Friday, August 29, 2014

Suitgate, and Bill O'Reilly's Negro jones keeps getting stronger.

reagan_tan_suit2You know we have some issues as a country when we obsess over a president's suit and not what he is actually talking about at a press conference.

For the record, I moved past clothes pony to clothes horse status a long time ago. I am very much in touch with my sartorial side. Therefore I believe that I am more than qualified to comment on the president's suit.

In my not so humble opinion, the color is fine. The suit  itself could use a little more tailoring (he is a slender man), but he is the president, not a GQ model.

Had he worn that suit at a press conference next week sometime it might have been a different story, but Labor Day has not yet arrived, so it's all good. The tie, on the other hand, well...

But look at me; I am embarrassed to say that I am doing the exact same thing that I accused a fickle American public of doing.

But hey, I am not a United States Congressman.

"The overload of coverage over Barack Obama‘s tan suit has led to some unexpected consequences: Rep. Peter King (R-NY), called into The Steve Malzberg Show to rage about how “trivial” the summer suit was.

Summer suits, according to Rep. King, are not appropriate garb for talking about terrorism or ISIS, and especially when the President says he doesn’t have a strategy to deal with the resurgence of terrorism.

“For him to walk out — I’m not trying to be trivial here — in a light suit, light tan suit, saying that first he wants to talk about what most Americans care about the revision of second quarter numbers on the economy,” he seethed.

“This is a week after Jim Foley was beheaded and he’s trying to act like real Americans care about the economy, not about ISIS and not about terrorism. And then he goes on to say he has no strategy.”

Yes, how dare he talk about the economy and not some dude with a James Bond accent cutting off Jim Foley's head?

Well, with all due respect to the family of Jim Foley, maybe because most Americans care more about what is going on in their homes and putting food on their table than the horrific acts of terrorists on the other side of the world.

And how dare he talk about ISIS in a tan suit? *shaking head*

Honestly, the last person I would ever listen to when it comes to fashion is an old white republican.

I am pretty sure Barack Obama feels the same way.

Besides, Mr. King and others in his gang worshiped a man who always wore lighter colored suits. Heck, he even wore one to meet the pope.

Speaking of old white men, over at FOX VIEWS Bill O'Reilly's Negro obsession continues.

"In his latest print column, Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly says Michael Brown‘s affinity for rap music may have led him astray and influenced him to have a negative attitude toward police.

Brown is the black 18-year-old who was unarmed in Ferguson, Mo., when he was shot dead by a white police officer in early August. Brown was reportedly a fan of rap music and wrote some of his own rap lyrics.

“Michael Brown rapped about violence, smoking weed, making big money, and having sex with ‘hos,’” O’Reilly wrote. “[T]hat does not automatically mean he was a thug. Far worse, it shows that he was not all that different from so many other young men who are stewing in a pernicious culture that glorifies violence and misogyny.”

O’Reilly says in the op-ed that for “suburban” kids, rap music is usually a mere distraction. “But to young men with no fathers, no guidance, no structure, and very little hope, the thug life depicted in the music is a siren song.”The column then turns to criticism of President Barack Obama and the first lady for promoting what O’Reilly sees as similar entertainment:
So the President and First Lady honor a dubious “poet,” [Common] invite a foul-mouth rapper [Big Sean] to “sing” as part of an Easter celebration, and regularly pal around with Beyoncé and Jay-Z. That’s when Beyoncé isn’t slithering salaciously and Jay-Z isn’t talkin’ ’bout some bitches. The First Family sets a stellar example for young blacks in many ways, but they seem to have a blind spot when it comes to popular culture.
“Rap music didn’t kill him, a policeman’s bullets did,” O’Reilly concludes. “But who knows whether his attitude towards cops, shaped by violent music, played some role in any possible confrontation?”

So not only does the president wear the wrong color suit, he causes the killing of a Missouri teen at the hands of a policeman as well.

I think I would rather follow the example of a solid family man and father over some dirt bag who has all kinds of issues with his own family life, and who is a serial sexual predator in his work place.

But hey, that's just me.



  1. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Field wrote,
    For the record, I moved past clothes pony to clothes horse status a long time ago. I am very much in touch with my sartorial side. Therefore I believe that I am more than qualified to comment on the president's suit.

    I'm not sure if dressing like a pimp puts you in the clothes horse category The ermine cape just doesn't do it.. Saville row is fine but the best may be Cifonelli, Smalto or Jean Luc Rambere. But hey,if you're comfortable in K-Mart collection I'm sure you'll fit in fine with your clients. They'd never know the difference.


    PS; Consider this a friendly tip. You can thank me later.

  2. And over at the field negro Wayne's Bill O'Reilly obsession continues.

    I love how Bill O' drives the racial grievance industry crazy.

    Just to show you how classy the left is, field is now insulting Bill O's family. And calling Bill O' a sexual predator?

    That's how the left operates.

    And yet they piss and moan every time someone mocks Obama.

    Hypocrisy, thy name field negro.

  3. Anonymous10:30 PM

    My dear signor kinky, nowhere in Field's post did he insult Bill O'Riely's family, he just provided a link that you had the option of clicking. Something I have been trying in vain to get you to do. But I guess your obsession with small children tends to cloud your comprehension skills. You have NO credibility.

  4. Lilacpr10:41 PM

    That is the 'suit that was heard around the world'! :D

    Even my daughter, who happened to walk into my room when he walked to the podium, exclaimed, "oh look at his suit, different, he looks good"

    So def his suit has caused a sensation. But he did look good! The tie was a little wild, but then again it sort of added a little pizzazz to the entire look.

    As for "not having a strategy", I think that's a ruse on his part. He likes to strike without warning ;)

  5. Anonymous10:47 PM

    "For the record, I moved past clothes pony to clothes horse status a long time ago. I am very much in touch with my sartorial side."

    Brother Field, why do you have to go on record to announce your sartorial side? And what does sartorial mean? Is it black lingo for satire?

