Friday, October 24, 2014

America the violent.

Washington state high school shooting (AP)It has been another violent day in America. Not the violence in urban areas that we have become so used to, where gang bangers and drug dealers go at each other on a daily basis. But the occasional shootings that bring with it headlines and raised eyebrows.

"A student recently crowned freshman class Homecoming prince walked into his Seattle-area high school cafeteria Friday and opened fire, killing one person and shooting several others in the head before turning the gun on himself, officials and witnesses said.

Students said the gunman was staring at students as he shot them inside the cafeteria at Marysville-Pilchuck High School. The shootings set off a chaotic scene as students ran from the cafeteria and building in a frantic dash to safety, while others were told to stay put inside classrooms at the school 30 miles north of Seattle." [Source]

 Sad story.

But it's how children act out now whenever they have problems that they can't deal with: Grab a gun and shoot up your school, home, or whatever.

And it's not only violence by gun. In New York City some dude thought that it would be cool to go around chopping up cops with a hatchet in broad daylight.

"A brazen daylight hatchet attack against a group of police officers on a busy New York street was a terrorist act by a reclusive Muslim convert who ranted online against America but had no clear ties to international extremists, the police commissioner said Friday.

Police were examining Zale Thompson's computer for clues about a motive for the Thursday assault that left one of the officers seriously injured and ended with Thompson being killed by police. Police Commissioner William Bratton said Thompson's browsing history included organized terror groups, beheadings and the shooting in Canada earlier this week that officials there have called a terrorist attack. [Source]

So this is what a "lone wolf attacker" looks like.

There will be more for sure.

America has lots more where this guy came from. Some of them are still in high school.  


  1. No mention of race or religion?

    Let me guess-their not white and christian?

    Cause that would be the only reason for FN NOT TO MENTION RACE AND RELIGION.

    1. Anonymous11:33 PM

      I bet purple cows not that bad of a guy in real life..if im ever in England maybe we can have a beer together. .

  2. Hatchet job11:22 PM

    These "lone wolf" Islamic convert attackers have grown up raised in a complex chain of political causes. We needed to have race guilt, so that we would have class guilt, so that we would support wealth transfer, so that equality could occur, and all of the above existed so that equality could guarantee neurotics the freedom from oversight.

    Equality leads to the idea of the vote, or that any decision you choose to make is right, which naturally extends to life itself, at which point your only foe are those who notice the consequences of those bad decisions. Equality is war against noticing consequences; race is one of its many weapons.

    Thus armed, it is only natural to express what you have been taught by killing the 'other'.

    Liberalism's chickens are coming home to roost.

  3. Anonymous11:24 PM

    I would question whether these young men are taking some kind of anti depressive or mood altering pharmaceutical.

    Many (the majority)of these drugs have as secondary effects homicidal and suicidal ideations.

    I recently saw a woman on TV who, along with others said that a very advertised drug,touted as ending the craving for smoking cigarettes,drove her and the others who took it crazy. And this from one day to the other. They had to be hospitalized.

    So it remains to be seen if they were on any medication.

    As for the hatchet guy, he sounds like he's just plumb koo koo!

  4. Anonymous11:26 PM

    It's interesting that the kid who carried out the Seattle-area mass shooting was voted homecoming prince.

    That's unusual, because most mass shootings (both by children and adults) are perpetrated by mentally disturbed individuals who are generally social outcasts.

    If this kid was voted homecoming prince, that suggests that he was fairly functional and popular at his school. It's not the typical profile for this type of crime, that's all I'm saying.

  5. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Negro registered sex offender rapes two minors, one was a two year old. Infects them with HIV, Herpes and Chlamydia.

    It's true, Satan's demons walk among us.

  6. Blacks are the devil11:51 PM

    Looks like the crazy hatchet man in Queens was another racist muslim Negro. Go figure!


  7. Must be a sad day for FN when he writes about 2 different killings and he can't blame the nra or the tea party.

  8. At least the NYC guy attacked folks that could defend themselves, same as guy in Canada.

    1. PilotX is one dumb negro9:18 AM

      There goes pilot x..defending muslim criminal scum if course. Only an african would say such a stupid fuckik thing.

  9. lilacpr2000 said...
    I would question whether these young men are taking some kind of anti depressive or mood altering pharmaceutical.

    Many (the majority)of these drugs have as secondary effects homicidal and suicidal ideations.


    I read a study that suggested muslims who take "anti depressive or mood altering pharmaceutical" have a greater chance at developing Sudden Jihad Syndrome.

