Friday, July 04, 2014

The divided states of America.

Today was America's birthday, and the fact that it was raining and overcast here on the East Coast is quite apropos.

Lately it doesn't feel like there has been much to celebrate. Americans are now more divided than ever, and those who previously felt privileged are now playing the role of the perpetual victim. Hate is everywhere. 

Out in California there is a standoff between jingoistic "patriots" and immigrants who want to pursue happiness. The Mayor of the town is blaming the president, but he might want to take a closer look at his fellow citizens. Their actions do not represent American ideals. At least I hope not.

Sadly, there are two different Americas celebrating the 4th of July.

On one side you have folks who feel like this:

"I think the blacks have brought on most of their present-day problems themselves. They insult white people. I’ve heard it right here on your own show, some black called Karl Rove a “white boy.” And I don’t think that’s right. They’re attacking white people in the big cities and we’re supposed to put up with that kind of stuff, and like them, and say, “Well, come on into our neighborhood.” And how about the discussion of the black crime that goes on in this country? You people never will discuss that. And you won’t discuss discrimination against, uh, how about the Irish, they were discriminated against. So were the Mormons, the Italians." That was a white caller on CSPAN not Rush 's radio show. [Source]

And on the other side:

 "This Fourth of July is yours, not mine. You may rejoice must mourn. What to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer: a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelly to which he is the constant victim. To him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denunciations of tyrants, brass fronted impudence; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade, and solemnity, are, to him, mere bombast,fraud,deception,impiety,and hypocrisy-a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices, more shocking and bloody, than are the people of these United States, at this very hour" [Source]

So everyone has not yet bought it. But let's give it time. The country is still young.



  1. Trollonymous Burgundy11:32 PM

    Of course it's us the already struggling tax payers in America who will be financially subsidizing these illegal immigrants and their human green card babies. (Funny how black people like Field who is likely paying taxes through his nose, don't seem to mind).

    Apart from that, I never understood why whites in America are so threatened by legal/illegal Latino immigrants. Due to the still functioning black/brown racism machine in America, it's not like their white children will have to compete with the Latino immigrant children in the professional job market, at least no time soon.

    It will be the educated black children of the (blindly welcoming) black Americans who will eventually suffer when trying to obtain higher paid jobs. Blacks think they know all about the white racists, but they fail to fathom the upcoming (non-black) Latino racists/colorists/competitors who can't wait to thrive and bite blacks in their culo. Next to the Asians/Indians, the non-black Latinos are already climbing up the "preferred minority" list. Black folks need a clue.

    Well... black people in America should start preparing. Don't just push for higher education, start encouraging your black (English speaking) children to also learn fluent Spanish (Mandarin, Arabic, Pig-Latin, Martian, Chihuahua... anything). When the "lighter is brighter" and the "you don't speak a second language" discrimination openly begins, at least educated bilingual black children might have a leg to stand on. Just saying. Carry on with your Latino romancing.

  2. Without question, Mr. Douglass penned the most powerful 4th of July commemoration of all time in 1852. At least until today [].
    God bless our nation, and give each of us the wisdom, courage, and strength to make it the nation it was meant to be, every effing day.

  3. Funny how black people like Field who is likely paying taxes through his nose, don't seem to mind).

    Why should he mind when he was smart enough to earn at least 2 degrees including a terminal degree? Spanish speaking immigrants haven't jumped on the "get an education" bandwagon like other immigrants have. Yet.

    The ONLY people worried about Spanish speaking immigrants are those who will be competing one on one with them for decent paying jobs that do not require a good command of the English language and/or a college degree ie the post office.

    So the person you should be worried about is YOURSELF. According to you, Black people need a clue yet you"re clueless to the HUGE disadvantage you're at not having a college degree. ESPECIALLY in a Spanish speaking society.

    EVERY Black person with half a brain KNOWS that racism in a Spanish speaking America will be FAR WORSE than what we've already seen.

    So get YOUR educational act together before telling people what they already know.

  4. For the record, my Engineering freshman daughter is TRI lingual, English, Chinese, AND Spanish.





  5. Wesley R12:02 AM


    I tune in to the Washington Journal everyday while I read the news on the net in the morning. Yes I heard the guy say this. One thing about the show is Black Folks call in on the regular to check people on the Obama myths among other things. One thing I've learned listening to the show everyday is, Republicans have a long why to go to expand their minority vote, because everyone has seen the disrespect and bigotry towards President Obama.

  6. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Trollonymous Burgundy... you sport a funny moniker, but make a lot of sense. At least with this comment.

  7. Trollonymous Burgundy12:18 AM

    Dear Internet Doctor, most have figured out by now that you are not very intellectually farsighted among your lack of other things. You are not fooling anyone.

    As one of the anons would say "you will never be a doctor".

  8. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Hey Field and the Fieldettes! Happy Independence Day! Just enjoying the fireworks both manmade and from mother nature here in Vegas. Viva Las Vegas! (in my Elvis voice)

  9. Trollonymous Burgundy12:22 AM

    Anon 12:15, I have only one other tag that I used on this blog. But I've learned many years ago while commenting on this blog, if you can't beat... confuse them.

    Btw Doc, "Chinese" is not a language.

  10. lol @ Trolly!

    hit 'em up with some good sense, already.

    'cause this Right here:

    "So everyone has not yet bought it."

    makes exactly NO sense. but the soul that wrote it is still hoping and waiting for BO to notice Black folk. telling other Blacks they are not Black while swearing the nice white lady's baby is Black.


    while those of us that won't buy the lies called it from way back:

  11. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Trollonymous Burgundy, as usual you hit the nail on the head with an insightful comment. It is fitting to be the 'first' comment of the thread. It deserves to be at the top.

    Just one thing about taxes: the more you make, the more tax loopholes you find. Field probably doesn't pay as much in taxes as you think.

    Finally, judging from the hatred coming from Dr Nuwang, I am not so sure who will be our biggest enemy: The Latinos or our own folks. We've always had slave catchers, uncle toms, sell-outs, Stephens, buckwheats, etc. It makes me shiver knowing the likes of DQAE, who are intellectually challenged, are still pretending to have a long line of degrees.

    And now her tri-lingual child is also brilliant. Yep. Dr Nuwang has thought of everything.

    I have often wondered why she is posting on FN when she should be on Roots with all the advanced degrees?

