Friday, July 11, 2014

Still trying to stop the vote, and picking on poor people.

Shout out to Judge Terry Lewis for recognizing shenanigans when it looms its ugly head.

"A Florida judge has tossed the state’s congressional map, ordering two districts to be redrawn, in a move that may affect neighboring districts and strongly impact Republican influence, the New York Times reports.

In his scathing decision late Thursday, Judge Terry P. Lewis of the state’s 2nd Judicial Circuit demanded that two of Florida’s districts be redrawn: the 10th, represented by Republican Rep. Daniel Webster, and the 5th, represented by Democratic Rep. Corrine Brown.

Lewis blasted Republicans for making “a mockery” and taking advantage of Florida’s Fair Districts Amendments, passed in 2010. 

“Republican political consultants or operatives did, in fact, conspire to manipulate and influence the redistricting process,” the judge wrote in his 41-page decision, according to Politico.

“They made a mockery of the legislature’s proclaimed transparency and open process of redistricting by doing all of this in the shadow of that process, utilizing the access it gave them to the decisionmakers, but going to great lengths to conceal from the public their plan and their participation in it.”" [Source]

Your Honor, I could not agree more.

Finally, some politicians think it's cool to demonize poor people. Especially poor black people, because, unlike poor white people, they choose to be poor.

"On Thursday, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) held his fifth hearing on the War on Poverty, and for the first time he allowed a person actually living in poverty to testify. Tianna Gaines-Turner shared her personal experiences struggling to make ends meet and provide food for her three children who suffer from medical conditions along with her husband. She works as a seasonal employee with children for $10.88 an hour, while her husband works at a grocery store for $8.50.

But when Rep. Todd Rokita (R-IN) got the chance to ask questions of Gaines-Turner and the two other witnesses, he directed much of his attention toward calling into question whether she is dependent on government programs, whether she has tried to find more work, and if she is partisan. He gave a “theoretical example” in which the government would increase spending on government programs like food stamps and welfare by 500 percent and asked,
“They [people on the programs] would be out of poverty and that would be a good thing?” to which Gaines-Turner responded, “Yes, the programs work, yes it would be good to move them out of poverty.”
He followed up saying, “But the cycle of dependency would certainly still be there which you also don’t like… The cycle of dependency, you wouldn’t be independent.”

“I’m independent now on the program,” Gaines-Turner told him. “You’re independent on this?” Rokita asked.

“Yes, I consider myself to be very independent. I work just as hard as anybody in this room,” Gaines-Turner replied. “I’m very independent.”
“You’re independent, but you’re here testifying that you have to have these programs, you need these programs,” Rokita responded. [Source]

Ms. Gaines-Turner didn't have a chance. That politrickster couldn't wait to demonize her and make her a part of the problem. Why? Because he knew that his base would love every minute of it.  


  1. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Field wrote,
    Finally, some politicians think it's cool to demonize poor people. Especially poor black people, because, unlike poor white people, they choose to be poor.

    That pretty much says it all. You can't sustain much less create a modern society. Pathetic.


  2. "Still trying to stop the vote"

    How does a "congressional map" stop the vote?

    Take your time in answering field, i'm a patient man.

    Democratic Rep. Corrine Brown called the decision “seriously flawed.”

    Rep. Brown points out that the current map of her district is essentially the same as the map drawn under court-order and upheld by the US Supreme Court under principles of the federal Voting Rights Act.

    Expect this to be overturned on appeal.

  3. Anonymous9:07 PM

    I’m independent now on the program,” Gaines-Turner told him. “You’re independent on this?” Rokita asked.

    Simply classic. She's "independent" but only if she is on "the program." How is that independent when she gets more gibs. Nothing like Obama phones, EBT cards and Section 8 housing combined with a low IQ population.


  4. Field fails to mention this women who didn't have a chance is a liberal activist in Philly.

    From Think Progress-

    The majority of adult, able-bodied, non-elderly poor people work. But in this economy, finding extra work, or any work at all, can be nearly impossible. In May, the most recent month for which there is data, there were more than two times as many job seekers as job openings. And unemployment rates are even higher for those with less education, who also tend to have lower incomes.

    She is part of the problem. She votes Democrat.

  5. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Kinky wrote,
    Field fails to mention this women who didn't have a chance is a liberal activist in Philly.

    Damn, I can feel her hands in my pocket already. A liberal activist in Philly is not much more than a professional beggar. Money says much of her spiel was well rehearsed and she got a few shekels for appearing.


  6. Anonymous9:18 PM

    I just googled up Tianna Gaines-Turner and by the look of the pictures it doesn't look like she misses many meals. I bet she probably has a super platinum EBT card to get that many calories. Then again maybe the health problems her kids have is starvation because she eats all the food.


  7. QLBubba,
    I bet it KILLS you that you can't call this woman a "baby Mama" doesn't it?

  8. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Dr. Nuwang said,
    bet it KILLS you that you can't call this woman a "baby Mama" doesn't it?

    Nope, I'm just calling her "overfed."


  9. Anonymous9:51 PM

    I'm independent, now go to work and send me money.

  10. "I'm living a nightmare. My whole neighborhood is so violent. There's so much crime," she said. "I have gangs everywhere here in Baltimore! I can't let my daughter ride her bicycle outside – I can't do anything, Laura! I'm trapped here."

