Sunday, September 21, 2014

Are their hearts really into it?

I wouldn't blame President Obama if he was feeling a little nervous these days.

There have been two attempted break-ins into his home over the past few days.
That would make anybody nervous, but if you happen to be the first Negro president of these divided states of America, it's enough to make you think twice before you go anywhere near John Q Public.

I know that the President has Secret Service protections, but let's face it; I am not sure that their hearts are really into it. (I bet there are a lot of FOX viewers in their ranks.)

Anyway, the boys in the dark suits are being criticized once again for slipping on the job. And you have to wonder if this time their critics aren't on to something.

"Never before has an intruder on the grounds managed to enter the White House itself," said Ronald Kessler, author of a recent book that is very critical of the Secret Service. "The incident on Friday evening is the most shocking example yet of how dangerously lax the Secret Service has become, failing at its most basic job - to protect the president and first family in the White House."

Pretty much every Negro in America is thinking the same thing: This wouldn't be happening if the family occupying 1600 Pennsylvania, Avenue looked more like the Nelsons and less like the Huxtables. 

I can't blame Negroes for their angst and concerns. The hatred for this particular president runs deep.

"A Secret Service official told CBS News that the agency would look into all of the factors that prompted agents on the scene to decide against using force to prevent the man from entering the residence.

"They showed restraint," the official said. "But we're not happy with where he was arrested. That cannot happen."

I am sure the Obamas aren't happy, either. That man was in their house for crying out loud!

I know that they will be gone in a couple of years, but for now, it is still their house. And they, like every other American, should feel safe while they are there.



  1. FN said...
    Anyway, the boys in the dark suits are being criticized once again for slipping on the job. And you have to wonder if this time their critics aren't on to something.

    I wonder if the secret service are bitter about the way obama treated them just because they were caught drinking and with prostitutes.

    Or maybe it is just a act to get the street in front of the white house closed to both vehicles and pedestrians.
    Never have the optic of protestors in front of the white house again.

  2. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Here's a couple simple questions:

    1. Why wasn't the door locked?

    2. If not locked, why is a guard not posted at every entrance to the WH?

  3. StillaPanther210:55 PM

    Another performance to go along with the storyline that ISIS is at the "front door". Seeing that the Secret Service can"t say anything about their duties, we will never know; only the story that "the commander" wants us to know.
    I don't put nothing off the table seeing that every-time he be flappin', it is about "keeping you safe". I wish he could go with me to 7-11 to get my lotto ticket, if he wants to keep me "safe". Cause I can't even relate to some third world goons harming me now or in the future. And another thing, I am not afraid of a virus that been in Africa for 40 years and now wants to come to America to harm me.

  4. Anonymous11:08 PM

    I pray the President is not shot and remains safe for the remainder of his tenure.

    We don't need an attempted assassination of our President, esp at this time in America.

    It would weaken our nation greatly.The repercussions in America could be great.

    Of course, this is a country with enough lunatics who might try. I pray they won't succeed.

  5. Reminds me of Eddie Murphy's joke about the first blah president. Just think, you get death threats for just blogging so you know what time it is for B.


  6. If a non-citizen makes it across the border he gets to stay.

    Why didn't the man jumping the white house border fence not get to stay?

    Not all fence jumpers equal?

  7. Mistakes happen. Can't condemn the service for these attempts by crazy people.

    Also I've started reading Kessler's book and will look out for signs of bias in the last few years

  8. Get rid of those overrated dogs that can't tell good guys from bad guys. Then get 4 good Rat Terriers (Roosevelt favorite breed) and turn them loose on the property.

    They'll let you know when someone straddles that fence, and if you aren't there to get them when they drop down on the White House lawn, the Terriers will handle them until you can get there. - Fence scaling problem solved.

  9. Bill, they are not created equal. The folks crossing the border are not a threat to your president. They just want jobs so that they can feed their families.

  10. Anonymous3:59 PM

    This must be a hoax. They allow two men to jump the fence, run around in the lawn to the door without shooting them down? Yet the black lady that backs her car gets shot and killed?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. "If a non-citizen makes it across the border he gets to stay. Why didn't the man jumping the white house border fence not get to stay?

    Not all fence jumpers equal?"

    Bill, are you really as stupid as you pretend to be?

    Does any part of your sentient being see the flaw in your logic there?

  13. Anonymous4:43 PM

    "Does any part of your sentient being see the flaw in your logic there?"

    Bill is a conservative, they don't believe in logic or global warming.

  14. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Anonymous said...
    This must be a hoax. They allow two men to jump the fence, run around in the lawn to the door without shooting them down? Yet the black lady that backs her car gets shot and killed?

    3:59 PM
    There is good logic and rationale for shooting the black lady:

    She's Black.

    There's good logic and rationale for NOT shooting the fence jumpers, whether they end up in the WH or not:

    They're White.

    IF, and only If, the President were White would those two fence jumpers would have been shot, or a least beaten to a pulp.

    However, the President is Black. There is a different standard for a Black President. No White person will ever get shot for entering the WH illegally. That's because of White Privilege. Whites are valued more than Blacks regardless of the status or position of Blacks.


  15. field negro said...

    Bill, they are not created equal.

