Saturday, August 30, 2014


I need a caption for this pic.


  1. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Hey, don't shoot. WTF? Where's your gun, officer?

  2. Anonymous8:53 PM

    I've decided not to shoot your ass but I'm going to whip the shit out of your big black ass.

  3. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Shut up! Just STFU, Ni---r. What the hell are you doing here in the suburbs?

    Don't make me pull my gun and shoot your black ass.

  4. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Brother Negro said, "Officer, I didn't do nothing! I was just standing here minding my own business when that store was robbed."

    Officer: "Shut up! Just STFU and hit the ground and put your hands behind your back."

  5. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Negro, what the hell are you doing over here on the White Side of Ferguson?

    Shut up! Don't even try it! Just STFU and put your hands behind your back. You're going to jail for trespassing on White territory.

  6. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Officer QLB, I know you don't trust Negroes but I wasn't doing nothing.

    QLB: Shut up, Negro..just STFU.

  7. Lilacpr9:12 PM

    Po po: It's okay, I just wanna give you a big hug!

  8. Lilacpr9:14 PM

    Po po:
    Are you that Field Negro blogger?

  9. Lilacpr9:16 PM

    Po po:
    Are you Don Lemon? Darn, you all look alike!!!

  10. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Lord have mercy, officer. Where's your gun?

  11. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Officer: Your name is Field, isn't it? You are the guy who is always chasing the big R. Get your fucking hands up.

  12. Guilty Negro10:00 PM

    I din do nuffin! Das rayciss!

  13. Lilacpr11:02 PM

    @ Yisheng, ;)

  14. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Dear Mr Field, thought I'd let you know that the Saudi King estimates that the extreme Islamic terrorists are two to three months away from America. Their first attack will be EU in about a month.

    Looks to me like the next big war will be a 'religious' war. Too bad EU and America are short on religion. Osama bin Laden's declaration of a 'holy war' is coming to fruition.

    The strangest thing about this is Israel's silence on this. Don't you think it's weird they haven't said anything about religion? I wonder about their religion.

    This looks to be getting real serious.

    We might have to hold Obama over for a third term to deal with this.

  15. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Here is the link to the article re: the Saudi King's Warning to America and Europe:

  16. Anonymous12:26 AM

    this caption thing is getting old.

  17. Anonymous1:57 AM

    Bro : what is this about? Police : regular BS. Bro: Regular BS? Police: Yes, just doing my job.

  18. No I WILL NOT pull your finger!

  19. Officer: Dude, you have no idea what it's like to be a cop. You see things that you dont want to see. You learn things that you don’t want to learn. With time, your views on police brutality will become ambivalent, or not ambivalent. You will see the pretty blonde rape victim, fifteen, about due for her first prom, screaming and screaming and screaming, sobbing and choking, while the med tech tries to get a sedative into her arm. And you will hear the cop next to you, hand clenching hard on his night stick, say in cold fury, “I hope the sonofabitch resists arrest.” Yeah, you may find yourself thinking, yeah. Social theories are nice. The streets are not theoretical.

    And you will find that the perps are almost always black. If you are a good liberal, you won’t like this, but after three months on the street you will not have the faintest doubt. If you are a suburban conservative out of Reader’s Digest, you will be surprised at the starkness of the racial delineation.

    All cops know this. They know better than to say it. This can be tricky for black cops, especially if former military who believe in law and order.

    You will find that there are white cops who knock blacks around, who humiliate them. You will think it wrong, and so will many of your fellows, but you will decide not to turn them in. You have twenty more years on the streets with them. You will discover that black cops exist who also mistreat blacks, and this will confuse you.

    You will find yourself contributing to bad race relations by enforcing laws you think stupid, pointless and unwise—hassling blacks for drinking a beer on the sidewalk with friends, rolling dice for quarters on the hood of a car, or smoking a joint. Never mind that a black city government made the laws.

    Black dude: I will kill you if I ever get the chance.

  20. Anonymous4:12 AM

    You pretty well summed it up.

  21. Damn Fred, Sure u are not a Philly cop in the 24th District? :)


    Anon@12:26, how can u say that? Look at some of the great captions the field hands gave us.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. White cop-Excuse me sir.

    Obama's son-That's not my drugs. You planted it on me.

    White cop- No sir. We just busted a ring of black queens stealing watches by hiding them in they vaginas.

    Women Hid Stolen Watches in Their Vaginas in Bizarre Vegas Heist

    White cop-We looking for the master vagina of this heist.

    Obama's son- Iiiiii's don't

    White cop- We looking for Yīshēng aka dr. queen. Her vagina is deeper than the grand canyon. She's been able to hide a lot of loot up in there.

