Saturday, September 20, 2014


Uniformed Secret Service officers walk along the lawn on the North side of the White House in Washington, Saturday, Sept. 20, 2014.

Please give me a caption for this pic.

For example:

Keep looking. The president said he chipped it with a 9 -iron out here somewhere.


  1. Anonymous8:12 PM

    "Don't you wish we didn't have to wear these high waisted dress pants and wrinkly long sleeved white shirts?"

  2. "Affirmative Action security is a bad idea"

  3. Wesley R10:36 PM

    If it where Affirmative Action hires they would be all be mostly White Females.

    Looks like Florida States dumb QB is going to cost them the #1 ranking.

  4. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Hey, Joe, you have that poop bag.?I just found a pile...

  5. No terrorist gophers over here, all I'm finding are centrist earthworms...

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Anyone see Barrys grill? He said he dropped it here somewhere when he tripped because he was saggin.

  7. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Winston @ Florida State is giving me Negro fatigue and I'm Black. He has GOT to be the dumbest Negro not only on the planet, but in the universe. There is something wrong with that dude.

  8. I give up, it's too hard protecting the first blah president. I might come back in 2017 when we get back to electing white guys.

  9. Doug, Anon@11:31, and Pilot, those were pretty good

    Wesley, I don't what it will take for this young man to wake up. He is blowing a wonderful opportunity for himself.

    I know when u are in college u are supposed to have fun, but he has to remember who he is and what he represents.

  10. Lilac9:10 AM

    Quite frankly I don't think Shonda Rhimes said enough about that Times article!

    It's amazing to see something like that in this day and age!

    But of course she CAN'T express/get too upset about it because then they'll say "oh you see, we were right, what an angry black woman"

    I mean really!!! X(


  11. "Since the very beginning of the administration, the President and vice president have made it a top priority to end sexual assault. Today, one in five women is sexually assaulted while in college," senior Obama officials told reporters on a conference call.

    In the 6 years that the obama presidency has made stopping sexual assaults on college campuses a top priority, has the number of sexual assaults gone up or down?

    Campus Rape Reports Are Up, And Assaults Aren't The Only Reason
    The number of "forcible rapes" that get reported at four-year colleges increased 49 percent between 2008 and 2012. That's the finding of an analysis by NPR's Investigative Unit of data from the Department of Education.

    If the 1-5 number obama keeps pushing is true, what does that say about parents that send their innocent daughters to liberal run rape factories?

  12. #Indict McCain 4 ISIS!!

    Arrest McCain 4 ISIS!!

    This is now the key to the entire situation.. To stop this war in the middle east. Which is obviously planned.

    To knock the entire "WAR" party on the defensive...

    To disrupt them to harrass them... to expose them...

    To prevent them from undertaking more lunatic war-monger actions visa vie Ukraine ..and prevent the forces Genocidal Austerity from overtaking the Senate.

    You must attack McCain along with Lindsey Graham who is on TV almost everyday.

    They are the face of the WAR Party Repubs.

    Arrest McCain 4 ISIS!!

    He is pictured in photos with
    Ibrahim al-Badri
    (aka Al-Baghdadi of ISIS, aka Caliph Ibrahim of the recently founded Islamic Empire)


    You must attack McCain along with Lindsey Graham who is on TV almost everyday.

    No mention of warmonger/profiteer dianne feinstein?

    Except for the democrat label, what is the difference between warmongers?

  14. Focus ......Bill Focus.....

    You just luv splitting the penny down political Football lines...

    Only problem with that Bill is Feinstein didn't go to Syria with a security team to meet with former FSA members who are now wanted terrorists..

    but her calls for War Mongering didnt go un noticed... Shes just not in the fore front like McCain and Grahm are..

    wouldnt you agree??

    Now that we have come to an agreement of sorts... Are you going to Re- Tweet that??


    but her calls for War Mongering didnt go un noticed... Shes just not in the fore front like McCain and Grahm are..

    wouldnt you agree??


    Her not being in the forefront is more about the image the liberal media wants to portray.

    She votes Pro-war.

    That is a fact the media can;t hide.

  16. ctrl+halt+del1:54 PM

    "Cheer up guys, it could happen to anybody."

    "Wow, it could have been worse."

    "Yeah you're right. It could have been the Palin clan. "

  17. "She votes Pro-war."

