Friday, July 18, 2014

Shameless politics, and get that Negro away from me.

Well this didn't take long. The bodies of those who tragically lost their lives in that Malaysian Air crash in Eastern Ukraine have not been removed from the fields that the poor souls perished in, and already the political vultures are out foaming at the mouth and gnashing their teeth.

They are blaming Barack Obama for this tragedy (not Vladimir Putin) because this is what having a serious case of derangement syndrome can do to you.

From Allen West, to John McCain, they were fighting each other to get in front of a microphone and a camera to take their shots.

"It’s just been cowardly, it’s a cowardly administration that failed to give the Ukrainians weapons with which to defend themselves,” McCain said. 

The former Republican opponent to Obama’s 2008 campaign said these comments after Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crashed into Ukraine, causing the deaths of nearly 300 people. But while rumors surface that Russian separatists were responsible for shooting down the commercial jet, McCain is taking aim at the president.

“I don’t understand this president,” McCain said Thursday on Fox News’ “Hannity.” “The crisis on the border and he did the fundraisers, the fundraisers in New York while there are major major conflicts, not to mention the loss of American lives reported … I do not understand it.”

He added, “This is what we used to call in the military AWOL.”

McCain suggested that if reports prove that Russia was behind the attacks, the United States should “impose the harshest possible sanctions on Vladimir Putin and Russia.” [Source]

They were in rare form.

Forgetting, of course, that their hero, Ronald Reagan, took four days to respond to a similar civilian plane being shot down by the Russians. For the record, Barack Obama took twenty four hours. Can you imagine if Barack Obama had taken four days to respond to this tragedy?

So Reagan didn't want to leave his ranch and Barack Obama doesn't want to cut his fundraisers short.

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER:"What is the president's reaction? You said what matters is not where he is. He's had no reaction. He's had no reaction to anything that I can tell in the last six months. Look, it isn't as if we're going to go to war with Russia, but we've denied Ukraine lethal weaponry on the grounds that we don't want to escalate the conflict. The rebels and the Russians are killing Ukrainians in large numbers, by shooting them out of the sky. The least the president could do is make a damned decision for once in his life and announce that we are now going to supply lethal weapons to assist the Ukrainians to defend themselves and to complete the offensive that is now going on in Eastern Ukraine to actually destroy the rebel insurgents."

Hmmm, "lethal weapons to assist Ukrainians". Why? So that they can use those "lethal weapons" to achieve their own agenda when they see fit? I don't think so.

One of the truly sad aspects of this tragedy is that some really good and influential people who are actually contributing to humanity lost their lives. The irony is, of course, that the people who contribute nothing and who do more to destroy society by their actions can only offer more vacuous and meaningless commentary while the gown ups seek solutions.

Finally, I have to chase the big R before I sign off tonight.

"Florida man Thomas Thorpe, charged with attempted first-degree murder, appeared in court today to enter in a not guilty plea. But most memorable from his court appearance was Thorpe ranting about the black public defender next to him and how he didn’t want a “Negro standing next to me.”

Thorpe allegedly stabbed someone at a bus stop. In court today, he said, “I pleaded not guilty and I don’t want this Negro standing next to me. I don’t want a Negro standing next to me.”

And it wasn’t just that public defender he objected to, Thorpe refused any defense attorney whatsoever. The judge asked, “Do you understand what an attorney is and what they do?” Thorpe replied, “Yes, they screwed us.” [Source]

You gotta love racists.

Good luck Mr. Thorpe, hopefully you will get the white lawyer you desire. For your sake, though, I just hope that the facts and the evidence are on your side. If not, that "Negro" lawyer will be the least of your problems.

Mr. McCain's pic from





  1. John McCain made tracks to get in front of the camera. Someone should tell him to STFU, his dumb ass might be President now had he not chosen bimbo as his running mate.
    I hope Mr. Thorpe gets a blah cellmate. Ha!

  2. What are you hoping the blah cellmate would do Px?

    Rape him?

    Kill him?

    Would that satisfy your white blood lust?

  3. Anonymous8:43 PM

    "And it wasn’t just that public defender he objected to, Thorpe refused any defense attorney whatsoever. The judge asked, “Do you understand what an attorney is and what they do?” Thorpe replied, “Yes, they screwed us.”

    Well, being a depressed Negro I am no fan of a white racist. But I must agree that Thorpe spoke a universal truth in his answer about what an attorney is: "they screw us."

    I am sure many will agree, esp Black folks who live in Philly. Blacks take a royal screwing from lawyers in Philly.

    It's depressing to be Black in America, esp in Philly, the "city of brotherly love."

    depressed Negro

  4. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Kinky, did you see Dawn of the Planet of the Apes?

    In that movie there was an ape who hated humans for what they did to him. He had a blood lust for humans and wasn't happy until there was a war, which he started, between the two. Even with the war, his blood lust still could not be satisfied.

    Well, PX is like that ape.(no pun intended)

  5. Wesley R8:49 PM

    Right Wing continues to talk loud while saying nothing.


    Justin Gatlin, 9.80 in the 100 meters, 19.68 in the 200 meters. When are the Jamaicans going to step up? Yes sir I'm Hatin'.

  6. Anonymous8:52 PM

    "Hmmm, "lethal weapons to assist Ukrainians". Why? So that they can use those "lethal weapons" to achieve their own agenda when they see fit? I don't think so."