    Obama's son- Dats just nasty.

    White cop-That's dr. queen.

    Obama's son-That's why i only date white women.

    White cop-Me too.

    Obama's son- I never hear of white women doing that.

    White cop-Hey you want to come back to my place and meet my wife?

    Obama's son- Hell yeah, nigga lets go!

  24. Hey you! Stop being Black!

    I can't and I don't want too!

  25. ctrl+halt+del9:21 AM

    "How public projects provide profits."

  26. guess who!9:29 AM

    Control + Halt + Delete = The final solution

  27. ctrl+halt+del9:42 AM

    I didn't say shake, I said shake down!

  28. ctrl+halt+del9:53 AM

    Cop: You're going to jail!
    Suspect: What did I do?
    Cop: My brother said that weed was wack


  29. Cop: Is your name Joseph Jennings?

    Black Man: Do I look like an unarmed white teenager shot 16 times by the cops?

    Cop: Not yet.

  30. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Meanwhile in Chicago. The shitshow continues with the fatality rate reaching 50 for the month. With less than 15 shooting hours remaining in the weekend, will the bangers reach the expected 6 dead and 30 wounded? You should be embarrassed that Las Vegas gives odds on how many of you will be shot and killed. Instead you blame YT.


  31. "I didn't say shake, I said shake down,"


  32. Kinky Koon KKK kop: Have you seen my Mama/Girlfriend?

    Fine Black Man: I don't do poor white trash but if I did, I'm sure I'd smell her before I saw her.

  33. Anon 11:39am and Anon 11:48am-

    just covered your concerns last thread. folk that appear quiet are not really. one just has to Understand what to look and listen for...they are making a lot of noise and progress, in fact.


    wonder why PX and FN get so quiet when their girl is getting lit up by a man?

    yet on the flippy she comes running verbally blastin' when someone says anything 'bout one of those grown, capable of defending themselves men.

    @Trolly, i started to point this out before when you suggested FN takes up for her. really he doesn't. he cyber pats her on the head and tells her good job at defending her honor. then leaves her on her own to all man-like fight hard with...



    and since she thinks colorism is a figment of folk's imagination it is hard for me to get too bent.

    side note: i noticed rape needs to be attached to blondes in order for the narrative to be humanized.

    @KC, now you know Good and Well ww put the strangest things in their vaginas. THIS i learned from going to school with 'em. it was not unusual at all to hear of white girls, just short of their first prom, going to the hospital to have sausages, beer bottles, soda bottles and other strange items removed. hospital visits for that and recurring bouts of mono seemed to be a rite of passage...

    i know you don't like her and i can Understand why. but you would do well to know there are Real Queens on the board and your foolishness won't stand unchallenged. now go find your Black woman that thinks you cute enough to bed and ask her why that shot at dr many names might cause you to feel it.

    though i confess, i did laugh;( i find you cute with your funny crumbling, at times, self;) i Understand where you are coming from and do my best to overlook the snafus that find you falling in line with the color lines lies.

    folk got mad jokes in the field today...


  35. FP, it's your feigned concern for the good of Black folks that makes you especially ratcheted and dangerous. But you're dangerous not to Blacks like my kid who's studying engineering like DH. Smart and educated Black folks are smart enough to ignore an ignoramous like you. No, you're dangerous to young Black folks that don't know any better and that are easily influenced by a gas bag spouting scripture as well as any other devil in the pulpit.

    As for your chocolate sista' based jealously of my intellectual friendship with Field and his support of my caribbean like career goals,
    let me assure you that even if you were lightskinned, attractive, and educated, you still wouldn't be anymore desirable to men (or women) like Field than you are now. There's something special about a chocolate uneducated fool siding with a racist clown that turns most Black folk off. Being the hypocritical idiot you are, it's fine by you that Koon weakly clowns a Black woman FAR more educated than he'll EVER be.

    You're also obviously blithly unaware that the ugliness you regularly direct at me further dries up eggs that "the clap" didn't already destroy. But then 2 eggs can't make a baby anyway.

    Now if you don't mind, I've got to get back to work on a presentation due this Wednesday on driver mutations in acrolentiginous melanoma in an obese cohort of middle aged Black women. WOW looky there, my God given career may even benefit YOU one day.

  36. Very informative focusedpurpose.

    There are beautiful and strong African queens like focusedpurpose posting and reading this blog.

    I apologize for the insult. I love clowning dr. queen.

    Sometimes i get carried away.

    Enjoy your weekend FP..

