Monday, June 09, 2014

Refreshing the tree of liberty.

I have to talk about this shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada, because I am quite sure that outside of social media and blogs such as this one you will not hear any serious commentary about it.

It comes on the heels of a shooting in Atlanta where another one of these nut- jobs wanted to show us that "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."  Anyway, once again these domestic terrorists are showing us why we should be just as afraid of them as we are of those evil Mooslims.

These two individuals hated their government and authority. (Sound familiar?) And according to their neighbors ---and their Facebook page--- they were supporters of tax cheat, Cliven Bundy, as well.

We should get used to it, because I suspect that there is going to be a lot more of this type of deranged behavior coming from certain types of people in American society.

You can only foam at the mouth for so long over your computer keys, and shoot beer cans in your backyard before you want to act out on the hate that has been building up for years from listening to white right wing hate radio, and conspiracy nuts like Glen Beck and Alex Jones. (BTW, Alex believes that this shooting was set up as a "false flag" operation by the evil government. Ok then,  Alex.)

But Field, what about all the killings in Chicago over the weekend? Why aren't you blogging about that?

Well, for starters, I don't believe that any of those gang- bangers shot two police officers to death. Or, for that matter, that they ran into a huge box- store and shot an innocent person to death just for the heck of it.

Killings in urban America are horrible, and something must be done about them. But these killings are fueled by gang alliances and conflicts, as well as the urban drug trade which thrives due to lack of employment and a stable family environment for these knuckle heads.

But I am not afraid of these urban street gangs rising up and trying to overthrow our government anytime soon. The white supremacy and sovereign movement on the other hand give me cause for pause.  

"The newspaper's report also said the shooters covered the officers' bodies with something featuring the Revolutionary War-era Gadsden flag. The yellow flag, which contains an image of a coiled snake and the words "Don't tread on me," is associated with the conservative Tea Party political movement."

A flag like this one ? Oh yes, I have definitely seen that before.



  1. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Right-wingers get very angry when lefties like the SPLC accurately call out far-right groups:

    *White supremacists.
    *The Patriot/Sovereign Citizen buffoons.
    *Violent Christian Right culture warriors, like Eric Rudolph, who bomb abortion clinics and kill gays

    What else are you gonna call these people? Honesty requires calling them what they are: terrorists.

  2. Paleo6:58 PM

    "We should get used to it, because I suspect that there is going to be a lot more of this type of deranged behavior coming from certain types of people in American society."

    I sure hope you are right, Mr. Negro. It's about time people started holding the criminals running our government accountable.

    But as far as there being a "domestic terrorist" threat, this is all just a propaganda campaign to pave the way for more attacks on civil liberties as the Obama administration goes after what it sees as the enemy: The American people.

    And of course you a right there to help raise the alarm and help scare people out of their freedoms.

    You are such a loyal boot licker for the establishment, they just have to have a nice place for set aside.

  3. I guess the administration got something right when they told us far right wing anti government types pose a threat.

  4. Anonymous7:07 PM

    As the left always like to say..

    Lets wait for all the facts before persecuting anyone here. This poor misguided youth and his young bride having to endure months of stifling desert heat in the battle against the terrorist BLM may have succumbed to the baking heat of the sun. Studies show exposure of this magnitude can cause mental illness. Having lost their healthcare because of the restrictions of Obama care the couple was unable to obtain medical assistance for their injuries. Trying to treat themselves with homeopathic medicine may have exacerbated their illness. We should at least wait till their story is told before passing judgment. As with all tragedies of this magnitude we need to wait for all the facts before drawing conclusions. Lets have some reason here and wait for this to play itself out in full.

  5. Anonymous7:24 PM

    "But as far as there being a "domestic terrorist" threat, this is all just a propaganda campaign to pave the way for more attacks on civil liberties as the Obama administration goes after what it sees as the enemy: The American people.

    And of course you a right there to help raise the alarm and help scare people out of their freedoms."

    So is this guy one of these anti-government types? I mean she is basically accusing the government of taking away their "freedom". Only teh stupid talk incessantly about losing their freedoms. Stupid+guns=this kind of shit.

  6. Anonymous7:25 PM

    "Lets wait for all the facts before persecuting anyone here."

    Good idea, now run your dumb ass over to the Fox News studios and tell them this.

