Saturday, July 19, 2014


I need a caption for this picture.

Holla at me.


  1. lilacpr20007:10 PM

    I love your perfume baby! Would you like to go for little Russian tea party later? Or how about some Polish sausage hmmm?

  2. lilacpr20007:12 PM

    Hillary thinking: Sheeet, this mo'fo gotta good rap! xD

  3. Anonymous7:36 PM

    President: "Your place or mine"
    Wife:"Our place you idiot!"

  4. evil puppets.

    male + female.



    it is fitting that Russia + Iran got next as the synagogue of satan fueled/financed "goyim" destruction blazes through the world...

    enroute to world domination/new world order.

    as if Almighty sleeps.

    and for the nice docile white lady:

    giggling behind the sheer evil of it all...white pride 'causing her to ride high.

    for a time... 'cause there is this:



    KJV Obadiah 1:3-6

    3 The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground?

    4 Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the Sovereign.

    5 If thieves came to thee, if robbers by night, (how art thou cut off!) would they not have stolen till they had enough? if the grapegatherers came to thee would they not leave some grapes?

    6 How are the thing of Esau searched out! how are his hidden things sought up!


    it saddens me to see that the Esauother white folk that run through calling themselves "semites" knowing full well they are regular Esau white folk has fooled the masses.

    the world majority people of color in addition to the world minority white folk. made small among the heathens as written.

    IF africans and others knew the Truth...

    they would stay FAR away from the Promised Lands and the Gentiles that stomp around ethnic cleansing + pretending it is all based on Scriptures.

    i pray for Peace for the Promised land and for the Yahuthim world wide where we have been scattered.

    since we would not bow down and worship Almighty...

    we, for now, serve our enemies that hate US more than a little bit. that is the menfolk + the womenfolk in large numbers.

    i pray that we will all- all colors- turn our hearts to Him/His Word. He is NOT a man that He should lie. the judgment written of for this land of bondage is ALREADY well set up + underway.

    the guillotines, foreign troops etc are ALREADY here. gotta shoot some more planes from the sky + more innocent people die before they can declare martial law + REALLY get this party jumpin'..

    in plain sight.

    may Almighty have mercy on + Bless US all.

  5. Anonymous7:52 PM


    Give the religion shit a rest already. If you were a real bona fide sista like you think you are, you wouldn't be parroting your colonial slave master's propaganda ad nauseum every fucking post. Sell your fantasy fairy tale garbage elsewhere.

  6. Anonymous7:56 PM

    "Comrade, you know You should be President."44

  7. ctrl+halt+del8:04 PM

    "Put-Clint-on in"

    "Putin in the wind with Hillary"

    "Hillary's Putin poses problem"

  8. Hillary8:31 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    evil puppets.

    male + female.


    7:39 PM

    Aww! FP! For Pete's sake! stop it with the anti Dem diatribe already will ya!!! Give it a break! It's supposed to be a "caption" not an anti Dem rally! LOL!

  9. @7:52 PM-

    your Knowledge is whitened + you are terribly mistaken if you think your coward anon steez will do anything to me.

    you control you.

    i control me.

    get that...

    + a name.

    good day to you.

  10. Oh geez,fp's gone f****** crazy!
    Doesn't she sound just like BIB though? Hmmmmmmmm...

  11. @ 8:31pm-

    there is NO difference between the dems/repubs. they are both controlled by the same hidden hand. follow the $....

    BO + MO throw their baphomet signs and let folk that Understand to watch the signs/symbols know who they represent.

    it is NOT the people of the United States. no color but especially NOT the Blessed Blacks.

    i don't do silly all day...

    i prefer substance.

    we are in a time where only a fool would think it were play time all day.

    for whatever reason those that come here operate from fear and won't just call it.

    when He sends me that's precisely what i intend to do.

    without asking permission...

    nor bowing to the Anon clowns that mistakenly think they are running anything besides their mouths and shoes over.

    i DID caption that pic.

    in case you missed it:

    "evil puppets.

    male + female."

    then i left some additional info. otherwise my time/visit = a waste.

    blessings to you!

  12. it is an honor to sound like BIB.

    he comes over here and speaks Good sense.

    so thank you.

    you sound like DF;) on all levels.

  13. control freak8:44 PM

    focusedpurpose said...

    you control you.

    i control me.

    8:32 PM

    Wrong! I control me,I control you :)

  14. lilacpr20009:10 PM

    Putin: When I fire that missile at the Malaysia plane, I'll be thinking about you baby!

  15. @ 8:44pm-

    you got jokes:)

    i see an upside:

    when folk got issues..

    i will refer them over to you. since you in control and all...