    Elaine told Ingraham that she listens to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Obama and feels that "nobody is saying a word" while spending billions of dollars taking care of foreigners who are unlawfully in the country.
    "Well, what about my neighborhood? You don't have to do it in Beverly Hills, but in the inner cities where we are suffering," she said. "My children cannot play outside. I cannot take my trash out without locking the door – it's awful. Who is going to give us anything? Where can I get asylum? Where can I get refugee status? I don't know what I can do. Nobody cares what happens to my children."

    I'm glad Conservatives are giving voice to Obama's forgotten children trapped in urban war zones.

    Wouldn't it be nice if Obama wanted to spend billions on ending war and poverty in these urban zones?

  11. Going Without Water in Detroit

    DETROIT — A FAMILY of five with no water for two weeks who were embarrassed to ask friends if they could bathe at their house. A woman excited about purchasing a home who learned she would be held responsible for the previous owner’s delinquent water bill: all $8,000 of it. A 90-year-old woman with bedsores and no water available to clean them.
    “I’ve seen water problems in poor countries and the third world,” said Maude Barlow, the board chairwoman of the nonprofit Food and Water Watch. “But I’ve never seen this in the United States, never.”

    Sad to see field continuing to ignore the humanitarian crisis called Detroit.

    What would happen if Republicans were the ones cutting water off to thousands of blacks? Would field ignore the crisis?

    Yeah, we know the answer....

  12. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Lets not forget Chicago. the first confirmed kill of the weekend, the 24th for the month has been recorded along with 6 more shot. All this and not even 4 hours into the shooting weekend.


  13. Free-range Negro10:56 PM

    “Yes, I consider myself to be very independent. I work just as hard as anybody in this room,” Gaines-Turner replied. “I’m very independent.”

    Typical, deluded negro logic. Go around your whole life with your hand out and always asking for more, but still claim to be pulling your own weight.

    People who are dependent on government should not be allowed to vote.

  14. Anonymous11:10 PM

    free range Negro wrote,
    Typical, deluded negro logic. Go around your whole life with your hand out and always asking for more, but still claim to be pulling your own weight.

    And by the looks of her that's a lot of weight to pull.


  15. Anonymous11:30 PM

    She is part of the problem. She votes Democrat. – KinkyPorn

    Then again maybe the health problems her kids have is starvation because she eats all the food. – QLB

    I tell you boy, QLB and that Kinky guy say some of the stupidest sh$t on this blog. If both of you have lifelong aspirations to be blog trolls, be SMART troll and not ASININE trolls. It seems as if both of you are the same run-of-the-mill-trolls absent anything intelligent to post which are typical of low level, uneducated whites who are too blinded by empty, racist rhetoric that doesn’t mean anything.

    My advice to both of you is to brush up on your critical and independent thinking skills and refrain from making yourselves look more like dumb asses of which both of you have done quite well thus far!

    For goodness’ sake, read a good book from time to time!

  16. Kinky.Con said...
    "She is part of the problem. She votes Democrat."

    Women really cannot look after themselves. They will either attach to their fathers, their husbands, or Uncle Sam the big Pimp. Thus feminism, in practice, means that children become the children of Uncle Sam the big Pimp. If you denationalized children, women would spontaneously submit to patriarchy. Conversely, if you enforce patriarchy, the patriarchs will claim their children. To maximize fertility, need that form of patriarchy in which women attach to their husbands, rather than their fathers, and females are rationed out at only one wife per male, so that as many males as possible have incentive to attach to society, to work, and to invest in posterity.

  17. Anonymous11:36 PM

    "Finally, some politicians think it's cool to demonize poor people. Especially poor black people, because, unlike poor white people, they choose to be poor."

    Brother Field, why do we have such bad karma? I mean, it's 2014 and we have white Congressmen beating up on our peeps. And the pitiful thing about it is we have protection or nobody Black in sight with enough power or guts to stand up to these mean-spirited anti-black assholes.

    Where are the black politicians, where is the CBC? Where is Rev Al, Jesse Jackson? Where the eff is Obama or Holder?

    This is effing depressing to see a racist ass white SOB who calls himself a Congressman, shamelessly trying to degrade a poor black woman who clearly is doing the best she can.

    But this self-righteous God-playing disgusting bullying sorry excuse for a human being is declaring, she's not working hard enough, and it's not good enough".

  18. QLB, oh ye oh high IQ, what do you do for a living? Does thou have a degree of letters?

  19. Anonymous11:50 PM

    But this self-righteous God-playing disgusting bullying sorry excuse for a human being is declaring, she's not working hard enough, and it's not good enough".
    All the time sitting on his fat azz, while living off of the taxpayers money! Parasites!

  20. Yep, because we all know there are no whites on public assistance, well except for the millions that are. It's ok for their hands to be in peoples' pockets of course. Shhhhhh, let's not discuss that.

  21. Off to Vegas, the city that proves whites are in no way superior to anyone. Hopefully I don't catch the heebeegeebees from these Jethros. Yeeeee haw!

  22. Off to Kinshasa, the city that proves blacks are in no way superior to chimps. Hopefully I don't catch the AIDS from these monkey-fuckers. Ooga booga!

  23. Anonymous12:50 AM,0,7100873.story

  24. Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, who famously reacted to Katrina with irresponsibility and ineptitude while the national media blamed the mess on Bush, has finally found his way to a suitable home — federal prison, where he was sentenced to spend 10 years.

