Friday, August 15, 2014

What will they say about Dante Parker?

We are being shown the tape over and over again. The one where the now deceased teenager is allegedly robbing a convenience store.

It was released by the Ferguson, Missouri police department to make the victim in the Michael Brown case unsympathetic to the rest of us. It is a playbook that we have seen before, and the last time that it was used it worked to perfection.

Now, though, the people have gotten smarter, and they understand the tactic that is being used. It will be interesting to see if it works again.

Let's keep something in mind: The police officer who shot Michael Brown did not know that he was a suspect in a "robbery". (DID NOT KNOW.) Not that it would have made any difference if he did. You don't get to act as judge, jury, and executioner as a police officer. And, the last time I checked, there is no death penalty in the United States for a crime against someone's property.

"The manner in which Ferguson officials disclosed the information Friday, which included a police report on the robbery but no new details about last Saturday’s shooting, set off renewed anger among residents and quickly overshadowed the release of the officer’s name."  

A "release" that was too long in coming.

Anyway, I wonder what the police in San Bernardino County are going to say about Dante Parker. *In Pic*

"A married father of five in Southern California died after he was tased multiple times by police trying to arrest him for attempted burglary.

Dante Parker, 36, was riding a bicycle in Victorville on Tuesday afternoon when a deputy stopped and questioned him about an attempted break-in at a nearby home, the San Bernardino Sheriff's Office said.

The person who reported the suspicious activity on Bucknell Court said the suspect rode away on a bike. When the deputy found Parker, he appeared "to possibly be under the influence of an unknown substance," the sheriff's office said.

Cops said Parker became belligerent and fought with the female deputy, who shot him with a stun gun several times and called for backup.

Parker's co-workers at the local Daily Press newspaper, where he was a pressman in the printing department, said that didn't sound like the hard-working gentle giant they saw every day.

"He was a big teddy bear," Press publisher Al Frattura told the Daily News. "He worked in our production department for 12 years...he was part of our family." 
"He's a family man, he loves's just so unfortunate," Frattura said. 
Richard Loredo, Parker's former co-worker, told the newspaper the police version of the story was "totally wrong; that's just not Dante."' [Source] 

Sounds like he was a hard working family man.

Now let's see if the cops in San Bernardino are as good at spinning as the cops in Missouri.


  1. Wesley R10:37 PM

    There needs to be a push for communities to recruit police officers who grew up in their particular cities. Now we have people policing neighborhoods and cities that they don't understand.

    Big up to the little brothers on the Chicago Little League Team that's doing their thing at the Little League World Series.


  2. You a cop and can't find a black kid to shoot?

    Shoot yourself.

    Guns are best left in the hands of trained government employees.

  3. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Big Teddy Bears don't become belligerant when a police officer asks them a question.

  4. Out of control11:10 PM

    It was released by the Ferguson, Missouri police department to make the victim in the Michael Brown case unsympathetic to the rest of us"

    We can still have sympathy for an 18 year old who got himself shot, but the tape does go some way to explain how this could have happened.

    What kind of person robs a convenience store, roughing up the clerk in the process, then walks down the middle of the street then refuses to use the sidewalk when asked to by a cop?

    All of this happened BEFORE this person attacked the police officer.

    Who Michael Brown was remains to be seen, but it is becoming clear he wasn't exactly a "good" kid.

  5. GrannyStandingforTruth11:48 PM

    I have some questions. Why does the date stamp on the cam video that Ferguson police released today say 6-9-14 instead of 8-9-14? Why doesn't the police reports have signatures on them identifying who wrote the report and who approved them? Why does the report include in the document an unrelated incident about a baby having a problem breathing at a different address? Why are the dates backwards so to speak? Why does it have two different offense incident dates on it? Why is it so blurry? Why did they white-out on the reports? I have a lot of questions marks going through my head right now.

  6. Anonymous11:57 PM

    "Let's keep something in mind: The police officer who shot Michael Brown did not know that he was a suspect in a "robbery". (DID NOT KNOW.) Not that it would have made any difference if he did. You don't get to act as judge, jury, and executioner as a police officer."

    No, you don't get to execute someone for pulling a robbery.

    However, this story would tend to make the officer's account of the shooting more plausible. Brown probably wouldn't have gotten into an unprovoked physical fight with a police officer merely because the officer ordered him to stop jaywalking. That just doesn't make much sense. But Brown might have fought the officer in order to avoid being busted for the robbery.

    The weird thing about this announcement, though, is that the police chief didn't seem to bother getting his facts straight here. First he claimed that the officer was attempting to arrest Brown for the robbery. And then, shortly thereafter, he was forced to walk that statement back and admit the officer had no idea about the robbery when the altercation between him and Brown occurred.

