Saturday, August 16, 2014

"This is not your country"; even if you are the "Jeopardy" champion.

I can relate to Arthur Chu's experience as it relates to his father.

My father was also working on his post graduate degrees in America in the late sixties, and he too would tell us stories about some of the awful things that he experienced while trying to navigate the racial climate at the time.

Unlike Mr. Chu's dad, though, after he got his degrees my father went back to his beloved Jamaica and never left. As he liked to say when citizens of a certain class were fleeing the island and taking their wealth with them; "I will turn the lights out."

But I digress.

Chu wrote an excellent article for The Daily Beast that is cut and paste worthy, and I would like to share it with you.

 "I wrote the piece below in a late-night frenzy on July 13, 2013, after receiving a notification on my phone that George Zimmerman had been acquitted of the murder of Trayvon Martin. I had left a party early, brooding about why I felt so strongly about something that, ostensibly, had “nothing to do with me.”
I had originally kept this as a friends-only post on Facebook, because of the justifiable fear that writing angry tearful screeds about how mad you are at America might be harmful for my career.

As it was, the tweets that I sent out about how depressed I was after the Trayvon Martin shooting got dug up several months later by some National Enquirer intern looking for dirt on the recent Jeopardy! celebrity, and I got to see a blurb in the Enquirer asking, “Does Jeopardy champ Arthur Chu hate America?”

So for a while I was paranoid about ever letting anyone see this again. But then another late-night frenzy piece I wrote in response to the Isla Vista shootings took off, and I thought maybe sharing this wouldn’t be so bad an idea.
The one sticking point was, of course, that my D-list viral celebrity as a Jeopardy! champ and all that followed came a year after George Zimmerman’s acquittal and the whole issue of white guys shooting minorities dead and getting away with it was, as we say in the journalism business, “stale.”

But I remember a dark, cynical voice in my mind thinking, “Don’t worry. The issue may be stale now, but just give it a few months and it’ll be in the headlines again. Have faith. This is America.”

What do you know, I was right.
When my father first came to this country as a graduate student, there was an incident where he and a friend were walking home and were suddenly confronted in a parking lot by a group of apparently intoxicated students in a car, driving around them in circles, shouting threats and racist catcalls.

My father’s friend counseled him to ignore it, to wait for them to get their jollies and leave, that this is just the kind of thing that happens once in a while.
My father waited, and they didn’t leave, and then my father picked up a rock and said, “I’m counting to thirty and if they’re not gone by then this rock is going through their windshield.”

Luckily, they tired of the sport and peeled off around when my dad hit fifteen. It’s good for me that they did—had the rock gone through the windshield, had glass flown in a thousand bright shards across the asphalt, had the driver slumped over, bleeding, and the car doors swung open and his friends stormed out filled with anger, had police been called and charges been filed—well, I probably wouldn’t be here.

If by chance one of those students had been a Zimmerman, carrying a firearm for “self-defense” against “violent criminals” armed with rocks, I very definitely would not be here.

There was a moral to this story when my father told it to me, a moral that I hated more than any of the other morals that came attached to his other anecdotes.

It was a moral that explained many things. It explained, for instance, why he never went to parent-teacher association events, never integrated himself into “the community.” Why he consistently obeyed Rule #1, a rule that my friends’ white suburban parents had never considered—a rule I would not hear from others until I actually met people who’d grown up urban and poor when I got older—Never Talk to the Cops. (In the Bill of Rights it’s actually Rule #5.)
Why he urged me to choose a career specialization based on objective assessment of skills and achievements, one where success was quantifiable, one whose practitioners were organizationally indispensable. To take an “Asian” job like engineer, scientist, programmer. One where there was little room for subjectivity, where the personal impression of the interviewer counted less. To stay away most of all from fields where I would be judged purely based on how well people could relate to me, like direct sales, like middle management, like the performing arts.

To never, ever, ever put my livelihood in a position where I depended on white people liking me.

Because it was a lesson he learned the night that some random drunkards decided that terrorizing two pedestrians in a car, swerving toward them again and again, would be fun—would have no legal consequences because the cops wouldn’t care, would have no moral consequences because the victims didn’t matter.

A lesson he learned every time he was pulled over for a speeding ticket, or pulled aside by the store detective and asked to turn out his pockets, or quietly scoffed at and eyerolled at by a customer service rep for his accent.
That lesson was:

This Is Not Your Country.

You can live here. You can make friends. You can try to live by the law and be a decent citizen and even maybe make a lot of money.

But you will never, ever belong. You will never, ever be one of them. And you must never, ever trust them.

I resisted this lesson. I fought back. I worked for hours to give myself a generic Midwestern broadcaster’s accent—I became a voiceover artist because the way I have trained myself to speak is a “radio voice.” I fell in love with the English language, I developed a vocabulary of nearly a hundred thousand English words, I devoured American culture both high and low, Mark Twain and Eugene O'Neill and Flannery O'Connor and Jerry Seinfeld and Tupac and Public Enemy and the Beach Boys and Buddy Holly and Madonna and Ella Fitzgerald and Weird Al and Bill Hicks and George Carlin and Martin Scorsese and John Waters and John Philip Sousa and Aaron Copland and George Lucas and Beverly Cleary and Matt Groening and on and on and on, all of it, everything I could find, every TV show, every radio station, every book in the library.

History, literature, politics. Fast food and junk food and pop culture trivia and song lyrics and idiomatic colloquialisms of the South, the Northeast, the Midwest. I binged on America, I stuffed myself so full of America I was bursting at the seams with America.