    Ten years is better than nothing, and a whole lot better than if Chocolate City Ray were still in office, like other corrupt, inept, race-baiting leftists who take power on the basis of their skin color. But who knows? Maybe justice will prevail, and Obama and Holder will be joining him soon in the federal pen.

  25. StillaPanther21:11 AM

    Welfare dollars goes to the rich and big business- directly or indirectly. If you think that politicians that receive their contributions don't funnel money/opportunities back to the rich and wealthy... You satisfy the people that got you there. Poor people have no political strength- never have, never will.

    Commenters constantly beret the poor and powerless. Why Mr. Walmart never comes on TV to talk about his needs. One thing we all know is that money most likely is not a need.

    The majority race have the luxury of decades of "knowing people". They know Black people LOVE to be seen under any circumstance. Therefor America constantly get an image of a few and apply it to the many. White poor people RUN away from cameras generally. Sometimes when they feel isolated they will allow a bit or two to be seen. Can we say Kentucky?

    Now about the poor, welfare and government assistance. There is no program in America whereby any thing given to the poor is given in a void. Food stamps enrich all the new immigrants that have prospered since first foot in America. Can you imagine all the highly inflated store merchants could survive without having many people on welfare.

    How about the housing rental vouchers. Can we say Donald Trump? How about all the travel vouchers for the 10,000s of newly minted immigrants. Can we say "Mr. Grayhound"?

    By the way, the "Obama's phones"
    that was given to the poor enriches them about 10-20 dollars a month. Now which would you rather have the $20 a month or the millions that this one man and one company is enriched by poverty.

    I contend poverty is not about being so much lazy as it is about you not being in the wealth and political loop. Can you believe one company had the contract for those cheap phones... and some complain and beat down the poor- the government must keep open these money streams.

    AN additional thought. I grew up never seeing a group of white men digging holes in the ground while a Black man supervising them. It was always Black men digging and white men supervising. They used to say that the Black man was lazy and I never understood what there were seeing in America. Now the majority of the children of those whites are now adults and I can only say that we look at things from totally different perspectives.

  26. Anonymous2:07 AM

    This lady should have known what she was getting into when she headed down to Paul Ryan's laughable Pretending To Care About Poor People shindig.

    Ryan may be making a big show about wanting to "understand" poverty, but all he and his chums really want to do is find new ways to sneer at poor people and kick them harder.

    Playing ball with these lowlifes only enables their sick game. No one with any sense should do it.

  27. Anonymous2:16 AM

    "Ryan may be making a big show about wanting to "understand" poverty, but all he and his chums really want to do is find new ways to sneer at poor people and kick them harder."

    This is the statement of an idiot.

  28. Ha! Trust me, you'd rather have AIDS than the heebeegeebees. You catch the heebees all of your teeth fall out, the wheels fall off of your pickup and lice appear in your hair. Nothing nice about that.

  29. NY Millenial4:09 AM

    from the last post:

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    There are many reasons why America needs mass-inmmigration, not the least of which is, who is going to look after the baby-boomers when they retire?

    Once the baby-boomers finish retiring in 2030 you are going to need a lot of people to care for them and - more importantly - a lot of people paying taxes to fund the boomers' care.

    8:31 AM

    ** ^ ** ^ ** ^ **

    I find this premise - that mass immigration into first world nations is a necessity to fund and provide for the baby boomer's care.

    I am a millenial, born to Gen X parents. My parents have no love for the baby boomer cohort that came before them, and have belief that the "social security net" will be available for them nor do they intend to fund the needs of the aging boomers.

    Likewise, our generation is even less inclined to want to participate into forced socialized "safety nets". I am not interested in relying on the "government" to provide for me in my old age, nor do I expect to fund others.

    No one that I know of purchased Obamacare once the true costs for healthy 20-somethings became widely known. The hidden agenda was to use forced compliance of people who behave responsibly to fund those who don't. No thanks.

    Our generation is more mobile, more fluid and more self-reliant than those before. We're not interested in being tied down to anyone's tax plantation to pony up for someone else's "care".

    The world is changing but dinosaurs like Purple Cow can't see it.

    Oh - and as far as the illegal immigration debate - I am for completely open and fluid borders. Who are we to dictate where someone can/can't live?

    The flip side to that is that I am totally against forced funding for any social programs. You want to come here and work hard and try and make it - good for you! But don't expect public schools, EBT, Section 8, disability, etc etc etc .... those things are going to disappear in this century.

  30. NY Millenial4:12 AM


    You are correct. If Obama had been serious about wanting to "fundamentally transform America" he would have gone after the big corps and Wall St. Instead, he spends more time begging them for more money than he does actually "governing".

    The only thing Obama cares about is getting his piece of the pie and making sure his membership in the "Club" is assured.

  31. NY Millenial4:19 AM

    Hunger and poverty are real problems in communities that have experienced dramatic upheaval and change. The current policies of this Administration do nothing to address that.

    Gaines-Turner received a less than warm welcome because she isn't a typical "face of the poor", she's an experienced activist who recites all the right lines and makes a living demanding more freebies. She loves the limelight and seems shocked when people really just aren't into her "story".