    I'm getting the impression that the Ferguson police chief doesn't really know what the hell he's doing.

  7. "The police officer who shot Michael Brown did not know that he was a suspect in a "robbery". (DID NOT KNOW.) "

    Micheal Brown knew. Which explains why he attacked the officer the way he did.

    It also appears Micheal had drug and gang connections.

    So Micheal is not the angel that blacks/white liberals are portraying him to be.

    Facts come out. Their narrative fails apart. Go figure.

  8. GrannyStandingforTruth12:08 AM

    "11:51 a.m. a 911 caller reported a strong-arm robbery at a convenience store, Jackson said. He did not name the store."

    However, the date on the cam video recording says 6-9-2014 not 8-9-2014 and an unrelated incident about a baby not breathing when it coughed is included in the police report for the robbery.

  9. Anonymous12:08 AM

    "There needs to be a push for communities to recruit police officers who grew up in their particular cities. Now we have people policing neighborhoods and cities that they don't understand."

    This is a good idea, and people have been saying this for ages, but it's probably easier said than done. For a couple of reasons.

    1) Black people hate cops, because of the history of their interaction with them. This makes lots of black people not want to BE cops, even if more black cops on the street might make life better for black people.

    2) Many black people do not qualify for the police force. The same socioeconomic factors that hold back black people in other areas of life -- lack of education, criminal record, etc -- are bound to also get in the way of their becoming police officers.

  10. GrannyStandingforTruth12:10 AM

    Well, I'm tired. I think I'll sign off.

  11. What did momma always say about cops? They will take you out because then there's only one lie to be told.

  12. Anonymous12:20 AM

    You know the rule signor kinky.... no linky, you stinky. "It also appears Micheal had drug and gang connections." Where's the proof??????? You have NO credibility. the way. Do you do lawns?

  13. Yeah mon, those kids from Jackie Robinson West whooped that ass! Chicago baby!

  14. Ya'll see governor "I can't remember" got indicted?

  15. Anonymous12:44 AM

    "Ya'll see governor 'I can't remember" got indicted?'"


    The list of Republican governors under investigation/indictment is getting nice and long. (See also: Christie, Walker, McDonnell, etc.)

    Republicans are all about law and order, except when they're breaking the law. Which is all the time.

  16. Anonymous1:06 AM

    "A married father of five in Southern California died after he was tased multiple times by police trying to arrest him for attempted burglary."

    I don't know the specifics of this case, so I can't say for certain whether this officer's use of a taser was appropriate or not. (Although, it sounds like "not.")

    But I can say that in general, the over-use of tasers by cops is getting completely out of hand. When they were first introduced, the concept was that they would replace the use of a gun in many situations. Which is great! A taser is less injurious/deadly than a pistol.

    But that isn't really how they're being utilized in practice. Tase-happy officers seem tempted to jolt people into submission for ever more trivial reasons. Showing insufficient respect for a cop isn't a legitimate reason for blasting a person with 50,000 volts. Nor is a lazy officer's desire to avoid breaking a sweat while applying cuffs to an slightly uncooperative suspect. There are now hundreds of videos on YouTube of impatient officers zapping basically compliant civilians for not responding quickly enough to their demands.

    These devices are not technically non-lethal; they do sometimes kill, as in the case of this Dante Parker guy. It is not acceptable that Tasers should be used as casually and extensively as they currently are.

  17. Anonymous1:49 AM

    PilotX said...

    What did momma always say about cops? They will take you out because then there's only one lie to be told.

    12:19 AM


    Yet Pilot X gets upset when he is lumped in with all those "other" blacks, as he is rushing to defend the most outrageous behavior in the closing of ranks/racial solidarity.

    Just back in the US after leaving shortly after the selection of Zero to attend the funeral of a former colleague who died under tragic circumstances.

    Cable TV in the hotel is showing some type of prison show. Lots of creeps and bottom feeders highighted.

    Surprisingly, I don't feel the need to rush to defend the barbaric acts of the white prisoners that landed them in prison. I'm repulsed and wonder at what needs to be done to bring the cycle of sociopathology that leads to career criminals who can never be rehabilitated.

    However, even middle class blacks who clearly have made the "right" choices in life with side with depraved barbarians who don't make the right choices in life, over joining other decent, civilized people in condemning the barbaric behavior.

    And then wonder why "you" get lumped in with "them".


  18. Anonymous1:53 AM

    I don't know what really happened with Dante Parker. What I do know it's I'm not going to buy any narrative about what a "good person", "gentle giant", "teddy bear" he was.

    Heard this story too many times, and then, in spite of the best efforts of family members who are in line to cash in big time in the civil litigation lottery, the true story about the deceased begins to emerge.