  16. "This is my last election ... After my election I have more flexibility"

  17. lilacpr20009:27 PM

    lilacpr2000 said...
    Putin: When I fire that missile at the Malaysia plane, I'll be thinking about you baby!

    9:10 PM

    Hillary thinls:
    Ooooooh(all giggly)I like it!

  18. Anonymous9:28 PM

    FP, I appreciate your comments, and I hope you will never stop.

    There is definitely something evil going on the planet and it seems to be everywhere, with its focus in the middle east. However, it is shaking the entire world and it IS scary.

    I am amazed that so many people seem unaware, insensitive or blind to the grip evil has on the human race. Truth, morals and ethics are no longer visible or important. They seem to be dead.

    When truth ethics and morals go out the window we don't stand a chance of survival. We are headed for hell. And it feels as though we have crossed the point of no return...meaning we can no longer reverse it. This is madness.

    Damn the caption, we need to wake up.

  19. Anonymous9:32 PM

    How do like the way I'm manhandling your black President? Obama is a wimp.

  20. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Putin: "How do like the way I'm manhandling your black President? Obama is a wimp."

    Hillary: "I know. He's such an embarrassment."

  21. Anonymous9:38 PM

    The reservations at the Moscow.Hilton are a done deal!

  22. Putin: You read field negro?

    Goddess Hillary: Yes i do.

    Putin: What does focusedpurpose have against nice white ladies?

    Goddess Hillary: I don't know. Maybe focusedpurpose can tell us.

  23. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Putin: You think FP needs a ride on my missile?

    Hillary: Duh....yeah!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Putin: You read what field negro posted yesterday?

    Goddess Hillary: No i missed it.

    Putin: He posted this-"Forgetting, of course, that their hero, Ronald Reagan, took four days to respond to a similar civilian plane being shot down by the Russians."

    Goddess Hillary: That's wrong.

    Goddess Hillary: Let me tell you about these links-

    Putin:I see Reagan responded the day of the tragedy.

    Putin: How could field be so wrong? Why hasn't field corrected his error?

    Goddess Hillary: Well.... You know we leftist don't deal much in fact or reality.

    Putin: I have a cigar in my pocket. I'll pretend i'm Bill and you can be Monica.

  26. Anonymous10:17 PM

    anon10:10pm, You are a filthy scumbag, and your hatred runs deep.

  27. Anonymous10:18 PM

    I've got jam in my knees and I'm ready to spread...

  28. I only smoke in bed10:20 PM

    Hillary: You can smoke that cigar honey, only a real missile will satisfy me!

  29. Anonymous10:21 PM

    dear mr field, a few threads ago you mentioned that you would be offering prizes to the 'best' captions.

    Being poor and homeless, I am very much interested a cash prize. How much will it be? I need some serious money.

  30. Wesley R10:29 PM

    Putin- I'm about to wax that...

    Clinton- Payback Bill, you no good..

  31. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Putin: Do you swallow?

  32. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Putin: I'll do you again when you're president beatch

  33. @KC-

    i got nothing against nice white ladies in general, believe it or not. outside of them birthing the historical enemies to my people that have behaved MOST wickedly.

    in Truth, ww got it made...

    for now.

    they are responsible for nothing. can do as they please. and their menfolk will protect 'em to the end, right or wrong.

    their sons STAY in "who do you want us to kill now?" mode. asking this of nice white ladies- anxious to bring back the bloody spoils of provision...

    and when the mess hits the fan...

    nice white ladies blame their sons while sniffing behind all the men of color on the planet- gone wild- while simultaneously being the face of porn + feminine virtue.

    case in point:

    the nice white lady that made BO possible.

    it irks me that nice white ladies' babies get charged to BW's account. Black women not nice white ladies. folk will SWEAR these mixed children are Black folk when they are not and have historically worked MIGHTILY against the interests of Black folks in quite a few cases.

    anybody dare to get mad at nice white ladies behind the hot mess that is BO?


    in fact, the kenyan cut out quick and white folk raised BO.

    BO = white folks' fault entirely.

    think about it.

    who among the demonically racist would dare own it?

    nice white ladies have always been right along side their menfolk doing the most demonic stuff to other nations. yet, folk have been trained to write nice white lady passes. if you think i joke, take a look at lynching pics and see them there grinning and skinning like it is all Good.

    of the whites, ww are by far the most vicious in my opinion. don't let the duplicitous smiles + crocodile tears fool ya.

    that's the evil ones.

    the ones with the Spirit of Yah that know the Truth and walk according to it don't bother me. met one of those yesterday. talking to her was a pleasant departure from the norm. but she was irish and knew + readily admitted that her people were not always considered white in america...