    It appears that Gaines-Turner has never missed too many calories - ever - and clearly the wrong type of calories at that. She also seems to feel that her irresponsible decision to birth children she can't feed or adequately provide for somehow is MY problem. She should have thought of that dilemma before she opened her legs.... not once, not twice, but three times. And the (expensive) health problems her children allegedly have is again based in poor choices and even poorer decision making.

    Yeah, finding it hard to gin up any sympathy for professional grievance grifter Gaines-Turner. I'm glad the Congressman turned on her. They must get so tired of seeing the same poverty pimps trotted out at show time to sing and dance the same sad predictable tune.

  32. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Yeah, public schools and social security will go away. Who the fcuk is this new idiot. Damn, this blog attracts some real special tards.

  33. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Where are the black politicians, where is the CBC? Where is Rev Al, Jesse Jackson? Where the eff is Obama or Holder?

    They are busy making friends with illegals and latinos, even they put black folk on the shelf....because they see a new source of money and black folk make too many damn demands.

  34. Anon, just see KinkyConman and QLB above to see how special these nut cases truly are.

    The woman's weight? Seriously?

    She can lose weight, but have you seen some of the folks demonizing her? Sadly for them, you can't lose ugly.

  35. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Yeah, public schools and social security will go away. Who the fcuk is this new idiot. Damn, this blog attracts some real special tards.

    7:37 AM
    I agree this blog attracts some 'real special tards.' Have you looked in the mirror lately?

  36. Anonymous8:27 AM

    "The woman's weight? Seriously?"

    Yeah, I agree with you on this one. Hell, poor people eat lousy food like McDonald's on a daily basis, or potato chips or muffins or juice and soda because they can't afford better foods. Well, everyone knows a steady diet of poor food has a lot of calories and will put weight on the body.

    The white jerks judging the woman by her weight not only show their ignorance but also show their blinding prejudice.

    Most Blacks are poor and have to find ways to feed their bodies in order to function. It's been that way since slavery. One would think that the well-off Whites would marvel at how Blacks have made it over the centuries in American society that continuously is searching for ways to degrade, and exploit them.

    StillaPanther2 is correct in his comment. The scary thing about being Black is that very few get out of poverty because the system is set to keep them there. Blacks will always be on the bottom. Poverty demands it in America. Whites need this pecking order to be on top and to feel superior.

    I don't blame them. They are human and to be human is to feel you are not enough. Blacks help Whites feel better about themselves. The downside is Blacks feel worse about themselves...

    Hence, the vicious cycle perpetuates itself in America, with 'everyone' caught in it with little hope of getting free.

    This thing called life in America is not what it is cracked up to be. I understand more and more what Freud meant when he said, "America is a mistake...a giant mistake."

  37. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Anon said this,
    Yeah, I agree with you on this one. Hell, poor people eat lousy food like McDonald's on a daily basis, or potato chips or muffins or juice and soda because they can't afford better foods. Well, everyone knows a steady diet of poor food has a lot of calories and will put weight on the body.

    Poor people eat crap because they want to and have no self control or discipline. She's a sow because she eats a bucket of KFC and a gallon of fruit punch at a time. If you gave her more money she would add a dozen tacos to the mix. Lets not forget the three forty's she ends her night with. It's easy to eat healthy on a budget. What she does is easy and requires no thinking. Typical.


  38. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Poor people eat crap because they want to and have no self control or discipline. She's a sow because she eats a bucket of KFC and a gallon of fruit punch at a time. If you gave her more money she would add a dozen tacos to the mix. Lets not forget the three forty's she ends her night with. It's easy to eat healthy on a budget. What she does is easy and requires no thinking. Typical.


    9:11 AM
    Of course. no one would expect anything less from a self-righteous disciplinarian like yourself...Typical.

  39. "Poor people". Operative word being poor. If u live in the South u would know that poor eating habits with the poor is not exclusive to black people.

    But I am sure u already knew that. Or maybe I am giving u too much credit.


  40. QLB said...
    Poor people eat crap because they want to and have no self control or discipline

    In los angeles, the city council didn't trust african americans to eat better so the rich white rulers decided no more fast food places in african american communities.

    For whatever reason, the los angeles city council didn't enforce the same fast food restrictions on poor white neighborhoods.

  41. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Field wrote,
    But I am sure u already knew that. Or maybe I am giving u too much credit.

    I did say poor and not poor Black. But I am glad you caught that. You're a bit smarter than most of your acolytes.


    PS: Chicago gun and knife show continues. 2 killed and 18 wounded over 12 hours.


  42. field negro said...
    The woman's weight? Seriously?

    Couldn't the same be asked of you?


    So anywhooo, last night I blogged about Chris Christie's weight and I got some nasty e-mails about that. Quite a few people (no doubt conservatives) took offense to me making fun of the guy's wide girth.

    Not all making fun of someone's weight is equal to Field Negro.

  43. PilotX said...
    "When I got the cuffs slapped on a few years ago it was almost humorous because on the drive to the station the cop kept trying to scare me by informing me that since it was Friday evening the earliest I could get out would be Monday morning. I was thinking "trust me, you don't want that to happen". Anyhoo he seemed surprised when he got a call from my lawyer, my sister who is a pretty good one for the record, and actually put down the phone and asked why my lawyer was calling. Ha! i'm sitting in the station in cuffs getting my mug shot taken and you want to know why my lawyer was calling? "

    How did you sister know you had been arrested?

  44. "Still trying to stop the vote"

    How does a "congressional map" stop the vote?

    No answer?

