Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Skip, there is nothing cool about rape.

There are certain folks in America who shouldn't be on television talking to millions of people.

Skip Bayless, the ESPN commentator and co-host of First Take, happens to be one of them.

"Looks like the guys over at ESPN's First Take may need to take sensitivity courses in women's issues ASAP, especially if they're going to venture into issues involving domestic violence and rape.

Just a few months back, Stephen A. Smith alluded to the fact that women shouldn't provoke men into violent confrontations. Now Skip Bayless believes that Kobe Bryant's 2003 rape charges, in which the basketball star was accused of sexually assaulting a 19-year-old in a hotel room in Colorado, added to his street cred—thus making him more marketable.


  1. Slim Whitman9:12 PM

    "From the looks of this very detailed study it would appear that white privilege does in fact exist."

    It sure does. And if blacks worked hard, obeyed the law, and took responsibility for their lives, they could get themselves some of that 'privilege' too.

  2. Anonymous9:18 PM

    I mentioned this discussion with Stacey Dash...A SISTER...re: White Privilege in the previous thread but Field did not respond. Anyway, the sister made it clear that White Privilege doesn't exist.


  3. Affirmative Action Jackson9:37 PM

    Personally, I prefer black privilege.

    1. White privilege is code for black failure12:33 PM

      Theres no greater privilege than black privilege.

  4. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Brother Field, re: Pastor Juan Demetrius McFarland, he made a mistake. As good Christians, we should forgive him and pray for him.

    We don't castigate and judge the brotha in the side bar of FN, we FORGIVE and have compassion.

    You really need Jesus...seriously, you do.

  5. Wesley R9:52 PM

    Jesse Williams and Tony Parker (Spurs) look like they were separated at birth.

    I want to see if Skip Bayless gets the same treatment Steven A. Smith got after his comment about domestic abuse.

    If you even watch their show, a lot of athletes have no respect for Skip (President of The Tim Tebow Fan Club) Bayless.

  6. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Brother Field, I watched that video and NO ONE seemed stunned at Skip's comment. You have got to stop exaggerating, my brother.

    IMO, Skip is by far a better commentator that Steve could ever be. Skip is also far more knowledgeable about sports than Steve. There is no comparison.

    FYI, nothing is going to come of this because Skip did nothing wrong.

    Re: Steve Smith's comment...even Whoopi Goldberg supported Smith's comment.

  7. Boo-Freakin'-hoo10:54 PM

    Bless they little hearts.

    If believing in "white privilege" helps y'all sleep at night, gives y'all a out for y'alls failures in life, well y'all go right along believing.

  8. StillaPanther211:07 PM

    Brother Field, I like the way you ended today. We definitely have to push forward no matter what the obstacles.... real or not real.

    If we believe all that is written or spoken we will always take the path of least resistance in our long and arduous journey. Post civil rights has presents with the question of "where do we fit in this America puzzle. Taking the easy road has met with negative results.

    Today we find ourselves with many of the role models that have been "given" has been the lowest educationally and the lowest moral standards of a civilized community/society.

    Allow me to expose who we adore as a race. AA men that have a history of dope dealing, gun smuggling, rape, calling their mothers hoes and bitches, and gaining fame while singing songs that glorify killing and maiming. IT NO WONDER THAT THE OTHER races can and DO CONCLUDE where Skip Bayless was coming from. I truly long for the day when we stop trying to destroy the messenger but will not deal with the sad messengers.

    It is sad that the election of one man has brought the same result as integration. Don't bruise the psychic of easily offended African American.

    If this "street cred" has a tough and sinister exploits... why get mad at the results of having this street cred. I, in my 64 years ever heard that a cardiologist had "street cred"... nor a carpenter, biologist, manager at Burger King, nurse or any of the other professions that as a race we don't compete.

    Brother Field, your last comments were so apropos.

    PS I do know the world renown cardiologist. He was just one of the guys that had dreams other than "I wanna be a football player". This was during the history time frame when we forced the other races to have respect.

    I see where they are going to have on America TV all these feel good stories mainly about minorities making it to the pros. We as a people should force the TV gurus to have ahows showing the thousands of Blacks that did not make it. That will be the pool of men that are expendable.


  9. FN said...
    Where you start in life financially matters a lot, too: If you're born in the poorest 20 percent of families of any race, yet still earn a college degree, you have roughly the same chance of being stuck in the poorest bracket as rich high-school dropouts do of staying in the richest bracket (16 and 14 percent, respectively).

    Parent privilege.

    You were raised by 2 educated married parents.

    You won life's lottery.

    Poor parents usually have "issues" they didn't deal with that prevented success in their life and they passed the same dysfunction to their children. And their children to their grandchildren.
    A vicious cycle.

    No doubt you know this.

    But you won't talk about it.


      Of course he wont..his agenda is instigating and race baiting.