  7. If Obama wants to take on those scary Domestic Terrorists, he'd better bulk up:

  8. "I guess the administration got something right when they told us far right wing anti government types pose a threat."

    Get back to me when these "far right wing anti government types" kill people in the numbers that Obama's sons and daughters do.

    Only then would this administration have a point.

  9. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Yeah, a couple of crackers...

    Being a White person, I am allowed to use that slur, FN told me so in a thread this past weekend.

    ...murder three (?) people.


    Pray for the families.

  10. Anonymous7:36 PM

    If only a good guy with a gun had been at CiCi's Pizza this could have been prevented. Wait...........

  11. Anonymous7:38 PM

    "Pray for the families."

    We can only pray for the families when the terrorists kill as many people as Sasha and Malia.

  12. Colonel Corn7:38 PM

    "Only teh stupid talk incessantly about losing their freedoms."

    PilotX thinks wanting to preserve your Constitutional freedoms is "stupid".

    Go figure.

  13. Anonymous7:38 PM

    KinkyCon said: "Get back to me when these "far right wing anti government types" kill people in the numbers."

    They already have many times over from a historical perspective, dumb shit!

  14. Ready, aim, ...7:46 PM

    People who don't support the President's unconstitutional abuse of power are "domestic terrorists" who need to be "combated".

    Funny how these news stories come along the same week Eric Holder announces he is re-commissioning the Domestic Terrorism task force. Almost like a coordinated campaign. Nah, couldn't be.

    You don't need "false flag" operations, all you need to do is spin tragic events a certain way and you can convince people they need to submit to more government oppression for their own protection.

    Obama would be Stalin if he thought he could get away with it.

    Let's not let him.

  15. Anonymous7:55 PM

    "People who don't support the President's unconstitutional abuse of power are "domestic terrorists" who need to be "combated".

    So now we should just let people shoot cops because they oppose the President? You folks are nuts!

    "PilotX thinks wanting to preserve your Constitutional freedoms is "stupid".

    Captain crunch thinks it's ok to shoot cops if you do it to preserve your "Constitutional Freedoms". Oh teh stupid runs deep in trailer parks across the country. I guess it's unconstitutional to be Black and president. Who knew?

  16. Cliven Bundy7:58 PM

    I have the constitutional right to shoot cops while they eat lunch. Well, as long as there's a ni@@er in the White House that is. And you have to put a Gadsden flag over the body, then it's ok.

  17. Some of the comments so far prove my point about these far right wing types.

    I mean there is dumb and there is D.U.M.B.

    Alex and Glen would be proud.

  18. Just two more years, Cliven. Do u think u can hold your brothers back that long?

  19. By Berghdal-gazi standards we should already be deporting Tbaggers to bumfukistan over this terrorism.

  20. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Field and FN Obamaholics, re: Sgt Bergdahl, this video will make you cry. Prepare yourselves:

  21. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    Some of the comments so far prove my point about these far right wing types.

    I mean there is dumb and there is D.U.M.B.

    Alex and Glen would be proud.

    8:02 PM
    Field, do you realize how much you hurt people with your mean-spirited rhetoric?

  22. By liberals standards, we should be cutting cd's with these cop killas and treating these cop killas has folk heros.

  23. With George Will in the news yet again over his inherent mysogeny/racism/privilege, and with John McCaine & Tundra Barbi weighing in on Sgt. Berghdal's release, it's time to revisit the last time that I substantially agreed with a portion of Mr. Will's comments; October, 2008:
    Call Him John the Careless

    By George F. Will

    Thursday, Late October 30, 2008

    From the invasion of Iraq to the selection of Sarah Palin, carelessness has characterized recent episodes of faux conservatism. Tuesday's probable repudiation of the Republican Party will punish characteristics displayed in the campaign's closing days.

    Some polls show that Palin has become an even heavier weight in John McCain's saddle than his association with George W. Bush. Did McCain, who seems to think that Palin's never having attended a "Georgetown cocktail party" is sufficient qualification for the vice presidency, lift an eyebrow when she said that vice presidents "are in charge of the United States Senate"?