  45. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Kinky wrote,
    How did you sister know you had been arrested?

    It's simple Kinky. Pilot used a telepathic device attached to his sail foam. This device was invented by Blacks centuries ago but was stolen by YT. He used it to mind meld to the mother ship who directed the message to Minister Louis Farrakhan who then used his own sail foam to telepathically communicate with his sister.



  46. I'm sorry, but liberals are just sometimes useless Obama hacks without a shred of intellectual honesty.

    Bill maher talking about the democrat double standards about spying on americans.

    People that don't like being spied on don't want either party to spy on them.

    Political hacks only whine when the other party does it.

  47. Quote NY Millenial

    "Likewise, our generation is even less inclined to want to participate into forced socialized "safety nets". I am not interested in relying on the "government" to provide for me in my old age, nor do I expect to fund others."

    Jeeze Field, you attract an ever stoopider brand of far-Reich types to your blog these days. Why can't we have the half-way literate ones back? They seemed stupid at the time, but compared to this bozo, they were geniuses.

    First he finds it necessary to announce that he's a millennial in his name (in case we didn;t get it from the bollocks he writes) before going on the eulogise a future fascist states of America where poor old people are to be left without food, water, basic health care provision and any shred of human dignity.

    All this shit is given us in the name of the Millenial generation. Y'know the generation that has been shown to favour Socialism over Capitalsim.

    "Do millennials favor socialism more than capitalism?

    According to a new study conducted by the Pew Research Center, 49 percent of millennials (age 18-29) view socialism in a favorable light, compared to 43 percent who view it unfavorably.

    Moreover, millennials like the sound of socialism better than capitalism. 46 percent of millennials have positive views of capitalism, and 47 percent have negative views.

    This is different from the country's population overall: 60 percent say they have a negative view of socialism, versus 31 percent who say they have a positive view. Young people are the only age group whose support for socialism outweighs that of capitalism."


  48. Anonymous12:48 PM

    the purple sow wrote,
    Jeeze Field, you attract an ever stoopider brand of far-Reich types to your blog these days.

    Stoopider? Is that ebonics for stupid? I can understand some ebonics like nuffin or izabeez, usabeez or wannabeez. Meanwhile only about half of Black males graduate from HS and that from markedly inferior schools.


  49. 2+2=51:17 PM

    "Young people are the only age group whose support for socialism outweighs that of capitalism."

    That's because government school indoctrination wears off after exposure to reality. At least for the more intelligent among us.

  50. girardo1:54 PM

    This isn't a race issue, it's a gender issue.

    The modern state serves the interests of females. This is the inevitable result of universal suffrage and is the reason we no longer live in a Republic. Too much democracy is a bad thing.

    The age-old bargain between the sexes has been broken: Material support in return for paternity certainty. Women still get their material support, either straight from the government or from a man who knows the government will compel him to whether he wants to or not. But men no longer have any claim to the insistence of fidelity from a women nor any scrap of the reproductive rights doled out by the State. "Choice" is all in her hands, responsibility in his.

    This is why we have millions of fat sluts like Ms. Gaines-Turner, spitting out bastards with different fathers, all of whom are the responsibility of the productive minority (mostly male) against their collective will.

    Look at the poorer communities and you will see millions of men with no purpose in their lives, shuffling between temporary jobs, drugs, drink, crime and prison. This is not due to lack of jobs, but to lack of wives. The State has made them irrelevant, and they live their lives accordingly.

    Upper class women still get married, but for poor women, the government offers a better deal - free everything and she gets to sleep around. That this is horrible for her children does not matter - females are insatiably selfish. This is why healthy societies do not permit females to make their own choices free from any responsibility for the consequences.

    The welfare state causes the poor to vastly out breed the productive. Our smartest women pursue careers instead of motherhood; out dumbest women pursue motherhood as a career. Such dysgenic policies are not sustainable, and will inevitably collapse. The sooner we realize this the less calamitous this crash will be.

  51. The unlettered2:14 PM

    QLB, do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living? Are you scared to answer?

  52. Teh stupid2:23 PM

    "Government schools" huh? Oh teh stupid is pretty strong here. So does that make for profit schools "corporate"? We can tell most of these ignorant trolls were homeschooled so they wouldn't be indoctrinated by being educated. Mommy wanted them to believe Jesus wrote the constitooshun while riding a dinosaur. Conservatism is a stooooopid plague that's spreading.

  53. I can still remember the job I got right out of graduate school, working as a caseworker for the NYC Dept. of Social Services. Most of the cases were ADC mothers (Aid to Dependent Chhildren). I don't want to think about what I was expecting, but reality was quite a slap in the face: these people were sharp, alert, intelligent—like me, I thought, except that they didn't have college degrees... or adequate income. Most would have done better on an IQ test than Dan Quayle or Steve Forbes, I swear. I quickly revised my theory of rich/poor. May Mrs. Gaines-Turner shed a similar like of light on any reasonably open-minded type she encounters.

  54. College dropout2:28 PM

    Tennessee passed a law that criminalizes drug use while preggers. Gee, guess who was the first person arrested! Yep, a white meth head. Sad, and you would think with such high IQ's whites would know better. I bet she went to the same college that QLB attended.


  55. anotherbozo said...
    I quickly revised my theory of rich/poor.

    In your opinion, why were these smart people without adequate income?

