Monday, September 29, 2014

Bad company?

So now we are finding out that this story of the intruder breaking into the White House is even more serious than we first thought.

It turns out that the dude was only a "half- flight" from the Obama's living space. (The East Room)

Think about that for a minute......

Not only was he a trained veteran, he was armed with a knife as well.(A fact that the U.S. Secret Service first denied. )  And, to make matters worse, he had some serious mental issues.

To say that the Secret Service has some explaining to do is an understatement.

I am not sure that I can blame some of you Negroes for theorizing that this was some elaborate plot to take out America's first  second black president by his enemies.

Even if the alleged book thrashing Obama by a former Secret Service agent is a hoax, it was a believable hoax because some of us believe that it's not such a stretch to think that many of these current Secret Service agents are not feeling the love for the black president.

"Every day the Secret Service is challenged to ensure security at the White House complex while still allowing public accessibility to a national historical site," the agency said in a statement.

"Although last night the officers showed tremendous restraint and discipline in dealing with this subject, the location of Gonzalez's arrest is not acceptable."

Gee, ya think?

I can hear dude now: Hellooo, is anybody home? Mr. President, it's me, Omar, I have something to tell you.

Seriously, the agency charged with protecting America's leader has some work to do. I know that the Obama haters and FOX VIEWS crowd don't care about it right now, but I hope that they remember that this president only has a couple of years left as president, and that the next family who occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (not 1400, Sarah) could possibly come from their ideological camp.    



  1. Anonymous9:38 PM

    It sucks. But Gonazales was a shitbird as a soldier. He was a specialist with 14 years time in service. I was his section leader.

    Hope you're doing well, Field.

  2. Anonymous9:54 PM

    First time poster. The uniformed division of the secret service, not the trench coat wearing dudes, is the branch of the secret service responsible for guarding the White House. Page 3 of the 2013 annual report of the ss has a picture of Kevin S Simpson, the chief of the uniformed division. If there were a plot of the sort you describe one assumes Mr. Simpson would either have to be in on it or failing to root it out.

  3. In a nation of cowards, why does dear leader need the Secret Service?

    Maybe Obama should fire the service and hire the Nation of Islam.

    NOI has a good track record of protecting their own.

  4. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Re: Beheading in Oklahoma, Melissa Harris in denial:

  5. Beheading? What beheading? I haven't seen a fn post about it.

  6. Anonymous10:47 PM

    I agree with señor kinky, hire the FOI... they keep calling him a muslim anyway, and those brothers will surely handle any business that comes their way.

  7. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Blogger señor kinky said...
    Beheading? What beheading? I haven't seen a fn post about it.

    10:38 PM


    Are you shitting me? How could Field and company NOT talk about the Muslim beheading of a poor woman in Oklahoma?

    I don't believe you. Field would never ignore something like that. He is an open and much better reporter than that.

  8. Anonymous10:56 PM

    I wonder about Islam. Why does it encourage beheadings? No other religion has people going around beheading people.

  9. Anonymous11:16 PM

    "Even if the alleged book thrashing Obama by a former Secret Service agent is a hoax, it was a believable hoax because some of us believe that it's not such a stretch to think that many of these current Secret Service agents are not feeling the love for the black president."

    Is this book available? I can't find it.

  10. Anonymous11:20 PM

    "Although last night the officers showed tremendous restraint and discipline in dealing with this subject, the location of Gonzalez's arrest is not acceptable."

    Amazing! All across America cops show NO restraint and NO reservations in shooting bm, but at the WH the secret service show unbelievable restraint for Gonzalez.

    Now, why is that?

  11. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Because Gonzalez is hispanic?

    And hispanic is the new white?

  12. Anonymous12:44 AM

    thank you anon11:30p, you have a sound mind. that's why Zimmerman will always remain untouchable...he is most definitely White.

    I am so glad there are some honest straight talking people like anon.

  13. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Like Zeimmerman Gonzalez is untouchable. Their is a new group of 'untouchables' in America.

  14. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Yes, it was politically correct. Nevertheless, it would have been a lot easier if Gonzalez were Black because there is no such thing as pc when it comes to a bm.

    Bill, even a Conservative like you must agree if you are honest.

