Sunday, July 06, 2014

Angry turds.

I am still trying to understand where all this anger and hatred is coming from when it comes to certain folks here in America.

Over the last few days we have seen it manifest itself in sad and disturbing ways. We are talking about well known celebrities and men in law enforcement for crying out loud.

"police officer in Clayton County, Ga., has been arrested and placed on administrative leave after a road rage incident on June 29, during which he tailgated and hurled racial epithets at a woman, according to WSB-TV 2.
During the incident that recently came to light, officer Thomas Sheats allegedly tailgated Michele Griffith, 27, in her car before following her into a parking lot, where he called her a "low life piece of [expletive] n*gger," and then spit on her, the report says. 

He was charged with simple battery, simple assault and disorderly conduct after  the incident during which he drove “for miles, blowing his horn, swerving from side to side, and bumping her vehicle from behind with his truck,” the report says." [More]

I think we all know the place this guy is coming from. It wouldn't be a problem but he is in law enforcement. The guy is an authority figure with power.

Out in California another law enforcement official acted in an ugly and unfortunate manner, and he took whatever he was going through out on a defenseless citizen.

"The California Highway Patrol says it is investigating a video that shows an officer repeatedly punching a woman after trying to stop her from walking into traffic.

As Reuters notes: "The video, which was taken by a passing motorist, posted online and broadcast by local television stations, has caused an outcry from community activists who say the officer used excessive force in the arrest on Tuesday."

After the officer spotted the barefoot woman walking along the shoulder and stepping into lanes of the 10 Freeway near the La Brea Avenue exit, he approached the woman, who became "physically combative," the CHP said in a statement. The video then shows the officer pull her to the side of the highway as he begins to beat her." [Source]

The California Highway patrol says they are "investigating" but I am not sure what else they are going to come up with that would excuse the behavior of this cop.

There is certainly nothing that would excuse the behavior of radio racist, Anthony Cumia. Not only were his actions after the incident racist, misogynistic, and just flat out ignorant, if what he is alleging is true (which, at this point, is still a big if) he is also a creepy stalker who takes pictures of unknowing females on the streets of New York.

Fortunately, his employer took the high road by terminating him, and now his fans are canceling their subscriptions with his former employer, SiriusXM, for terminating their hero.

Yes, this guy actually has fans. That speaks volumes. Dude also said that he was oppressed and was living in a hell hole surrounded by "savages".

No....actually not. You live a life of luxury from a multi-million dollar Long Island home. I am guessing that there are not a lot of "savages" surrounding you out there.

Still, Mr. Cumia is taking this all rather well, and he said that his firing is no big deal.

Of course it's not. Because we all know that he will be back on his feet soon  and getting paid even more money quicker than you can say, n****r woman.


  1. It's a well known truism among demonstrators and "usual suspects" in California that you would much rather be transported by the CHP. They're just as brutal when they arrest you, but at least you arrive for booking in the same shape that you left the scene of arrest. The local yokals and county mounties are a cointoss on that count.

  2. Wesley R10:53 PM

    The cop in Cali must really feel manly after beating up a woman. The fool in New York is upset that the sister stepped to him and snapped on him. Too bad there weren't any brothers around to give that punk a proper beat down.

  3. i don't really don't disagree with Gary Oldman's sentiments at all. in fact, i appreciate his willingness to call it.

    militarized police officers doing what they are trained to do causes no confusion for me either.

    Blessed Black women have always been mistreated just like Blessed Black men in this country...nothing new there.

  4. correction: i don't really disagree with Gary Oldman's sentiments at all...


  5. Let's think about it...

    Some radio show guy working for the private sector is already fired.

    Government employee in a government union is going to be "investigated."

    Perfect example why to keep voting the same people back into power.

  6. FN said...
    No....actually not. You live a life of luxury from a multi-million dollar Long Island home

    We both see that hypocrisy.

    Cumia thinking he's opposed.

    Hillary thinks multi-millions means broke.

    I know I would never vote for a hypocrite.

  7. Trollonymous Burgundy11:18 PM

    I saw the video of the that racist roid-rage beat down of that poor black woman couple days ago, it was so disturbing. It was even more disheartening reading some of the comments from the usual racists (and don't dare call them racist). I don't care what the circumstances were, she was unarmed and obviously ill or in distress, that beat down was not protocol.

    It's upsetting to see people in authority lack professional courtesy, patience and compassion for black women/girls who are in obvious distress. And not one thought of repercussion before one thinks to beat down a black woman.

    But of course, it has always been open season on black women/girls (the most unprotected class), nothing new. And surely the usual blog suspect and his 'happy' community won't have a thing to say about it.

    (I'll bet if a shoeless gay man was twitching his way down that shoulder, the cop would have thought twice about an open beat down, at least. Maybe if the black woman had dressed up like an obvious transvestite, she might have had a chance.)