  56. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Kinky! Are you really this dense? X does not respond to you because you and Bill are simple racist liars. Move on. I know you need companionship because your girlfriend Trolly broke up with your racist ass but you will probably find love at stormfront. Good luck but your act has worn thin here. Stop being desperate, it's not cute.

  57. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Yeah Bozo, maybe you can help our dumb trolls. QLB needs a job that doesn't require a degree.

  58. Anonymous2:48 PM

    And Kinky, stop blaming others for your racist Tourette's
    rants. Conservatives are supposed to be personally responsible. I mean we all knew this was a lie but at least pretend.

  59. Anonymous2:49 PM

    "May Mrs. Gaines-Turner shed a similar like of light on any reasonably open-minded type she encounters."

    She sure as hell isn't going to encounter anyone open-minded anywhere in the House GOP caucus. That's a club for sociopaths, malignant narcissists, and racists.

  60. The Purple Cow said...
    Young people are the only age group whose support for socialism outweighs that of capitalism."


    Young people have lived their whole lives on someone else's dime.

  61. Anonymous3:33 PM

    another bozo wrote,
    these people were sharp, alert, intelligent—like me,

    How smart could you be? You're a social worker. You're just part of the gibs me chain. Easily replacealbe, rarely needed and on the road to nothing.


  62. "Stoopider? Is that ebonics for stupid?

    No it's American for stupider.

    Ebonics for stupid would be 'QLB.'

  63. Anonymous4:35 PM

    So Purple Sow,

    If I order a Purple Cow bucket of chicken from KFC does it come extra crispy and with a 40 of malt liquor or two?


  64. Bill, Gov Krispy Kreme is a public figure who trolls for votes; this woman is not.

  65. Anonymous4:52 PM

    field negro said...
    Bill, Gov Krispy Kreme is a public figure who trolls for votes; this woman is not.

    No, she's just a professional poverty pimp. She should have surgery so that one of her hands is permanently extended with can attached.


  66. Anonymous4:53 PM

    "We can tell most of these ignorant trolls were homeschooled "

    On average, homeschooled kids score much better on IQ tests than public schooled kids

  67. Reality4:56 PM

    another bozo said...
    but reality was quite a slap in the face: these people were sharp, alert, intelligent—like me,

    Like you is the operative principle.

    No one sharp, alert, or intelligent gets themselves on welfare.


  68. PilotX said...

    QLB, do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?

    PilotX wants to know, because everyone knows that he received an Affirmative Action degree and gets to hold the clipboard while the white pilot flies the plane.

    Fair's fair.

  69. QLB, do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?

  70. What's with this person and IQ tests? Doesn't matter how well they do on a test if mommy and daddy teach them the world is 3,000 years old and Jeezus lived with dinosaurs.

  71. Anonymous6:45 PM

    The Purple Sow continues to quote fake "surveys" that contribute to its confirmation bias with no understanding of oversampling or push/pull techniques.

    It's a disaster on this blog trying to explain higher maff to negros. Statistics is just a bridge too far.

  72. Anonymous6:47 PM

    "these people were sharp, alert, intelligent—like me, I thought, except that they didn't have college degrees.."

    Nobody "sharp, alert, intelligent" ends up on welfare OR goes into social work. *Especially* in NYC.

  73. Anonymous6:47 PM

    "these people were sharp, alert, intelligent—like me, I thought, except that they didn't have college degrees.."

    Nobody "sharp, alert, intelligent" ends up on welfare OR goes into social work. *Especially* in NYC.

  74. Anonymous6:50 PM

    PilotX said...

    What's with this person and IQ tests?

    IQ tests and standardized testing like SAT's are amazingly accurate at how well a person will fare in life as well as specifically in college. Success is inextricably linked to IQ and the types of intelligence measured by these tests.

    Which is exactly why negros like X hate IQ tests and seek to have them removed as a screening criteria.

  75. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Blogger field negro said...

    Bill, Gov Krispy Kreme is a public figure who trolls for votes; this woman is not.

    4:40 PM

    You are correct. She doesn't "troll for votes", she trolls for a never ending escalating quota of gibmedats paid for by the already overburdened working class.

  76. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Young people are the only age group whose support for socialism outweighs that of capitalism."

    Until they get their first paycheque and see all the deductions.

    Then the transformation questioning the morality of socialism is quite dramatic.

  77. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Most Blacks are poor and have to find ways to feed their bodies in order to function. It's been that way since slavery.

    Uh ... news flash... everyone has to "find ways to feed their bodies in order to function".

    There's a difference between meeting a basic need for survival and the impulse gratification that the poor use to indulge themselves with cheap and empty calories as a cheap "feel good" fix.

    Those mega ton sheboons like Turner didn't get so large and juicy by accident. That takes a real and sustained effort.

    Again, the excuse-o-matic is whipped out to deflect from any personal responsibility for her choices.


  78. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Yeah, public schools and social security will go away. Who the fcuk is this new idiot. Damn, this blog attracts some real special tards.

    7:37 AM

    And you out yourself as willfully ignorant.

    Not a student of history, obviously.

  79. "If I order a Purple Cow bucket of chicken from KFC does it come extra crispy and with a 40 of malt liquor or two?"

    You gotta feel sorry for QLB.

    The poor dim-witted little man tries so very hard to be witty, but he just doesn't have it in him.