    In the case of the Native American going off the ress-i wouldn't be surprised if the combo of the before mention drugs and booze played a role. He was using marryjawanna too.

    Or he could have been offended by the Washington Redskins'name.

    I agree with Bill. It's going to be interesting watching the left/liberal media explain these two events...

  10. Anonymous12:19 AM

    "At least the NYC guy attacked folks that could defend themselves, same as guy in Canada."

    Yes and no.

    Yes, the police did (eventually) shoot the assailants, ending both incidents.

    However, the Canadian soldier and NY police officer who actually got killed/seriously injured in those incidents didn't have much of a chance, despite being armed. If someone decides to shoot you without any warning, or swing an axe at your head without any warning, the fact you're packing heat isn't going to do you a damn bit of good.

  11. PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    At least the NYC guy attacked folks that could defend themselves, same as guy in Canada.


    Not like blahs who gather in mobs to attack defenseless whites.

    Or those blahs who sucker punch defenseless whites aka the knockout game.

    Not like that....

  12. Paranoid White Guy12:29 AM

    "Or those blahs who sucker punch defenseless whites aka the knockout game."

    Which doesn't exist. A fairy tale invented to scare whites who watch Fox news. Obviously it worked.

  13. Anonymous12:30 AM

    "Not like blahs who gather in mobs to attack defenseless whites."

    Please, you folks invented lynch mobs. how about we cut off your fingers and burn you alive and castrate you like you used to do to us. That's some sick shit.

    1. Black Lies9:26 AM

      You darkies are doing shit like that. Look it up. Once again..lies and denial.

  14. Bill is a F'n retard12:32 AM

    "I agree with Bill."

    Yes, because you're an idiot too.

    "Must be a sad day for FN when he writes about 2 different killings and he can't blame the nra or the tea party."

    As sad as the day your parents found out you were a window licker?

  15. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Nothing is sicker than white people.

    1. Racist Blacks are Racist9:29 AM

      Really? Is that why no one wants to live around blacks?


  16. the GOP3:05 AM

    the GOP loves suppressing votes. Especially darker peoples.

    1. All these black fools in here9:30 AM

      Of course. .dark people can't run civilized societies. Whats to hard to understand! ?

  17. Quote: Bill-oh

    Comment deleted
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    6:23 PM

    I wonder if FN had to delete a PurpleCow post."

    Bill, do you seethe word 'AUTHOR' there?

    I think you do.

    Do you see the word 'ADMINISTRATOR' there?

    I think you do not.

    Ergo, the post was deleted by the person who wrote it, not Field.

    Most likely it would have been written by whoever wrote the following post.

    I'm sorry if this is all so difficult for you,

  18. quote stupid black cunt

    "Said the nigger whos race tops out all violent crime statistics."

    Mmmmmm, I have six million Jews who might just take issue with that statistic.

    1. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Ahhh thats right. Darkie lives in the past in regards to everything!

      Can we live in the now?

  19. Ding ding ding, PC.

    YeahI thought Bill was smarter than that.

    I love how racists scramble to say it was not their race
    that did something when something tragic happens.

    Not even sure about the racial makeup of the young man in Washington. White racists trolls are quick to claim that he is Native American.

    Let's see what happens when the next mass shooter breaks on the scene.

    BTW, that " survivalist" cop killer is still on the loose in the Poconos region. You wingnuts sure like to look out for each other.

    I have heard from some very good sources that he is getting help.

  20. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Field wrote,Not even sure about the racial makeup of the young man in Washington. White racists trolls are quick to claim that he is Native American.
    Utter and total BS. You were so disappointed that the shooter wasn't White. One of your "typical" posters even started the parade before he got the facts. Meanwhile in Chicago with 1 dead and 6 wounded before midnight Friday, two YBF's ages 14 and 15 were shot. It's not even news in the hood anymore. If this keeps on the most common name in the Black community is going to be Hebedoin Nuffins.


    1. Chicago is a liberal waste9:36 AM

      No surprise there QLB..thats what the young black male does best.

  21. Black racists9:35 AM

    The fact that the racist blacks who write on this site have or could have children is very scary. We all know these "people" are full of hate.

    Right field? Hate hate hate. .that's like gasoline for the afro Americans.

  22. I love me some me..HOTDOG HOTDOG9:40 AM

    Negros are soo dumb they're calling Native Americans white now?

    Wow..just when you think iQ's dont get any lower...


  23. The Purple Cow said...

    Quote: Bill-oh

    Comment deleted
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    6:23 PM

    That was yesterday.

    Please try and keep up PurpleCow.