    @Anon 10:10- sexual deviants can't help themselves. so i forgive you.

  34. Anonymous12:03 AM

    focusedpurpose11:51 PM
    @Anon 10:10- sexual deviants can't help themselves. so i forgive you

    Ttakes one to l know one! ;)

  35. Anon 9:28pm-

    thank you for your kind words of encouragement my friend.

    i can't stop. won't stop.

    the sleeping zombies, interrupt their slumber, only long enough to name call. lol. then they go back to sleep. most are on a deep program. others are motivated by fear. then others still are just souled out to the wickedness + enjoy the carnage unfolding.

    this is folk of all colors.

    evil does not come in one color.

    those Blessed Blacks that REFUSE to worship anything other than themselves...

    don't seem to Understand that running around referring to themselves as g-d = the whitest belief system of all.

    white folk lost the book of Enoch on purpose. lol. 'cause

    written of exactly what the devil looks like. and the devil just like the arrogant deceived men/women truly believe that they are G-d. not created in His image...but Him.

    all the death and destruction we see around us is what we get when mere men get brand new.

    it is sortta funny to me to see precisely what is written unfold...

    'cause even the devil gotta go by the Book.

    while the supa smarty pants reject what is written as "fairy tale".

    i want to cry when Blessed Blacks so destroyed by white supremacy reject the book that was written by our forefathers for US.

    it doesn't help that the king solomon (demonologist at his strange woman/strange g-d fall) hollyweird jews keep beaming jacked up white images around the world. Moses and everybody = white let these liars tell it. the miracles that are written which refute it get cut out. folk that refuse to read won't even know...

    Blessed Blacks thinking they are Gentile = the biggest lie of all times;(

    Blessings in Abundance to you Anon.

  36. lol @ 12:03am...

    OR if it is quacking + walking like a duck folk just be able to recognize.


    despite all the degree talk, this blog rarely elevates above grade school.

    and clearly some are the little bus riders as evidenced by Anon 12:03 am. permission to have the last word. i am bored with the little sand box shenanigans.

  37. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Putin: "You look well, Mrs. Clinton."
    HC: "If you don't remove your hand from my ass in the next nanosecond, my hand will clench. You do know where that hand is, right?"

    Also, the level of misogyny and prejudice in the previous comments is numbing. Yeah, folk here like to joke around, and Field runs an open comments section, but ... damn, people. smh

  38. Anonymous1:11 AM

    What, a woman with a sex drive is mysogeny now?

  39. Anonymous2:18 AM

    That's not a surface-to-air missile in my pocket -- I'm just happy to see you.

    Okay, I'm lying. It is a missile.

  40. Anonymous3:13 AM

    You know, Hill, I am a divorced man now, so I am free to show you all my favorite separatist movements. If you know what I mean.

  41. Anonymous3:20 AM

    Putin: I have to say, I am big fan, Hillary. I hope that you will not lose in two years.

    Hillary: Well, thanks so much. I think I've got a shot.

    Putin: In my country, there is much less uncertainty. I always get 96% of vote. The other 4% experience unfortunate poisoning accident.

  42. Anonymous3:27 AM

    Putin: Do you want to see my Superbowl ring?

    I stole it from Patriots coach of your American football team. He was too afraid to complain because I am deranged tyrannical madman.

  43. Anonymous9:05 AM

    FP, "despite all the degree talk, this blog rarely elevates above grade school."

    Isn't it clear that hardly anyone on FN is educated. People who talk about having a degree DON'T have one. Those who do don't talk about it.

    Einstein never talked about his degree. Clintons don't talk about their degrees. Cornel West doesn't talk about his degree. Sam Harris doesn't talk about his degrees. Tiger Woods doesn't talk about his degree.

    You see, once you've gotten your degree, you move on to living in the world and discussing matters that interest you. And you learn that there are many bright people out there who didn't go to college, or quit college because it just didn't suit them.

    Bill Gates was one of them. Einstein found college boring. There is a long list of people far brighter than the ignorant ones on FN trying to elevate themselves with a college degree in order to put down others. Only insecure small people do that. They are little people in adult bodies.

    Life is too short to be little.

  44. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Meanwhile the Chicago shit show continues. On the books are 4 dead and 27 wounded with the early morning box scores still being tabulated. Yet Field and his acolytes say little if anything.


  45. "Do you want to see my Super Bowl ring?" :)

    What's with all the salacious captions? You folks have your minds in the gutter.

  46. Hillary: "What would Bill do?"

  47. QLB- Do you have a job? What do you do for a living?

  48. What about school QLB? Ever been to college? Got a degree?

  49. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Field said,
    What's with all the salacious captions? You folks have your minds in the gutter.

