Saturday, October 25, 2014



I need a caption for this pic.

For example: Praise Jesus! We took the senate!

Play nice.

*Pic from


  1. "Gulf Coast Gay Hillbilly Pride Parade sets Attendance Record"

  2. Anonymous8:28 PM


  3. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Leave it to a white liberal to be homophobic.

    1. Big concern of yours is it?

    2. Come to think of it, I know gay hillbillies.

  4. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Planet of the Hillbillies!

  5. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Jubilation erupted at the birth anouncement of Chelsey Clinton's baby.


  6. Paula dean using the image of a black lady to sell food = racist.

    FN using pictures of white people for his fans to mock = not racist

    Democrat double standards.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. That's "Democratic" rube.

  7. Racism is a power dynamic used by. One or more powerful and privileged ethnicities to dehumanize and suppress another ethnicity or ethnicities. Black Americans have never been more powerful than whites and thus are incapable of carrying out racism on us.

    There are other words, bigotry, bias, discrimination, etc that might make you appear less uninformed in your argumentation. Try them.

  8. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Racism is a power dynamic used by. One or more powerful and privileged ethnicities to dehumanize and suppress another ethnicity or ethnicities. Black Americans have never been more powerful than whites and thus are incapable of carrying out racism on us.

    There are other words, bigotry, bias, discrimination, etc that might make you appear less uninformed in your argumentation. Try them.

    It takes a warped mind to simultaneously believe he is superior because he subjugates himself to those blatantly feels are inferior.

    You are inferior, to others. So you settle where you think you have a shot at being normal. You don't.

    You are inferior.

  9. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    That's "Democratic" rube.

    The Democratic party died ages ago, it's the autocratic party now.

  10. I found a dollar!!!!!!!

  11. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Come to think of it, I know gay hillbillies.

    I'll bet you do.

  12. Alinsky12:35 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Racism is a power dynamic used by one or more powerful and privileged ethnicities to dehumanize and suppress another ethnicity or ethnicities.

    The Left has redefined the meaning of the word "racism" from a universal human failing into something uniquely ascribable to white Americans. Now the very concept itself functions only as a weapon against white America.

    What powerful and privileged ethnicity decides what words mean?

    Who is being dehumanized here?

  13. Anonymous12:40 AM

    WHOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO! QLB got her GED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. The Fixer12:41 AM

    The right has redefined the meaning of the word "racism" from a universal human failing into something uniquely ascribable to blah Americans. Now the very concept itself functions only as a weapon against blah America.

    There, fixed it for ya.

  15. Anonymous12:51 AM


    That was retarded.

  16. @Fixer:

    I am retarded.

    I've done it again.

  17. Porter1:05 AM

    Perhaps "Whitey's Conspiracy" could answer these questions:

    Is liberalism a movement encompassing a raft of coherent and principled positions? Or is it more simply a malign white disembowelment project?

    Obviously something with as broad a range and disparity of parts as that ideology would produce many answers, most interestingly if respondents like Whitey were induced to candor.

    It’s a question very much worth the asking given liberalism’s near complete victory in the West, with tanks now simply racing toward the rear unopposed. Of course you can still find them wailing away in rank slobber hovels about “racists,” Tea Baggers,” and some mythical Kochtopus monster (don’t tell Field the Kochs are for open borders). But this is simply the petulance of delusional children who got their cake and ice cream, yet have to wait a bit longer for the final cookies. Oh the tears.

    Other than being obnoxiously poor winners, the Left is strutting in tall cotton. Though if you believe the first question above is the correct one, then the entire edifice will only be fleeting in its preeminence.

    Liberals cheer the tsunami of immigrants for the multiplying effects from their monolithic voting. And through those imported proxy votes, they now rule the West and liberalism is supreme.

    Don’t get too used to it libs.

    Liberalism plants its own demise, and the first seeds are already sprouting. Once liberal proxies have attained sufficient numbers and influence, does one imagine they will remain content to toddle along obediently behind their effete white patrons? The 8-ball replies: My sources say no.

    We’ve heard of the Somalis displacing flummoxed white liberals in Minnesota. And there was the visiting African prelate hilariously attempting to exorcise the “demon of sodomy” from a squirming homo Anglican bishop (who wins when irresistible “racist!” meets immovable “homophobe!”?). These are merely the first shoots. Much more will blossom in the heavily shit-fertilized soil of the West.

