Saturday, July 05, 2014


Give me a caption to go along with this picture.


  1. speedy gonzalez11:05 PM

    Thas right lady I peed on your lettuce that I picked!

  2. Anonymous11:27 PM

    get your taco bell ass out of my country!

  3. Anonymous11:40 PM

    I belong to Anon Inc. You want a job?

  4. Trollonymous Burgundy11:42 PM

    "You people just wanna make us eat them Burritos!"

    "No! You can't have my job at Walmart!"

    (What she should be yelling...)

    "Some blacks think you're gonna be their amigos, but the joke is on them."

    "You just wanna reap from the trails that so many blacks in America feverishly paved."

    (Field, do we get a prize? This was a lot of work.)

  5. A two-liner:


    HE: That would be.... Cleveland.

  6. Speedy Gonzalez11:46 PM

    Poor thing. They spit him too. He is a great singer as well as still being in mourning for the losz of his sister the singer Jenni Rivera in a plane crash not too long ago.

  7. Trollonymous Burgundy11:50 PM

    I will NOT be paying for your free guacamole!


    Shhhhhhhhhh, I'm almost done.

  9. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Awe, that CA sun feels good. Glad to be here.

  10. Anonymous12:08 AM

    Lady if you dont leave me alone, im'a ram that sign......

  11. How's the halibut in your hacienda??

  12. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Dr.Nǚwáng said... "How's the halibut in your hacienda??"


  13. Wesley R1:17 AM

    Whats up with the sprinters from jamaica? The federation cracked down and all of a sudden they've been losing races, while not running close to what they normally do.

  14. ctrl+halt+del2:01 AM

    "Feral female faces future fate"

  15. lol @ the comments!

    i can't...

    i am still trippin' off the facial expressions of that nice, docile, white lady +

    Trolly asking if there was a prize 'cause it's a lot of work.


    pitting the nations against one another = all bad...

    homie can't even pretend to care.

  16. Anonymous3:53 AM

    Your in America! The Consitootion says you hafta speak American!

    If this pinche cabrona doesn't get the hell out of my face, I'm going to show her my non-verbal communication skills!

  17. Anonymous4:19 AM

    No, I will not put it in there!

  18. Anonymous4:24 AM

  19. Anonymous4:55 AM

    You dirty freeloader! Go back to your own country! You better find Jesus!

    I no need to find Jesus. I am Jesus. Jesus Rodriguez.

  20. Soylent Green5:52 AM

    White woman saying:

    Hi, Obama sent me. Welcome to America, we are ready for you now, we put Black people on the shelf.

    let us know how you like all the free stuff and how it works out in all the Black neighborhoods we just dumped close to 300,000 illegals this year, they didn't want to work anyway.

    Oh and remember, Black people taste just like the best burrito you ever had.

  21. Laughing at all the comments.

    These folks commenting have some skills. Very funny.

    "I belong to Anon Inc. You want a job?" :)

  22. la bienvenida a la plantación demócrata8:06 AM

    Sí Pedro. Hay un lugar para usted en el demócrata de Plantation. Usted puede frotar nuestros inodoros (nosotros, los demócratas tienden a estar lleno de mierda para que nuestros baños necesitan limpieza por hora).
    Usted puede cuidar a sus hijos.
    Vida de la plantación ha hecho los negros gordos y perezosos. Es por eso que los demócratas están dando a los hispanos como su condición de minoría favorito. Si no quiere perder su estatus a los asiáticos, el trabajo duro!!! 1
    Bienvenido a Amerikkka!

  23. I've told you a million times. "Leave the money on the Dresser and put the toilet seat down".

  24. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Focused Purpose said several threads ago:

    "...wants to discuss protection of the gay community while refusing to take a look at how disease, drug use and suicide is taking folk in the gay community out in staggering numbers.

    seems i care more than the word/thought police does about gay folk."

    With caring friends like FP who needs enemies.

    If you are so concerned about disease rates (HIV and other STDs) in the gay community then you absolutely need to support marriage equality. If marriage equality had existed prior to the 1980s, the HIV/AIDS epidemic might never have occurred.

    More gay men DATING with the ultimate goal to be in a monogamous MARRIAGE means that the HIV infection rates among gay men would go way down.

