Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Fear and quarantine in New Jersey.

I believe that Ebola is a serious disease, I really do. But to date, exactly zero Americans ---and one West African has died from the disease here on American soil.

Sadly, this hasn't stopped people like Chris Christie and the right wing fear machine from making a mountain out of a molehill. I guess it's a good election tactic. If Willie Horton type ads doesn't fire up your base, the fear of the president bringing plane loads of Ebola infected Africans to America certainly will. 

Poor Kaci Hickox should have been greeted as a hero after going to West Africa to help to fight the terrible disease head on. Instead she was held against her own will in New Jersey after Mr. Christie enacted a mandatory quarantine.

And I am ripping Christie and the right, but New York's democratic governor, Andrew Cuomo, is also as culpable for this travesty that beset this woman.

When politicians start defying scientist and they take such drastic measures as holding unsuspecting citizens against their will, we have to step back and realize that we might just have some issues as a country.

“'Her civil rights were violated,' Siegel told ABC News. “At a minimum, she could bring an action for damages. But I think her goal is to try to revise the current policies with regard to, for example, mandatory quarantines.”

'when you look at what happened and how it happened, you come away with the sense that this policy was based on fear and politics rather on medical fact, and we can’t have the politicians directing these kinds of important issues,' Siegel said. "

I hope that she does bring an action for damages. It should be fun to see where this goes.

Still, it's always interesting to read the comments after a story, and this one was no exception.

A sampling:

---I think Kaci Hickox is being completely selfish and irresponsible. We have already seen 2 nurses get infected on US soil and doctors evacuated back to the states because they were infected. Then there is the doctor who spent 6 days in NYC before he was diagnosed. The US response to Ebola has been sloppy and extremely lucky. We are lucky that there were not hundreds of new cases because of all the mistakes that were made. Twenty-one days of quarantine is a small price to pay to be 100% sure that you will not infect and kill another person. The elderly, small children, people with weak immune systems and pregnant women would all be at much greater risk to die from ebola than a healthy adult. We do need healthcare workers to help with the ebola crisis and we do believe they are true heros but until ebola is understood a lot better than it is today, let's err on the side of common sense and caution and use quarantine for the purpose it was intended instead of lawyering up and demanding to skip quarantine because it violates your civil liberties. Epic fail in both common sense and good science.---

--What a selfish act coming from someone who took a vow to help others. Probably has student loans to pay off. Stay out of Indiana Kaci. We don't want you!--

--Total effing #$%$, this woman's attitude! If you go over to West Africa, you should, IN FACT, be quarantined for, at least, twenty-one days, if not longer. Any other course of action is absolutely absurd, no matter what the "experts" may be cowed into saying. --                
--Grow up Nurse Hickox...I bet your state of Maine is grateful you were stopped in New Jersey rather than show up in your own State and the neighborhood where you live and they all wear masks around you. At least you now know you are not a carrier of this Disease.
I think it's great if you want the USA to pay for you to go to this Country and help out, but that doesn't mean we want you to bring that Disease back home to our Country. --

 --What a bunch of money grubbing Liberal GARBAGE! Civil rights violation! I think not! It is all I can do to contain myself. If this case ends up in this #$%$ getting paid I will have lost my faith in this country! What a load of #$%$! She should just be glad she does not have Ebola. Maybe we should box her up naked and send her back so she can get it and then whine about it! OMG! I am sick. -- [Source]

The fear mongering business is good these days.





  1. FN said...
    Poor Kaci Hickox should have been greeted as a hero after going to West Africa to help to fight the terrible disease head on.

    Even if they are part of the military?

    Obama OK with different quarantine policies for military, health workers

    Not all quarantines are equal to democrats.

  2. Since she's a medical professional we should depend on her candor to self monitor. I think if I were a healthcare worker returning from a hot zone I would self quarantine but this mandatory stuff is no good.

  3. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Brother Field, these days you cannot trust health officials, esp doctors and nurses.

    Have you ever been treated at a hospital? Well, let me tell you they are just as crooked and biased there as the crooks on the street.

    I wouldn't trust a health care worker to monitor and self-quarantine themselves than I would Duncan.

    Christie is absolutely right. QUARANTINE ALL PEOPLE FROM WEST AFRICA. No ifs, or buts....21 DAY QUARANTINE...NO EXCEPTIONS.