    Stop living in the past.



  24. field negro said...
    YeahI thought Bill was smarter than that.

    Only certain users get the option to delete. Not anonymous or Name/URL poster.

    And of course you.

    I'm sure you knew that.

    So which of your pals keep deleting their words?

  25. Bill, every user should be able to delete. PC is right, if I delete a post it was specify that it was deleted by the blog

    Wow, I see QLB and the klansmen are out early this morning. The moonshine must have worn off faster than usual this time.


  26. field negro said...
    Not even sure about the racial makeup of the young man in Washington.

    Which proves he isn't white, right-wing, nra or tea party member.

    If he was white (republican, nra/tea party) YOU would be talking about it. And talking about it. And talking about.

    Say, what color is that cop killer in the Poconos region you just mentioned?

    Since YOU mentioned it, I'll take a guess he is white.

    Will I be wrong?

    Like I said, talking about it.

    I have heard from some very good sources that he is getting help.

    What did your good source tell you about the michael wilson autopsy?

    I don't remember you relaying any information from your good source about that.

    YeahI thought Bill was smarter than that.

    I thought YOU were smarter than this. Maybe not smarter, observant.

    You keep trying unsuccessfully to goad me into defending priests and a collection of other people (always white for some reason).

    I can goad PurpleCow into replying any time I want.

    Ding Ding Ding is the sound of the bell I'm borrowing from Pavlov.


  27. field negro said...
    Bill, every user should be able to delete. PC is right,

    I'll call your bluff.

    How do I delete my posts?

  28. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Field wrote,
    Wow, I see QLB and the klansmen are out early this morning. The moonshine must have worn off faster than usual this time.
    Wow field, that's not a cheap shot it's really a weak shot. Meanwhile the updated box score for the weekend Chicago shit show is now 2 killed, 9 wounded. Not one shot by a Klansman, Tea Party Member or the NRA, much less by YT. Go figure.



  29. field negro said...
    Bill, every user should be able to delete. PC is right, if I delete a post it was specify that it was deleted by the blog

    I know better.

    But like I said, I'll call your bluff.

    How do I delete my posts?

  30. "That was yesterday."

    No, it was today U.K. time.

    Please try and keep up Bill-Oh..

  31. "How do I delete my posts?"

    Get a Blogger I.D.

    Takes all of two minutes.


  32. The Purple Cow said...

    "How do I delete my posts?"

    Get a Blogger I.D.

    FN said...
    Bill, every user should be able to delete

    Are you saying FN doesn't know what he's talking about?

    It makes me uncomfortable when you defend my position.

    "That was yesterday."
    No, it was today U.K. time.

    So your reading yesterdays posts today UK time?

    Does that mean your reading todays posts tomorrow UK time?

    Not all times zones are equal to PurpleCow.

  33. "So your reading yesterdays posts today UK time?

    Yes because sometimes you post while I'm asleep.

    (QLB posts when he's asleep.)

    "Does that mean your reading todays posts tomorrow UK time?"

    Yes Bill, yes it certainly does mean that.

  34. Anonymous11:49 AM

    "If this kid was voted homecoming prince, that suggests that he was fairly functional and popular at his school"

    Or that the kids voting are fairly dysfunctional.

  35. Anonymous11:51 AM

    PilotXcrement said...
    At least the NYC guy attacked folks that could defend themselves, same as guy in Canada.

    PilotX admires the Muslim killers.

    Go figure.

    And btw, the Canadian soldier was unarmed. He occupied a ceremonial post and his weapon was unloaded.

  36. The Purple Cow said...
    Mmmmmm, I have six million Jews who might just take issue with that statistic.

    Using the Holocaust to try to win a argument?

    And FN calls it a Ding?

    Just wow.

    You stay classy PC.

  37. Love how black racists are quick to bring race into any act of violence or wrongdoing if they think the perp is white.

    Example 1-

    Paranoid White Guy said...
    Another cowardly white boy shoots up a school. Sad. White boys need to stay away from guns and schools.

    5:10 PM

    And when the perp isn't a white christian male? Well, then they are not sure of the perps race or religion-

    Example 2-

    field negro said...

    Not even sure about the racial makeup of the young man in Washington

    Then they call you racist and hope the next shooting is committed by a white christian male .

    You can't make this shit up....

  38. I love me some me..HOTDOG HOTDOG said...
    Negros are soo dumb they're calling Native Americans white now?

    Not so fast there Mr. Hotdog lover, the race of a person can often depend on the circumstances.

    This is a well documented phenomenon.

