Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Certain people are fighting back.

It's close to Halloween, so I guess this explains why the legislature --and the courts--- in the state of Georgia are doing such scary things.

"Voting rights advocates are considering legal options after a Georgia judge denied their lawsuit that would have compelled the state to add 40,000 newly registered voters to the rolls.

Judge Christopher Brasher said voters whose registration applications were lost may cast provisional ballots in next week's election. But he declined to force Republican Secretary of State Brian Kemp and counties to ensure voting for the thousands of new voters. The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the New Georgia Project, and the Georgia branch of the NAACP are weighing whether to appeal to the Georgia Supreme Court.

"You've got a situation that was designed to wreak havoc on the elections office if a large number of provisional ballots are cast," Julie Houk, a senior special counsel with the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights' voting rights project, told The Huffington Post Wednesday. She said provisional ballots are "not an adequate remedy" because "registered voters are entitled to cast a regular ballot."

Voting rights advocates said the judge's decision could potentially disenfranchise thousands of people, a disproportionate number of whom are minorities, and disrupt Georgia's high-profile races for U.S. Senate and governor.

The voters in question were registered during a six-month drive by the nonpartisan New Georgia Project, led by state House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams (D). The group submitted more than 86,000 applications, a majority from young voters of color registering to vote for the first time, along with another 20,000 or so from other groups. Abrams' group alleges that 40,000 of those applications are mysteriously missing from the state's official voter rolls, and that the state has not provided an explanation. " [Source]

You Negroes better start paying attention to what is going on in America.

These new Jim Crow style tactics being carried out is serious business.

This was a long thought-out plan to reclaim the upper hand when certain people started feeling that they were losing political power in this country.  You Negroes (and brown people) coming out in full force (twice) to elect the first Negro president scared the s**t out of them, and so they decided to go to work.  

Speaking of certain people, one of them who wants to be president kind of let his real motivations for wanting that office slip out, recently.

" South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, who is toying with the idea of a presidential bid, joked in a private gathering this month that "white men who are in male-only clubs are going to do great in my presidency," according to an audio recording of his comments provided to CNN.

"I'm trying to help you with your tax status," Graham says in the recording. "I'm sorry the government's so f---ed up. If I get to be president, white men in male-only clubs are going to do great in my presidency." The crowd is then heard laughing. [Source]

Finally, an honest politician.



  1. Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns Grow11:28 PM

    So Jim Crow was all about stopping voter fraud?

    I guess we really need to bring Jim Crow laws back.

  2. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Americans can't even vote without contention, court cases and judicial interventions? Geeeez!

    Maybe dictatorships are better! xD

  3. Hey Field, explain to the peeps why letting illegal aliens vote is in the interest of black folk.

    As illegal Mexicans ethnically cleanse blacks out of their neighborhoods and destroy any chance of the poorest breaking the cycle of poverty by taking all the jobs, maybe blacks ought to think twice about voting for the party that is dumping them for a new favorite mascot.

    1. wake up 90 % of blacks2:37 PM

      No, blacks are all about fighting whitey. .thinking critically about their own future is not part of their concerns.

  4. Practically no mortal man is capable of ruling a petri-dish empire like the US to the satisfaction of its many disparate constituencies. That even blacks are comically vexed at Obama is more an indictment of the country than the man. Because the termites of the left have assiduously gnawed it to a void, what remains increasingly has no core, no dominant culture, mores, or standards of behavior. It is all electrons and no nucleus. Instead of a nation, it has metastasized into competing tribes in the same geography. With all tribes competing but one. And as such there is little conception of common good among any. Rather all issues are zero sum. And all goodies are spoils.

    What have you done for us specifically? is the question to which each tribe demands a response. And Obama, like all others, obsequiously caters. He was not the change they had been waiting for. Because what messianic liberal whites elected, in a hope against dope, was for a christ-figure black man to absolve their original sin of whiteness. To tell them they were welcome in his Kingdom on Earth. To above all, please, please, please not call them racist. Other groups, unsurprisingly, had differing designs. Blacks expected more gibs and hispanics more colonization. Meanwhile, reminiscing conservative whites wave their flags and chant patriotic pablum as if the incantations will return the country their fathers were too craven to bequeath.

    Of course none of these groups are now happy.

