Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Terror in Canada, and a strange young fruit found hanging in North Carolina.

Police, bystanders and soldiers aid a fallen soldier at the War Memorial as police respond to an apparent terrorist attack in Ottawa.Terrorism in Canada is like punctuality in Jamaica; it just doesn't happen.

Sadly, though, here we are.

"A soldier gunned down while guarding a hallowed war memorial and a shootout in the halls of Parliament shocked Canada's capital and left parts of the city on lockdown for hours Wednesday.
Parliament member Kyle Seeback called it a "horrific day."
And it may not be over yet.

Authorities haven't ruled out the possibility that an additional shooter could be on the loose. And Ottawa Police Constable Chuck Benoit told CNN that there was more than one person involved in the shootings.

"We have to apprehend and arrest the people that are involved in this morning's incident," he said, "and at this time we don't have these people."

Michael Zehaf-Bibeau has been identified by Canadian officials to their American counterparts as the suspected gunman, multiple U.S. officials told CNN.

The gunman was killed after two shooting incidents -- one at the Canada War Memorial, and another just minutes later nearby inside Parliament.

Bibeau, who was born in 1982, was a convert to Islam and had a history of drug use before he converted, two sources said." [Source]

This dude was Canadian born and had a history of drug use before allegedly converting to Islam.

Not good.

I guess this is what they call a "lone wolf" attack, and I am sure that it's a scary thing for the people in the Great White North. I mean Canadians just don't do things like this. At least I didn't think that they did. It's not like Canada is "the great satan" or anything.

Here in America we expect our own people to turn on us. We are a lot more worried about "lone wolf" attacks than the Canadians are.  

In Colorado (the state that gave us Columbine) "three girls played hooky from school" to join Isis for crying out loud. Talk about f****d up priorities.

"The girls' parents say they had no idea their children planned to travel. None of them had ever run away before.

Their disappearance hit them out of the blue, the way other ISIS related incidents are popping up in the Western world. Two more turned up in tandem with the girls' runaway attempt.

ISIS has, for an anti-Western organization, been surprisingly attractive to young recruits from the West, as well as to some young women.

More than 100 of the foreign fighters have come from the United States, according to intelligence estimates; hundreds more from Europe, which is geographically closer to the fight.

Every week, five more people from the UK alone join ISIS, a British police commissioner said Tuesday. And that's a conservative estimate."We know that over 500 British nationals traveled to join the conflict," said Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe from the Metropolitan Police." [Source]

Remember when all parents had to worry about was their kids staying out past curfew or hanging out at the mall with the skateboard crowd?    

Finally, a troubling story out of the state of North Carolina.

 "On Monday night, lawyers Al McSurely and Allen Rogers met with Claudia Lacy and Larry Walton to discuss the next step in the investigation into what McSurely called “the probable murder” of Lacy and Walton’s 17-year-old son, Lennon Lacy.

Image result for lennon lacy imageIn August, Lennon was found hanging by his neck from a swing set in the middle of a trailer park near his home in Bladenboro, N.C. Authorities quickly ruled out foul play in his death and have since labeled it a suicide. But Lennon’s parents have met the reports with disbelief, as have many of Bladenboro’s black residents.

McSurely, an attorney working with the NAACP’s North Carolina chapter and Lennon’s family, told The Root that he and the family are looking to find out who killed Lennon and that they “have a rough idea of who some of those people might be.”

“What we’re trying to decide now, after talking to several witnesses who have come forward to us, is how we’re going to play that with the DA,” said McSurely, adding that the family may take the case to the FBI or U.S. Department of Justice. “It’s not like Ferguson or Trayvon’s case in the sense that here, we don’t know who shot him. In this case, somebody strangled him and took his body over there and ... hung him up there in the middle of the night.” [Read more]

A young black man found hanging in a "trailer park"?  Hmmm. 

I don't blame you Ms. Lacy and Mr. Walton; I would be suspicious as well.