    Still no comment about the Chicago weekend shit show?
    Still no apology about Reynaldo Magnus? Here's an analysis Field. You want your acolytes in the gutter, because they can't think for themselves when they live there. In here you create an alternative reality where everything is somehow YT's fault and you give affirmation to the fantasy. You'd rather have some mentally ill individual write rambling rants ie FP than really address any real issue in a meaningful way. It's really all about the excuses isn't it?


  50. And still no information on where QLB went to college ( NO WHERE), her major in college ( NOTHING), or career (right wing Blog poster).

  51. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Reagan warned us about Obama:

  52. No degree Anon said:
    Life is too short to be little.

    Or uneducated/degree less.


  53. No degree anon said;

    You see, once you've gotten your degree, you move on to living in the world and discussing matters that interest you. And you learn that there are many bright people out there who didn't go to college, or quit college because it just didn't suit them.

    Making excuses for being a quitter is NOT cute. There are VERY few Black folks who have "made it" in ANY field requiring significant intellect, without a college degree.

    Here are a couple examples:

    Oprah Winfrey
    President Barack Obama
    Martin Luther King
    Nelson Mandela
    Melissa Harris Perry

    And this is a short list.

    Sure, PX could discuss the physics of flying, Field could discuss the legal history of being a Defense Attorney, and I could discuss the molecular pathways involved in the latest approved treatment for melanoma. But what in the hell would be the point of doing that here when we have those conversations in our PROFESSIONAL LIVES everyday?

    A blog is a form of entertainment, if you want to be educated, perhaps you should try finishing college.

  54. B. Eng.11:24 AM

    Yīshēng said...

    Or uneducated/degree less.

    Ms. Queen/Nuwang/Yisheng/Putang is a great example of the worship of credentialism among the petty and small-minded.

    Like the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz, she thinks it's the piece of paper that defines the man.

    Getting a degree is an accomplishment to be admired. It is an indicator of aptitude and fortitude.

    But we all know people who skated through because of someone they were related to, their money, or the color of their skin. To people like Queen, it doesn't matter what, where, or how you got it, a diploma makes you better than someone who doesn't have it.

    Queen may have a dozen degrees by this point, but it hasn't made her a better or a wiser person. The only thing she seems to have gained from her education is a license to sneer. What a waste.

  55. Non degree Anon, perhaps you should finish college so you don't feel so inferior to people who have.

  56. Making excuses for being a quitter is NOT cute. There are VERY few Black folks who have "made it" in ANY field requiring significant intellect, without a college degree.

  57. Non degree anon with that 11:24AM post, it looks like you've outed yourself as the sexual deviant on Field's blog, lol!!!

    Perhaps you should seek counseling, then finish college so you don't feel so inferior to people who have.

  58. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Yīshēng said...
    "There are VERY few Black folks who have "made it" in ANY field requiring significant intellect"

    This is true.

    You won't either.

  59. "Your highlights are almost as good as mine."

  60. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Yisheng wrote,
    And still no information on where QLB went to college ( NO WHERE), her major in college ( NOTHING), or career (right wing Blog poster).

    The fact that you continue to assume and perseverate on my academic credentials/achievements means I'm deep inside your OODA loop. Amusing to say the least. The USN beat the IJN in the Solomon Island Campaign because of the same thing. The US wasn't that much better then, it was just a whole better in analysis and decision making. Make a weak assumption in order to make you feel better is just..... well typical.
    BTW how is that STEM cell mentoring going. Considering that Black engineers now account for only about 4% with numbers dropping. Virtually no advanced degrees at that. Of those getting Engineering degrees most are coming from HBCU's and not the first ranked schools. Same for medical and law degrees with board certification and BAR exam failure rates. In Astronomy and astrophysics there's virtually no one. You could fill a living room with those. I'd say your work is cut out for you considering the drop out rate for YBM's.


  61. The fact that you continue to assume and perseverate on my academic credentials/achievements means I'm deep inside your OODA loop.

    And the fact that you refuse to answer means you're nothing more than a fruit loop.

    And fruit loops don't have college degrees or jobs, lol!!

  62. Putin: you sure you don't want me to take out your boy?

    Clinton: nah, I can make it on my own!

  63. 45 years ago today, two Americans walked on the moon.

    Apollo 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17 would also successfully land on the moon.

    But Apollo 18 and 19 would be cancelled after protests that the money would be better spent on welfare for the poor.

    Today, 45 years later, we can't even get to our own space station without paying the Russians to take us.

    What happened?