    But I’d like to return to a what-could-have-been for Obama. What if he had not been merely a more genteel Jesse Jackson, surrounding himself with a coterie of career cronies and a black panther in the Justice Department? What if he had been the president his famed 2004 speech suggested? What if he had still ruled as a doctrinaire liberal, but removed the racial hook from whites’gaping mouths? What if he had come out against racial preferences and hourly accusations of “raysis?” What if he had truly embraced the concept of a colorblind, by the content of your character “One Nation?” What if he had actually sought to earn that Nobel peace prize both at home and abroad? What if he had simply told whites that they were valued, had a home, were no longer blamed, were vital in America’s great mosaic (blah blah)…I do believe he would now be history’s most revered American statesman across the political spectrum. And probably could have ruled without serious opposition.

    But obviously Obama delivered nothing promised by that speech. And race relations have deteriorated during his tenure. Perhaps we should be grateful whites weren’t provided the redeemer of their desperation. For the notion of electing black presidents to heal the racial rift seems now to be a very quaint one indeed.

    And while presiding over this increasingly fractured polyglot clusterfuck is a practical impossibility, I still can’t help but wonder at what might have been for a sincere Obama in that brief leg-tingling moment when a nation turned its idiotically rapturous eyes to him.

  5. Anonymous12:38 AM

    The sweet Lady Graham, she was honest for once! Nice find FN......


  6. Anonymous12:40 AM

    If America had been burdened with something less than an utterly corrupt media, it would have been interesting to hear a reporter ask President Obama the following innocent question: How are you teaching your daughters about their white heritage?

    Michelle and I…
    very proud…

  7. Speedy Gonzalez12:41 AM

    Dear mi amigo! Plis no call us 'aliens'. an talk so bad bout us. Ju no we no so stoopid, 'alien'thas mean we foreign and not fron dis cantry.

    Plis member dat we own California an Tejas before de white man drive us out. Our forefathers know dis cantry like the palm of there han, an so do we.

    Ebery tine ju eat a fruit or a vegetble tink of me an my family pliz Don make me want to pee dem plz! Okay? okay! :)

    Ayayayayayayayyy! Que viva Mejico, California y Tejas!

  8. Speedy Gonzalez12:55 AM

    an gracias Mrs.Jeb Bush for helpin us cross de boarder into our cantry once again! Ju underestan!

    an gracias to de Mejican god of de harvest Texichehulpandxzetuaplin.

    an gracias to my mudder who cross de desert wit me in her juarape slung ober her back.It was a bumpy ride, but I neber forget de way :)

    Ayayayayayyyy jalapenos an enchiladaaaas!

  9. Can any of the more seasoned Field Negro commenters recall a brief period in time when Americans stumbled along without the benevolent aid of hyper-competent foreigners? No me neither. Yet it is they desperate to come here rather than we there. So who is actually more competent?

    No matter xenophobes, the government has decided they need a "Change".

    Ay, caramba!

  10. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Anonymous said...

    The sweet Lady Graham, she was honest for once! Nice find FN......

    Yes she was:

  11. Speedy Gonzalez1:17 AM

    O jeees! Piney Joe! Ju underestan too! I like ju now!

    An tank ju for all de complmens!

    I will memeber ju wen I pick de crops! An I promis we will not pee dem any more now hehehe! Ju see how kineness begets kinenes?

    Be niiice okay....okay! :)

    1. speedy Gonzalez fan2:41 PM

      Lmaoo speedy G is hilarious

  12. Lizzy Graham said: "white men who are in male-only clubs are going to do great in my presidency,"

    I bet he did! No women (or men of color) needed in his ; )

  13. Anonymous1:38 AM

    At least the men of color will always have a place in your closet, Whitey.

  14. anti-Porter2:36 AM

    "Porter said..."

    jesus christ, who is this Porter person? they drone on and on about shit nobody cares about and nobody will ever read. There should be a limit to the amount of BS someone can post.

  15. Porter, here is the problem: The racism and ignorance was always there, it just took a black man being elected to the most powerful position to bring it out.

    Obama's problem is the opposite of what you proclaim.Rather than see the racists and obstructionist for who they were, he tried to play nice. He surrounded himself with Ivy League yes men and DC insiders who were beneficiaries of white privilege themselves.

    They never looked into the real motivations behind all the Obama hate, and neither did he.

    Now he is starting to understand but it's too late. The inmates have taken over the asylum known as America.

