Tuesday, October 14, 2014

If you are worried about Ebola you can thank the NRA for not having a Surgeon General.

new captionThe good ole boys over at Breitbart are mad because we don't have a Surgeon General speaking out during this "Ebola crisis". Which, one could argue, is exactly the type of thing that we need: a Surgeon General (not a Czar Mr. McCain) during this time in America.

I was thinking to myself that they might be right, when my e-mail buddy, Greg, sent me a link to a story that I found very interesting.

"There has been no dearth of pundits using various media forums to discuss the arrival of the deadly Ebola virus in America, and they have had a fair measure of success frightening a surprisingly large segment of the population. Republicans and their conservative cabal have even combined their ISIL fear-mongering with their immigration fear-mongering to distract Americans going into an important midterm election. Except for the medical researchers and infectious disease scientists from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and National Institute of Health (NIH), there has been precious little information from real medical professionals of any repute that could relieve the rising fear and anxiety among the population that knows little about the virus, or what precautions they need, if any, to protect themselves and their families.
Although experts claim there is little reason for panic of a devastating outbreak of the deadly virus in America, a recent Harvard poll revealed that 39% of American adults are worried about a large-scale outbreak and over 25% are mortified that an immediate family member will be stricken with the infectious virus and die.  What America needs at times like this is a trusted public health expert and medical professional to educate the public about the risk of contracting Ebola and reassure them that there is little to worry about and what steps to take to stay safe and Ebola-free.

On Sunday morning political shows, it was left to an official with the Obama administration, senior advisor Dan Pfeiffer, to talk about the deadly Ebola virus. Obviously, Pfeiffer’s political expertise does not qualify him to reassure the public about a potential infectious disease  health crisis, and it may have led one to wonder exactly where “America’s doctor,” the Surgeon General of the United States, is hiding and why they are not stepping into the spotlight to put Americans’ minds at ease. The truth is this nation has not had a Surgeon General for a year, but not because President Obama failed to appoint an extremely qualified candidate; he did last November. However, the National Rifle Association, no Americans’ idea of an organization concerned with the health and safety or preventing even one American citizen’s death, issued an edict to Senate Republicans that a vote to confirm the President’s appointee meant an immediate end to their political career. Going into a hotly contested midterm election, Senate Republicans did precisely as their NRA masters dictated and made sure America will not have a Surgeon General unless they support spreading the epidemic of gun deaths in America.

Last November 14th, the President nominated Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, an extremely qualified candidate to replace ‘acting’ Surgeon General Dr. Regina Benjamin. It took three months, but the Senate finally got around to holding a confirmation hearing for Dr. Murthy’s appointment. However, the National Rifle Association exerted its very substantial legislative prerogative and blocked Murthy’s confirmation because he does not recognize that the NRA is “fourth and all-powerful branch of the federal government” and called for sane gun restrictions to prevent more Americans from dying unnecessarily from the gun violence epidemic. It is exactly what a real medical professional, and highly-qualified potential Surgeon General of the United States, is supposed to do; help prevent a deadly epidemic from spreading to save American lives." [Source]

Yes, I almost forgot about the good doctor.

The NRA and the gutless cowards in Washington (dems and republicans) failed to get Dr. Murthy confirmed, and so we are left without a Surgeon General at a time when the country really needs one.

Thank you NRA.

Honestly, it's amazing how worked up Americans are getting over a disease that has killed exactly one person here at home and yet we continue to ignore the epidemic of gun violence in this country. But I digress.

"Mr. Obama's nominee for the post, Dr. Vivek Murthy, has fallen victim to congressional gridlock (he must be confirmed by the Senate) over a lighting-rod political issue: guns.

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, blocked Murthy's nomination in February, arguing his non-clinical experience working with an offshoot of a pro-Obama campaign group made him overly political for the job.

Among Murthy's sins, according to his detractors: promoting Obamacare in his role as co-founder of Doctors for America, including a tweet that tweaked the NRA while making his health care argument:"

You never want to "tweak" the NRA. I don't care how many lives are at stake.



  1. President Obola9:20 PM

    Sorry House Negro, but you aren't going to be able to blame Ebola on the NRA.

    Nope, the fact that people are dying in America from this disease is squarely on the shoulders of our Bumbler In Chief and his Open Borders at All Costs policy.