    But Bible thumper FP is against the idea of people of the same sex legally marrying each other because the BIBLE says it's a sin. You can't have both ways.

    Btw, hets like FP are a big reason why young LGBT people commit suicide. But the resident mean girl will not be acknowledging this truth any time soon, if ever.

  25. Anonymous10:35 AM

    European asking Indian for a new contract on the new world

  26. I don't care my sign's misspelled and you're Puerto Rican. You Mexicans scare me!

  27. Speedy Gonzalez11:41 AM

    Aaaiaaiaaaiaaaiaaaiiiiyy! Chihuahuaa
    a! Missy you must have been a cutie, but now, not so much! Calufornia is ours! Viva Columba Bush and Jeb boy!
    Tapatillas y jalapenos! Soy puritito macho!!! (enter Mariachis) :)

  28. El Mariachi11:46 AM

    Lady I'm the millionaire singer Lupillo Rivera! And what have you done for yourself in this country eh?

  29. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Meanwhile in other news
    Chicago-Just overnight in the Windy City there have been 5 homicides along with 11 other non-fatal shootings. The new stats shocked Las Vegas oddsmakers who initially predicted 6 killed and 30 wounded citing the recent more lead less dead phenomena. With over 50 shootings for the 3 day weekend so far, the bangers are now approaching the Chicago record of 72 for the same time period.


  30. The psychologist12:17 PM

    @ Anon 10:16 AM:
    I know for a fact that FocusedPurpose and all his actually a gay man.

    It's a possibility that he is still closeted.
    This trolling behaviour is just thst, trolling..He's just looking for the only attention he can get. This is quite common for his type. What he types sre just words and not convictions. Psy no mind.

  31. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Beeeotch, we are here to retake California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, now, go and get me a fresh taco gringo!

  32. Anonymous12:29 PM

    The "shaming" of gay men (jokes about pink tutus, anal intercourse, gay men having to sit gingerly, homophobic name calling, etc.) contributes to the suicide rate in the gay community. Just thought I'd say that since you "care" so much about suicide among gays.

  33. QLB, do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?


  34. Interesting pic FN used.

    Lupillo Rivera

    Did you intentionally choose a picture that didn't show his hat with the word "gringo" on it?

    Once again, proving all racists aren't equal in the fields.

  35. Field giving a wink and a nod to minority racism? That's never happen before.

  36. GrannyStandingforTruth2:40 PM


    I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays. Mine was great.

    My comment is on the video of the cop beating that woman a few threads back. I really want to see how the cop justifies it. It is no way that he can say she was fighting him back. Instead of sending her for psych eval. he should be the one that was sent for one. What he did was not police work or in the line of duty as they like to label it. He physically abused, battered, and beat the hell out of that woman.

    One day, hopefully, they'll start sending cops like him to anger management and throw them off the police force. Maybe, he should try boxing, wrestling, or karate for an occupation instead of so-call upholding the law. He is one sick dude.

    I pray that the woman is able to get a top notch lawyer or that some top notch lawyer will see that video and find it in their heart to represent her and sue the police force, city, and him for every dime they can get starting in the millions bracket.

  37. here we go with the gay mafia...

    "Focused Purpose said several threads ago"

    emphasis on SEVERAL- yet here folk are, playing the poor, pitiful, homosexual, requires special protection victim.

    despite being as VICIOUS as the days is long.

    since i am NOT homo (means man) phobic (means fearful)...

    i don't fear Standing up and Speaking on it. my instructions are QUITE clear. i am to fear the face of NO man + all enemies will be delivered into my hand.

    folk trying to push an agenda built on LIES will back up each + every time. IF that makes me a "mean girl" so be it. the gays have quite a few meanies in their ranks though they DO like to play games of pretend + otherwise.

    either ya'll are truly ignorant (means unaware) or you just are DETERMINED to keep with the pc gay agenda, world wide, lies.