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. dr many names-

    do you sista.

    i WILL do me.

    we don't like each other nor agree on too many things.

    be Real clear though, there is NO "jealousy"...

    despite many degrees you possess few clues.


    yet ANOTHER cure for cancer. +1 on the clue tip. but you keep researchin'.


    go on now and find someone else to spew your "educated" brand of doo doo at that will go back and forth with you. i don't have the time nor interest. Good you notice i am dangerous. though not to Blessed Blacks. i AM with Him/His Word on another mission/assignment. so only demons on assignment (d.o.a) need be concerned.

    @KC, no stress. keep in mind it diminishes the man that will stoop to girl fighting. not the woman on the receiving end of the madness.

    enjoy your weekend as well:)

    Much Love and Blessings all!

  39. Lilacpr3:23 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    Now if you don't mind, I've got to get back to work on a presentation due this Wednesday on driver mutations in acrolentiginous melanoma in an obese cohort of middle aged Black women. even benefit YOU one day.
    2:41 PM
    Whooaa! I like it! No I love it! Nothing like hearing a doctor talking shop and telling it like it is!!! YEAH! Go Dr. Yesheng!!!

    Many XOXOXO"s

  40. lol @ Lilacpr.



    Bless you, too, my friend.

    pure comedy...

  41. "Nothing like hearing a doctor talking shop and telling it like it is!!!"

    Yes it is nothing like a doctor talking shop, as Yingyang is not nor ever will be a doctor.

    Real doctors don't throw out medical terms they just learned as a way to impress people without a medical dictionary.

    Yingyang is a phony, status whoring racist. She deeply resents whites for their success, and despises American blacks, from whom she distances herself by asserting she is a "lightskinned Caribbean".

    She is an awful person. Please don't encourage her ridiculous, mean-spirited fantasies.

    She will never be a doctor.

  42. FAUXC YU4:10 PM

    Dr. Moe Faux said...
    by asserting she is a Caribbean".
    3:57 PM
    You stupid, ignorant fool!



  43. wait...

    spirulina speeds up the metabolism/cuts weight AND cures cancer.


    guess there's not enough money in herbs/supplements. big pharma needs researchers to simulate nature so they can charge folk up a storm.

    mj ALREADY told folk...



    gotta go.

    folk are cap happy crazed over here 'cause they are getting called out on the basics.

    it is the appreciation of the richly hued Blessed Black woman where folk stumble/fumble. when i call it folk cry "jealousy" or pretend i am making stuff up...

    so all the cap happiness is more sad than funny. particularly since this same soul thought calling folk "nappy" = insult. like they don't know Messiah/Almighty Himself has hair like lambswool. aka nappy...

    but they Love Black folk, let 'em tell it.

  44. Lilacpr said...
    Whooaa! I like it! No I love it! Nothing like hearing a doctor talking shop and telling it like it is!!! YEAH! Go Dr. Yesheng!!! Many XOXOXO"

    MANY MANY XOs back at cha' PR!!!

  45. FAUXC YU4:29 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    gotta go.
    4:20 PM


  46. Ricky Retardo5:45 PM

    Anonymous FAUXC YU said...


    So...this is a Caribbean Supremacist site?

    Now I get it....

  47. @QLB Moe, I spend my days at one if the top medical institutions in the world ( a fact Field can easily confirm), attending classes with and being taught by a multi racial collection of the smartest people in the world. NO Black person of my educational backgroud sets a goal to impress hee-haws like you. EVER. Unfortunately the arogance of your pale skin and small penis dillusionally convinces you that educated Blacks neee to impress you. WRONG. Even if I didn't know smart White folks, I'd never consult a hee-haw like you about anything except whether or not meth ameliorates the effects of cancer chemotherapy or where I can purchase a solid pair of overalls to work in a garden.

  48. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Yingyang wrote,
    QLB Moe, I spend my days at one if the top medical institutions in the world ( a fact Field can easily confirm), attending classes with and being taught by a multi racial collection of the smartest people in the world.
    Here's a huge hint Yingyang. No one believes you. Field can't confirm a thing. Nada. For one you're not even a good liar. You've been in various incarnations, a medical doctor, a medical student, an aspiring doctor and a PhD researcher. Now you're nothing more than a student attending class. You've also been a mentor for STEM studies, a business owner and a tutor. Your biggest lie is that is that you've claimed to be a tutor to medical students at a going rate of $100 an hour, a job that frankly doesn't exist... except in your mind.


    BTW I'm not Moe. Like I said just about everyone thinks you're full of crap.