    Where is the outrage from more black folks? One Latino amigo filmed it but where is the outrage from the Latino community? Um, are they not our friendly allies?

  8. Let's not rush to judgement. I know the knee jerk reaction by blacks to one of their own getting a beat down by cops is to grab their hoodies and start lynching the first white person they see.

    Instead black vigilantism, let's give the system a chance to work.

  9. "I am still trying to understand where all this anger and hatred is coming from"

    That's a easy one. It's coming from the White house. This is the America that the most devise, polarizing president in history has wrought.


  10. Trollonymous Burgundy12:00 AM

    I read all the foul things that that Cumia fella said about that black women when he posted her pic. Typical white racist pervert. No one assaulted him, he's a liar. I doubt that woman even wanted to touch his little crusted over body.

    He got his behind handed to him VERBALLY. He got hurt and angry, so now wants to talk about her face and her "crotch". Where did that come from?

    Now see, that's where his perverted mind was when he was initially snapping photos of her body without her permission. I'm glad they fired him!

    He's a sick lying race bating pervert. The authorities should check his basement.

  11. Trollonymous Burgundy12:02 AM

    You know Kinky, I'm sure you have a lot in common with that Anthony Cumia.

  12. the anger and hatred = direct result of ignorance.

    despite swearing this is a Christian nation...esau has not bothered to read Scriptures. either that or esau just doesn't Believe what is written.

    applying compassion: this is why it is not Good to paint everything white. it does a great disservice to white folk. white supremacy= bad for humanity. especially for white folk. look at the bulk of QLB's comments and see what i mean.

    esau's birthright are all it is written.

    @ Trolly, gays consider themselves to be a separate and distinct group complete with their own dictionary which most hets are not privy to. the only time quite a few gays will begin to speak to Blackness is when they are trying to hi jack the human rights movement aka the civil rights movement to advance their agenda.

    the disdain for womanhood, all colors, is hard to veil for quite a few gays. i wish i would pretend to play along according to their skewed rules.

    @KC- do you really not know that BO + all selected potus are merely puppets? controlled by a hidden hand, which is no doubt white?

    do folk not know about the north american union plan + understand why the borders are not being enforced?

    white folk want to be mad at BO, the nice white lady's baby, when they should really be mad at woodrow wilson. HE sold out/ruined the country built on savagery that whites like to claim for their own. and since BO is a white lady's baby...

    wouldn't that put the responsibility for this polarizing mess squarely on white folk? or are only Blessed Black women responsible for what their grown menfolk do?

    there are no Blessed Black Americans in that whole equation outside of the horn of baphomet sign throwing, cfr member MO. i don't think folk are insane enough to pretend she is running thangs. but let me hush...before i give rabid racists new ideas:)

    ps. you cracked me up with the gay mafia is Real but white privilege is a myth comment. even when we disagree you make me laugh, so i can't ever really get mad at ya.

  13. @ Trolly, when getting the behind verbally handed to 'em, sexually/racist degrading = all that's left.

    it is the equivalent of "at least i am white" argument that many whites default to when they have emptied their arsenal.

    awww, you whacked KC. lol! KC you're on your own my friend. some of your comments come off as rather racist, so when folk bring it to you...please know some folk can + will get mad at ya.

  14. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Trollonymous Burgundy, "Where is the outrage from more black folks? One Latino amigo filmed it but where is the outrage from the Latino community? Um, are they not our friendly allies?"

    11:18 PM
    You know, I asked those same questions to Granny in the previous thread. I asked where was the NAACP the CBC, and Rev Al Sharpton? But no response.

    It's depressing that Blacks won't stand up for innocent Blacks. I'm getting fed up with my peeps.

  15. Limpbaugh1:49 AM

    I think a lot of the hatred has always been there. The woman by the highway getting beat up reminds me of Rodney King. And the media doesn't have to tell the truth or show opposing opinions anymore. The right wing media ran with Reagan's demonizing of welfare queens and it protects the elite class by convincing conservatives to blame their problems on minorities. Misinformation like that didn't use to be available 24/7. And probably a big factor is racist reaction to the president being black. None of his policies or anything he does have anything to do with his race, but the people Fox News leads around by the nose don't see it that way. Fox News stirs up racism and hatred. Divide and conquer.

  16. GrannyStandingforTruth4:37 AM


    I agree!

    Anonymous 12:38,

    I can't answer a question that needs to be directed to NAACP, Sharpton, or CBC. You need to ask them that because I am not connected to any of them. From what I observed NAACP has fell to the wayside of capitalism, Sharpton doesn't get involved unless invited by the victim or victim's family, and CBC only wants to get involved when it means national spotlight coverage or a large donation to their campaign fund.