    WHAT % of the gay population is actually interested in getting "married"?

    het men aren't even interested in marriage in these last days of open access to sex without marriage- YET folk want to perpetuate the lie that gay men are just DYING to get "married"? like open access to sex, whenever, where ever with whom ever is NOT apart of the gay lifestyle. beginning in teen years in quite a few instances due to the "chicken hawk" practice.

    i told you already- BEFORE it was popular or trendy, i spent time around gays. men and women. so the sanitized pc version of the life will NOT fly over here. some gay folk act like acquiring hiv is a gift among many other mind boggling things. there are even parties that have become inverted from what they used to be. please. tell those pc lies to hets that won't recognize.

    i won't play that game of pretend. the % of gays seeking to "marry" is quite small. and frankly...

    it matters NOT to me if gays choose to have their civil unions + secure their property and other rights. go for it + have fun.

    the argument that "marriage" will curb the spread of disease = please. on what planet? considering the gay man practice = the quickest route to the spread of disease. ask a health care professional with enough Courage to tell it. i am just speaking from common sense.

    IF folk would stop with the lies. stop attempting to slap gag orders on all that will speak on it...bother to LISTEN to the professionals that treat homosexuals. much would make more sense. just because folk decided one day to re-classify from disorder to new normal does NOT mean folk struggling with their homosexuality will voila! be the epitome of Good health. there are gays that despite being loved + accepted STILL struggle with their gayness. as with most + all...the struggle is internal.

    those things that we all like to do that are not in keeping with Him/His Word brings a whole host of consequences with them. this is for homos, hets, men, women and children. i didn't make it that way...i just acknowledge what it is. @ least in my walk. what other folk do is on them + between them and the Yah of their Understanding.

    IF folk need to believe what i post on FN makes homosexuals commit suicide...

    go for it.


  38. @ Anon 12:29pm- you need to go find the comments directed at me + know my position is simple. IF a MAN (whatever his orientation) can step to me with the level of disrespect these rabid gay mafia types do. they need to be ready. 'cause i recall quite clearly this poor little offended soul stepping to me with the B word all in his disrespectful mouth.

    yes. i AM a Real one when provoked + i told him so from jump. despite the heads up he kept it up. now homie still twitching + trippin' months later. i don't own it. with proper man training, elders (men + women) would've told him it was a bad move to bicker with a woman. doesn't matter how many men he has, he is STILL a man.

    call me a man if you want to. i will play the role leveraging the heck out some male privilege along the way. it's all in a day + Good;) lol!

    as for the jokes...

    if folk can take a man in the rear...

    they can take a joke.

    particularly when they run through spouting more than a few themselves. in fact all these gay mafia, void of facts, gay agenda comments= just that. bad jokes. especially the if gay men could get married the hiv rates will go down. 'cause gay folk would have NO issues with infidelity.

    blank stare.

    @ what point in this all gay everything, world wide marketing campaign are folk going to share some Truth 'bout the gay lifestyle?

    are gays only allowed to speak to het dysfunction/pathology? while the hets are silenced + forbidden to speak? folk saw that

    i peeped the low key bullying nonsense too. keep that. there are no takers this way.

    since i am NOT gay, i will NOT devote any more of my sunday on the topic. homie still bent from months ago...

    i know folk cherry pick the heck out the Bible, but can you rock some forgiveness already? aka let-it-go. you did not apologize to me for the anti BW hateful disrespect. you + gay mafia crew were doing.the.most. and i don't owe you an apology as far as i am concerned. i told you BEFORE i did it that your feelings would be hurt. usually folk back up. wise folk learn more from warnings though... since i am NOT fake, i will not be apologizing just to placate the uber sensitive yet INsensitive gays. i am not pc nor am i trying to be. love of Truth won't let me.

    we may agree to disagree + keep it moving.

  39. Anonymous3:20 PM

    FP come out of the closet already. You'll feel so much calmer. Oh Lord these religious, closetted preachertypes are the worst! Lol


  40. PilotX said...
    QLB, do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?


    Considering music choices, obviously some higher ed.

  41. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Granny, "I pray that the woman is able to get a top notch lawyer or that some top notch lawyer will see that video and find it in their heart to represent her and sue the police force, city, and him for every dime they can get starting in the millions bracket."

    2:40 PM
    It's too bad the NAACP no longer helps Blacks. However, like you, I hope some outraged lawyer, esp a White one, will take up the fight for justice for her case.