    She may have been tailoring her narrative to her audience of third-graders, who do not know that vice presidents have no constitutional function in the Senate other than to cast tie-breaking votes. But does she know that when Lyndon Johnson, transformed by the 1960 election from Senate majority leader into vice president, ventured to the Capitol to attend the Democratic senators' weekly policy luncheon, the new majority leader, Montana's Mike Mansfield, supported by his caucus, barred him because his presence would be a derogation of the Senate's autonomy?

    Perhaps Palin's confusion about the office for which she is auditioning comes from listening to its current occupant. Dick Cheney, the foremost practitioner of this administration's constitutional carelessness in aggrandizing executive power, regularly attends the Senate Republicans' Tuesday luncheons. He has said jocularly that he is "a product" of the Senate, which pays his salary, and that he has no "official duties" in the executive branch. His situational constitutionalism has, however, led him to assert, when claiming exemption from a particular executive order, that he is a member of the legislative branch and, when seeking to shield certain of his deliberations from legislative inquiry, to say that he is a member of the executive branch.

    Palin may be an inveterate simplifier; McCain has a history of reducing controversies to cartoons. A Republican financial expert recalls attending a dinner with McCain for the purpose of discussing with him domestic and international financial complexities that clearly did not fascinate the senator. As the dinner ended, McCain's question for his briefer was: "So, who is the villain?......"

  24. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Typical right wing nut job response. Actually shooting a cop and leaving his kid fatherless is the same as making a song about it. Oh the stupid is strong on the right.

    But but but Ice-T made a song called Cop Killer in 1992........blah blah blah blah........

  25. Anonymous10:19 PM

    "Palin may be an inveterate simplifier; McCain has a history of reducing controversies to cartoons. A Republican financial expert recalls attending a dinner with McCain for the purpose of discussing with him domestic and international financial complexities that clearly did not fascinate the senator. As the dinner ended, McCain's question for his briefer was: "So, who is the villain?......"

    All Republicans are stoopid. They prove it everyday here.

    1. "All republicans are stoopid" = perfect example of the deranged, intolerant, disingenuous, hypocritical liberal mind

  26. Anonymous10:19 PM

    The VA catastrophe is backing up on Holder. It will be interesting to see if he brings charges against those criminals who falsified VA records and ripped the government off for bonuses:

  27. Dumb ass10:25 PM

    First you said
    "When white Democrat/Liberals politicians use the n-word, you don't call them out or hold them to the same standards has you do non-Democrat/Liberal politicians."

    Then you said
    "Let me cite an example FN pointed out- Gloria Platko. An elected democrat no less, not just some private citizen."

    So which is it Bill, does Field call out Dems or not? You just negated your own point. Bill Bill Bill. Not very good at this thinking thing huh?

  28. Anonymous@10:17pm

    I wasn't talking about Ice-T.

    Thanks for making the stupid even stronger.

  29. Captain Krunk10:32 PM

    "Captain crunch thinks it's ok to shoot cops if you do it to preserve your "Constitutional Freedoms"

    Of course it is. How do you think we got them?

    Do you respect authority so much you won't resist when they come to take you away?

  30. Anonymous10:45 PM

    "Do you respect authority so much you won't resist when they come to take you away?"

    10:32 PM
    Not only do I respect authority, I am afraid of authority, esp if the authority is White.

    Only Whites can defy authority. As a bm I wouldn't dare. I would be killed while my own peeps like Field and PX would stand by and say nothing. TNB, when the wm comes for a Negro.

  31. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Domestic terrorists and gang bangers and mooslims, oh my. I would keep an eye on Kinky Korn, if I was you Field. (wink, wink) Don't hurt me Kinky. I want to live!

  32. Anonymous10:52 PM

    "Do you respect authority so much you won't resist when they come to take you away?"

    Really asshole? Two cops eating lunch are somehow a threat to take you away? Some men in white coats need to take you away. White male paranoia is a bitch huh? The brotha in the WH really did drive all of you crazy.

  33. Anonymous@10:45pm

    Stand up my brother. Never be afraid to defy and stand up to the black authority.

  34. Anonymous10:53 PM

    "Don't hurt me Kinky. I want to live!"

    He won't do anything to you unless you're a little boy. He likes little boys, and acting tough on the internet.

  35. Anonymous10:55 PM

    "As a bm I wouldn't dare."

    Got that right, you are a bowel movement.

    "I would be killed while my own peeps like Field and PX would stand by and say nothing."

