Tuesday, September 30, 2014

"Safe House."

OK, here is a little suggestion for the president of these divided states of America: For the next few weeks, get a few Secret Service agents you can trust. (I am thinking of the black ones with some experience.) Put them in a room with you, and don't come out until we get this protection thing right.

In case you didn't notice, you are not safe.

"The Secret Service’s bad week continues, with Washington Post reporter Carol Leonnig (who’s been all over this all week) revealing another crazy Secret Service flub: an armed man with a criminal record was allowed to ride an elevator with the President of the United States.

Yes, mere weeks ago, President Obama was in Atlanta, visiting the CDC to discuss how the U.S. is combating ebola (yeah, how’s that going?), and ended up on an elevator with a contractor.

The man took out his phone and recorded video of the president. Secret Service asked him to stop and questioned him. They did a background check and discovered he had multiple convictions in the past for assault and battery.

Oh, and he had a gun on him, which apparently, the Secret Service agents were unaware of until he made them aware of this.

The Secret Service has said it’s checking into that incident."

My lord! How many incidents are they checking out these days?

Fortunately for them the guy wasn't a FOX NEWS viewer, if he was, it probably would have been a wrap.

Dude would have just lived out his Dr. Carl Weiss fantasy and become a hero to some on the right.

Finally, I know that there has been a reported case of Ebola here in America, but please forgive me if my panic meter is way down on this one.

I think I can speak for most black men in America when I say that the least of our worries is catching a dose of Ebola.

There are just far more pressing things to worry about right now. Like how to avoid getting shot to death by someone in law enforcement even while you are in your own driveway. (Heck even the man who is supposed to be the safest black man in America is not safe. Isn't that right Mr. President?)

"The case of an unarmed black grandfather shot to death in his own driveway by a white police officer in South Carolina has fueled demands for more transparency into cases where unarmed civilians are killed by police.

The lack of transparency into Mr. Satterwhite’s death and Mr. Craven’s culpability has raised hackles in the black community...

The handling of the incident involving Craven stands in stark contrast to another case in the state from earlier this month. South Carolina Highway Patrol decided to release video last week that shows state Trooper Sean Groubert, who is white, telling a black motorist to get his license and then shooting him when the motorist reaches into his own car. The trooper was fired and brought up on felony assault charges.

US police shoot and kill an average of 1,000 people a year, 1 in 4 of whom are unarmed, according to data from Mr. Aveni and the FiveThirtyEight blog by Nate Silver. Seventy-nine officers have died so far this year, 35 from gunshots, according to a nonprofit group called the Officer Down Memorial Page." [Source]

I know it's coming so let me do it for you.

But field, what about all those killings by gangbangers and thugs in urban America?

Well, for starters, those gangbangers aren't out shooting grandfathers in their driveway. They are shooting each other. That's a sad state of affairs and one I have addressed numerous times on this blog and other public forums.

But here is the thing, those gangbangers are not trained to serve and protect us with the help of our tax dollars.

It is the police officer's job to protect us from the gangbangers and drug dealers; not treat us like one.

"In the Craven case, prosecutors and police have refused to provide documents requested by the Associated Press and answer questions from the news organization about the details of their investigation. According to AP, prosecutors sought a voluntary manslaughter felony charge against the officer. But a grand jury instead indicted him last month for "using excessive force and failing to follow and use proper procedures" – a misdemeanor.

Craven is now on paid administrative leave from the force."

I am sure it's with pay.



  1. "For the next few weeks, get a few Secret Service agents you can trust. (I am thinking of the black ones with some experience.)"

    Cause the white ones watch Fox News can't be trusted. Right field?

    I'm glad field is no longer hiding his racism.


  2. FN said...

    Well, for starters, those gangbangers aren't out shooting grandfathers in their driveway. They are shooting each other. T


    Antonio Smith

    I bet if Antonio Smith was shot and killed by a white person Field wouldn't forget about him and the thousands of non-gangbangers killed by gangbangers.

  3. Limpbaugh9:09 PM

    As Jon Stewart says, we should expect a higher standard from police officers than gangbangers.