  1. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Everyone in eastern NC lives in a trailer

  2. No shortage of kluxers in kakkalakky. Not when I lived there.

  3. Yeah. Trailer parks, trailers in the woods, trailers on tiny lots in town. Easy to just drive new ones in after the hurricanes do their damage.

  4. Anonymous10:47 PM

    After Vonderrick Myers and now with Michael Brown, you'd figure that Field would stop barking up the wrong tree and quit living in fantasy land.



  5. FN said...
    In this case, somebody strangled him and took his body over there and ... hung him up there in the middle of the night.”

    If he was killed elsewhere and moved , how can it be called suicide with a straight face?


  6. Get beat by the cops, get screwed by your lawyer.

    Birmingham pays $460,000 to end police beating lawsuit, but only $1,000 goes to plaintiff
    Under terms of the settlement approved by the City Council and Mayor William Bell, Anthony Warren will receive $1,000, while his attorneys receive $359,000 in fees and $100,000 in expenses, learned this evening.

    Isn't it time for the legal system to be fixed?

    Remove the greedy profit from practicing law.

  7. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    After Vonderrick Myers and now with Michael Brown, you'd figure that Field would stop barking up the wrong tree and quit living in fantasy land.


    10:47 PM
    Field is a great poker player. He plays the law of averages. That means he is due to win any day now.

  8. Anonymous12:16 AM

    0:47 PM
    Anonymous Bill said...

    Get beat by the cops, get screwed by your lawyer.

    Birmingham pays $460,000 to end police beating lawsuit, but only $1,000 goes to plaintiff
    Under terms of the settlement approved by the City Council and Mayor William Bell, Anthony Warren will receive $1,000, while his attorneys receive $359,000 in fees and $100,000 in expenses, learned this evening.

    Isn't it time for the legal system to be fixed?

    Remove the greedy profit from practicing law.

    11:41 PM
    Man, that's so wrong, but lawyers are like that. They rip off their clients. But you will never hear a lawyer say so. They are like the men in blue: they stick together no matter how corrupt or crooked a lawyer is.

    Have you EVER heard Field speak out about the injustices lawyers do to their own clients? The answer is "NO".

  9. Anonymous2:17 AM

    So glad we have Africans in the U.S

  10. @2:17am- it was african teenagers that tried to go join isis.

    your link is Blessed Black americans with no clue of who they are acting accordingly.

    they look to be the ones targeted for the sot kill so there is no telling what type of chemical warfare they have been on the receiving end of. but pay close attention, 'cause esau got next in the mess.

    don't take my word for it. see it written in Scriptures.

    you, too, seem rather clueless as to whose who and what's what to get it all confused.

    you're welcome for the clarification;) hope it helps.

    blessings to you.

  11. correction: soft kill

    forgive any other typos. moving fast...

  12. So yesterday, one of our anonymous friends claimed to be the well known blogger Doug Ross. He said this....

    "I am Doug Ross. However who I am isn't the issue, your Peak Negro failure is .

    American Conservative is not a conservative blog and Obama is most certainly not a conservative.

    Peak Negro's fail at most everything and your piss poor attempt at tracking who I am does not discredit what I have said. It highlights who the real disingenuous idiot is and who is again an example of peak Negro, reaching beyond his limitations.

    You mean you seriously thought you could use some of the comments as your argument? How Negro. "

    So I emailed the real Doug Ross and got this response this morning.

    "No idea what that blog is or who is on there claiming to be me. As an aside, I've been at work all day and just got back (which you can corroborate on a daily basis by checking the post times on my blog). My day job precludes me from cruising the web and trolling people.

    Best, Doug"

    So there you go this guy stole Ross's words, and then impersonated Ross when he was caught as a plagiariser.

    And he has the audacity to call ME a "disingenuous idiot " who "is again an example of peak Negro, reaching beyond his limitations."

    So is that an example of peak hillbilly? Stealing and then lying when you get caught?

    How wing nut

  13. Nailed by PC.

    Trolls beware. :)

    Bill, not all lawyers are crooks. In fact, I bet there are more crooked priest and pastors than there are lawyers.