    The President looked real good in that tan suit. A White man would not look so good because he is the wrong color.

  6. Anonymous10:51 PM

    "Suitgate" is just another manifestation of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

    When you hate someone enough, literally everything that individual does will begin to annoy you. You'll be convinced that the aforementioned hate object walks wrong, sips his coffee wrong -- he even somehow breathes wrong.

    This is how the insignificant matter of suit selection becomes "proof" of incompetence.

    As for Bilge O'Racist, he's running out of routines with which to troll black people, and is now forced to recycle some of his classic diatribes. How many times can he blame rap for everything bad in the universe before that shtick gets boring?

  7. the one10:57 PM

    Lilacpr said...
    "As for "not having a strategy", I think that's a ruse on his part. He likes to strike without warning ;)"

    I think there is no amount of incompetence, fecklessness or dereliction of duty this guy could evidence that would make you stop defending him.

  8. Anonymous11:00 PM

    "This is how the insignificant matter of suit selection becomes "proof" of incompetence."

    Talking about the suit is not a way to attack the President, it is a way to defend him by deflecting attention from the real issues.

  9. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Dear God, please make Lilacpr shut up. She is making the black race look bad.

  10. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Looks like fields' Republican arousal is getting the better of him tonight.

    Jiggin' for massa is more important than focusing on the issues that affect our community.

  11. Breaking: Michael Brown's juvenile arrest record includes a count of second degree murder. The citizen journalism website GotNews took St. Louis County authorities to court Wednesday to secure the release of the records because it believes they do not need to be kept private since he is no longer alive.

    The lack of transparency involving the Michael Brown shooting was a major factor in the conflagration in Ferguson. After the initial reports of the Ferguson shooting arose, numerous major news media outlets jumped on the story to frame it as a racially prejudiced police officer shooting an unarmed “gentle giant” when he either had his hands up or was running away.

    When video surveillance photos of Michael Brown surfaced, the media questioned the police’s release of the information, which the Holder Justice Department wanted withheld from the public. The story of the strong-arm robbery accomplice Dorian Johnson that Brown was running away appears to be falsified with an initial autopsy failing to show gunshots in the back of Michael Brown.

    The police deparment’s version of the story, as well as that of Wilson’s friend, and an unidentified witness commenting on the case, appear to corroborate the story that Brown continued to come at the officer after being initially fired at. The background evidence of the strong-arm robbery and any prior criminal incidents speak to the potential state of mind of Michael Brown during the fatal confrontation.

    In any event, since the Ferguson rioting, the matter of Michael Brown’s death and how it occurred is a matter of public interest. The facts of the case must be divulged to the public, and that is the only way the second-guessing and the speculation will end.

  12. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Apparently the “Gentle Giant” may not have been so gentle…

  13. Well, I guess it's better to study the situation and formulate a plan rather than act blindly. I'm comfortable knowing B is on the situation. President McCain would have probably just dropped a nuke while sista Sarah would be blathering about how she can see ISIS from her bedroom. Yeah, I'm good, tan suit and all.

  14. Anonymous11:25 PM

    QLB, stop posting dumb shit and study for your GED.

    Consider this a friendly tip. You can thank me later.


    Check this out Field.

  16. Anonymous12:02 AM

    PilotX said...

    Well, I guess it's better to study the situation and formulate a plan rather than act blindly. I'm comfortable knowing B is on the situation

    On the situation by attending fundraisers and wedding parties?

  17. Anonymous1:09 AM

    I have said before that Michael Brown was not a nice kid. As a matter of fact he was a thug waiting to be shot by someone, sooner or later.

    I pray that there are no sealed records that indicate Michael had a record of second degree murder. However, I don't expect brother Field, Yisheng, PX or Granny to even mention it.

    Negroes tend to ignore shit like this, which is why we look like fools when we defend people like Michael Brown.

  18. Anonymous1:12 AM

    St. Swissher, please provide a link re: Michael Brown's sealed records. Thanks for the breaking news.


  20. Anonymous1:52 AM

    St Swisher thanks for the link. Yep, all Negroes are going to look like fools...AGAIN.

    I am now wondering if there are any 'good' bm worth defending?

    Michael Brown was a gang banger! Who the hell protest and riot over a gang banger?

    Somebody please tell me why Blacks think like this?

    Field, it looks like there is only ONE Negro that knew better and stands up for Wilson. But YOU are calling her a House Negro.

    Why do we get our thinking all twisted and eff'd up? I mean, FN Negroes starting with Field, PX, Yisheng, and GRANNY, who claims she is busy doing work in Ferguson.

    What kind of work are you doing Granny, 'fools work'?

    When I watched the funeral and looked at the family, I got this weird feeling about them that 'something' wasn't right. And now I know.

  21. Anonymous7:56 AM

    An explosive new lawsuit filed in St. Louis seeking the release of Michael Brown's juvenile criminal record alleges the slain teen was a gang member and faced a second degree murder charge.

    The citizen journalism website GotNews took St. Louis County authorities to court Wednesday to secure the release of the records because it believes they do not need to be kept private since he is no longer alive.

    The unarmed Brown was fatally shot earlier this month by white Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. He has no criminal record as an adult, but only because he had recently turned 18, claims GotNews Editor-in-chief Charles Johnson.

    The citizen journo wrote in a Wednesday afternoon post to his site and on Twitter that he was told by law enforcement sources the black teen has a juvenile arrest record that is being kept private.


    Are there ANY black males over the age of 9 or 10 worth defending?

  22. Fashion tips from QLB. Now I have heard it all.

    I bet u have never worn one of the designers u spouted off about.Most of my suits are off the rack. (Although I have a very nice tailor who puts in the work for me) Didn't know they sold suits at KMart. You obviously do so......

    Let's criminalize the victim. It's an interesting tactic, but will it work this time?

  23. Anonymous9:29 AM

    "Let's criminalize the victim. It's an interesting tactic, but will it work this time?"

    But Michael Brown was a criminal. The strong armed robbery on videotape at the store is the tip of the iceberg.