  49. Lilacpr7:38 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    I'd never consult a hee-haw like you about anything except whether or not meth ameliorates the effects of cancer chemotherapy or where I can purchase a solid pair of overalls to work in a garden.
    6:44 PM


    1. Ahahah indeed PR, I learned a LONG time ago that my Caribbean brethern will ALWAYS have my back which is why i don't fool with slaves like Trolly AKA Sybil, LOL!!!

      Spell Check fool you earned your doctorate in tgat yet? Ahwwww too bad!

  50. Trollonymous Burgundy8:09 PM

    "@Trolly, i started to point this out before when you suggested FN takes up for her. really he doesn't. he cyber pats her on the head and tells her good job at defending her honor. then leaves her on her own to all man-like fight hard with...


    FP sis, I love coming around and seeing your presence. :)

    LOL... Field only encourages her because she provides fodder for blog comedy and shameless beat-downs. She should be demanding punitive damages, if you ask me.

    And funny how the flower keeps it quiet/low-key when the racists and the men folk rips her friend a new one. Where are the hugs and kisses then? LOL!

    And y'all please, that girl isn't Caribbean. She's like some white folks, Native American when it's cute and convenient.

    Deh Caribbean people dem don't want she neither, trust dat.

  51. Spell Check Negro8:22 PM


    You mean arrogance?


    You mean delusionally?


    You mean need?

    "I spend my days at one if the top medical institutions in the world "

    You mean-

    I spend my days at one of the top medical institutions in the world?

    Gee you're dumb.

  52. Ricky Retardo8:41 PM

    Yīshēng said...

    @QLB Moe, I spend my days at one if the top medical institutions in the world ( a fact Field can easily confirm), attending classes with and being taught by a multi racial collection of the smartest people in the world

    Oh, so you're a token.

    Now I see...

  53. To Queer little package bitch, I guess the fact that Field can confirm my status vexes you. Welp, that's too bad pookums, just because Sybil and company have chicken shit let's not runaway from massa' blood running through their veins and would rather side with a hee-haw like you than someone of thier own race, don't get confused about what true Blacks who stick together always looks like. And here's a clue, they're usually African or have Caribbean ancestors.

  54. Spell Check Negro8:59 PM


    You mean their?

  55. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Yingyang wrote,
    To Queer little package bitch, I guess the fact that Field can confirm my status vexes you.

    Not really toots. He can't confirm anything unless he tell us who you are and we can confirm a cv. Anything less is just the shuck and jive. You're undergoing a category 3 chimpout because you're caught in a lie. So typical. So very very Black.


  56. Lilacpr9:21 PM

    Trollonymous Burgundy said...
    And funny how the flower keeps it quiet/low-key when the racists and the men folk rips her friend a new one. Where are the hugs and kisses then? LOL!
    Deh Caribbean people dem don't want she neither, trust dat.
    8:09 PM

    @ Battyman: She nah need me defen her. Gyal defen jes fine widdout me help!

    Dem be dutty bumboclaat not mens!
    An you too!


    1. LOL@ PR, I guess I forgot to mention that latinas stick together too! ;)

      And to the KKKoo koo ignoramouses' and their negra/Aunt Jemima side kick wenches that wonder where that came from, it's called a hispanic madien name courtesy of my caribbean born grandfather.

  57. Trollonymous Burgundy10:46 PM

    Dear Lilac/Desert flower,

    Not all people from the Caribbean are from Jamaica nor speak with that distinctive Jamaican patois/twang. Since you are originally Lebanese and not really Caribbean (much less a real Boricua), I don't expect you to understand nor tell the difference either way.

    LOL at your "battyman" business. I am not a man nor do I like batty. How cute.

    Now. where is that friendly homo for homo justice when you need him?

  58. Lilacpr11:15 PM

    Trollonymous Burgundy said...
    Dear Lilac/Desert flower,
    Since you are originally Lebanese and not really Caribbean (much less a real Boricua)
    10:46 PM
    Wow battyman! I'm amazed that you say you know my origins and ethnicity better than I do! LOL!

    You must be a psychic! One of the ones that makes up stuff as he goes along! hahaha!


  59. Trollonymous Burgundy11:22 PM

    You were the one who once said you originally came from Lebanon. Am I right or wrong?

    Well, just as she will never be a doctor, you will never be a Boricua. LOL

  60. Lilacpr11:49 PM

    Battyman, where did I say that? Have you been hitting the pipe again?

    I have many bloods in me. But you know what, its really none of your business.

    1. LOL @ Battyman moniker, don't get Sybil mad, it's head might start spinning around again, ROTFL!!!

  61. Lilacpr11:54 PM

    Battyman is obsessed with Yisheng and Lilac!
    Ahahahahaha! Poor thing

  62. Trollonymous Burgundy12:00 AM

    Oh my, I must have struck a nerve.