    This vacuous, amoral, Marxist punk in the White House is willing to sacrifice thousands of citizens to a horrible disease in the pursuit of his dream of the Leftist Transformation of America.

    Motherfuck him, you, and any other House Negro who works to enable the worst President in the history of the country.

  2. "If you are worried about Ebola you can thank the NRA for not having a Surgeon General. "



  3. "The truth is this nation has not had a Surgeon General for a year,"

    The truth to the left is often a lie.

    Acting Surgeon General


    Me thinks you need new email buddies....

  4. Anonymous9:36 PM

    What's new? Standard operating procedure for the Republican Party:

    *Sabotage the government.
    *Complain that the government doesn't work.
    *Sabotage the government some more.

    Lather, rinse, repeat.

  5. Seems like SG BORIS has spoken out on several issues.

    Except Ebola.

    I guess that's the fault of the NRA.

    Just shows how desperate the left is getting the closer the elections get.

    Expect more lies and scaremongering.

  6. Well Bill, they "Republican budget cuts left the CDC unfunded" talking point just got shot down. This lie was the best they could come up with.


  7. señor kinky said...
    ...talking point just got shot down. This lie was the best they could come up with.

    I bet FN will try and run with it.

    No retraction.

    No "oops I blindly obeyed the talking points."

    No "oops, damn auto-correct."

    I hear over at mediamatters they have an article about the NRA causing the extinction of life on Mars.

  8. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Field, you are embarrassing to FN, the Left and to the average IQ of your profession.

    Please write another post pronto. Why give Kinky and Bill a hey day? They get enough of those already.

    Sometimes we just keep doing it to ourselves. There's something wrong with you.

  9. Good points. But then again the senate Republicans vowed to stop anything coming from the WH so even if the nra didn't have its tentacles in the process they would have found a way to block his nominee.
    This also reminds me of the Florida law that would have sent doctors to jail for simply asking patients if they owned a gun because they are convinced it's a plot to confiscate everybody's guns. Let's not think about the fact that accidental gun deaths are common enough to be a health concern and good doctors want to provide info to keep patients safe, oh no we must feed nra paranoia at all costs, even lives. Pro life my ass.


  10. PilotX said...
    ...accidental gun deaths are common enough to be a health concern and good doctors want to provide info to keep patients safe

    "Info" is going to keep people safe from accidental gun deaths?

    List 3 ways that anyone is safer from an accidental gun death by the government knowing you have a gun?


    I'll wait.......

  11. BTW, Stanley Clarke will be playing here in Chicago on Thursday. I guess everything out Philly isn't so bad. Ha!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/30/upshot/do-you-own-a-gun-in-florida-doctors-cant-ask-you-that.html?_r=0&abt=0002&abg=1

  14. Anonymous12:17 AM

    PX, I like the way you handle Bill. You know how to shut him up. Plus, you always have your facts and ducks in a row.

    Bill and Kinky can't touch you when it comes to high powered reasoning. You make me proud.

  15. From the article.

    "Physicians are supposed to cover topics that can make patients uncomfortable. It’s why what you tell your doctor is confidential. Your privacy, your medical records and all your privileged information are still protected by the same laws that have always been there."


  16. PilotX said...
    From the article.
    "Physicians are supposed to cover topics that can make patients uncomfortable.

    3 ways the government knowing if you own a gun makes anyone safer.


    Is there a reason you aren't listing 3?


  17. PilotX said...
    From the article.
    "Physicians are supposed to cover topics that can make patients uncomfortable

    What are the requirements for people doing dangerous activities like skydiving?

    Does everyone have to list all their hobbies, sports, activities to help with preventing accidental deaths?

    Motorcycle riding is pretty dangerous.

    Will that be required?

    3 ways PilotX.


  18. from last thread:

    "Anonymous said...

    FP, are you joking around and trying to create more confusion or do you believe the link you posted?

    7:36 PM"


    not joking.

    nor attempting to create confusion.

    the world doesn't need my help with that...

    i AM suggesting that we should question every bit of information we are presented with...

    long ago i learned that the centers for disease control function in the exact opposite capacity.

    world wide.

    depopulation IS a big item on the agenda.

    most humanitarian missions are ways to increase military presence in parts of the world where the U.S. is UNwanted.

    do folk think msm lies ONLY about what happens in america? or could they also be lying about what happens abroad?