    But it's okay to arm and train al Qaeda in order to overthrow the Syrian government, right Field? That worked out real well.

  7. Judging by the legal acumen you display here, Field, I'd say Mr. Thorpe has a point about who should represent him. With Affirmative Action, you never know what you are getting, do you?

  8. "Forgetting, of course, that their hero, Ronald Reagan, took four days to respond to a similar civilian plane being shot down by the Russians. For the record, Barack Obama took twenty four hours. Can you imagine if Barack Obama had taken four days to respond to this tragedy?"




    The left is like that. Lying and making shit up.

  9. Unfortunately, Crazy McCain has a point. Why is Obama always at fundraisers? He can't run for re-election himself, so why does he get spend more than half his time on the job raising money for his party? Shouldn't he have to do that on his own time? I mean being President seems like it should be full time job. Just sayin'.

  10. AND....

    Proclamation 5086 -- Death of American Citizens on Board Korean Airlines Flight

    By the President of the United States
    of America

    A Proclamation

    As a mark of respect for the American citizens and all those who died violently on board the Korean Airlines flight which was ruthlessly shot down by Soviet fighters between Sakhalin and Monoron Islands on September 1, 1983, I hereby order, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States of America, that the flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff upon all public buildings and grounds, at all military posts and naval stations, and on all naval vessels of the Federal Government in the District of Columbia and throughout the United States and its Territories and possessions through Sunday, September 4, 1983. I also direct that the flag shall be flown at half-staff for the same length of time at all United States embassies, legations, consular offices, and other facilities abroad, including all military facilities and naval vessels and stations.

    In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of September, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty-three, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and eighth.

    Ronald Reagan

    This is why the left hates facts. Facts show they lie and make shit up.

  11. Anonymous10:34 PM

    "...that the people who contribute nothing and who do more to destroy society by their actions can only offer more vacuous and meaningless commentary..."

    Yes, the Chicago Jesus (aka Barak Obama) is vacuous and [the world wishes] meaningless.

    He is not the "grown up" [in the room]. (As an example see the photograph of him in the White House Situation Room during the killing of OBL...he is the little boy in the room full adults trying desperately to not be noticed.)

    As to Reagan's reaction to the killing of KAL-007, the day after the killing President Reagan returned to Washington to address the atrocity. (Obama raised money, made jokes, and ate a burger after the killing of MA-17.)

    But then again, FN, your reality picture is not based upon facts, but based upon a twisted racial animosity and your unwavering support of the SCFOAMF in White House.

  12. There does not seem to be any way to get these fools to shut up.

  13. Anonymous11:45 PM

    It's a little too much for Field on Friday night at FN. Anon Inc sends its best anons to FN and Field runs for cover. Hang in there Field, the ordinary anons will be back tomorrow.:)

  14. The rebels and the Russians are killing Ukrainians in large numbers, by shooting them out of the sky. - Charles Krauthammer, Fox News Commentator

    A Malaysian jetliner filled with only Ukrainians??? This is an interesting comment by another Faux News commentator.

  15. @Black Sage: In defense of Krauthammer, most people aren't as dumb as you and could understand he was referring to the downing of Ukrainian planes that has been going for months.

  16. Hattie said...

    There does not seem to be any way to get these fools to shut up.

    The concentration camps will.

  17. Anonymous12:17 AM

    @White Numbnuts, In defense of brother Black Sage, wigga EFF you!

  18. Anonymous12:18 AM

    I think the anons sent by Anon Inc tonight are too smart for people like Black Sage who misunderstands Krauthammer's words. How did he come up with his conclusions? I doubt if God knows...It was totally off the wall.

    Nevertheless, Black Sage keeps trying to 'represent'...Unfortunately, it's last place.

    Dear Black Sage, do you have a degree? Do you have a job? Are you from Cleveland?

    You are a disgrace to your race.

  19. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Field, you are being totally unfair to Allen West because what he said is absolutely true about Obama.

  20. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Mr. Field, there was a commenter who called Black Sage "dumb" because he did not understand the context of what Krauthammer reported.

    Mr Field, I feel that the commenter is a racist. Furthermore, I am requesting that you lay down some basic rules of words such using "intellectually challenged" instead of the word "dumb". I recommend this because Blacks tend to get too emotional at the 'raw' truth.

    But if folks would 'dress up' the words a little, people like Black Sage and PC and PX might be able to hear the truth with an open mind. And thus they would be able to learn something.

    But if you call them "dumb", they won't learn a damn thing, even though the truth was spoken. Some people aren't ready to hear the 'direct truth'. THAT is the difference between the races.... One can handle the truth and the other has a hard time with the truth because it is too painful to acknowledge.

  21. @ Fake Field Negro – aka Burgundytrollonymous, Green Parsley, White Genius and sometimes as Anonymous (@12:18.)
    I’ve told you before BOY, your Uncle Tommy mask is coming undone and you’re beginning to reveal who you truly are. Your mediocre verbiage tells on you every time. How in the hell could someone profess to be a Field Negro, but yet, he’s a bonafide member of an oppressive government system at the same time? Perhaps you’ve fail to grasp a firm understanding of what entails a true Field Negro and what he/she does. Certainly, a real Field Negro wouldn’t be one to have an abundance of urge to oppress others similarly situated.
    Within the field of Psychology, when your attitude isn’t in sync with your behavior, it’s commonly referred to as cognitive dissonance. Thus far, you’ve shown yourself to be a beautiful embodiment of this psychological theory on your own blog, if that’s what you’d like to refer to this webpage as being.
    Moreover, as far as blacks being continuously “screwed” by the judicial system within the Philadelphia area, you should give voice to the situation. Instead, you post some anonymous BS on your webpage crying about it in disguise and hope and pray that people don’t recognize your shallow lexicon. A real Field Negro would’ve mentioned it in the most meaningful manner and refrained from being a coward in the process as well. I’ll stop cease here, perhaps I’m expecting a little too much from a Fake Ass Field Negro!