      Field is no better than everything and everyone he writes about. HES A FRAUD! !!!

  10. Anonymous11:55 PM

    The DOJ believes in white privilege too. Holder thinks blacks are dumber than whites.

    WOW! Obama’s DOJ Says Black Voters Not As Smart As White Voters


    1. white I.q's are usually higher then blacks12:04 PM

      Well its true for the most part. .

  11. Anonymous12:03 AM

    That's a nice piece on white privilege. It shows results and never once mentions the variables in actions.

    What is different about black violent culture that poor whites escape poverty at a higher rate than blacks do? Also given the obvious to those who look , there are many more poor whites than blacks.

    Impulse control, violent nature, future time/action correlation.

    Easy to say whites make it out of poverty more than blacks, but statistically whites do everything better than blacks except commit violence , commit crimes and play ball and beat their baby mama's .

  12. Black privilege:

    A black Baltimore bus driver organized a mob of 20 black people to assault a white family of three on her bus, which they did with gusto and pepper spray. All the while, the other black passengers hooted and hollered in encouragement.

    All while the bus driver waited for the beating to finish so the attackers could get back on the bus. With her thanks.

    The bus company didn’t give a darn. And it took Baltimore police two months before they even investigated it.

    The appalling event occurred last June. A white couple made the mistake of escorting their 9-year-old son home from school on a city bus. The driver asked them to move to the back, but they couldn’t, because there was no room. This enraged the female driver, who showered them with foul-mouthed threats and abuse.

    At that point, other black passengers started yelling for the bus driver to remove the white family from the bus. One of passengers urged the bus driver to use her phone and “call them up.”

    Who was “them”? The family discovered two stops later, when a large group of students from Mergenthaler Vo-Tech and Academy for College and Career Exploration boarded the bus.

    The victims were standing next to the bus driver and they heard her tell the newly-boarded students: “I don’t care where they get off. You handle that (Bleep) and I’ll take care of you. I’ll wait for you.”

    Soon after, the family of three left the bus, along with the 20 black students who had just boarded it.

    They beat and pepper-sprayed all three members of the family, choking and banging their heads on the ground — all while the bus driver waited and watched. …

    Charging documents show the bus driver watched the assault and yelled several times, “Yeah, that’s what you get.” After the teens were finished with the beating, they got back on the bus, and the bus drove away, offering the victims no assistance, police said.

    The progressive term for events like this is “social justice.” Blacks have the privilege of committing violence against whites because Slavery.


  13. Social science, the subjective step-cousin of empirical real science, is as misinterpreted and filled in like a coloring book as it is easy to do. And that's saying a lot.

    So, more white people escape from poverty. And the brilliant conclusion: White privilege!

    Are they directly correlated? Are more white people making it out because of this strange-sounding "privilege" thing, or because they're working harder, have a better, stronger family structure, and aren't turning so readily and staggeringly to drugs and violence?

    "White privilege" has a connotation of things simply being handed to whites and kept out of the reach of blacks. So, the study shows that more whites make it out of poverty. But why don't these pussy-ass scared-to-be-called-racists bullshit "scientists" ever follow up on how one person climbs out of poverty compared to another.

    I mean, is there a job stork out there handing white people paychecks and refusing to do so for black people? What is "privilege"? This "detailed study" doesn't define it, but to say more white people escape poverty -- therefore, white privilege society.

    Why is it a harder climb for black kids? I see where, off the bat, they cite a "race-fueled drug war." Wow, there's that objectivity we expect of science. But did they delve into families at all, beyond attempting to paint every disparity as obvious racism? Of course they didn't. This "science" starts out with the conclusion: White people have it easier than black people because it's a white privilege, racist society. Then, they mine their data to plump that narrative up before slapping its ass like, "Check this bitch out!"

    This is why social science is basically a liberal arts education that doesn't require any real heavy lifting in school. Hey, impoverished black kids, here's an idea -- get into the social sciences! If you have a vague grasp of a calculator, you can create "studies" that scientific illiterates take as gospel.

    As for Skip Bayless and his insensitivity toward women's issues: Men are often the victims of domestic violence and are frequently raped. It's sexist to claim those things are "women's" issues. Someone needs some sensitivity training. lol

    1. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Nah..that makes too much sense Josh.