    I resent that dig at my honorable profession.

    1. Lawyers are Evil10:43 AM



  14. Now that they "gentle giant" narrative is falling apart, it's on to the next conspiracy.


    Not so much....

    Now i know why the left hates facts so much-facts always destroy they narratives.

    New Information Released on Michael Brown Case

    Evidence supports officer’s account of shooting in Ferguson

    Wasn't Lennon Lacy hanging used in a ad flyer for Democrat Kay Hagan?

    Gotta love Democrats. They never let a tragedy go to waste.

  15. News you will never see in the fields-least if FN can help it.

    Pentagon Confirms ISIS Now Possesses Weapons U.S. Air-Dropped

    So Obama has armed ISIS and Mexican drug cartels.

    But he,(Obama), doesn't want Americans to own guns.

    Anti-gun Missouri Dem. arrested with 9mm pistol, refuses breathalyzer test

    But her arrest and news that she was in possession of a firearm brought charges of hypocrisy. According to attorney Eric Vickers, Nasheed needs the gun for her own protection and Nasheed says she holds a concealed carry permit. But if Nasheed had her way, other Missourians would not have the same right.

    One bill she pushed, for example, would have required the “parent or guardian of a child who attends a public, private, or charter school shall notify, in writing, the superintendent of the school district, or the governing body of a private school or charter school, that such parent or guardian owns a firearm within thirty calendar days” of enrollment. The NRA has also dubbed several of her bills as "anti-gun," and a post at Guns Save Lives said Nasheed has voted against several pro-gun bills over the last two years.

    With Democrats it's always "ok for me and not for thee".

  16. New records contradict the Obama administration's assurances to Congress and the public that the 2,200 people it freed from immigration jails last year to save money had only minor criminal records.

    The records, obtained by USA TODAY, show immigration officials released some undocumented immigrants who had faced far more serious criminal charges, including people charged with kidnapping, sexual assault, drug trafficking and homicide.

    Obama, Democrats lying and misleading about immigration?

    That's never happen before....


  17. field negro said...
    Bill, not all lawyers are crooks. In fact, I bet there are more crooked priest and pastors than there are lawyers.

    That would depend on how many lawyers in america and how many priests/pastors in america.

    Sorry, your not going to goad me into defending priests/pastors.

    I resent that dig at my honorable profession.

    Lawyers have been caught doing more crimes than NRA members.

    Yet you continuously take digs at the NRA.


    Double standards?

  18. NWO is a comin10:48 AM




  19. start prepping10:53 AM

    Find Jesus now. .times running out.

    Arguing about race and politics is a lost cause. Its junk food and reality tv for the mind and soul.

    There is a storm brewing in the country and it wont be pretty. .

  20. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Poverty and education? The type of black poverty in Ferguson couldn't be cured even if you handed out $50,000 checks to every poor black person. They would blow it all on "bling", "a ride", "rims".....and there goes the 50K. Gone.

    And education? You could hire the best teachers and pour money into schools in places like Ferguson, but if the black youth don't want to learn, then it's all meaningless. And they don't want to learn because it's a "white" thing. They don't want to even speak english properly because that would be "talking white."

    So literally giving them money & building the best schools in the state wouldn't change a thing. So what then?

    What is it going to take? Another 100 years of black crime, black laziness & refusal to make a living, black refusal to learn and become educated? How long before we realize as a nation that they are simply not capable of blending into the American society that exists here in North America?

    I say offer them a sizable one time payout, tax free, on the condition that they give up their citizenship, leave the country & will never be allowed back on American soil, even as a visitor.


  21. The Purple Cow said...
    when he was caught as a plagiariser.

    You caught him impersonating a democrat?

    Susan Wismer
    john walsh
    joe biden
    Gordon Ball
    mary burke
    Corry Westbrook

  22. Answers on a postcard please to


  23. The Purple Cow said...
    Answers on a postcard please to

    I'll type slow so it's easier for you to read...

    You did you're usual whining about anonymous, this time calling him a "plagiariser."

