS cannot see beyond RACE, but remember, we are dealing with a pale CREATURE with a DEBASED MIND who ENVY us. Now, i want to say this, the reason why the Fed's did not, & will not come down on the bundys of the World is because they NEED them. Can you imagine if Black People stood there pointing ASSAULT RIFLES at the heads of federal agents ? We all know what the outcome would have been. We would be in a CIVIL WAR with the federal government coming down on us with GREAT FORCES. But what's even more crazy is that the federal government don't give a SHYT about these DUMB CRAKKAS. But you can't tell that to billy bob & Susie may.

  68. Hey anon, my next trip is with a brotha. How much you wanna bet you don't hear any stories this weekend about a 737 running out of gas? Ha! I'm just happy I don't have to fly with a goofy white boy.

  69. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Don't get so happy about flying with a brother. Many of our peeps don't like Blacks. Or he just might be a Republican with right-winged Tea Party views. that could be a long flight for you.

  70. Anonymous9:57 PM

    I'm sticking with white pilots until that stupid, sun-worshipping motherfucker either retires, gets fired, or crashes his plane after running out of gas. I'm calling the FAA on his crazy black ass.

  71. Nope, dude is a cool cat. We've flown together before.

    Yeah anon, stick with the white boys who run off runways and land at the wrong airports. Good luck with that.

  72. Anonymous10:53 PM

    "I'm sticking with white pilots until that stupid, sun-worshipping motherfucker either retires, gets fired, or crashes his plane after running out of gas. I'm calling the FAA on his crazy black ass."

    One, you can't afford a plane ticket and two you don't own a phone.

  73. I'm glad he dropped the "F-Bomb". I would have been tempted to carpet bomb that teacher with the F-Bomb.

    You know, remarks like that "master" remark are illegal in Brazil and will get a person put in jail. Since the teacher won't go to jail in the US, as he would in Brazil, therefore the F-Bomb might be one reasonable element of a student's relatively minimal recourse.

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