  4. It's being reported (and ignored by the liberal media) that obama missed over half his "daily intelligence briefings" so far this term.

    Leadership starts at the top.

    I wonder how many daily security briefings the secret service missed.

  5. Anonymous9:44 PM

    "OK, here is a little suggestion for the president of these divided states of America: For the next few weeks, get a few Secret Service agents you can trust. (I am thinking of the black ones with some experience.) Put them in a room with you, and don't come out until we get this protection thing right."

    Field, what makes you think Obama trust Blacks? For 6 years he has shown he doesn't give a hoot about us. So why would he pick Black Secret Service agents over Whites? The answer is he wouldn't.

    The reality is President Obama is not safe because he doesn't have good committed protection from the Secret Service.

    At this rate, it's only a matter of time before the unthinkable happens. Actually, I am surprised there has been no attempt on his life yet.

    Considering the racial tension and white hatred toward him, it is a miracle no one has not taken a shot at him.

    When you have Whites with the mind of a Kinky or Bill or QLB, the President is always in danger. That is a fact in America.

  6. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Brother Field, with all the mess going on with the President: ISIS, IRAQ, IRAN, the Sorry Secret Service, IRS, plus the biggest econonmic damage done to the Black race....brother, with all this mess it is very clear that Obama should have NEVER been elected President.

    Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton would have made better Presidents and eased racial tensions.

  7. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Anon wrote,
    When you have Whites with the mind of a Kinky or Bill or QLB, the President is always in danger. That is a fact in America.
    Uh, I don't ever remember wishing violence upon anyone. For that matter why would I want someone to harm Mr. Obama in the slightest and make him a martyr? He's a total screwup and at the rate he is FUBARing the country, he the best insurance for a conservative sweep in the next two elections. He's the poster boy for incompetence and just about everyone with half a brain knows it. His biggest threat is hardly conservatives. We really want him to continue to screw up royally. It's the liberals/ progessives that is his real threat.


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This is just more paranoia from the racial grievance industry.

    Obama has been the best thing to happen to Republicans in decades.

    Obama Michael Vicked blue dog Democrats,killed the Clinton collation and helped Republicans win in places they haven't won in over 40+ years.

    Obama gave us 2010 and 2014 is looking really good.

    Why would any Republican want to harm the black goose that's laying the golden eggs?

    Anon wrote,
    When you have Whites with the mind of a Kinky or Bill or QLB, the President is always in danger. That is a fact in America

    I don't see rightwingers shooting/killing presidents.

    That's something you on the left do.

    Just sayin'.

  10. Anonymous11:29 PM

    "Why would any Republican want to harm the black goose that's laying the golden eggs?"

    Because you are racists, that's why. There is no logic or reason in the hearts and minds of racists. They operate off of the illogical hatred, much like Darren Wilson or any other person who thinks like that.

    Kinky, you and Bill need to learn how to forgive and let go like Mr Field has done over the years.

  11. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Can somebody tell me what happened to Granny? Is she still alive? Just wondering.

    What happened to AB? Sharon from WI? CF? Steve? Jody? Frank D? Desert? Audio Books? the dude from Hawaii?

    So many people have disappeared. I wonder why? Could this mean even more splintering of the Left, and the Black race? This hurts.

    Is there anyway to stop this surrendering to the right?

  12. White police officers ain't nuthin' but VERY light skinned Crips, pun intended.

  13. That is a valid point, Barack has reinvigorated the white racist vote which we know is owned lock stock and barrel by the GOP. The backlash will continue. The "how did this ni@@er get in the WH TWICE?" Crowd is a large voting block.

  14. "Which is why I asked for christian crimes committed when "praising jesus". And you failed to provide one example."

    Bill, even by your normal weirdo standards, this is a bizarre corner you have painted yourself into.

    You are asking me to give one example to back up a point I have never utilised in an argument I have never made. Do you have the intellectual capacity to see why that might be difficult?

    The only point I was making (and it's one you continue to ignore) is that you blame religion for all crimes committed by Muslims but you don't blame religion for all crimes committed by christianists.