    Easy there Bill.. One corrupt politico at a time. We are talking about McCain here..

    Stop shifting Focus to blame hypocrisy cause you know I call em out on both sides...

    Ill get Field involved... Let me slap it on his twitter Feed ...BRB

  18. Bill is a F'n retard5:09 PM

    "Imagine the 24/7 media outrage if women at faux news were being assaulted 1 out of 5. Or the nra. Or the tea party."

    Imagine if Bill got any dumber if that is even possible. How can a person so dumb even breathe on his own? Dear god, this guy needs an intervention.

  19. Bill is a F'n retard5:11 PM

    "what does that say about parents that send their innocent daughters to liberal run rape factories?"

    You don't have to worry because dumbasses like you don't attend college so why do you care?

  20. Anonymous5:50 PM

    I totally have "Bill fatigue" on FN. That guy offers nothing in the way of soultions....just point out the opposite. Anyone can do that. Unfortunately, it goes no where..just a merry-go-round.

    Yep, I'm real tired of Bill.

  21. StillaPanther26:09 PM

    Brother Winston is who he is because last night 83,000 people came to a football game paying on the average of $265.00 to see these spoiled and pamper young Black men do what they were made/produced in America plantation system, Now to stop all the talk about "they are getting an education" Last night if the state school Florida State had 80 scholarship that would have been about 2,ooo,ooo dollars for the year. NOW multiply $23,ooo,ooo income from tic sales by 10 games. That would mean somebody is getting a hell of a lot of millions from the unpaid workers. Sounds like a system we have seen in the good and decent USA.

    As a side bar- why send soldiers to Africa to present your "humanitarian acts"? I am tire of my president giving speeches and use the words "commander in chief". He never was in the Boys Scouts so his abilities to command only comes from the office of US President. There is no need to keep reminding people in every speech- unless there is some inner fears.

    The media did not say if the president was even in the office. I am someone who has seen the government embellish and lie about situation. One such big lie was the death rate during Vietnam War. We got the newspapers from family that would send us the news from the "real world". The US news papers would be about a month old and they would have articles about the number of Americans killed during a specific week. As a Dustoff medics we keep records of our missions and I would look at the record and see that during the first week of June 1969, I- as a medic-recovered 15 dead GI from the field and the newspapers from the US would always lie to the public and grossly understate the real killed-in-action.

    Now back to Brother Winston. Sorry I got waylaid but it becoming tough to see all the bull that going on in the land of m.. anyway The spoiled Winston bring an astronomical amount of money to the system. You let your cash cow moo where he wants to.

  22. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Is my shirt tucked it?

  23. isis, isil, isol...however folk choose to call 'em are doing precisely what they have been set up/armed/funded to do.

    speaking of rape, it is very outdated to only think of women/girls when that word is heard.

    there is a little sumthin' sumthin' going down that folk are not paying enough attention to...

    rape culture is here and e'erbody gets some. folk treating women like men and men like women...

    BIB there will be no arrests of these folk. they are on the freedom train which puts them decidedly above the law. the only thing that gets 'em tossed off the freedom train (think jfk) is when they cease to obey and implement orders. (think jfk, senator wellstone, ron brown and others) THIS is why BO STAYS on his job...

    as it relates to this post, those gentlemen are probably wishing they had a MIB mind bloop/eraser to UNsee some of the goings on that don't make the news:) lol!

    blessings all!

  24. StillaPaanther28:15 PM

    The intruder to White House was a vet. After so many deployments these veterans may have a lot of psychological issues. Just like all wars- man is not designed to kill people only because someone else "think" they are in danger' This current fiasco, the "commander-in-chief" has only change his tired verbiage- stating that somebody "Said" they were going to get the US. I guess the Jews can save all there weapons as my president carry the water once again for the Zionist state.

    Back to Brother Winston. I read all the mess he has been in in such a short time (2years) that I would not have him washing the jockey strap. He is flaunting his perceived value by boldly orchestrating his antics on national TV on the sidelines during the prime-time TV game.

    The previous comments about cash was just ballpark. The message was about how this system is mad money.

  25. Anonymous8:23 PM

    "The President said he shanked the ball over here somewhere."

  26. Poor guy can't get a tee time at a decent club and he is the president.

    Just imagine what us.other Negroes do.