    You don't have to take every thing I say so serious.
    Sometimes it is just to goad PurpleCow into replying.

    But when it comes to defending dems, I understand why you jump.

  16. Hmmmm@ what Anon@3:59 said.

  17. Bill, when are u and your flat -earth buddies going to have a march?

  18. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Field, I can't believe you called Bill and his friends "flat-asses".

    As you age over 50 years(that's half a century) you become more and more risque.

    And, you don't seem to give a damn either. You might have hurt poor Bill's feelings.

    You really ought to try to be 'kinder' to Bill. He really doesn't deserve what you are dishing out to him.

  19. Bill is a F'n retard6:17 PM

    "You don't have to take every thing I say so serious.
    Sometimes it is just to goad PurpleCow into replying."

    Everything you post is stupid so we have no way of telling.

  20. " (I bet there are a lot of FOX viewers in their ranks.)"

    I should hope so. The only ones going around shooting presidents are you leftists.

    The only place you will find the truth about the left is Fox News,

  21. Anonymous6:31 PM

    "The only place you will find the truth about the left is Fox News"

    No wonder Kinky is so stoopid, he actually watches Fox. That explains a lot.


  22. field negro said...
    Bill, when are u and your flat -earth buddies going to have a march?

    I loved marching band when I was younger.

    Did the Hollywood Christmas parade many times.

    My comment about the climate change people leaving trash behind bothered you?

  23. Anonymous6:54 PM

    "Obama doing what bush dreamed of."

    Doing with the full support of those who once criticized Bush. Like FN.

  24. Anonymous8:30 PM

    I think you misinterpret the overt contempt for Obama as "hatred". Two very different emotions.

    Obama is prezzydent of the Progressive states. Period.

    There are still many media outlets who have never referred to him as "President Obama", simply "Obama".

    Blacks may have gotten what they wanted - a charming Grifter who scammed his way into the WH as the ultimate Affirmative Action Candidate, but what they didn't get was any respect from the non-Progressive majority.

  25. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Anon @ 5:14 said,
    " Whites are valued more than Blacks regardless of the status or position of Blacks.".

    No, it's not that "whites are valued more than blacks", it's just that there are two different scales.

    Blacks will never have any placement on the white/asian scale of achievement, advancement, respect, etc.

    How blacks stack up in your own little black bougie pecking order is up to y'all.

    But it doesn't matter to whites/asians what school you got into, which nice decent paying job you Affirmative Action you managed to grift, what car you drive, what "nice" white neighborhood you've moved in to in some desperate and pathetic attempt to "validate" yourself.

    You're black. Whites and asians don't care. Your credentials, your job, the material possessions you acquire in the hopes of acquiring "status" mean nothing - because you are black, and ergo, it is implicitly known you didn't earn any of it on merit or ability.

    But in your own little melanin rich fishpond, I'm sure it's a big deal.


  26. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I pray the President is not shot and remains safe for the remainder of his tenure.

    We don't need an attempted assassination of our President, esp at this time in America.


    Hey, I'm with you 150%.

    Dear Gawd, can you imagine a "President Biden" ??? Yikes! Biden was the best insurance policy for hisself the narcissist known as "Obama" for marketing purposes could have ever given hisself.

    And, yes, I hope the first Gay Pretendident isn't assassinated while in office. The horror the rest of us would have to endure with the inevitable martyrization of a worthless sack of skin.

    Nope, I, too, fervently hope he leaves the WH safe and whole, so he and the First Tranny can crawl back to whatever ghetto they've deemed as their base of operations for the phase II post WH grifting scam.

  27. Anon@8:39, stop drinking so much moonshine before you post on the Internet. You really make yourself look stupid when you do.

    Does your family know what you do with your free time?
    A hobby would be nice.

    May I suggest reading?


  28. field negro said...
    A hobby would be nice.

    May I suggest reading?

    May I suggest gun cleaning.

  29. Anonymous11:57 PM

    "You're black. Whites and asians don't care. Your credentials, your job, the material possessions you acquire in the hopes of acquiring "status" mean nothing - because you are black, and ergo, it is implicitly known you didn't earn any of it on merit or ability.

    But in your own little melanin rich fishpond, I'm sure it's a big deal."

    Wow, just another jealous white guy who doesn't have an education and lives in a trailer. Sad you have to dismiss the success of others. Oh well, keep screwing your sister and we'll keep our degrees from prestigious universities and our large salaries.

  30. Hillbilly English12:51 AM

    "You're black. Whites and asians don't care. Your credentials, your job, the material possessions you acquire in the hopes of acquiring "status" mean nothing - because you are black, and ergo, it is implicitly known you didn't earn any of it on merit or ability.

    But in your own little melanin rich fishpond, I'm sure it's a big deal."

    let me translate from hillbilly to English, this guy is a loser who can't stand the fact that ni@@ers have more money, education and teeth than he does so he writes stupid shit on blogs to feel better about himself. Sad but it's either that or get drunk on moonshine and screw his mother again.

  31. Well yes, there is that.

  32. Anonymous6:43 PM

    My thoughts are that there should be a general tightening of security there.

    Supposedly there are dogs also and they were not brought out either.