  4. Anonymous11:31 PM

    "Since she's a medical professional we should depend on her candor to self monitor. I think if I were a healthcare worker returning from a hot zone I would self quarantine but this mandatory stuff is no good."

    The characteristics of the disease don't suggest such extreme cautionary measures as quarantines of people not showing any symptoms of the disease are necessary.

    Ebola is not that easy to catch, particularly in the earlier stages. If someone exposed to the disease checks his temperature daily, he'll know if he's got the disease and can report to a hospital long before becoming contagious.

    People are treating Ebola like it's some ultra-contagious disease like smallpox -- like an infected person just has to breathe in someone's general direction to infect them. But it's nothing like that.

  5. StillaPanther211:37 PM

    ANON 11:19 Please let me know where you live and your identity. I want to monitor you so that when you are sick or injured you WILL NOT go to the hospital. You will go to the "crooks on the street". I only questioned what YOU wrote. Being in the health care for 40 plus, I can only say that I have personal knowledge to hundreds of good medical professions. AND YES. there are some in the field that are not up to standards.

    If you are ever in Newport News and general area, I can assure you that the care you will receive will be tip top. If not, I will offer my personal references for just YOU.

  6. Anonymous11:50 PM

    "Obama OK with different quarantine policies for military, health workers"

    Frankly, it's not necessary to quarantine military personnel, either. The Army shouldn't be doing that.

    But Obama does have a practical point about why it actually is worse to quarantine private sector caregivers than to do the same with military personnel:

    We have to be nice to private sector doctors if we want to convince them to go to Africa to fight Ebola. If they know we're going to pointlessly hassle the hell out of them upon their return, should they volunteer to go to West Africa, well, then they just won't go.

    But we don't have to be nice to military personnel. They don't have a choice about whether they want to be shipped off to Liberia. They're legally compelled to go where ordered.

    These quarantine orders have negligible benefit for Americans, but they're really going to impede any efforts to stop the Ebola epidemic in Africa.

  7. Really FN? You have the onions to talk about the "right wing fear machine " when Democrats are dragging out images of lynching?

    When Democrats are telling black voters more Ferguson's will happen if Republicans take the Senate.

    Wait. What? You haven't mention all that?

    I guess some fear machines are ok and others not so much.

  8. Anonymous12:01 AM

    If you are ever in Newport News and general area, I can assure you that the care you will receive will be tip top. If not, I will offer my personal references for just YOU.

    11:37 PM
    Brother StillaPanther2, I have been to the hospital several times during my long life and I can assure you I am NOT making up what I have said. I speak from experience.

    In addition, many primary physicians and nurses have proven to be incompetent. Or maybe I should say, don't make any effort whatsoever to give quality care to Blacks as they do to Whites?

    You can look up the research that bares that out. Blacks are treated less than Whites in hospitals and doctor's offices.

    Now, are you telling me that Newport News is the exception? Are you saying that the hospitals in the Newport News area are better than the hospital in Dallas?

    Can you explain why Duncan, a bm has been the only one to die from ebola?

  9. All slave revolts have to start somewhere.


    Maybe this will be the start of an black awaking.

  10. Anon 11:31 we get that the disease is hard to catch which is why we should trust healthcare professionals to self monitor.

  11. Lynching imagery? Really? I would like to see that.

  12. Yeah. Because that NBC "healthcare professional" was totally honest with the self monitoring thang.

  13. Well, at least he wasn't an ISIS fighter with Ebola sneaking over the border. That would have been scary.

  14. The NBC healthcare professional or cameraman?

  15. Anonymous6:03 AM

    StillaPanther2 said...
    ANON 11:19 Please let me know where you live and your identity. I want to monitor you so that when you are sick or injured you WILL NOT go to the hospital. You will go to the "crooks on the street". I only questioned what YOU wrote. Being in the health care for 40 plus, I can only say that I have personal knowledge to hundreds of good medical professions. AND YES. there are some in the field that are not up to standards.

    If you are ever in Newport News and general area, I can assure you that the care you will receive will be tip top. If not, I will offer my personal references for just YOU.

    11:37 PM
    I doubt if you can 'assure' me of tip top care. My experience, as I am sure many folks can attest that good hospital care these days are hard to find. Duncan was a fine example of that.