  19. Anonymous2:17 AM

    PilotX said...
    Ya'll see governor "I can't remember" got indicted?

    You're not gonna play dumb and pretend you don't know that this indictment is a political stunt, are you? Cause man, that's getting old.

  20. Manswer2:52 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    "I have some questions. Why does the date stamp on the cam video that Ferguson police released today say 6-9-14 instead of 8-9-14? Why doesn't the police reports have signatures on them identifying who wrote the report and who approved them? Why does the report include in the document an unrelated incident about a baby having a problem breathing at a different address?"

    Some babies have trouble breathing at certain addresses. It's called situational asthma. It's caused by environmental racism, and is endemic in places like Ferguson. The pertinent information here is that this particular baby was used in the robbery as a distraction, as the convenience store is at an address where this baby has trouble breathing when it coughs. Early in the video Dorian Johnson can be seen putting a lighted Swisher Sweet in the baby's mouth, causing it to cough. When the store clerk moves to give the baby a tissue, Michael Brown grabs the inventory of cigars. Quite a caper. The baby, by the way is fine and has been moved to an address where it can breathe freely.

    As regards the signatures, Missouri is known as the "Show Me State". Paperwork is not accepted as official records, you must "show" your report to your superiors through a series of interpretive gestures.

    The issue with the date stamp on the surveillance video can be explained by the fact the store owner is from Burma, and uses the Burmese calender which runs two months behind the Egyptian calender, which we use. Burmese Fourth of July takes place September 4, and they celebrate Christmas in late February.

  21. Anonymous3:02 AM

    "You're not gonna play dumb and pretend you don't know that this indictment is a political stunt, are you? Cause man, that's getting old."

    Wow, it's weird how this "political stunt" is being pulled by a conservative prosecutor!

    Maybe it only seems strange to outsiders that Perry is now getting in trouble. To most of America, he's just George Bush 2.0 -- jovial, full of terrible policy ideas, and dumb as a bag of hammers. What's not to like?

    But as it turns out, he and his cronies have been rather busy stealing everything in the state of Texas that wasn't nailed down. After the state anti-corruption commission started going after all his crooked friends, he decided to defund the commission. When the head of the anti-corruption commission got a DUI and refused to step down, that provided him the perfect excuse to kill off her agency.

    Or so he thought. Unfortunately, his master plan of throwing down a veto to defund the agency and drive people he doesn't like out of office happens to be completely illegal. A previous Texas governor got booted out of office for pulling a similar Perry move.


  22. Anonymous3:04 AM

    @ Manswer

    Haha. Don't quit your day job.

  23. Anonymous3:27 AM

    "It was released by the Ferguson, Missouri police department to make the victim in the Michael Brown case unsympathetic to the rest of us."

    Thugs are unsympathetic. As hard as you try, you can never find that innocent black victim whose innocence can hold up under the light of day.

    The national media have embarrassed themselves yet again by grabbing some local police blotter incident and huffing and puffing it up into another narrative of America’s History of White Violence Against Black Bodies.

    When the media grabs hold of a Ferguson, Trayvon, Duke Lacrosse, Jena, or Tawana Brawley story they are not presenting it as an unusual Man Bites Dog story, but as a typical Another Rabid White Dog Bites Innocent Black Child story. In a country of 300 million, you’d think they’d be able to at least come up with stories that don’t self-destruct like this under skeptical scrutiny, but it doesn’t seem to work that way.

    Vaguely sensing that they’ve screwed up massively, the press is trying to spin the news as being about the insensitivity of the police releasing such inappropriate video.

    Sorry Field. This one is just another thug too.

  24. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Have you ever noticed how in election years, some local police blotter item that can be spun as supposedly proving a vast national crisis of white racist violence against innocent blacks seem to become the most important new event of the century for awhile? For example, in 2006 there was the Duke Lacrosse Case, in 2012 12-year old Trayvon Martin was wantonly gunned down by a white man from across the street, and in 2014 there’s Ferguson, MO, a place I have to admit to never having heard of before this month.

    It’s almost as if the national media and the Democratic Party naturally work together to try to boost black turnout in November by stoking racial hatred against whites.

  25. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Michael Brown may be some sort of "victim" but he certainly does not have "clean hands". He is not a "perfect victim". He is no Emmett Till. He is no Rosa Parks. Not even close.

    Why is the "black community" wasting the last little bit of precious capital it has left on this obvious THUG?

    The video showing Michael Brown robbing a store is devastating. The next time a black man is shot by the authorities (and there will be a next time) ... few people who matter (i.e., white people) will care.

    And don't say he didn't deserve to die over some cigarillos. I never said he did.