    Much respect to Bob Marley (RIP)!

    Carry on Fake Ass!

  22. "Carry on Fake Ass!"

    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.

  23. Black Sage said...
    Much respect to Bob Marley (RIP)!

    Wait a minute, Bob Marley is dead?

  24. Black Sage- hi there. why are you going off on Trolly Anon? i don't think she had anything to do with what's setting you off.

    her writing is pretty recognizable to me. i don't see she tends to own her comments. ease up off my girl. we all fam.

    be Blessed + stay up Black man.

    Much Love;)


    @ FN-

    what is it that the nice white lady's baby AKeys is doing that has her "empowering" Blessed Black women? or did you just need to replace Lark Voorhies with another mixed chick?

    come on...tell folk what it is for Real. i've been busy so i could've missed a memo or two.

    what i did not miss + recall quite clearly was this episode at the sista Whitney Houston's funeral. i was thankful someone else caught it and threw it up on youtube:

    say what now?


    i started to mention your clear fascination with mingled women before...but was too busy. took some special time to share this beautiful Sabbath evening. hope it helps ya better understand what you see...

    didn't AK also squeeze on in on another sista's husband, too?

    imma need some receipts- RIP Whitney Houston- on this AK "empowering the sistas" claim you making man. or maybe you could throw your pic on the side by side with AK in the house and stop playing 'cause you crushing.


    all jokes aside, i pray for AK..

    and all similarly ensnared artists. that they will know that as long as they have breath- it is not too late to make a switch. in Messiah's Name, i pray.

    blessings all!

  25. @ Blessed Black women-

    the enemy is coming for US...


    'cause they know who we are:)

    as soon as more of US know...

    it will be ON!

  26. Black Sage said...
    A real Field Negro would’ve mentioned it in the most meaningful manner and refrained from being a coward in the process as well.

    It is time for the blacks to step aside and make way for the Americans of the future. You need to accept this.

  27. Black Sage is frustrated by his inability to find his way through the white man's world. Plus, as with most black people, dogs do not like him and this causes him much pain.

    I know this because I am Native American.

  28. Anonymous3:35 AM

    That's hilarious.

    The old "I didn't commit a hate-crime and also please remove the Negro standing next to me" defense.

    No one said racists were smart.

  29. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Chairman Soetoro said...
    Hattie said...

    There does not seem to be any way to get these fools to shut up.

    The concentration camps will.

    Chairman Soetoro, stop watching Alex Jones and seek psychiatric treatment immediately.

  30. Anonymous5:02 AM

    "Hmmm, 'lethal weapons to assist Ukrainians'. Why? So that they can use those 'lethal weapons' to achieve their own agenda when they see fit? I don't think so."

    It could definitely happen, though.

    Putin had best get it together in a hurry and rein in those rebels in eastern Ukraine. Otherwise, the pressure to "do something" in the U.S. federal government will eventually escalate to the breaking point. And Putin will definitely not like the "something" we will do.

    Sanctions by the U.S. are of no great effect on Russia, due to our limited trade with them. But flooding Ukraine with huge quantities of Russian-killing weapons? As the biggest arms dealers on the planet ... yup, I'm pretty sure we can accomplish that quite easily.

    In fact, no doubt there are a number of politicians on Capitol Hill right now salivating over the prospect of sending some taxpayer cash over to their defense-contractor friends to build some weapons for Ukraine.

    Ukraine could easily go from being the minor inconvenience on Putin's doorstep to his newest, extremely bloody Chechnya crisis.

  31. If you think it's tough being black in America, thank your lucky stars you don't live in Israel.

  32. Anonymous6:43 AM

    "If you think it's tough being black in America, thank your lucky stars you don't live in Israel."

    Africans seeking asylum in Israel are making a grave mistake. Israel is a country in a violent ethnic death struggle between Jews and Palestinians. Each side is paranoid about the other acquiring any sort of additional advantage.

    Palestinians are already having as many children as possible as a tactic of war, hoping to counteract Jewish military superiority by overwhelming them with sheer population numbers. In such a situation, any immigration that would further reduce the Jewish share of the population will not be looked on kindly.

    On top of that, the right wing of Israeli society (the settlers and their supporters) are just about the most racist bunch of assholes possible. Since they've already convinced themselves that Palestinians are subhuman creatures that don't deserve any human rights, it's probably not a big leap to extend that contempt to other non-Jewish ethnic groups. Like, say, Africans.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. "Africans - Fleeing ethnic cleansing, poverty and genocide. 

Who is causing all of that?"

    Not 'who' numbskull - 'what'.

    And the answer is 'colonialism' and the long-term consequences thereof is causing that.

    Interestingly research shows that what drives Africans to move to Europe is work – the availability of jobs. There are significant shortages of labour in several sectors in Europe where Africans can easily find jobs, and being hard-working, enterprising people Africans are prepared to move thousands of miles in a an effort to better their lives. Just the kind of hard-working entrepreneurial people Europe needs more of.