    Johnny Cochran needs to be raised from the dead.

  17. GrannyStandingforTruth4:57 AM

    BTW, to the Anonymous that was wondering if I was being facetious.

    Nope, I wasn't.:) I was serious. Any man, regardless, if they wear a badge or not, that punches a woman in their face like he did has a serious mental problem. I put him in the same category I would any male woman abuser.

    Because she was walking on the side of the freeway doesn't necessarily mean she was crazy either. Her car could have broke down or she ran out of gas or she had an argument with her male friend and he put her out his car. We don't know why she was walking on the side of the freeway before he grabbed her and started punching her in her face.

    Whatever her reason was, he had no right to punch her in her face like he did. He traumatized her.

  18. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Field, "Still, Mr. Cumia is taking this all rather well, and he said that his firing is no big deal.

    Of course it's not. Because we all know that he will be back on his feet soon and getting paid even more money quicker than you can say, n****r woman."

    My God, Field. Can't you ill-perceived racism go? Can't you see Cumia in a different light? I mean, the man is a shock jock. That's what he does, "shock" people.

    Much like you, he doesn't mean a damn thing he says. And people know that. That's why they tune into him and that's why we tune into FN blog. None of this shit does it?

    Have you 'ever' wondered what will matter?

  19. Field, you should go to this website today for a neat quote:

    At least I never heard it before. Samuel Johnson, on hearing about the vaunted Declaration of Independence:
    "How is it that we hear the loudest yelps for liberty among the drivers of negroes?"

    As to that trooper who beat the "barefoot," obviously deranged woman: After viewing the video, his superiors' making the announcement of an "investigation" would be ahilarious underreaction if it weren't so damned typical.

    My brother-in-law once had some bones broken by a CHP after a routine traffic stop. He was guilty of being a recognizable football player. They've always been a charming group.

  20. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Granny, "Anonymous 12:38,

    I can't answer a question that needs to be directed to NAACP, Sharpton, or CBC. You need to ask them that because I am not connected to any of them. From what I observed NAACP has fell to the wayside of capitalism, Sharpton doesn't get involved unless invited by the victim or victim's family, and CBC only wants to get involved when it means national spotlight coverage or a large donation to their campaign fund."

    Thank you for finally answering me. I personally think that the CBC, NAACP, and Rev Al Sharpton symbolize where we as a people have come, and where we are headed...which is no where.

    White cops are still punching, shooting, terrorizing and abusing Blacks without consequence or response from the Black community, in particular. That was the point of my comment to you as well as others on FN. The funny thing is no one seems to give a damn that Blacks are so vulnerable because we have no support: politically, morally or socially. And the CBC, Rev Al Sharpton and NAACP represents all of those categories.

    Plainly speaking, we are vulnerable to anybody. Unfortunately, we lack leaders who care. That is very scary.

  21. Anonymous7:39 AM

    "At least I never heard it before. Samuel Johnson, on hearing about the vaunted Declaration of Independence:

    "How is it that we hear the loudest yelps for liberty among the drivers of negroes?""

    Thank you for the quote. It makes a mockery of the Declaration of Independence. Those who wrote it were hypocrites. To declare equally for all, while enslaving people is to set yourself up as hypocrites and to set your off springs right on up to today as hypocrites and liars. Nothing has changed.

    Bill, Kinky, QLB are fine examples of their off-springs. They keep the legacy of their forefathers alive. The audacity and arrogance of today's Whites is no different than the creators of the Declaration of Indepence. It's for Whites only, not black slaves.

  22. Anonymous8:23 AM

    In today's society where so many mentally unstable are homeless and walking the streets, maybe cops should also carry some sort of tranquilizer dart.

    This way they can tranquilize a person who is putting themselves and others in danger of an accident etc.without having to beat them into submission, or shoot them.Not that I'm saying this is correct either, but what are the choices?

  23. Anonymous10:21 AM

    "As to that trooper who beat the 'barefoot,' obviously deranged woman: After viewing the video, his superiors' making the announcement of an 'investigation' would be ahilarious underreaction if it weren't so damned typical."

    An investigation is mandatory in the police forces, even if it's totally obvious that the officer was in the wrong -- which he was in this case. There are no summary firings in that profession.

    I don't blame them for operating that way, either. Just as there are unfortunately plenty of bad cops, there are also plenty of unhappy civilians that make false or unjustified accusations against cops.

  24. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Trollonymous Burgundy:
    "(I'll bet if a shoeless gay man was twitching his way down that shoulder, the cop would have thought twice about an open beat down, at least. Maybe if the black woman had dressed up like an obvious transvestite, she might have had a chance.)"