I swallowed it all. As much as I could. I swallowed things that tasted foul and struggled to keep them down, but I did the best I could, to prove I could, to prove that I could swallow anything. I stomached the Chinese Exclusion Acts and the Riots of 1871. The gold miners and the borax miners and the railroad workers. I held my nose and I ate Jack London and the Yellow Peril and the coming war with China. I swallowed H.S. Tsien's deportation and Cold War paranoia and Joe McCarthy and the Yellow Peril and the coming war with China.

I choked down Wen Ho Lee’s arrest and Vincent Chin’s murder and Iris Chang’s suicide and Andrew Breitbart and the Yellow Peril and the coming war with China.

My friends were white. The girls I dated were white. I laughed at the racist jokes and invoked hipster irony to make them myself. I steeled my muscles and kept inside all the shit I’d swallowed, told me it was another time, another place, just another one of my dad’s stupid stories. I took history instead of CS or EE in college. To hell with my dad’s misgivings, I set out to be an actor, a performer, to live or die by whether I could get the audience to like me.

Because none of that was real. That was all in another world.

The historical atrocities and the daily microaggressions. Kids who screamed “Chinese Pig!” and adults who asked in an exasperated tone “I mean where are you from originally?” John McCain and the gooks he could never forgive. Making it to callbacks three times in a row only to never be the “fit” they were looking for. Being complimented on my English. Being criticized on my English. The tingle of nerves bristling at standing next in line to a FOB with a thick accent and a bad haircut, the desire to scream “I’m not with him! We’re not related!”

Sum Ting Wong and Ho Lee Fuk. Dick jokes. Accent jokes. Chinese restaurant jokes. The mute Chinese nerd in the background of the movie. The Chinese lead character being played by a white guy in makeup.

Waking up every day knowing that all of it—the broadcaster accent, the memorized cultural references and song lyrics—isn’t fooling anybody. Your face gives you away. The way you overenunciate certain consonants. The foods that don’t make you retch and the foods that do. The sound of your parents’ voice on the phone.

The way it simply matters more when a pretty white girl goes missing than when an Asian man goes missing and is later found dead. The way academics still publish papers on whether you possess the necessary mental apparatus to function in a civil democracy.

The way a grad student is willing to hurl a rock through a car windshield—and throw away his entire future with it—because he knows in that moment that he has no other options, that if he is found run over and dead the next morning the cops won’t really care.

The way a terrified black teenager might lunge at a racist vigilante because he knows there’s no good way out of this and it’s better to die fighting than to be shot in the back.

The way a crowd of people who have had their total and utter helplessness before the law rubbed into their face by the media over and over again might pick up rocks, sticks, knives and break anything they can, because while mindless vengeance is not justice—is far inferior to justice—it is still more than nothing, which, when they try to stand up and peacefully demand justice, is what they always receive.

The way a grim-faced storeowner might pick up an assault rifle and begin firing into that selfsame aggrieved, desperate crowd because he knows no one is coming, no one will help, no justice will be served—the men whose blood the crowd wants are safely ensconced in police protection in the suburbs miles away and they, like the Jewish bailiffs in feudal Russia in the time of the pogroms, will be left to soak up the rage of the masses. They fire round after round in “self-defense” without thought of justice because for them justice does not exist.

They live in a world different from your world, gentle white reader. The one you take for granted, where you can pick up the phone and someone on the other end will listen, a cop or a lawyer or a congressman. They live in Trayvon Martin’s world, in my father’s world, in the world that under all the assimilation and the “model minority” bullshit I live in, despite all my best efforts, despite all my father’s warnings.

But even that is a facile evasion, isn’t it? Calling it two worlds. It’s really only one world, only one country, only one United States of America. There’s one place, one culture, one system.

We all live here. We all make friends here, eat the food, watch the movies, maybe even make money.

It’s just some people belong here, and others don’t.

I can pretend to belong here better than Trayvon was ever given the chance to. The white racist looks at me and sees a stolen job or the slow decline of national prominence, but he doesn’t see a rapist, a thug, a barbarian at the gate. I fear being snubbed and sometimes spat on but rarely shot. And that is a very important difference.

But it is still not my country. However hard I try, however well they treat me, however much we all smile at each other and however much people praise the "model minority" I am, I know it is not.

Because it’s also the country whose government had to be pressured into taking an interest in the murder of a young man simply because of the color of his skin. A country that produced a jury that let that murderer walk free. And a country whose most self-proclaimedly patriotic citizens were whooping and hooting and setting off fireworks the night that man went free, right in the midst of the shock and grief and sorrow of those still mourning.

And I am done making excuses for this country, to say that “America” isn’t like that despite what the American government is like, despite what American history is like, despite what even now an overwhelming number of the American people are openly and proudly like. I am dead tired of pretending that countless examples are all exceptions, that to see a pattern where a pattern clearly exists is to be a “reverse racist” and “paranoid” and all the things I have accused my father of being.

I am sick and tired of reassuring myself that if their smiling faces can rejoice at the murderer’s freedom simply because the victim didn’t belong here, that I have any hope of belonging here either.

I am not an American. This is not my country. I have no country other than a China I barely know and do not love. Trayvon had no country other than the vanished West African kingdoms of centuries ago, replaced by post-colonial polities that know nothing of and care nothing for their long-lost sons and daughters of the Middle Passage.