    One thing I can't take away from Dr Nuwang....she gives new meaning to ignorant. LOL

  12. Anonymous12:59 AM

    This has been a good day for me. Trollonymous AND Focusedpurpose have posted on FN. I always enjoy and learn from you. Sometimes you bring 'fireworks'. I love it. Field should at least thank you. But alas! He can't bring himself to say what should have been said a long time ago.

    So I will say it for him: "Thank you... FN needs your insight and wisdom".

  13. @ Trolly-

    you know...

    sometimes, i actually feel sorry for 'ole girl dqae, me/microscopes, drhuang, etc etc. etc who likes to call folk sybil. lol. she probably totally missed the point you shared in your insightful, hit 'em with it comment.

    + she suffers from role reversal. she comes out in protection of she is a man.

    when i try to see from her perspective...

    i can understand how she would be piping hot MAD that she has clocked so many school hours, yet can't be on a higher intellectual level. no matter how hard she tries. it is default final resort to start talking 'bout degrees. as if that will somehow elevate her.

    or resorting to hurling racist, anti BW stereotypes and "slurs". or just acting a plumb hot ghetto mess when all else fails.

    so far we know she has great disdain for nappy wooley haired Black women. every Black woman that disagrees with her must be overweight and diagnosed by her with an illness, in the most vicious hates BW type of way.

    in Truth, that makes me sad.

    so since recently i was reminded that strong folk build the weaker ones up...not break them down. i am going to resist the urge to take + break her down. since her mouth is wide open spewing nonsense like her "degrees" make it Good sense.


    i will get there or die trying:)

    since folk probably won't cover this in her studies, i will pull out some info and hope it sticks for her. then she can hopefully better represent. 'cause for Real, i do want to see if there is a way to de-Black her. as Anon noted, determining who is the worst enemy is a little difficult. being radical, in no uncertain terms, i want to take the Black traitors to the Blessed Black nation OUT...

    with the quickness.

    but that's not my job.

    so instead i will do my best to respond with Love + MUCH needed clues.

  14. posted this link earlier:

    as a place to start gathering information. i like the site because education IS an individual pursuit. so in order to get it folk will need to seek it for themselves.

    "the Freedom of Knowledge- the Power of Thought" mission statement greatly appeals to me as well:)

    for the one that seeks to be a doctor, a little back story/history on the industry:

    "There are a number of alternative healing therapies that work so well and cost so little (compared to conventional treatment), that Organized Medicine, the Food & Drug Administration, and their overlords in the Pharmaceutical Industry (The Big Three) would rather the public not know about them. The reason is obvious: Alternative, non-toxic therapies represent a potential loss of billions of dollars to allopathic (drug) medicine and drug companies.

    The Big Three have collectively engaged in a medical conspiracy for the better part of 70 years to influence legislative bodies on both the state and federal level to create regulations that promote the use of drug medicine while simultaneously creating restrictive, controlling mechanisms (licencing, government approval, etc) designed to limit and stifle the availability of non-drug, alternative modalities. The conspiracy to limit and eliminate competition from non-drug therapies began with the Flexner Report of 1910.

    Abraham Flexner was engaged by John D. Rockefeller to run around the country and 'evaluate' the effectiveness of therapies taught in medical schools and other institutions of the healing arts. Rockefeller wanted to dominate control over petrolem, petrochemicals, and pharmaceuticals (which are derived from 'coal tars' or crude oil). He arranged for his company, Standard Oil of New Jersey to obtain a controlling interest in a huge German drug cartel called I. G. Farben. He pulled in his stronger competitors like Andrew Carnegie and JP Morgan as partners, while making other, less powerful players, stockholders in Standard Oil. Those who would not come into the fold "were crushed" according to a Rockefeller biographer (W. Hoffman, David: Report on a Rockefeller {New York:Lyle Stuart, Inc., 1971}page 24.)

    The report Flexner submitted to The Carnegie Foundation was titled "Medical Education in the United States and Canada". Page 22 of the report said: "the privileges of the medical school can no longer be open to casual strollers from the highway. It is necessary to install a doorkeeper..."

    so when she rants against the green herb, created by Almighty Himself- which is a healer of a host of diseases that folk can grow for themselves...

    know that it is in keeping with the training- which is not to be confused with education.

    won't post whole article but did want to pull this out as well:

  15. "Alternative medicine explores the stressors (environmental, biological, chemical, psychological, and emotional) in a patient's life that cause a weakening of a particular energy field; which in turn allows the manifestation of a disease condition in a weakened area. In order to maintain a state of health, all energy systems within the body need to exist in a state of balance or equilibrium. Imbalance leads to conditions of discomfort (dis-ease) which eventually spirals into ill health if not corrected. The Chinese and Indians (Ayurvedic medicine) had worked all of this out thousands of years ago.

    Orthodox or Allopathic Medicine utilizes poisonous substances (drugs) in non-lethal dosages in order to suppress symptoms in an affected area. This approach neither addresses the cause of the disease condition, nor is it responsible for healing the patient. Rather, the use of drugs often will temporarily mask the outer manifestations of the malady, while at the same time, drive the disease deeper into the body...only to reappear at a later date, as a more serious, and chronic health threat. One of the many flaws of the orthodox approach is that it focuses on the disease condition itself, rather than the patient. The term wholistic (or holistic) originally sprang up to distinguish those physicians whose diagnostic gestalt considers all of the physical, emotional, and spiritual energies interacting with the patient.

    Do not assume that the only difference between allopathic and alternative medicine, however, is an honest difference of opinion in the philosophies and views on the origin of disease states. Hardly!. There is, in truth, a concerted, organized agenda -concocted, planned, and contrived by the international pharmaceutical companies and organized medicine to suppress any and every alternative, non-drug therapy that WORKS. Why?

    Because they want people to keep on coming back for more treatments and more drugs.

    A cured patient is a lost source of income. A sick patient who is marginally "improved" is a manageable patient.

    Managing patients means routine office visits and renewing of drug prescriptions. Therefore, a manageable patient is a continuing source of income; a cash cow if you will. Multiply that by a few hundred million people and you get an idea why this deceit is being put upon you. The profits from the so called "health-care" industry are staggering!