  80. Legacy7:34 PM

    "Young people are the only age group whose support for socialism outweighs that of capitalism."


    Ah, yes ... but weren't we all at that age?

    I remember fondly as a newly wed being so embarrassed that my father-in-law was turning into what I felt was a "slum landlord" with his buildings in Queens and Brooklyn. I used to hector my then-boyfriend endlessly about it before we were married.

    After we married, my FIL put us in charge of managing the properties and keeping the rent as income as we went to grad school.

    Actually dealing with these bottom feeders, seeing how they choose to live and the choices they make ... yeah, I changed my tune pretty quickly.

    Then we had to endure our children berating us and advising us to "check our privilege" when they were college students.

    So ... we gave each of them a turn "managing" the now-almost vacant properties (and far more rundown) and yeah... the transformation was pretty dramatic. No more sympathy for the shiftless and indolent. No more rallying cries for the cause of collectivism. Just disgust and disdain.

    Reality and the real world is always the best lesson.

  81. Nope, never said anything about eliminating standardized tests. In fact always did quite well but no matter how intelligent a kid may be if their parents teach them ignorant right wing history and science they will be ignorant. Sad part is just like the trolls here they won't know they're ignorant. Sad.

  82. Gaia crazy8:09 PM

    PilotX said...

    What's with this person and IQ tests? Doesn't matter how well they do on a test if mommy and daddy teach them the world is 3,000 years old and Jeezus lived with dinosaurs.

    Yes, it is so much more rational to believe that driving SUV's and eating steak will flood the earth.

  83. Bill said...

    Obamacare Is Working. Unless You're Black.
    A new survey shows that Obamacare has done a fantastic job of reducing the uninsurance rate -- for everybody except blacks.

    Except blacks?

    So are you and your Rethug cronies happy now?

    Guess you'll have to retool that Negros get all the gov't handouts meme.

  84. Legacy8:30 PM

    I find it fascinating that blacks continue to be threatened by "homeschoolers".

    X, especially, wants people to know exactly where he sits in the Regime pecking order. :-( for him.

    I guess it's hard to keep track of whether or not you're "winning" if the goalposts keep getting moved.

    John Taylor Gatto (NYC teacher of the year multiple times and NY state teacher of the year; author, Underground Education and Salman Khan ( have more than adequately documented the failure and eventual demise of compulsory "education" funded by extortion.

    And ... our Founding Fathers were all "homeschooled". They seem to have turned out okay.

  85. Legacy8:33 PM

    Guess you'll have to retool that Negros get all the gov't handouts meme.

    8:26 PM



    Everyone knows Obama's Wall Street purchasers and handlers get all the good government handouts. Free money to accumlate even more wealth and the interest paid for by tax donkeys!

  86. Legacy8:36 PM

    if their parents teach them ignorant right wing history and science they will be ignorant.


    Unlike the "official" grievance history of blacks in America, right, X?

    Hey, you never did answer that commenter's question about the top 25 things that make modern Western society run that were invented/created by blacks? You implied that there were many.

    What are they? Please, enlighten us as to the vast swath of technological breakthroughs that were solely the creation of the African mind.

    And ... no, "peanut butter" is not an "invention", it's a "recipe". smh.

  87. Anonymous8:46 PM

    ~Finally, some politicians think it's cool to demonize poor people. Especially poor black people, because, unlike poor white people, they choose to be poor.~

    First of all, progressives are always demanding that we "think globally". By that standard, there is no "poverty" in America - at least not by global standards.

    Secondly, the path to exit poverty has been empirically demonstrated - finish high school, get married, delay having children until you can afford them, and only have as many children as you have the resources (money and time) to support. Birth control has lifted more people out of "poverty" than anything else, period.

    However, far too many people - both black and white - refuse to accept that formula and continue to make poor/self-indulgent choices.

    Progressivism and the siren call of "entitlements" has created a poverty industry, which progs then exploit and perpetuate to maintain power.

    People of all colors and abilities who have followed the formula for a path to success are right to scorn those who are impulsive and self-indulgent and expect others to give them a free ride.

  88. Anonymous8:49 PM

    ~Ms. Gaines-Turner didn't have a chance. That politrickster couldn't wait to demonize her and make her a part of the problem~

    Ummm ..... news flash .....
    Ms. Gaines-Turner *is* not just "part of the problem".... she's a poster child for the "problem".

  89. Anonymous8:49 PM

    ~Ms. Gaines-Turner didn't have a chance. That politrickster couldn't wait to demonize her and make her a part of the problem~

    Ummm ..... news flash .....
    Ms. Gaines-Turner *is* not just "part of the problem".... she's a poster child for the "problem".

  90. Hey look guys, Legacy escapoed from whatever mental institution she was "resting". Maybe she's not too busy buying airplanes so she can picnic. Glad you could join us and share your infinite wisdom which prevented you from being employed as a pilot. Sorry about that, hope there are no hard feelings.

  91. Oh yeah, right wing homeschooling can produce more ignorance like anon 2009. Sure I'm sure like Michele Bachmann teaches us greenhouse gasses are good for us and only god can cause floods. Sheesh. Also Thomas Jefferson created a public university so we wouldn't need to homeschool the little ones, seems that endeavor turned out alright.

  92. Homeschooled kids might be book smart, but I always find them lacking in other areas, such as having proper social skills. Just my humble opinion.

    Legacy, look at it this way, without black people the country you love so much wouldn't be half the country that it is.