    The "victim" apparently was a gangbanger and MURDERER. How was he not a criminal? It's pretty clear now that he probably hit the police officer.

  24. Anonymous9:45 AM

    "Big Mike" was a criminal, dumbass. He ROBBED a store and ASSAULTED a policeman.

    Blacks & Whites should be embarrassed to be defending this piece of trash.

  25. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Field Negro wrote,
    I bet u have never worn one of the designers u spouted off about.Most of my suits are off the rack. (Although I have a very nice tailor who puts in the work for me) Didn't know they sold suits at KMart. You obviously do so......

    Here's the rub. I know who they are, you don't. So much for you being a clothes horse or fashion maven. BTW they are bespoke tailors and not designers. Get it right.
    Meanwhile in Chicago, the bangers are off to a slow start with only one confirmed dead and 12 wounded as of 6AM today. The deceased is BM killed by another BM. Here's something more interesting from Barack and Rahm's Chicago. Out of the nearly 300 homicides in the city there are only 71 arrests. How is that no snitch policy working out for you? Yet you are somehow upset when the popo lends a hand? Typical


  26. Anonymous12:30 PM


    What is typical is QLB posting crime stats instead of studying to get a college degree.

  27. Bill is a F'n retard12:31 PM

    "All these white tea party people helping these black store owners."

    Yep, white tea partiers really care about teh blahs.

  28. Anonymous12:33 PM

    field wrote,
    In my not so humble opinion, the color is fine. The suit itself could use a little more tailoring (he is a slender man), but he is the president, not a GQ model.

    You're right he is the POTUS and he should dress like one. A little education on suit etiquette for you both should be in order. Extremes of color in a business situation often convey negative connotations and we both know that's the last thing he needs. The color is OK for social functions, as when President Reagan nailed it. Of course Mr. Obama doesn't have the presence that Mr. Reagan had.
    Here's some more advice field. You might want to try made to measure suits. Nordstrom's often has made to measure events and does it well. Of course they're not going to have velvet lined capes or fur top hats so don't look or ask for them.



  29. Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert liberal lions? The guest chair tells a different story.
    Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and relative newcomer John Oliver.
    But neither has earned that status in one very important way: the majority of their guests are just as white and male as they are.

    Just as white, just as male.

    Except democrats haven't noticed yet.

  30. QLB is a liar and never finished college and needs a job12:46 PM

    "A little education on suit etiquette for you both should be in order."

    Education should be in order for you QLB! Stop posting dumb shit and take your ass to your GED classes so one day you can get a college degree! Field has a law degree so he is ok, you are not. You are uneducated and live in a trailer. Get yourself together before trying to help others.

  31. Bill is a F'n retard12:48 PM

    "Except democrats haven't noticed yet."

    Yet they discuss very important topics and have diverse casts. Too bad Bill is too dumb to notice. You just keep watching Fox with its all white lineup.

  32. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Do you have a college degree QLB?

    Watch the shuck and jive.

  33. Anonymous12:56 PM

    We could have used the paramilitary equipment and officers from Ferguson at the Cliven Bundy ranch for the guys pointing guns at officers.

  34. OLB, I think u are lying . I don't even think they have a Nordstrom's where u live. You can always tell someone who fronts to try and impress people.

    Suits are my work uniform, so u telling me about suits is like a nurse trying to tell a mechanic about cars.

    As for Reagan, he wore a tan suit to meet the Pope. Obama wore one for a presser. No big deal.

    You know nothing about the appropriate colors for suits or anything having to do with clothes for that matter. Using Google to learn the names of some folks in the fashion business does not make u an expert on clothes. It makes u a troll who wants to impress the people reading the crap u write.

    The proof is in the pudding. Feel free to come to Philly and judge for yourself.

  35. Oh, this is a Michael Kors number purchased from Lord & Taylor.

    Can u actually post pics of yourself in one of those suits u are bragging about? Take all the time u need QLB, we will wait.....


  36. field negro said...
    OLB, I think u are lying . I don't even think they have a Nordstrom's where u live.

    Oh, your one of those types.

  37. Nice pic of st. ronnie and the queen!

  38. No Bill, we just like to keep it real. We don't like posers in the fields.

    Hillbillies who come to black blogs and try to act like they are so much more sophisticated than us poor Negroes.:)

  39. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Field, "Let's criminalize the victim. It's an interesting tactic, but will it work this time?"

    8:59 AM
    Field, of course it will work this time. It always work, it's been working since the days of slavery.

    You 'think' like a Negro who believes that doing the same thing over and over again will give a 'different' result. No, brother Field, it 'always' gives the 'same' result. It's the law of the universe.

    You want something different? Then you have to 'think' differently, and 'do' something differently. In our case, we keep doing the same thing and the Whites keep doing the same thing which always brings the same outcome.

    Negroes, especially ought to know this by now. We've experienced centuries of the same thing. Why? Because we sit on our black asses "hoping" the white justice system will treat us differently, when the white justice system has no intention of treating us differently.

    Until we stop 'hoping' the wm will have a change of heart toward Blacks, we are doomed to life of hell.

    Once again, let me reiterate: No one is coming to make sure justice is done for a bm. They will find many reasons to show a bm is not worthy of respect and love, let alone Justice.

    Brother Field, I am surprised that you don't know this by now. However, you are not alone...for centuries Blacks still haven't be able to accept the horrible truth about the nature of themselves and the horrible nature of Whites.

    Face the truth: Darren Wilson, "daily in the media" is being found innocent and Michael Brown was guilty from the beginning. The fact that he layed in the street of Ferguson for four hours ought to be a clue how Whites felt about his innocent...THERE WAS, AND IS NONE.

    It is depressing to be a bm in America. Live your life as best you can in the evils of racism and white privilege. That's a fact.

  40. Field,

    You know damn well that overalls only come in ONE color, so why are you discussing suit colors with Hee-Haw??