    The thrust of the orthodox pharmaceutical agenda is to provide temporary relief, while never addressing the cause of the disease condition. This agenda insures regular visits to the doctor's office and requires the patient to routinely return to the pharmacy to refill his prescriptions. This is what the game is all about folks, plain and simple. Deny it or Deal with it,...Stick with it or Get Out of it! ... your choice. "


    hope that helps the doctor lady that misses clues left and right.

    that is but one place to start gathering information. much of what we are taught has NOTHING to do with Truth. i seek true Knowledge more than anything else.

    science is mankind trying to play the role of Almighty while refusing to acknowledge Almighty. only bad can come from that.

  16. @ Anon 12:50 AM- yes! tell the truth 'bout the tax loopholes.

    THIS is when it is Good to have a team of trained professionals in place;) it is all a game, folk. and for the most part Blessed Blacks can't afford to play it. or if they can...only at certain levels. 'cause the way it is all set up- there is a the higher the levels the whiter the skin mandate in full effect. BO is an example of what i speak.

    if FN is paying a grip of taxes despite having the resources to tap the best finance professionals in the game...

    that's on him + i don't for one second believe it. lol.

    @ Anon 12:59 Much Love. it has indeed been a Good, peaceful, restful day. i was telling someone else that earlier:) it tickled me to see Trolly over here putting it down + handling the same usual suspect so well. Abundant Blessings in Messiah's Name to you.

  17. Anonymous3:19 AM

    So far so good, no whackos with Gadsden flags shooting up anybody so I can give away my money in peace. Been a good trip so far, flying with a brotha but no ABC (all Black crew) yet. If that happens gotta take a pic.


  18. @ the doctor lady that is researching the cure for cancer. here's a lead, as a place to begin gathering information:

    "Alkalizing pH Therapy

    Vernon Johnston was given the typical death sentence for a rapidly advancing prostate cancer that had begun to metastacize to his bones (which the orthodox cancer doctors told him was in stage IV). He ordered some Cesium alkalating mixture over the internet designed to increase pH, but it didn't arrive in time, so logic told him that Baking Soda should also work for alkalizing his pH. He decided to use black strap molasses as a "carrier" to get it pulled into the cancer cells. He's still alive and cancer free five years later after his 2008 "Dance with Cancer."

    Vernon Johnson Cures Prostate/Bone Cancer with Baking Soda & Black Strap Molasses

    that's without even taking it to the much maligned ancient green herb:)

  19. Anonymous3:43 AM

  20. Anonymous5:46 AM

    "science is mankind trying to play the role of Almighty while refusing to acknowledge Almighty. only bad can come from that."

    Uh yeah, seems a bit hypocritical because you typed that on a computer created by science. Carry on. Bet you drive a car, talk on a cell phone, take medicine/vaccinations, use air conditioning ect. That has nothing to do with your god, only understanding nature and making life easier. Why don't you try to live based on the bible alone and see how that works out. Maybe you can make a few sacrifices to your god while you're at it.

  21. Anon 5:46am- may you stand in the Light of Understanding...soon.

    if i didn't know any better, i would think some folk are trying to NOT understand what i am saying. i was under the impression that the folk that congregate here were at college why things are so hard to grasp remain a mystery. i haven't the time nor the inclination for remedial breakdowns.

    suggestion: what about you pray to not feel so threatened by the views of others? or not. free will- which Almighty respects and so do i.

    thanks for your feedback all the same.

    ps. Messiah has already paid for all sins. there are no "sacrifices" required at this point in time for those of us flowing with the Ancient of Ancients and King of Kings.

    those rolling with defeated lucifer/satan...THEY are still required to make "sacrifices". lots of 'em. where do you think all the missing children, women and men go? check their calendar to see the days for organized sacrifices. you may google it to get it for yourself. i posted it before, but since your little attitude is so foul + accusatory, imma let you clue up on your own.

    the defeated lucifer/satan squad is NOT my team so you are WAY off base in addition to not comprehending the message i conveyed. which is ok. everything is not for everybody. again may you find the Light of Understanding and Stand in it soon.


    since i have been falsely accused of hating homosexuals because i refuse to be pc and promote the agenda- thought i would post this. it seems someone else is noticing what i have called out before.

    the world minority gay population seeking to silence those that won't play along with the politics of it all...serve only to set up the backlash.

    i think as education minister this soul might have enough credentials for folk to try to hear what he is saying...

    the promotion of homosexuality world wide has an agenda attached to it that has NOTHING to do with the love of homosexuals nor humanity. those of us that can see it, have a responsibility to humanity to sound the alarm. mislabels, lies, and name calling = par for the course + of no great consequence to those of US that are more than conquerors in Him/His Word.

  22. Anon@3:40, I saw that story and was thinking that some things never change. The LAPD is still the LAPD.

    Pilot, enjoy the desert.

  23. That first photo is a beauty, and that's just on its FACE (heh heh), never mind the symbolism.

    Calling Carl Rove a "white boy" is the kindest thing I could think of. Though as another white boy, that insults ME.

    Wonder what the caller would have thought to hear Rove referred to as "Turd Blossom."

  24. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Field wrote,
    Out in California there is a standoff between jingoistic "patriots" and immigrants who want to pursue happiness. The Mayor of the town is blaming the president, but he might want to take a closer look at his fellow citizens. Their actions do not represent American ideals. At least I hope not.

    Uh field, aren't there laws against illegal entry? As a lawyer you know this. Since the country is broke and living off a credit card just who is going to pay for these "children" since they're too young to "do the jobs that other American's won't?" Do tell. BTW did I mention that the Black unemployment rates is well over 10% and youth unemployment is through the roof? I have a good idea. Let them go to Philly where you live. Maybe you can have two or three. Maybe they won't give you pinworms or resistant TB. Besides money says you have Telemundo on your cable. You're already halfway there.
    Meanwhile in Chicago well over 20 shot overnight. No word yet on fatalities but with a 13% mortality rate, you know that at least 2 to 3 bangers were made good last night.


  25. Field, you forgot the word illegal.These illegals can wait in line to pursue their happiness-just like everyone else.

    They have no right to be in this country and these "jingoistic "patriots" have every right to protest. After all, they are paying for the freebies these illegals are getting.

    And yes it is Obama's fault.

    Refusing to enforce immigrant laws. Refusing to deport and secure our borders. Giving amnesty.

    President Obama is the most devise and polarizing president in history. From day one Obama has divided this country by race and class. America 2014 is the result.

  26. Anonymous10:04 AM

    As long as their is a market for chesp goods China will be producing them. As long as there is a msrket for cheap labor Mexicans will be crossing the border. Those jingoes are gonna have to go man the border themselves 24/7 if they want to stop them from coming in. They are coming in to man jobs that no one else wants to do.