It is not a good feeling, to be homeless. I wish it were not so. I continue to live here, work here, pay the taxes and obey the law. I even intend to spend my life here fighting to the end of my days in whatever small way I can to make this benighted country less of a failure at living up to its ideals. I like the food, I love the music, and in some broken, painful, tragic way I even love America itself, the way a victim of abuse might be unwilling to surrender his love for his abuser because to do so would be to surrender the last of his illusion of dignity and agency.

But of this, no more illusions. I am sorry, father. You were right.
This is not my country.

It never was." {Source}



  1. Anonymous10:01 PM

    "To never, ever, ever put my livelihood in a position where I depended on white people liking me."

    The secret to success for any POC because Whites are diseased people who cannot accept humans unlike them. However, it's not POC's who are not part of humanity, it's the Whites who have separated themselves from humanity.

  2. Lilacpr200010:04 PM

    WOW! and I guess that's why I left too...

    Doesn't mean I still don't love it though...

    Ain't it a bitch huh...:(

  3. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Asians are so smart. They are under no illusions about Whites. Neither are Latinos.

    Too bad we haven't figured this out but then again we think and emote differently to our own detriment.

  4. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Has anybody seen or heard from Focusedpurpose?

  5. Anonymous10:21 PM

    What a great post. Field, for once you posted something with deep substance.

    "But of this, no more illusions. I am sorry, father. You were right.
    This is not my country.

    It never was." {Source}"

    I feel the same way, except I am Black. However, there is no place to go. I've been cursed by centuries of slavery in a country who will never see me as a human being with the same rights as Whites.

  6. Anonymous11:19 PM

    I am so glad that our folks feel part of America, even though events sometimes prove otherwise. Let us recommit to being once again "proud of our country".

    Let's not give Whites like Kinky, and Bill any criticisms of FN Negroes whatsoever. I know this can be done. Trust in the Lord.

  7. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Wow! FN... Great post. Compelling! If he, an Asian American "gets it", certainly, we, as Black Americans should have "got it" decades ago. There is absolutely no sanctuary for Black and people of color in this America. The quicker we understand this reality, the quicker we can creatively adopt strategies necessary for our continued survival. There is a war being waged against Black males; it is undeniably "open season" on Black males and other peoples of color - and class. We are living in the Petri dish of emergent FASCISM... REFUSE TO BE SILENT!

  8. "If by chance one of those students had been a Zimmerman, carrying a firearm for “self-defense” against “violent criminals” armed with rocks, I very definitely would not be here."

    What a bunch of shit.

    Some drunk said something mean to my dad. Somebody told me a dick joke.

    Both generations decide not to integrate into the community, then whine about being outsiders.

    Chu is right - this is not his country. This is no country for pussies.

    He can take his yellow ass over to China on the next flight.

    But guess what? He won't. People from all over the world do whatever they can to get here and start being "oppressed". It's better to live in the white man's country and whine like a little bitch than to go live with your own people.

    Motherfuck you all. Get in the game or get the fuck out.

  9. America's an amazing country. Where else can you knock back a few Miller High Lifes while sitting at your computer and bang out a drunken screed "debunking" some of the most painful truths about living in this country because a "model minority" refuses to behave like one?

    Seriously, some uppity chink decides to talk shit about you and your country and it's time to go to the mattresses on that shit. So you tell that yellow commie bastard he can take his ass back to Yellowland if he don't like it in the LAND OF THE RED, WHITE AND MOTHERFUCKING BLUE BABY!!!

    Then you pass out, because you just downed your tenth High Life and your pissed drunk. The computer mouse falls gracelessly from the grasp with a CLANK.

  10. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Probably one of the best things I've ever read, certainly the most poignant I've read in days related to the current situation. Combine this with Melissa Harris-Perry's scalding indictment that is making the rounds on the internet right now, and nothing else really needs to be said.

  11. "Then you pass out, because you just downed your tenth High Life and your pissed drunk."

    But Mack Lyon, drinking Shasta and eating Doritos in his mom's basement, just keeps going on and on and on, adding to his weepy anthology of failure.

    You go girl!

  12. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Hey Mack, long time no see.


  13. Has piltox so eloquently put it "damn".

    Woe is the poor rich minority.

    Minority victims can become so disillusioned. They loathe a country that helped make their success possible.

    Maybe Arthur Chu can join Ho Lee Fuk in a cabin in the woods.

    Leave this racist society behind.

    But he won't do that. Chu enjoys making and spending the little pieces of green paper with white racist presidents on it.

    Yep. Minorities are tired of making excuses for this country.

    Tired of no one being on the other end of the phone.

    You know when minorities will make excuses?

    When things like this happen-

    'I'll always love you': Tragic final words of boy, 9, to his brother after being brutally stabbed to death by playmate, 12

    The 9-year-old boy fatally stabbed in a Michigan playground on Monday spent his dying breaths telling his brother he loved him and re-assuring him that the shocking attack wasn’t his fault, a family member has revealed.
    Michael ‘Connor’ Verkerke was playing with two of his brothers and another boy Jamarion Lawhorn, 12, who pulled out a knife and repeatedly stabbed Connor.

    Read more:
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

    or this-

    White Cop Wins $620,000 in Racial Discrimination Lawsuit

    A federal jury awarded $620,000 to a white St. Louis police officer who sued alleging discrimination by superiors who gave an open leadership post to a less qualified black officer.

    Sgt. David Bonenberger thought he had a chance at his dream job when he learned the St. Louis Police Academy needed a new assistant director. But the top cop at the Police Academy, Lt. Michael Muxo, advised Bonenberger that a higher ranking officer, Lt. Col. Reggie Harris, ordered him to “bring color down to the academy.” Muxo told Bonenberger not to bother applying, because the position was going to a black woman.