    BTW, our current POTUS/FLOTUS are not only the smartest husband/wife team to EVER live in the White House, they are also the most fashionable!

  41. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Blacks & Whites should be embarrassed to be defending this piece of trash

    Jeffery Dahmer, the Unibomber, Ted Bundy, and countless other White murderers lived past being arrested.

    The same right should be extended to EVERYONE, but I understand CLEARLY why you hee-haws just don't "get that".

  42. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Field wrote,
    Suits are my work uniform, so u telling me about suits is like a nurse trying to tell a mechanic about cars.

    Please, that's like saying because you clean the toilets at Annapolis you go to Canoe U. Besides I've seen more polyester, food stained ties, and unshined shoes on lawyers than just about any profession I've ever dealt with. But you're right about one thing which has been about the only thing. There is no Nordstrom where I live, I have to drive a considerable distance to get there.
    Here's another huge hint for you. A zoot suit is not business attire. Ditch the ones you own,your clientele will probably improve and it will stop some of the snickering.


  43. Anonymous3:06 PM

    "We could have used the paramilitary equipment and officers from Ferguson at the Cliven Bundy ranch for the guys pointing guns at officers."

    The Feds who attacked the Bundy ranch were quite well armed, and were the first to point guns at people. They also killed a large number of his cattle and vandalized his operation, including knocking holes in water tanks and tearing down fencing. Your government at work.

    It is interesting that you equate a Federal agency attacking a private citizen with a police department attempting to to control a riotous mob in the act of looting and burning down businesses. You do know who gave those armored vehicles to the police, don't you?

    All you negroes were happy when the government was pointing those guns a white people. You don't care one bit about an abusive totalitarian state, as long as you get to do the abusing. So when the shit comes down, you're on your own homies.

  44. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Yingyang wrote,

    BTW, our current POTUS/FLOTUS are not only the smartest husband/wife team to EVER live in the White House, they are also the most fashionable!

    If he is so smart why doesn't he release any of his transcripts, SAT, LSAT or BAR exam scores? Just sayin.


  45. Anonymous3:52 PM

    FP-"one would do well to understand that "fruit doesn't fall too far from the tree" applies to our historical and present enemies as well. it is not wise to forget. it is lethal to not know. just as you look and act just like your grandma, they do, too. (ever had an elder tell you that about a relative that passed before you arrived and how you look and act “just like” them?) your enemies’ “fruit” has been filled with "traditions" and will fight hard to protect them. only we are chastised, ridiculed, and shamed into the notion that we should forget our history. reject it! nothing about this country suggests that anyone else has forgotten their history. this country celebrates the past routinely. Douglass was onto something, "power concedes nothing"."

    Just the above comment, written on another blog has stuck with me for some time. I sense it will be enough for me to work with internally for the rest of my life. It forces me to face the reality of being Black, and to give up the 'hope' that Whites will change and THEN I'll be able to change.

    I need to get on with my life and be proud of my ancestors, and to tell their stories so I won't forget. Nobody else in America forgets their past, why should I unless I feel what happened to my ancestors was so ugly and shameful that I listen to the perpetrators of that shame. The shame doesn't belong to slaves, the ones who were lynched, discriminated against, raped, and injustices. The shame belongs to the ones who did it. History shows it to be so.

    The amazing and miraculous thing about it all, my ancestors survived the brutality and evil wretchedness what was done. They were very strong and withstood everything those wretched folks threw at them. I don't understand how they survived but I know GOD had to be there. No humans could have survived that on their own human power.

  46. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Field, "But look at me; I am embarrassed to say that I am doing the exact same thing that I accused a fickle American public of doing.

    But hey, I am not a United States Congressman."

    That's ok Mr Field. You are like most humans, esp politicians who are unable to 'do' what they 'say'.

    Most assuredly, you are not a United States Congressman. But you have the qualities of a Congressman which most Americans have come to know:

    "A small person who sees the unimportant as important, and sees the important as unimportant."

  47. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Anon4:03PM, Are you more intelligent than Michelle or Obama? You don't write like you are.

    How about other politicians like Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachman? Are you smarter than they are? You don't sound like it. Were you ever interested in tracking down their college grades and thesis? Probably not. They were White, right?

    No one in the history of this nation has been asked for their grades and proof of birth. We all know why this is so. I can understand why you need to cast aspersions on Michele and Obama's degrees. Being Black, they probably don't have the brain power Whites like yourself have. IMO, it comes from the past. Negroes shouldn't know how to read or think, according to white society. If they did, they were justifiably hung, the White Christian way.

    I get it. Maybe you are right about every person who is Black. Soon you will be able to personalize your comment on TV to the world. I guarantee it!

    Your family will be proud of you.

  48. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Anon wrote,
    I need to get on with my life and be proud of my ancestors, and to tell their stories so I won't forget. Nobody else in America forgets their past, why should I unless I feel what happened to my ancestors was so ugly and shameful that I listen to the perpetrators of that shame. The shame doesn't belong to slaves, the ones who were lynched, discriminated against, raped, and injustices. The shame belongs to the ones who did it. History shows it to be so.
    What the above Black men needs to know is that YT didn't introduce slavery into Africa. It was already well established Strong tribes like the Ashanti slaved for centuries and became rich doing so. Historians estimated that 10 million people never even made it to the slave ships. Yep, Blacks were willing and able participants in the trade. However, they'll never acknowledge that particular fact. It's far too easy to blame YT, keeping that hand permanently extended for freebies in the process. Forty acres and a mule is now Section 8 housing, EBT cards and Obama phones. Typical.


  49. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Even the UN speaks about the racism in America:

    It says what the rest of the world has always said about America:

    "It needs to practice at home what it preaches abroad."

  50. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Of course, in America, among the majority Whites, they are not to blame for slavery in America. The Blacks are!

    I ashamed to be part of a people who hold Black Americans responsible for slavery. There is absolutely no intelligence behind that kind of thinking. Totally absurd. Ignorant and immorally stupid.