  27. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Anon said,
    They are coming in to man jobs that no one else wants to do.

    THAT is load of crap. Have you looked at our unemployment rate, especially in the minority community. Of course the work is hard and banging is easy so you could also say the "brut has" don't want to work.
    Here's the real deal with your statement. Many aren't coming for the work, they're coming for the benefits. In the Ag industry, the work is simply not there anymore. Much of the work done by hand, such as picking grapes, can now be done by machine. Why grow citrus and put up with seasonal workers and all the crap that brings? Instead you can grow hay ( easy if you have water ) make it into essentially a one or two or three man operation. Five cuttings a year, plus you can make even more money by selling it online and then delivering it yourself. You don't need immigrant labor anymore for this. You don't know crap, but you do know stupid liberal talking points.


  28. QLB is just another of the many far-Right nut jobs we have had here over the years who just make shit up as they go along and present it as fact.

    Doesn't even attempt to justify the nonsense they spout.

    It's like they are saying "Fuck reality, I want this to be the truth therefor you have to accept it is the truth even if I don;t have any evidence that it is true.

    He probably genuinely thinks what he posts is true, I reckon. That's how divorced from reality the far-Right are getting these days.

  29. Anonymous11:11 AM

    The Purple Sow said this
    QLB is just another of the many far-Right nut jobs we have had here over the years who just make shit up as they go along and present it as fact.

    Really? If you weren't so ridiculously stupid you'd be laughable. In fact, you're the poster girl for the low IQ argument.
    Here's the data. The lowest recent rate of Black unemployment is at 10.7% with some sources showing higher. It's worse for recent Black college grads and horrible for youth. Prove me wrong. You can't. You're not even remotely credible. As far as you knowing anything about the Ag industry, you're so far out of your league, it would take a bulldozer to pull your head out of your ass.


  30. Limpbaugh11:24 AM is the email address of the racist Murrieta mayor, Alan Long. I sent him my suggestion that we let the immigrant kids stay and send him and the rest of the Murrieta racists to Honduras.

  31. Anonymous11:24 AM

    @questionable, laughable, bozo: pickin grapes/harvest is not the only work they do. Google it

  32. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Anon said,
    @questionable, laughable, bozo: pickin grapes/harvest is not the only work they do. Google it

    I know exactly what they do. Mexican vaqueros are the absolute best horse breakers around. The problems for them is that in the US the old fashioned way is not done much anymore. Unless you're in real hard country you don't need a horse. ATV works just fine in most situations. Just add gas and oil. No hay, no vet bills, no farrier and no shoveling shit. For some of the coastal ranches you can do most of it from a truck. The work for many of them is now gone as the cattle herd is at an all time low and when it comes back it will very different. Many people in the cattle business have converted to meat goats. Easier except you need better fence. Little old ladies can do it and the market is there for the Middle Eastern customers. That's just the start of it in Ag. I'm capable of cutting my own grass.


  33. @12:50, the Physics drop out that saved her son's foreskin has spoken again!

    You ARE aware that in the time you've stalked me these past 5 years you could have finished a Masters degree by now right. But alas, your "husband" prefers his slave to stay at home, save his son's foreskin, and stay a college dropout.

    And to Trolly the barren, prediabetic troll, it made your day to correct my error in not specifying Mandarin as the language spoken by my child didn't it!

    Now, are you more jealous that I have a child when you aborted ALL yours, you'll never get married, or that you'll never earn a college degree??


  34. Trollonymous Burgundy said...
    Anon 12:15, I have only one other tag that I used on this blog. But I've learned many years ago while commenting on this blog, if you can't beat... confuse them

    There's nothing confusing about being a lying, fake, bitch.

    It's the reason you'll NEVER get married and why you have NO friends outside the multiple personalities you assume on the internet.

    Have a great day Sybil!!!


  35. "Fuck reality, I want this to be the truth therefor you have to accept it is the truth even if I don;t have any evidence that it is true."

    Sounds like the philosophy of the left. Course the left is good at psychological projection.

  36. Anonymous11:59 AM

    And Doc don't forget that dog he keeps locked up in the basement lol!

    QLB: Hon, you ARE delusional hahaha! What the heck are you talkibg about ahahaha

  37. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Anon said
    QLB: Hon, you ARE delusional hahaha! What the heck are you talkibg about ahahaha

    Hardly, an idiot said that illegals perform the jobs that US citizens won't do. That's just a liberal talking point. Hardly true, and I just gave examples of why some of the hard work that they do no longer exists. It's really easy to understand if you stop and think about it.
    Here's a huge hint for you. There's this thing called reading comprehension. Get some. I don't think you're as stupid as Purple Sow, so there is some hope.


  38. the Inquisitor12:27 PM

    QLB How old are you hon? You have no education, no real life experience, no work experience and it looks like not much life experience either! Wat up guy? ;D

  39. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Keep going dumbasses.

    The black youth unemployment rate for ages 16-19 is 393% higher than the national unemployment rate, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

    As of October 2013, the unemployment rate for this demographic was 36.0 percent, an increase over last month’s rate of 35.1 percent. The national unemployment rate currently stands at 7.3 percent.

    The unemployment rate is the percentage of people in the labor force who do not have a job. To be in the labor force a person must either have a job or actively sought one in the last four weeks.

    Fewer black youth held jobs in October with the number of employed decreasing from 487,000 in September to 444,000. This means 43,000 fewer black youth held jobs in October.

    Additionally, the participation rate for black youth has decreased from 29.4 percent in September to 27.3 percent in October, a decrease of 2.1 percentage points.

  40. In an effort to KEEP my blessings in my personal and professional life continuously flowing, I'm going to apologize to the universe for putting out negative statements/energy on this blog.

    A full scholarship to study medicine/cancer, a full scholarship for my kid, the love of a good Black man, good health, loving family and friends, a flourishing business, and DUAL careers headed to the stratosphere!!!

    I have absolutely NO REASON to have ANYTHING negative to say to anyone, especially not here!

  41. Apology accepted.

    Now would be a good time for pilotx to apologize.

    We can have honest debate without the lies and hate.

    This is a good first step...

  42. QLB Logic


    Prove that wrong

    You can't!

    Therefore everything I say is true.

    / QLB Logic

    Poor old dim-witted, lonely QLB.