    It's the achilles heel of disillusioned minorities and white liberals.

    And i love when they tear it......

  14. Mrearl12:12 AM

    Thank you, Field. that was beautiful.

  15. Anonymous12:15 AM

    My thanks to Arthur Chu for brilliantly expressing what we could never express for ourselves after centuries in America. Now I know what's been eating away at me about America....I've never quite felt at 'home' here either. And I doubt if I ever will. You see, I am a bm whose life is at high risk wherever I go.

    Thank you.

  16. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Beautiful? More like pathetic.

  17. Mack didnt you know YA do a hit of METH to stay up ALL NIGHT and TELL EM LIKE IT IS!!

  18. Remember the day Obama was elected?

    It represented the day disillusioned minorities/white liberals were taking their country back?

    The dawn of a post-racial, post partisan Americans are all one era?

    What happen?

  19. 0ne of the main reasons that I stayed in the Marine Corps for as long as I did was the attraction of achievement in its (sometimes brutally) quantifiable meritocracy. It was the only American institution I've ever encountered where black men routinely supervise large numbers of white men. In fact, the reason that I ended up leaving in mid-carear was my unwillingness to go through part of it's objective weeding-out process: 3 years on recruiting duty. Its no coincidence that minority composition of the enlisted Corps still increases dramatically by rank. Where else in America could they expect anything near as fair a chance?

  20. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Kinky, "Minority victims can become so disillusioned. They loathe a country that helped make their success possible."

    Kinky, you can ruin a wet dream. You are such a negative ass toward minorities.

    Furthermore, you got your thinking ass backwards. This country did not make them successful, 'they' made this country successful. But have they received credit? No, because racist white asses like you are too prejudiced to give credit where credit is due.

    The biggest human mistake made was England letting your dumb ass ancestors come to the New World. They should have lynched all of you violent moronic barbarians. If they had, the average IQ of the human race would be 5 points higher. Now, we have to deal with stupid evil dicks like you.

    You are dumber than the Chief of Police of Ferguson. Hell, if I was White, I'd be ashamed to be White. Of course, you aren't. You are proud to be White. Why? Because you are a violent evil dumb ass.

  21. Suckie Suckie Solider Boy12:44 AM

    "Where else in America could they expect anything near as fair a chance?"

    No where. With Affirmative action, racial preferences and discrimination against whites, minorities get better than a fair chance.

    And yet they still fail....

  22. Anonymous12:44 AM

    It's time to upgrade to a higher blog less I become like Kinky, Bill and/or QLB.

    And God forbid I become like Yisheng. If that were to happen, I think I would jump off the Ben Franklin Bridge. Yep. I'd have to kill myself.

  23. General Equality12:46 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "Its no coincidence that minority composition of the enlisted Corps still increases dramatically by rank."

    Affirmative Action.

    The only true merit-based parts of the military are the special forces, which are overwhelmingly white male. But Obama is taking care of that too.

    Eventually, we'll have a military that can't fight, just like we have a NASA that can't go to space.

  24. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Field, you have done an excellent job today. I am hopeful for you because it seems you are reading better literature these days. Keep up the good work, brother.

    Keep reading the Daily Beast on a regular basis and you will find more articles of substance.

  25. Anonymous12:56 AM

    QLB, "The only true merit-based parts of the military are the special forces, which are overwhelmingly white male. But Obama is taking care of that too".

    Really? What special forces are you talking about? And where does it say Obama is changing Special Forces?

    Me thinks you are full of shit, as usual. You are too prejudiced to be objective at all.

    1. Isn't the mortality rate in special forces around 50%? I'd say brothas are smart to avoid such duty. Do your time and get out in one piece.
      Did QLB serve in the military?

  26. Great post and timely as well!!

  27. So after waking up from a drunk blackout, "Won Hung Lo" staggers to the fridge for yet another cold beer, ambles back to his Gateway 2000 and switches over to his new persona, "Marcus Browneye." Such dedication, that one.

    Too bad all of that persona switching doesn't up the quality of the posting. Spending most of your life drinking your brains out with cheap liquor can do that to a person.

  28. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Field's special talent is finding perceived victimization, exploiting it and then blaming YT. It helps the paranoia and inferiority complex.
    Since interracial marriage among Asians, Latinos and Whites is very high ( and successful ) to boot, it doesn't seem very likely that they "have any problems making this their country." What field has found is a disaffected Chinamen who can't get laid who has discovered the Black excuse of blaming YT. Same song different verse.


  29. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Arthur Chu should be thankful he lives in a country where he can get white vagina.

    Black men would kill their black baby mamas for a taste of white vagina.

    When are racist gonna stop blaming YT and look at themselves in the mirror?

  30. Wow. Quite an essay. They (and you) need to keep writing these so more and more so-called white people "get it." Many of us get it but too easily forget it, and things get worse instead of better. And I know this blog isn't really for us, but unfortunately you need us educated too.

    Meanwhile. glad you urged Ferguson and other black citizens to VOTE.

  31. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Won Hong Lo wrote,

    Chu is right - this is not his country. This is no country for pussies.

    Dead on WHL. It certainly doesn't seem like a country for those with an entitlement culture, magic EBT cards. Section 8 housing and Obama phones. Just think the mother land ( a complete third world craphold ) that is a plane ride away. They could riot to their hearts content and not FUBAR anything.
    Meanwhile the weekend Chicago shit show box score is 5 dead and 25 more wounded. Still no word from the ME examiner regarding the two probables.