    1. Obama is white AND black2:44 PM

      Wow field..your ignorance is greater then Sir Charles's mouth.

  16. Anti-Porter, I think Porter lifted an entire post of wingnut talking points.

    PC, will be along soon to show us where he/she got it.

  17. "On another note, Signore Kinkyyyyyyyy! Come on down and watch the whales, it's almost time for them to come to the waters off Rincon's beahes!!!"

    ¿Cómo está mi isla princesa ?

    ¿Va a unirse a mí? Crystal aguas azules y arena marrón suena bonito.
    Las ballenas son criaturas tan inteligentes y hermosos. Para verlos, mientras que en la empresa de la señora hermosa sería el cielo ........

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Field, what in the name of Jehovah are you talking about?

    Obama tried to play nice? WHEN?

    Poor, poor, poor Obama. He's such a victim.

    Obamaholics just can't except the fact that Obama isn't the messiah they prayed for. Obama will leave the world and this country worse off than it was before he was elected.

    "I actually think the symbolism of a Barack presidency would be good. And I think having him in the White House would actually help U.S. foreign policy more than hurt it"-Field Negro, January 27, 2008

    Yeah, how's that working out for ya?

    Repeat after me-

    My name is [Field,your name here] and I am an Obamaholic.

  20. "You've got a situation that was designed to wreak havoc on the elections office if a large number of provisional ballots are cast," Julie Houk, a senior special counsel with the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights' voting rights project, told The Huffington Post Wednesday. She said provisional ballots are "not an adequate remedy" because "registered voters are entitled to cast a regular ballot."

    "Voting rights advocates said the judge's decision could potentially disenfranchise thousands of people, a disproportionate number of whom are minorities, and disrupt Georgia's high-profile races for U.S. Senate and governor."

    And yet these "nonpartisan" groups are only "weighing whether to appeal to the Georgia Supreme Court."

    If these horrors are true, what's there to weigh? Unless, things are not what field and others claim.


    "The counties have processed all the voter registration applications that they have received for the General Election," he said.

    And in that process, they discovered either significant errors or intentional falsehoods, he said: Fifty signatures were forgeries; 513 applicants were dead; 1,637 were convicted felons ineligible to vote; 2,124 listed no dates of birth; 2,195 had invalid or out-of-state ZIP codes; and 39,276 were active voters, already registered, Kemp said.

    Read more here:

  21. Anonymous8:53 AM

    "Obama's problem is the opposite of what you proclaim. Rather than see the racists and obstructionist for who they were, he tried to play nice. He surrounded himself with Ivy League yes men and DC insiders who were beneficiaries of white privilege themselves."

    I think it's about more than race. Race is definitely a big part of it, though.

    Obama ran for office on rhetoric that suggested that he would "transcend" partisanship, that there would be no fights over dumb stuff during his administration and he would find compromise at the national level. For the record, Dubya said similar stuff during his campaign. "I'm a uniter, not a divider." LOL.

    Here's the thing, though: It's easy to believe you're going to find reasonable compromise based on your experience in only one part of the country. Obama is a blue stater -- his life has been spent in Hawaii, California, New York, Illinois. Bush was a red-state Texan, exclusively.

    So, sure, it's comparatively easy to reach across the aisle and get some agreement between the liberals and centrists of the Illinois legislature. And I've no doubt it's not that hard to get consensus between the standard right-wingers and the crazy neo-confederate loons who make up the Texas legislature. Everyone is already somewhat on the same page.

    But just try finding common ground in the U.S. Congress between a Massachusetts liberal and a conservative from Alabama. There ain't none. The divide between the two parties at the national level is just too big, which means there's going to be very little consensus, ever. It's just constant fistfights. I don't think Obama was ready for that.


  22. field negro said...
    he tried to play nice.

    Batshit crazy!

    He bashed his opponents from day 1.

    Just like you, he continuously voiced his hate and contempt for those 2-3 million fox watching americans.

    He surrounded himself with Ivy League yes men and DC insiders who were beneficiaries of white privilege themselves.

    Obama surrounded himself solely with left-wing ideologues that he hand picked.

    You know, the democrats that care so much for the poor people and the middle class that biden admitted was left behind in the great obama recovery.

    Ask PC to explain to you that you were played for a fool by the democrat party to elect a republican.