    Such a loser, such a loner - he's got nothing better to do on Independence Day than hang around here insulting black folks he'll never meet.


  43. field negro said...
    Anon@3:40, I saw that story and was thinking that some things never change. The LAPD is still the LAPD.

    Isn't this one of the benefits voting the same party into power?

    If you want change, you have to vote for change.

  44. Didn't the left tell us voting for Obama meant voting for change?

  45. Anonymous2:06 PM

    The Purple Sow wrote,
    QLB Logic


    Well it does prove my point, besides the 2=2 =4 thing pretty much always works for me. Of course coming from a culture steeped in ebonics I can see how you could have problems. Tell me something. When you stick your head up your ass is it the view or the smell you find appealing?


  46. @ dqae @ 12:48 PM-

    good job apologizing.

    'cause all that baseless ugly spewing from your heart was NOT pretty nor called for.

    though i did throw up a prayer for ya.

    even in disagreement...civility = what time it is. surely folks' parents taught 'em as much?

    what you say/do to others speaks volumes about you. + no one stalks you. you just make a lot of noise here. like your outburst up thread- adding no substance, then get mad+ ghetto when folk mention the obvious.

    for someone with so many sure don't converse like you have much to work with mentally/intellectually. nor do you represent Blessed Black women or higher education very well;(

    lastly, surely you MUST know that husbands are not hard to come by? the game some Black women play pretending otherwise = sad. really sad.

    self promoting apology accepted. now let's see how long you can hold yourself in check and do better. i give it a thread and THAT is being cautiously optimistic.

    i hope some of the information shared here cuts your cure for cancer busy work time in half:)

    Shabbat Shalom.


  47. The Purple Cow said...
    It's like they are saying "Fuck reality, I want this to be the truth therefor you have to accept it is the truth even if I don;t have any evidence that it is true.

    You sure spend a lot of YOUR time thinking about what Kinky, QLB and I think.

    Just making the observation.

  48. Anonymous2:32 PM

    @Trollonymous Burgundy
    Trollonymous Burgundy said...
    Anon 12:15, I have only one other tag that I used on this blog. But I've learned many years ago while commenting on this blog, if you can't beat... confuse them
    HEY! WHOA! hold on there. I am anon@12:15 and all I was doing was giving you a compliment. I am not Dr Queen. Do not put me in the middle of your shit.

  49. FP, I don't apologize to heathens, devils, OR hypocrites. So you're obviously NOT the one I'm apologizing to as the "trifecta" you are and will ALWAYS be.

    I'm simply smart enough to realize that a blessed life is ONLY perpetuated through positivity. And positivity in the face of jealousy and envy primarily from your own race/gender while an enormous feat at times, is simply the best way to go.

  50. One more thing FP AKA the Alaskan King Crab.

    The envious/jealous, uneducated coward making the SAME negative comment toward me for the past 6 years as I pursue a the "Dr." title, IS stalking. So it's revealing that YOU would try to clean up this miscreant behaviour.

    I've long since felt that it was a Black woman doing this because it clearly demonstrates the weak mindedness so prevalent among Black Americans. So thanks for confirming my suspicions.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Dr. Dairy Queen (Thanks BIB)is such a petty, mean spirited person.

    2+2 Will never add up to Dr.Nǚwáng being a doctor.

  53. Kinky.Con said...
    2+2 Will never add up to Dr.Nǚwáng being a doctor.

    FINALLY, you're right about something here. 2+2 does NOT = MD.

    MS1-MS4 = MD

    OM1-OM4 = DO

    PhD1-PhD4 (*up to PhD7 and greater depending on how your research goes) = PhD

    There are others ways to earn "Dr", but I realize I would be wasting my time explaining them to you, LOL!!!

    Now, back to the natural language processing that is my summer project! :)

  54. "Well it does prove my point, besides the 2=2 =4 thing pretty much always works for me. "



    ...always works for you.


    Didn't they teach basic arithmetic at the 'Joseph Goebbels School of Far-Right Trolling and Hate-Mongering'? Or did you not graduate?

  55. Can't wait for the good doctor to send all u haters selfies of her graduation.

  56. "You sure spend a lot of YOUR time thinking about what Kinky, QLB and I think."


    I do indeed spend a lot of time thinking about what nazis and other racist sleaze balls think.

    It's important to know your enemy. You are very much my enemy, and you will remain so until one of us dies. Probably you if there's any justice.

    Still, at least I'm not so much of a loser that I spend hours on a great national holiday abusing black people I will never meet, because that's the only thing that makes me feel like a man.

    How sad IS your life, Bill?

  57. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Doc you are throwing pearls to swine!

    Fields blog is infested with these crazies writing crap! No room for much good political comment or debate any more.

  58. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Just a typo purple sow. You're just too stupid to realize it. But you do perseverate about Bill, Kinky and myself. You think about us when you pleasure yourself.


  59. Like purple cow, our resident fake can copy and paste from Wikipedia.

    Dr.Nǚwáng is working hard to finish her summer Wikipedia reading project. This will help her reach her goal of getting her GED before she turns 40.

    Dr.Nǚwáng isn't letting her past stints in prison, white privilege or her baby daddies keep her down.

  60. What a sad purple cow. He uses words he knows not the definition of. He spends most day and night obsessing about people he will never have the pleasure of meeting.

    When he's not doing that, he's standing in front his mirror doing the hail Hitler oops, i mean the Tommie Smith thang.

    Unfortunately, the only way purple cow can stick it to whitey is to get a white girlfriend with hairy armpits.

    You do you purple cow. The rest of us will sit back and laugh.

  61. Anonymous4:37 PM

    "Now, I’m willing to bet if these same number of Americans who find Obama to be the worst president from World War II also deny climate change, are staunchly conservative, think Obama was born in a Kenyan hut, and are for certain that he’s trying to turn America into Hitler’s Germany. I’m also quite sure that in the future, Obama will be remembered for his historical moves on health care, climate change, gay rights, ending the war in Iraq, among other things. He’ll get an asterisk for improving the economy as best he could thanks to Republican obstruction in Congress. Shame on him for the use of drones, but I digress."

    From the Chicago Defender.

  62. Anonymous4:38 PM

    QLB, do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?

  63. the stupid4:41 PM

    "Didn't they teach basic arithmetic at the 'Joseph Goebbels School of Far-Right Trolling and Hate-Mongering'? Or did you not graduate?"