  32. Anonymous10:51 AM

    "Black men would kill their black baby mamas for a taste of white vagina."


  33. Asians are not the only groups whites with their false sense of superiority and their boring aggrandizement complex offend.The only thing is many of some of these people are so eager to get along and assimilate into this society that they simply ignore it by pretending it is a joke not aimed at them but at other people.

  34. Black men who marry or go after white women are another group that are daily insulted and humiliated by whites, but they suck it up, ignore it and pretend that life is bliss.

  35. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Good post. Browns and blacks definitely don't belong in the US. Or Canada, or Britain, or France, or Germany, or Sweden ..... or any place in the civilized Western world.

    They don't belong. They can't assimilate, they can't cope, they can't contribute anything meaningful to the society.

    All they do is create liability, destroying the quality of life for everyone else.

    White people are aware that there is no place for brown or black people (especially mooslims) in their worlds.
    Movies telling the historical story of the 300, repulsing the mooslims at the Gates of Vienna, are widely successful because it taps into a deeply held but not often voiced recognition that these aliens must be repulsed, the question is how and when.

    The sooner the chocolate clan realizes this and self-deport, the better it will be for everyone.

    1. Anonymous8:46 PM

      you are stoopid... Blacks have DEVELOPED this country.... many inventions you enjoy today where created by blacks...

  36. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Well, maybe at one time the USMC was a meritocracy, but no longer.

    My DH and others of his generation left even though the USMC took all kinds of maneuvers to keep them because of their critical skills.

    A typical "success" story is the overweight slovenly sheboon who was given a slot at a school that requires an entrance exam (which was waived for the sheboon) and shock! she struggled through the school, failing consistently. It also didn't help that she went UA consistently, flying off the Vegas on the weekends without permission, instead of going to study halls with her peers as was command mandated.

    Then it was racism, racism, racism. Multiple expensive investigations, all which determined NO racism was existing. The investigating teams were all black. There was "pressure" on the command to forge paperwork for her, which they refused.

    In the end, they got rid of her resentful, lazy, shiftless ass because she refused to provide a height and weight or run a PFT.

    But the fact that she got as far as she did is a testiment to the very racist (as in pro-black) forces. This is why the military is destroyed. It will take decades to rebuild it.

    Eff negros and their whining and BS. Admit you can't compete on the same playing field, so we can end this pathetic song and dance.

  37. Anonymous11:20 AM

    All one needs to do is look at the pathetic "news" coverage of the "protests" at Ferguson to understand that black people don't belong here.

    The video of "Big Mike" stealing the rillos then threatening and assaulting the clerk is not the video of a human being. It is the video of a primate, exhibiting posturing and dominance behavior.

    Blacks are animals. Ferguson proves it, every night.


  38. Truthfully, wasn't arthur's father lucky he was chinese?

    Imagine the story arthur would tell about his dad if he was japanese.

    Arthur would talk about fdr and the democrats rounding up all the people that didn't look like fdr and his family and put them in japanese internment camps.

    Arthur would talk about the inhumane treatment that fdr forced innocent people into.

    Remember, none of these people were even charged with stealing cigs from the local store.

    Their crime?

    They didn't look like fdr and his family.

    Sulu (George Takei) talks about it.

    Maybe FN will post Sulu's story about growing up in the camp that fdr forced americans into.

    Or maybe that fdr/democrat thing is the wrong optic for FN.

  39. Anonymous11:36 AM

    PilotX said...

    Isn't the mortality rate in special forces around 50%? I'd say brothas are smart to avoid such duty

    Yep. Blacks are concentrated in the support functions, and whites are more prevalent in combat positions.

    So when you say it's not your country, it's because you haven't earned it.

  40. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Anon at 1120 wrote loads.
    Just think when this "episode" makes the Duke rape case and the Tawana Brawley incident look like small change. Denigrate the good guy cop and sanctify the street thug. Typical. No wonder Blacks are the most deluded people on the planet.


  41. anotherbozo said...
    And I know this blog isn't really for us, but unfortunately you need us educated too.

    No, it certainly isn't. And as far as your personal education goes, I'm not sure you would learn what the fuck was up even after a group of young thugs bashed your thick skull in with a brick.

    Now go play some Tracy Chapman and masturbate to Django Unchained again.

  42. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Blogger anotherbozo said...
    Wow. Quite an essay. They (and you) need to keep writing these so more and more so-called white people "get it." Many of us get it but too easily forget it, and things get worse instead of better. And I know this blog isn't really for us, but unfortunately you need us educated too.

    Meanwhile. glad you urged Ferguson and other black citizens to VOTE.

    10:24 AM
    Excellent comment and right on. Thanks. All of us, Black, Brown, and White need education, awareness and reminders over and over again about the destructive ills of our country that can destroy us.

    As Field has said many times, this blog is for EVERYONE, especially Americans. It is a meeting place where the entire spectrum of humans come to show off their ugliness, sinfulness and a tiny bit of goodness like Arthur Chu and me.

  43. Wow, we seem to have a lot of angry pathetic white trolls here today.

    Shouldn't they all be in church?

    1. Field if you saw the movie Vampire in Brooklyn you'd know what happens when devils go to church, lol!!!

  44. Yawn!!! Racists mutants on the prowl again.

    Here's good news for those of us with melanin in our skin. When the lead racist mutants (like Poot-tin pun intended) destroys the world with nukes, ONLY those of us with melanin will be able to survive. It's the reason they ended up in Europe in the first place, a racist mutants skin can't take the heat.