    I wonder how many of these concerns will be stewarded conscientiously into the future by their intended population replacements.

    * stem cell research
    * the welfare state
    * the environment
    * gun control
    * homosexual rights
    * universal healthcare
    * separation of church and state
    * protections for Minorities
    * protections for women

    Will it be Indians maintaining environmental hygiene? Guatemalans funding and performing medical research? Haitians maintaining public order? Mexicans preventing corruption? Africans protecting homosexuals from abuse? Arab Muslims maintaining secular states apart from religious doctrine? Hutus being tolerant of minorities? Will Rotherham Pakistanis fight the rape culture?

    Has a western liberal ever honestly considered these questions for three nanoseconds before reflexively screaming “raysis?”

    It doesn’t matter.

    In the end liberalism begets fundamentalism–and dies in the effort.



    We celebrate our fallen brutha, Vondookie Myers, who was killed in the war on black mens!!

    We smoke this blunt, drank this 40, celebrate our gang affiliation for VONDOOKIE!

  19. So ‘Hitler Was A Socialist’ - a question for you.

    Are you actually Jonah Goldberg or are you plagiarizing his work? Because the stuff you wrote bears a striking similarity to his writing published in National Review February 27 2014/.

    For instance

    Quote: Jonah Goldberg

    “ And again, why is only Nazism disqualified from the “honor” of belonging in the socialist club because of its bigotry? Why is it alone held up to the theoretical ideals of socialism, rather than compared to other socialist systems?”

    Quote Hitler Was A Socialist

    ”Why is only Nazism disqualified from the “honor” of belonging in the socialist club because of its bigotry? Why is it alone held up to the theoretical ideals of socialism, rather than compared to other socialist systems?”

    …and so it continues

    Quote: Jonah Goldberg

    “Oh, the Nazis weren’t socialists, they were ‘corporatists’” is a fine argument to make, if you’re willing to acknowledge that corporatism is actually a more accurate word for the socialisms of Sweden, France, South America, etc…..“I’ve come to believe that corporatism (which does not mean “rule by corporations”) is the natural resting state of pretty much every political order."

    Quote Hitler Was A Socialist

    “The "Charter of Labor" you cited established corporatism at the heart of Nazi economics; this is also true of most socialist systems such as Sweden, France, South America, etc. Corporatism (which does not mean “rule by corporations”) is the natural resting state of pretty much every political order.”


    Every single time I try to get into a debate with one of you far-Right types, it turns out I’m not debating you, you are simply desperately copy and pasting stuff you’ve found on extremist websites. And what else can you call Goldberg – a man who can’t tell the difference between Sweden and North Korea.

  20. The purple cow of copy-paste is complaining about someone else copying and pasting?

    Typical of leftists.

    Your Hitler fetish is creepy.

    I know its nearing Halloween and Hitler costumes are all the rage with gay Euros, but damn. Try to control yourself......

  21. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Racism is a power dynamic used by. One or more powerful and privileged ethnicities to dehumanize and suppress another ethnicity or ethnicities. Black Americans have never been more powerful than whites and thus are incapable of carrying out racism on us.

    The age old excuse the left uses to wink and nod anti-white racism.

    Thank Allah we still have the courts to stop this kind of racism. But with Obama stacking the courts with liberal extremists, our luck is running out....

  22. My god some of these "woe is me" white folks are really pathetic.

    And they claim black folks play the victim card.

    Anyway, good explanation above WC. A little too nuanced and thought out for some of our white trolls, but at least u gave it the old college try. :)

    Pilot@12:05, that's why you are a Hall of Fame field hand. Love your captions.

  23. "The purple cow of copy-paste is complaining about someone else copying and pasting?"

    Show one example of where I have copied other people's work without attribution. Just one. Or shut the fuck up.

  24. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Things could be worse, we could be ugly and black.

  25. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Meanwhile in Chicago. Two dead and an astounding 24 wounded. Last year for the entire corresponding weekend it was only 2 dead and 14 wounded. Once again the YT invented and run trauma services comes to the rescue. More lead and less dead comes into play.

  26. Anonymous10:48 AM

    "Hurahhhhh! We got aour piture on FN Blog!"


  27. Democrats need to play the victim card.

    Daughter needs drivers test. Has all docs, some in MomA name, some MomK, but w/ birth cert showing both. DPS says can only be from 1 mom!-A

    How effective is the victim card if huuffington outs you?