    I simply pointed out he was impersonating democrats by plagiarizing.

    Did you know joe biden plagiarized his way through college?
    Because of his plagiarism he was forced to withdraw from the 1988 presidential elections?


  24. If there's a profit to be made...

    In a recent statement, Michael Brown’s mother asked that her son not be part of self-serving business
    Police sources tell us Brown`s Grandmother, Pearlie Gordon, along with Brown`s Cousin Tony Petty, were selling t-shirts and other Michael Brown merchandise.

    A police report describes a car pulling up and several people getting out. One of those people, was reported to be Michael Brown`s Mom, Lesley McSpadden. A witness described McSpadden yelling ‘You can`t sell this s%$&” One of the relatives, who was selling, reportedly demanded McSpadden show a document proving she had a patent.

    The police report says that`s when an unidentified person with McSpadden assaulted Petty so violently that it resulted in a 911 call.

    Greed doesn't need a corporate label.


  25. CNN asked Warren whether she had experienced any different treatment as a woman. "Yes," she said. Would she elaborate? "Nope."

    I wonder why she won't name names and protect other women? Besides the fact she's obviously talking about a democrat treating her different.

    Just like Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand talked about being harassed until she was forced to admit it was from a democrat senator.


  26. That awkward moment when you're sitting around waiting to find out the shooter's religion bc it will determine how big a story it is...

    Of course.

    Not all shootings are equal to democrats.

    If only the shooter was a nra or tea party member msnbc wouldn't have that awkward wait time to report the news.

  27. "I simply pointed out he was impersonating democrats by plagiarizing."

    Yes, but what is that to do with me?


  28. Wendy DavisVerified account ‏@WendyDavisTexas

    Texans have a choice between tomorrow & yesterday—between championing equality & opportunity or repealing the Voting Rights Act & DREAM Act.

    Law question FN could easily answer if Wendy wasn't a democrat...

    Can a state governor repeal federal law?

    Or is wendy just trying to scare black people that don't know the law?

  29. Anonymous1:57 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    So yesterday, one of our anonymous friends claimed to be the well known blogger Doug Ross. He said this....

    "I am Doug Ross. However who I am isn't the issue, your Peak Negro failure is .

    American Conservative is not a conservative blog and Obama is most certainly not a conservative.

    Peak Negro's fail at most everything and your piss poor attempt at tracking who I am does not discredit what I have said. It highlights who the real disingenuous idiot is and who is again an example of peak Negro, reaching beyond his limitations.

    You mean you seriously thought you could use some of the comments as your argument? How Negro. "

    So I emailed the real Doug Ross and got this response this morning.

    "No idea what that blog is or who is on there claiming to be me. As an aside, I've been at work all day and just got back (which you can corroborate on a daily basis by checking the post times on my blog). My day job precludes me from cruising the web and trolling people.

    Best, Doug"

    So there you go this guy stole Ross's words, and then impersonated Ross when he was caught as a plagiariser.

    And he has the audacity to call ME a "disingenuous idiot " who "is again an example of peak Negro, reaching beyond his limitations."

    So is that an example of peak hillbilly? Stealing and then lying when you get caught?

    How wing nut

    It's so easy to make a monkey out of a Negro - Just give him a Banana.


    Here boy, fetch.

    Imagine, despite the obvious clues... being stupid enough to think others believe you are relevant, other than as troll bait and then having no life and some strange desire to chase down...a troll.

    Poor negro. Where de white wummen at?? Oh, that's right, you snagged yourself one of them didn't you homey?

    How can you pretend to be all black pride, when your wife and kids are White and a black woman wasn't good enough?? HAHAHAHAHA.

  30. Buzzy Good Hair.2:03 PM

    THE debate about climate change is finished - because it has been categorically proved NOT to exist, one of the world's leading meteorologists has claimed.

    n an open letter attacking the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, he wrote: "The ocean is not rising significantly.

    "The polar ice is increasing, not melting away. Polar Bears are increasing in number.

    "Heat waves have actually diminished, not increased. There is not an uptick in the number or strength of storms (in fact storms are diminishing).