  26. Anonymous3:50 AM

    "Have you ever noticed how in election years, some local police blotter item that can be spun as supposedly proving a vast national crisis of white racist violence against innocent blacks seem to become the most important new event of the century for awhile"

    The L.A. Riots, of course, occurred in a presidential election year (1992), which saw a landslide Democratic victory.

    The James Byrd and Matthew Shepard cases happened in 1998. The GOP sustained major midterm electoral losses that year.

    I think I see a pattern.

  27. The White Victims are still here??? LOL

    There is no justification for shooting an unarmed teen with his hands up . That is the basic premise here.

    The cop should get some jail time, and hopefully thats exactly whats going to happen.

    Cue the incessant babble of White Perpetual Victims....

    Victims who have to constantly strengthen the narrative for why they have such a Blood Lust for murder...

  28. Here is a clip of Black Community Members Blocking Looters from Taking a Store

    Just like White People have criminal elements within their community so do Black People.

  29. Anonymous9:00 AM

    "The video showing Michael Brown robbing a store is devastating."

    The robbery lends credibility to the claim that Michael Brown hit the police officer and tried to take his gun.

    This is bigger than Michael Brown because it feeds the "stereotype" that most black males are "thugs".

    Question: Is it a stereotype if it's true?

    The "media" is not making Michael Brown look bad. Let's be clear, Michael Brown made HIMSELF (and by extension ALL black people, especially black men and boys) "look" bad.

    The "racists" are loving this video. Rush Limbaugh had a field day with this yesterday.

    The precious capital built up from the black Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s is taking its last desperate gasps.

  30. Anonymous9:28 AM

    The Valentine's Day Massacre has turned into The Everyday Massacre of Negroes. America's not so beautiful at the moment.

  31. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Blacks are making fools of themselves.... again.

    What an embarrassment for all these clowns, race hustlers, thugs and "civic leaders".

    Just gotta sit back & laugh.

  32. I need some troll spray. :)

    Extra strength.

  33. This is an "embarrassment" for America.

    We have laws in this country. Michael Brown has to follow them, and so does the officer who allegedly murdered him.

    Now go back to your room and stop sneaking out without taking your meds.

    I will call the asylum and tell them what u are up to if u don't stop.

  34. (in backgroound: Tracy Chapman singing "Across the Lines")

    Oh God, Field, they're keeping you busy here lately.

    I was wondering yesterday whether it was better to be a black man in 1955 or 2014. Why should I even have that thought?

    One of the differences is "police work." Heavy artillery, tasers, plus a gun-crazy, more violent than ever culture. The persistent stereotypes.

    Remember Engliand? Bobbies still don't carry guns there. I think.

  35. Anonymous10:10 AM

    If Michael Brown was still living: 1) he would be charged with robbing a store (he pushed the store clerk on his way out of the store in the video) and 2) punching a police officer and trying to take his gun (a felony). Certainly he would not be attending college. He would probably be on his way to prison.

    This is the person black America went bat shit crazy over this past week. smdh

  36. Anonymous10:10 AM


    Here is a clip of Black Community Members Blocking Looters from Taking a Store

    Just like White People have criminal elements within their community so do Black People.

    7:41 AM


    Yes - except that White people don't loot and march and try to intimidate and threaten in SUPPORT of the White criminal element.

    See the difference??


    Here is a clip of Black Community Members Blocking Looters from Taking a Store

    I agree, the owners were lucky to have the community to help protect them.

    A little sad the community picked a liquor store to protect. Not enough liquor stores in poor neighborhoods??

    And people wonder why poor neighborhoods are filled with liquor stores.

  38. Anonymous10:17 AM

    field negro said...

    This is an "embarrassment" for America.

    We have laws in this country. Michael Brown has to follow them, and so does the officer who allegedly murdered him.


    Noooo, apparently all the looting and burning and wanton destruction is to make it clear to whites that black men do NOT have to follow the laws.

    I am sure that the spin coming out of the mouths of black apologists will be Brown had the "right" to steal, (it wasn't "shoplifting" - nice try), the "right" to batter the store manager, the "right" to assault and threaten the officer, the "right" to burn down businesses who "snitch".

    Just like blacks today fail to grasp the concept that you don't have the right to instigate assault and battery and then end up dead when your victim is armed.

    Cue the violins because there will no no businesses left in Ferguson and it will be left a "food desert" or "dollar store desert" or whatever other nonsense they can dream up. Cause and effect is too much thinking for the average low IQ negro mind.

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Hands up don't shoot we're just here to burn and loot! No grape drank-No justice!

  39. Anonymous10:21 AM

    The "media" is not making Michael Brown look bad. Let's be clear, Michael Brown made HIMSELF (and by extension ALL black people, especially black men and boys) "look" bad.