  51. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Anon wrote,
    Of course, in America, among the majority Whites, they are not to blame for slavery in America. The Blacks are!

    I ashamed to be part of a people who hold Black Americans responsible for slavery. There is absolutely no intelligence behind that kind of thinking. Totally absurd. Ignorant and immorally stupid.

    You're a complete idiot. No alive today is responsible slavery, much less the African slave trade. Besides the trade ended in the western world because of the US and Europe, particularly the UK.
    You can be as ashamed as want. Without the complicit involvement of powerful Black tribes on the African continent, there would have never been a transAtlantic slave trade.


  52. Anonymous5:08 PM

    "Jeffery Dahmer, the Unibomber, Ted Bundy, and countless other White murderers lived past being arrested."

    Do you realize what you just did?

    You just compared your hero to a collection of white serial murderers.

    Is that really what you intended to do, you dumb piece of shit?

  53. Anonymous5:10 PM

    "BTW, our current POTUS/FLOTUS are not only the smartest husband/wife team to EVER live in the White House, they are also the most fashionable!"

    Michelle Obama looks like a fucking drag queen.

  54. Only a person who has a secret thing for "drag queens" would say that. The FLOTUS is a beautiful woman,

    Now Momma Bush on the other hand, not so much.:)

  55. QLB, thanks for confirming your "hick" status.

  56. The POINT in mentioning WHITE serial killers RETARDO was to say that if a White person killing/eating folks can make it to the police station WITHOUT a bullet in the head, then an UNARMED BLACK KID deserves the same opportunity.

    Geez, with an idiotic pile of yellow/green phlegm you are!!!!

    And speaking of $hit, are you still eating it?

  57. @ the soul making this statement:

    "What the above Black men needs to know is that YT didn't introduce slavery into Africa."


    some of US know that white folk don't invent nor introduce much of anything, anywhere, ever.

    so it is chuckle inducing that the resident racist can cop to this Truth only when attempting to distance themselves from the history that points to the true 3/5 (if that) human beings.

    that's not all white folk. just the ones that truly believe their melanin deficiency renders them superior. non demonic esau was terrorized as well during those times, if folk will just read.

    when esau becomes involved in anything, the wickedness goes to new levels of demonic depravity.

    Esau is quite adept at invading, raping, pillaging, and painting whatever they steal...

    as a white invention or civilization. which is why esau calling folk thugs= pure comedy. when the ode to white supremacy aka western civilization = exercise in esau thuggery.

    folk even painted Messiah as a white man as they stole + perverted the history. even "educated" folk to disregard all the obvious reasons He could not have been a white man.

    THIS is why so many white folk swear that all civilizations and people = white. will foolishly claim there were no Black or other civilizations with a straight face.

    but then it is written that esau's wise men will be cut off. in the same Scripture that speaks of them being like eagles. so it is fitting to read of the most demonic of esau that lurks in the shadows running thangs. these call themselves eagles. lol. convinced they are so high that none would be able to render them low. IF folk will read it for themselves...

    they would see that Almighty Himself says He will be the one to execute the smackdown to Esau. since He hates Esau for his blood thirsty, refuse to do right ways.

    what Esau needs to know is that he has excelled as the most viciously wicked of human enslavers. this despite not introducing nor inventing the practice. since of the nations- esau is a babe. a babe that acts most disrespectfully towards the Ancients.

    esau took slavery to the next demonic level.

    own it.

    the seed of Abrahim, enslaved for 400 years in a land that is not their own= solid proof.

    that same land will be judged for its wicked treatment of Abrahim's seed and others around the globe. the police state plainly visible now= beginning labor pains. and everybody got some pain comin'...

    to the soul addressing the hypocrisy of Blacks re: the police state. we are already on our own. the hypocrisy is quite ugly though. so i get your point and frustration.

  58. "Even the UN speaks about the racism in America"

    Yet somehow, for some reason, non-white people from all over the world will do anything to get their brown asses over the border into America. The only conclusion is that they must love to be "oppressed".

    The citzenry is lectured that to deny the entry of millions upon millions of New Americans who will then turn around and call them racist as soon as they get in is itself racist.

    They are also told it is racist and environmentally irresponsible to have large families. It is much more progressive to encourage pliant young women to forego motherhood in favor of tilling the barren soil of cube farms

    And when anti-natalist policies bear the predictable no-fruit, then pivot into demanding millions of sullen nepotistic and highly fecund foreigners come to replace the native children now aborted and contraceived away. Then upon their arrival, reorder the once safe, prosperous, and homogenous society to accommodate the aliens’ myriad grievances. And further, propagandize the founding stock into spasms of apologia for insufficiently prompt groveling.

    Whose idea was this anyway?

  59. Anonymous5:42 PM

    "The POINT in mentioning WHITE serial killers RETARDO was to say that if a White person killing/eating folks can make it to the police station WITHOUT a bullet in the head, then an UNARMED BLACK KID deserves the same opportunity.

    Geez, with an idiotic pile of yellow/green phlegm you are!!!!"

    None of the white serial murderers you mentioned ever punched out a police officer.

    If you beat up a police officer, like Michael Brown did, don't be surprised if you die. Police officers have guns.

    I'm going to go even further with this. If you are STUPID enough to hit a man with a gun (police officers have guns) you DESERVE to die. There I said it.

  60. Anonymous5:47 PM

    QLB-"You're a complete idiot."

    I love the way you get so totally upset at the truth about who you are. It's painful isn't it?

    The slave trade in America didn't end because of the moral conscience of Whites, it ended because of a war measure by the North who kicked your white Southern ass. But the truth is the North would have left slavery in tact had the South not decided to 'secede' from the union. That is what the Civil War was really about. No one went to war over slavery. Freeing the slaves came 'after' the North handed those dumb ass hicks like yourself their redneck asses. Again, it was a 'war measure' not something we went to war about.

    Lincoln was perfectly willing to let the South keep slavery providing it gave up the idea of breaking away from the Union. But folks like you were too dumb to look a gift horse in the mouth. However, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise for our nation. So I suppose in some weird strange way we should thank you rednecks for your natural stupidity, ie, being so dumb?