    You and your peeps were too lazy to do the work needed to build it, so you brought people here to do it for you.

    And for your information, most people will take peanut butter over apple pie every day of the week.

    Just sayin.

  93. Legacy, did you homeschool your little darlings? For their sakes I kinda hope you say no.

    No social skill huh Field? I bet if your mom was a neo-Nazi you'd be goose stepping with the best of em.

  94. Oh damn, Field, my tale of Social Service got a lot of remarks and I wasn't here to respond. Maybe I could have made headway with the right-wing trolls, educated them! No?

    Usually my entries are ignored. I'll check back next time.

  95. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Field said,
    You and your peeps were too lazy to do the work needed to build it, so you brought people here to do it for you.
    If you truly believe that then you need your meds changed. More delusions from someone with a supposed education. No wonder your people are permanent inhabitants of the ghetto.


  96. And people who think like you do have made your minds a ghetto. One u will never escape from.

    At least the people living in the "ghettos" of urban America can leave, if that's what they want to do. You will never escape yours.

  97. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Field said,
    At least the people living in the "ghettos" of urban America can leave, if that's what they want to do. You will never escape yours.

    Really? And what would they do? Half the YBM's can't even graduate from an urban craphole high school. Somehow I just don't see Rachal Jeantell becoming the executive secretary to the CEO at Exxon. The assistant manager at an all night Jack in the Box is perhaps more correct.
    Here's a huge newsflash Field. The only people's whose minds are in a ghetto is yours. You remind me of the IJA and IJN general staffs in WW2. More prone to fantasy and excuses then reality. The analogy is truly remarkable.


  98. QLB, do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?

  99. GrannyStandingforTruth6:29 PM

    Which comments posted by QLB does she think are so brilliant? Is it the juvenile hateful, racist, mean-spirited comments?

    Please someone tell me, I'm puzzled.

    Signed Urban Granny

  100. GrannyStandingforTruth6:35 PM

    "Homeschooled kids might be book smart, but I always find them lacking in other areas, such as having proper social skills."

    @Field, you hit a bullseye! That is the honest to goodness truth.

  101. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Granny said,
    Which comments posted by QLB does she think are so brilliant? Is it the juvenile hateful, racist, mean-spirited comments?

    It's because I speak with facts and the truth. Those two things hurt those who live in fantasy land like you.


  102. Anonymous7:04 PM

    field said,
    Homeschooled kids might be book smart, but I always find them lacking in other areas, such as having proper social skills."

    And social skills in the hood include how to do a drive by. Typical.


  103. GrannyStandingforTruth7:20 PM

    QLB, if you were speaking as much truth and facts as you think you are, I might agree with you, but you're not.

    Who are you hurting on this blog? Please do tell.

    No one on here commits drive-bys, robberies, murders, did not graduate, or commits any of the other social ills you talk about, which by the way are committed in all poorer neighborhoods by every single race of people, and not just African Americans. Nor does anyone on here affiliate with those type of people.

    Now, if those are the type of people that you wish to reach, maybe, you try blogging in one of those AOL chat rooms. You're on the wrong blog. Being that you consider yourself so brilliant, you should have figured that out years ago.

  104. GrannyStandingforTruth7:33 PM

    One word of advice to you QBL, you should be careful who you step on. You never know who you may need on your way down. Yes, it can happen to you as well as any other living creature on this planet. Up one day feeling high and mighty, but pride always comes before a fall though, that's a fact of life and some real truth.

  105. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Here's one for you granny. Life is hard. It's harder if you're stupid.


  106. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Here's one for you granny. Life is hard. It's harder if you're stupid.


    Given that you're on this blog, 24 hours/day, 7 days/week, NO ONE IN THE WORLD, knows this better than YOU!!!

  107. GrannyStandingforTruth9:20 PM


    Then you must be suffering immensely.

  108. QLB, do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?

  109. GrannyStandingforTruth7:19 AM

    Free-range Negro said...
    "People who are dependent on government should not be allowed to vote."

    Well, let's see that would include those who own Oil Companies, Corporations, Farmers, Building Developers, Banks, Congress, SCOTUS, Dick Cheney, Head Honchos of Universities, and the list goes on and on, but I'll just stop there.

  110. Anonymous11:13 AM

    You know what would be really cool?

    If all the low-paid black workers simply didn't show up for work for a week or so, and the white bigots had to,take their place.

    I'd like to see some of these bigoted bastards doing all those low paid, no-glamour jobs that black people do in the hotels, the restaurants, the hospitals, the retail stores, the factories, the agricultural fields.

    I'd like to see them getting up at four o'clock in the morning to get to their first job, and then taking the bus across town to get to their second and third jobs

  111. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Anon said,
    If all the low-paid black workers simply didn't show up for work for a week or so, and the white bigots had to,take their place.

    Yep, and the Mexicans would gladly take your place. In fact, it's not a bad idea.


  112. Anonymous10:29 PM

    "If all the low-paid black workers simply didn't show up for work for a week or so, and the white bigots had to,take their place."

    And then maybe QLB could finally get a job.

  113. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Detroit no longer has an elected government. It is under emergency management. For all intents and purposes it is under GOP control....

  114. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Since Kevyn Orr is a life long Democrat and was a partner in a law firm with liberal leanings, you'll really have to explain how Detroit is under GOP control.