  14. "She is part Barbadian, African American and Mexican."

    i think Stacy Dash is more mixed raced than anything else.

    her view that there is no white privilege/Mitt Romney rocks leads me to believe she is mixed up as well.

    no disrespect.

    everybody does NOT get charged to Black folks' tab. we have enough Real Black folk doing the dumbest. we don't need to adopt those that should be rightfully charged to other folks' accounts. Black folk are ALREADY judged by the least of US. this is why some white folk may routinely do the DUMBEST stuff...

    yet, folk don't auto think of white folk as dumb.

    race don't matter, so let's just tell the Truth already. don't come for the sistas behind the utter nonsense Dash is being paid to share on the airwaves. we don't own that. brothas made her a sista so they could justify their lust. just as all non white women are women of color let brothas tell it. these same women will argue folk down about their whiteness. lol.

    it would be nice if folk called things like they are. it would have saved Black folk a LOT of trouble when it comes to BO.

    it is common knowledge that golden calf Black men get a misogyny pass. i forget the non BM from a few years ago that said something that got his behind ripped by angry ww. his response: if he were a Black man, it would have been ok.

    the nephilim in the pic is promoting rape culture. which a lot of the music has been demonically hijacked to promote as well.

    i call it rapey music.

    think GHB...


    lots of double talk and multi level messages hitting our mentals on the regular. most don't get it but their mentals pick it up. tv and other mediums reinforce the programs.

    from the last thread:

    i am big on forgiveness, yet DL Hughley may stay in the house. until he apologizes for the run to the support of Imus. affirming that the Black college students were "ugly." that's him and DWayans, too. then had the nerve to mention his Black wife + fact that denigrating Black women was Black "culture"...

    repentance is a part of forgiveness.

    for the aids spreader with a Bible...

    forgiveness + some charges = what time it is.


    had he managed to spread all he had to share around among other colored women, he would ALREADY have some attempted murder charges on that behind. or...

    a few bullets in his behind. fok getting capped in the streets for less.


    rape = no joke in general. the masses STILL associate rape with women. when rape culture hits top levels, folk will NOT be ready. ESP. average menfolk.

  15. before folk bring it...

    yes. most of US are mixed race.

    we are a mingled people as a result of our history.

    however, SD's mix is closer than those Blessed Black women that folk usually mean when they call folk "sistas"...so let's not play around here.

    just as with BO. folk with white parents are mixed. not Black. to claim otherwise is disrespectful + dismissive to the non Black parents involved.

    when folk are acting a fool...the distinction needs to be made in no certain terms.

  16. StillaPaanther21:18 AM

    Just mulling... saw a response to Bro. Field's house negro labeling. I see nothing wrong with this traditional means to insure you never depend on these guys/gals to respond in a certain way.

    Pain may be associated with the labeling. Most of the HNs are people that used their communities to prosper during their rise to the top. Think of the poor neighborhood all over America that supported the majority of our athletes. We have made mad money in the last two decades from sports. The only thing we have show is several football camps- which we don't need. The man will insure that if he can make a dollar off one of us running up and down the field. lt will be a done deal. Where are the others that will duplicate like Bro. Magic Johnson.

    In ending, all races and sub-groups within a race do the same as we do. Ask the Jews about how other Jews get ostracized when the majority see them not repaying the community.

    So yes Bro. Field... call out the HN. We did not invent that means of social control. Wherein the Jews that get ex-communicated feels pain, our HNs feel no pain because he at last can be close to the masters.

  17. Anonymous1:24 AM

    "In ending, all races and sub-groups within a race do the same as we do."

    But only whites are prevented by law from doing so.

  18. speaking of rape...

    something really foul is happening.

    womenfolk are getting in on the act.

    despite what folk like to say/joke, this is not Good for young men. it messes 'em up, i think.


    this is not pick on WW, either. i am seeing women, all colors, get in on the act. as i have said before, the peds are just chomping at the bit.


    some are not waiting. schools + jails seem like the place to be if folk are predators.

  19. Anonymous1:44 AM

    "Easy to say whites make it out of poverty more than blacks, but statistically whites do everything better than blacks except commit violence , commit crimes and play ball and beat their baby mama's ."

    Not really, you white folk beat your baby mamas' asses pretty well. Check out any trailer park on any weekend. And by everything do you mean getting high on meth? Yep, you guys are good at that.

  20. Anonymous1:44 AM

    "Easy to say whites make it out of poverty more than blacks, but statistically whites do everything better than blacks except commit violence , commit crimes and play ball and beat their baby mama's ."

    Not really, you white folk beat your baby mamas' asses pretty well. Check out any trailer park on any weekend. And by everything do you mean getting high on meth? Yep, you guys are good at that.

    1. Blacks are the real racists11:17 AM

      Check out a trailer park on any weekend?

      How would you know that, do you live in a trailer park?

      You realize theres more Mexicans and blacks living in trailer parks doing drugs then whites right?