    "Tell me again why EU is closing the gates to Africans?"

    Tell you again?

    Have I told you before and your brain was too small to cope with the answer?

    But seeing as you insist let me explain again in a simpler form that you might understand.

    The truth is that the E.U. has not really closed its doors to African immigrants, it has only paid lip-service to doing so to appease the relative electoral success of anti-immigrant parties such as the Front National in France, Lega Nord in Italia and UKIP in the UK.

As this excellent paper from an Oxford University researcher points out, the oft quoted paradigm of an African invasion of the E.U. is a myth.

    (I know you far-Right types don’t have much use for ‘science’ or ‘reality’, and I’m guessing you don't have the patience or intellectual curiosity to read the whole paper, but at least try and read the Abstract.)

    The fact is that it is the E.U.'s financial interests to allow African immigration and they do just that. More than I,000,00 Africans enter the E.U. legally every single year. There are currently 4.9 million African-born French citizens, and about 2.65 million in the UK. (Those figures do not include European born children of African migrants.)

A cheap source of flexible workers is what the E.U. wants, particularly for the agricultural sector (men) and the care sector (women). I know from my experience in my previous career that the system for the care of the elderly in the UK would completely collapses with the hard work of African women.

    Similarly in France, many white women can go only afford to go to work because they can afford African carers for their children. An entire generation of French kids are being raised by African women.

    This is no bad thing, as George Monbiot rightly said: "'If wealth was the inevitable result of hard work and enterprise, every woman in Africa would be a millionaire."

  35. @Hi FP, how are you girlfriend?? I’m just exposing Fake Field Negro for all of his cooning antics!

    Field Negro aka Green Parsley responded: Much respect to Bob Marley (RIP)! Wait a minute, Bob Marley is dead?

    @Fake Field Negro, of course he’s dead, that’s why I placed the acronym RIP at the end of the sentence. Damn, you certainly are a wise one Fake Ass Field!

    @Field Negro aka Yellow Magi responded: "Carry on Fake Ass!"
    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.

    @ Anon 12:38 aka Field Negro, now you’re attacking Black Sage, PC and PilotX. I’m not surprised at all. These are some of the things cowards do. They post in fear under a pseudonym for fear of the backlash.

    Carry on Fake Field Negro!

  36. "We don’t have time for propaganda, we don’t have time for games."-Obama

    But "WE" do have time for fundraisers and hanging out in hollywood.

  37. If these were Christians in Philly, field would be all over this-

    Philadelphia mosque leaders try to cut off man's hand -police

    (Reuters) - Two men described as leaders of a Philadelphia mosque were accused of trying to cut off the hand of a suspected thief, whose wrist was sliced so deeply it required hospital treatment, police said on Friday.

    The 46-year-old victim said two officials in the mosque accused him of stealing jars of money from the house of worship after morning prayers on Monday.

    The officials, described in police reports as the mosque's imam and amir, dragged the victim to the rear of the mosque, and attempted to chop off his hand with a machete, according to a police statement.

  38. Field by the time those inmates get done he will need a new body..Talk about get away dude well cooked ..better sprout wings That culo is done
    As for john LOL i knew it

  39. Anonymous10:13 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "Africans - Fleeing ethnic cleansing, poverty and genocide. 

Who is causing all of that?"

    Not 'who' numbskull - 'what'.

    And the answer is 'colonialism' and the long-term consequences thereof is causing that.

    Interestingly research shows that what drives Africans to move to Europe is work – the availability of jobs.

    Right, Africans having the natural resources, don't know what to do with them. So they cannot create a country with an economy and need to call in foreign races to learn how to use their resources and send out more ignorant savages to white nations to find work, because they create nothing in their own country.

  40. Anonymous10:16 AM

    ell you again?

    Have I told you before and your brain was too small to cope with the answer?

    Dumb Coon subterfuge. We know who the savage beggers are, trying to foment some form of guilt from others as an excuse for why no nation ever on the face of the earth populated by blacks is anything more than it was thousands of years ago.

    It is why blacks desperately seek to get into a white nation. White nations who also started with nothing but built civilization.

    We know who the intellectual inferior is, sambo.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Anonymous10:17 AM

    ell you again?

    Have I told you before and your brain was too small to cope with the answer?

    Dumb Coon subterfuge.

    So your brothers turn into genocidal savages and it's all someone elses fault...hmmmm?

    We know who the savage beggers are, trying to foment some form of guilt from others as an excuse for why no nation ever on the face of the earth populated by blacks, is anything more than it was thousands of years ago.

    It is why blacks desperately seek to get into a white nation. White nations who also started with nothing but built civilization.

    We know who the intellectual inferior is, sambo.

  43. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Meanwhile the Chicago weekend shit show if off and running. We have our first confirmed kill a 10 year old child, completely innocent, hit by a stray. There's also word on another unconfirmed kill, the usual victim, a YBM. With 18 shot since the "shooting game" began yesterday afternoon, the trend towards more lead, less dead continues, compliments of YT's trauma care system. Yet somehow Black's are more concerned about a convicted felon with a long arrest records dying while resisting arrest during criminal activity. You only need to look at Camden, Gary, Baltimore etc to get a clearer picture.