    IF folk want to believe that things have changed BEFORE Shiloh comes...

    free will.

    Yah respects it and so do i...

    blessings all!

  19. Anonymous12:47 AM

    "List the top 3 ways the government knowing will make anyone safer."

    WTF does that question have to do with what PX posted? What the doctor and patient discuss is confidential. Are you really this stupid Bill or are you just pretending?

  20. Anonymous12:49 AM

    List three ways Bill is a idiot.
    I know it's hard to limit yourself to just three but let's try.


  21. List three ways Bill is a idiot.
    I know it's hard to limit yourself to just three but let's try.

    1. He thinks Democrats care if they are called hypocrites.
    2. He thinks Republicans are conservatives.
    3. He thinks a rational debate with Purple Cow is possible.

  22. Anonymous1:44 AM

    "He thinks a rational debate with Purple Cow is possible."

    Bill is too dumb to debate a wall.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. "3. He thinks a rational debate with Purple Cow is possible."

    It never ceases to amuse me how our far-Right girls seek to rationalise the fact that they lose every single debate they have with me.

    So it is that we have now ended up with "The Purple Cow wins debates because he's irrational" (!)

    Really, you couldn't make it up.

    So if I'm irrational and yet you guys keep losing, what does that make you?

  25. Bill, did u write "Democrat" instead of democratic? I knew it, another wingnut shill pretending to be independent.

    BTW, I am going to give u and your friend Kinky the benefit of the doubt and pretend that u are not as stupid as u seem.

    You know the difference between ACTING Surgeon General and one who was appointed to that role and confirmed by the Senate, right?

    Or are you both just being purposely obtuse?

  26. PC, there is no such thing as a "rational debate" with a wingnut.

    Remember, these are the people who do not believe that the president was born in this country, and that Ted Cruz is a real patriot.

  27. Anonymous9:20 AM

    field negro said...

    PC, there is no such thing as a "rational debate" with a wingnut.

    Remember, these are the people who do not believe that the president was born in this country, and that Ted Cruz is a real patriot.

    Good God. Even in times of serious peril you're nothing but a Democrat hack.

    How stupid must you be? Pretty damn stupid.

  28. Do u believe that Barack Obama was born in the United States?A simple yes or no answer will do.


  29. field negro said...
    Remember, these are the people who do not believe that the president was born in this country,


    Since you predictably failed to mention where the birther stuff started.

  30. Anonymous10:48 AM

    field negro said...

    Do u believe that Barack Obama was born in the United States?A simple yes or no answer will do.

    Yes. Do you believe that ISIS is a JV team? Or that you can keep your Doctor? Or that it is not likely there will be a case of Ebola in the U.S or that your racial political hackery is helpful and not indicative of a severely warped intellect?

  31. field negro said...

    PC, there is no such thing as a "rational debate" with a wingnut.

    That is because liberals base their arguments on feelings rather than facts.

    Field, you are a 100% partisan hack who has absolutely zero interest in "debate". Come on. Your job is to repeat the latest party talking points to your target demo: Upper middle class racist blacks and their squishy white hangers-on.

    Then you have pseudo-intellectuals like "Purple Cow" who parrot falsehoods and misrepresentations that they read in The Guardian in a manner that makes it clear they have no understanding whatsoever of the issue at hand.

    He has been made a fool of in every substantive debate on this blog, yet his fragile ego forces him to embarrass himself even further by maintaining somehow that he has "won". This from a guy who will spend days arguing some inanity with luminaries such as "Bill". And lose.

    The Left is intellectually bankrupt, and the bill is about to come due. It's time to pay up, sucker.

  32. "Then you have pseudo-intellectuals like "Purple Cow" who parrot falsehoods and misrepresentations that they read in The Guardian in a manner that makes it clear they have no understanding whatsoever of the issue at hand."




    ........how come you have never once picked me up on any of these alleged 'falsehoods' you talk about?

    Are these 'falsehoods' not actually false, or ware you too chicken-shit to debate with me?

    It's one or the other....

  33. Quote Axelrod

    "Field, you are a 100% partisan hack who has absolutely zero interest in "debate"."