    PC, this guy doesn't know whether or not he graduated from college. That should key you in on the type of intellect we're dealing with. Many studies that show racists aren't usually the brightest bulbs in the pack.

  64. The Fixer4:47 PM

    "The problem with Black America is that collectively they were never able to read the tea leaves and now have a new slave master called liberalism and the Democratic Party."

    The problem with poor white America is they're too stupid to see they're being used by their own racism by the republicans and will remain poor and toothless. Oh yeah, conservatism has worked wonders in poor rural America.

  65. QLB's bestie4:51 PM

    OK QLB, we all know you're on welfare and live in your mother's trailer so don't worry about answering about the job thing but can you provide a yes or no as to whether or not you have a college degree? Why are you so afraid to answer the question? Is it that since you spout so much white superiority bull shit you're embarrassed that the so called inferior race has more education than you on this blog? Is that it? You're among friends, you can tell us. We promise to not make fun of you. So how about it buddy? Wanna share?

  66. The Fixere4:57 PM

    Cow, you do see what's going on right? These guys see you, X, Field, Granny, Dr. D, Steve, ect as threats because they figured out the cipher. They are educated and have challenging careers while the white racists here are uneducated and unemployed and have to lash out. Back in the day they would call you uppity and try to literally destroy you but now they sit behind a computer screen and pine for the old days their grand daddy tells them about. Kinda sad when you think about it. Be nice to them because this is all they have, to try to belittle nigras but in reality they could better themselves by spending less time trying to drag someone else down and pick up a book and get that GED. Maybe you guys could offer to help them finish. That might even help with race relations because then they might figure out people are people. Then again........

  67. lol.


    i was wrong.

    i gave you a thread of decent, civilized, good behavior.

    maybe you weren't taught this...

    but when you spew your ghetto antics in public...

    all unfortunate enough to view it are owed an apology. i accepted your self promoting, BW hating apology because on some level, i understood it to be the best you could do.

    now take a look at your ipad bible and tell me if your latest comment is not an exercise in projection.

    when you are done melting down, what i wrote still stands.

    carry on...

  68. The Purple Cow said...

    "You sure spend a lot of YOUR time thinking about what Kinky, QLB and I think."


    I do indeed spend a lot of time thinking about what nazis and other racist sleaze balls think.

    It's important to know your enemy. You are very much my enemy, and you will remain so until one of us dies. Probably you if there's any justice.

    Still, at least I'm not so much of a loser that I spend hours on a great national holiday abusing black people I will never meet, because that's the only thing that makes me feel like a man.

    How sad IS your life, Bill?

    How sad is my life?

    Not sad enough to write 84 words trying to insult you.

  69. @ FN-

    a doctor that does NOT know there are already cures for cancer will be NO asset in the humanity project. may her whole patient base be white folk...i am sure in this way she will show up with her A game.

    those of us that wade through the ghetto spew, trying to Understand, are Real clear that material gain + being called DR = motivation, more so than healing. she doesn't even like wooley haired Black women. Black Mary Sangers are more destructive to Black folk than pale ones. the Black ones are just harder to spot for most Black folk- hence the sustained BO confusion..

    no doubt she will be a doctor + the most useful of "useful idiots." THAT is NOT me name calling. THIS is what the powers that be call folk. BO is a "useful idiot" according to the way the system is set up. and tell me if he were a white man, if folk wouldn't recognize him for the Black hating racist that he is?

    side note: my name STAYS in the mpd doctor lady's mouth, whether i post here or not- while she laments being "stalked" + being the object of "jealousy" crosses eyes. self reflection can ONLY do this soul some Good.

    furthermore, she knows Good and well that Trolly and i are NOT the same person. as long as we all have been posting here. Anon that she gender bends + disrespects = the same. she knows better.

    the notion that anyone is "jealous" of her = as ignorant as pretending that it is hard to obtain a husband.


    tragecomedy ALL day...


  70. The Purple Cow said...


    PurpleCow no longer being happy being the spelling nanny lives his dream and becomes the math nanny.

    PurpleCow, was your mom a teacher? I ask because my tolling experience has taught me it's usually the little boys of teachers that take the online role of spelling/math nanny.

  71. Ha! Wants me to apologize. I must have been to uppity for him huh? Guess I need to be put in my place. They must really miss the "good old" days.

  72. the inquiring mind6:55 PM

    C,mon fp fess up. What were you in for? Huh,?
    Don't be afraid, you're among friends ;)

  73. Kinky Con-man, are you seriously lumping Tommie Smith and Adolf Hitler together?

    Wow, u are even more pathetic than I thought.

  74. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Blogger Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    "For the record, my Engineering freshman daughter is TRI lingual, English, Chinese, AND Spanish."

    For the record, Chinese is not a language. IDIOT!!! This proves you are a liar and an ignoramus.

    Don't feel bad, most Negroes from the ghetto think Chinese is a language too.

    You are sooooo depressing.

  75. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Some of you Negroes with scientific minds, with holier than the mind of God, might want to re-evaluate your minds:

    "Is evolutionism racist?

    First, while not all evolutionists are racists, the theory of evolution is racist in the extreme. In his book The Descent of Man Charles Darwin speculated, “At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world.” In addition, he subtitled his magnum opus The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life.” Thomas Huxley, who coined the term agnostic and was the man most responsible for advancing Darwinian doctrine, went so far as to say, “No rational man cognizant of the facts, believes that the average Negro is the equal, still less the superior, of the white man.” Huxley was not only militantly racist but also lectured frequently against the resurrection of Jesus Christ in whom “[we] are all one” (Galatians 3:28).

    Furthermore, for evolution to succeed, it is as crucial that the unfit die as that the fittest survive. Marvin Lubenow graphically portrays the ghastly consequences of such beliefs in his book Bones of Contention: “If the unfit survived indefinitely, they would continue to ‘infect’ the fit with their less fit genes. The result is that the more fit genes would be diluted and compromised by the less fit genes, and evolution could not take place.” Adolf Hitler’s philosophy that Jews were subhuman and that Aryans were supermen led to the extermination of six million Jews. In the words of Sir Arthur Keith, a militant anti-Christian physical anthropologist: “The German Fuhrer, as I have consistently maintained, is an evolutionist; he has consistently sought to make the practices of Germany conform to the theory of evolution.” It is significant to note that crusaders who used force to further their creeds in the name of God were acting in direct opposition to the teachings of Christ, while the worldview of Hitler, however, was completely consistent with the teachings of Darwin. Indeed, social Darwinism has provided the scientific substructure for some of the most significant atrocities in human history.