    Melanoma, a racist mutants worse nightmare so take your thymidine dimers, and rot in hell!!!

  45. Anonymous12:54 PM

    From the previous thread, Yisheng said,

    "That said, I decided a couple days ago to no longer resspond to ANYONE whose purpose here isn't in line with the goals of this blog. Plus, I'm on vacay until late August and have been for a couple days now. So, I've just got MUCH better things to do!"

    Well, we can all see that she lied. Yisheng ALWAYS lie.

    The 'real' truth is, Yisheng has nothing better to do but live on FN. Not only that, she can't afford a vacation...another lie she has told.

    Yisheng is a born compulsive liar who doesn't know what the truth is.


  46. Compare and contrast...

    Arthur talks about his dad and a bunch of drunk idiots in a car.

    Sulu talks about -

    George spent most of his childhood at Camp Rohwer in the swamps of Arkansas and at wind-swept Camp Tule Lake in northern California.

    A few words from drunks or "most of his childhood" in barbed wire enclosed government camps?

    It's obvious why FN picked Arthur to quote.
    It's a better fit for his agenda.

    It's okay to speak of racial injustices when the perpetrator is a democrat.

  47. Yīshēng said...
    When the lead racist mutants (like Poot-tin pun intended) destroys the world with nukes, ONLY those of us with melanin will be able to survive. It's the reason they ended up in Europe in the first place, a racist mutants skin can't take the heat.

    One can dream of a World Without White People, Queen. But it might make sense to be careful about what you wish for.

    Who is going to fund your decades-long quest to be a doctor? Who will keep the lights on and the water flowing? Who is going to create the computers, the cell phones, working automobiles, and those sciency-looking machines that you dust in the lab?

    Think hard you loud, brown ingrate before you wish cancer on those who make your soft life possible.


  48. When the lead racist mutants (like Poot-tin pun intended) destroys the world with nukes,

    I'm under the impression that throughout the history of the planet, all, only a sitting democrat american president has ordered atomic weapons to be used.

    Is that correct?

    Shouldn't the world be more scared of america with a democrat in the white house?

    That is if you believe learning from history and past behavior has anything to do with future behavior.

  49. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Anonymous Whitey Bulger said...
    Yīshēng said...
    When the lead racist mutants (like Poot-tin pun intended) destroys the world with nukes, ONLY those of us with melanin will be able to survive. It's the reason they ended up in Europe in the first place, a racist mutants skin can't take the heat.

    One can dream of a World Without White People, Queen. But it might make sense to be careful about what you wish for.

    Who is going to fund your decades-long quest to be a doctor? Who will keep the lights on and the water flowing? Who is going to create the computers, the cell phones, working automobiles, and those sciency-looking machines that you dust in the lab?

    Think hard you loud, brown ingrate before you wish cancer on those who make your soft life possible.

    1:02 PM
    Bulger, you are right. That is why I have been trying to get YISHENG to go on vacation and STAY ON VACATION. But the ignorant ingrate won't do what SHE SAID SHE WOULD DO.

    She is the classic TNB. Can't trust them, can't believe them.

    Now it's coming to light that the dead victim DID IN FACT TRY TO FIGHT THE OFFICER, AND TAKE HIS GUN.

    Thank you, Live From St Louis for the link to what happened. I am so sick and tired of my peeps in St Louis blaming Whites for shit they created in the first place. In addition, Negroes are looting and destroying black businesses in Ferguson.

    It's a damn shame but we are a very sick dysfunctional race. Totally incapable of doing the right thing...and Yisheng is without a doubt, one of them on FN.

    Bugle, in her defense, she is NOT receiving assistance for med school. She is too stupid to go to college. So you wrong about that.

  50. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Blogger Yīshēng said...
    Field if you saw the movie Vampire in Brooklyn you'd know what happens when devils go to church, lol!!!

    1:01 PM
    Just like an immature dumb ass to go see a stupid movie and believe it.

    Folks, this is what you got for doctor coming out of the DC community. INCOMPETENCE.

  51. ctrl+halt+del2:33 PM

    "Shouldn't they all be in church?"

    Racism is their religion. Manifest density.

  52. Chu talks about this not being his country. But it's not THIER country either. The country belongs to Native Americans.

  53. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Meanwhile in other rioting/looting news. Liberia- officials worry about slum dwellers raiding a clinic and stealing contaminated clothing and linens of Ebola patients causing a worsening epidemic. Simply brilliant. An automatic mass nomination for the Darwin Awards in one massive fatal swoop. And they question the validity of IQ measurements.


  54. Anonymous3:45 PM

    FN is casting the net far and wide to maintain the narrative.

    FN, your narrative is failing.

    And, shortly, MSNBC will be broadcasting live a "celebration" of the life and character of Michael Brown.

    The "life and character" of a thug is worth celebrating?

  55. Anonymous3:49 PM

    This country does not belong to native Americans. They lost their country a long long time ago.

    It is self-evident that America belongs to the wm, and nobody else. That's a fact.

  56. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Well, now we know that Cpt Ron Johnson has no pull whatsoever with the black community. That is our problem today. We have no leadership we trust or respect.

  57. teh stupid stupid4:21 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    Chu talks about this not being his country. But it's not THIER country either


    Dr. Queen is ignorant. And racist.