    If a Native American or a Hispanic person is the victim of a crime, especially at the hands of a white person, they are 100% minority.

    However committing a crime, especially one against a black person, can turn a person "white".

    Thus George Zimmerman, the Peruvian Punisher, magically became "white" after his dust up with innocent Kindergartner, Trayvon Martin.

    This doesn't just happen in the media or on the blog comment section of Field Negro, but our federal government works this magic into the FBI crime statistics by counting Hispanics as "Hispanic" if they are a victim of a crime, but as "white" if they commit a crime.

    Thus Hispanics have it even better than blacks. They get to play the victim too, and if they do something wrong, it gets blamed on whitey.

    So don't be calling negroes dumb for just repeating what they've been told. Call them mindlessly obedient intellectually dishonest government sheep maybe, but "dumb" is uncalled for.


  39. Student allowed to bring religious knife to class

    Honor student who brought pocketknife to school suspended for the year

    Not all "Zero tolerance" is equal to democrats.

    Imagine a christian asking for special treatment because of their religion.

  40. Anonymous12:22 PM

    For those still in needless Ebola panic mode, crapping their drawers because OBAMA HAS DOOOOMED US ALL!!!:

    Both of the nurses infected in Dallas have been cleared of the disease. Nina Pham has been released from hospital. Amber Vinson will be released in the near future.

    There have been no further infections in that outbreak.

    Total American Ebola death toll: One Liberian citizen, who caught the disease overseas.

  41. African Americans are less sophisticated voters? African Americans can’t figure out how to register and vote?

    African Americans are dumb to what is going on in our country?

    According to a DOJ expert? Yes.

    If a Republican Justice Department Did This, It Would Be Attacked as Borderline Racist


  42. Gotta love those democrat blogs.

    James O’Keefe Looks For Voter Fraud In Colorado, Finds Nothing. Again.
    in a statement to Wonkette, spokesperson Molly Dorozenski said:

    The statement made by the Greenpeace employee in James O’Keefe III’s video did not reflect the values of Greenpeace. She was speaking from a personal perspective, and her views do not represent the views of the organization. Her contract with Greenpeace has since been terminated.

    A contract employee was fired from greenpeace because of the video brietbarts pimp boy made.

    And democrats tell their lapdogs he didn't find anything again.

  43. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Republicans:Freeing Slaves From The Democrat Plantation Since 1863 said...

    According to a DOJ expert? Yes

    If you are too dumb to figure out how to register, should you really be voting?

    Especially today where you get registered automatically with your driver's license, and people come door to door to sign you up.

    If someone is that Goddamned pathetic and stupid, why on earth do want them contributing to political decisions? (Unless of course you are a democrat.)


  44. Department of homeland security also responsible for copyright/patent violations?

    Peregrine Honig says she just wanted to help celebrate the hometown team when she designed Lucky Royals boyshorts.

    The panties, with “Take the Crown” and “KC” across the bottom, were set to be sold in Honig’s Birdies Panties shop Tuesday. But Homeland Security agents visited the Crossroads store and confiscated the few dozen pairs of underwear, printed in Kansas City by Lindquist Press.

    I'm good with people illegally using logos/etc intellectual property being stopped from doing so.

    Does it really require the militarily armed department of homeland security to do the stopping?

  45. "Using the Holocaust to try to win a argument?"

    Thank you.

    Finally one of the fascists has the guts to admit I have won the argument.


  46. The Purple Cow said...
    "Using the Holocaust to try to win a argument?"

    Thank you.

    Finally one of the fascists has the guts to admit I have won the argument.

    "try to win a argument"

    Does the word "try" mean something different in the UK?

    Thank YOU for the entertainment.

  47. Anonymous1:40 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "Using the Holocaust to try to win a argument?"

    Thank you.

    Finally one of the fascists has the guts to admit I have won the argument

    Imagine, at peak Negro and still stupid as a doormat. He said, "trying"...the definitive word in that sentence was trying...

    Godwins law, you lose. But stupid as you are, you already knew that.

  48. 12thManUnited1:43 PM

    None of these white trolls have the balls to say any of this to any black person's face. Instead they would piss their pants and run away like a bitch.

  49. Anonymous1:54 PM

    "Imagine a christian asking for special treatment because of their religion."

    they do it all the time.

  50. Paranoid White Guy1:56 PM

    "Love how black racists are quick to bring race into any act of violence or wrongdoing if they think the perp is white."

    please asshole, how many of you whiteboys are here everyday bringing up race? You did it too. White conservatives are such hypocrites. Give me ONE example of you or QLB even breathing about a case that involves a white perp. I'll wait.