  44. Anonymous11:14 AM

    "what is it that the nice white lady's baby AKeys is doing that has her "empowering" Blessed Black women? or did you just need to replace Lark Voorhies with another mixed chick?"

    So now FP is upset with the FN because he gave props to a mixed (light skinned, "good" hair) chick.

    But a lot of dark skinned black women do have a strong, deep seated dislike for light skinned black women. Not pretty.

  45. Purple Cow said...
    Just the kind of hard-working entrepreneurial people Europe needs more of.


    Yes, we know all about that here in America. If it wasn't for all those hard-working entrepreneurial Africans, where would be now?

  46. QLB: "Yet somehow Black's are more concerned about a convicted felon with a long arrest record dying while resisting arrest during criminal activity."

    This is black dysfunction in a nutshell. Make heroes and martyrs out of vicious criminals and always blame the white man for your failings.


  47. The Purple Cow said...
    If you think it's tough being black in America, thank your lucky stars you don't live in Israel.

    Why do you believe israel should be responsible for taking in refugees from other countries?

  48. Yes, because Charles Manson doesn't still get fan mail in jail.

    I think WTH is an idiot.

    But then again, racists are not very smart.


  49. "Why do you believe israel should be responsible for taking in refugees from other countries?"

    The 1951 United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees; also referred to as the Geneva Convention;

    The 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees;

    The 1969 OAU Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa

    The 1974 United Nations Declaration on the Protection of Women and Children in Emergency and Armed Conflict

  50. Anonymous1:48 PM

    I encountered situations like that Court room on a daily basis during the years I worked as a RN manager in a very large urban major medical center. The races were reversed. Black patients often freaked out when a black nurse came to their rooms. They would demand a white nurse. One of my co-workers who was a black unit secretary explained this behavior (although I already knew why). She stated to me " A ni**er knows another ni##er is CRAZY!"

  51. "Why do you believe Israel should be responsible for taking in refugees from other countries?"

    Jews promote mass immigration and multiculturalism in all Western countries and have thereby "fundamentally changed" them. But note that Israel itself only lets Jews in.

    Diversity for thee but not for me.

    Multicultural societies have no center, no common bond to rally around. They are much easier to manipulate and control due to their inherent schisms and mistrust.

    That's how the Jews destroy rival nations and cultures.

    Works every time.

  52. Anon@1:48, that reads like something you made up for trolling purposes,

  53. Poor old loser, Bill-oh.

    Nothing better to do with his sad, lonely little life.

    Pity him.

  54. Anonymous2:14 PM

    What would one say about the life of someone seemingly obsessed with such a poor old loser?

  55. Anonymous2:36 PM

    From yesterday's thread:

    PilotX said...

    Ha! Brotha PC is a disgrace to the blah race huh? A brotha with multiple degrees a degree in engineering and great career and kids on the right track. Yeah sounds pretty disgraceful to me. I guess the whole being successful thing means he wants to be white? Carry on.

    4:41 PM


    Playing with a model train set-up in the basement does not make one an "engineer", nor does flying remote control airplanes make one a "pilot".

  56. Anonymous2:38 PM

    PilotX said...

    Ha! Brotha PC is a disgrace to the blah race huh? A brotha with multiple degrees a degree in engineering and great career and kids on the right track. Yeah sounds pretty disgraceful to me. I guess the whole being successful thing means he wants to be white? Carry on.

    4:41 PM


    Please. Whatever is posting as "Purple Cow" has great difficulty with even basic concepts such as median and mean, and actually trying to explain to it the issues involved with the numerous "polls" it likes to cite is a fruitless exercise.

    Purple Cow doesn't even have a grasp of rudimentary maff, but we are to believe it's an "engineer".

    Oh, that's a gut-buster.

  57. lilacpr20002:40 PM

    The majority of the passengers on the ill fated Malaysia flight were from the Netherlands, as I understand it.There was one American and that is dubious because of his double passport.

    and yet, I am watching CNN, AlJazeera,et al., and the only effort to organize and identify the dead are being made by Ukrainians who have said (according to reporters there) that they do not have enough resources to do the job.

    Haven't seen any concerted effort to help get their people home from the Netherlands either! If it's being made, I honestly haven't heard or seen.

    I don't see Malaysia sending help for the body recovery either!

    Where's the UN in all this, I dunno but shouldn't they be involved? Or are they planning on leaving them their to fertilize the wheat fields of the Ukraine?

    I saw a shot of a mans body, face up laying there among the grass, His face looked peaceful, as though he was just sleeping there. But his hands and face were so very greyish pale...(:

  58. field negro said...
    "Anon@1:48, that reads like something you made up for trolling purposes,"

    Kinda like you field when you posted-

    "Forgetting, of course, that their hero, Ronald Reagan, took four days to respond "

    Are you going to run a correction?

  59. I agree lilacpr, lots of weirdness going on with the Malaysian govenment and the airline. The first flight and this one.

  60. Anonymous4:05 PM

    senor kinky said,
    "Forgetting, of course, that their hero, Ronald Reagan, took four days to respond "

    Are you going to run a correction?

    Not unless the mother ship tells him to kinky.

    PS: Hey Field, have you heard Walter Beasley's arrangement of " Do you want to dance?" Very smooth.


  61. lilacpr20004:06 PM

    PilotX3:23 PMI agree lilacpr, lots of weirdness going on with the Malaysian govenment and the airline. The first flight and this one.
    Yep! And it seems that there is just a big confusion on the ground. This is.just sad and terrible...