    Attitudes changed:

    ... NASA has compiled a dismal record with respect to female and minority employment. By now NASA should have learned that institutionalized sexism and racism give way to neither simple pieties nor eloquent declarations of principle. Achieving equitable employment opportunities for women and minorities in large American institutions requires skill, determination and sustained effort, just as a successful space program does. That is a lesson for the 1970s that all major American institutions must learn if the tragedies of the 1960s are to be avoided in this country's future." (Racism, Sexism, and Space Ventures, Washington Post, 11/24/1973)

    And change they did. The black NASA Assistant Administrator for Equal Opportunity Programs, Dr. Harriet Jenkins, recruited actress Nichelle Nichols, who played the part of Lt. Uhura on Star Trek, to "improve NASA’s human mission with her single-handed effort to include more women and African-Americans in the space agency of the late 1970s that was dominated by White-male employees."

    Nichols would give a speech in 1977, titled 'New Opportunities for the Humanisation of Space', where she voiced her concerns and criticism that been been leveled against the space program by the women and minorities whom she had met during her travels:

    ... she talked herself into becoming a recruitment contractor of minorities for NASA's Astronaut Corp. However, she informed those present that in accepting the assignment (contract) her credibility was at stake, and if she found suitably qualified women and minorities for the astronaut program who would subsequently not be selected, then she would 'personally file a class-action suit against NASA.'

    So NASA was no longer an organization where merit was the necessary condition for employment or advancement; it was nothing more than the right genitalia or an abundance of melanin that would instantly qualify you for NASA employment and getting pushed to the front of astronaut training.... or else Lt. Uhura would file a class-action lawsuit...

    Slowly, but surely, NASA became just another Affirmative Action government agency. Competency and vision diminished, bad accidents happened, and eventually we got to the point where, according to NASA director Charles Bolden, the "foremost" mission of the space agency was "to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering.".

    And that's how you get a Space Agency without a Space Program.

    Good night, America.

  64. BTW how is that STEM cell mentoring going.....first ranked schools....

    Stated like an uneducated Yee-Haw, lol!!!

    What in da' heck is STEM cell mentoring? A first year biology course could do you some serious good!! Heck, a high school biology course would probably do you some good!!!

    BTW, the phrase is "TOP RANKED SCHOOLS" NOT first ranked schools, only ONE school can be ranked first at one time.

    You must have graduated from some rural high school in the middle of nowhere, geez!!!


  65. Perspective...

    Dailykos netroots in detroit protesting the water being shut off.

    A lot of netroots people.

    Why didn't all these white democrats put up their own money to have some water turned on?

    Why do democrats only want to help people with the money of other people?

  66. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Anyone unfortunate enough to be 'mentored' by that idiot will never make it in STEM field. She is a complete fraud.

  67. Once again, people of European descent have ushered in a new era of world wide terrorism by shooting down that airplane.

    Count on Brown people from Muslim countries to follow their lead.

  68. Anonymous12:55 PM

    You are a moron Yisheng. Please STFU.

  69. Putin: I didn't have anything to do with that plane being shot down.

    Clinton: Yeah right, we're gonna sanction your a$$es to hell and back for shooting that plane down.

  70. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Yisheng wrote,
    And the fact that you refuse to answer means you're nothing more than a fruit loop.

    And fruit loops don't have college degrees or jobs, lol!!

    And this logic comes from the place you were taught Ebonics or maybe the third rate HBCU you attended but didn't graduate from. I also didn't know that typo's counted in a blog. But the reality and fact of the lack of of Black academic achievement remains. You simply can't refute it. Plus it's getting worse. If you didn't have your precious remedial schools ( read this as HBCU's ) you would be completely off the radar. And we have you "mentoring" students wanted to study STEM. Sweet. Keep up the lmao good work.


  71. Anonymous2:08 PM

    A particularly apt cartoon takedown of Putin:

  72. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Yisheng wrote,

    And fruit loops don't have college degrees or jobs, lol!!

    Speaking of fruit loops how about the latest box scores from the weekend Chicago shit show. NBC news reports at least 40 people shot this weekend. Combined with 5 confirmed dead and another probable in the box, it looks the bangers/ fruitloops have another bloody weekend on their hands. And hey Yisheng, money says there's not a degree among the shooters.


  73. Kakistocracy2:33 PM

    Putin: "How is it both of our nations have come to be led by the worst among them?

    Hillary: "Because we want it more"

  74. Kakistocracy2:38 PM

    Putin: "You know this will end, as it always does, in rivers of blood and mountains of bones."

    Hillary: "What difference does it make?"