  51. "Godwins law, you lose. But stupid as you are, you already knew that."

    " Godwin's law itself can be abused as a distraction, diversion or even as censorship, fallaciously miscasting an opponent's argument as hyperbole when the comparisons made by the argument are actually appropriate."


  52. Anonymous2:05 PM

    "Imagine a christian asking for special treatment because of their religion."

    they do it all the time."

    Yep. Isn't it time for the fictitious war on Christmas yet? I mean Fox can't have a fictitious war on the knockout game 24/7 right? Or can they?
    Boo hoo, I can't put my Jeezus nativity scene in the middle of the street! Wha wha wha! They took Jeezus out of the skoolz!!!! Wha wha wha!


  53. PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    At least the NYC guy attacked folks that could defend themselves, same as guy in Canada.


    The guy in canada didn't have a real gun.

    He had an acting gun.

    I guess that explains all the confusion about the deputy surgeon general being promoted to acting surgeon general.

  54. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Anonymous 12thManUnited said...

    None of these white trolls have the balls to say any of this to any black person's face. Instead they would piss their pants and run away like a bitch.

    Right, because Blacks are all tough and violent and stuff...and all whites are little weaklings...right??

    You've been watching to many movies, but have shown your violent negro tendencies.

    Which one are you, a victim like you say of White people, or a violent negro that can't have civilized discussions with people you disagree with?

  55. Anonymous2:21 PM

    "Not all 'Zero tolerance' is equal to democrats."

    a) Zero tolerance in schools is idiotic.

    b) Zero tolerance is not a Democratic policy preference. If you spent any time talking to actual liberals, you would find it is extremely unpopular with liberals.

    If anything, it's conservative-leaning people who always manage to engage in massive overkill whenever it comes to any matter of public safety.

  56. Anonymous2:26 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "Godwins law, you lose. But stupid as you are, you already knew that."

    " Godwin's law itself can be abused as a distraction, diversion or even as censorship, fallaciously miscasting an opponent's argument as hyperbole when the comparisons made by the argument are actually appropriate."


    Well, again you are at peak Negro, yet you still fallaciously missed the point of your argument.

    "..when the comparisons made by the argument are actually appropriate."

    Therefore your entire argument is disingenuously based on a lie, that the comparisons you and you alone made are appropriate. They are not.

    Hitler was a madman who swept up a nation into Socialistic Fascism - Socialism with strong Nationalism. Comparing this to the criminality, dysfunction and overall violent destructive nature of Negroes worldwide and throughout time, of which one only need look at any Negro country or city with a population exceeding 13% for testimony. Can only be a relative comparison in the mind of a peak negro.

  57. Oooooh look everybody, it's another 'Hitler was a socialist' moron. I thought I had driven them all off.

    (Hopefully this one will challenge me to a debate on the subject as well.)

    But anyways, I get it. When white people commit mass murder it doesn't really count as proper murder 'cuz knockout game and polar bear somethingorother. I mean the holocaust - that wasn't really proper violence, is what you are saying. It was just pretend white violence. And besides Hitler, Goebbels, Stalin, Himmler, Il Duce they may have looked white, but they wuz actually secretly black. That's the proper history as taught in the hillbilly schools.

    Got it.

  58. Democrats are cowardly totalitarians2:44 PM

    "b) Zero tolerance is not a Democratic policy preference. If you spent any time talking to actual liberals, you would find it is extremely unpopular with liberals. "


    Zero tolerance is in force in the government school system.

    The government schools are ruled by the quasi-Marxist teacher's union.

    There is no influential organization in America more "liberal" than the NEA.

    "Liberals" are the aggressors in the culture war, using the institutions they control to impose their views on homosexuality, guns and religion on everyone else.

    It is not "conservatives" expelling first graders for eating their peanut butter sandwiches into the shape of a gun, or suspending second graders for 'sexist' remarks.

    Zero tolerance is a manifestation of liberal fascism.

  59. Hitler was a Socialist2:48 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Oooooh look everybody, it's another 'Hitler was a socialist' moron. I thought I had driven them all off.

    No, you just got your ass handed to you again and then sulked off calling yourself the 'winner'.


    Here we go again:

    "We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." --Adolf Hitler

    (Speech of May 1, 1927. Quoted by Toland, 1976, p. 306)

    Game over.

  60. Anonymous2:55 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Oooooh look everybody, it's another 'Hitler was a socialist' moron. I thought I had driven them all off.

    (Hopefully this one will challenge me to a debate on the subject as well.)