  42. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Granny, "I pray that the woman is able to get a top notch lawyer or that some top notch lawyer will see that video and find it in their heart to represent her and sue the police force, city, and him for every dime they can get starting in the millions bracket."

    2:40 PM
    Anon said, "It's too bad the NAACP no longer helps Blacks. However, like you, I hope some outraged lawyer, esp a White one, will take up the fight for justice for her case."

    It's too bad there is no black support from Rev Al Sharpton or the CBC or Obama!

    Blacks just do not have any support or protection for themselves. Every other group have support but Blacks.

    Without support, Blacks are vulnerable to any kind of abuse. In power, no respect.

  43. Anonymous3:56 PM

    There you go again, blaming Obama. How many times must he tell you Blacks that he is the President of ALL Americans, NOT Black Americans.

    And right now he is very busy working for the Latino immigrants and the LGBT. Surely you can understand this?

    I mean, judging from your damn near 98% vote for him, you love him...i.e., he is 'your man', the HNIC. So why fret about anything?

    Just continue to 'identify' with him, and everything will be alright. You need to keep the blame on the GOP.

    Field does a good job doing this...BIB does a shit job doing this. But we all know that BIB is an uppity Negro trying to make Field and PX look bad.

    That's depressing. BIB, you depress the hell out of me.

    It's time for you to develop some humility and join Field and PX in the way they see things.

  44. "FP come out of the closet already. You'll feel so much calmer. Oh Lord these religious, closetted preachertypes are the worst! Lol

    3:20 PM"


    it is trendy + fashionable as all hail to be homosexual today. why would ANYONE be in the closet these days?

    gay + calm. there's a concept. i could lol it up on that one, but i wouldn't want to bite your style;)

    thanks for the Love. enjoy your day...

  45. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Here's a short video of Joan Rivers storming off the CNN set during an interview.

    Actually, I don't know why any celebrity would go on CNN for an interview. The reporters are all so disconnected from being human, it's not even funny.

    That reporter was unaware of her disconnection. Even in moments of seriousness the reporter was still grinning.

    Where does CNN get these reporters from, Wal-Mart?

  46. Fashionista4:18 PM

    focusedpurpose4:06 PM
    it is trendy + fashionable as all hail to be homosexual today.

    "trendy and fashionable"... ?ummm...okaaay...carry on :)

  47. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Mexico is such a fine nation. Please recreate Mexico 2.0 in the U.S..

    Jeez, just another non-white group to make afros look bad. It's going to be laughable 30 years from now when Latinos are the majority and Afros will still need AA to get jobs. That's if the Latinos don't run the country into the ground like Mexico, Spain, Central America, Southern France, Portugal, etc...

    Oh wait, is that Germany again becoming the powerhouse of Europe

  48. Anonymous4:24 PM

    focusedpurpose4:06 PM
    gay + calm. there's a concept. i could lol it up on that one,
    What's so funny about "gay and calm"? i'm always calm...

  49. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Are you always this gay?

  50. Anonymous4:43 PM

    FP said:
    "here we go with the gay mafia..."

    There is no "gay mafia". If there was, you would be in big trouble.

  51. The gay mafia is real.

    White privilege? Now that's a myth.

  52. GrannyStandingforTruth5:08 PM

    Interesting, I noticed that the video of the cop beating that woman has not been shown on the "Women" or "Gay" or "Latino" section of Huffingtonpost.

    You would think that they'd be interested in getting the word out as well since discrimination and violation of rights in this country affects them as well. For Christsakes, it was many African Americans' blood that was shed for Civil Rights, which all of the above mentioned demand benefit entitlement of those rights as well.

    I believe in Civil Rights and Human Rights of all Americans, but looks like all who benefits from those rights would be standing up for that woman's rights that was definitely violated. She is a WOMAN, an African American, and a citizen of the United States of America.

    Had that been a dog beaten like that the outrage would have been humongous and the people would have been demanding that they fire that policeman. In fact, had that been a dog, the policeman would have been fired, no doubt about it.

  53. GrannyStandingforTruth5:13 PM

    Well, I guess in America the only ones that deserve a prison term are those who brutalize dogs. Those that brutalize African American women are rewarded paid vacations and possibly a promotion in the future.

  54. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Oohh, Papi like that.. a little further down, Mamacita...