    Finally, while the evolutionary racism of Darwin’s day is politically incorrect today, current biology textbooks still promote vestiges of racism. For example, the inherently racist recapitulation theory* not only is common fare in science curricula but has been championed in our generation by such luminaries as Carl Sagan. This despite the fact that modern studies in molecular genetics have demonstrated the utter falsity of the recapitulation theory. The fact that recapitulation is inherently racist is underscored by no less an evolutionary authority than Stephen Jay Gould who lamented that “recapitulation provided a convenient focus for the pervasive racism of white scientists” in the modern era."
    --Adapted from Fatal Flaws

    Just think. Some Negroes on FN worship Science by wm. Hmmmm. Could it be they are slave catchers for the wm, and not know it?

  76. Quote:Kinky

    "What a sad purple cow. He uses words he knows not the definition of."

    Errrrrrrrrr, what????

    Is English your native language, Kinky?

    You're not one of them damn immigrants are you?

  77. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Meanwhile in other news,

    Guinea-In this African country undergoing an outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus, residents there are blaming WHO workers for carrying and spreading the disease. Many people there think that the virus doesn't exist. Others blame the outbreak on witchcraft. Average IQ in Guinea is 66. Priceless.


  78. QLB, do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?

  79. Anonymous8:00 PM

    "Ha! Wants me to apologize."

    You lie about other posters. The classy thing to do is apologize.

  80. The fake preacher lady will be VERY disappointed to know that I'll be practising in the 'hood, conducting research for the benefit of people who look JUST LIKE ME.

  81. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Dr. Nuwang wrote,

    QLB, do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?

    Damn you're on to this like a Detroit resident onto an EBT card. What do you think doc? Really. You look stupid asking over and over.


  82. Trollonymous Burgundy8:25 PM

    FP and wise Anon, much love back at you guys!!


  83. PilotX said...

    Ha! Wants me to apologize.

    Only if you've bought a kenny g CD.

  84. The professor8:53 PM

    So obviously college degreed.are held in high esteem unanimously by everyone here! those who don't have one are not willing to openly admit it.So, just cut the crap you uneducated morons!

  85. @mpd uber degree'd doctor lady...

    it doesn't disappoint...

    it is to be expected.

    to the hood and africa is where most whack quacks end up. check the history/back story then know you are NOT original.

    nevertheless, let's hope you find the "hood" where there are few/no wooley hair Blessed Black girls/women. your love of screaming 'bout tube tying, nappy this, B that- has been duly noted. just because you claim to be a Black woman, it does not nullify nor justify the clear BW hatred.

    we know you worship at the altar of BMhood- will knock yourself out to protect 'em. looong before there was even a semblance of reciprocity demonstrated at this very blog. my shaming folk got your back covered much better than before. you are welcome.

    so if you could just find the hood menfolk + work away- that would be great. hopefully you will know there is a cure for cancer by that time...

    OTHERWISE, you might consider taking it to white folk. whatever they do is a medical not criminal matter anyways. despite popping pill after pill (lucrative if leveraged) they are not seen as chronic drug users either.

    so believe it or not..

    my prayer/wish was a win/win;) we know you feen for that bigger house + benz.

    ps. you over here calling folk b's + showing your whole Black behind...despite all the degrees and "education" in the world...


    i am the hypocrite + fake one?

    okey doke. makes PERFECT sense.

    side note: for those of you sitting in for Messiah on the judge fp tip...

    please know i don't think He needs your help in that respect. in fact He/His Word warns against it. those that do it condemn themselves. since He knows all and judges Righteously it is a waste of time really. most of you coming hard for me...

    could never BE me.

    so be Real glad you won the genetic lottery...and keep refusing to even confess Him before men, while futilely attempting to judge/silence me.

    @Anon you know that went over folks' head. lol.

    @QLB- what you speak about unemployment for young Black men = Truth. IF you would kill the superior by virtue of melanin deficiency klansman schtick, folk might actually hear some of the Truth you speak. not all folk are able to listen to those with which they don't agree...

    @ pink tutu- let me rock with your fp = an incarcerated man twisted fantasy for a moment. ok? incarcerated man fp's charges = stomping snot from hateful homo that won't back up when informed fp has no interest in playing.

    happy now?

    here's pink tutu + his crew's next line:



    are you as bored with me as i am with you, yet? wanna move on? as Trolly asked...

    don't you have a wedding to attend? adopt a child? go cruising? something?

    let me come from over here playing with folk on the field...i got other things to do.

    Blessings all!

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. Anonymous10:39 PM

    FP, "@Anon you know that went over folks' head. lol."

    Yeah, I noticed.

    I had hoped it would have 'humbled' Dr Nuwang, seeing how she claims to be into science. But I guess DQAE can't be humbled, esp when ignorance is consuming her life in the ghetto.

    Is there anyway to get the attention of the stupid and ignorant? Guess not.

  89. Anonymous10:57 PM

    FP, "let me come from over here playing with folk on the field...i got other things to do.

    Blessings all!"

    8:54 PM
    Thanks for taking a break from work and playing with Dr Nuwang. It was entertaining as hell.

    Btw, in case you don't know it, the Doc wasn't playing. She is serious as a heart attack. LOL

    You have GOT to know she will be hiding in the bushes waiting for you next time.

    Yep. I can hear those rusty gears turning in her tiny brain...This reminds me of the Fox and the Road Runner. LOL

    Poor Dr Nuwang.

  90. Ssssssyyyyyyyybbbiiiillllllll, is that you honey bun, ROTFL!!!!!!!

  91. Anonymous11:12 PM

    The trolls are hyper tonight! :) they gots a lot to say

  92. field negro said...
    Can't wait for the good doctor to send all u haters selfies of her graduation.

    That'll be a double selfie Field! ;)

  93. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Dr Nuwang, "That'll be a double selfie Field! ;)"

    11:14 PM
    Wow, you must be really huge that you can't fit in one selfie...Lord have mercy.

  94. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Dear Anons, tonight is July 5, the founding of Anon, Inc. We are five years old and have made FN 'THE' superstar blog that it is. Shit. Without us FN wouldn't be shit.

    Anon Inc is the American dream of racial harmony. We don't care what color you are as long as you can raise hell.

    Tonight on our birthday, let us go crazy for a change and give Field and his resident ID's a nervous breakdown.