  62. Anonymous4:06 PM

    senor kinky said,
    "Forgetting, of course, that their hero, Ronald Reagan, took four days to respond "

    Are you going to run a correction?

    Not unless the mother ship tells him to kinky.

    PS: Hey Field, have you heard Walter Beasley's arrangement of " Do you want to dance?" Very smooth.


  63. Anonymous said...
    But a lot of dark skinned black women do have a strong, deep seated dislike for light skinned black women. Not pretty.

    Strong and confident dark-skinned women like Maya Angelou, Angela Basset and many of the women in my own family, don't have these issues.

    But then they are/were strong and confident dark-skinned women.

  64. So now FP is upset with the FN because he gave props to a mixed (light skinned, "good" hair) chick.

    But a lot of dark skinned black women do have a strong, deep seated dislike for light skinned black women. Not pretty.

    Strong and confident dark-skinned women like Maya Angelou, Angela Basset and many of the women in my own family, don't have these issues.

    But then they are/were strong and confident dark-skinned women.

  65. Strong and confident = rude and loud

    That's why I like light skinned black women.

  66. Why should I run a correction when I was right about Saint Ronnie?

  67. lilacpr2000 said...
    I saw a shot of a mans body, face up laying there among the grass, His face looked peaceful, as though he was just sleeping there

    I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but he was probably dead. No one could survive such a crash. And it would be hard to fall asleep among such carnage.

  68. Anon 11:14 AM-

    you are forever grasping for straws + trying to figure out a way to engage me while failing miserably to EVER make a sound point.

    your reading comprehension is off as well.

    i asked point blank WHAT AK is supposedly doing that is "empowering" Blessed Black women?

    my question has nothing to do with her melanin deficiency. of all the Blessed Black women holding it down for is a valid question.

    i also noted what most folk on the planet can see plainly...

    quite a few Blessed Black men- FN included- have a fascination for mingled, white (er) women. it has not EVER nor will it ever serve ya'll well. dip into the history of the Moors + some mo' if you think i joke. strange mingled women took down King Solomon even. their strange g-ds + demonology = where folk get the shield of Solomon aka the star of David. though it has NOTHING to do with King David or US Shemites.

    at this point in history all i can do is chuckle at colonized, white supremacy brain mangled sons of the nation that can't catch a clue to save their lives.

    may all the pale(er) women that think they got better coming...

    come get as many of these sons as they can woo away. if they could keep 'em i would greatly appreciate it. 'cause from what i can see they are back out on the market with the quickness. doing.the.most.

    that is not to speak ill of paler women. i don't even get mad when they leverage the hail out of the facts of the matter.


    Truth be told, i have even helped a Blexican friend when the Black as night brotha was too out of pocket with his colorism preference, pale(er) skin fascination, disrespect thrown at the Blessed Black (two Black parents) daughters of the nation. lol. took him the most expensive route + left out the little nugget that Miss Blexican would spend all his $ but she wanted to marry White.


    never felt a moment of bad about it either. just wish more of ya'll BM would see that racist whites "prefer" their mess just as ya'll Blessed Black men deeply entrenched in colorism, got ya'lls "preferences". and just as ya'll complain + whine all day long about racist white folk- esp. the menfolk- there ARE some Blessed Black women that don't like melanin deficient women as a result of all the hatred thrown their way while the pale(er) strange women are lifted up all day .

    i happen not to be one of them. i recognize the system for what it is and do what i want. i appreciate negroes that let a sista know he needs pale(er) skin in order to feel successful + closer to a man, the man, a white man in his mind. from my heart i wish all these folks- Peace, Blessings and a Good time.

    i take greater issue with the niglets that feel this way but won't say + stay in a sista's face + space- rather than being Real and just going away.


    can ya dig it?

    you don't know me. lol. clearly.


    did you miss AK singing to lucifer at the Blessed Black woman Whitney Houston's (two Black parents) funeral?

  69. did you not know AK slithered on in to snag the Blessed Black woman Mashonda's (two Black parents) husband? i don't fault AK really and mr can sniff it from miles away is STILL up to his same 'ole out baby making tricks so really AK did the Blessed Black sister a solid favor:)

    so HOW now are folk gonna bold face the demonic lie that AK is "empowering" Blessed Black women?

    i.STILL.need some receipts. (Whitney cracked me up with that one!)

    heck, IF folks are gonna tell THAT type of lie, throw the jiggly, bouncy Beyonce up as an example of BW empowerment. she is about the same shade as AK and would get the same side eye response. lol. they all lucifer loving, baphomet sign throwing, one eye covering, souled out + influencing/taking as many Blessed Blacks out with 'em slaves to the system.

    can we cut it out already?

    what is clear is YOU have an issue with Blessed Black women. especially me. those of US that are immediately recognizable as Black. not the ones you have to squint to discern or the new Black with the one Black parent max.

    and at the end of the day..

    you will be ok.


    anybody that wants to shed light on what AK is doing to "empower" Blessed women, i would be much obliged. i gots nothing from a closer look except a whole bunch of lucifer loving signs + coded messages that she is paid well to spread around the world. being the programmed change agent that she is...

    snared in the same stable with the RIP Whitney Houston devil...BW hating (RIP Phyllis Hyman) Clive Davis.
    her focus on Blessed Black women is insidious at best. far be it from me not to call it.

    side-note: since i Understand that the book of Enoch CLEARLY teaches that the devil looked like a white man. folk had best rest assured that IF it were possible for me to go pale...

    i would avoid it ALL costs.

    i happen to Love the Blessed Black skin i am in. what others think about it = THEIR personal business.

    know the Truth and it shall make you free, indeed.

    there are clueless Edomites on this thread, that make me chuckle with a sad heart. Obadiah, Lamentations and other books will provide those much needed clues folk.

    the assertion that Esau is responsible for "civilization" = the funniest joke of all. unless of course folk equate blood lusting + non stop blood shed with "civilization"..

    this is a Christian nation, let the lying devils tell it. what does Scriptures tell us about Almighty's feelings toward Esau?


    happy in my Blessed, shiny, Beautiful Black skin:)

    Blessings all!