    Damn right they would watch your ass get mowed down, on less worthless dumbass.

  36. White guy10:57 PM

    Welocome to BRA where white cops are killed by white........wait a minute.

  37. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Two pi..s(whoops) cops - ARMED!, even... WalMart permits "open carry", and, wonder-of-wonders: the "open" carrier - ARMED!, as well. And, damned if all three ain't dead - long time dead. Tsk, tsk... And all because some right-wing/nuts (and you know they gotta be white),insecure about they dicks and consumed with fear and hatred. Meantime, back at the ranch: ATF too scared to do a Waco on Bundy: proof that these same dick-insecure mofos have intimidated and terrorized the POTUS and everyone else on down. Lordy, lordy; bless us all.

  38. Anonymous11:10 PM

    There is too much killing going on in America. Blacks, Whites...all we need now for the Latinos to start acting up.

    Obama has got to go. There's too much violence and racism going on under his command. He must go.

    If Obama wasn't President, Field, PilotX and PC would have no blog to go to because a blog like this would not survive.

    Just in case you don't know my color, I am Black.

  39. Captain Krunk11:21 PM

    "Really asshole? Two cops eating lunch are somehow a threat to take you away?"

    No, asswipe. The original supposition was in defense of preserving your "Constitutional Freedoms", not eating lunch.

    If you accept the government taking away your freedoms, you are at heart a slave.

    Stay out of the way, slave.

  40. Anonymous11:32 PM

    PilotPink idiotically said: "I guess the administration got something right when they told us far right wing anti government types pose a threat."

    You SHOULD stay far away from government, they aren't looking out for you STUPID ass!

    I do fly the friendly skies from time to time, but not with an idiot like you!

  41. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Absolute fucking tragedy. I'm glad it's over. So tragic for the policemen and the citizen that went down. Such terrible news for their families.

    Feels bad, bro.


  42. Just think...

    If the vegas shooter had rich parents he to could be an unindicted co-conspirators and pal around with a democrat president.

    Not all anti-government types are treated equal.

  43. Anonymous12:45 AM

    "Damn right they would watch your ass get mowed down, on less worthless dumbass."

    10:55 PM
    TNB. Negroes like you consider your peeps worthless. Slave Catcher.

  44. Anonymous1:42 AM

    The white TERRORIST group kkk, which was CREATED by the FAKE Jew Nathon Bedford Forest was founded on WOUNDING, MURDERING, & TERROIZING Black People. These PALE TERRORIST made DAM SURE Black People stayed in CONSTANT TERROR. Most of the TERRORIST DO NOT come from the mooslems, no, it comes from the good ol CHRISTIAN WHITE FOLKS & a LOT of them WERE WHITE POLICE.

  45. Anonymous1:48 AM

    "TNB. Negroes like you consider your peeps worthless. Slave Catcher."

    Nope, just that asshole.

  46. Anonymous1:50 AM

    "If the vegas shooter had rich parents he to could be an unindicted co-conspirators and pal around with a democrat president."

    but they didn't, they just have conservative assholes defending them.

  47. Anonymous1:51 AM

    "No, asswipe. The original supposition was in defense of preserving your "Constitutional Freedoms", not eating lunch."

    What Constitutional Freedoms are being taken away? And how are you going to protect them?

  48. Anonymous1:54 AM

    "Captain crunch thinks it's ok to shoot cops if you do it to preserve your "Constitutional Freedoms"

    Of course it is. How do you think we got them?"

    Wow, idiot conservative thinks we got freedom by shooting cops eating lunch. Must be the new conservative history.

  49. Anonymous1:57 AM

    "And of course you a right there to help raise the alarm and help scare people out of their freedoms."

    What fucking freedoms are the imbeciles talking about? Worse than Palin and W. Word salad. Say the words freedom and liberty and these drooling morons start grabbing guns and putting on tinfoil hats. Ya know, we should let all these white morons have guns so they can shoot themselves.

  50. agentX1:58 AM

    I give it 3 more weeks before some of our right wing nutjobs posters here shoot up an elementary school because Obama said Freedom with an hard F. Or some other stupid reason- they're right wingers. They ain't smart to begin with.

    Take a look at the CIC, George Will. He defends rape and denounces rape victims.