    ...and yet you come back here - ad nauseum every single fucking day.

    Get a fucking life, numbnuts.


  34. Jan 17, 2014, 9:43am EST
    CDC wins in budget deal
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will see an 8.2 percent budget increase for fiscal 2014, thanks to a $1.1 trillion spending bill announced by Congress Jan. 13.
    The bipartisan bill encountered little objection, and was passed less than a week after it was announced.


    This is the opposite of what democrats are saying-

    ...because the president's fiscal year 2014 budget request for it was just $6.6 billion -- a decrease of $270 million from fiscal 2012.

    Did obama really ask for less?

    Predictably FN is blaming the NRA.

    Party before facts.

  35. field negro said...
    You know the difference between ACTING Surgeon General and one who was appointed to that role and confirmed by the Senate, right?

    Field,you do know the difference between having a Surgeon General and not having a Surgeon General?

    I expected you to admit you were wrong and apologize for scaring negros.

    But so typical of the left, you chose to move the goalposts and attack those who point out your dishonesty.

    Some might this "good points".

    Most will call it a shame....

  36. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I think a nurse said it very appropriately, "Stop pointing fingers and playing the blame game and fix the problem"

    Can a Surgeon General be appointed on an emergency basis for this crisis? and is it absolutely necessary that there be one anyway?

    Because I would think that health and hazmat professionals have the knowledge to develop the protocols that have to be put in place for this situation, and the appropriate gear that has to be mandated.

  37. lilacpr2000 said...
    Can a Surgeon General be appointed on an emergency basis for this crisis? and is it absolutely necessary that there be one anyway?

    See what you have done field?

    Ya tenemos un Cirujano General.

  38. Anonymous1:10 PM

    "Or are you both just being purposely obtuse?"

    Nope, conservatives are pretty dumb. Bill especially.

  39. Bill is a F'n retard1:11 PM

    "Countdown to FN blaming the NRA"

    Countdown to Bill posting something dumb and waaaaaaaaaaay off topic in 5 4 3 2 1.

  40. Bill is a F'n retard1:13 PM

    "Richard Alarcon banned from public office for voter fraud, perjury"

    Wow, dumbass found ONE example of voter fraud and guess what also happened? The dude got caught and punished. Conservatives are sooooo stupid. I bet there are more shootings than voter fraud cases yet dimbulb is against gum laws.

  41. Anonymous1:19 PM

    señor kinky said...
    See what you have done field?

    Ya tenemos un Cirujano General.

    12:41 PM

    But Signor Kinky, I saw this on CNN yesterday also! They were interviewing a young woman and she said there there was no one.

  42. teh stupid1:20 PM

    "Some might this "good points".

    WTF are you talking about Kinky? Conservatives can't even make complete sentences. No wonder their candidates don't believe in evolution.

    "But so typical of the left, you chose to move the goalposts and attack those who point out your dishonesty."

    You mean like Bill did earlier and you do on the regular? (sipping tea).

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Anon@10:48, i am glad to see u admit what your ideological soul-mates have been denying all these years.

  45. Axelrod is.......well you know1:26 PM

    "That is because liberals base their arguments on feelings rather than facts."

    Because the right is always factual and ration except when they're not. How many Republican presidential candidates raised their hands when they were asked if they believed in evolution. So I guess an invisible man in the sky is a fact huh? Stooooopid! You must be 12 or just a moron.

    Debate PC if you have some balls or are you all bluster and talk like all conservatives? Put up or shut up.

  46. Anonymous1:31 PM

    How many democrats believe that Gaia will kill us all if we don't submit to higher taxes and regulation?

  47. lilacpr2000 said...
    But Signor Kinky, I saw this on CNN yesterday also! They were interviewing a young woman and she said there there was no one.

    lilacpr2000 is a great example of a Low Information Voter (LIV).

    LIV's generally aren't stupid, but live in a bubble of MSM obfuscation. Anyone who takes anything on CNN as fact is a LIV.

    The democrats and their media wing have built their success on the cultivation of LIVs.

    When events such as the Ebola crisis threaten to burst that bubble, they can respond by obscuring what is happening by blaming Republicans for cutting funds they actually raised, or by denying anyone is filling the Surgeon General position when someone is. Such are the benefits of controlling the Narrative.