    You might be good at what you do but many are not. Even more sadly, nurses today AREN'T that caring, period. Neither are the doctors. That has been my experience and I stand by my experience....I KNOW what happened to me while in the hospital.

    In addition, it is well-known by the public that a patient in a hospital is likely to get sicker than when he went in.

  16. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Dear Mr Field, Please answer my emails re: delinquent payments to Anon Inc. You are now well passed 300 days past due.

    For your info, I took a chance in dealing with FN, seeing how it's black owned. There are two truths about being Black:
    1. You are always late to functions

    2. You are always delinquent with bills

    Brother Field do you see the common theme between 1. and 2.? It has to do with time. You are most definitely Jamaican.

    Brother Field, you are making the race look bad in the eyes of Whites like Bill, Kinky and QLB. And believe me, there are millions of them right here in the good ole USA! I am sure that brothers like Barkley will agree.

    Brother Field, pay your damn bills. In case you didn't know, this is the age of the "new Black".

  17. I am sorry president of Anon Inc. please do not report me to a credit agency.It's hard enough for a black man out here with good credit. A poor credit report would negatively impact my ability to racism chase

    Thank you.

  18. I am hereby formally requesting 30 more days to pay my bill. I will be able to put s little something on it.:)

    Bill, what happens to someone in the military is not analogous to this situation.

  19. Anonymous7:05 AM

    "Anon 11:31 we get that the disease is hard to catch which is why we should trust healthcare professionals to self monitor."

    Yeah, I was just responding because you said that healthcare workers should self-quarantine. But even that is probably overkill.

    Really, they just need to stay within close proximity of a good hospital, so they can check themselves in, the moment they detect early symptoms of the disease. And they maybe shouldn't return to treating patients in the U.S. until they're past the virus incubation period.

    But they don't need to be on home confinement.

  20. I didn't say they should self quarantine, I said they should self monitor. I gave a hypothetical example of me being a healthcare worker and I would self quarantine for my own peace of mind. I say it's up to each individual.

  21. Don't pay Anon Inc until they provide better trolls.

  22. Pilot, you might be right. :)

    Mr. President please disregard my last comments. I am reviewing our current contract.


  23. field negro said...
    Bill, what happens to someone in the military is not analogous to this situation.

    If you mean legally, yeah I agree. CORPSEmen (as Obama calls them) have to follow orders. Private citizens don't have to.

    Yet the question stands...

    If Obama believes the military should be quarantined, why not private citizens?

    How does "science" distinguish between corpsemen and private doctors/nurses?

    You said "I'm preaching to the choir" yet you keep defending obama and democrats.
    What choir are you in?


  24. White house computers hacked?

    U.S. officials were alerted to the breach by an ally, sources said.
    The breach was discovered two to three weeks ago, sources said.


    One of our allies are spying on russia and find out the white house computers are being hacked?
    The obama administration had no clue?

    Right-wingers knew about this a while back.

    The non-foxnews media didn't report on it.

    Sounds like a democrat choir.

  25. Anonymous11:52 AM

    PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...

    Since she's a medical professional we should depend on her candor to self monitor.

    Like the doctor who went bowling with Ebola? That kind of self-monitoring?


  26. Anonymous11:55 AM

    PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...

    Lynching imagery? Really? I would like to see that.

    Man, what kind of bubble does this guy live in?




  27. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/10/21/1338287/--Pro-Hagan-Fliers-Showing-Lynching-of-3-African-American-Men-Left-On-Windshields-In-Fayetteville#

    From the dailykos link...

    Local NAACP Chapter President James Buxton told The Charlotte Observer that he does not see a problem with the fliers: "This is how the community feels," said Buxton. The community feels that if the Senate is taken over by Republicans, and the House remains majority Republican, that they are going to impeach Obama.

    Approval from the NAACP makes it a pro hagan flyer.

    It appears scaring blacks with images of lynchings is okay if it is to get a white democrat elected.

    Not all lynching images are equal to democrats.

    Which choir is FN singing in today?

  28. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    Pilot, you might be right. :)

    Mr. President please disregard my last comments. I am reviewing our current contract.

    9:30 AM
    Mr Field, you leave me no choice but to refer your blog to my collection agency, Stormfront. Now do you want that?

    I urge you to pay immediately.

  29. Lord have mercy! Please do not take these drastic measures.

    Will u take a post-dated check?