    "All individuals applying for their first Texas driver license must provide a variety of documents to prove their identity, Social Security Number, U.S. citizenship or lawful presence status, and Texas residency. In this case, the adult applicant did not initially present sufficient documentation to prove residency. Once she provided the required documentation, she was able to complete the transaction. There is no indication that any delay in the process was related to same-sex marriage."

    Victim card - FAIL

  28. #whatthefkyingfuckisbillohwitteringonaboutnow?

  29. Anonymous11:26 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    > Are you actually Jonah Goldberg or are you plagiarizing his work? Because the stuff you wrote bears a striking similarity to his writing<

    If you can't address the facts, attack the messenger.

    Purple cow is a Fascist, and Hitler was a socialist.

  30. Alinsky11:46 AM

    field negro said..
    Anyway, good explanation above WC. A little too nuanced and thought out for some of our white trolls, but at least u gave it the old college try. :)

    Maybe you could do a better job, Field.

    How can only white people treat someone poorly because of their race?

    How do you think black people would treat white people if blacks were more powerful than whites? (Perhaps Robert Mugabe could help you with this one.)

    Why was the word "racism" redefined to mean "systematic race-based oppression committed only by whites"? What word now defines the old meaning of "animus towards someone because of their race"?

    As racism is universally regarded as the greatest social evil, and this evil is by definition associated only with one race of human, aren't white people being dehumanized?

    Isn't that "racist"?

  31. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Whoo-hoo! It's a girl!

    QLB is a daddy-uncle!

  32. "If you can't address the facts, attack the messenger."

    I already addressed the alleged 'facts' yesterday, every single one of them.

    ...and guess what? I wrote them all myself. I didn't have to steal from other people like a thief in the night.


  33. FN said...
    BTW, that " survivalist" cop killer is still on the loose in the Poconos region.

    No mention of the cop killer in sacramento california?

    I wonder what the difference between these cop killers are?

    Besides the one FN wrote about is white.

  34. Anonymous1:02 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "If you can't address the facts, attack the messenger."

    I already addressed the alleged 'facts' yesterday, every single one of them.

    ...and guess what? I wrote them all myself. I didn't have to steal from other people like a thief in the night.

    What I find absolutely coontastic, is no one wanted to be bothered with your subject changing debate on Nazi's. You were the one who tried to correlate the condition of the Black race time immemorial with Hitler as if they were diametrically equal when comparing White culture and civilizations built - versus Black culture and your dependance on White culture.

    You created a false parallel, then straw arguments and are debating yourself, now using a schoolboy tactic of debating origins or material, instead of the ideas and material itself.

    How utterly coontastic. And YOU are Peak Negro. You are supposedly the best....

    It's no wonder you married into a White family and created Mulatto children.

  35. Bill, the killer in NoCal was caught.

    See the difference? This one is still on the loose and is dangerous.

  36. Hitler was a Socialist1:07 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    " ...and guess what? I wrote them all myself."

    That's why they are wrong.

    Hitler was a socialist.


  37. The Purple Cow said... #whatthefkyingfuckisbillohwitteringonaboutnow?

    Thanks PurpleCow.


  38. "Hitler was a socialist."

    You've been proven to be a liar a cheat and a thief. Nothing you say here has any value here now. Except perhaps amongst those find being a liar a cheat and a thief to be admirable virtues.

    And just so that you know, simply repeating a point that has ben comprehensively debunked over and over again does not make you a good debater.

  39. Hitler was a Socialist1:30 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "Hitler was a socialist."

    You've been proven to be a liar a cheat and a thief.

    Nothing of the sort.

    Whether or not it is Jonah Goldberg that has contributed to once again proving you wrong, the fact remains that you are, as usual, wrong.

    And none of the points you made were your own - your posts consisted of nothing but cut and pasted content interspersed with snark and insults. You are as dishonest as you are dense.

    You do not "debate", you hysterically defend indefensible narratives you don't understand.

    You gave once again been shown to be full of shit.

    Hitler was a socialist, and you would have been a good Nazi had they let you.

  40. Anonymous1:31 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    And just so that you know, simply repeating a point that has ben comprehensively debunked over and over again does not make you a good debater.

    Self-awareness is not PC's strong point.