    "I have studied this topic seriously for years. It has become a political and environment agenda item, but the science is not valid."

    1. Note, meteorologist not cimatologist. He is in opposition to the majority of scientists.

  31. "how we're going to play that with the D.A."

    sad that one must decide how to waltz with legal authorities to make sure justice is served.

    like it's a game. of course it IS; it's just that it's one more sadness in a case like this.

  32. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Anon 1:57PM, you nailed it! The Negro PC will need to check himself, his pride, and his false self-importance. LOL

  33. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Purple cow..I bet your not that bad of a guy in real life. If im ever in England can we grab a beer together?

  34. Don't do it PC, it's a trap. Never agree to

  35. with a strange wingnut.

  36. Relax Anon@11:00, your little part of the world is safe. Those evil Negroes want nothing to do with you.

    NASCAR and moonshine is not their thing.:)

    1. Field and his weak insults10:39 PM

      I dont like Nascar or Moonshine..Thank you very much.

  37. Anonymous4:22 PM

    "New records contradict the Obama administration's assurances to Congress and the public that the 2,200 people it freed from immigration jails last year to save money had only minor criminal records."

    You obviously did not read this section of the article you cited:

    "That accounting did not include 144 other detainees whose release ICE records attribute to "special issues." Most often, that meant the detainees were let go because the agency had little chance of deporting them in the near future. The Supreme Court has said the government generally cannot hold immigrants for more than six months if it has no prospect of deporting them. To save money, ICE freed some detainees before the six-month clock ran out."

    In other words, some of the people being detained by ICE at any point in time cannot be deported, for one reason or another. They are not in fact illegal immigrants, they have some sort of plea deal that would prevent a visa from being revoked, or whatever.

    So all of those people, the ones with more serious criminal records, were going to be released no matter what, as required by U.S. law. This has zilch to do with any policy decisions by the Obama White House. It's just the usual stupid Republican grandstanding.

    Why is it that every time there's some sort of a scandalous accusation by Republicans, the evidence inevitably show the whole thing to be phony, manufactured nonsense?

  38. Anonymous4:24 PM

    field negro said...

    Relax Anon@11:00, your little part of the world is safe. Those evil Negroes want nothing to do with you.

    NASCAR and moonshine is not their thing.:)

    Great, then you mean you will stop complaining about white flight and white privilege when they move to get away from crime, black culture and paying for it all.

    Now that's progress.

  39. Field, (Globe) published this article today revisiting a 1989 murder and the subsequent tearing apart a predominantly black community trying to find a killer who didn't exist. The article follows the thread of this and other events to the present and the legacy of race relations between Boston.

  40. Anonymous4:28 PM

    California Girl said...

    Field, (Globe) published this article today revisiting a 1989 murder and the subsequent tearing apart a predominantly black community trying to find a killer who didn't exist. The article follows the thread of this and other events to the present and the legacy of race relations between Boston.

    Some peoples White guilt is timeless. Walk through Oakland , see what they do to you.

    1. racist black oakland10:37 PM

      They'll rob her, rape her and either leave her there to die or kill her.

  41. Damn, kids from Colorado joining ISIS? Are they offering colllege tuition or something? Health insurance? Wtf is going on?

    1. Anonymous10:35 PM

      No..they're just africans that hate america.


  42. PilotX said...
    Damn, kids from Colorado joining ISIS?

    Parents nra members?

    Parents tea party members?

  43. StillaPanther26:08 PM

    Just some further thought in regards to the lawyer receiving about 400 grand and his plaintiff 1 grand.''

    Case has been going on 6 years. That is a lot of billable hours.
    There were about 10 defendants. Again, a lot of time needed to investigate each defendant.

    Six years the plaintiff has been incarcerated, which brings other time consuming logistic problems.

    The state of Alabama will betaking total care of the plaintiff for the next 15 years so he is not in a position to hold out any longer. Society is leaning towards the "lock them up and throw away the key" solution.
    Therefor the Brother had no leverage for the future?