  21. Anonymous1:54 AM

    To say white privilege is a myth is to ignore reality. For example, right here on this blog we regularly see racist whites talking about how blah people lack some kind of future universal planetary orientation (whatever that idiot keeps talking about), are prone to violence and are generally a lower caliber than whites. Now, do you think that the only peolpe who hold these racist views are the few whites that post here or are there others? Ok, using common sense we can surmise that there are others that hold these racist views. So let's say one of these racist indiciduals is in charge of hiring at corporation X. This individual gets several resumes and one is from a blah person who is obviously talented, has great grades and would make a fine employee. Do you think this racist individual would hire this smart and talented blah person or not? I say no because if this person is really good it will invalidate their deeply held racist views and we know that can't be allowed so one of two things has to occur: 1. this particular blah individual will not be hired even if they were the best qualified and a white individual will be hired or 2. this racist individual will seek out an obviously unqualified blah person so they can justify their racism and say "see, THEY just aren't qualified". If you think I'm wrong imagine if QLB or Kinky had the power to hire someone (yes, I know it takes alot to suspend your belief that much to imagine one of those idiots even having a job but I digress) don't you such such a situation playing out? Of course, so now imagine this happening thousands of times. Trust me, this happens.

    1. Use paragraphs before you flame people11:14 AM

      Does black privilege not teach the use of paragraphs?

      Jeez Negro. Who wants to read that pile of word garage.

  22. Oh look everyone, American Conservative thinks that Obama is a Conservative.


    When I said exactly that, the wing nuts took it as proof that I was insane. Now leading conservative thinkers are saying exactly the same thing...

  23. Quote Anonymous:

    "Now he wants one for not be able to understand that there has been no global warming in over 18 years. Some things never change. Like satellite measured temperatures since 1997:


    2 + 2 = 4

  24. lol @ PC.

    get 'em!

    they WILL come to your way of global warming thinking!!!

    don't get mad.


    you crack me up with your new pic calling folk the c- word. it scrambles my mentals. lol!


    folk have died to tell US the Truth. do we listen? do we care?


  25. Everyone pretty much knows Barack is not some radical liberal. He is a moderate Republican in the vein of HW, Bob Dole or Jim Edgar. Field has been saying something similar for years. Cmon PC, you know the game, these childish goofs here would argue with you if if you said the sun rises in the east just because you said it. All smart and successful blah men ignite jealousy and fear in insecure and/or unitelligent white people.

  26. Chomsky says the last Liberal President of the USA was Richard M. Nixon.

    You can see his point.

  27. ”The past 12 months—October 2013–September 2014—was the warmest 12-month period among all months since records began in 1880, at 0.69°C (1.24°F) above the 20th century average.

    This breaks the previous record of +0.68°C (+1.22°F) set for the periods September 1998–August 1998, August 2009–July 2010; and September 2013–August 2014.”

    (source: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/global/2014/9 )

  28. Josh, if u actually have a job and earn a living u are living proof that white privilege exists.

    What a load of crap.

    SAP2, as usual u spit truth my brother.

  29. Rosa Parks do u have another source for that story besides American Thinker? Not doubting your story, but that publication is basically a Klan news outlet.

  30. Anon@9:37, if u are Pastor Juan leave the women on this blog alone.

    I need Jesus and u need help.

  31. Anonymous8:13 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Oh look everyone, American Conservative thinks that Obama is a Conservative.


    When I said exactly that, the wing nuts took it as proof that I was insane. Now leading conservative thinkers are saying exactly the same thing...

    You are insane, and also quite stupid . That site is a far left kook site pretending to be a conservative site run by the same people who publish American Prospect which is a far left, radical Marxist cornucopia of crypto-Communism.

    The American Prospect is a bimonthly American political magazine dedicated to American liberalism. Based in Washington, DC, The American Prospect is a journal 'of liberal ideas, committed to a just society, an enriched democracy, and effective liberal politics' which focuses on United States politics and public policy. Politically, the magazine is in support of modern American liberalism, similar to The New Republic and The Nation.

  32. Anonymous8:17 AM

    PilotX said...

    Everyone pretty much knows Barack is not some radical liberal. He is a moderate Republican in the vein of HW, Bob Dole or Jim Edgar. Field has been saying something similar for years. Cmon PC, you know the game, these childish goofs here would argue with you if if you said the sun rises in the east just because you said it. All smart and successful blah men ignite jealousy and fear in insecure and/or unitelligent white people.

    What a convenient excuse you have made for having an abrasive personality that causes people to dislike you. It's not you, it's them.

    Obama pushing gay marriage to degrade the military, community activism for wealth redistribution, loves higher taxes and on and on.... is no more of a Conservative - than you are a handsome white man with blonde hair, blue eyes and an IQ of 150.

  33. This study (commissioned) by a liberal think tank only reinforces the fallacies of its liberal authors and think tank.

    "white privilege" Is a blanket used by Democrats and their plantation negroes like FN to cover their collective asses.

    Democrat policies sowed the seeds of struggle for minorities in America.

    And as long as minorities are the chumps of the Democrat party-their struggles will continue.

  34. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Mike Brown - Just another angry, violent, low IQ thug.

    Mike Brown Autopsy Leaked: Evidence He Reached for Officer’s Gun, Did NOT Have Arms Raised When Shot

    No charges will be filed against Officer Wilson.

    Chimpout anticipated - What else is new.