  15. you nailed it years ago, these folks have a serious case of ODS. The guy I just flew with felt comfortable enough to discuss his "dislike' for our president on the van ride into Denver from the airport. We all know what time it is. These guys were talking about where they should move, my flying partner suggested Panama. This is nothing new to us, I'm sure the discussions about the end of America as we know it was the same conversation about the end of baseball as we knew it when Jackie Robinson entered the league. C'mon folks, we've survived slavery, a civil war, several other foreign wars and a terrorist attack I'm pretty sure the nation will survive a ni@@er president.
    On another note speaking of Jackie Robinson I saw the kids from the JR West Little League team on Friday in the airport. Just as cool if anyone is in the Pittsburgh airport check out the Tuskegee Airmen exhibit near gate A6, very cool.

  16. "I wonder about Islam. Why does it encourage beheadings? No other religion has people going around beheading people."

    You don't have much of a sense of history, do you son?

  17. "Are you shitting me? How could Field and company NOT talk about the Muslim beheading of a poor woman in Oklahoma?"

    If Field listed every violent crime committed by christians in America he would need a thousand blogs.

  18. Anonymous5:34 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "I wonder about Islam. Why does it encourage beheadings? No other religion has people going around beheading people."

    You don't have much of a sense of history, do you son?

    Poppa Douche; what other religion has people going around beheading people? Focus on the words.....

  19. See what PC said at 3:22. So true.

    Anon@11:20, I think we both know why.

    Hint: It ain't because he is from Hawaii. :)

  20. Anonymous7:20 AM

    field negro said...

    See what PC said at 3:22. So true.

    Anon@11:20, I think we both know why.

    Hint: It ain't because he is from Hawaii. :)

    Has your eternal victimization made you dense and paranoid? Yes it has.

    It's because no one wants a bloody photo on the white house lawn. Not because Obama is Black you silly minded man.

    Do you ever get embarrassed that you think like a child?

  21. Anonymous7:23 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "Are you shitting me? How could Field and company NOT talk about the Muslim beheading of a poor woman in Oklahoma?"

    If Field listed every violent crime committed by christians in America he would need a thousand blogs.

    Disengenious straw argument. No one said anything about listing every single crime committed by a Christian or a Muslim. This was the 2nd beheading committed in the name of Islam on U.S soil.

    If you equate a beheading conducted by the practitioner of a religion where this is normal, vs modern day Christianity.

    You deserve to live in the shithole that Britain has become due to Asian immigration.

    Salami Lickem.

  22. "Disengenious straw argument."


    (What is a straw argument, btw?)


    " No one said anything about listing every single crime committed by a Christian or a Muslim."


    I did.


    "This was the 2nd beheading committed in the name of Islam on U.S soil. "

    How do you know?


    'If you equate a beheading conducted by the practitioner of a religion where this is normal, vs modern day Christianity."

    So let me get this straight, Muslims who murder people do it because they are muslims, but when christians murder people they do it because they are not very nice.

    Is that seriously your argument, dufus?


    "You deserve to live in the shithole that Britain has become due to Asian immigration. "

    I would rather live in a country with a million Asians than live with one fascist, sleaze ball cunt such as yourself.

    Now why don't you run along and go back to masturbating over pictures of KKK lynchings. There's a good little boy.

  23. Anonymous9:55 AM

    "This was the 2nd beheading committed in the name of Islam on U.S soil."

    No, it wasn't. In the first place, there's no reason to believe that the killing in Oklahoma was really done in the name of Islam at all. This was an act by an insane person in reaction to his having been fired from his job. He had a significant criminal history and both Christian and Muslim tattoos all over his body. He is a garden variety wackadoo, not some kind of jihadi.

    In the second place, this was not the second beheading. There was no first beheading, despite what wingnut garbage media are reporting. The earlier incident was merely a death threat, which was never carried out.

    Why are people threatening and carrying out beheadings, ISIS-style? Because some of our fellow citizens are completely bonkers! Horrific news events frequently inspire copycat activity by mentally disturbed individuals.

  24. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...
    "Are you shitting me? How could Field and company NOT talk about the Muslim beheading of a poor woman in Oklahoma?"

    If Field listed every violent crime committed by christians in America he would need a thousand blogs.

    3:22 AM

    PC, you missed the entire point. Gosh, you are stupid.


  25. The Purple Cow said...
    If Field listed every violent crime committed by christians in America he would need a thousand blogs.

    I'll call your bluff.

    List only 2 violent crimes in the past year committed by christians that were yelling "praise jesus" as they were committing the crime.

    My prediction...

    You will fail to produce even one example.

    Prove me right PurpleCow.