    I do know here is another Black male with 'dirty hands'. This condition still does not allow for criminal/unjustified behaviors by the police. Just saying that juries have little or no empathy. This situation did not have a jury.

    Lastly, lawyers for both parties SOMETIMES have the we "wash each other's hands" theory. A thousand dollars don't bring much canteen power.

  44. I've known crooked lawyers, and judges. Along with crooked cops, crooked probation officers, crooked da's, crooked politicians, crooked priests, pastors, and phareses, crooked accountants, bankers, and programmers. I knew crooked Marines and Officers from Privates on up to Generals, crooked diplomats, crooked bureaucrats, and customs agents. Crooked plumbers, auto-mechanics, electricians, roofers, and papers; plasterers, chef's and secretaries. I've never known a crooked astronaut (since I've never even known an astronaut), but I've known crooked defense contractors, and even a crooked cowboy & bent boy-scout leader or two. My personal and professional opinion is that there are about as many crooked people as there are honest among any group of people, and that there are many levels of bent and honest, with most people in the middle, neither that honest nor that bent.

  45. "Purple cow..I bet your not that bad of a guy in real life. If im ever in England can we grab a beer together?"

    I'm not a nice guy at all. If you met me, you would hate me even more than you think you already do.

    But sure, I'll buy you a beer, just make sure I haven't pissed in it first. Oh, and wear a bullet-proof vest is my advice.


    Bill, I'm still waiting for an answer little man.

    "Poor negro. Where de white wummen at?? Oh, that's right, you snagged yourself one of them didn't you homey?"

    Yep, and that's more than you will ever do.


    "How can you pretend to be all black pride, when your wife and kids are White and a black woman wasn't good enough?? "

    Oh, well lots of black women were good enough for me. Dozens and dozens of them. I was always an equal opportunity seducer.

    I was fussy though. I didn't care about skin colour, but they had to be sober and awake. I was always very strict about that.

  46. Anonymous7:14 PM

    "How can you pretend to be all black pride, when your wife and kids are White and a black woman wasn't good enough?? "

    Oh, well lots of black women were good enough for me. Dozens and dozens of them. I was always an equal opportunity seducer.

    I was fussy though. I didn't care about skin colour, but they had to be sober and awake. I was always very strict about that.

    No doubt it took you a long time to find a mudshark that could stand looking at you when she was sober and awake.

    As you just said, the Black women needed to be drunk or passed out from drugs to put up with you, but again, luckily you found some Dumb white woman who has some white guilt and took pity on the ugly Negro. We see those type of mudsharks ruining their lives by slumming all the time.

  47. Anonymous7:18 PM

    "Poor negro. Where de white wummen at?? Oh, that's right, you snagged yourself one of them didn't you homey?"

    Yep, and that's more than you will ever do.

    Trust me, any white woman that goes with Ebola Bush meat, is a most definite reject and is either as ugly and fat as sin or has some serious mental issues.

    Why would you eat skunk, if you could get filet mignon? Whatever is wrong with her, caused her to settle for skunk.

  48. Anon@7:14, for the sake of humanity I hope u don't have children.

  49. Anonymous7:22 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "Purple cow..I bet your not that bad of a guy in real life. If im ever in England can we grab a beer together?"

    I'm not a nice guy at all. If you met me, you would hate me even more than you think you already do.

    But sure, I'll buy you a beer, just make sure I haven't pissed in it first. Oh, and wear a bullet-proof vest is my advice.

    I might let you walk my dog, or cut my lawn, maybe even the hedges. But you absolutely won't be allowed in the house and you most definitely will not be accompanying me in public anywhere; even with your mulatto children. Civilization must be maintained.

  50. Anonymous7:57 PM

    "I have studied this topic seriously for years. It has become a political and environment agenda item, but the science is not valid."