  58. New autopsy ordered via Eric Holder.

  59. Anonymous4:59 PM

    The HNIC did not do a good job in St. Louis (Ferguson) last night.

  60. Monte Negro5:10 PM

    Yīshēng said...

    New autopsy ordered via Eric Holder.

    Eric Holder is dead?

    Man, they after us now!

  61. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Finally! MHP has come clean about Obama and his weakness and absolute failure to respond as a President in the Ferguson situation. He has failed America as a man in the position of the highest office in the land.

  62. Anonymous5:27 PM

    We are nearing the end of the "celebration" of the life and character of Michael Brown.

    Disgusting. Obscene.

    Capt. Ronald S. Johnson played the race card.

    Ben Crump convicted the policeman without benefit of a trial.

    Al Sharpton collected money.


  63. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Anonymous said...
    The HNIC did not do a good job in St. Louis (Ferguson) last night.

    4:59 PM
    The HNIC at the WH has not done a good job either.

    The Governor of MO hasn't done a good job, either. In fact, he has been terrible.

  64. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    We are nearing the end of the "celebration" of the life and character of Michael Brown.

    Disgusting. Obscene.

    Capt. Ronald S. Johnson played the race card.

    Ben Crump convicted the policeman without benefit of a trial.

    Al Sharpton collected money.


    5:27 PM
    I am sure you KNOW how this disgusting mess in Ferguson should happen, which is NO Black officials involved because it is "disgusting".

    However, no one gives a shit about what you think, you racist piece of shit.

  65. Anonymous6:00 PM

    "However, no one gives a shit about what you think, you racist piece of shit."

    Do you think it appropriate for an officer in the Missouri State Police to play the race card?

    Do you have some inside information that would make conviction of the police officer before a trial the correct thing?

    And Al Sharpton (and you call me a racist?) was collecting money...I am sure that a few of those dollars ended up in his pockets.

    P.S. I prefer "feces." (Look it up in the dictionary.)

  66. QLB, did you serve in the military?

  67. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Anon wrote,
    However, no one gives a shit about what you think, you racist piece of shit.

    Ya think so. What I really think is that just about everybody is getting a real good dose of Negro fatigue. When this officer is cleared, it's going to be another Duke rape case or Tawana Brawley incident.
    Meanwhile in the weekend Chicago shit show, there's been a quadruple shooting. ( That's 4 people shot at one time for you Blacks) Yet not a peep from the media. Money says YT is not involved.


  68. Anonymous6:32 PM

    "P.S. I prefer "feces." (Look it up in the dictionary.)"

    Don't have to look it up because no one cares what you prefer, you piece of racist shit.

    "And Al Sharpton (and you call me a racist?) was collecting money...I am sure that a few of those dollars ended up in his pockets."

    Whatever Al Sharpton may be, takes nothing away from you being a racist to the core piece of shit.

  69. Anonymous6:37 PM

    "Ya think so. What I really think is that just about everybody is getting a real good dose of Negro fatigue. When this officer is cleared, it's going to be another Duke rape case or Tawana Brawley incident."

    Really? I really don't give a shit what you think. It doesn't count.

    And as far as fatigue is concerned, why not leave FN? That would help relieve your racist to core ass of fatigue.

    For Blacks, we have had a good dose of fatigue from QLB-racist-types for decades. So go fuck yourself, you racist piece of shit.

  70. Anonymous6:39 PM

    "Whatever Al Sharpton may be, takes nothing away from you being a racist to the core piece of shit."

    You have nothing, right?

    Just the same old argument over and over and over again.




    Rational thought means nothing to you.

    P.S. You do not know how to use a dictionary, do you.

  71. Ho Lee Fuk6:42 PM

    Pilotx, how did your sister know you had been detained by the police?

    Roof Koreans for hire (Ferguson)

    Roof Koreans for hire. Much success during L.A. Riots, no looters at our stores. Added bonus: can't be accused of racism, especially if violent mobs are fired upon. Will provide own ammo, but will charge extra for any rounds spent.

    Sad to see what is going on in Ferguson.

    We Koreans are nice people. We move into black neighborhoods when whites wouldn't be caught dead in them.

    We Koreans provide low cost food, credit and jobs to blacks in a time when whites wouldn't piss on a negro if he was on fire.

    How do blacks repay us? They loot our stores. They destroy our property. They rape our women.

    No more sweet and sour pork for you negro..Chu may be a man without a country. I'm a man with a business.

    With the help of my fellow Korean brethren, we will save our businesses.

    Protect our women.

    And raise prices next month.

  72. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Anon wrote,
    Rational thought means nothing to you.

    Simply priceless. Your people kill and shoot each other wholesale in every city where you predominate and you're concerned about Mike Brown. You're just pissed because a White cop punched his ticket. Here's what's really going to piss you off. The cop will not be held liable no matter how big a chimpout your people decide to have. November is coming soon.


  73. Anonymous6:46 PM

    "P.S. You do not know how to use a dictionary, do you."

    Whether I use a dictionary or not, you are still a racist to the core piece of shit.

    And nothing will change that about you weak ghostly no dick evil fuck.

  74. Anonymous6:57 PM

    "...racist to the core piece of shit."

    I would say that this entity is a Parrot, but for the fact that a Parrot is much more intelligent.

    P.S. "Entity." That which is perceived or known or inferred to have its own distinct existence (living or nonliving).

  75. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Ho Le Fuk wrote,

    And raise prices next month.

    That's the part that the Black people in Ferguson don't get. What was it about them and lack of future time orientation?