  41. Lots of really malicious trolls out here. The boyz from the Aryan nation have been working overtime.

    A lot of readers have been getting malware messages when they try to come to the fields.

    Sadly,I have been getting quite a few emails regarding this subject.

    Not cool when folks try to come to the fields and can't get here.

    I might have to go off-line for awhile.

    Trying to prevent doing that so I have a very good tech guy helping me out.

    We will see.


  42. The Purple Cow said...
    debunked over and over again does not make you a good debater.

    Have you ever considered anonymous doesn't really want to debate hitler, he just enjoys goading you into replying?

    Pavlov asks PurpleCow.


  43. field negro said...
    A lot of readers have been getting malware messages when they try to come to the fields.

    That's messed up if true. As a lawyer I hope you go after them.

    Google doesn't believe there is any malware problem with your site.


  44. What is the current listing status for

    This site is not currently listed as suspicious.

    What happened when Google visited this site?

    Of the 50 pages we tested on the site over the past 90 days, 0 page(s) resulted in malicious software being downloaded and installed without user consent. The last time Google visited this site was on 2014-10-25, and suspicious content was never found on this site within the past 90 days.

    This site was hosted on 1 network(s) including AS15169 (GOOGLE).

    Has this site acted as an intermediary resulting in further distribution of malware?

    Over the past 90 days, did not appear to function as an intermediary for the infection of any sites.

    Has this site hosted malware?

    No, this site has not hosted malicious software over the past 90 days.

  45. "Whether or not it is Jonah Goldberg that has contributed to once again proving you wrong, the fact remains that you are, as usual, wrong."

    Sorry Mr. Liar/Cheat but Goldberg proved nobody wrong but himself. Any "analyst" that can't tell the difference between North Korea and Sweden is not worthy of consideration.


    "And none of the points you made were your own - your posts consisted of nothing but cut and pasted content interspersed with snark and insults. You are as dishonest as you are dense."

    So show me where I cut and pasted them from. You are after all, our in-house expert on dishonesty and plagiarism, so it shouldn't be difficult for you.


    "You do not "debate", you hysterically defend indefensible narratives you don't understand."

    If my narratives are so indefensible how come you have so manifestly failed to defeat them?

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Anonymous Bill said...

    field negro said...
    A lot of readers have been getting malware messages when they try to come to the fields.
    But now Bill has proven you wrong Field. There are several explanations. Either it's an out and out lie which is a distinct possibility considering your track record. Perhaps it's just another manifestation of the paranoia that is rampant in the Black population. Then again it's also likely that the people reporting this are just stupid. I vote for all three. Laughable that you would blame it on YT but hey you blame just about everything on YT anyway. Why should anyone be surprised.

  48. The Purple Cow said...
    "The purple cow of copy-paste is complaining about someone else copying and pasting?"

    Show one example of where I have copied other people's work without attribution. Just one. Or shut the fuck up.

    I never said you "copied other people's work without attribution". I said "The purple cow of copy-paste is complaining about someone else copying and pasting?"

    So why don't you have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up.

    And learn to read.

  49. field negro said...
    Lots of really malicious trolls out here. The boyz from the Aryan nation have been working overtime.

    Sure FN. YT is out to get you.

    Best you go off paper. You know how YT is.

  50. 'I never said you "copied other people's work without attribution". I said "The purple cow of copy-paste is complaining about someone else copying and pasting?"

    So why don't you have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up.

    And learn to read."

    Oh I can read cuntface, the clear implication of your words was that I, like you, an intellectually dishonest plagiarist. So I'm saying put up or shut up.

  51. Bill, that's good work on your part, but sadly, it appears that it is ii fact true that some folks are misdirected when they use certain search.engines.

    If u are on my twitter TL u wil see examples of a couple of these.people.

    No paranoia here, wingnut. I am hoping that everything is working just fine.

    I will know for sure soon.

  52. Republican.....I am glad that u acknowledge that u and the Aryans are one and the same.:)


  53. field negro said...
    Bill, that's good work on your part, but sadly, it appears that it is ii fact true that some folks are misdirected when they use certain search.engines.

    I'm assuming you already did the google safe browsing link, I was just making it public.

    If u are on my twitter

    Damn it, you got me that time.

    I actually went to

    Didn't find any mention of it.


  54. field negro said...
    I might have to go off-line for awhile.

    Maybe just the cynic in me...