  30. Anonymous3:45 PM

    This Kaci Hickox is a typical, spoiled, self-indulgent white woman, who goes to Africa not primarily to help sick people, but for the purposes of her own moral preening.

    Now she refuses to consider the rights of others who didn't run into an Ebola zone and insists on not being quarantined.

    She should have her ass shipped off to Liberia permanently.


  31. FN said...
    When politicians start defying scientist and they take such drastic measures as holding unsuspecting citizens against their will, we have to step back and realize that we might just have some issues as a country.

    What makes politics so interesting is how otherwise sane people act batshit crazy because of their allegiance to their party.

    Anyone arriving in California from an Ebola-affected area and who has had personal contact with a person infected with the deadly virus will be quarantined for 21 days, according to an order issued Wednesday by the state's public health director.

    Kaci Hickox would be quarantined in California.

    Obama and his lapdogs go crickets based on political party.

    Not all quarantines are equal to democrats.

  32. parvenu5:52 PM

    Field, these European cast-offs who identify themselves as "proud Americans" all see the Ebola crisis as a "Negro disease". Likewise they view the white health professionals who go to the three west African countries to provide health services for the infected residents as "nig## er lovers". This is not racist hyperbole, rather it is a statement of fact, simply because everything in America is always filtered initially through the lens of RACE.

    The debate surrounding mandatory quarantines for health care professionals returning to America from any one of the three African nations has surfaced as a prime issue because it is the least technical component in the intense biological aspects of the Ebola discussion - so low information and simple minded Americans can use it to add their voices to the discussion. This is also why the politicians have seized upon the mandatory quarantine as an issue. Obama knows that if America ignores the out break in Africa, Ebola will come to America by way of Europe simply because Europe has a lousy record when it comes to dealing with Plagues. Remember the Black Plague? Further, any future strain of Europeanized Ebola will have all the capabilities of becoming a world wide pandemic.

  33. Anonymous6:20 PM

    "Obama knows that if America ignores the out break in Africa, Ebola will come to America by way of Europe simply because Europe has a lousy record when it comes to dealing with Plagues. Remember the Black Plague?"

    Ah yes, the Black Plague, that peaked in Europe around 1350. You are right, the Europeans haven't made any advance in epidemiology in 650 years.

  34. Anonymous6:28 PM

    The Black Plague is still rampant in Detroit.

  35. Anonymous7:00 PM

    I agree that there should be a quarantine on all health care workers coming back from attending to Ebola patients.

    Tot that much is known about this virus to stick to the "you're only contagious if you are symptomatic" theory. Why then did these doctors, who I'm sure took all of the necessary precautions and then some, become infected?

    I would err on the side of caution and so should the health professionals that return. Either mandatory or self monitor and isolation. At least until more is know about this disease. No ifs, ands, or buts.

    On the other hand, hospitals should have adequately prepared isolation units. Because a plastic tent with a porta-potty, such as the one that nurse Hichox was confined to, is definitely NOT an adequate or humane isolation unit!

    One question that bothers me, is why in heavens name, instead of pouring billions into the governments of these countries, which if past history serves as example, will be held by the rulers almost in it's entirety for their purposes. As per Papa Doc Duvalier who was found to have riches in excess and even toilets made of solid gold. While the people clustered around rain water puddles for potable water!

    So my thoughts are that a much better use of aid money would be to start medical schools where the people could be trained as doctors.

    Because why is it that all one sees are white doctors tending to the population??? When the population is fully capable of learning and becoming doctors themselves!!!

    And why is it that the so called 'hospitals' are mere shacks and tents?

    No bueno my friends! That's why this is happening. What comes around goes around!

  36. field negro said...

    Lord have mercy! Please do not take these drastic measures.

    Will u take a post-dated check?

    Field just go ahead and make that check out to me.

    how do i spell my name?


  37. lilacpr2000, what you got against nice white ladies and good white men helping out?

    Jeeezzz. Y'all bitch when nice white folks help out.

    Y'all bitch when nice white folks don't help out.

    White folks just can't win with y'all.

    And field, my mammy has a beef with you....

    She's a Paula fan.

  38. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Black folks arent capable of being racist. .nope.


  39. Black Privilege7:30 PM

    Blacks hating whites = Social Justice

  40. Kinky, somehow I can see you growing up in a household with Paula fans as parents. :)

  41. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    Lord have mercy! Please do not take these drastic measures.

