Monday, September 01, 2014

The real "takers" in America.

Today is Labor Day in America, so I feel a need to talk about hard work and the affect it has had on us all.

Of course we can't talk about labor in America without acknowledging the black Mandingo in the room.

Slavery has been around since 1619, and it officially lasted until 1865, which is eight months or so after the Civil War ended.

The thing is, even after slavery officially ended, there was still "Negro involuntary servitude" which persisted until 1940.

So anyway, America, thanks to the free labor of the Negro, has thrived as a nation, and quite a few Americans became very wealthy as a result. It's no secret that the wealth many white Americans enjoy today is a direct result of slavery.     

So today there is this perception among folks in the elite (see Paul Ryan and his friends in congress) that hard working poor people (see Negroes) are "takers".

This, of course, is a myth.

There are folks who work two jobs in cities like Philadelphia just trying to make ends meet, and who sleep three hours a night because they have to get up early in the morning to take two buses to get to a job in the suburbs because there are no jobs left in the city.

There are folks who wipe up old people's shit and bathe them for $9 an hour because their own children-- who are too busy pursuing happiness-- just don't have time to care for them anymore.

There are folks who work in restaurants cleaning dishes and laboring over hot oil for 12 hours per day for minimum wage, so that folks who are too lazy to cook themselves can go out and order and then enjoy a meal.

Those people are not "takers", they are "makers".

People like Paul Ryan and his scumbag politrickster friends are the "takers". They give nothing to society besides rhetoric.

I am glad that Paul Ryan had his come to Jesus moment, but I suspect that this is just more bull s**t from a politician who wants to be president one day. He realizes that he will never get the working man vote with his grandiloquent "makers versus takers"  type language.

"When you compare liberal progressivism's promises with the future that conservatism can actually deliver, the choice is clear. The way forward I'm proposing fosters risk-taking, ingenuity and creativity. Instead of growing government, it grows the economy and offers everyone greater opportunity and prosperity. It can unwind the cycle of dependency and finally defeat poverty. And, perhaps most important, it protects our rights while offering a real safety net for those in need—without overpowering the private economy or our private lives.

Mapping this path has been the focus of my work in Congress. I don't have all of the answers, but as an elected leader, I do have a responsibility to help start and sustain a conversation about where we go from here."

Mr. Ryan, you could start by talking about raising the minimum wage for some of the hardworking people I referenced above, but somehow I  doubt that you will do that. Why? Because, at the end of the day, you are not supporting the real "makers" in society. They can't afford the lobbyists who keep you comfortable in Washington.

You and your colleagues align yourselves with the "takers". The folks who want nothing more than to line their pockets, and, in return, line yours.

Happy Labor Day to the "makers".       

*Pic from 


  1. Bravo Field, BRAVO!!!!

  2. Bravo Field, excellent post brother.
    I worked 121/2 hours this labor day. Too tired you said it all my brother, best wishes to you and the wife.

    East Side Joe

  3. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Field wrote,
    There are folks who work in restaurants cleaning dishes and laboring over hot oil for 12 hours per day for minimum wage, so that folks who are too lazy to cook themselves can go out and order and then enjoy a meal.

    Those people are not "takers", they are "makers".

    People like Paul Ryan and his scumbag politrickster friends are the "takers". They give nothing to society besides rhetoric.

    What utter and total liberal/progressive/Black nonsense. The only thing that will happen to minimum wage workers is that they will be replaced. Fast food is already a declining industry and about the only people too lazy to cook and use them for regular meals happen to be Black. If there weren't liquor stores, Payday Loans and fast food there wouldn't be any business in the hood.
    That being said, low wage workers are always on the bubble and always will be. In the days when cargo was moved by sailing ships the square riggers were replaced by barquentines and then windjammers. With them the big crews went away replaced by 10 to 12 men, half of them boys. When those ships were replaced by steam, the coal fired ships were replaced by oil fired. With them the black gangs went away along with the jobs of loading and shoveling coal. The stevodores went away with the advent of the container. All of these things were fought against, but progress continued. There are many other examples. It's why YT built a modern society and Africa remained in grass huts.


  4. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Brother Field, I myself will vote for Rand Paul because he will 'CHANGE' things. He is the man who truly has said, "Yes we can."

    Yes, I can feel my depression lifting at the thought of becoming free thanks to Rand Paul.


    depressed Negro

  5. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Fast food is already a declining industry and about the only people too lazy to cook and use them for regular meals happen to be Black
    So you're saying that black people are the only ones who use fast food?
    I kinda find that hard to swallow. Would you like to rephrase that or are you like SIgnor kinky and use whatever you pull out of your greasy racist ass.