    Now please explain why giving examples of christians committing crimes while shouting "praise Jesus" has anything whatsofucking ever to do with my argument.

    Either that or do what you normally do when you lose an argument and go off on an irrelevant tangent as if nothing has sharpened.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. You all know me. A more upstanding supporter of feminism and womens’ rights you could never wish to meet.

    Why then does my support for women collapse in supermarket check out lines? Case in point happened about two hours ago.

    I can’t use the self-check-outs because I have a rather fine Amarone in my basket, so I’m standing in line. I’m in kind of a rush because I have a conference call with a Dutch client booked for 09:30. It’s coming up to 9:15.

    The woman in front of me (and let’s face it it’s always a woman) puts through a moderate amount of shopping, and the girl on the till, not unreasonably, asks for £97.55. THEN, and ONLY THEN, the woman starts fishing around in her giant hand bag for some method of payment . Like it’s a total fucking surprise that the supermarket expects her to pay for the goods.

    Then triumphantly she emerges with a chequebook. A chequebook!! This is the 21st century FFS. who still pays with cheques? I didn’t know banks they still produced chequebooks, I haven’t written a cheque since about 1999. So then of course she doesn’t have a pen, so the girl has to scrabble around to find one.

    “Who should I make it payable to?” the woman asks.

    The cash machine girl has no idea so she has to call the manager. The manager has no clue either so she has to go back to her office to find out. The manager phones through the answer, and the woman proceeds to laboriously write out her cheque which she hands over as if it’s her life savings. THEN and ONLY THEN, she starts loading her shopping in to her bags, employing some arcane and bizarre logic of what goes in the same bag as whatever else only she could understand.

    I get out the supermarket at 09:27 and have to race like Juan Fangio to get back in time to be just five minutes late for my conference call.

  18. Anon@10:05, stop the cooning, its not a good look.

    It's not a resident's job to improve race relations. Tell your wingnut friends to start actually listening to the preacher when they go to church.

    Barack Obama being elected only made them tired of hiding their racism .

  19. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Field said, "It's not a President's job to improve race relations..."

    Now I have heard everything. Your Obamaholism has driven you crazy....crazier.

    Somebody tell this man what a President is all about.


  20. The Purple Cow said...
    Now please explain why giving examples of christians committing crimes while shouting "praise Jesus" has anything whatsofucking ever to do with my argument.

    Of course it does, that's why you keep avoiding it coward. Duh!
    If you were capable of shoving those links in my face you would have, you can't so you whine.

    Your point was that christians commit crimes too.

    Of course they do.

    And I wanted you to point out christians chanting praise jesus when they commit those violent crimes YOU wrote about.

    And you keep avoiding that simple task.

    It looks like I've backed you into a corner again PurpleCow.

    PurpleCow is unable again to back up his words and provide links to christians praising jesus when committing crimes.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. "And I wanted you to point out christians chanting praise jesus when they commit those violent crimes YOU wrote about."

    Errrrm, why should I when it wasn't the point I was making?


  23. The Purple Cow said...
    The only point I was making (and it's one you continue to ignore) is that you blame religion for all crimes committed by Muslims but you don't blame religion for all crimes committed by christianists.

    Do you still need more help figuring this out??

    Not all crimes by muslims, just the violent ones where they are praising god as they are killing.

    Any links from christians praising god as they commit violent crimes?

    Speakup PurpleCow.

    Muslim got your tongue?

    Still afraid to speak out against muslims?


  24. The Purple Cow said...
    Errrrm, why should I when it wasn't the point I was making?

    Your point was I don't hold christians chanting praise jesus when they kill to the same standard when muslims chant praise god as they kill.

    Can you link to some of those praise jesus chanting christian killers?

    *IF* you do (hahaha), I'll denounce them right here just for you.

    Better yet, go crickets.

    Just like the unprepared woman at the supermarket, you're not prepared to backup your crazy agenda.


  25. field negro said...
    It's not a resident's job to improve race relations.

    It is his job to attend the daily security briefings.

    He isn't doing that either.

    Calling ISIS the jayvee team from someone that missed over half the DSBs is not leadership.