    Michael Brown and his enabling "fambily" are making him look bad, including inviting Crumpster and Sharptongue to town.

    I guess that nice juicy paycheck for "civil rights violations" or whatever is the shakedown term of the day is looking less and less likely.

    I guess "distraught family members" only put "Job well done" on your tombstone when you've given them a big payday.

  40. Anonymous10:48 AM

    "I was wondering yesterday whether it was better to be a black man in 1955 or 2014. Why should I even have that thought?

    One of the differences is 'police work.' Heavy artillery, tasers, plus a gun-crazy, more violent than ever culture. The persistent stereotypes.

    Remember Engliand? Bobbies still don't carry guns there. I think."

    In the UK, your average beat cop does not carry a gun. This is only possible because the populace is largely disarmed. Handguns are banned. Long guns are limited.

    The NRA uses the slogan "If guns are outlawed, only the outlaws will have guns." This slogan is clearly bullshit, as proven by the example of the UK, where the outlaws mostly DON'T have guns. And because the outlaws aren't packing, the cops don't need to either.

    But here in the U.S., things couldn't be more different. I read somewhere that the United States has a gun for every single citizen -- more guns per capita than any other country in the world. We are the planet's gun capital. We are flooded with guns. Therefore, the cops very much are packing, and their level of armament increases annually. It would not surprise me if automatic weapons shortly become standard issue for the cops.

    The ultimate effect of cops carrying all this weaponry is more incidental civilian deaths. For every 100 cops with guns, there are probably at least a couple bad cops with guns, who are guaranteed to screw up occasionally and commit an unjustified killing. Because young black men interact with cops more than anybody else, the majority of those unjustified killings will be young black men.

    This bad situation is allowed to continue because a stubbornly backward and ignorant section of white America -- one well represented by the trolls on this blog -- really loves guns and doesn't particularly like black people.

  41. Anonymous @ 10:48: amen. Thanks for fleshing out my thoughts with facts.

    The latest horrific fact is that the military has GIVEN local police departments heavy armaments and artillery, millions of dollars worth. Recycling! And as we saw in Ferguson, what's on hand demands to be tried out on the citizenry. Otherwise it's just taking up space, right?


  42. Anonymous11:07 AM

    'We have laws in this country. Michael Brown has to follow them, and so does the officer who allegedly murdered him."

    Yes, thugs have rights too. The point is that most law abiding, "decent" people tend not to care if a thug has his rights violated. If Michael Brown had lived, he would be on his way to prison not college.

  43. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Anon said,
    In the UK, your average beat cop does not carry a gun. This is only possible because the populace is largely disarmed. Handguns are banned. Long guns are limited.

    You could always come and take them. Somehow I just don't see you on point in the process. You could also try to outlaw them. Compliance with the Conn. assault weapon law was judged to be only 10% at best. Here is a huge factoid about crime in Britain. It's minority driven, especially by Blacks, just like it is all over the world.
    This is what the rest of the US and world see. The weekend Chicago shit show box score is two confirmed dead overnight. There are also two probables with a dead woman found under a burning car and another dead woman found in a burning car. You can rest assured that Rahm and country will do their best to hide these homicides.
    BTW how many NRA members are involved in these shootings?


  44. Anonymous11:39 AM

    "Only 7 people showed up.

    Proving the war protests against bush was just political theater for the media."

    No. Proving that a handful of bombing raids isn't much of an engagement. And that the terrorist organization they're bombing isn't particularly sympathetic, either.

    If Obama decides to mount another invasion, with tens of thousands of troops back in country in Iraq (which is really unlikely), you can bet there will be protests out the wazoo.

  45. Anonymous11:45 AM

    "You could always come and take them. Somehow I just don't see you on point in the process."

    You don't know me. If there were a "Come And Take Them Brigade," I'd sign up.

    I'll only get your gun when I take it from your cold, dead hand? That sounds like an excellent plan.

  46. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Anon wrote,
    Cue the violins because there will no no businesses left in Ferguson and it will be left a "food desert" or "dollar store desert" or whatever other nonsense they can dream up. Cause and effect is too much thinking for the average low IQ negro mind

    Totally true. TNB will cause the majority of businesses to leave along with the White population and its tax base. The population will continue to decline and within 5 years you'll have another East St. Louis. It just shows the inability to sustain much less create a modern society. You'd think they would have learned by now?


  47. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Anon wrote,
    "You could always come and take them. Somehow I just don't see you on point in the process."

    You don't know me. If there were a "Come And Take Them Brigade," I'd sign up.

    I'll only get your gun when I take it from your cold, dead hand? That sounds like an excellent plan.

    Or like I tell everyone who preaches violence, it might not go the way you plan. Then again I might be looking at you through the Horus, dialed in, with a huge smile on my face.