    In truth, this fetid mix of lies and political correctness is going to get us all killed. Does anyone have a guess at how many Ebola patients can be treated simultaneously in the entire US?

    If this source is correct, the answer is 23:


    Surely our genius of a President knows this. Why in Heaven's name would he not halt travel to West Africa or get serious about policing the borders? Why, indeed.

  48. Are drug traffickers smuggling Ebola? I did not know that. Damn those cartels.

    Anon, just hope and pray that u aren't one.of the 23 that has to be treated.


  49. Operation Inherent Resolve

  50. the GOP4:27 PM

    "The democrats and their media wing have built their success on the cultivation of LIVs."

    Much unlike Fox viewers and Republicans. They are all geniuses.

    "In truth, this fetid mix of lies and political correctness is going to get us all killed."

    All of us? Is that you Lindsey Grahm?

  51. the GOP4:29 PM

    "How many democrats believe that Gaia will kill us all if we don't submit to higher taxes and regulation?"

    How many Republicans don't believe in regulation because jeezus will come back soon and we don't need to do anything to address the environment?

  52. Ok then. But while u worry about Ebola and other perceived threats, I will focus on not getting shot to death by the police after a routine traffic stop, or some gang- banger who wants to jack me for my car.

  53. Hey it's all part of living in Obamerica.

    Enjoy the decline.

  54. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Pilot X said...
    How many Republicans don't believe in regulation because jeezus will come back soon and we don't need to do anything to address the environment?

    Your god is already here (well, in New York anyway):


    Climate alarmism is just the apocalyptic myth of modern paganism.

  55. Anonymous5:22 PM

    field negro said...

    Ok then. But while u worry about Ebola and other perceived threats, I will focus on not getting shot to death by the police after a routine traffic stop, or some gang- banger who wants to jack me for my car.

    That's what you get when you live around high incident criminal blacks.

    If Ebola does spread, it will devastate the black community.

  56. Anonymous5:49 PM

    This disease could catch fire and spread geometrically in a short time. We should be concerned. So should you, Mr Field.


  57. field negro said...
    I will focus on not getting shot to death by the police after a routine traffic stop, or some gang- banger who wants to jack me for my car.

    One good thing, you don't have to worry about an NRA member shooting you.

    Does it bother you knowing you are safe from the people(NRA) you hate?

  58. Beyond Anon5:54 PM

    From another blog:

    I have a friend (female) who works at a large hospital with *admissions* and it's her job to interview the people to see what kind of benefits and programs they might have available in order that the hospital gets paid.

    She said they'd discussed this, but they are currently NOT ALLOWED to ask any potential patient if they've been to Africa recently (especially the ones with Nigerian features and names/accent) because that would be discriminatory.

    Because, as bad as spreading Ebola among the patients and staff might be, it would be worse to discriminate.

    Yep, we are that crazy here in America.

    Nature has a way of taking care of crazy.

  59. Quote Beyond Anon.

    "She said they'd discussed this, but they are currently NOT ALLOWED to ask any potential patient if they've been to Africa recently (especially the ones with Nigerian features and names/accent) because that would be discriminatory."

    Dear Beyond Anon, You do realise that the Ebola outbreak n Nigeria is now entirely contained don't you?

    Indeed come next Monday, Nigeria will be declared officially 'Ebola Free'.

    The WHO recently applauded Nigeria’s “world-class epidemiological detective work” in tracking down infected patients, after the initial infection spread to secondary and even tertiary contacts.

    "“It is amazing to me that they were able to contain the outbreak as quickly as they did,” said virologist Professor Benjamin Neuman,.

    Far from demonising Nigerians, given your catastrophic incompetence in Texas, Americans should be asking for Nigerian's help and advice.

  60. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Right, because the Nigerians figured out on their own how to beat Ebola.

    If it were not for the aid provided by Western nations, millions would be dying in West Africa.

    I'll give one thing to the Nigerians, they probably don't let political correctness get in the way of survival.

  61. " This disease could catch fire and spread geometrically in a short time. We should be concerned. So should you, Mr Field."

    Sorry but that is hysterical bollocks. Ebola is not a particularly virulent disease, it is not as easily spread as the flu virus for instance. It is primarily a disease of poverty. It spreads in those African countries that have the worst financial situation and have the least to spend on public health. Notice how West Africa's two richest nations - Nigeria and Ghana have the disease under control.