  26. The Purple Cow said...
    You all know me. A more upstanding supporter of feminism and womens’ rights you could never wish to meet.


    PSYCH 101

    What does it say if you felt the need to tell everyone you support womens rights?

  27. Anonymous11:08 AM

    FYI, Ebola has hit Dallas, TX. The person with the virus is Black.

    Brother Field, there is too much stuff going on with bm. Beheadings and now Ebola? What is going on? Why are Blacks involved in these things?

    Furthermore, there is a bm by the name of Purple Cow defending a Muslim who beheaded a 'woman' in America.

    Christians had nothing to do with that beheading in Oklahoma, but a Muslim sure did. Why are there crazy thinking bm like PC in UK? What's going on?

    PC embarrasses the entire black race because Bill is raking him across coals and PC is too dumb to know it. It's a damn shame.

    Re: Ebola another person has been found with the Ebola disease who, apparently is Black also. What's going on?

    Brother Field, what's going on?

  28. Anonymous11:12 AM

    More evidence that America has passed Peak Negro and now is in the inevitable Post-Negro phase:

    Boston Herald runs a cartoon about the WH intruder with the intruder asking O
    if he had tried the "Watermelon Toothpaste".


  29. "Do you still need more help figuring this out??"

    I certainly do, your position makes no logical sense of any kind.


    "Not all crimes by muslims, just the violent ones where they are praising god as they are killing."

    Which gets back to the point I made yesterday that you failed to address. How do you know that every violent crime committed my a Muslim they are "praising God" as they commit them?

    That aside, it’s still an irrelevant point. Field was criticised for not discussing a single murder by an alleged Muslim against a presumed Christian. My response to that remains the same, it’s Field’s blog so he can write about what he likes, and if you don’t like it fuck off. Secondly, why should Field list every single violent crime committed by a nominal Muslim (as if there were not already enough fascist blogs doing exactly that) when the vast majority of violent crimes in America are committed by nominal Christians?

    You don’t get to decide the parameters of the debate, Bill-oh….


    "Any links from christians praising god as they commit violent crimes?"

    As irrelevant a point now as the first time you made it. See my multiple responses to this bollocks.


    "Speakup PurpleCow.

    Muslim got your tongue?

    Still afraid to speak out against muslims?"

    When have I been afraid to speak out against Muslims? What a selective memory you have.

    As I have said on any number of occasions, god does not exist. Therefore muslims are delusional. Are they more delusional than christians who believe that 'The Rapture' is going to rip good peoples' clothes of and float them naked up to heaven? Nope, but still delusional none the less.

    Islam and christianity are the two most similar of all the major belief systems. I pointed out yesterday, the over-arching similarity between conservative fundamentalist christian views and those of their muslim counterparts.

    However islam is 500 years younger than christianity which is interesting if you look at the state of christianity 500 years ago. You want holy war’s fatwah’s and beheadings? Go study Christianity in the 16th century.

    So I think of islam as the truculent 15 year old of religions, on its way to adulthood but not quite there yet.


  30. I wonder if optics pushed Obama to hire secret service director Julia pierson because she was a female and needed to rebrand the secret service after the prostitute problem.

    Optics before competence?

    Didn't omar overpower the guard at the door?
    Female guard?

  31. Anonymous12:39 PM

    "As I have said on any number of occasions, god does not exist. Therefore muslims are delusional. Are they more delusional than christians who believe that 'The Rapture' is going to rip good peoples' clothes of and float them naked up to heaven? Nope, but still delusional none the less."

    God DOES exist. You are just ignorant of His existence. Hence, it's Purple Cow who is delusional.


  32. The Purple Cow said...
    That aside, it’s still an irrelevant point. Field was criticised for not discussing a single murder by an alleged Muslim against a presumed Christian. My response to that remains the same

    PurpleCow, don't punk yourself.

    This is what you said at 4:51 AM

    The only point I was making (and it's one you continue to ignore) is that you blame religion for all crimes committed by Muslims but you don't blame religion for all crimes committed by christianists.

    You were trying to call me out for my double standard.

    That's cool.

    Just link to a christian praising jesus while killing someone to give me the opportunity to have a double standard.