  6. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Anon wrote,
    So you're saying that black people are the only ones who use fast food?
    I kinda find that hard to swallow. Would you like to rephrase that or are you like SIgnor kinky and use whatever you pull out of your greasy racist ass.
    Look your people also used to pick cotton. Now we have machines to do it. If would have invented that particular device earlier we wouldn't even be having his conversation.


  7. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Fast food is already a declining industry and about the only people too lazy to cook and use them for regular meals happen to be Black
    So you're saying that black people are the only ones who use fast food?
    I kinda find that hard to swallow. Would you like to rephrase that or are you like SIgnor kinky and use whatever you pull out of your greasy racist ass.


    Nice sideswipe crakka. You know goddamn well noone frequents mc'd's and the like more than you redneck time you post, use a little common sense, I heard you people have come a long way since learning to stand straight and grooming yourself.

  8. Anonymous10:01 PM

    BTW- that last post was meant for the inadequate one (QLB)

  9. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Anon wrote,
    Nice sideswipe crakka. You know goddamn well noone frequents mc'd's and the like more than you redneck time you post, use a little common sense, I heard you people have come a long way since learning to stand straight and grooming yourself.
    Here's a huge hint for you. If you find a bone in your chicken strips, it's not a Cracker Jack type free item of jewelry for you to stick in your nose. It's just a bone.


  10. Anonymous10:22 PM

    "So anyway, America, thanks to the free labor of the Negro, has thrived as a nation, and quite a few Americans became very wealthy as a result. It's no secret that the wealth many white Americans enjoy today is a direct result of slavery."

    Brother Field, Whites became wealthy because they supervised the Negro. Do you think the Negro just decided to 'build' America? Of course not.

    Whites paid for slaves and therefore had the right to direct the Negro to do whatever his master wanted.

    You may not be aware but it goes on today but it is not so obvious to some Negroes. Nevertheless, Blacks are still slaves to White America. Kinky, Bill and QLB know this. That's why they come here everyday and talk 'down' to us.

    Do you think we will 'ever' be treated equally? I don't.

  11. Anonymous10:23 PM

    What does picking cotton and the mechanization of an industry have to do with claiming a whole race eats fast food?? Do you have sense enough to grasp your own statements or has the neanderthal taken over completely?

  12. Anonymous10:27 PM

    "You and your colleagues align yourselves with the "takers". The folks who want nothing more than to line their pockets, and, in return, line yours."

    Mr Field, your statement is quite hostile. Please, get a grip on yourself. Show some self-restraint.

  13. Anonymous10:31 PM

    People, why don't you all just ignore QLB? He's a vile racist who thrives on spewing his hate to run from his personal problems.

  14. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Anon wrote,
    You may not be aware but it goes on today but it is not so obvious to some Negroes. Nevertheless, Blacks are still slaves to White America. Kinky, Bill and QLB know this. That's why they come here everyday and talk 'down' to us.
    THAT is not true. I'm here to show you a different way. The Japanese were stuck in a feudal society for centuries. Within 2 generations they rivaled the US and Europe by embracing Western culture, education and science. You've replaced the old slave master with a new one called progressive/socialist/democratic politics.



  15. FN said...
    There are folks who work in restaurants cleaning dishes and laboring over hot oil for 12 hours per day for minimum wage, so that folks who are too lazy to cook themselves can go out and order and then enjoy a meal.

    Those people are not "takers", they are "makers".

    Interesting viewpoint that these "makers" are dependent lazy people.

    *IF* these lazy people start doing for themselves, what happens to the "makers?"

    My suggestion...

    Practice what you preach. Stop being lazy and eating at the Capital Grill and taking advantage of the "makers."

  16. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Dear QLB- Why are you so mean spirited and racist? Is it because you've discovered that white people(that would be you) have at least 4% Neanderthal DNA? That you aren't completely human. That the Neanderthal in you rules. That it makes you give up what little humanity you have left and has turned you into what you are now, a racist, slavering mad dog, that in a more civilized society would have been put down long ago. Now you go and have a good day.

  17. Johnny Gibsmedat10:56 PM

    It's no secret that the wealth many white Americans enjoy today is a direct result of slavery.

    Yes it's no secret; it's a lie.

  18. Republicans10:59 PM

    "Happy Labor Day to the "makers"

    Thanks Field, Happy Labor Day to you too.