  48. Anonymous12:25 PM

    kin' down the street
    We get the funniest looks from--
    Everyone we meet
    Hey hey were just monkeys
    Can't say we monkey around
    Cause we're too busy looting
    To put anybody down
    Hey hey we're just monkeys
    Never know where we'll be found
    So you better get ready
    We may be comin' to your town

  49. Jesus Christ12:55 PM

    anotherbozo said...
    (in backgroound: Tracy Chapman singing "Across the Lines")

    Is anyone really that fucking lame?

    Tracy Chapman?

    Jesus Christ, dude.

  50. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Meanwhile the non-existent knock out game continues to not exist:

    And those are just three recent examples from one city, there are certainly hundred’s of such stories not happening out there across the US.

    But they don’t fit the narrative the media and the Democrats are selling.

  51. Anonymous2:06 PM

    "This bad situation is allowed to continue because a stubbornly backward and ignorant section of white America -- one well represented by the trolls on this blog -- really loves guns and doesn't particularly like black people."

    10:48 AM
    I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment. Except, I would say that the 'majority' of White America doesn't particularly like Black people.

    There was a survey done several years ago which pretty much summed up White attitudes toward Blacks: They don't like Blacks and don't want to be around them. I kept that survey to remind me of the dis-eased nature of Americans.

    If anyone is interested, I will be glad to post it. However, I am sure everyone, both Black and White, already know this.

    American society and its biased justice system will always be an apathetic 'injustice' system for Blacks-- simply because of long standing historical 'emotional' prejudice against Blacks. No matter how many Civil Rights laws are passed, that 'won't' change the nature of hearts.

    It is an 'emotional' American reality that 'cannot' be changed through laws by the rational logical mind. It requires much more power than that.

  52. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Anon wrote,
    American society and its biased justice system will always be an apathetic 'injustice' system for Blacks-- simply because of long standing historical 'emotional' prejudice against Blacks. No matter how many Civil Rights laws are passed, that 'won't' change the nature of hearts.

    It is an 'emotional' American reality that 'cannot' be changed through laws by the rational logical mind. It requires much more power than that.

    Have you ever pondered that if Blacks learned how to act properly that they might be "liked" more? Every bit of sympathy that your people might have garnished went out the door with the riots. This incident may very well become the equivalent of the Duke rape case or the Tawana Brawley episode. Before you start whining about "dats be rayciss" I'd take a long hard look in the mirror.


  53. Anonymous2:48 PM

    "I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment. Except, I would say that the 'majority' of White America doesn't particularly like Black people."

    I realize it might feel that way. Yet just consider that Barack Obama was elected president six years ago with 40% of the white vote.

    Does this mean that we are in a post-racial era? No. Unfortunately, there are plenty of white bigots still around. They are pretty hard to miss, as some of them are very "out and proud" in their hatred. And they still have a very meaningful impact on the policies that hold black people back.

    But there are also a lot more open-minded white people than you think out there as well.

  54. GrannyStandingforTruth3:09 PM

    If Brown committed a crime, he was wrong and should have been allowed what all alleged suspects constitutional right is, which is due process of law. He should have been arrested, jailed, charged, and proven guilty or innocent in court. If found guilty, he should have been given a jail sentence or whatever the law states. However, he was denied that right by a person that was hired to uphold the law.

    No police officer has the right to play judge, jury, and executioner, which is a form of LYNCHING. That's one of the main problems. The other problem is that Darren Wilson shot Brown when he had his hands up to surrender told by more than one witness. Then Wilson proceeded to walk over and stand over him and shoot him again. No ambulance was called and a nurse on the scene was denied the right to perform CPR on him. That is not the type of person who needs to be on the force. He is no better than a common murderer because he broke the law. A law that he was hired to preserve.

    When did jaywalking and shoplifting warrant a death sentence? Yet, mass murderers are allowed due process of law.

  55. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Granny wrote,
    No police officer has the right to play judge, jury, and executioner, which is a form of LYNCHING. That's one of the main problems. The other problem is that Darren Wilson shot Brown when he had his hands up to surrender told by more than one witness. Then Wilson proceeded to walk over and stand over him and shoot him again

    BS. You have no way of knowing this. The star witness has an arrest record and has admitted that Brown was involved in a robbery. The story of a gentle giant is rapidly becoming a Duke rape case like fiasco. The ongoing riots are also making the stereotypes of TNB a real reality. It's much more likely that Brown did indeed attack the officer and was shot struggling for his gun. If Brown has contact wounds this chimpout charade is over. It's unbelievable that you people can be this stupid.


  56. GrannyStandingforTruth3:29 PM

    QLB, you should be the one to talk since you come here daily and spit out your hateful vile racism. You're no better than the "star witness".
    Why would anyone on here want to honor your word or credibility since it reeks with hate?