  70. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Field said,
    Why should I run a correction when I was right about Saint Ronnie?

    Because you're wrong field. It's like the mothership thing. You want it to be real but it's not. Reagan and the WH delivered a statement within hours of KAL 007 on Sept 1. Reagan then made sure the facts were right and then delivered a nationally televised speech about a single topic and that was the shootdown on Sept 5. The WH had daily statements till that time.
    Contrast this to Obama. He made a 40 second statement then had 16 minutes of jokes and prepared statements on other subjects.The international press called the Obama response wobbly.
    BTW the Chicago weekend shit show continues. The probable has turned in to a confirmed kill and there's another probable in the box. Total score for the weekend, 2 dead and 22 wounded.


  71. @ Reg-

    'cause rude + loud can not ever come in pale skin.


    po' thang.

    may you have all the pale women you can handle:)

    and that's from my heart.

    'cause the Love you got for them is NOT reciprocated. lose a job. don't pay bills. watch how it all unfolds. or do you clowns just think it is the pale men that hate you with a passion?

    like the first teachers of the pale nations =

    pale men.


    THIS is why when pale men bring it to some of ya...

    all i can do is quietly laugh + look around for your pale women to have your backs + hold you down.


    somehow the pale women you clowns worship don't never quite show up.

    my focus = get more Blessed Black women to stand down quietly, too.

    in this way you clowns will have NO choice but to man + stand up...

    with your white(er) woman worshiping selves...who teach their sons to stand on your necks so they can have access to all the resources in the world. but ya'll have STILL not put it all together yet.


    when their pale sons come tell you how dumb you are...

    they are not really lying all the time.

    and sometimes they are just being racist ugly. to be fair.

    lol! gotta laugh at the buffoonery...

    Becky, Lola, Mei Ling!!! PLEASE come get Reg!

    thank you!


  72. Anonymous5:27 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    @ FN-
    what is it that the nice white lady's baby AKeys is doing that has her "empowering" Blessed Black women? or did you just need to replace Lark Voorhies with another mixed chick?
    2:39 AM
    focusedpurpose said...
    Anon 11:14 AM-
    your reading comprehension is off as well.

    i asked point blank WHAT AK is supposedly doing that is "empowering" Blessed Black women?

    my question has nothing to do with her melanin deficiency.
    4:57 PM

    "nice white ladys baby""replace her with Lark Voorhies"

    You really ought to read your dribble before you comment, stupid!

  73. Anonymous5:30 PM

    FP-"@ FN-

    what is it that the nice white lady's baby AKeys is doing that has her "empowering" Blessed Black women? or did you just need to replace Lark Voorhies with another mixed chick?"

    ROFL! I see I'm late to the party.



    when one digs further to see how the indigenous folk to the island were displaced for the establishing of the secret US military base...


    when the Dem AND Rep global management team/tools/useful idiots tell folk about the new world folk think they are joking? crazy conspiracy theorists?

    one world government is on tap.

    if it seems like folk don't care about those suffering + dying...

    it's 'cause they don't.

    reducing the world population is priority #1. how else to do that but kill folk?

    time to wakey wakey.


    it's not illegal...


    what makes me sad for Esau/Edomites is they seem not to notice that the enemy to our souls uses them to harm the nations of the world + hates them, too. their wise men have truly been cut off as it is written.

    know also that there is no way to get this Right without the Blessed Blacks. if there was a way all the pale Psalm 83 nations would be all over it. this is why it is written that it won't go down that way:)

    PRAISE + GLORY to the Most High who Reigns FOREVER!

    Shabbat Shalom + Blessings all!

  75. @5:27pm-

    AK IS a nice white lady's baby.

    Lark DOES look quite mixed. she used to come to my house on the regular. my gay man bestie friend did her hair. this was long before her MK'd state was on full public display. then FN snatched her down off his blog and was no longer checking for her.

    my noticing + speaking on it simply means i can see + call things what they are still.

    hold up...

    are you the same soul that thinks if a man puts on a dress/lady face + FEELS like a woman = in FACT a woman despite oftentimes having his penis in tact?

    if so...

    i am done speaking to you + am quite honored you think me "stupid":)

    good day to you.

  76. Alicia Keyeez6:17 PM

    focusedpurpose said...

    AK IS a nice white lady's baby.

    Lark DOES look quite mixed. she used to come to my house on the regular. my gay man bestie friend did her hair. this was long before her MK'd state was on full public display. then FN snatched her down off his blog and was no longer checking for her.
    6:00 PM

    Because FN's not crazy like you! Lol! I believe you, stands to reason you were friends with her. You're both CAHRAAAAZY!!! LOL! About the gay bestie, not so much, cuz I know you wouldn't go against your "sacred beliefs", Lol!