  63. Battyman!! Dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, BATTYMAN!!

    POW! BOOM! SOCK!!!


  64. Trollonymous Burgundy12:03 AM

    Dear Doctor Yinsheng, can you please confirm how many "bloods" a person can have in their body?

  65. @Trolly-

    DF is all mixed up.


    dr many names projects when she calls folks "sybil"...


    they are the ding-a-ling sistas, laugh in style. one working the moonwalk and the other on the tee hee hee tip.

    i for one vote to toss 'em out of the Black camp. they are a source of shame as others have noted.

    good on ya for noting that DF = a mute as qlb stomps dr many names on the regular...

    Blessings to you sis. thanks for making me laugh. these womenfolk over here are serious 'bout their foolishness.

  66. @Trolly-

    yes. you struck a nerve.

    then just as soon as folk put DF together she will start hollering 'bout being an elder.

    while she reserves the right to act like a very slow small child...


  67. the friendly homo12:13 AM

    Wonder who addressed.the nutbag fp?
    Oh that's right.he's really Sybil trollybattyman in disguise! Hehehe

  68. Trollonymous Burgundy12:31 AM

    FP sis.. you have me here guffawing!

    Note, the name changer is now claiming part Latina/Hispanic heritage. What next. And no less seeking Latina sisterhood from a nice Lebanese elder lady living in PR. LOL

  69. wait...

    we got a "friendly homo" acting all UNfriendly in the mix, too.




    @Trolly, girl i gotta bounce before i go to hell. LOL.

    pure comedy in the fields.

    you guffawing = two folk having a good for the soul laugh. these folk are bananas while name calling. LOL!

    Be Blessed sis. keep it kind. it is not good to fist fight infants...

  70. Guffawing is how men laugh and sounds rather hog like IHMO. No wonder you're called battyman.

    Guess we got a twofer here PR, ROTFL!!!

  71. Lilacpr1:20 AM

    Yisheng you hit the nail on the head! ; D he" s a man, a batty-sybil man ahahaha!

  72. This one is obvious.
    "Sir you fit the description. I'm placing you under arrest."

  73. I can pretty much confirm that the good doc was -or is still -a Georgetown student.

    The last time I checked that's a pretty good university.

    Again, why all the hateration for the good doctor (or doctor to be) ?

  74. congasavvy12:54 PM

    For the last damn time, officer: I'm NOT Tupac, so no, you can't have my autograph......

  75. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Field wrote,
    I can pretty much confirm that the good doc was -or is still -a Georgetown student.

    The last time I checked that's a pretty good university.

    Again, why all the hateration for the good doctor (or doctor to be) ?

    She's not a doctor and yet she has professed to be one. Also what in the hell is a doctor to be? Apparently she's not even been to medical school. Really field, I know in your world qualifications means little but this takes the cake.


  76. field negro said...
    Again, why all the hateration for the good doctor (or doctor to be) ?


    Next question.

  77. Anonymous4:32 PM


    It's hardly jealousy. It's the prevarication regarding your statements that are habitual. If you think that anyone if jealous of you then you're even more delusional than I thought.


  78. field negro said...
    Again, why all the hateration for the good doctor (or doctor to be) ?

    Some additional reasons:


    Under education.



    Mental Illness.



















    I think that just about covers ALL your hateration trolls Field, ROTFL!!!!

  79. Lilacpr5:28 PM

    @ Yisheng: Exactly! The haterator dwarves/trolls!

    I mean, nobody has to even be addressing them,and if we make a logical,intelligent, analytical comment that has to do with Field's topic of the day, the subject at hand, they go nuts with hate, and they rush out from under the rocks and start dissing us and talking all kinds of personal attack stuff!

    They can't even debate a subject for crying out loud!

    Here we are minding our own business,just commenting sanely and they immediately start flaming us with personal insults!

    How pathetic is that?

    If they only had something, anything intelligent to say on the topic at hand, but the thing is they unfortunately don't!
    So it's just hateful insults and that's it!

    Hate towards the people that DO write intelligent commentary! Pathetic really

    I think the wisest thing to do is to hit the ignore button on their nonsense!

  80. Trollonymous Burgundy5:32 PM

    FP said: "Be Blessed sis. keep it kind. it is not good to fist fight infants..."

    You too sis. Your words of wisdom (and comedy... lol) are always a pleasure.

  81. Lilacpr said...
    I think the wisest thing to do is to hit the ignore button on their nonsense!