  19. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anon wrote,
    Nice sideswipe crakka. You know goddamn well noone frequents mc'd's and the like more than you redneck time you post, use a little common sense, I heard you people have come a long way since learning to stand straight and grooming yourself.
    Here's a huge hint for you. If you find a bone in your chicken strips, it's not a Cracker Jack type free item of jewelry for you to stick in your nose. It's just a bone.


    10:16 PM
    Wow. QLB really hurts. Some of you Negroes need to back off from QLB lest you get your ass handed to you. This dude is more ruthless than Darth Vader.

    Now I know why Whites rule the earth. They are smarter, tougher, meaner, and relentlessly persistent.

    I am glad I am on their side in America. No one can defeat them.

  20. Raising the minimum wage would put some of these hardworking people out of a job. Raising labor costs incentivizes employers to make do with less labor.

    In five years, you'll walk into a McDonalds and there won't be anyone behind the counter. You'll swipe your credit card and make your order on a tablet.

    In ten years, there won't be anyone in the kitchen except a tech or two, as the food production will be automated.

    In 20 years there won't be a single fast food worker in America.

    Minimum wage jobs are for teenagers living at home and old people with other incomes.

    You can't legislate wealth; wealth must be created by value. Why not make the minimum wage $100/hour? $1,000/hour? Then we'd all be rich, right?

    The liberal solution - forcing employers to pay more for labor than it's worth, just eliminates entry level opportunities.

    The real solution is to stop mucking with business and get the government off everyone's backs. Real people need real jobs that pay real wages.

    There's a lot wrong with the Republican party, but if want things to get better, they are the only choice.

  21. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Wow. QLB really hurts. Some of you Negroes need to back off from QLB lest you get your ass handed to you. This dude is more ruthless than Darth Vader.

    Now I know why Whites rule the earth. They are smarter, tougher, meaner, and relentlessly persistent.

    I am glad I am on their side in America. No one can defeat them.

    QLB is a drooling, snaggletooth, dye-in-the-wool racist hillbilly.
    If you weren't a dick-sucking coon you would know that. Stop begging for praise from your enemies fetchitt, the day the QLB one hands someone an ass is the day you bathe. Good luck with that.

  22. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Anon11:59PM, "QLB is a drooling, snaggletooth, dye-in-the-wool racist hillbilly.
    If you weren't a dick-sucking coon you would know that. Stop begging for praise from your enemies fetchitt, the day the QLB one hands someone an ass is the day you bathe. Good luck with that."

    Anon, why you come down on me? I am just speaking the truth and you know it. Why is it that Negroes like you can't face the truth? That's why we can't get ahead because of Negroes like you.

    You really need to show 'respect' before somebody like QLB teaches you some 'respect' the White way. If that happens, your black ass will never recover.

    Anon, you need help and you need to have some respect for whites like QLB. Don't piss him off, you make it hard for the rest of us, you selfish SOB!

  23. Anon 11:05 PM and 12:17AM-

    i can't tell if you are joking or not...

    flip your dollar bill over, peep the pyramid. get clear on where you are and who your ancestors are. then hear His Word which will NOT return to Him void.

    i pray He gives you an ear to hear:



    KJV Yesha Yahu/Isaiah 31: 1-4

    1 Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help; and stay on horses, and trust in chariots, because they are many; and in horsemen, because they are very strong; but they look not unto the Set Apart One of Yisra'el, neither seek the Sovereign.

    2 Yet he also is wise, and will bring evil, and will not call back his words: but will arise against the house of the evildoers, and against the help of them that work iniquity.

    3 Now the Egyptians are men and not Almighty and their horses flesh, and not spirit. When the Sovereign shall stretch out his hand, both he that helpeth shall fall, and he that is holpen shall fall down, and they shall all fail together.


    the land where the seed of Abram/Abraham was held in bondage for 400 years and treated wickedly is scheduled for judgment.

    it is not about color.

    those that are with and worship Almighty will do so in Spirit and Truth.

    KJV Galatians 3:28-29 style...

    ALL day.

    @ Anon 2:02am- all that tells me is that white folk support one another. the wealthiest among US prefer to high tail it to Africa when feeling charitable. like they never got the charity begins at home memo. the lower level better off Black folk want to talk about all they got while looking to the government to better conditions. the SAME government that endorsed the practice of slavery.

    His People/my people appear to love oppressors' bad habits + seeking to be "equal" to 'em. the Good that could be emulated...

    not interested.

    blessings all!

  24. Good post Field. Happy labor day to you and all the makers out there.

  25. Happy belated Labor Day to all the "makers" who commented above. You know who u are.

    As usual u are out here on the grind and putting in work.