  33. field negro said...
    It's not a resident's job to improve race relations.

    Just think. It was only yesterday the left was calling Obama the post-racial president.

    It wasn't suppose to be this way, huh libs?

    PilotX said...
    That is a valid point, Barack has reinvigorated the white racist vote which we know is owned lock stock and barrel by the GOP

    Sure pilotx. The only reason people vote against Obama is because they're RACISTS!

    Since blahs are monolithic, i can understand why you think that way.

    I can understand how you don't get making political parties fight for your vote benefits you.

    Sad? Yes. But i get it.

  34. Anonymous3:08 PM

    "Since blahs are monolithic, i can understand why you think that way."

    'Blahs', according to PilotX are monolithic in their thinking.

    But I can assure you that 'Blacks" are not monolithic and do not think alike.

    "I can understand how you don't get making political parties fight for your vote benefits you.

    Sad? Yes. But i get it."

    Yes, it is true. My peeps don't feel they have any power whatsoever. Why do you think most Blacks don't vote? They feel it's useless and hopeless.

    Look at what happened to us when we voted in great numbers for Obama. Nothing. Absolutely NOTHING--except our race is in the worst shape economically and educationally and murder by police ever.

  35. Nope, I happen to be a blah so I know for sure we are very diverse in thought. No need to write for me, I'm more than capable for writing for myself. Thanks.

  36. Now Field, you're WRONG for putting Tavis in the house for not having rhythm, ROTFL!!!

  37. Kinky, stop with the straw man. We both know there are MANY out there who dislike the President because of his color. Sure there are many who disagree with him politically but you're intentionally missing the point. What else is new?

  38. BTW anon, it's Kinky who believes all blahs are monolithic. Shocking huh?

  39. Mike Dunn found guilty of murdering Jordan Davis. There's still some hopey changy out there!

  40. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Anon3:08pm, I agree with you 100%. PilotX has no sense of pride or sensitivity what he calls us.

  41. "PilotX has no sense of pride or sensitivity what he calls us."

    Sure I do, I'm proud to call you an idiot. And I'm very sensitive to this fact.

  42. "Look at what happened to us when we voted in great numbers for Obama. Nothing. Absolutely NOTHING--except our race is in the worst shape economically and educationally and murder by police ever."

    Dumbest statement of the year. I guess slavery was a walk in the park compared to having healthcare and an Attorney General fighting to get rid of racial disparities in sentencing. Stop pretending to be a blah person. you're too dumb to be one of us, nobody with a working brain expected Barack to walk on water. Well, I am still waiting for the new blah panthers to take over and give me some white slaves but hey we still have two years to go.

  43. PilotX, that was an incredibly dumb statement. But have u been reading some of the comments from some of our trolls, lately?

  44. "PurpleCow, don't punk yourself.

    This is what you said at 4:51 AM"

    Yep and that is exactly the same as I have said all along.

    Sorry if this is difficult for you, Bill.


    "The only point I was making (and it's one you continue to ignore) is that you blame religion for all crimes committed by Muslims but you don't blame religion for all crimes committed by christianists.

    You were trying to call me out for my double standard.

    That's cool."

    I agree, and for all your bluff, bluster and continuing snow-jobbing you cannot deny that you have demonstrated double standards on this issue.

    So no change there then.


    "Just link to a christian praising jesus while killing someone to give me the opportunity to have a double standard."



















  45. They won't admit they were freaked out by the darkie getting elected twice. Something they never thought would happpen.

  46. Remember Romney in a landslide?

  47. Anonymous8:02 PM

    PilotX said...
    Remember Romney in a landslide?

    Remember hope and change?

  48. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Remember hope and change?

    8:02 PM
    Isn't that the theme and promise Obama ran his campaign on? Well, the only change has been the 'color' of our President and only HOPE is that he exits on time from the WH.

  49. "Remember hope and change?"

    Yep, like the changes brought to healthcare that 10 million people took advantage of. Even the repubs not admit Obamacare is a good thing. Now that is some change right?

  50. Some Americans don't like change. They think it will mess with their "pursuit of happiness".