    This blog thing is getting old for you. Too many more important things in your real life. Tweeting gives you a soapbox without "anonymous" crap.

    Leaving because "Aryan nation" sounds like a good excuse.

    The non-cynic in me doesn't believe YOU would ever go offline because Aryan nation wants you to.

  55. Anonymous3:48 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    " Oh I can read cuntface..."

    The words of Peak Negro.

    Oh yeah...well you're a cuntface and I too can so read.....White people are all Nazi's...Hitler!!!.

    HAHAHAHA. Great entertainment watching the small minds be so easily manipulated.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. " Oh I can read cuntface..."

    The words of Peak Negro."

    It was mearly what I am sure is highly accurate descriptor.

    You've got one of those stupid 'talking cunt' goatee beards, haven't you?

  58. Anonymous4:10 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    " Oh I can read cuntface..."

    The words of Peak Negro."

    It was mearly what I am sure is highly accurate descriptor.

    You've got one of those stupid 'talking cunt' goatee beards, haven't you?

    Peak Negro ,realizing he is being belittled for his stunted intellect, doubles down and digs deep to start shucking jiving and further display his coontastic skills. Amazing Coon; wasn't that a hymn at the church of the failed Negro?

    Perhaps he thinks that his only being capable of a typical Negro coontastic invective laden response, is a reflection on someone else and not he...or perhaps it's his escape route.

    He thinks he won't have to worry about being judged at being a "peak Negro" with a subpar mind, if he goes all in and puts it display.

    Where de white wummens at?

    Peak Negro - Has peaked.

  59. Rumor has it FN will be in New York next week shooting a Pilot for MSNBC.

    The Purple Cow said...
    " Oh I can read cuntface..."

    Sure you can.....

  60. Bill, are u sure u know how to use twitter? :)

    "Louise ‏@Hat_McD · 5h5 hours ago
    @fieldnegro Field, I keep getting a malware message when I try to look at your blog. Are u aware of this?"

  61. I get that on Chrome.

    Firefox, your blog just pops up.

    I wonder if you've been reported has a malicious site?

    Maybe you are right. YT is out to get you!

  62. Anonymous6:23 PM

    My dear Field, there is medication and treatment for your paranoia. Just realize that you're really entertainment. BTW an update about the Chicago shitshow. Now 3 confirmed dead and 28 wounded


    PS: Have you ever considered something a bit different than the Saturday headline pic? Maybe something in the music arena. Consider posters nominating a song and posters voting on it. You could give the "I hate YT theme" a day of rest. You might even limit it to "Black" music if it would make you more comfortable. Personally I'm in a bit of Stylistics kick. Money says most of the young brothers have never heard "Betcha By Golly, Wow." Food for thought and you might feel better about yourself.


  63. field negro said...
    Bill, are u sure u know how to use twitter? :)

    Obviously not.
    Even with Louise ‏@Hat_McD · 5h5 hours ago as a search term I still couldn't find any mention of the problem.

    What's your expert saying?

  64. There was an issue with my java script that was directing folks who came from Google Chrome somewhere else.

    I removed it and hopefully that will solve the problem.


  65. field negro said...
    There was an issue with my java script that was directing folks who came from Google Chrome somewhere else.

    I removed it and hopefully that will solve the problem.

    Good and bad news.

    Good your up and running.

    Bad because it wasn't the Aryan nation as you hoped.

    Democrat agenda hits javascript reality.

  66. Anonymous9:58 PM

    field negro said...

    There was an issue with my java script that was directing folks who came from Google Chrome somewhere else.

    I removed it and hopefully that will solve the problem.
    field negro said...

    Can't trust, YT.

    So are you going to apologize to white people for the false accusation and paranoia?

  67. "So are you going to apologize to white people for the false accusation and paranoia?"

    Let me think about it......

    Thought about it. No!

  68. Anonymous11:54 PM

    field negro said...

    "So are you going to apologize to white people for the false accusation and paranoia?"

    Let me think about it......

    Thought about it. No!

    Of course not. That would be...acting White.

  69. Really QLB? You think young brothas aren't up on the Stylistics? Ok.

  70. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Purple cow seems like a decent guy..maybe if if im ever in England we can get a beer together.

  71. Damn this Anon really wants to hang with PC. Somehow I don't think that the feelings are mutual.

  72. Jesus has come back to save them from OBAMA !!