    But anyways, I get it. When white people commit mass murder it doesn't really count as proper murder 'cuz knockout game and polar bear somethingorother. I mean the holocaust - that wasn't really proper violence, is what you are saying. It was just pretend white violence. And besides Hitler, Goebbels, Stalin, Himmler, Il Duce they may have looked white, but they wuz actually secretly black. That's the proper history as taught in the hillbilly schools.

    Got it.

    LOL. Peak Negro, is this truly your peak?

    No one mentioned any of the idiotic trivialities that you use as hunched-back straw arguments, surely even your peak Negro intellect knows you are shucking and jiving.

    The point I made about your idiotic comparison of two very different factors is quite clear. Yet you pivot from that and move into brown assclown land.

    What is with you slipping into dumb Negro mode at the end of your post? Pretending to make a point, but surrounding it with Negro stupidity in a piss poor attempt to give yourself an out, when you are called on it

    All the things you wrote, were your thoughts and your straw arguments alone. You are Peak Negro.

    Hard to imagine just how stupid you really are to say that American schools teach that Hitler and his associates were Black. As evil as they were, we all know Negroes can't properly organize the looting of a sneaker store, let alone WWII or any sort of effective movement .

    You obviously don't have the intellect to debate things, and want to change the topic to what is now your peak negro view of Nazi's...No....we shall stay on the topic you raised, until it is finished .

    Now, tell us all about how wonderfully advanced and developed Negro nations are and how well Negroes without the guidance and infrastructure of a white culture do.

  61. Anonymous3:21 PM

    12thManUnited said...
    None of these white trolls have the balls to say any of this to any black person's face. Instead they would piss their pants and run away like a bitch.
    Tough talk coming from a people who engage in the knockout game. Tell me, what is about Blacks that make them like 3 to 1 odds and violence against the elderly? Of they like to emulate Mike Brown who was twice as big and 40 years younger than the storekeeper he robbed. Mike got what was coming to him and the popo will walk. Better get used to it.


  62. What else would you expect from a country hatched from a cannonball and founded on slavery and genocide?

  63. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    What else would you expect from a country hatched from a cannonball and founded on slavery and genocide?
    You could always leave and live in one of those utopian subsaharan African countries. Deep down you know you'd do better half naked with a bone in your nose wondering which unlucky tribesman you're going to put into the pot for dinner.


  64. The skin head who 2:55 really thinks that because the Nazis were organized they should be praised?

    What an idiot!

    Are u this desperate to one up the black race.I your silly racial tit for tat?

    Hang in there. One day that long lost girl the black guy took from you might come back.

  65. Anonymous4:14 PM

    "The government schools are ruled by the quasi-Marxist teacher's union."

    No, they aren't. You understand what labor unions are, right? They are the vehicle that workers use to negotiate their interests with management. Management of schools do not act in the interests of teachers which is why the teachers have unions to fight back against them. Management are the ones who creates the rules, including zero tolerance rules.

    And who are the management, the principals and school boards responding to when they create such rules? The community and its demands.

    And many members of the community are, in fact, proud idiots -- also known as conservatives. These are the people demanding, in response to real dangers like school shootings, that ridiculous measures like "zero tolerance" be put in place. This is why little Susie can't have scissors -- because scissors are a weapon. This is why little Jamal gets suspended for drawing a picture of a gun in art class.

    It's because stupid wingnuts like yourself demand their children be absolutely safe at all times, no matter the cost. That's where "zero tolerance" comes from.

  66. "Hard to imagine just how stupid you really are to say that American schools teach that Hitler and his associates were Black."

    Sweet Jeeeeeeeesusss...

    This guy is beyond parody.

  67. Hitler was a Socialist5:02 PM

    No, Hitler wasn't black, but he was certainly a socialist.

    As pointed out previously, Hitler said he was a socialist.

    "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialist) and the full name of Hitler's political party (translated) was "The National Socialist German Workers' Party" (In German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)

  68. Democrats are cowardly totalitarians5:23 PM

    Some dumbass said...
    "You understand what labor unions are, right? They are the vehicle that workers use to negotiate their interests with management. Management of schools do not act in the interests of teachers which is why the teachers have unions to fight back against them. Management are the ones who creates the rules, including zero tolerance rules.

    And who are the management, the principals and school boards responding to when they create such rules?"

    Management are often members or former members of the teachers union. Management doesn't "fight" teachers, they are two fingers on the same hand.

    Public sector unions dictate their demands to government officials who are dependent on public sector union political donations and muscle. There is no public school system in America that dares challenge the NEA's agenda.