    To the fraud above who said that raising the minimum wage will cost jobs, please do your research. This has proven to be a lie.

    And unless you are a part of the % in this country (which I seriously doubt) u are a blithering idiot.

  26. "Wow. QLB really hurts. "

    QLB's words might hurt you, but that's simply a symptom of what an imbecile you are.

    Only a total moron could be taken in by his lazy. nauseatingly tedious, skull-crushingly repetitive, pseudo-intellectual bollocks.

    Why do you think it is that he has not won one single debate since he has been here?

  27. QLB...or I like to call em is upset....

    Its upset because just can't accept that the earliest findings of man were discovered in CENTRAL AFRICA... and that pretty much makes everyone an African .......Yeah you too Kinkster....You can't separate yourself from your brothers and sisters.

    How are you gonna keep up the superiority shtick when Science and History says that we ALL came from AFRICANS....

    Somebody console WMV...he's gonna cry when he gets in the car ......


    Field, the CBO is lying? Or is the leftwing sources you use lying?


  29. “The truth of the matter is that the world has always been messy,” he said. “In part, we’re just noticing now because of social media and our capacity to see in intimate detail the hardships that people are going through.”

    We're just noticing? HE'S just noticing.

    Sounds like an admission that golfing, concerts and fundraising is taking up too much of his time.

    this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal;

    He did notice his winning the election did slow the rise of the oceans and start the healing of the planet.


  30. field negro said...
    Happy belated Labor Day to all the "makers" who commented above. You know who u are.

    As usual u are out here on the grind and putting in work.

    I worked on labor day.

    Did FN?

  31. ctrl+halt+del1:54 PM

    Great post, Field ! Thanks for the link regarding involuntary servitude.


  32. señor kinky said...
    Field, the CBO is lying? Or is the leftwing sources you use lying?

    Are you talking about the CBO report about job losses with increasing the minimum wage?

    The people that don't believe their government are radical extremists.

  33. That be the one Bill.

    Field a radical extremist?

    Joe Biden wants to take his country back.

    Is Joe racist?


  34. “I’m back, Obama, and I’m back because of your arrogant foreign policy towards the Islamic State, because of your insistence on continuing your bombings

    This is no way to treat a recipient of a nobel peace prize.

    Good thing the anti-war protesters have gone crickets or ISIS would be showing us videos of war protestors in America that don't share the view of Obama.


  35. señor kinky said...
    Joe Biden wants to take his country back.

    Is Joe racist?

    As far as the phrase , eric holder said that phrase was code-speak for racism.

    Besides, you don't see many politicians talk about taking their country back when their party is in the white house.

    I wonder how many thousands of black men sit in prison because of bidens drug law?

    Maybe it is code speak when you look at bidens history.

  36. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...
    "Wow. QLB really hurts. "

    QLB's words might hurt you, but that's simply a symptom of what an imbecile you are.

    Only a total moron could be taken in by his lazy. nauseatingly tedious, skull-crushingly repetitive, pseudo-intellectual bollocks.

    Why do you think it is that he has not won one single debate since he has been here?

    12:12 PM
    "skull-crushingly intellectual bollocks" hit the nail on the head. QLB's comments ARE crushing. They are designed to hurt a people who have been oppressed for over 400 years. There is no denying that.

    When I was growing up Negroes used to praise White folks and down play us. They would say things like:

    "Whites can do anything they decide to do."

    My Granny used to say, "If there is anything I can't stand is a greasy-ass nig---!"

    "I used to hear all the time a Negro say, "A nig--- ain't shit!"

    When we would go to town to shop at the local clothing store, she would tell me to say, "yes mam or yes sir" to anyone White who asked me a question.

    She would always tell me to step off the sidewalk when a white person was approaching on the same sidewalk.

    Now, PC, you may call me an imbecile because that is what Whites called me too. So it must be true.

    I have yet to hear anything positive about being Black from Blacks like you.

    As far as I am concerned we are the angry and treat each other like shit. Each time I get comments from you it confirms the past: "A nig--- ain't shit."

    YOU and QLB confirm that. Shame is the disease of Blacks. Yet, no one is able to talk about it. Shooting Michael Brown dead in the street and leaving his body in the street for 4 hours is shaming...and says, " A nig--- ain't shit."

    Now, maybe the Bible says we are the chosen people but from what I see in America, Blacks might be chosen, but it's not because we are good, and loved: It's because we are hated by Whites.