  55. GrannyStandingforTruth5:32 PM

    Anonymous 5:25,

    They go to JAIL!

    So, I take it you like the fact that the policeman beat that woman in broaddaylight while people passing by watched and you feel she deserved it.

    Would you feel that way if it was one of your love ones? See, that's a narrow-minded, inhumane view in my honest opinion. No one deserves that type of treatment, regardless, of color, gender, or social and economic status in my book, but I guess some folks cannot see it that way, until it happens to them.

  56. Anonymous5:59 PM

    "as for the jokes...

    if folk can take a man in the rear...

    they can take a joke."

    And this is why you got called the b word.

    BTW, I remember when you were referring to gay men as "lady boys".

    I have heard it said that black people don't forget. Well, guess what? Gay people don't forget, either.

    Meaning that if you're talking about a black LGBT person, you're talking about a VERY long memory indeed.

  57. Johnny Nightpipe6:50 PM

    OT to the pic. Its funny though.

    I've read a lot on your blog but I've never posted. I'd like to talk about myself and then what I think about this blog. I'm moble typing but I will try my best to correct errors.
    I am cracka from the south. I played sports and music (still do) growing up. Yes I have black friends and love my SEC. I love my south but I live in the southwest now. I'm retired military. I've been to many countries many times.
    I am in my late 30s. I have been called names and have had stereotypes said about me. I'm big (tone and tall not fat) bald (genetic mutations lol). I've been called everything from redneck, country boy (I do like that one) simply from my home state.
    I've been called wigger. I used to play sports and wasn't too bad at basketball.
    I've been called race traitor many times.
    A little about that. I have not dated a white American woman in over 15 years. Not that I dont like them. But my military career had me in what I call a 007 lifestyle. I've dated women from many races. Even growing up I had the first Hispanic in my high school and took a mixed(black/Cherokee) to my Jr prom. My player status was really good for many years. I hope not to offend any women. It's a weakness but I don't mind the game. I've slowed way down since I became a father. I have sole custody of my daughter and gave up the nightlife but for the few days a month she is with her mom. My daughter is mixed races and beautiful. Dark skin and blue eyes. Yes I have guns. Lol.
    I'd like to ask this blog about stereotypes and personal experience from any members. It's something I've always been curious of. Like I said, I've been many places worldwide but not so much in America.
    I will try to post again on you site. I do enjoy reading it.

  58. Anonymous7:50 PM

    My comment is on the video of the cop beating that woman a few threads back. I really want to see how the cop justifies it. It is no way that he can say she was fighting him back. Instead of sending her for psych eval. he should be the one that was sent for one.

    Granny, I don't know whether you were being facetious with that comment or not, but truthfully, the woman in that beating case does need a psych eval, as she does appear to be suffering some sort of mental illness. She was wandering out onto a busy freeway and the officer was trying to stop her before she went into traffic.

    None of that justifies the beating the cop delivered to her, of course. There is no way that he needed to apply that level of force in order to detain her. The guy was just completely out of control.

    A very high percentage of police brutality incidents involve their dealings with mentally disabled persons, who are incapable of following "the rules" of interacting with the police.

    Bad cop + irrational, uncooperative civilian = disaster.

  59. @ 5:59 PM- you are trippin' and i could not care less.

    IF you can take a man in the rear, you SHOULD be able to take a joke.

    think about it.

    or does all natural Good sense escape you?

    how you FEEL about that = free will + your personal business. just like who you choose to have sex with=personal business. and REALLY, i don't need to hear about any of your personal business. IF only more gays could grasp that concept ...when folk say they don't care. some of us REALLY don't. if you calling folk b's your wee little feelings are the last thing i am considering...

    since a man calling a woman a b = as acceptable as a het calling a gay the f word. and since the pc line= gays are so sensitive that jokes makes them suicidal...

    one would think gay folk would be the.last.ones. calling folk b's.

    see why your little specialness = rejected non issue, now?

    there are NO special gay rules that i am bound to follow. while gay gremlins stay on an anything goes flow. miss me with that nonsense. that's you and Perez Hilton, too.

    now, long memory THAT and go on somewhere. spread your pc lies to folk that will believe + bow down to 'em in silence. being the mighty gay Black man you are. you will meet with greater success with less ruffled feathers/hurt feelings that way.

    i pray you get over our months ago convo soon- for your sake. 'cause honestly, i had not thought twice about it. holding on to negativity like that can not feel Good nor be Good for you.