    So QLB, don't get too 'holy' and sanctimonious about your moral goodness because slavery is, was, and will forever be an evil institution whose effects on human beings is devastating from the past, today and tomorrow.

    It is important to note: NO ONE knows 'when' the effects of slavery on a nation will end or be neutralized...NO ONE, except God Almighty. The SHAME of it runs deep into the wounded damaged soul of everyone....

    So you can take your little redneck immoral irresponsible racist judgments and shove them where the sun doesn't shine. Your ignorance and evil and profound and I hope you WILL be exposed as a White terrorist on American soil, the likes of whom America has never seen since the terrorizing days of the KKK. I hope NSA has you on its radar.

    Get yourself a good lawyer, you are probably going to need it.

    Check out Field. He might defend you for a small fee. Do you think you will raise as much money as Officer Wilson?

    That won't be enough. You'll need that much, and THEN SOME.

  61. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Another thing is that white people do not defend deviant/pervert, criminal white males the way black people these days defend/support their deviant/thug/gang banging/baby daddy/drug dealing black male filth.

    For the aforementioned reason, the black race is a THUG RACE in America.

  62. Anon 3:52 PM-

    when you can put 400 years of slavery in the Right perspective...

    there is exactly NOTHING for Abrahim's seed to feel shame about.

    folk like to swear this is a Christian nation. yet, what is written is not taught to the masses. what is written in Genesis concerning Abrahim/Abraham's seed is ALSO written in the book of Acts which breaks down the FIRST church.

    who are these people?

    the serpant synagogue of satan folk that Messiah was REAL clear about have stolen our birthright AND identity. cornered the slave trade while "educating" folk to believe they are the Chosen ones. they want to be chosen to enslave ALL nations. i'd say ssshhh! but they are not keeping it so secret anymore.

    we- true Yahudah/Judah- are Chosen to bring the Law and Grace of His Word to the nations. none of that lying esau pale skin foolishness. which is why i stand against forbidden bm worship as well. it is the flip side of the same wicked coin. and it really doesn't matter what wicked thing bm are up to when folk are engaged in the idolatry.

    folk falling for the okey doke once again, so they can stoke the flames of racial division- at a time when humanity can least afford that madness. there is no greek. hebrew. man. woman. black. nor white. no isms. we are One in Him.

    those that refuse to get down with this Truth deserve to have egg on their faces. they have even trotted out 'ole Al Sharpton. mr come support 5-10 black male teens that thought raping and sodomizing a young BW. then forcing her young son to do the same mr. sharpton.


    mr. sharpton who then turned around and said IF those criminals had been white they would have been given bail.


    sharpton was lobbying to have those demons released. 'cause we know they wouldn't harm anyone. sharpton said "the system" failed those young men. NOT their FATHERS.

    fast forward.

    folks' memories have been wiped clean and now folk ready for the next level of nonsense. listen to that speech they say. 'ole Al is souled out and on the ins with the shadowy demons running thangs. folk on tv regularly know their place and won't budge from it. so here His People/my people go...


    i am not ashamed of slavery. i AM ashamed of our collective refusal to do Right by one another. to Love one another. to work together with one another. to bum rush those, as a unit, that seek to take one of us out. Villager the blogger had a pic from back in the day. it has stuck in my head. the predator came for one and the whole herd bum rushed it...making it fall back.

    we won't do that unless it is for someone doing all sorts of wrong. and he needs to be a visibly Black het male. ever notice it is not the BO black ish males or the biracial menfolk all come running to the rescue of? lol. the men are all Black. the Blacks are all men. lol.

    and if they were doing the most wrong of all time, oh well. folk must be racist or a lesbian if we notice all the hypocrisy that serves NO ONE well.

  63. Anonymous6:29 PM

    "I hope NSA has you on its radar."

    The true fascists are showing their face, and it's black.

  64. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Field wrote,
    QLB, thanks for confirming your "hick" status.

    I'm about as much a hick as you are a true field negro. You only stay in the field if you're stupid. However most of your acolytes are.

    BTW money says you looked up the Nordstrom's made to measure offers as well as the tailor's I mentioned. You'll never admit it, but I know you did. Like I said before, you can thank me later.


  65. Anonymous7:02 PM

    "we won't do that unless it is for someone doing all sorts of wrong. and he needs to be a visibly Black het male. ever notice it is not the BO black ish males or the biracial menfolk all come running to the rescue of? lol. the men are all Black. the Blacks are all men. lol.

    and if they were doing the most wrong of all time, oh well. folk must be racist or a lesbian if we notice all the hypocrisy that serves NO ONE well."

    FP, what the hell are you taking about? Do you ever stop thinking about gay people?


  66. www3 will be a h-ly war.

    by design.

    the purpose is to have those that think they are Chr-stian or the followers of Messiah as i prefer to call US. this group and the Ishmaelites/Islam are to take each.other.out.

    there can be no Abrahamic religions/doctrines standing.

    Judaism in its current state is not an Abrahamic religion and this is why Messiah was bringing it to these folk when He walked the earth. those that practice at all look to the Talmud and other traditions of men that war with the Scriptures. they won't come right out and tell you that the Talmud is higher to them than the Torah. if folk got friends that will tell it, ask 'em where they think Messiah is now...

    those that pretend to be US as described in Genesis intend that there shall be one world government and one world religion. lucifer factors mightily in all of it. Scriptures lays it all out, even describing their star of remphan and the child sacrificing practices.

    so when some jews come right out and say they feed missing children to folk in fast food, i for one, don't just dismiss the claims.