  23. señor kinky said...
    "I actually think the symbolism of a Barack presidency would be good. And I think having him in the White House would actually help U.S. foreign policy more than hurt it"-Field Negro, January 27, 2008

    Nice quote.

    US Foreign policy under obama...



  24. field negro said...
    he tried to play nice. He surrounded himself with Ivy League yes men and DC insiders who were beneficiaries of white privilege themselves.


    He proved very early on that it was all about him and he had no loyalties.

    Remember how he threw rev wright under the bus?

    The reverend that officiated at his wedding, baptized his kids,
    20 years of attending his church.

    When the going got tough, under the bus with anybody that no longer was of use to Obama.

    Is that the type of leadership that fosters loyalty?

  25. Quote: Field Negro

    "Anti-Porter, I think Porter lifted an entire post of wingnut talking points.

    PC, will be along soon to show us where he/she got it."

    ...à votre service...

  26. Anonymous12:05 PM

    "For the record, Dubya said similar stuff during his campaign. "I'm a uniter, not a divider." LOL."

    For the record, even though Bush got ten times more hate than Obama ever did, he actually did try reaching out over the aisle, even after multiple times being stabbed in the back. (No one ever said he was smart).

    Obama came into office with control of the House and a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. He didn't need Republican votes, so he locked them out of the room.

    On the larger matter of race has never acted as uniter, even though with his heritage he would have been uniquely positioned to do so. Instead, he went full negro, even so far as to lie on his census form. Yes he surrounded himself with Clintonites and Wall Street types and pursued business as usual, but he completely squandered his shot at greatness, his chance to do something for America that no other President could do. It would have been doable, but he was much too small a man to meet his calling.

    That will be his legacy. That and the bankruptcy of the United States government, of course.

  27. Anonymous12:44 PM

    field negro said...
    They never looked into all the real motivations behind the Obama hate, and neither did he.

    I would posit that is you who have never looked into the real motivations behind the Obama hate, reflexively assuming that all opposition to his policies was at root exclusively due to racial animus.

    This is deeply wrong.

    White America, both on the Left and the Right, all desperately seek absolution for the sin of their whiteness. To this end they are always seeking the validation of blacks, always seeking to crowd their podiums with black faces, forever trying to refute the accusation that they are "too white".

    America was ready to love their black President, to follow the messiah to the land of racial redemption. But the Democratic Party had other business to attend to.

    Obama was a particularly poor winner, using his temporary complete control of government to ram through 40 years worth of the liberal wish list while completely marginalizing any input from Republicans. Instead of seeking common ground he has consistently vilified his political opponents and used his party's continued control of the Senate to stifle all legislation coming out of the House. Things have never been this dysfunctional before.

    The hostility to Obama is completely ideological and policy based. There are two Americas, with completely different ideas about what the country should be. One side believes in the Constitutionaly limited government, individual liberty and open opportunity model that has served America since its founding, while the other wants a maximalist central government that manages economic and personal matters for the purpose of insuring equality of outcomes for gender, racial and ethnic groups.

    These are two very different visions that are at root incompatible.

    America has grown too large, and too diverse to be happy with one system or the other. The best solution would be a peaceable dissolution, because the current path will inevitably lead to a violent dissolution.

  28. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Field, "Now he is starting to understand but it's too late. The inmates have taken over the asylum known as America."

    6:38 AM
    No, Obama does not understand, nor does he care.

    Mr Field, how and when did you conclude that Obama 'now' understands?

    Could it be your own 'wish' that Obama will understand?

    The reality is Obama understands very little, from race relations to the middle east to Isis.

    And at this juncture in his Presidency, it is obvious from his behavior and responses, he really doesn't give a damn.

    Mr Field, you continually defend the indefensible. There is something morally wrong with your mind and heart.

    Porter pinned the Truth for all to see but you continue to DENY, DENY, DENY. No matter how many times the Truth presents itself you react as though Truth has no merit whatsoever. In your life, living a LIE counts more than anything else. TNB....

    Barley is right. It's Negroes like you who hold us back.

  29. Thank you PC.

    Anon@12:44, is conservatives who want ti tell us what do do with our bodies and in our bedrooms.

    And , for the record, America's majority wants no racial reconciliation. According to them racism died with the passing of the Civil Rights Act and when Jackie Robinson integrated baseball.

    As for Obama being a poor winner, you must have forgotten what republicans declared before Michelle and the kids spent one day in the WH.