  35. So let's do some liberal math.

    1 FN and his Democrat masters are always telling us all Conservatives/Republicans are dumb,stupid, uncaring racist warmongers.


    1 Now FN,PC,PX, and other leftwingers are saying Obama is a Conservative/Republican.

    Does that equal Obama being a dumb,stupid, uncaring racist warmonger?

    And for extra credit- When are Democrats going to give Republicans credit for the ACA and turning the economy around?

  36. http://henrymakow.com/2014/10/william-cooper-chilling-revelations.html

    listen to the video and stop bickering.

    the enemy to our souls = Real.

    Yah Almighty and His Word= Real.

    the U.S is lined up for His Wrath, as it is written. all the bickering in the world won't stop it.

    the nice white man speaking in the video lost his life to tell folk the Truth. only idiots bicker about the color of folks' temple when it is all about the Spirit.

    Blessings all!






  37. The Purple Cow said...
    Oh look everyone, American Conservative thinks that Obama is a Conservative.

    Citing an article with coulter and hannity as proof?

    Nice one.

    When I said exactly that, the wing nuts took it as proof that I was insane.

    So you believe obama lied and fooled all the democrats into voting for a conservative?

    Are democrat voters really that ignorant?

    FN voted for a conservative when he voted for obama?

    Is FN really that clueless?

    I'm waiting to hear how FN feels about being labeled "sucker" for voting for a conservative.


  38. field negro said...
    SAP2, as usual u spit truth my brother.

    Yes he does.

    Instead of a caption thread, let SAP2 write something.


  39. field negro said...
    Rosa Parks do u have another source for that story besides American Thinker? Not doubting your story, but that publication is basically a Klan news outlet.


    Very simple to google.

    It appears you didn't want to know the truth.

    1. Blacks deny reality11:03 AM

      Truth hurts these folks..that's VERY APPARENT.

  40. Anonymous11:04 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    2 + 2 = 4


    Finally, Purple Cow agrees that there has been no upward trend in the RSS satellite temperature data for over 18 years.

    Congratulations. You've grown today.

  41. field negro said...

    Rosa Parks do u have another source for that story besides American Thinker? Not doubting your story, but that publication is basically a Klan news outlet.

    Here you go sweetie:


  42. "You are insane, and also quite stupid . That site is a far left kook site pretending to be a conservative site run by the same people who publish American Prospect which is a far left, radical Marxist cornucopia of crypto-Communism."

    The American Prospect is a bimonthly American political magazine dedicated to American liberalism. Based in Washington, DC, The American Prospect is a journal 'of liberal ideas, committed to a just society, an enriched democracy, and effective liberal politics' which focuses on United States politics and public policy. Politically, the magazine is in support of modern American liberalism, similar to The New Republic and The Nation."

    That may or may not be so, I wouldn't know.

    However what I do know is that the article I linked to is the lead article in the November issue of The American Conservative

    Which is described as...

    "The American Conservative (TAC) is a bi-monthly journal of opinion published by the American Ideas Institute. It reflects traditional American conservatism that has argued vigorously against American interventionism, against a debt-based fiscal policy used to finance adventurism abroad and government growth at home, and against the intrusions on Americans’ private lives by state security apparatus.

    The journal is a moderate conservative magazine, which according to you makes it "a far left kook site" That says more about your political extremism than it does about the magazine. You think moderate conservatives are far-left.

    Secondly, the magazine is absolutely not published by the same people as the American Prospect.

    So I've got a feeling that the only "insane" and "really quite stupid" person here is actually you.

  43. Anonymous11:12 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Chomsky says the last Liberal President of the USA was Richard M. Nixon

    Chomsky also said the Cambodian holocaust never happened and that America is worse than Nazi Germany.

    Chomsky is a vile dissembler beloved of alienated middle-brow sophomores everywhere.

    Just your kind of guy.

  44. Anonymous11:15 AM

    "American Conservative" magazine is not conservative, and is not read by conservatives.

  45. ""American Conservative" magazine is not conservative, and is not read by conservatives."

    See what I mean?


    1. Purple Cow loves Islam12:41 PM

      Typical Purple cow showing his immaturity.

  46. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Field wrote

    "But opportunities for success are clearly not that simple, for a host of reasons: The myriad legacies of slavery and Jim Crow, decades of racist housing policies, educational disparities, employment discrimination, and a race-fueled War on Drugs"

    Omg, come on field..STOP THE BULLSHIT ALREADY! !. Its the same tired old dog and pony show.

    No ones oppressing blacks (except maybe Democrats) besides themselves! !

    Same goes for whites or any other race in this freaking country!!!

  47. Blacks are serial killers as well as racists12:45 PM



    Yes I am screaming..for those who will bring that up.

  48. I thought blacks were all innocent angels??12:55 PM

    Lets see..we got a serial killer in Indiana, an ugly rapist and woman killer in Virginia, a bus driver who is arranging racial hate violence in Baltimore..all within a short period of time.