  26. Anonymous11:33 AM

    "Obama knows what to do. And that's the worse part."

    And Republicans know what to do to stop him. And they're doing it. That's the actual worst part.

  27. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Jew nedia owns tbe news
    When u think of isis u picture a brown man
    Darker man has been blamed on a hoax beheadjng
    Blacks here will start to believe isis=brown man must be overthrown.
    Whites will believe dark nen as isis kill them all.
    Kilking of black men justified.
    The beheader is married to a white woman.
    He's a mole.
    Jew run tell lie vision has done its job.

  28. "I'll call your bluff.

    List only 2 violent crimes in the past year committed by christians that were yelling "praise jesus" as they were committing the crime."

    But that doesn't "call my bluff" at all does it? You fucking dimwit.

    My point was, and remains, that cunts like you presume every single crime committed by a Muslim is because of their religion. Whereas you do not apply the same rule to crimes committed by christianists.

    As an aside, it baffles me that you far-Right types are so down on Islamic fundamentalists - after all their world view and yours is almost identical.

    1. They hate atheists.

    2. They hate socialists.

    3. They are opposed to abortion under any circumstances.

    4. They are creationists.*

    5. They believe women should dress modestly.

    6. They are very enthusiastic about the death penalty.

    7. They are homophobic.

    8. They are opposed to the separation of religion and state.

    9. Multiculturalism - Islamists oppose it - and so do you.

    10 Women's rights, they have every few in Islamic states, and very few in conservative christian communities.

    That's just ten off the top of my head, basically we can see that Bill, QBL and Kinky, and ISIS is a match made in heaven.

    *Christian fundamentalists believe the world is 7000 years old, Islamic fundamentalists say 6000 years. But that's just splitting hairs.

  29. 11. They believe religious values should be taught in schools.

  30. Anonymous12:13 PM

    But we believe in religious values everyday. On American currency its printed in God we Trust.


  31. The Purple Cow said...
    But that doesn't "call my bluff" at all does it? You fucking dimwit.

    Just as I predicted.

    You failed to provide even one example.

    My point was, and remains, that cunts like you presume every single crime committed by a Muslim is because of their religion. Whereas you do not apply the same rule to crimes committed by christianists.

    Which is why I asked for christian crimes committed when "praising jesus."

    And you failed to provide one example.

  32. Anonymous1:27 PM

    The murders of abortion doc John
    "Just as I predicted.

    You failed to provide even one example."

    Here are just a few examples, which aren't hard to find, if you actually give a shit:

    Britton and his bodyguard by Christian terrorist Paul Jennings Hill.

    The murder of abortion doc Barnett Slepian by Christian terrorist James Charles Kopp.

    The murder of abortion doc George Tiller by Christian terrorist Shelly Shannon.

    The murder of two and shooting of 7 others at Knoxville Universalist Church by Christian terrorist Jim David Adkisson. (He considered their church not Christian enough for him.)

    The murder of an abortion clinic guard, and bombings of other clinics and gay bars by Christian terrorist Eric Rudolph. He also set off a bomb at the '96 Summer Olympics, apparently just for the hell of it, killing one and injuring 111.

    So there you go. Plenty of death and mayhem while praising Allah, er, I mean Jesus.

  33. Anonymous1:28 PM

    That first one should read:

    "The murder of abortion doc Britton and his bodyguard by Christian terrorist Paul Jennings Hill."

  34. Anonymous1:46 PM

    notice dumbass had to add "while yelling praise Jesus". Nice way of moving the goalposts. No wonder conservatives are so stupid, they believe their own bullshit.

  35. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Now, Laura Ingraham is blaming the whole White House break-in episode on "diversity." Obama foolishly hired a female Secret Service agent and it's all her fault.

    Bitches, man ... bitches.

  36. "I know that the Obama haters and FOX VIEWS crowd don't care about it right now,"

    That's because they know the only ones who go around shooting/killing presidents are leftists.

    And since Obama and the left has divided and inflamed this country beyond repair, it is only natural for chickens to come home.

  37. Anonymous@1:46pm, just two examples.

    Don't cry.

    Anonymous 2:06 PM.

    "The female officer posted inside the front door appeared to be delayed in learning that the intruder, Omar Gonzalez, was about to burst through. Officers are trained that, upon learning of an intruder on the grounds, often through the alarm boxes posted around the property, they must immediately lock the front door." WAPO

    But it's not her fault. Right dumb ass?