  51. Anonymous1:58 AM

    "I do fly the friendly skies from time to time, but not with an idiot like you!"

    Please, your dumb ass can't even afford a bus ticket.

  52. Yes,George and others on the right believe that blacks and rape victims are privileged.

  53. Making it plain and in ya faces

    Hey Sun as in light! (field)

    I have fam in Vegas at Nellis and lived there 15 yrs or more
    As an atty I am well aware of the cowboy mentality there and to be honest I am not surprised.. Even though those two are part of the NEW DEAL!
    If you do a cursory look at the Nevada story as i have after practticing law there and living 68 yrs you will see quite a few numbers of black and white young men who were killed by the police..

    Hold it I am not a fan of cop (I am a former prosecutor turned defense atty) killers esp those of that ilk. I am just saying that the outlaw mentality goes back to the days of the entrenched mafia etc

    The city glorifys bad behavior and its sordid past, so anything that happend comes as no surprise

    I have helped the city pros and convict Vegan outlaws etc and for the life of me I cannot overstand why anyone would think that they can kill police and not kill themselves or get caught? They knew that there was nowhere to go!

    Field when you have time look up the story of Bennie Binion someone i knew personally and respected and the former Mayor Oscar Goodman (philly) whom I also knew and worked for when i was a city atty.. Check them out and you will get a drift of what i am saying.

    When the mafia (still there) was fully pimpin Vegas one never heard of this kind of stuff (Why)? there are tons of bones in the desert which can tell the story of LAW and disorder in the desert. LMAO

    Field I will make it easy and post a link here..These are some stories that I was familiar with during my 15 yrs in vegas and along with this I will also post a link to a case i worked on and where our client is now serving life w/o (Jose Vigoa) parole He was Cuban immigrant (a homie) who I prosecuted and whom I still get cards from he is glad to be alive!

    Yes my friend its hot in Vegas and the dunb need not travel

  54. making it plain

    One cannot live in freedom unless free people are willing to die for it NOW they are free but what have they achieved? Who is better because of the murders and thier deaths? Only free conscious people! GET IT?

  55. making it plain

    There is blame This is what the GOP and the NRA wants

  56. Glorify bad behaviors!

    making it plain


  57. These democrat double standards are hard to keep track of.

    Mumia abu-Jamal killing cops makes him an icon

    the las vegas people killing cops makes them evil and any group they associate with as evil.

    Not all cop killers are equal.

  58. Anonymous11:44 AM

    People like Field and PilotX who applaud a fascist police state are the danger.

    What happens when your side doesn't control heavy hand of the state?

  59. Anonymous11:44 AM

    I know this is off topic, but what i want to know is, why do the FAKE jew OWNED MEDIA CONSTANTLY reports on how many Black People are ALWAYS stop by RACIST ASS cops ? is it to make pale folks feel good about THEIR CRIMES ? OH, I KNOW ! I KNOW ! its to keep the FOCUS off the SYNAGOGUE of SATAN. Have noticed they NEVER say WHY Black People are ALWAYS STOPPED by RACIST ASS cops ? but we know why & so do they. If someone NUKED ISRAHELL today, i would be DANCING IN THE STREETS. The FAKE Jews are T.H.E most VILE, SATANIC CREATURES in the KNOWN WORLD, & they are Sooooooo ARROGANT they really think they will NEVER PAY for their WICKED WAYS. You know these SATANIC EVIL-DOERS DOMINATED the slave trade, they BOAST about this, & when they FINALLY GET ASS HANDED TO THEM, i will NOT feel sorry for THEM. The FAKE jew Is the ENEMIES of Black People. They have INFESTED every aspect of our lives & spread their CONTAGION into our Black Culture & Politics. Even in Russia, Putin REBUILT 23,000 Churches that was DESTROYED by the FAKE jew. The FAKE jew FEARS Putin, have you noticed that Putin ALWAYS gets BAD PRESS in the FAKE jew OWNED MEDIA ? the FAKE Jews PROMOTES SEXUAL DEVIANT BEHAVIOR & CHILD RAPE & they are DECEIVING & sending this World to HELL, this World is CHOKING on FAKE jewry's FILTHY SLIME. Your HOLO-HOAX has been completely EXPOSED, the LIE is known WORLD WIDE, you spread DISASTER whenever you go, EXPEL THE PARASITES.