    Something about making sure that he is a one terrm president

  30. Anonymous2:11 PM

    field negro said...

    Thank you PC.

    Anon@12:44, is conservatives who want ti tell us what do do with our bodies and in our bedrooms.

    No conservatives are advocating for any restrictions on what anyone is doing in their bedrooms.

    No conservatives are advocating for preventing homosexuals from living with the partner of their choice, only in the sanctification of this relationship as if it were a marriage.

    The one deviation from libertarianism is the conservative position on abortion, which I do not share.

    In contrast, the Democrats offer free abortion on demand up to the day of birth, but demand restriction of all other freedoms in return for complete sexual license.

    Liberalism restricts what kind of energy you can use, what kind of car you drive, dictates what kind of health insurance you must buy, won't let you keep your doctor, mandates what your kid eats for lunch, and tells you how big a soda you are permitted to buy. Although they aren't there yet, Liberals want to control how much money you make, where you live and who you live with, and what you are allowed to say and think.

    If Conservatism could drop the idea of outlawing abortion, it would no longer be possible for Liberals to maintain the charade that they are the ones defending personal freedoms. But lucky for you communists, the disparate conservative coalition just can't seem to get their shit together, even as we are Fundamentally Changing into a cross between the USSR and Brazil.

  31. Anonymous2:13 PM

    "Something about making sure that he is a one terrm president"

    And the democrats wanted a G. W. Bush second term? How can you possibly ascribe that to race?

  32. Anonymous2:29 PM

    field negro said...
    "And , for the record, America's majority wants no racial reconciliation. According to them racism died with the passing of the Civil Rights Act and when Jackie Robinson integrated baseball."

    So you think white people are happy with their role as the villains of America's past and the penitents of its present? With being told they will have no place in America's future?

    Any people in such a position would want to find absolution any way they could. Vast transfer payments, Affirmative Action, a Black President, all in solicitation of some kind of reconcilliation.

    But there will be none. White Guilt is the cudgel that keeps the Left in power, and it will never be put away.

  33. Donald Washington2:51 PM

    Field you have got to be the most ignorant fool of all time..or you lie very well to keep the race game going.


  34. field negro said...
    As for Obama being a poor winner, you must have forgotten what republicans declared before Michelle and the kids spent one day in the WH.

    Are you insinuating that when bush was elected democrats supported him and didn't want to replace him in office?

  35. Anonymous3:04 PM

    señor kinky said...
    ¿Cómo está mi isla princesa ?
    ¿Va a unirse a mí? Crystal aguas azules y arena marrón suena bonito.
    Las ballenas son criaturas tan inteligentes y hermosos. Para verlos, mientras que en la empresa de la señora hermosa sería el cielo
    7:10 AM

    Awww mi Signore Kinky! Gracias,que dulce es usted :)

    I love to watch the beautiful whales, so majestic and graceful as they play in the ocean.

    Hasta luego mi Signore!:)

  36. The Black lie3:10 PM

    American Negro poverty: sail foam, Chrysler 3 hunnet, 'partment, cable and interwebs, ebt and wic. 200 dollar shoes, da club, getting they "hair did", fast food, free education and goofy DWL's like the CEO of Apple giving them IPads to bridge the "digital divide."

    Actual poverty: Indian kids stripping a supertanker for 1 dollar a week and eating food from trashcans.


  37. field negro said...
    The racism and ignorance was always there, it just took a black man being elected to the most powerful position to bring it out.

    Correct me if I'm wrong...

    1. When obama was elected, he didn't have the votes/support of republicans/racists.

    2. Yet Obama enjoyed high approval ratings without the support of rightwingers/racists.

    3. The drop in approval ratings and increase in racism is from what used to be his supporters.

    What did Obama do to turn supporters into racists?

  38. Anonymous3:22 PM

    "3. The drop in approval ratings and increase in racism is from what used to be his supporters.

    What did Obama do to turn supporters into racists?"

    The drop in intelligence from Bill is astounding. What did Bill do to be so stupid?


  39. field negro said...
    ...he tried to play nice.

    Didn't bush work with one of the most liberal senators kennedy to pass no child left behind?

    Their unlikely alliance on the measure led Bush to jokingly reference "my friend Ted Kennedy" in his 2002 State of the Union speech,28804,1918873_1918869_1918857,00.html

    Name something obama worked on with one of the most conservative senators to pass his legislation.