    Focused Purpose:
    "Trolly, gays consider themselves to be a separate and distinct group complete with their own dictionary which most hets are not privy to. the only time quite a few gays will begin to speak to Blackness is when they are trying to hi jack the human rights movement aka the civil rights movement to advance their agenda."

    An OBVIOUSLY WHITE, probably straight, law enforcement official beats the hell out of a black woman and the two black woman homohaters on this website attack LGBT people!? WTF

    This question is not addressed to either the Troll person or FP but to fair minded people on this website. What does the LGBT Civil Rights Movement have to do with this woman being beat up?

    Why are these two irrational black harpies attacking the LGBT community because a black woman got beat up by a WHITE, probably STRAIGHT, law enforcement official?

    Homohatred is real!!! This is evidence of it.

  25. Anonymous10:39 AM

    "In today's society where so many mentally unstable are homeless and walking the streets, maybe cops should also carry some sort of tranquilizer dart."

    It would be nice if such a solution existed. Sadly, all existing tranquilizers either don't work instantly, or they carry a substantial risk of killing the recipient.

    The best alternatives to guns the cops have now are pepper spray and tasers. And those present their own problems, as cops tend to use them more aggressively than necessary; those weapons have actually created a new opportunity for brutality. (YouTube is full of videos of people being tased for frankly trivial reasons.)

    Plus, tasers aren't 100% non-lethal. Their use does occasionally result in death.


  26. FN said...
    Angry turds.

    I agree.

    What about-

    11 Killed, At Least 60 Wounded In Citywide Shootings This Weekend

    Angry turds?

    Of the lack of gun laws written in a way criminals and crazies will obey?

  27. Anonymous10:55 AM

    "Why are these two irrational black harpies attacking the LGBT community because a black woman got beat up by a WHITE, probably STRAIGHT, law enforcement official?"

    Civil rights movement envy.

    The gay rights movement is making lots of progress right now. Black people, collectively, aren't. It's pretty hard to compare those two movements, though -- it's apples to oranges.

    Gay people are fighting for equal legal rights.

    Black people already have equal legal rights, and (most of) what they are fighting for now is economic equality, which is a lot more nebulous and difficult to achieve than legal equality. The aftereffects of decades of discrimination are real and devastating, and not easily addressed in a country with such an elitist economic system as the U.S.

  28. When is field going to talk about the angry turds that are killing people is Chiraq and other liberal cities?

    11 Killed, At Least 60 Wounded In Citywide Shootings This Weekend

    Something tells me these folks don't listen to Rush or watch Fox News. Or any other right-wing media.

    I know field is struggling to understand the anger and hatred coming from "certain" i.e. white folks. I hope he comes to an understanding soon. I can't wait to see field confront the hate and anger coming from the minority community and from whites who share his political beliefs.

    Until then, Reagan boogeyman will be blamed for all the problems caused by the left and their failed policies.


  29. June Full-Time Jobs Plunge By Over Half A Million, Part-Time Jobs Surge By 800K, Most Since 1993

    I remember the old days under bush when democrats called these part-time jobs "McJobs."

    Now days, democrats call it proof of the Obama Summer Recovery program.

  30. My apologizes focusedpurpose.

    Sometimes i get caught up in the racial demagoguery and paranoia that field pushes.

  31. Koffler12:27 PM

    There are reasons why five and a half years into the Obama presidency things are still crummy and uncertain.

    Specific statist and redistributionist policies have kept a lid on growth. It’s not an accident that President Obama has been unable to bounce the economy out of recession like Reagan or either of the two Bushes did.

    Paying people not to work and incentivizing businesses not to hire accounts for much of it.

    Food Stamp participants are no longer required to seek work and are not asked to demonstrate that they have no wealth. Essentially, any unmarried person can get food stamps while out of work and can stay on the program indefinitely.

    People who owed more on their mortgage than their house was worth could have their mortgage payments set at a so-called affordable level—in government-speak, that means that you pay full price for your house only if you have a job and earn money.

    There were new rules for consumer bankruptcy, with special emphasis on the amount that consumers were earning after their debts were cleared.

    The federal unemployment-insurance expansions were paid by taxpayers generally, which means that an employer could lay off as many people as he wanted without adding to his federal tax burden.

    Lay somebody off during the crisis and, for the first time, among other things, the employer wouldn’t have to pay for former-employee health insurance.

    All of this “help” increases the “marginal tax rate,” or the extra taxes paid and subsidies forgone by people who choose work over welfare.

    People are much smarter than policymakers in Washington think. They will make rational decisions about what’s best for them, as opposed to doing what policymakers think is best for them.

    The circumstances we find ourselves in, and have found ourselves in, are not the fault of George W. Bush. They are not mostly due to some unique “financial” recession. They result from the incorrect policy choices made by the current administration.

    That is, they are Obama’s fault.