    America will see a handful of cases, nobody has ever denied that (especially if your infection control policies are not tightened up) but there is zero chance of exponential Ebola growth in the USA.

  62. "Right, because the Nigerians figured out on their own how to beat Ebola."


  63. Anonymous6:26 PM

    "Sorry but that is hysterical bollocks. Ebola is not a particularly virulent disease,"

    No, but is a particularly horrible disease, one that causes a quite nasty death.

    The point is, numbnut, that there are things a responsible government should be doing to prevent this disease from spreading to the people it is supposed to represent, and it is not doing so.

  64. Anonymous6:37 PM

    "If you are worried about Ebola you can thank the NRA for not having a Surgeon General."

    That kool-aide must taste pretty good, FN.

    Oh, and by-the-by, I understand Prezident jay-vee is going to be on tee-vee tonight. Might be doing some of that Prezidentin' stuff.

    After all, he cancelled a fund-raiser (and that is only of secondary importance to playing golf).

  65. Oh mi princesa de la isla.


    Él está actuando Cirujano General

    Él puede tomar decisiones y tranquilizar a los estadounidenses.

  66. "No, but is a particularly horrible disease, one that causes a quite nasty death."

    No shit Sherlock. How is that relevant to the point I was making?


    "The point is, numbnut, that there are things a responsible government should be doing to prevent this disease from spreading to the people it is supposed to represent, and it is not doing so."

    You've accidentally stumbled on some truth. Well done, that must be a first.

    The point is when you have a disease that has a 21 day incubation period there is little or no point in screening people at airports or interviewing anyone that looks like a Nigerian. (!)

    Therefore the only way to stop Ebola in the USA is to stop it in Africa. Western governments - all of them - have been far too slow to poor money and resources into fighting this outbreak. Had they done so earlier, this outbreak would be under control already.

    We are also paying the price for cutting foreign aid to countries like Liberia. Had we not done so their public health systems would have been better able to cope.

  67. Who can spot my spelling mistake?

    There's a €1 prize for the first....

  68. There you go again. Facts are a dirty thang in the fields.

    They would rather lie/make shit up has they go along.

    "If you are worried about Ebola you can thank the NRA for not having a Surgeon General."

    "The truth is this nation has not had a Surgeon General for a year"



  69. The Purple Cow said...
    Who can spot my spelling mistake?

    Just begging for attention now PurpleCow?

    I'm starting to feel sorry for you.

  70. Anonymous7:47 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Therefore the only way to stop Ebola in the USA is to stop it in Africa.

    I thought the Nigerians already did that.

  71. White Man's Burden7:50 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Western governments - all of them - have been far too slow to poor money and resources into fighting this outbreak. Had they done so earlier, this outbreak would be under control already.

    We are also paying the price for cutting foreign aid to countries like Liberia. Had we not done so their public health systems would have been better able to cope."

    Everything be the white man's fault.

    It's not just BRA, but the whole world is supposed to take care of black people.

  72. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...
    " This disease could catch fire and spread geometrically in a short time. We should be concerned. So should you, Mr Field."

    Sorry but that is hysterical bollocks. Ebola is not a particularly virulent disease, it is not as easily spread as the flu virus for instance. It is primarily a disease of poverty. It spreads in those African countries that have the worst financial situation and have the least to spend on public health. Notice how West Africa's two richest nations - Nigeria and Ghana have the disease under control.

    America will see a handful of cases, nobody has ever denied that (especially if your infection control policies are not tightened up) but there is zero chance of exponential Ebola growth in the USA.

    6:23 PM
    Everyone please note what Dr PC, an all-knowing expert has declared that ebola in the USA won't do much. Remember what this Purple nut has said.

    Of course, when reality destroys his theory, he will defend it anyway.

  73. "Everything be the white man's fault."

    No, you can actually blame us Jamaicans for bad dreads.

  74. the GOP10:10 PM

    "Climate alarmism is just the apocalyptic myth of modern paganism."

    Yeah, why believe those pesky scientists and all their science. We'd rather believe incredibly stooooopid Republicans who babble on about ice cubes in their water. Yep, and why not?