    Btw, the "star witness" wasn't the only one that gave that same account of what happened.

    From observation of a lot of your comments on here, you shouldn't ever call anyone stupid.

  57. GrannyStandingforTruth3:38 PM

    Btw, QLB, never DENIED or STATED anything about the SHOPLIFTING crime, which Wilson supposedly knew nothing about when he stopped Brown. Wilson claimed that he stopped him for walking in the middle of the street. That is what was stated as the cause for the encounter with Brown in the first place.

  58. Anonymous3:44 PM

    "But there are also a lot more open-minded white people than you think out there as well."

    2:48 PM
    Maybe so, but they sure a silent. And it's the silent ones that lends to being complicit with the vocal racists.

    MLK spoke to this before he was assassinated:

    “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”
    ― Martin Luther King Jr.

    That quote was back in the sixties. That quote holds true today, if not more.

    "IF", and I mean "IF" there are around 40% of Whites, who want a fair justice system, coupled with a police force that protects Blacks as well as Whites, these Whites remain 'silent' while the police and justice system issue injustices, and executions on bm.

    And I understand why Whites who might be sympathetic with Blacks remain silent: You are White and cannot even 'begin' to feel the pain of a group or race of people who are suffering because the system that is supportive to you but antagonistic to Blacks.

    That's the disturbing truth: Those in power don't feel the pain of those who are not.

    And why should Whites care anyway? Why would you want to give up your position in order to make a society where 'all men are created equal?'

    JFK in his famous speech indicted America's hypocrisy when he asked the question, 'Are we to say to the world that America is nation of free men and opportunity EXCEPT for Negroes?'(paraphrased)

    That speech, like MLK's quote, holds fast today in the year of our Lord, 2014.

  59. GrannyStandingforTruth3:44 PM

    correction *or stated that he did not commit a shoplifting crime.*

    The riots have nothing to do with August 9, 2014, which is the execution of Brown by a man in blue.

    So, don't try to sidetrack the issue with smoke mirrors for something that I'm sure those who committed that crime will be held accountable for and should be in my opinion.

  60. GrannyStandingforTruth3:48 PM

    Correction again, I meant "I".

  61. Anonymous3:55 PM

    It is amazing the number of Blacks on FN who dignify QLB with a reasoning response.

    It's always the same FN Negroes trying to outsmart or 'justify' the existence of the Black race to an unreasoning ignoramus like QLB.

    I am begging all of you to IGNORE QLB. The most effective position and most dignified position you can take is to NOT engage QLB.

    I continually ask "Why is it so hard for Blacks to not respond to the likes of QLB?" The answer is quite disturbing.

  62. Anonymous4:02 PM

    So, don't try to sidetrack the issue with smoke mirrors for something that I'm sure those who committed that crime will be held accountable for and should be in my opinion.

    3:44 PM
    What is the issue, and why are you trying to explain it to a racist to the core white person who only sees you and your race as a mistake by God, wants to see them decimated?

    Why are you trying to reason with QLB? Do you think that is an 'intelligent' or smart thing to do?


  63. Anonymous4:10 PM

    It wasn't shoplifting, it was forcible robbery.

  64. Interesting, QLB can get up to the minute crime information about Chicago but can't answer simple questions.
    Let's try again, QLB and QLB only! Do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?
    Simple enough for even you to answer or more shucking and jiving?

  65. Lilacpr20004:29 PM

    I cannot believe,just cannot believe the sheer stupidity of all of those officials in Missouri!!!

    Honestly, how do they survive??

    The only one that demonstrated a brain is the Captain Johnson, and they took the decisions out of his hands!!! O-M-G!

    Every single time they open their mouths they shit it. LOLOL!

    Wow! Wow,wow! It would be laughable if it weren't so horribly sad.

    and that Archie Bunker chief??? O-M-G- Unbelievable!!!

    Lord have mercy on Missouri!
    They don't have a &&*(^&% C-L-U-E!!!

    Unreal, absolutely unreal!!!

  66. Anonymous4:31 PM

    PX, thanks for your response re:QLB. You let those Negroes know you are not one of those cooperating Negroes who thinks QLB should not be dignified.

    You prove you like and respect folks like QLB. BTW, QLB doesn't think much of you or your people. Just saying, because you don't seem to know this.

    You display great restraint and intelligence. One thing for sure, you 'might' have gone to a college, but you are still an idiot.

  67. Anonymous4:41 PM

    "The one where the now deceased teenager is allegedly robbing a convenience store."

    The narrative is getting hard to maintain, is it not FN?

    "It is a playbook that we have seen before, and the last time that it was used it worked to perfection."