  75. QLB, the bitter one wihtout a college degree said:
    And this logic comes from the place you were taught Ebonics or maybe the third rate HBCU you attended but didn't graduate from.


    As a matter of fact, I did spend one semester as a visiting student at one of the best HBCUs in the US. And I had the BEST time EVER in my undergraduate education!!

    FYI, my last degree was earned at Georgetown University which was also attended by former President Bill Clinton. And I'll bet my alumni association dues that NO president has EVER attended ANY school you've attended.

    BTW, undergraduate education refers to Bachelors degrees.

  76. Given that HBCUs graduate the highest numbers of Black/Brown STEM majors, I consider an HONOR AND A PRIVILEGE to have attended one.

  77. Kakistocracy2:45 PM

    Putin: "I'm Hitler and you're Stalin. Let's make a pact!"

    Hillary: "OK, but only if you promise to kill some Jews. It would be great for my fundraising"

  78. Um, no I haven't chosen a running mate yet. Sure Vlad, I'll keep you in mind. Sure.

  79. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Yīshēng said...

    Given that HBCUs graduate the highest numbers of Black/Brown STEM majors, I consider an HONOR AND A PRIVILEGE to have attended one.

    But of course HBCU's graduate the highest number of blacks with degrees in subjects other than Afro Studies or Phys Ed. And you personally should consider it an honor and privilege they still let you into Walmart.

    @QLB: I knew she couldn't get into a real college. It's evident in her lack of logic and poor reasoning skills.

  80. focusedpurpose, can my peeps every make up for the sins of the past?

    Nice white ladies do got it made.

    Which is why they're sharing the wealth.

    "for now."

    What does that mean? Do you know something the rest of us don't?

    Not all ww are nice white ladies.

    Nice white ladies would never do porn or pose for lynching pics. Nice white ladies want to help everyone and love everyone.

    "BO = white folks' fault entirely."

    White folks can be blamed for Obama's Barry phase. But when Obama went all Barack, he became the beast of burden for blacks everywhere.

  81. Blogger PilotX said...



    Hoya Saxa baby, ALL day EVERY day!!! :)

  82. If only Putin would have given Hillary a russian sickle.

    Similar to what Nikita Koloff did to David Crockett.

    Starts at the 2:47 mark.

    Image Al Sharpton trying to explain that on his MSNBC show.

  83. Cheryl3:08 PM

    Georgetown is forced to accept unqualified black females or Eric Holder will sue them. Everyone knows that.

  84. Ivan Biggun3:17 PM

    "Image Al Sharpton trying to explain that on his MSNBC show."

    Kinky, thanks for that link. It illustrates perfectly the folly of the Obama/Clinton/Kerry foreign policy as regards the Russians.

  85. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Yisheng wrote,
    Given that HBCUs graduate the highest numbers of Black/Brown STEM majors, I consider an HONOR AND A PRIVILEGE to have attended one.

    HBCU's = Remedial education to the rest of the world.


  86. HBCU's = Remedial education to the rest of the world.


    And given that you aren't a college graduate AT ALL, YOU are the LAST person that should have anything negative to say.

    That Hee-Haw superiority complex which allows you to think that with NO college education, you're on the same intellectual level as a graduate from an HBCU, is the SAME deluded thinking that keeps poor/lower class Whites thinking the Rethugs are looking out for their best interests.


  87. Anonymous5:20 PM

    "Of those getting Engineering degrees most are coming from HBCU's and not the first ranked schools. Same for medical and law degrees with board certification and BAR exam failure rates. In Astronomy and astrophysics there's virtually no one. You could fill a living room with those. I'd say your work is cut out for you considering the drop out rate for YBM's."


    12:05 PM
    QLB, you depress me. Why must you always attack and degrade us when historicallly it is YOUR ancestors fault Blacks are not educated in the first place?

    During slavery, it was a 'crime', 'the kiss of death' for a Black person to read or write or desire to be educated. NOW. Why was that? Why would Whites prevent Blacks from learning?

    Your discriminatory murderous laws of Blacks affected us psychologically, mentally, and spiritually. We learned to hate our color.

    In addition, the way you fed our ancestors affected our bodies, creating genes of diabetes, high blood pressure, PTSD, emotionality that affects our thinking and our self-esteem.

    Because of all of that in the past, we are always hyper-vigilant, depressed and fearful of being fearful of unmerciful racist Whites like you who denigrate us and treat us as an inferior race.

    When will it be enough for you to stop doing to us these evil things which has been going on for centuries? Do you feel you are a good person for doing so? Do you believe in God, or do you believe there is no God and therefore ethics and morals and mercy are not important because they are weak traits to have?

    Yes, QLB, you thoroughly traumatize and depress me. Are you happy now?