  32. Of course he didn't believe in the messiah (wink wink)

    I'm not sure I've ever fully fessed up to this, so this is as good a time as any. For years, I really didn't believe the conservative snark about how Obama supporters all thought he would descend on Washington like a god-king and miraculously turn us into a post-racial, post-partisan, post-political country. Kumbaya!
    Well, I guess that was naive on my part. By now, the evidence is clear that millions of Obama voters really believed all that boilerplate rhetoric. Naturally, then, they're bitterly disappointed at the real-world Obama.

    A good democrat blaming dropping poll numbers on people (democrats) not smart enough to understand promises are simply part of politics.

    Nor do I think Hillary would have done any better. Probably worse,
    That she would have done better because Republicans like her more than Obama? Please.

    And trying to cover for Obama saying Hillary wouldn't have done any better.

    Batshit crazy

    Doesn't he watch CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC?

    Opposition to Obama is because of race, not politics.

  33. no stress KC. try not to get caught up, my friend. it'll earn you whacks + i can't have your back;(

    @10:38 AM- please try to remember all the insults + name calling you STARTED. 'cause if you are the same one from last thread, you run this back in your head like you were somewhere minding your business when the mean BW rendered your behind to rainbow shreds.

    since i am NOT interested to devote time in that manner, i am going to let your baseless name calling, while you dipping into women convos- NOT understanding- ride.

    here is my beef and i tried to explain it to Trolly so that she would understand.

    DESPITE being Black + homosexual- quite a few homosexuals will NOT make a peep when Black folk are catching hail. i Understand. gays think they are a separate group + they have an axe to grind with Black folk who even in their sound asleep spiritual state are NOT trying to entertain unlawful homosexuality.

    THIS is why there is no peep from the homosexual community.

    now...FN posting about the Lawrenceville young lady that was forced to step down. did he say she was a lesbian?


    just like FN posted up the lesbian that voted for acquittal 'cause she can't see racism in a case that was obviously fueled by racism.

    lesbians are sistas and folk keep it moving.

    are all the brothas in trouble with the law het?


    they are just Black.

    so the general perception = gays are Good. Blacks are bad. and since gays won't make a peep for the cause of Black folk there is annoyance.

    i have personally sat and listened as a high profile Black lesbian said from her mouth that she had no idea what Black folk were fighting for. while she blasted white gays for their racism against Black gays.

    i get it.

    for the record, as a het woman calling me man fearful (homophobic) makes NO sense. IF i were entertaining nonsensical labels, i would entertain the anti semite one first. at least those folk are trying to base their lies on Scripture.

    the new Black is masculine women (lesbians) and effeminate (gay) men. folk are so afraid of labels + trying to be so pc that they are cowering in silence when they should be Standing + Speaking up.

    in other news...MO has been called a tranny...

    once again.

    before Black womanhood gets acknowledged...

    think Sojourner Truth's question...

    the issue gets all confused.

  34. forgive any typos. trying to type and pay attention to a conference call.


    let me cut that out.

    Blessings all!

  35. "militarized police officers doing what they are trained to do causes no confusion for me either."

    Good observation. Like the one cop I saw that didn't believe the shit Black folks went through adds to the picture. Many think of us as savages/animals so what would we expect?

  36. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Blogger Kinky.Con said...
    "When is field going to talk about the angry turds that are killing people is Chiraq and other liberal cities?

    11 Killed, At Least 60 Wounded In Citywide Shootings This Weekend"

    Kinky, I hate agreeing with you, but you are very right. Chicago is a snake pit of black vipers, and black cobras. Death is all around the black community. And it is getting worse.

    Yet, Field remains mute about the black-on-black killings and violence.

    It can be depressing and shameful for a bm like Field to deal with the truth. It makes me wonder if Truth has anything to do with color, because you, Bill and QLB are far more truthful than Field will ever be.

    However, sometimes I don't like the way QLB uses truth to raze Blacks to the ground. Nevertheless, truth is truth. Some are skillful and helpful with it; and some are unskillful and destructive with it.

    Thank you. But I am still suspect of Whites....for good reason...this is America.

  37. a coworker3:06 PM

    "Why are these two irrational black harpies attacking the LGBT community because a black woman got beat up by a WHITE, probably STRAIGHT, law enforcement official?"

    They were throwing bones at the gay people on this blog who openly said they hated black women a few posts back and acted like black women don't need protection too. The gay guys started it first. This is on going. Pay attention or shut up if you don't know whats going on.

  38. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Well here's some more. It looks like the final tally for the cesspool known as Chiraq will stand at 14 dead and an astounding 68 non fatal shootings. That last number nearly broke the reported record of 72 for a 3 day holiday weekend. With names like Shiquille, you can bet that most of the perps as well as the victims are black. Hell, even a concealed carry permit holder got into the act and scored along with police. The po po went 2 for 5 demonstrating shooting skills beyond the norm for LEO.
    Here's a huge newsflash for you Black folks. I'd damn worry about what other Black folks are doing to you and quit worrying about Whites.