    I'm expecting no reply/answer to the question since it doesn't prove the democrat talking points.

  40. Anonymous3:29 PM

    "No, blacks are all about fighting whitey. .thinking critically about their own future is not part of their concerns."

    Says a white person who probably doesn't even know one blah person. Thanks for your input but you can go back to screwing your sister now. Bye.

    1. anon @3:29 is a racist blah5:54 PM

      I know plenty of Blah people. Thats why I give my input. Thanks for showing your immaturity with ridiculous insults though.

  41. Bill is a F'n retard3:32 PM

    "Name something obama worked on with one of the most conservative senators to pass his legislation."

    gee, could it be because no Republican senator could survive a primary if they worked with him? Aren't they the same people who said their number one priority is to make him a one term president? Aren't these the guys who in a secret meeting agreed to oppose EVERYTHING the President suggested? You are an idiot Bill.

  42. Anonymous3:34 PM

    "In a scene reminiiscent of the summit meeting of mob bosses in The Godfather, Republican House leaders were summoned by evil marshmallow and message-crafter Frank Luntz to hash out a strategy to cope with the defeat of their party in 2008 and the election of the newly inaugurated President Obama, according to Robert Draper's just published book Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the U.S. House of Representatives.

    From a report on Draper's revelation by Ewen MacAskill in the Guardian UK (the bolding is mine):

    During a lengthy discussion, the senior GOP members worked out a plan to repeatedly block Obama over the coming four years to try to ensure he would not be re-elected.

    In his book, Draper opens with the heady atmosphere in Washington on the days running up to the inauguration and the day itself, which attracted 1.8 million to the mall to witness Obama being sworn in as America's first black president.

    Those numbers contributed to a growing sense of unease among Republicans as much the defeat in the White House race the previous November. The 15 Republicans were in a sombre mood as they gathered at the Caucus Room in Washington, an upscale restaurant where a New York strip steak costs $51.

    Attending the dinner were House members Eric Cantor, Jeb Hensarling, Pete Hoekstra, Dan Lungren, Kevin McCarthy, Paul Ryan and Pete Sessions. From the Senate were Tom Coburn, Bob Corker, Jim DeMint, John Ensign and Jon Kyl. Others present were former House Speaker and future – and failed – presidential candidate Newt Gingrich and the Republican strategist Frank Luntz, who organised the dinner and sent out the invitations.

    The dinner table was set in a square at Luntz's request so everyone could see one another and talk freely. The session lasted four hours and by the end the sombre mood had lifted: they had conceived a plan. They would take back the House in November 2010, which they did, and use it as a spear to mortally wound Obama in 2011 and take back the Senate and White House in 2012, Draper writes.

    "If you act like you're the minority, you're going to stay in the minority," said Keven McCarthy, quoted by Draper. "We've gotta challenge them on every single bill and challenge them on every single campaign."

    The Republicans have done that, bringing Washington to a near standstill several times during Obama's first term over debt and other issues."

  43. Bill is a F'n retard3:37 PM

    "If you act like you're the minority, you're going to stay in the minority," said Keven McCarthy, quoted by Draper. "We've gotta challenge them on every single bill and challenge them on every single campaign."

    So this is the President's fault huh Bill? How do you even breathe?


  44. Bill is a F'n retard said...
    So this is the President's fault huh Bill? How do you even breathe?

    I appreciate you using my name in your name. It is a reflection of how deep I am in your head. I like that.

    Although I am disappointed you quoted someone else.

    If you want to be my stalker, please quote me and not someone else.

  45. Bill is a F'n retard3:43 PM

    Maybe you can watch it bill, you're probably too dumb to read.

  46. Bill is a F'n retard3:45 PM

    "I appreciate you using my name in your name. It is a reflection of how deep I am in your head. I like that."

    you need to be in somebody's head because yours is empty.

    "Although I am disappointed you quoted someone else."

    The quote was from the post I made earlier refuting what you said. Jeezus, you are dumber than humanly possible.

  47. Anonymous3:48 PM

    anon at 1:24 said

    "Barley is right. It's Negroes like you who hold us back."

    Who the fuck is Barley? You racist anons are certainly stupid. Jeezus, more proof white supremacy is the biggest farce ever.

  48. Bill is a F'n retard4:29 PM

    Dumbass Bill said
    "Didn't bush work with one of the most liberal senators kennedy to pass no child left behind?"