    HBCU's may not be up to your standards for college but it gives Blacks a chance to go to colleges they ordinarily would not be able to., and was the purpose of HBCU'S: To learn in an emotionally safe environment without being harassed by the likes of you.

    You are disgusting and depressing. Pray there is no God, because if there is, your soul is damned.

    depressed Negro

  88. Hampton and Howard are higly rated in US News and World Report's college ratings. FAMU's b-school is highly ranked, Tuskegee's engineering and vetinary schools are well regarded with students from all over the world attending. Many successful and intelligent folks are HBC grads. Spike Lee, Jerry Rice, Phyllicia Rashad, Debbie Allen and many others are doing quite well. A bunch of my buddies are doing well after HBC educations, they are pilots, lawyers, engineers, teachers, ect.

  89. Anonymous5:40 PM

    PilotX, "Spike Lee, Jerry Rice, Phyllicia Rashad, Debbie Allen and many others are doing quite well. A bunch of my buddies are doing well after HBC educations, they are pilots, lawyers, engineers, teachers, ect."

    5:22 PM
    Brother PX, are those people the best you can do? Spike Lee is one of the biggest ignoramuses to ever live.

    Jerry Rice? a 'football' player? Hell, nobody needs a degree for that!

    Actors and actresses don't need a degree to become famous. What they need in that profession is a 'break'...that is, running into the right person...the RIGHT WHITE person(Jewish) who 'decides' to make them a star.

    PX, you are just as disgusting and depressing as QBL, except you are Black, which makes you even more depressing to me. It is clear you have 'low expectations'...

    Spike Lee gets a break for the movie "Malcolm X", then effs up everything else due to his ignorance and big mouth...

    And you consider him a big success?

    I consider him stupid. He ruined his chances of financial support from the White and Jewish community forever. Spike is just effing stupid and depressing as a bm....he has a 'mental' and 'emotional' problem that is out of control....SO DO YOU.

  90. @KC-

    white folk SWEAR america is theirs + a "Christian" nation...

    have ya'll ever bothered to READ the Book? do you folk not know you are Esau/Edomites? do you think lying about it will change the facts?

    the only thing white folk can do is cut it out. but of course, ya'll never will. at least not those sitting at the top. those on the bottom will snap up white privilege crumbs while SWEARING white privilege = myth/figment of Black folks' imaginations.

    ww do NOT share the wealth. they COLLECT the wealth and run it on back...

    wealth being transferred by women and all.

    try that nonsense with someone else KC:)

    what ww DO share and share and share has wm/their sons OBSESSED with the packages of the Blessed Black sons. this is also why mutilated/severed packages went hand in hand with lynching.

    devilish white folk are rather sex obsessed in general. if you are familiar with Sarah "Saartjie" Baartman, you will get an idea of how deep the sickness truly goes.

    it makes me chuckle with a sad heart to see the white Sarah Baartmans come through. think KK and other lesser known pale women that seek to be objectified by the injected, padded rears:(




    i thought you were a klansMAN. had no idea you were a klansWOMAN. i would ask you to tell US why you mad but i know it is my response to KC re: nice white ladies:)


    or do you prefer atlas shrugged?


    go back to feeding your dead Chicago BM fetish. you say they post pics somewhere, huh?

    ps. white folk INSIST on running EVERYTHING as a result of their artificial intelligence/ superiority born of their melanin deficiency.

    just as soon as someone points out the hot mess state of the world- run by devilish white folk into the ground- white folk start whining about being blamed.


    when the BO is to blame nonsense gets interrupted with this is STILL all on white folk facts folk get all mad.

    this whole mess is the fault of devilish white folks and the black devil colored slaves that serve their devilish agenda.

    "Here are a couple examples:

    Oprah Winfrey
    President Barack Obama
    Martin Luther King
    Nelson Mandela
    Melissa Harris Perry

    And this is a short list."


    those of US that watch signs and symbols been paying close attention + write no passes 'cause they are in Black skin.

    those sitting at the top are lucifer loving just as sure as the day is long.


    Anon 9:05am- your point is well taken. i Understand precisely what you are saying.

    i Love Knowledge- which is being removed from the educational system.

  91. @KC-

    white folk won't quit because they just decided to do better.

    white folk will quit when Almighty hits the earth with a hiss. then they will come WITH our stuff confessing the Truth:

    their birthright are all lies.

    that's what's written.

    that's what it is.

    i speak with passion...

    not hate.

    lest anyone gets it confused:)

    Blessings in Abundance to you...

    and QLB, too. who might want to check out KJV Lamentations 4:21-22...then cut it out. stat.