    There is no real division anymore between pubic sector unions, the government, and the democratic party. All make up a single, incestuous mutual support group dedicated to their own enrichment and the promotion of their debased leftist ideology. Actually doing right by the children they are supposed to be educating doesn't even show up on the radar screen.

    Government teachers can't be fired.

    Poor people are forced to send their kids to government schools.

    Taxpayers are forced to subsidize failure and dysfunction.

    Zero-tolerance applies to things liberals have zero tolerance for - pointing your finger like a gun at someone, praying, or not saying you love sodomy enthusiastically enough.

    How "zero tolerance" is applied should make it obvious that it is a cultural weapon of the Left. Stop being such a dumbass before it's too late.

  69. Anonymous5:29 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "Hard to imagine just how stupid you really are to say that American schools teach that Hitler and his associates were Black."

    Sweet Jeeeeeeeesusss...

    This guy is beyond parody.

    You mean you're entire post was a joke and not to be taken seriously? As I told you, you cooned out at the end, played really stupid peak negro, so you could wiggle away, as you just attempted.

  70. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Correction on the typo above before peak negro makes it his only point, as the small minded ones usually do.

    Meant to type you, not you're.

  71. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Correction on the typo above before peak negro makes it his only point, as the small minded ones usually do.

    Meant to type you, not you're.

  72. Anonymous5:35 PM

    field negro said...

    The skin head who 2:55 really thinks that because the Nazis were organized they should be praised?

    What an idiot!

    Are u this desperate to one up the black race.I your silly racial tit for tat?

    Hang in there. One day that long lost girl the black guy took from you might come back.

    Oh my. If you don't have straw arguments and CoonTastic games, what do you guys have? Nazi's were evil , no one said they were to be praised? What is wrong with you people if you can't argue reality, but have to concoct your own??

    I am not desperate at all, I was arguing with a brown assclown who hates White people, despite having Mulatto children and a White wife .

    Hang in guy took my girl....oh please.....another ridiculous fantasy you people need to concoct just to be able to make a point. How utterly low brow.


  73. Ping FN...

    Does the first lady have the authority to sign acts into laws or is cnn just trying to fool their democrat viewers?
    That was Mrs. Obama back in 2010, when she signed the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act into law.

    Gotta love how cnn is willing to say anything to make democrats look good.

  74. "As pointed out previously, Hitler said he was a socialist."

    And as you well know I comprehensively debunked this bollocks last time you posted it. When I posted a list of questions for you to answer you ran off and hid, like the pathetic quivering fucking wimp that you are.

    Now either answer the fucking questions or fuck off.

  75. Anon@5:35, what is more "low brow" than silly name calling based on race?

  76. Part One: Hitler, Socialists and the “International Jewish Conspiracy”

    After WW1 Hitler was stationed in Munich in Bavaria. At that time Kurt Eisner, leader of the Independent Socialist Party, declared Bavaria to be an independent Socialist Republic. Hitler was appalled; he viewed Socialism as simply part of what he called the ‘International Jewish conspiracy’.
    Of course Hitler was keenly aware that the father of Socialism – Karl Marx – was a Jew. (This may come as a surprise to you, but Adolph was not mad keen on Jews, in fact it’s fair to say, he was a bit of an anti-Semite.) Most of the key figures in German Socialism at that time, such as Eisner, Rosa Luxemburg, Toller and Eugene Levine were Jews. Similarly many of the key figures in the Russian October revolution of 1917 had been Jews, such as Trotsky, Radek, Litvinov, Zinoviev and Joffe. Hitler was further outraged in July of 1918, when the Bolsheviks enacted a law that made all discrimination against Jews illegal.
    When the German government regained control of Bavaria in 1919, many hundreds of Socialists were summarily executed without trial. To prove his loyalty to the German government and his opposition to Socialism, Hitler volunteered to rat on fellow soldiers who he knew to have Socialist views. So impressed were the Army officers with Hitler’s fervor and anti-Socialist beliefs that they recruited him to be a political officer, lecturing German soldiers on the dangers of Socialism, Communism and Bolshevism

  77. Part Two – Nazis and Industry

    In the time leading up to Hitler’s election he sought to exploit the massive social unrest in Germany by promising to strengthen Trade Unions, while simultaneously promising Germany’s capitalists that he would destroy the trade union movement. Hitler made good to his promises to Capitalists. The Nazis abolished trade unions, all collective bargaining, and the right to strike.