  39. Niles3:20 PM

    PilotX said...
    Many think of us as savages/animals so what would we expect?

    That's because many of you act as savages/animals. Not that other peoples don't as well, but blacks do at a much higher propensity.

    The first step at beating dysfunction is to admit it.

  40. Oh look everybody it's yet ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzz another incredibly zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (YAWN) tedious QLB zzzzzzzzzzzz crime statistzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzics post.

    It's come at a useful time for me as I've been strugzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzgling to sleep due to a bout of sinusitis. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  41. Anonymous3:30 PM

    PilotX said...
    Many think of us as savages/animals so what would we expect?

    Well lets see. A 350lb Black man beat an older 150lb White man to death at Amtrak in San Antonio because he said " he wanted to kill somebody." Plus an Indie police officer was killed by 3 Blacks last week. There are numerous other examples.
    I'd just happy if they shut up during movies and maybe learned how to wear underwear and pants. Have you ever seen them a buffet?


  42. QLB, are you a college graduate?

  43. "I'd just happy if they shut up during movies and maybe learned how to wear underwear and pants. Have you ever seen them a buffet?"

    Dude, let's not act like white folks are the most civilized people on the planet. I just left Vegas so trust me, I have some wishes about what I want white people to do. I'll start with not getting pissy drunk and acting the complete ass. You Clampettes a ways to go.

  44. And poor white trash at a buffet is a sight to see. How much you wanna bet none of them washed their hands after using the rest room. You whites are legendary for that nasty shit.

    BTW QLB, what do you do for a living?

  45. The Fixer4:33 PM

    "The first step at beating dysfunction is to admit it."

    Which is the problem whites have, they tend to point fingers at everyone else but themselves.

  46. QLB, you do realize the problem with your posts. You are posting at a blog in which every single Black person here is an educate middle class individual who defies every ignorant stereotype you write about. Everyone here has pants that are form fitted and watch movies quietly and respectfully. Why do you feel the need to post about Black dysfunction? I feel you would be more comfortable at stormfront or some site in which everyone agrees we are all simple ignorant folk. Really, what's the point of your posts?

  47. Anonymous5:00 PM

    "every single Black person here is an educate middle class individual"

    The word is "educated".

    All educations are not equal.

  48. Finally a blog where this incident is being discussed at length. I am sick of the way women, and in particular black women, are treated like pieces of trash!

  49. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...
    "QLB, are you a college graduate?"

    The answer is "Yes". But I wonder if you are educated. You can't even spell "educated" properly. You spell it "educate" with no "d". What school did you go to, South Side High? lol

  50. "I'd damn worry about what other Black folks are doing to you and quit worrying about Whites."

    Why would we do that? I am pretty sure that every black person posting here has nothing to worry about from a gang banger hitting them up from Chicago.

    In fact, your children have more to worry about since their own parents might lock them in a hot car to kill them. Just sayin.

    And yes wingnut, I left off the "g". I guess that makes me "uneducated" like Pilot X.

  51. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Pilot wrote,
    QLB, you do realize the problem with your posts. You are posting at a blog in which every single Black person here is an educate middle class individual who defies every ignorant stereotype you write about.

    Please Pilot, deep down you want to put a bone in your nose, get naked, and put your mammy in a pot for dinner. All the while drinking sorghum beer, getting high on khat and jenkums and playing on a bongo drum. That's your perfect day.


  52. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Field wrote,
    n fact, your children have more to worry about since their own parents might lock them in a hot car to kill them. Just sayin.

    I can give you ten to one if you want to go that route. It wouldn't even be hard. But we can look at the hard stats about just who kills their kids if you want to.


  53. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Field said, "And yes wingnut, I left off the "g". I guess that makes me "uneducated" like Pilot X."

    No Mr Field, it just means you got your degree through Affirmative Action. That means it was given to you to meet college quotas.

  54. Anonymous7:27 PM

    I can give you ten to one if you want to go that route. It wouldn't even be hard. But we can look at the hard stats about just who kills their kids if you want to.


    Why are you so hard on Blacks? What did we ever do to you? Everyone knows we are killing our kids at an alarming rate with no solution or resolution in sight. We are leaderless and have no politicians to stand up for us and our children.

    What can you expect? I just wish Whites like you were a little kinder. I

    t is very hard to be Black in America.

  55. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Anon wrote,
    No Mr Field, it just means you got your degree through Affirmative Action. That means it was given to you to meet college quotas.