    FP,gurl your insane dribble give both black women and God a bad rep! LOL!

    AND you're so supid! and now I'm done with you! Till next time hehehehehe ;)

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. "What would one say about the life of someone seemingly obsessed with such a poor old loser?"

    Give it a rest Bill, you are just making things worse.

  79. Anonymous7:18 PM

    "are you the same soul that thinks if a man puts on a dress/lady face + FEELS like a woman = in FACT a woman despite oftentimes having his penis in tact?"

    Does it matter what I think? Btw, I am not a transgendered individual.

    My thing is that you seem to think that transgendered women are a threat to women everywhere when, in fact, transgendered women are being murdered in this country on a regular basis. Especially the black ones.

    Since you claim to know so much about LGBT people, you must know this. If you don't know this then you don't know as much about LGBT people as you think you know.


  80. The Purple Cow said...
    "What would one say about the life of someone seemingly obsessed with such a poor old loser?"

    Give it a rest Bill, you are just making things worse.

    I thought that was a question for me.

    Oops. I'm not obsessed with you.
    Okay, this was directed at you.

    I know your going to reply back pretending your not obsessed with me.

    Yet you see me hiding behind every anonymous poster.

  81. @7:18pm-

    i can't help you Understand where i am coming from.

    you project onto me that which i am NOT saying.

    i plain talk on purpose.

    IF i felt/thought ALL transgendered folk were a threat to women i would say that. i don't think that which is why i did not say it. there ARE...

    SOME that are a threat and must be considered in the interest of ALL being safe + respected. unfortunately the hot messes don't wear signs to announce their presence.

    there are some transgenders that rape + brutalize natural real women. this is fact.

    i said + meant that transgendered folk need to agitate for their own spaces and STOP invading the spaces of Real Natural women. it is almost as if some get off on making women uncomfortable. and since folk WON'T discuss the underlying woman hatred found in quite a few gays, transgendered folk...


    folk REALLY think women like me are obligated to play along with the code of silence?


    when folk tell the Truth about the gremlins of the non het communities folk start slapping labels + coming undone. as if hets + Blessed Blacks are the only ones with hot mess members.

    i won't play along.

    what's not clear about that?

    i would stand with transgendered folk for them to have their own spaces free of harm + scorn in fact. just as i have stood with homosexuals looooong before it was cool to be respected as human beings. folk don't have to agree with others. respect as human beings is bare minimum + non negotiable as far as i am concerned.

    as a follower of Messiah i am NOT called to do anything other than give His Word in Love + Stand. pray for others as i would have them pray for me. seek to live in peace with all where ever humanly possible. that's what's written. that's what it is. there is only a problem when those seeking rights decide to impede on the rights of others. this has been the point of contention.

  82. when folk don't use a handle, it is difficult to know who you are speaking to...

    i recognize the voice of one Anon and will leave them to their silly little antics in Peace. i was bored when they identified themselves;( i do "mean" exceedingly well and at a certain point it feels like fist fighting an infant.

    Lark is not "crazy" she appears to have been mk'd which most on the hollyweird scene are. this is how they play + get paid. but ok...

    to the sound asleep masses folk are "crazy". i prefer THAT over being a walking dead zombie frankly.

    @ the respectful Anon that seems truly hurt + troubled over the wickedness aimed at gays/transgendered folk:

    Black transgendered souls being murdered does not shock nor surprise. folk murder Real Natural BW like it is going out of style. in fact...

    it is the smartest way to get away with doing whatever demonic thing folk want to do.

    whose gonna make 'em stop?

    unlike the other nations...

    het Black men in large numbers DON'T place a great value on the lives of Blessed Black women + they expect to be protected more so than to do the protecting.

    this is why folk can lose their lives behind the dumbest things but Russell Simmons can diss Harriet Tubman + keep in tact knee caps. R Kelly never in a sweat despite raping little Black girls like it was a Constitutional right. in fact, folk were more keen on making the minors responsible than they ever sought to hold grown, old tail Rrrruh.

    as a Blessed Black woman, i am not sure what it is BM expect me and other BW to do about their suffering. outside of stand with them against injustice- if they will stand with US. gays/transgendered folk don't really do this being a separate group due to their gayness and other special status. not unless they know you personally and just are not having it.

    even standing with gays/trans folk gets difficult to do when there are the rabid folk among them that insist on attacking any + everyone that won't push their agendas as they prescribe.

    THIS is why i have called it out before...

    those folk behaving in that cram the agenda manner, serve only to set up the backlash that is inevitable:( one need not have a crystal ball to see all the obvious written on the wall.


    Q: what is it that you think i or any other Black woman can do?

  83. Anonymous9:05 PM

    With all the wars and hate going on in the world, esp in the Middle East, I wonder if the end of the world and end of the human race is not far away.

    I am not sure but I seem to vaguely recall something in the Bible that the end is near. However, I am not sure.

    Nevertheless, these are violent times in war, in nations, in cities, in communities, in families, in neighborhoods. Evil seems to have the entire human race in its grip.

    Love seems to be absent, but hatred is everywhere. There is something going on that is invisible that is destroying us.

  84. Anonymous9:56 PM

    focusedpurpose 7:52PM
    there is only a problem when those seeking rights decide to impede on the rights of others. this has been the point of contention. 

    Oh the irony1