    Actually I was wrong about Johnny Coleman, he is not a meteorologist. He got his degree in journalism from the U of I. I like him because he was my tv weatherman as a kid but like most expert "skeptics" such as Anthony Watts he is not a degreed climatologist so any "research" he has done in the matter is somewhat irrelevant. just another conservative tv weather guy with no formal training in atmospheric science spouting off. Anyone who has taken university level atmospheric science courses knows how complex and technical the science is and most non-scientists shouldn't be trusted.

  51. Hillbilly Bob7:59 PM

    "Anon@7:14, for the sake of humanity I hope u don't have children."

    C'mon, you know these hillbillies breed like rabbits. Probably has a few kids with his cousin and sister.

    1. Anonymous10:31 PM

      Says the african who breeds as much as the Mexicans. .


  52. The Purple Cow said...
    Oh, and wear a bullet-proof vest is my advice.

    Big tough guy threatening people with gun violence?

    Don;t worry PurpleCow, no one takes you serious.

    The reality is, tough guys don't talk, pussies talk.


  53. StillaPanther2 said...
    I do know here is another Black male with 'dirty hands'.

    Dirty hands or not, the court awarded him $ and a lawyer took it all.

    Good thing so many politicians are lawyers and can write the laws to benefit themselves.

  54. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Bill said...

    The Purple Cow said...
    Oh, and wear a bullet-proof vest is my advice.

    Big tough guy threatening people with gun violence?

    Don;t worry PurpleCow, no one takes you serious.

    The reality is, tough guys don't talk, pussies talk.

    Yep, the average Negro likes at least a three to one advantage before he feels good about himself.


  55. Anonymous8:24 PM

    field negro said...

    Anon@7:14, for the sake of humanity I hope u don't have children.

    Imagine how confused Purple nurples children must be, a father who clearly has a deeply rooted inferiority complex, that is racist and rotten to the core. Continually striking out against Whites. Subsequently needing to prove to his children who are half white, that despite their eyes and ears, he is better than the half breeds he has created and their mother.

    Wow what a bundle of psychiatric therapy is needed there.

  56. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Yep, the average Negro likes at least a three to one advantage before he feels good about himself.


    Not true. It matters not how much of an advantage one has it won't matter. One feels good from the 'inside', not the outside.

    Even if Blacks were given an advantage, which they don't have, they would find a way to sabotage that advantage. In other words, Blacks know nothing about taking advantages of opportunities. They only know about self-sabotage and destructive ways to hurt their own communities.

    So what are you concerned about? They won't and can't hurt Whites.

  57. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Oh...Oh....classic Knee-grow.

    Brown Family Members Viciously Brawl Over Sale Of Mike Brown Merchandise

    Hands up don't shoot, we just here to burn and loot.

    1. Black shame10:25 PM

      Fucking disqusting pathetic mongrols.

      Making money off your dead son? Wowwwwwww....

  58. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Anon said,
    So what are you concerned about? They won't and can't hurt Whites.
    Are you serious? Ever hear of the knockout game or polar bear hunting? There are numerous examples of interracial crime involving Blacks. Besides they kill each other wholesale.


  59. "C'mon, you know these hillbillies breed like rabbits. Probably has a few kids with his cousin and sister."

    Well, yes, there is that.

    1. Anonymous10:22 PM

      Field talkin about breeding like rabbits..when blacks get paid by the domecrat slave system to do it.

      Really field..whites breed like rabbits? Thats like the kettle calling the pot black.

  60. The website SBPDL is missing a couple of loofs.

    (That's a backwards fool in case anyone was wondering.)

  61. Limpbaugh11:03 AM

    I suppose the girls who wanted to join ISIL probably recognize that there is a lot of irrational islamophobia here. They might also sense that there are too many pro Israel and pro war propaganda lies here. The Muslims they know might just come from families who want their kids to do well in school and stay out of gangs, and they think ISIL is the same way. Once people see through how much misinformation there is, it is easy to overreact and imagine that there is more misinformation out there. They could have seen that some things are lies and come to the conclusion that everything we hear about Muslims is lies.


    This blog is infested with White racist, self-righteous, screwheaded Koch Bros. trolls and FUX NEWS BLOWHONKIES! GTFOH!!!!