    Will u take a post-dated check?

    3:30 PM
    Brother Field, there is a 30% surcharge on all post-dated checks.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Blogger señor kinky said...
    lilacpr2000, what you got against nice white ladies and good white men helping out?

    Jeeezzz. Y'all bitch when nice white folks help out.

    Y'all bitch when nice white folks don't help out.

    White folks just can't win with y'all.
    Kinky, you are right. Good white people who are bending over backwards just can't win with FN Negroes.

    However, the "New Blacks" appreciate what you are doing. We recognize that we could, and would not survive without your help.

    Again, on behalf of the black race, including brother Field, I thank you.

    You see, proper Negroes know that "there are white people" and "then there are White people."

    Don't try to figure it out. You got to be Black to understand. Well, if you are a hip white boy, you know what I'm talking about.

  44. You have no idea.

    After mammy got done with her chores, she would come in the living area and sit on the floor and watch Paula's show on the Food Network.

    Anyhoo, my mammy loves Paula Dean.

  45. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Signore Kinky, I have absolutely nothing but heartfelt admiration for these health professionals that are there. Nothing but admiriation and love!

    BUT, I think more doctors are needed to care for the population, so my thoughts are that these doctors cn be teachers, and teach medicine.

    You can give a man a fish and he will eat one day. You can TEACH him how to fish and he will eat forever.

    Same with medicine. IMHO anyway!

    On another note, Signore Kinkyyyyyyyy! Come on down and watch the whales, it's almost time for them to come to the waters off Rincon's beahes!!!

  46. Anonymous8:23 PM

    My God, lilac is at it again. She's chasing wm again. Those PR women ought to stop.

  47. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    My God, lilac is at it again. She's chasing wm again. Those PR women ought to stop.
    8:23 PM

    Kinky's white!!!??? :o No way naaaah!

    Anyway Mr./Ms Anonymous, you can come down and watch tooo :)

    Man or woman it's not "chasing" it's called "friendship" didn'tcha know? ;D

  48. Anonymous9:14 PM

    parvenu stupidly said,
    Ebola will come to America by way of Europe simply because Europe has a lousy record when it comes to dealing with Plagues. Remember the Black Plague? Further, any future strain of Europeanized Ebola will have all the capabilities of becoming a world wide pandemic.
    So what happened in the mid 14th century in Europe applies for today regarding modern medicine? Are you a complete idiot or just frigging retarded? Just about ALL modern medicine is from YT including the most up to date treatments. Meanwhile Blacks in Africa are helping spread the disease because they think its caused by witchcraft. Geez you're stupid. Once again we're back to the IQ issue.


  49. StillaPanther29:26 PM

    Anon, I am sorry you had a bad experience with the medicals you have met. I do know that the quality of care has been going down as time moves forward. I have good memories of starting out as a Physician Asst in 1978.

    I rarely remember medical care being poor during the 70s-80s. I left the field for a short period of time due to burn out and the means I used to cope.

    Returning to the field after 3 year hiatus- I did see a drop in care due to at the lower level of nursing care a lot of Aides were forced into the field to continue to be eligible for assistance. I always felt that medicine was a field that you really dedicated yourself to.

    Today the old professional such as myself are leaving the field. In my immediate family we have had 5 nurses retire in the last 2 years. The younger nurses with the incoming of specialization are not willing to work with the dedication we had. Money and avoiding lawsuits has trumped many situations which I feel has lowered the care.

    There is a saying that we have now is if you performed the care but did not notate it- it wasn't done. Now all care is centered around the suit no one wants to wear.

    But I still have many peers- age-wise- that I will request they give you the best care possible . I hope you never have to be sick here or anywhere else

    Yes, African Americans have the worst outcomes in medicine due to various reasons. I know a few that I have seen.

  50. lol KC. WHY are you calling folk "mammy"?

    not chasing anyone...

    from jump, i told KC the Truth.

    i think you cute:)

    Blessings to you!

  51. do your people know you call them "mammy"?

    LOL! that is SO wrong all i can do is laugh.

    please stop that.

  52. btw, i did not get a warning message. just hacked.

    guess what?

    i don't care.

    NO weapon formed against me shall prosper.

    i have let go and let Yah handle this madness...He's got it/me and will turn it all to my Good.

    that Truth has nothing to do with iq and everything to do with what's written.

    Blessings all!