    Or he went to a HBUC. Money says Field went to a better one like Spelman or Morehouse


  56. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Well, he couldn't have gone to Spelman because it is an all-Black-women's college.

    UNLESS! He is a transgender. Hmmmmm. Let me think about that.

  57. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Well, he couldn't have gone to Spelman because it is an all-Black-women's college.

    I did not know that. I did know that it is considered the top of the line with regards to HBUC. I stand corrected. However, I think you get the gist of the statement.


  58. QLB, did you graduate from college? What do you do for a living.

  59. Anonymous9:19 PM

    What do think? I'm inside your OODA loop.


  60. "Please Pilot, deep down you want to put a bone in your nose, get naked, and put your mammy in a pot for dinner. All the while drinking sorghum beer, getting high on khat and jenkums and playing on a bongo drum. That's your perfect day."

    Um, yeah. I'll take that as a no, you don't have a college degree.

  61. "What do think? I'm inside your OODA loop."

    Doesn't matter what I think. Answer the questions.

    Do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?

  62. GrannyStandingforTruth10:12 PM

    Any African American that obtained their degree when Affirmative Action was in effect should be commended and proud of that fact. Because if whites were not so scared of competition, Affirmative Action would not have been needed.

    Whites love to pretend that the Affirmative Action Bill automatically gave African Americans’ passing grades or somehow instrumental in doing those long hours of homework to achieve good grades. However, it didn’t. Nope! An African American EARNED every good grade they received. They had to work extra harder. Because some of the teachers had racist attitudes, those teachers underestimated African Americans’ grade on purpose. Nonetheless, it stokes, soothes and inflates whites’ ego and makes them feel more important than other human beings to cling to their myths. Y’all know how much white folks greedily starve for and love praises from men, so their arrogance shouldn’t surprise or shock you.

    Any African American that attended college whether or not Affirmative Action was in place, worked hard and studied hard to achieve their grades. They didn’t pass any of their classes because of their skin color or because mommy or daddy were chummy with the teachers or donating big money to the school or the teacher’s neighbors. Nor were their mommy and daddy buddies with the head honcho at the college.

    Whites excluded African Americans from the good ole boy network as they still do at this current time. African Americans were given was a foot in the door with Affirmative Action where in the past they were denied entrance. Part of the stipulation in the Affirmative Action Bill was that an African American had the required gpa in order to step foot through the door. After that, they were on their own, unlike whites whose teachers handed them their good grades on a silver platter because of their lily-white skin just for showing up in class.

    Ahhh…the memories of some white classmates in college who showed up on the first day of class, but after that, absences became habitual. Partying, sexing, and drinking alcohol was one of their main priorities. One student used to bring a pint of Vodka to drink openly during break straight out the bottle. Because most of the white teachers automatically passed them anyway, none of them had any worries. On the other hand, African Americans studied under racist conditions and in hostile environments. However, there were a few very rare occasions that the teachers flunked someone white.

    One white student thought her trip abroad was more important than taking a final. She had the nerve to get upset with the teacher for failing her. For some reason, she felt like she was entitled to LOL, an “A” grade, but she showed up in class, occasionally. Of course, she didn’t do too hot on her midterm, and she barely turned in homework. Nevertheless, she felt she should have gotten an “A” grade. Smh!

    Unlike whites who love to make it their business to under rate African Americans’ achievements to make themselves feel good. I won’t lump all whites in the same dumb boat. A few whites were smart. Those were the ones that those whites who felt that they were entitled to good grades without any effort because of their lily-white skin maintained a distance from and treated like a piece of dung.

  63. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Granny wrote,
    Ahhh…the memories of some white classmates in college who showed up on the first day of class, but after that, absences became habitual. Partying, sexing, and drinking alcohol was one of their main priorities. One student used to bring a pint of Vodka to drink openly during break straight out the bottle. Because most of the white teachers automatically passed them anyway, none of them had any worries. On the other hand, African Americans studied under racist conditions and in hostile environments. However, there were a few very rare occasions that the teachers flunked someone white.

    Actually granny, that anecdotal and can't he verified by anyone. But here's something that can. You can even ask field. Black students are admitted to law schools with lower grades and LSAT's. They're also much more likely to not complete the course of study, but also to have a much less chance of passing the bar. So much for your little theory. It's much worse for STEM studies such as engineering. Go figure.


  64. GrannyStandingforTruth10:55 PM


    I don't have to ask field that question because I have six lawyers and one judge in my family who were all straight "A" students. Two of them have their own law firm with their name first and the & Associates behind their name printed on the sign on the door and business cards.

    Nevertheless, I understand your insecurity and the need to believe that people darker than you are inferior. Actually, I feel sorry for you. That's why I mostly ignore you.