  60. "These democrat double standards are hard to keep track of.

    Mumia abu-Jamal killing cops makes him an icon

    the las vegas people killing cops makes them evil and any group they associate with as evil.

    Not all cop killers are equal."

    Let us for a moment pause and consider the thought processes that drove Bill to write this bollocks.

    Because some people believe that Mumia abu_Jamal may be innocent of the crime he was convicted of......


    ....umm, wait a minute.....

    ....I know, therefor everybody who even mentions the slaying of two cops by white supremacists is guilty of hypocrisy.

    Why? Well because some people have said they think abu-Jamal is innocent, then obviously only those people who do not believe abu-Jamal to be innocent are allowed to comment on this totally fucking disconnected case which happened 33 years later at the opposite end of the county.

    See? That makes total fucking sense, right?




  61. After days of bad press the White House is now saying secretary of defense chuck hagel made the final decision on the taliban prisoner swap.

    The wheels of the bus go round and round.

  62. Captain Krunk12:03 PM

    field negro said...
    Yes,George and others on the right believe that blacks and rape victims are privileged.

    You obviously didn't read his column.

    No one is defending rapists.

    The government encouraging false accusations of rape is a tool of terror and control over those elements of society it has yet to subjugate.

    It's called anarcho-tyranny. The government refuses to control real criminals (that’s the anarchy) so it controls the innocent (that’s the tyranny).

    What we have in this country today, then, is both anarchy (the failure of the state to enforce the laws) and, at the same time, tyranny—the enforcement of laws by the state for oppressive purposes; the criminalization of the law-abiding and innocent through exorbitant taxation, bureaucratic regulation, the invasion of privacy, and the engineering of social institutions, such as the family and local schools; the imposition of thought control through “sensitivity training” and multiculturalist curricula, “hate crime” laws, gun-control laws that punish or disarm otherwise law-abiding citizens but have no impact on violent criminals who get guns illegally, and a vast labyrinth of other measures. In a word, anarcho-tyranny.

    The laws that are enforced are either those that extend or entrench the power of the state and its allies and internal elites … or else they are the laws that directly punish those recalcitrant and “pathological” elements in society who insist on behaving according to traditional norms—people who do not like to pay taxes, wear seat belts, or deliver their children to the mind-bending therapists who run the public schools; or the people who own and keep firearms, display or even wear the Confederate flag, put up Christmas trees, spank their children, and quote the Constitution or the Bible—not to mention dissident political figures who actually run for office and try to do something about mass immigration by Third World populations.

    If there is no rule of law, no one is safe. You go along with it now because the guns aren't pointed at you, but believe me, they will get to you eventually.


  63. The Purple Cow said...
    Because some people believe that Mumia abu_Jamal may be innocent of the crime he was convicted of......

    Just like william ayers.

    What is it about people that kill cops are so attractive to the democrat party?

    What makes this vegas couple different? Just the politics?

  64. Those rightwing militia types that keeps worrying the fields must have invaded NYC!!!!!!

    Philly's next!!!!

    The number of shooting victims has skyrocketed across the city this year — up 43 percent in just the last month — while fewer guns are coming off the streets, NYPD statistics reveal.

    Police Commissioner Bill Bratton has repeatedly shifted the focus from shootings to a steep decline in homicides, and claims he is not worried about the gun violence.

    But sources told The Post it will only get worse in the hotter summer months, and that the alarming trend is the result of a more “reactive” police force handicapped by the inability to use tactics like stop-and-frisk.

    And PC, the hero worship of Mumia abu-Jamal goes well beyond "some" on the left beleeverating he is innocent.

  65. "What is it about people that kill cops are so attractive to the democrat party?"

    You have evidence for that Right?

    I'll wait...

    Meanwhile while you are waiting look at the Facebook page of the Las Vegas cop-killers, and wonder at the similarity of the views and philosophies expressed with those of our own rightwing nutjob posters here on F.N.

    Bill?? Kinky??

    Look in this mirror and see yourselves staring back at you.


  66. I wonder if these pictures of immigrant children locked up in detention facilities is what it looked like when the democrats locked up the Japanese in internment camps.

  67. "
    And PC, the hero worship of Mumia abu-Jamal goes well beyond "some" on the left beleeverating he is innocent."