  92. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Yisheng said,

    And given that you aren't a college graduate AT ALL, YOU are the LAST person that should have anything negative to say.

    Would you really want to put money on that? I mean real money, not EBT money on that statement?
    BTW you've sort of dodged that mentoring question. Why don't you tell us about the declining rate of matriculation among Blacks, especially men in US medical schools? You're now less than half of your % of the population with numbers dropping fast. If it wasn't for HBCU ( remedial ) medical schools your people would be off the radar. I know that somehow it's YT's fault but an explanation may be due considering that you're a LMAO mentor. What else do you do badly? But hey, I guess that being a street thug, aspiring rapper who was turning his like around is just more popular. Do tell. We'll save the Bar exam and the rest of STEM for later.



  93. "for now."

    What does that mean? Do you know something the rest of us don't?

    QLB you should GET.SOME aka a clue, too;)



    KJV Lamentations 4:21-22

    21 Rejoice and be glad, O daughter of Edom... the cup also shall pass through unto thee: thou shalt be drunken, and shalt make thyself naked.

    22 The punishment of thine iniquity is accomplished, O daughter of Sion; he will no more carry thee away in captivity: he will visit thine iniquity, O daughter of Edom; he will discover thy sins.


    daughters of Sion is NOT in reference to europeans puked out of europe for their devilish ways over into the promised land. where they keep up their ethnic cleansing,racist, synagogue of satan, demonic antics...

    ps. ya'll white folk keeping BO, too. it is crackarific to think you can take a man born to a ww, reared by white folk, educated in the occult white folk educational system...

    then decide he is the fault of Black folk, when he starts acting like...

    a fork tongued cracka.

    think: whipcracka aka a slave term.

    and BO is cracking the whip on ALL new slaves of ALL colors.

    which when you think about it= funny sorta. in a devilish kind of way;(

    wicked genius. gotta give defeated lucifer his props even as i remind all serving him that they lose, in the Mighty Name of Messiah!

  94. QLB, could it be your secret longing for what your ancestors frequently removed from Black men before lynching them, that prevents you from addressing PilotX for questioning your lack of a college degree?

    I mean, you seem laser focused on MY comments to you and not his.

  95. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Yisheng wrote,
    QLB, could it be your secret longing for what your ancestors frequently removed from Black men before lynching them, that prevents you from addressing PilotX for questioning your lack of a college degree?

    Those who resort to sexual ad hominem attacks are people whose arguments have been destroyed. Here's a huge hint tootz. That means you. You don't like the irrefutable facts and all you have left is to blame YT. You're supposed to be a mentor. Why not answer the question from 6:22, that if you really can?
    BTW I've answered Pilot's question twice. If he and his acolytes don't have reading comprehension that's not my problem.


  96. BTW I've answered Pilot's question twice. If he and his acolytes don't have reading comprehension that's not my problem.


    You obviously inherited from your European ancestors, the ability to deflect and evade any direct answer to an inquiry that makes you "uncomfortable".

    However, it's your African ancestry that affords you the hope that you'll eventually be an honest human being.

  97. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Because Africans are the most honest people in the world!


  98. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Yīshēng said...

    Once again, people of European descent have ushered in a new era of world wide terrorism by shooting down that airplane.

    Count on Brown people from Muslim countries to follow their lead.

    And Africans not living off of White nations will do what? Continue to pack cow dung onto their hut walls?

  99. @QLB-

    maybe you could run this little nugget back to your fellow Esau/Edomites:

    "Those who resort to sexual ad hominem attacks are people whose arguments have been destroyed."

    @AgentX- that lucifer loving, sign of baphomet throwing, beta trained, mk programmed, souled out, sex slave needs to put some clothes on.

    the LAST thing Blessed Black women need is to be overly sexualized. that heifer has security. the young Black girls that will try to emulate her won't have security nor a daddy- in most instances- to give a solid dang.

    i get just as riled up when i see the Edomite beta trained mk'd lucifer worshiping sex slave Miley Cyrus leading young Edomite folk astray.

  100. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Yisheng wrote,

    However, it's your African ancestry that affords you the hope that you'll eventually be an honest human being.

    And if in 86% Detroit, if the citizens there paid their water bill, they might find out they could bathe, cook and flush the toilets without wanting more "gibs me."


  101. I seriously missed Q's answer to my questions. Did ANYONE else see them? Please inform me of the answers.

  102. Anonymous7:00 AM

    After I get elected we'll hookup for sure

  103. Does Willy know what your really like in private?

    How large is your schnapps?

  104. Reggie8:25 PM

    I'm gonna get dat Negro for you soon..You know 2008...