    And by the way we kill each other, and treat each other as though we "ain't shit", we hate ourselves according to the prejudices of Whites. QLB speaks to that prejudice that underlies American society.

    QLB wins the debate because he uncovers the big ass pink elephant in the living room, which Blacks can never talk about because of shame.

    "The Truth will set you free". But it's going to piss you off first. That's because Blacks and Whites have been avoiding the Truth for centuries.

  37. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Blogger focusedpurpose said...
    Anon 11:05 PM and 12:17AM-

    i can't tell if you are joking or not...

    flip your dollar bill over, peep the pyramid. get clear on where you are and who your ancestors are. then hear His Word which will NOT return to Him void.

    i pray He gives you an ear to hear:

    I am joking and I am not joking. That's probably why you can't tell. Sometimes I can't tell. That's because I am not quite certain what's true about the Truth anymore. However, I know I have glimpses into 'parts' of it but I still remain uncertain about lots of it. What can I tell you? I struggle with it but my desire is to go as deeply as I can before I die. As you can probably surmise, I still have a lot of work to do. I have concluded that the purpose of my life is know the truth. GOD IS TRUTH. So I throw it 'out there' in the hopes of someone who, like yourself, might respond to help shine light in the shadows, as opposed to someone like PC. I usually get inner useful information from you-- whether I like what you say or Thank you.

  38. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Anon, why you come down on me? I am just speaking the truth and you know it. Why is it that Negroes like you can't face the truth? That's why we can't get ahead because of Negroes like you.

    You really need to show 'respect' before somebody like QLB teaches you some 'respect' the White way. If that happens, your black ass will never recover.

    Anon, you need help and you need to have some respect for whites like QLB. Don't piss him off, you make it hard for the rest of us, you selfish SOB!

    Suck out your mama you stupid tap dancing coon. And save the "us" shit for someone who doesn't know better. You fool no one here sockpuppet.

  39. Yeah I hear banjo music.:)

    So Bill sides with Isis over his twice elected president.



  40. field negro said...
    So Bill sides with Isis over his twice elected president.


    It is.

    Just a couple years ago the democrats motto was "dissent is patriotic."

    Now you are sounding exactly like the bushie people saying speaking out against president bush is the same as speaking out against the country.

    Obama promised change.

    I didn't think it was you that would be changing just to please your democrat rulers.

  41. "Now, PC, you may call me an imbecile because that is what Whites called me too. So it must be true. "

    It sure is white boi, it sure is.

  42. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Takers -vs- Makers

    Mark Steyn:

    "What does every initiative of the Obama era have in common? Obamacare, Obamaphones, Social Security disability expansion, 50 million people on food stamps… The assumption is that mass, multi-generational dependency is now a permanent feature of life. A coastal elite will devise ever smarter and slicker trinkets, and pretty much everyone else will be a member of either the dependency class or the vast bureaucracy that ministers to them."

    Read the rest here:

    And this:

    "It’s that time of year again – when the little juvenile delinquents, future prison inmates, and functionally illiterate junior members of the free s*** army pick up their “free” backpacks and “free” school supplies they will never use and shuffle off to the decaying prison like schools in the City of Philadelphia to eat “free” breakfasts and “free” lunches, while being taught government sanctioned pablum by overpaid mediocre union teachers.:

    Read the rest here:

  43. Anonymous7:16 PM

    "Whites can do anything they decide to do."

    My Granny used to say, "If there is anything I can't stand is a greasy-ass nig---!"

    Anon said "I used to hear all the time a Negro say, "A nig--- ain't shit!"

    When we would go to town to shop at the local clothing store, she would tell me to say, "yes mam or yes sir" to anyone White who asked me a question.

    She would always tell me to step off the sidewalk when a white person was approaching on the same sidewalk."

    Anon, I used to hear the same shit when I was a kid. Not only did I hear it in the community, the church, but I heard it in my own family. People think that shit doesn't affect them but you right, it DOES affect us without us even knowing it. The problem is many of us aren't even aware of it and you can't change shit you aren't aware of. So this ugly shit goes on and on and on.

    Rap music where they call their mammas and sisters and girlfriends 'hos' come from that shit in the past. The main one is "we ain't shit". I am glad you told it like it is, bro. Not too many of us would dare do it.

    The thing is this has nothing to do with the wm. it has a lot to do with us. of course you going to get blow-back from dumbasses like purple cow. That's why we can't get anywhere because of ignoramuses like him.

  44. ...and Green Cottingham is still turning over in his grave!

  45. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Paul Ryan needs his big purple dong fellated and his dusky scrotum orally laundered.