    Gosh? Really?

    What evidence do you have for saying that?

  68. Bill Oh and that well known children's comic 'The Daily Mail'.

    A match made in heaven.

    Google "The Sidebar of Shame" for the details.


  69. The Purple Cow said...

    Bill Oh and that well known children's comic 'The Daily Mail'.

    No comment about the children in the pictures?

    Exactly as I thought you would reply. Full defense mode for the democrats.

    ding ding ding PurpleCow.

  70. Anonymous12:49 PM

    "People like Field and PilotX who applaud a fascist police state are the danger.

    What happens when your side doesn't control heavy hand of the state?"

    Where the fuck do you live that's a fascist police state? Dumbassistan? Go play with your sister and leave grown folks alone.

  71. Anonymous12:53 PM

    "Why? Well because some people have said they think abu-Jamal is innocent, then obviously only those people who do not believe abu-Jamal to be innocent are allowed to comment on this totally fucking disconnected case which happened 33 years later at the opposite end of the county."

    Bill is an idiot who just like all conservatives can't just say it was repulsive what happened in Las vegas and leave it at that.

  72. Anonymous12:57 PM

    "Why? Well because some people have said they think abu-Jamal is innocent, then obviously only those people who do not believe abu-Jamal to be innocent are allowed to comment on this totally fucking disconnected case which happened 33 years later at the opposite end of the county."

    Bill needs a reason to condone cop killing. Ooh, ooh democrats make records that celebrate cop killing so the guys who actually do it are ok! These guys are sick. When a darkie is in the WH it's tyranny and we need to kill cops! Nuts!

  73. All that angry Steve. Can't be good for you.

    "Look in this mirror and see yourselves staring back at you."

    While i'm doing that, you can look at the leftist hero worshiping Chris Dorner facebook pages and see your reflection.

    There's also more cop/fbi killers democrats heart.

    I just can't understand the left getting all outraged of these two meth addicts.


  74. Hillary comes clean on CBS...

    Hillary Clinton: I refused to ‘attack’ Palin for ‘being a woman’ despite Obama campaign request

    The democrats war on women.

    As exposed by a woman.

  75. The democrats war on women.

    As exposed by a woman.

    To serve the interests of a woman.

    A particularly vile woman, at that.

  76. "
    Bill Oh and that well known children's comic 'The Daily Mail'.

    No comment about the children in the pictures?"

    Did I not ask you to Google sidebar of shame?

  77. The Purple Cow said...
    Did I not ask you to Google sidebar of shame?

    You know the kids I'm talking about.

    You could have googled the pics yourselves.

    Instead you keep defending.

    You are very well trained.

  78. Anonymous6:26 PM

    This is a CULTURE of DEATH. I have seen GROWN ASS WHITE FOLKS standing in long lines in front of GAME STORES to buy VIOLENT GAMES. EVERY TIME a pale person commits a HEINOUS CRIME that pale person is AUTOMATICLY labeled INSANE. EXCUSES, EXCUSES, But, when a Black person commits a LESSER CRIME, we are all labeled THUGS, the ENTIRE BLACK RACE. So what are YOU PALE FOLKS ? ever since the Europeans been on this PLANET there's not been ONE DAY that they have NOT been AT WAR, pale america was CONCEIVED & NURTURED on VIOLENCE. Pale folks ENGAGE in & are ENTERTAINED by VIOLENCE, VIOLENT FILMS that they call " ACTION FILMS." Little pale children spend most of the day playing KILLING GAMES. Do you REALLY, REALLY BELIEVE that ANY KIND of " LAWS " will MIRACULOUSLY make the, PALE ONES " TRANQUIL ? don't fool yourselves. No amount of laws can change a RACIST, matter of fact, it had only resulted in the DEATHS of COUNTLESS Black People, NAWWW, VIOLENCE is ROOTED DEEPLY in the PALE ONES' CULTURE. Pale folks has a FASCINATION with GUNS & it will end, l believe, in an ever growing NIGHTMARE. EVERY TIME you look up some DERANGED WHITE PERSON, WHITE MALE has shot 20, 30, 70, 100 INNOCENT PEOPLE & yet, there's NO EVIDENCE that WHITE america is even REMOTELY ready to join the CIVILIZED WORLD.