    The Nazis enacted the "Charter of Labor" this piece of legislation gave employers total power over their employees. It established a legal position of employer as "leader of the enterprise," The law specifically stated:

    "The leader of the enterprise makes the decisions for the employees and laborers in all matters concerning the enterprise."

    It continued..

    "It’s task is to see that every individual should be able to perform the maximum of work."

    Under the new rules between 1932 and 1936, average wages fell, from 20.4 to 19.5 cents an hour for skilled labor, and from 16.1 to 13 cents an hour for unskilled labor.

    So much for the Socialist tenant of giving workers ‘control of the means of production.’ Remember that V.I. Lenin said the first requirement of a Socialist economy is that the “Commanding Heights” of the economy must be taken into worker control. The Nazis did none of that.

    The very first victims of the Nazis mass killing machines were no less than 400,000 Communists, Socialists and Trade Unionists.

  78. Part Three Lebensraum – Nazi Philosophy

    Hitler replaced the key Marxist concept of class conflict and replaced it with ethnic warfare between Aryans on one side and Jews and Gypsies on the other. Within Germany expressions of class-consciousness were specifically banned by law, Germany’s 100 year history of Social Democratic philosophy was ruthlessly supressed.

    The Nazis promoted Völksgemeinschaft, which translates as “folk community.” In this ideology all the economic classes would be united in a struggle to establish a racially pure, Aryan nation, uniquely German in it’s nature and culture. This was in sharp contrast to the prevailing Socialist ideology which was essentially internationalist in nature.
    The Nazis were principally nationalists. They sought to occupy other nations in the quest for Lebensraum - living space – where ethnic Germans would lord over lesser races – untermenschen – in a sort of racist paradise. Again a stark contrast to the prevailing socialist paradigm that postulated in international workers living in a borderless society.
    Finally looking at the key sources of support for the Nazis, these came politically from aging Right Wing nationalists like Luddendorf and Bismarck, and financially from capitalist families such as the Krupps. It’s difficult – if not impossible - to see why these people would support the Nazis if they had a life-long history of opposing leftist ideology, and would be acting against their own financial interests if the Nazis really had been Socialists.

  79. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Charles Barkley to become FN's "House Negro of the Day" in 5....4....3...2...

    Because FN is soooooo predictable.

  80. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Saw the article. Charles will be House Negro of the Year, maybe even All Pro House Negro. He was certainly looking at Field through the Horus when he made those statements.


  81. "Charles Barkley to become FN's "House Negro of the Day" in 5....4....3...2..."

    Newsflash for Charles: I consider myself successful, educated, and I speak "proper English" (whatever that means), and yet I am not in the house with the likes of him.

    I know quite a few blacks who share my views about him who have a similar background as I do.

    He needs to look in the mirror when he starts talking about "unintelligent blacks."

    He is, for all practical purposes, a buffoon.

  82. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Field wrote,
    Newsflash for Charles: I consider myself successful, educated, and I speak "proper English" (whatever that means), and yet I am not in the house with the likes of him.
    Just say " he din du nuffin" over and over. The differences and proper nuances of the language will be well demonstrated.


  83. Hitler was a Socialist9:30 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "The Nazis were principally nationalists."


    Yes, Nazism represented the worst of nationalism. But the basic idea of Nazism was egalitarianism — egalitarianism for Aryans. Nazi rhetoric was incredibly populist. Workers were exalted over everyone. Economic policies were populist too, all aimed at “good Germans.” This differed from Stalinism’s rhetoric to be sure, but it’s not all that dissimilar from various forms of African or pan-Arab socialism.

    Why is only Nazism disqualified from the “honor” of belonging in the socialist club because of its bigotry? Why is it alone held up to the theoretical ideals of socialism, rather than compared to other socialist systems? Is North Korea not socialist because its ideology is racist?

    The "Charter of Labor" you cited established corporatism at the heart of Nazi economics; this is also true of most socialist systems such as Sweden, France, South America, etc. Corporatism (which does not mean “rule by corporations”) is the natural resting state of pretty much every political order.

    It's true that Nationalist politics came before economics in the Nazi state. But where don't politics come before economics in any state? Certainly not in America or the U.K.

    Across the West there’s a tendency among bureaucrats, politicians, academics, and other members of the New Class to convince the people to hand over the major decisions of their lives to the “experts.” These experts aren’t all in the government, but they all collude with government to convince people that the experts have all the answers and that the people need to hand the reins over to them. They will tell us what to eat, what to drive, what to think. It’s an approach that puts politics before economics.

    Or as Hitler put it, “Why need we trouble to socialize banks and factories? We socialize human beings.”

    Hitler was a socialist.