    Let 'em have it gang!

  95. the professor12:03 AM

    Hey Doc! See how touchy these morons are on the subject of degrees and college education?
    Wow! hey trolls! Go back to school! You'll feel better bout yo selves lol

  96. @11:32, given that you don't have a single degree, it's not surprising the "double selfie" at graduation was "lost" on you, ROTFL!!!

    Good night Sybil!

  97. The Fixer3:34 AM

    "Others blame the outbreak on witchcraft. Average IQ in Guinea is 66. Priceless."

    Just like dumb whites in the south who believe Jeezus is coming back to take them to the clouds and don't get their kids vaccinated because Michele Bachmann told them it'll make their kids retarded. Mississippi whites who have an average IQ of -27. Priceless.

  98. the stupid3:39 AM

    "the theory of evolution is racist in the extreme."

    Here we go with some stoooopid, buut wait there's more.

    "Furthermore, for evolution to succeed, it is as crucial that the unfit die as that the fittest survive."

    See, I told you more stooopid to come.

    But let's take this from a logical standpoint. This idiot babbles about Hitler killing Jews and such but if this imbecile is right and there is no evolution that means god allowed 6 million Jews to die, slavery, child molestation and all other forms of brutality. Did your god plan that or just let it happen? And you worship this asshole?

    "Just think. Some Negroes on FN worship Science by wm."

    And to top off the stooooopid this fool thinks only whites can use science. Oh, I think we have a winner here.


  99. Guinea having the lowest I.Q. in the world is an old racist canard that has been widely debunked.

    Upon reading the original reference, we found that the “data point” that Lynn and Vanhanen used for the lowest IQ estimate, Equatorial Guinea, was actually the mean IQ of a group of Spanish children in a home for the developmentally disabled in Spain. Corrections were applied to adjust for differences in IQ across cohorts (the “Flynn” effect), on the assumption that the same correction could be applied internationally, without regard to the cultural or economic development level of the country involved. While there appears to be rather little evidence on cohort effect upon IQ across the developing countries, one study in Kenya (Daley, Whaley, Sigman, Espinosa, & Neumann, 2003[5]) shows a substantially larger cohort effect than is reported for developed countries."


    "Some criticisms have focused on the limited number of studies upon which the book (IQ and the Wealth of Nations also written by Richard Lynn) is based. The IQ figure is based on one study in 34 nations, and two studies in 30 nations. There were actual tests for IQ in 81 nations. In 104 of the world's nations there were no IQ studies at all and IQ was estimated based on IQ in surrounding nations.[2] The limited number of participants in some studies has also been criticized. A test of 108 9-15-year olds in Barbados, of 50 13–16-year olds in Colombia, of 104 5–17-year olds in Ecuador, of 129 6–12-year olds in Egypt, and of 48 10–14-year olds in Equatorial Guinea, all were taken as measures of national IQ.


  100. Anonymous7:49 AM

    The fixer wrote,
    Just like dumb whites in the south who believe Jeezus is coming back to take them to the clouds and don't get their kids vaccinated because Michele Bachmann told them it'll make their kids retarded. Mississippi whites who have an average IQ of -27. Priceless.

    Here come the lies and distortions. That's not exactly what Michelle said was it and she was referring to the HPV vaccine. Now I'll agree that Bachman may not be the brightest bulb in the lamp but compared to Sheila Jackson Lee she's a genius.
    Lets look at the real data on vaccines. Blacks not only have the lowest rate of HPV vaccination, but also rank in the bottom for other inoculations including flu and pneumococcal. Somehow I just don't see Mrs. Bachman involved in that. Not only priceless but typical.


  101. Anonymous12:18 PM

    The Purple Sow wrote,

    Guinea having the lowest I.Q. in the world is an old racist canard that has been widely debunked.

    Really? I won't bore you copying the whole article. It seems that the Sow really only cherry picked a Wiki article. She failed to copy or even mention the positive reviews given on the works of Richard Lynn whose work she cites.


  102. The negative review I quoted from was from a peer-reviewed journal.

    I gave you the link.

    Here it is again...


    Where are your "reviews" from?

    I'll wait.

  103. QLB needs to feel superior to somebody while not telling us if she even grauated from college. You would think that's an easy question from such good stock.

  104. Uh no. Bachmann is insane and playing to her doofus hyper religious base. She made the comments because ignorant republicans think the HPV vaccination will turn girls into sluts. Ms. Lee knows better.

  105. Anonymous7:58 PM

    If any of you niqqers dont like America feel free to go back the jungles of africa. but be advised there are no govt handouts there and they are strict on crime.

  106. Shabazz8:17 PM

    And why don't you go back to europe you fucking pasty mutant cracka because this country is not yours, or any of your ilk. You savages stole and diseased the indigenous population extinct here, so take your back to Africa bullshit somewhere else. Sometimes I wish I was alive during the slave days just so I would be in a position to off as many of you honkies as I see fit. I would be a slave master's nightmare.

  107. Shabizzo12:34 PM

    "I would be a slave master's nightmare."

    You'd be a worthless piece of shit any place or time in history.

  108. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Obama has divided this country, by design. He will be remembered as a traitor. If he lives long enough, he will meet his end at the end of a rope.

  109. Anonymous3:09 PM

    shabazz wrote,
    Sometimes I wish I was alive during the slave days just so I would be in a position to off as many of you honkies as I see fit. I would be a slave master's nightmare.

    Or you might just be his entertainment. Remember it might now go the way you want.


  110. Shabazz5:56 PM

    Or you might just be his entertainment. Remember it might now go the way you want.


    I'd die trying bitch.

    cracker wrote:

    You'd be a worthless piece of shit any place or time in history.

    That's okay 'cause I'd rid the world of you scum while sliding up in white bitches along the way. You know what happens when your wenches go Black ;)

  111. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Shabazz wrote,
    I'd die trying bitch.

    That's exactly what would happen.


  112. Anon@7:58 has got to be satire. Someone lease tell me that it is satire. :)

  113. Anonymous9:06 PM

    It could be anybody field, even your people. BTW Shabazz is one hell of a guy himself. Chances are if Shabazz lived in the early 1800's he would have found himself on the wrong end of a Fila. Remember you learned the term from me.


  114. Shabazz10:46 PM

    Wassamadda, you're pissed 'cause I won't "stay in my place"???

    And fuck you, your mammy, and your goddamn dogs