  79. Sooooo Bill, u are encouraging the murder of policemen now?



  80. Danny Glover Heads San Francisco Rally for Sweetened State Film-TV Credits

    Gotta love it when very rich people want government handouts.


  81. field negro said...

    Sooooo Bill, u are encouraging the murder of policemen now?


    Not encouraging at all.

    Just pointing out the different reaction the left has to cop killers.

    Just imagine... If daddy Ayers was poor, william ayers would be considered a right wing icon.

  82. Anonymous7:00 PM

    "Just imagine... If daddy Ayers was poor, william ayers would be considered a right wing icon."

    No dumbass, he fought for liberal ideas like all people are equal. You are one simple mother fucker.

  83. Anonymous7:01 PM

    "All republicans are stoopid" = perfect example of the deranged, intolerant, disingenuous, hypocritical liberal mind"

    Nope, just straight up dope Jimi.

  84. Anonymous7:05 PM

    "The democrats war on women.

    As exposed by a woman."

    Let's see how dumb Bill really is. Republicans think women should carry a rapist's baby because the female body has a way of "shutting that down", think there's a difference between rape and "legitimate" rape, blocked equal pay for women, think women should go for a Mrs. degree not a college degree, ect ect ect.
    Dems say something mean about Sarah Palin and that's a war on women huh?
    Yes Happy Jack, all Republicans are stooopid! Bill ain't a dem.

  85. Anonymous7:34 PM

    ”Students across the country deserve the safest possible environment in which to learn. That’s why we’re taking new steps to help our nation’s schools, universities, and colleges end the cycle of sexual violence on campus.” V.P. Joe Biden

    Yeah Bill, that really sounds like a war on women huh? While Republican George Will derides sexual assault victims as a privileged class. Hmmmm, which side really sounds like it dislikes women?

  86. teh stupid7:38 PM

    "It's called anarcho-tyranny. The government refuses to control real criminals (that’s the anarchy) so it controls the innocent (that’s the tyranny)."

    No it's called paranoia.You are pretty fucking stupid. No one I've ever heard of has been arrested for quoting the bible or the Constitution as you claim. I love the part where you throw in wearing the confederate flag. Yes asshole, there are seat belt laws and we all have to pay taxes boo fucking hoo. When your dumb ass ends up in a re education camp for not wearing a seat belt I may believe your stupid rant but until then STFU wear your seat belt, pay your taxes and stop wearing confederate flags.

  87. Actually wingnut, murder is down in New York

    But thanks for playing.

  88. Anonymous8:55 PM

    "Actually wingnut, murder is down in New York"

    Facts don't mean anything to conservatives.

  89. Anonymous10:23 PM

    PilotX said...
    " Republicans think women should carry a rapist's baby because the female body has a way of "shutting that down"


    No, dumbass, Todd Aiken said that, ONE Republican.

    I'm sure the democrats don't want to own everything your dumb ass says.

  90. You lose10:25 PM

    field negro said...

    Actually wingnut, murder is down in New York

    But thanks for playing.

    That's because the black proportion of the population has been decreasing.

  91. Anonymous11:13 PM

    "That's because the black proportion of the population has been decreasing."

    Or because white idiots aren't allowed to carry guns.

  92. Anonymous11:16 PM

    "No, dumbass, Todd Aiken said that, ONE Republican."

    Yep, because dems don't say stoopid shit like that. Only Republicans. And this fool was trying to be a U.S. Senator. You guys really know how to pick em huh? Sarah Palin? Christine O'Donnell? Louie Gohmert? There is a deep stooooopid bench in the Republican party. But thanks for playing.
    Let's not even talk about the lady that advocated trading medical services for chickens. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Stooooooooooopid!

  93. the GOP11:18 PM

    "I'm sure the democrats don't want to own everything your dumb ass says."

    But an idiot like you fits right in in the stooooooooopid party! Welcome aboard!

  94. Limpbaugh12:34 AM

    As if it wouldn't have been bad enough to see gun nuts walking around showing off their guns in a Target store or McDonald's, etc, before these murders happened. You know they all got a Timothy McVeigh mentality. And you'd probably have to look pretty hard to find one who isn't a white supremacist.

    Since even the NRA knows this is counterproductive to their gun nuttery, maybe they'll have their puppets in congress do something about it.