    Did Saint Trayvon of Skittles also have cigars?

    Things are going to get interesting.

  68. Robert4:42 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Correction again, I meant "I".

    You meant you?


  69. Quite a few pics of black men holding guns to protect their stores.

    If the democrats had their way, those men protecting their stores would have had sticks and stones and words to protect themselves from looters.

    Lucky for those men they didn't listen to the democrat propaganda.

  70. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Bill wrote,

    Quite a few pics of black men holding guns to protect their stores.

    If the democrats had their way, those men protecting their stores would have had sticks and stones and words to protect themselves from looters.

    Yep, Bill and just think what those Black store owners are going to have to pay for insurance after this little chimp out. I don't see those rates going down in any predominately Black community if this goes on much longer. All of this for a rush to judgement.


  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. I continually ask "Why is it so hard for Blacks to not respond to the likes of QLB?" The answer is quite disturbing.

    Perhaps the reason people here aren't inclined to listen to you is because you can't even dignifiy your presence here by selecting a username (Trolly). JS.

    That said, I decided a couple days ago to no longer resspond to ANYONE whose purpose here isn't in line with the goals of this blog. Plus, I'm on vacay until late August and have been for a couple days now. So, I've just got MUCH better things to do!


  73. PilotX said...

    You're right, gotta know the rules. When I got the cuffs slapped on a few years ago it was almost humorous because on the drive to the station the cop kept trying to scare me by informing me that since it was Friday evening the earliest I could get out would be Monday morning. I was thinking "trust me, you don't want that to happen". Anyhoo he seemed surprised when he got a call from my lawyer, my sister who is a pretty good one for the record, and actually put down the phone and asked why my lawyer was calling. Ha! i'm sitting in the station in cuffs getting my mug shot taken and you want to know why my lawyer was calling?

    How did your sister know you had been arrested?

    Simple enough question...

  74. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Yep kinky, just like Yingyang got that job tutoring medical students at $100 dollars an hour.


  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Anonymous5:35 PM

    "That said, I decided a couple days ago to no longer resspond to ANYONE whos purpose here isn't in line with the goals of this blog. Plus, I'm on vacay until late August and have been for a couple days now. So, I've just got MUCH better things to do!"

    Suggest folks ignore QLB and get attacked by Yisheng for an anonymous name. Bottom line: QLB is safe with Yisheng.

    You two should form a coveted alliance to fight and degrade the black race. You are quite a crazy racist duo against Blacks.

    Glad you are on vacation with better things to do than blog on FN. lol.

  77. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "Ya'll see governor 'I can't remember" got indicted?'"


    The list of Republican governors under investigation/indictment is getting nice and long. (See also: Christie, Walker, McDonnell, etc.)

    Republicans are all about law and order, except when they're breaking the law. Which is all the time.

    12:44 AM

    How long is the list of Republican governors that have been convicted?

    You have to be Dem. Rosemary Lehmberg drunk

    not to see this is another political persecution by Democrats.

  78. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Perhaps the reason people here aren't inclined to listen to you is because you can't even dignifiy your presence here by selecting a username (Trolly). JS.

    Dear Yisheng,

    Thanks for putting that Negro in her place.


  79. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Anon wrote,

    Dear Yisheng,

    Thanks for putting that Negro in her place.


    The problem is that 5:39 is not me. But you know what they say about imitation.
    In breaking news. the governor of Mo. has declared a curfew and state of emergency in Ferguson. Do you think he'll teach the rioters how to wear their pants and underwear?


  80. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I watched the news conference from Ferguson earlier today on MSNBC (yes, I am a glutton for punishment).

    Anyway a curfew was announced and I heard someone in the crowd say that the curfew was unfair because he (the person making the comment) had not had an opportunity to steal a big screen TV and a bottle of Mad Dog.....

  81. Limpbaugh7:06 PM

    Someone who is stopped for walking in the street wouldn't attack a cop and try to take his gun. But someone who just committed a robbery might. At first it looked like the cop was out looking to kill someone and lying to cover it up. Now it looks like the cop was reacting in an unexpected altercation with a violent criminal. If I were out protesting, I'd turn around and go home. If someone attacks a cop and it doesn't turn out well that isn't something to protest about.

  82. More shucking and jiving huh QLB? Can't answer yes or no? Do you have a college degree?

  83. More shucking and jiving huh pilotx?

    Can't answer a simple question?

    How did your sister know you had been arrested?

  84. QLB's boyfriend lending a hand. How cute.
    So how bout it Q? Do you have a college degree?

  85. Anonymous12:07 AM

    "Do you think he'll teach the rioters how to wear their pants and underwear?"

    Nah, dumb ass poor whites in MissourA like to go commando and toothless.