  38. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Dear Bill, why do you even bother to converse with PC? He is irrational, filthy and displays angry low self-worth. He is definitely from the UK hood...nothing sophisticated or educated about him. In fact, he is a bit of a psycho.

  39. Since he wasn't black or a women I guess shooting him was not an option.

  40. "As an aside, it baffles me that you far-Right types are so down on Islamic fundamentalists - after all their world view and yours is almost identical."-Purple Cow

    Which is odd since leftists cunts like pc are the ones who downplay, cover up and defend Muslim terrorists and crimes committed by Muslims.

    These same leftists cunts become orgasmic whenever they can link a crime or act of terror to a Christian.

    So, leftists cunts, why don't you treat Muslims and Christians equally?

  41. Anonymous2:54 PM

    So let me get this straight, Muslims who murder people do it because they are muslims, but when christians murder people they do it because they are not very nice.

    Is that seriously your argument, dufus?

    Good Lord, you're lame. You think and have the IQ of a Negro.

    I won't waste my time on the rest of your ghetto nasty outburst, as if name calling and cursing could make a point your lowbrow Negro intellect could not.

    Summation: You are a Negro .

  42. This new revelation about the intruders is just a way of sending covert messages ..

    The message is...

    Do Not deviate from the plans to


    We might let a crazy or two walk right into your house...

    The people supporting this latest mission are reminiscent of the same argument being made in 2011 in Libya which helped create the rebels we are bombing right now....

    We CANNOT continue to be the World's Police... Were are on course to surpass Vietnam...

    Stillapanther I know you can probably remember the disdain Muhammad Ali got for REFUSING to be drafted for that one... History now shows he was right .... Same premise here... Enact the draft and watch this conflict get resolved....QUICKLY.....

  43. Anonymous3:08 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    11. They believe religious values should be taught in schools.

    Muslims believe religious values are the core of life and that you are not human, you are less than a slave.

    You prove them right.

  44. Anonymous4:06 PM

    ""The female officer posted inside the front door appeared to be delayed in learning that the intruder, Omar Gonzalez, was about to burst through. Officers are trained that, upon learning of an intruder on the grounds, often through the alarm boxes posted around the property, they must immediately lock the front door." WAPO

    But it's not her fault. Right dumb ass?"

    The alarm box was somehow turned off. So ... no, probably not her fault.

    But even if it had been her fault, that still would have no connection to her gender. Men are equally capable of fucking up.

  45. Anonymous4:46 PM

    "Which is odd since leftists cunts like pc are the ones who downplay, cover up and defend Muslim terrorists and crimes committed by Muslims."

    No, what's odd is that conservatives seem not to be able to tell the difference between violent people who happen practice Islam, and people who commit violence in the name of Islam. They are not actually the same thing, no matter how much you lie and say they are.

  46. The wingnut troll is trolling with his FOX VIEWS talking points on my blog and it asks if I ever get embarrassed.

    Ok then. *tips slowly away*

  47. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Well I can't say I blame that security them for being confused!

    I said it right here months ago when the woman who did not stop her car was shot to death!


    BUT, as I remember it, I even caught flack for my opinion 'cos everyone was up in arms about how "oh my God' they shot an innocent (though mentally unstable) woman"

    So now, they err on the side of caution and see what happens? President was in danger because no one knows what that guy had in mind.

    You you just can't!

    Me, I say shoot and ask questions later, but that's just me ;*D

  48. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Desert, you are so cold. No wonder you and Kinky hit it off so well.

    Here's the thing: If the person is Black, then shooting them is ok. However, if they are non-Black, then it just isn't pc to shoot them when the Secret Service can stop them w/o firing a shot.

    And, they did!

  49. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Desert, you are so cold. No wonder you and Kinky hit it off so well.
    7:23 PM
    I know, right ! (evil grin) ;*D


    He's on the side of wrong, and I'm on the side of right! :)))))

  50. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Well, here's something for everybody: There was an armed contractor with a criminal record on the same elevator with President Obama. Can you believe it?!

    It's true. I hope the President has 9 lives because he is in constant danger. I really would like to see him finish out his tenure as President.

  51. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Y'know what? Anyone who uses the word c*nt (or any other word meaning the same thing) as a serious insult owes their mama an apology, regardless of how crappy or wonderful she was/is. After all, if she didn't have one, you wouldn't be here.

    Nice to see the Asshat Platoon is still vigorous (NOT).


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