    @ the soul distancing themselves from slavery, by saying they didn't introduce nor invent it. here esau goes again. ready?


    has nothing to do with white folk/esau. but as per usual, when white folk/esau "discover" something they paint it white/pervert it.

    this is why the raping, beheading, follower of Messiah persecuting that is underway globally now bears this name. dig deep enough and there is the cia, america and of course is.ra.el. these heavily funded and programmed folk have already said they will drench america in blood. but i guess folk were too mesmerized by whatever else was going down in the nonstop psych ops show.

    folk acting like it can't happen here must not know 'bout the concentration camps, guillotines and Book of Revelation things/laws already in place.

    folks' ideology won't matter. His Word WILL Stand.


    = more esau perversion. hence the intuition in the Anon from a few threads back.


    which has nothing to do with Judea, Palestine, or Canaan. which is all the same land. cursed for sure- as the genocidal, brazen, serpent people of esau do the most there. while the world obeys the SSSSHHHH! orders.

    for fear of being called anti semite. as a Shemite, i can tell you there are consequences for speaking. unfortunately, i hail from a tribe that would rather chase historical enemies for acceptance than help one another. + i am not a bm fighting in public- Oscar Grant, scrapping at the strip club night before wedding- despite having a whole out of wedlock family at home-Sean Bell, getting into it with white boys that didn't want me snowed in (surrounded by white girls) under their Jena 6 tree, or yoking up convenience store clerks + possibly fighting with the po po. folk already know.


    so it feels like i Stand by myself. though i know i am never alone. He is with + for me.

    tried to cover the Anon comment from a few threads back. oh! the only other thing i would add:

    no way to be less Anon. thought about suggestions and gots nothing. lol.

    those of US that dialogue with Anons get what we get. sometimes Anons might need to expect to get it, too. since folk can't recognize an Anon voice so well;)

    i Speak candidly and regarding Black people in the hopes that we can get here:

    Blessings and Shabbat Shalom all!

  67. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Anon wrote,
    So you can take your little redneck immoral irresponsible racist judgments and shove them where the sun doesn't shine. Your ignorance and evil and profound and I hope you WILL be exposed as a White terrorist on American soil, the likes of whom America has never seen since the terrorizing days of the KKK. I hope NSA has you on its radar.

    When have I EVER promoted violence or terrorism upon anyone?
    However, there's been lots of AA's who have promoted overt homicide towards YT on this blog. But maybe you can get Field to update his Killadelphia Murder Count. Click on that and you'll get a real good idea where the violence comes from. Hint: it's not from YT.


  68. Anon 7:02 PM-

    your tone is all wrong. your reading comprehension and respect level off.

    so either RE-read the comment or go ask somebody else.

    while i work on my tact.

    "tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip."-w churchill

  69. Anonymous12:29 AM

    "your tone is all wrong. your reading comprehension and respect level off."

    Actually, none of the rest of your rant made any sense either. Same old same old about Jews and gays. Nothing new here.

  70. QLB, please go crawl back under your rock. I've lived in Alabama all of my life and I've have seen too many of your kind. Michael Brown was headed to College, doubt he was a thug. I bet he can even read without moving his lips, you should try it some......... sorry about that; didn't mean to ask you to do the impossible. I don't care what the President wore, the republicans do nothing else so they fuss about the President.

  71. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Paul Sam,
    Really. Typical Black statement. Michael Brown was going to heating and AC school not "college." This was after him struggling to graduate through summer school. Suddenly, he's a university student. And the thug part? I guess the video of him stealing those cigars made him the "gentle giant." Then there is the impending release of a juvenile record. Thug must mean different things in ebonics. To be Black in America must mean you have to suspend reality on a daily basis. No wonder your people are permanent inhabitants of the ghetto.

  72. @Anon 12:29am-

    you lack Understanding. i can't help you with that.

    NO one was addressing gays. which seems to be YOUR obsession. if anything i was addressing the fact that unless someone is seen as het, Black male- Black folk won't care what happens to them.

    i don't expect what i say to make sense to you. i really was not even addressing you. particularly if you are the same loving Black gay man from before that wishes Black women would die out. the same loving Black gay man that thinks a man wearing a dress miraculously becomes a woman. and a bunch of other madness that makes NO sense yet you Understand perfectly + agree with it.

    so in many ways, your inability to Understand what i am saying is a compliment. lol.

    bet this madness makes perfect sense to you, huh? anyone that dares to disagree = homophobic hater just waiting to Matthew Shephard a homosexual, cross dresser, transgender or two...

    now maybe you could fixate elsewhere since you don't Understand what i am saying and i have already said it all before?


  73. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Blogger focusedpurpose said...
    "Anon 3:52 PM-

    when you can put 400 years of slavery in the Right perspective...

    there is exactly NOTHING for Abrahim's seed to feel shame about." -FP

    My dear FP, have I told you lately that I appreciate you? Well, I have always loved the wisdom you bring to this 'mostly' spiritual desert called Field Negro. It's funny, I always thought Field Negroes were spiritual and had a dependence on GOD. My, my, my. Times have certainly changed...or should I say, "Field Negroes have changed".?

    I'm not sure what you mean by putting 400 years of slavery in perspective?

    To me slavery is an outrageous evil system that does great damage to the dignity of humans. It wounds the soul, and it shames not only slaves but the perpetrator as well(probably all of humanity). It's soul destroyer and only GOD knows how to heal the heart wounds of those that come from that lineage.

    FP, "i am not ashamed of slavery. i AM ashamed of our collective refusal to do Right by one another. to Love one another. to work together with one another. to bum rush those, as a unit, that seek to take one of us out. Villager the blogger had a pic from back in the day. it has stuck in my head. the predator came for one and the whole herd bum rushed it...making it fall back."

    I am in total agreement with you. However, shame breeds shame. There is no love or support for each other because of unspoken or maybe unconscious "toxic shame" that has been passed down through the generations.

    It's the confused feelings of not measuring up to the 'standards' of others(White standards) and feeling ashamed of 'who we are', and historically 'were'.

    I would say, that almost 'everything' we do as a race is a push-back against the invisibility of toxic shame which each generation carries. We are ashamed of ourselves but will riot if the white structure reminds us of that shame.