    For a race thats only 13 percent of the population. .you guys do some evil shit.

    I thought you guys were all innocent angels that just want to be left alone?


  49. "You're gonna kiss me. Give him something to talk about. Now, he's really jealous."

    When the president says "you're gonna kiss me," you better obey. Democrat women like being ordered around.

    I'm sure it made Obama feel good punking the womans husband like that on camera.

  50. Anonymous1:07 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    ""American Conservative" magazine is not conservative, and is not read by conservatives."

    See what I mean?

    You're a dope. Negro peak incompetence.

    the domain is owned by one Daniel McCarthy and the offices of the publication are listed as 1710 Rhode Island Ave. NW, Suite 1200 in Washington, DC.

    No fewer than five articles on the front page alone represented attacks on Sen. Ted Cruz -- the brilliant Constitutional conservative from Texas -- and many more attacked Israel and "Islamophobia". The ludicrous crackpot Stephen M. Walt, a notorious purveyor of anti-semitism, is linked as are pseudo-conservatives like Conor Friedersdorf.

    Keep your stupidity in your country, we have enough Negro-ish thoughts to deal with already.

  51. Start ostracising your bad apples1:08 PM

    The funny thing is..you always here blacks say "well at least we aint serial killers" or "at least we aint rapists" etc etc.

    What's your next excuse gonna be for your violence and dysfunction?

    I nevee hear whites defend white criminals or psychopaths. .or make excuses for their evilness.

  52. Reakwon1:30 PM

    Yo feild why u let dese dumm ass racisus white peeple on here. Tey donnt no shit bout us or wat we bout. Noone of em wood sey shitt 2 me if dey saw me in pearson.

  53. it is the hypocrisy that offends.

    speaking for myself only now.

    the fact that BW/children suffer THE MOST from the hypocrisy = zero incentive for me to tow the line.

    so i don't + haven't in years. NO intention of changing my mind.

    @Anon 12:45 PM- folk won't mention the serial killer 'cause he is killing BW. just as folk won't mention the legion of BM that kill other BM.


    when it is Black on Black, as it is most of the time...

    folk will be quiet to the death. don't want to make BM look bad. they have been through a lot.


    THIS is the problem with the forbidden BM golden calf. when BW cut a fool, folk can.not.wait to drag her.

    Yahless BM are doing.the.most.


    from the pulpit dispensing aids to the street corners in the hood.

    when folk like me call it...

    we are called every name in the book.

    Yahless BM are taking out Blacks, Whites, and e'erbody else that is not armed + committed to shooting and asking questions later. uber BM protective man-like BW do NOT help matters.

    at all.

    they are enablers that i appreciate on NO level. one can only hope that the serial killers that no one cares to mention will get these mules FIRST.

    a joke.


    demonic BM madness is not being properly reported to feed the race war chaos the ptb have on tap with the rest of the chaos needed to establish new demonic order.

    this is a demonic spiritual condition. turning from wicked ways is THE only way to turn it back.

    ps. serial killer thomas sowell was quietly released back into society. had he been killing WW and burying them in his back yard stinking up the neighborhood, he would still be UNDER the jail or at the morgue.

    Black folk spend the bulk of their time crying over all the protection the protectors need. folk don't have much concern left over for the unprotected/unprovided for women and children...

    we must look at ourselves Blessed Black people. it will be much more productive than looking at Esau who need US...

    as it is written.

    WAKE UP Yahudah!!!

    KJV 2 Chronicles 7:14-18

    He is not a man that He should lie.

    Blessings all!

  54. ""You're a dope. Negro peak incompetence.

    Oh really? We're about to find out who the dope is...


    "the domain is owned by one Daniel McCarthy and the offices of the publication are listed as 1710 Rhode Island Ave. NW, Suite 1200 in Washington, DC."

    So what?

    "No fewer than five articles on the front page alone represented attacks on Sen. Ted Cruz -- the brilliant Constitutional conservative from Texas -- and many more attacked Israel and "Islamophobia". The ludicrous crackpot Stephen M. Walt, a notorious purveyor of anti-semitism, is linked as are pseudo-conservatives like Conor Friedersdorf.

    Keep your stupidity in your country, we have enough Negro-ish thoughts to deal with already."

    So my anonymous friend, are you actually Doug Ross or are you simply plagiarising his writing?

    Because what you wrote bears a startling similarity to this piece here:


    You are either Doug Ross, or a stupid, lying little cheat. Which is it?



    BTW, Ross is a complete idiot too. So it could indeed be you.

    He makes much play of the fact that the two magazines share office space. However his "in-depth research" must have led him to this piece:


    ...but oddly, he neglects to mention it.

    So he, like you, is a disingenuous little shit.