  65. Shabazz11:04 PM

    The resident racist said: Actually granny, that anecdotal and can't he verified by anyone. But here's something that can. You can even ask field. Black students are admitted to law schools with lower grades and LSAT's. They're also much more likely to not complete the course of study, but also to have a much less chance of passing the bar. So much for your little theory. It's much worse for STEM studies such as engineering. Go figure.


    You lying slothy piece of dog shit why don't you back up any of your rants with facts or cite any credible sources???
    I already know the answer so don't even waste your breath cave dweller, I don't care or believe anything that passes your non-existent lips.

  66. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Granny said,
    don't have to ask field that question because I have six lawyers and one judge in my family who were all straight "A" students. Two of them have their own law firm with their name first and the & Associates behind their name printed on the sign on the door and business cards.

    Still anecdotical and not verifiable. You could say you have a Martian in your family. I give you hard data and you give me a fairy tale.


  67. QLB, my sister was a straight A student who graduated from law school and passed the Bar, two states and DC, on the first try. Did you even graduate from college? We know you didn't finish or even start law school so need to even ask that question.
    Soooooo, what do you do for a living?

  68. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Again, not verifiable. You could even claims she's a porn star. Besides even if true, you have a sample size of one. Meaningless.
    What do you think my educational status is? I'm really having a lot of fun with this.


  69. Shabazz11:17 PM

    I'm really having a lot of fun with this.


    I'm glad you're having fun. You don't seem to do anything else with your time.

  70. "Again, not verifiable."

    Sure it is, I could provide you her name and you search. Simple.

  71. "What do you think my educational status is? I'm really having a lot of fun with this."

    Glad you're having a good time. But when you decide to stop playing games the questions still stand.

  72. GrannyStandingforTruth11:33 PM

    LOL! I'm not making it up. Nope! I'm keeping it real.

    Oh my, you sure do like the use of the word "not verifiable", while you conveniently avoid answering PilotX's simple question.

    Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't have any porn stars in my family that I know of, but if I did, I wouldn't be ashamed of them because at least they'd be employed.

    I'm having a great time myself.

  73. "while you conveniently avoid answering PilotX's simple question."

    Why do you guess that is Granny?

  74. GrannyStandingforTruth11:38 PM


    Well, PilotX, because they're full of dung.

  75. "Well, PilotX, because they're full of dung."

    That is the most likely reason. My guess, which is in a similar vein, this person was told their whole life how superior they are and ran across a group of Black folk who have surpassed them and feel the need to lash out. You know back in the day they would have used some type of underhanded tactic to undermine us, instead of better themselves. My guess is they resent the fact we know the game and play it better than they can ever dream. I agree, it is kinda sad in a way.

  76. GrannyStandingforTruth12:41 AM


    Think about it, what type of area is a theater located where you'll see African American men with their pants sagging below their behind.

    It sure isn't in a rich neighborhood. Most rich and well to do people, have their own private theater in their house. People buy houses these days with theaters in them.

    The last time I went to a public theater was in the 60s and 70's. I collect movies, so I don't do public theaters.

  77. It's a cheap stereotype from someone who probably doesn't even know one single Black person.

  78. Anonymous6:44 AM

    FP said:
    "DESPITE being Black + homosexual- quite a few homosexuals will NOT make a peep when Black folk are catching hail. i Understand. gays think they are a separate group + they have an axe to grind with Black folk who even in their sound asleep spiritual state are NOT trying to entertain unlawful homosexuality."

    "Unlawful homosexuality"??? WTF

    In 2003, the U. S. Supreme Court found that all "sodomy" laws in the U.S. were unconstitutional.

  79. Unlawful as in not keeping with Universal Law aka Scriptures.

    you don't have to agree with it, but it is written all the same.

    in all the Scripture cherry picking folk skip over a LOT:)

    thou shalt not kill = Universal Law and man's law simply agrees.

    other times the laws do not agree. for example- Blessed Blacks as 3/5 of human being has nothiing to do with Universal Law. the notion that one color nation is more human than the next is unlawful.

    hope that helps you figure out WT... i am talking about.

    you are welcome.


  80. Anonymous2:28 PM

    "you don't have to agree with it, but it is written all the same."

    Alot of stuff is written. People write stuff all the time.

  81. Anonymous4:55 PM

    You talk about how homosexuality is not in keeping with your 2,000 year old "scriptures" yet you whine about how gays don't speak out when black folks are catching hell. gtfoohwts

  82. The Fixer7:21 PM

    2,000 year old "scriptures"

    3,000 year old writings.

  83. aka lynn2:48 PM

    The incident surrounding Cumia strongly reminds me of the man whose pocket Bible Book stopped mysterious black kids on the street from killing that "polar bear" as he alleged. Cumia is so racially aroused and seemed as if he wanted to stir the pot, and it backfired. There is no evidence that the incident occurred