    Michael Brown might have been a thug, a gang banger or anything else that's unacceptable. But the way the police shot him dead and left him in the streets for 4 HOURS touched our pain of being "not shit". That's shameful and painful. Somehow we have to try to get rid of that shame. And we do it in dysfunctional ways, irrational ways.

    However, when I look at how Blacks came to this nation, how Whites continue to piss on us as though we are less than human, and how we validate what Whites say we are by killing each other as though our lives 'ain't shit'... and treat our bw as though they 'ain't shit'......Well, that's the power of centuries of being shamed and treated 'less than' human.

    We don't care for each other because shame is operating in the unconscious, in the dark. And we really can't change a damn thing when we refuse to identify what's driving us in the first place.

    Our problem is a "Spiritual Problem" and it requires a "Spiritual Solution". GOD IS the answer. But you can't tell the so-called FIELD NEGROES OF TODAY that that's the answer. They are unwilling to try it. They'd rather complain and try to work in injustice system of Whites who don't give a damn about them. Now, to follow that route is to be ashamed of who you are and THE NEED to have white approval, the very ones who can't stand you.

    Such is the highly dysfunction of being treated as 'less than' human. Sooner or later, you are going to believe it and start killing yourselves and looking for something 'White' to latch onto in the hopes of saving yourself. It's a vicious circle that leads to nowhere.

    We must see this, imho. Otherwise, we will continue to behave as though White is better, and Black as "ain't shit."

    I could go on, but I'll stop. Lately, you have been replying to my comments several threads later. By that time, I have forgotten what I wrote, and not sure to whom you are replying

  74. @Anon 4:48pm-

    when i visit over here, in many ways i feel/think i am distracting myself from much bigger fish that require my attention.

    if it will help, going forward i will paste your comment that i am responding to...

    when i say there is no reason to feel shame, when 400 years of slavery are put in the proper perspective...

    this is what i mean:

    what the enemy meant to destroy US will be turned for our Good.

    so whenever someone comes at me discussing slavery like they expect me to go into shame mode...

    like that is the beginning of our history which dates back to antiquity in Truth...

    i take that moment to hip 'em to who i AM in Him/His Word. this is a Christian nation, right? hip 'em on how they will know US- His Chosen Mighty Ones.


    KJV Genesis 15:13-14

    13 And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety tat thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years.

    14 And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.


    know the Truth and it shall make you free is NO lie.

    only a lost soul would entertain the notion of measuring themselves against the babes of Esau. we are the Ancients. ALL nations/colors come from Black. not the other way around.

    as it relates to Michael Brown. his death should be a wake up call to the Blessed Black nation that it is time to turn our hearts/behavior to Almighty. it is written those that don't provide for their children are WORSE than infidels. do you not recall the menfolk over here waxing poetic 'bout all their daddies taught 'em re: how to protect their lives?

    the generation coming up isn't getting that. the sons nor the daughters.

    the daughters of the nation are catching hell from ALL sides and folk won't acknowledge it. who but the Black nation thinks it cute to talk 'bout "pimping" their daughters?

    despite this:

    KJV Leviticus 19:29- Do not prostitute thy daughters, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness.

  75. folk won't get Real with their talk 'cause to do so would mean they would have to come away from the forbidden golden bm calf the Black nation LOVES to worship at relentlessly. quite a few bm do more dirt to Black women/girls long before they bother venturing out to do dirt to others. going back to the Black panthers even. it is so whatever, they will write it down like oh well. then want to scream to Yah Almighty 'bout what their historical enemies are doing to them.

    Michael Brown's life is worth no less to me than a doctor or a lawyers'. ALL human life is precious. gangs= FAMILY for quite a few folk. what troubles me is folk want to bold face lie. act like little wind up dummies for the semite owned media. mad on cue with skewed "news" steeped in lies re: whose who and what they have been up to.

    it troubles me that Blacks seek to look outward instead of inward. folk want their historical enemies to care more for their lives than they are willing to care themselves. folk want to chase racism rather than solutions to what ails the Blessed Black nation.

    just WHY is ANYONE shocked that a 6'4 Black male acting like he doesn't know where he is nor what time it is might meet with a violent end? they leave folk in the street ALL the time. just as they leave BW naked in full view of others for extended periods of time. these demons painted a mural depicting the sexual torture and murder of Mitrice Richardson. ONLY folk that are new to the land of bondage should be outraged at anything that goes down at this point.

    only Almighty can heal what is wrong with US. too many are too proud, stiff necked and heathen to even acknowledge Him/His Word. they will reject the one whitened thing they need while holding TIGHT to all other whitened whatever.

    i am ashamed of and repulsed by folk that EXPECT my buy in on utter nonsense just because it is Black folk issuing it. these same ones will NEVER support anything that makes Good sense, is upright nor righteous.

    i don't follow color nor folk. i follow Him/His Word.

    lastly, it makes me sick that as the police state for ALL gets full blown underway, folk pretend it is JUST Black men feeling it.

    it is my fervent prayer that Almighty will turn this around for ALL of His People. i want what He wants...

    for NONE to be lost.

    much Love to you Anon. He put something on my heart and i have to see how to write it out.

    seek His Face and in doing so you will be Blessed with Peace that surpasses all understanding. i AM a witness;)

  76. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Whatever the color suit, birthday suit, President Obama is a handsome man/a smart man/the President of the United States of America.

    Because ex-Europeans/now calling themselves "Americans" have a severe hatefulness for Africans in America has nothing to do with President Obama but all to do with the fact he had an African father. We can't choose our parents nor the country/area in which we're born.

  77. Anonymous6:21 PM

    The level of logorrhea in the comments sections here on FN is astounding. :-o

    Y'all need to put those brooms* away and think up something new.

    I cannot see the reason for lambasting anyone's fashion choices apart from the intent to be as snobbish as possible. Also, every working person everywhere needs down time. The office of President of the United States is not filled by robots.

    Then again, someone may have been fooling all of us since about 1972. ;-)

    (*sweeping generalizations)