    Incidentally Pat Buchanan and Taki are both on the board of American Conservative, are you still sure it's a 'crypto communist publication??

  55. ReaKwon,u are not black. Now go home to your cousin and your wonderful children u had together.

    Whites don't have to defend their criminals, there is something in America called the press that does it for them.

    1. Reakwon9:22 PM

      Nigga u aint no me Field! Im blakker then u will eva be! House ass negroo

  56. Relax Anon@12:45, he didn't kill any white women so no one knew about it.

  57. relax...FN the racism chaser said, as BW lose their lives...

    okey doke.

  58. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Purple Twat Said:

    You are either Doug Ross, or a stupid, lying little cheat. Which is it?


    I am Doug Ross. However who I am isn't the issue, your Peak Negro failure is .

    American Conservative is not a conservative blog and Obama is most certainly not a conservative.

    Peak Negro's fail at most everything and your piss poor attempt at tracking who I am does not discredit what I have said. It highlights who the real disingenuous idiot is and who is again an example of peak Negro, reaching beyond his limitations.

    You mean you seriously thought you could use some of the comments as your argument? How Negro.


  59. field negro said...
    Whites don't have to defend their criminals, there is something in America called the press that does it for them.

    Like the way the non-fox news media protected darren wilson?

    Oops, bad example.

  60. Well since the aforementioned Mr. Wilson has still not been charged and is walking free as a hero to those on the right, I would say that it is a very good example.

  61. "I am Doug Ross. However who I am isn't the issue, your Peak Negro failure is ."


    I think an email to Doug Ross is called for. It will be interesting to see what he/you says.

  62. "Peak Negro's fail at most everything and your piss poor attempt at tracking who I am does not discredit what I have said."

    How can it be 'piss poor' if I was totally correct?

  63. Doug!!

    Check your emails, dude.

    Look forward to your response.


  64. field negro said...
    Well since the aforementioned Mr. Wilson has still not been charged and is walking free as a hero to those on the right, I would say that it is a very good example.

    Walking free has nothing to do with fox news protecting him, that's a legal issue. Speak to eric holder. To believe fox news can protect "criminals" is a little batshit crazy even for you.

    What do you think about part of the autopsy being leaked about michael being shot the first time reaching in the police car?
    Not quite the story the democrat media pushed of being shot in the back with his hands up.

    Who was the non-fox media protecting by pushing a false narrative?

    In case your too busy with real life to keep up on every story trolls write about...

    Who was being protected by the false narrative about michael brown being shot in the back with his hands up?

    Seven or eight African American eyewitnesses have provided testimony consistent with Wilson’s account, but none of them have spoken publicly out of fear for their safety, The Washington Post’s sources said.

    Who do you believe these eyewitnesses are scared of?

  65. Anonymous6:37 PM

    FP--I noticed that you are keeping quiet re: Michael Brown...Why?

    From evidence emerging Michael DID try taking Darren Wilson's gun. That is unbelievable! But the forensics seem to support it.

    I'm really getting tired of bm shot to death because they were acting a fool with the police.

    In addition, black folks go on a riot spree over a guilty bm who had the audacity and the stupidity to try take an officer's gun. What kind of person or so-called citizen would do that?

    Well, we know the answer to that...In America, it's those violent bm. Once again, we have egg on our face.

    Will we ever learn?

  66. Limpbaugh7:03 PM

    Whenever I hear a rape apologist, it always makes me think they've probably raped someone.

  67. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Anonymous said...
    FP--I noticed that you are keeping quiet re: Michael Brown...Why?
    He's still thinking up excuses. He's rather write about Skip. Typical.


  68. Anonymous9:19 PM

    field negro said...
    Whites don't have to defend their criminals, there is something in America called the press that does it for them.

    Hahahahahha!!! Is that why news stations (especially here in NY) wont give descriptions when black males commit crimes on a daily basis? Blacks are protected by the media now and days like they are pets.

    I mean you have to be fucking kidding me Field!?!

  69. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Well, well. A Muslim shot up the Canadian Parliament today. Adding in the beheading in Oklahoma, I wonder what Field thinks about the Muslims now?

    I know, Field won't talk about it and he won't talk about Michael Brown attacking Darren Wilson. In fact, no FN Negroes will talk about it.

    Hmmmm. come to think of it, the folks in Ferguson are relatively quiet. Even Rev Al is quiet....what's going on?

  70. Anonymous9:47 PM

    I wonder how many Muslims we have here in the West between America and Canada? Are we prepared should the Muslim terrorists attack?

    These are some scary times.

  71. Field, have you heard about this Kamau Bakari negro in Nevada who is backed by Cliven "negoreswere better of during slavery" Bundy? He has a commercial in which he calls Bundy a brave white man and talks about blah political correctness and how blah folks think white folks owe them something. Also Bundy wants to debate Eric Holder about the existence of racism. Does the Drop Squad work out of Nevada?