    Well dumbass, that's because Democrats actually want to legislate and move the country forward while republicans are just out to embarrass and harass the first blah President to appease their racist white constituents.

  49. Colonel Corn4:47 PM

    PilotX said...
    Well dumbass, that's because Democrats actually want to legislate and move the country forward while republicans are just out to embarrass and harass the first blah President to appease their racist white constituents.

    PilotX thinks Democrats are pure of heart, and only want what's best for Americans, and that they never opposed President Bush except on the highest matter of principal.

    Meanwhile, Republicans who, before Obama was elected, opposed on ideological grounds government healthcare, open borders, and unequal treatment before the law, instantly changed their motivation to racism the moment he was elected.

    That my friends is true dumbassery.

    Go figure.


  50. FN sure went crickets on quarantines once I asked why a democrat double standard.

    Obama wants to quarantine the military.

    Obama and FN thinks it is wrong to quarantine doctors/nurses and attacks republican governors over it. (but not the democrat governor in california because of politics).

    I wonder if FN is one of those democrats that believes in science.

    Can FN use that science stuff to explain how ebola can distinguish between a military uniform and those of doctors/nurses?

    Maybe it is not science preventing FN from answering??

  51. Anon@2:29, I have some news for you: racism didn't end when O took the oath office. In fact, it got worse.

    Maybe dems didn't want to work with Bush because they felt that the supremes gave him the election over Gore.


  52. field negro said...
    Maybe dems didn't want to work with Bush because they felt that the supremes gave him the election over Gore.


    Isn't that the stereotype of liberals, that they act on emotions instead of facts?

    Even the NY times knows the truth from a myth.

    Study of Disputed Florida Ballots Finds Justices Did Not Cast the Deciding Vote

    Speaking of facts, still waiting for you to explain the science of quarantining military but not doctors and nurses.

    Not all facts and science are equal to democrats.

  53. End of America in process5:57 PM

    All you folks better prepare for whats to come..Obama is working on finishing what used to be America. Dont believe me? Just wait and see. .


  54. In the final days before the election, Democrats in the closest Senate races across the South are turning to racially charged messages — invoking Trayvon Martin’s death, the unrest in Ferguson, Mo., and Jim Crow-era segregation — to jolt African-Americans into voting and stop a Republican takeover in Washington.
    The images and words they are using are striking for how overtly they play on fears of intimidation and repression. And their source is surprising. The effort is being led by national Democrats and their state party organizations — not, in most instances, by the shadowy and often untraceable political action committees that typically employ such provocative messages.

    Democrats scaring blacks since 1865.

  55. Bill, I think your party scares us even more.

  56. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    anon at 1:24 said

    "Barley is right. It's Negroes like you who hold us back."

    Who the fuck is Barley? You racist anons are certainly stupid. Jeezus, more proof white supremacy is the biggest farce ever.

    3:48 PM
    Lord have mercy, anon doesn't even know who Charles Barkley is. You must have missed Field's post about Barley.


  57. field negro said...
    Bill, I think your party scares us even more.

    Not my party, but keep trying to goad me into a reply. I appreciate you continuing to try. :)

    Tell me... What is it that scares you?

    Do you honestly believe like Biden said that you would be put back in chains?

    Maybe some state would legalize lynchings?

    Bring back Bidens drug law?

    Republicans would end welfare killing all those white republican voters just to kill black people?

    Republicans would segregate schools worse than they already are?

    Snark aside, what do you believe republicans would do to you as a black man?

  58. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Wow, this video of Tavis Smiley and O'Reilly lays bare the racial issue.

    O'Reilly stunned Tavis with remarks about the disintegration of black family.

  59. Anonymous10:22 PM

    WC, "What a douchebag"

    Which one?

  60. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Have you ever considered about adding a little bit more than just your articles?

    I mean, what you say is fundamental and everything. Nevertheless just imagine if you added some
    great photos or videos to give your posts more, "pop"! Your content is excellent
    but with pics and videos, this blog could certainly be one of the best in its field.
    Terrific blog!

  61. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Have you ever considered about adding a little bit more than just your articles?
    I mean, what you say is fundamental and everything. Nevertheless just imagine if you added some great photos or videos to give your posts more,
    "pop"! Your content is excellent but with pics and videos, this blog could certainly be one of the best in its field.
    Terrific blog!