    Good day to ya.

  60. @ 5:59pm- did i miss a memo or something?

    is it BW beating down gay men?


    IF i am UNwilling to tolerate BW hatred from het BM...

    what makes folk think anti BW gay bm got special consideration? on what planet is that what time it is?

    defies ALL logic, really.

  61. Anonymous11:04 PM

    "i pray you get over our months ago convo soon- for your sake. 'cause honestly, i had not thought twice about it. holding on to negativity like that can not feel Good nor be Good for you."

    I hadn't thought about it either until YOU brought it up here.

    Let me refresh your memory. YOU started with the name calling: 1)"hateful homo queen" MANY TIMES; 2) along with snide remarks about bowel movements and sitting "gingerly" on a toilet; 3)lady boy slurs, etc. Finally, I decided to respond in kind. At that point, you changed your tune by calling me a "loving homosexual man". lol

    YOU started the name calling, let's not forget that. Fact. I can take it and dish it out. Bring it!

  62. Anonymous11:17 PM

    "IF folk need to believe what i post on FN makes homosexuals commit suicide..."

    You are being deliberately obtuse. Since you know so much about gay people, you should know that young LGBT people are still being rejected by their families, in many cases, for being gay. They are being bullied by classmates AND teachers.

    Being gay may seem "trendy" on the west/east coast but most LGBT people do not live in Los Angeles, San Francisco or New York City.

  63. @ 11:04 PM- now WHY are you lying like i broached this revisit to a months old convo? why must you position yourself as an attacked for no reason victim?

    i operate from a don't start none won't be none principle. that didn't change just because we exchanged comments.

    you would do well to check yourself already. seriously. scroll up and see how homosexuality became apart of this thread. i am most disinterested to bring anything to anyone outside of peace, love and hopefully inspiration to Stand and Speak in a society that seeks to silence and spiritually enslave US all. my way is not for everyone and that is ok. those that don't like my way are on a fool's errand attempting to rearrange or switch me up. only Almighty can do that.

    for whatever reason, folk think if you flow with Him/His Word that makes one a soft target. such is not the case over here and i make no apologies for it.

    we don't have to agree. we may agree to disagree and move on. those with looong memories + bones to pick should find more worthwhile projects since middle america homosexuals are still suffering according to your own reports.

    @ 11:17pm- if folks' families reject them for being gay, how is that my responsibility to own? it would seem THAT would contribute to the suicide rates moreso than my FN comments.

    i don't support injustice on any level by anyone. never have. never will. and will Stand with ANYONE against injustice, even if we disagree on other details. finding the common ground is what time it is. when the differences become too great is when i part ways...hopefully in peace.

    it is unjust to attempt to slander, smear + silence folk that won't stick with the agenda talking points though. there's a whole lot of that going on as it relates to convos re: homosexuality. those that mistake my refusal to quietly bow down with "hatred"...

    are mistaken + missing my point.

    human suffering is what i hate. not people.

    folk fighting for freedom while infringing on the freedoms of others should really stop and reflect.

  64. @ 11:04pm- i switched up from calling you a hateful homo to a loving one...

    because words are powerful. what i call out = what the Universe renders. so since i was tired of dealing with the hatefulness, that's why i made the change.

    you appear to not Understand, so i thought to share my thought process that you might get an Understanding.

    again, i don't apologize for a months ago convo. i tend to say what i mean and mean what i say. you don't need to refresh my memory. i recall precisely what went down...

    now fast forward a few months + know- i intend to keep it moving. hopefully you will be able to do the same or at least own it if you choose to remain stuck.

    Blessings to you, in all sincerity.

  65. Some people who swing both ways will always find a reason to complain..Now Moi I am not a supporter of homosexual lifestyles MOI" I' Milagros! lascubanadematanza However, YES! people were born that way.
    Be clear bottom line I will defend their right to love who they choose.. And my right to find it disgusting. NOW all of u Rhodes scholars figure that out!