    1. PilotX is one dumb negro10:36 AM

      Whats wrong with that?

  72. @qlb- no one is addressing you.

    all that melanin deficiency induced superior intellect and you don't know the difference between fp and qlb?

    + as per usual you have no clue.

    so keep the death toll tally for chicago like a Good demon and don't presume to speak for me.

    ok, girlfriend?



    @ Anon @6:37pm- recall, i already called it.

    when folk were ssshhh!'ing me, talking 'bout the timing was wrong for me to point out huuuuge Black men MIGHT want to act like they know they are in america.

    the "Chr-stian" do unto others golden rule abiding, land of the free + home of the brave. indigenous holocaust + land of the Blessed Black "3/5 human being" slave.

    did you forget?

    i already said what i felt/think needed to be said on the subject. the fact that no matter what evil, BM are doing, there will be a rally...

    i am sensitive to the fact that somewhere there is a BW that is trying to breathe through the pain. we Love our sons even when they bring us pain + shame.

    autopsy reports don't do much for me either. Whitney Houston's still hasn't caused a murder investigation, despite all her fighting for her life defensive wounds plainly documented. orders were given to leave that woman's body until after the devilish ritual. these demons work together. doesn't change the fact that an ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure. Black folk should have more clues + act accordingly at this point in the game.

    so i pray Michael Brown's family knows Peace soon. i pray other BM around the nation will act like they have a few extra clues. in this way, he will not have died in vain.

  73. BM rally no matter what...it is so common place it is Tradition at this point. it does BM and the Black nation a grave disservice.

    Oscar Grant was brawling in public, Sean Bell had a whole family at home when he got "traditional" at the skrip club the night before his long overdue wedding+ was brawling with off duty cops,Genarlow Wilson participated in the gang rape of a Black girl BEFORE they threw the book at his Black behind over the statutory rape of a White girl etc. etc. etc.

    when nasty white folk like qlb come through suggesting the excuses for wayward Black men need to stop...

    even a broke clock is Right at some point.

    folk either need to tell themselves and regulate the wayward ones among US. (pretend it is White men or Black women and find the BASS in their voices to address wayward BM.)


    man up when other folk come through refusing to mince words re: the UNchecked evil that lurks + reeks havoc among Blacks before it spills out onto others. perpetrated most often by BM while they reserve the right to be victims in need of protection at the same time. this is plain Truth and folk can tell themselves if they don't like hearing it from others.

    these BM do damage all day physically in some camps, image wise, on a global scale, in other camps.

    the protection and excuse making does NOT extend to BW. nor should it- though we and the children of the nation could only benefit from some of the protection. it has been open season on US from ALL sides for longer than a minute. from slavery times 'til now.

    with Love for my people, i suggest it is high time for BM to be as strong + accountable as they expect their daughters/women to be. high time to turn their hearts and behavior to Most High. kill the BM= Yah lies that most hold onto for dear life. BM are NOT Yah and MUST Bow Down to Him/His Word for any of this to get better. do what thou wilt does NOT look Good on Blessed Blacks. cease worshiping at the forbidden BM golden calf idol. KNOW that folk coming with a mouthful of excuses for why BM can't do better are their liberal white enemies or misguided BW enablers. BOTH are to be ignored.


    what we see is UNchecked evil. + a grip of manipulation. the ptb project images/narratives...

    Black folk go straight to scripted/programmed/predictable behavior. from BO to a BM in distress...

    enough, already.


    i pray Messiah even will pray for US to wake up and get it.

    this nation needs US to get it as well as the world. what happens in america affects the world.

    blessings all!

  74. Anonymous5:01 AM

    FP--"Black folk go straight to scripted/programmed/predictable behavior. from BO to a BM in distress...

    enough, already."

    Thank you, FP. I love the words you use to describe the behavior of our folks. It is as though we are in a trance induced since slavery. A trap we can't seem to spring because we keep doing the same thing over and over and over again, expecting something to change from it.

    I hope, but deep inside, I don't have much hope for us. We seem to be without mind, heart and GOD. Without GOD, nothing much can work.

    With GOD, just about anything comes in the form of blessings and grace.

    It is just plain stupid to go through life without HIM. We have been stuck on "stupid" for some time.

  75. Pilot, the Drop Squad is in Nevada as well. I will alert them about this brother.

  76. Anonymous5:07 PM

    focused purpose wrote:

    "ps. serial killer thomas sowell was quietly released back into society."

    1) The correct name is Anthony Sowell. His cousin is named Thomas Sowell.

    2) Anthony Sowell served 15 years in prison on a 1990 rape conviction. He
    was released in 2005.

    3) Not all rapists are serial killers. Not all serial killers are rapists.

    4) Please read the Murderpedia article on Anthony Sowell for more details.

    5) Please realize that not everything on the Interweb is 100% factual.
    Always consider the source(s).