  76. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anon wrote,
    Rational thought means nothing to you.

    Simply priceless. Your people kill and shoot each other wholesale in every city where you predominate and you're concerned about Mike Brown. You're just pissed because a White cop punched his ticket. Here's what's really going to piss you off. The cop will not be held liable no matter how big a chimpout your people decide to have. November is coming soon.


    6:45 PM
    Rational thinking? What the fuck does a racist like you know about rational thinking you racist piece of shit? You have been carrying a deep-seated prejudice against Blacks since you were born and you have the temerity to talk about 'rational thinking?"

    Now that is truly "priceless". A sick racist piece of shit trying to be rational and doesn't even see his own irrationality. Yep, that's priceless.

    One thing you have right you racist piece of shit: The cop will walk free. Blacks and Whites in America have seen that rerun over and over again. That's nothing new.

    Regardless of how many bm police kill, you will remain forever a disgusting racist to the core piece of shit who fatigues himself over Negroes on FN.

    Now anybody can see that you are an emotionally disturbed person 'incapable' of 'rational thinking.' No rational white person with Negro fatigue would be here. But, you are 'here' simply because you are NOT rational. And, you are dumb, too.

  77. Anonymous7:15 PM

    "Regardless of how many bm police kill, you will remain forever a disgusting racist to the core piece of shit who fatigues himself over Negroes on FN."

    What about all the bm that are killed by bm....or, never mind, there is no money to be made by the race-hustlers in those cases.

    Sharpton, Jackson, Crump, et al...

    P.S. "et al." And others ('et al.' is used as an abbreviation of 'et alii' (masculine plural) or 'et aliae' (feminine plural) or 'et alia' (neuter plural) when referring to a number of people)

  78. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Anon wrote,
    Now anybody can see that you are an emotionally disturbed person 'incapable' of 'rational thinking.' No rational white person with Negro fatigue would be here. But, you are 'here' simply because you are NOT rational. And, you are dumb, too.

    Well for someone so dumb I'm deep inside your OODA loop. That's why I piss you off and frankly I enjoy that. But there is one thing you do demonstrate and that's another characteristic of Black America. That's lack of impulse control. Amazing how the stereotypes stay true to form.


  79. Anonymous7:22 PM

    "OODA loop"


  80. QLB, did you serve in the military? Do you have a college degree? Afraid to answer?

  81. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Pilotx, how did your sister know you had been detained by the police?

    Afraid to answer?

  82. Anon, why are you arguing with someone who eats feces per the following quote from earlier today:

    "P.S. I prefer "feces." (Look it up in the dictionary"

    I mean the ONLY thing left to add is "and die", ROTFL!!

  83. Ya know just because I'm sick of stupid here's the answer, somebody called her. You would think someone of even below average intelligence could have figured that one out.

    1. Now Pilot you know racists who waste their lives all day on a Black blog can't possibly use common sense to figure things out. Especially ones that eat feces.

      But in all honesty you didn't owe these hee-haws an answer for jack shit EVER.

  84. Anonymous8:24 PM


    I take it English is not a language that you are familiar with....

    The reference "I prefer 'feces'" was not with respect to food, but with respect to salutation.

    P.S. "Salutation." A courteous recognition.

    P.S.S. I think that, maybe, I should start charging for vocabulary lessons.

    P.S.S.S. "Vocabulary." A language user's knowledge of words.

  85. Just got through talking to Dr. Cornell West here at the airport. What a really cool guy.

    QLB, did you serve in the military? Do you have a college degree? Not cowardly are we?

  86. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I take it English is not a language that you are familiar with....

    She actually much more familiar with Ebonics. I just love it when she conjugates Izabeez, wezabezz and usabez.
    Yingyang is quite an individual. She is, depending upon the day, a doctor, an aspiring doctor, a scientist, a PhD, a mentor in STEM studies, a business owner and above all a tutor to medical students which pays $100 per hour. I find the latter interesting since no such job exists, but Yingyang is nothing if not another magical Negro.


  87. Anonymous8:53 PM

    "...magical Negro..."

    A nice turn of a phrase.

    Similar then, I suppose, to Saint Trayvon of Skittles and Saint Michael of Brown Leaf Cigars were as pure as the driven snow.

    Oh, wait, "driven snow" is probably racist.

  88. "Now Pilot you know racists who waste their lives all day on a Black blog can't possibly use common sense to figure things out. Especially ones that eat feces.

    But in all honesty you didn't owe these hee-haws an answer for jack shit EVER."

    This is true but I had to show how incredibly stupid some folks really are.

  89. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Is this the chink that killed all those students at Virginia Tech?

  90. Beautifully written and thought-provoking. I continue to hope and work for positive change so that everyone who lives here feels accepted. Our rainbow of people has been our strength as a country. Don't give up on our ideals.

  91. fulminator11:27 PM

    Ah, fuck you.

  92. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Sad. So many important things said, but then he's got to paint the aggressive, violent thug Trayvon as some sort of role model, and ignore the fact that Trayvon attacked *another minority*, not some redneck cracker.

    Every thug in the country should have fear in their hearts when they're about to smack down some innocent stranger - they should be trained to *expect* to be shot by people who may not be able to defend themselves in melee combat, but can defend themselves with a gun. Trayvon should be a lesson to all thugs out there who think they can simply walk by a stranger and play the "knock-out" game. Trayvon should be a *bad* example for the world, not a good one.

    The sad fact of the matter is this - Trayvon and his thug buddies are the racists, and nobody is willing to call them on it.
