Friday, October 31, 2014

The South and black folks, and some "blackish" white people.

I have to agree with Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu's statement about how blacks are treated in her part of the country.

"Louisiana Democrat Sen. Mary Landrieu said Thursday that the issue of race is a major reason that President Barack Obama has struggled politically in Southern states.
“I'll be very, very honest with you. The South has not always been the friendliest place for African-Americans,” Landrieu told NBC News in an interview. “It's been a difficult time for the president to present himself in a very positive light as a leader."
Noting that the South is “more of a conservative place,” she added that women have also faced challenges in “presenting ourselves.”
The comment prompted a fiery response from Louisiana Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal, who called it "remarkably divisive."
"She appears to be living in a different century," he said in a statement. "Implied in her comments is the clear suggestion that President Obama and his policies are unpopular in Louisiana because of his ethnicity. That is a major insult by Senator Landrieu to the people of Louisiana and I flatly reject it." '

He can reject it all he wants but we all know that it's true. Of course the president's race hurts him in the South.

Still, senator Landrieu didn't have to single out the South, there are plenty of not so friendly places for blacks in America. Lots of those places are right here on the East Coast.

Anyway, so now the GOP is angry at Landrieu because, as we all know, nothing that they do is motivated by race. *sarcasm off*

Speaking of race, there has been a lot of talk about race leading up to these midterms. Republican's are mad because they believe that the Democrats are going out of their way to paint republicans as racist. (Gee, I wonder there they got that idea?) Which  some of them are. And some of them, such as Charles Rangel, are taking this the republicans are evil thing a little too far.

This is, of course, if he meant that they (republicans) want to enslave us in a literal and not metaphorical way.

Finally,  Laurence Fishburne's statement about  that idiot Justin Beiber being "blackish" got me  thinking: Which other high profile white people are "blackish"

Just off the top of my head I thought of a few.

1. Robert De Niro.
2. Christina Aguilera.
3. Joe Biden.
4. Kim Kardashian.
5. Justin Timberlake.
6. Bill Clinton.
7. Jimmy Carter.
8. Hope Solo.
9. Arne Duncan.
10. Ellen DeGeneres

Honorable Mention:

Bill Gates, Al Pacino, Tony Bennett, Madonna.....

You get the picture.




  1. Speaking the truth is only divisive if you're more attached to myths and legends than reality Mr. Jindal, which is, as you well know, the defining characteristic of your own electorate.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What are Democrats running on this election cycle?

    The uterus and negro scaring.

    Just shows how dispirited Democrats are.

  4. "Republican's are mad because they believe that the Democrats are going out of their way to paint republicans as racist. "


    I could do that paint job with a laser pointer.

  5. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Speaking the truth is only divisive if you're more attached to myths and legends than reality Mr. Jindal, which is, as you well know, the defining characteristic of your own electorate.

    A electorate in which Obama got more white votes than either Gore or Kerry.

  6. So whitey's conspiracy,do you endorse Democrats using images of lynching and the deaths of Brown and Martin to get elected?

  7. A Paranoid Negro10:02 PM





  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Anonymous10:34 PM

    "She appears to be living in a different century," he said in a statement. "Implied in her comments is the clear suggestion that President Obama and his policies are unpopular in Louisiana because of his ethnicity. That is a major insult by Senator Landrieu to the people of Louisiana and I flatly reject it." '

    Brother Field, as much as I hate to admit it, Gov Jindahl is right. There just isn't a shred of evidence that Blacks are discriminated against in Louisiana.

    You should know this better than anyone, considering you go out of your way to visit LA several times a year.

    You and I both know that Negroes don't visit a state down South several times a year 'unless' they know it's a welcoming state with Whites who treat Blacks well. I rest my case for LA.

    LA is my home state and I have NEVER EVER considered moving to another state because of racism because today there is none. In fact, it's the ONLY state where there is no discrimination.

    Now Whitey's state of CA, that's another story. The white folks there are 10 times more prejudiced than LA folks.
    WC knows this to be true.

  11. Anonymous10:41 PM

    "Still, senator Landrieu didn't have to single out the South, there are plenty of not so friendly places for blacks in America. Lots of those places are right here on the East Coast."

    Field, Field, Field! Now you know the East Coast is 'heaven' for Blacks. Why are trying to torch the East Coast?

    Name ONE place on the East Coast that is not friendly to Blacks. I swear. You black Dems and Liberals make me ashamed to be Black.

    I also have noticed that you are trashing Don Lemon again. Are you homophobic by any chance?


  12. Sen. Mary Landrieu

    So people weren't racist and sexist when she was winning elections?

    Oh yeah, democrat double standard.

  13. Anonymous10:45 PM

    "Louisiana Democrat Sen. Mary Landrieu said Thursday that the issue of race is a major reason that President Barack Obama has struggled politically in Southern states..."

    Not true. If Cain or Jesse Watts had been President, the South would be 100% behind the President and you know it.


  14. FN said...
    3. Joe Biden.

    Biden acting black?

    That's called pandering.


  15. señor kinky said...
    So whitey's conspiracy,do you endorse Democrats using images of lynching and the deaths of Brown and Martin to get elected?

    A better question might be WHY do democrats have to use it to get elected?

    Why not run on all the positives democrats have done for blacks?

  16. Anonymous11:35 PM

    christopher walken......did u see him in king of new york ...didnt look like he was actng to me:)

  17. Anonymous11:41 PM

    how about a list of surprising white people that black people find cool...years ago living in brasil i was surprised to find out that film maker michael moore was really popular and consider very cool by alot of hardcore rappers and youth in rio de janeiroo favelas( ghettos)

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. "Now Whitey's state of CA, that's another story. The white folks there are 10 times more prejudiced than LA folks.
    WC knows this to be true."

    Oh, KKKalifornia's got it's share of crackers, rednecks, and trailer trash, and our affluant whit lefties live in WSZ's too, but few states hold a candle to Louisiana for racism. Probably only Mississippi and Alabama are in the running. Even South Carolina, the epicenter of the confederate sphincter. has to stand aside to those three states for active unreconstructed racism.

    (dis)Honorable mention to east Texas' rural counties and the Florida panhandle as subregional racist outliers.

  20. Viva Cruz1:22 AM

    Crying racism and sexism is the last refuge of a scoundrel - and a loser.

    Landrieu sees the writing on the wall. She can't run from the truth she has sided 98% of the time with the worst President of modern times and his feckless enabler, Harry Reid. She is going down with the ship like all rats should.

  21. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "but few states hold a candle to Louisiana for racism. Probably only Mississippi and Alabama are in the running."

    Vermin like you aren't even fit to pass through the homes of the decent folk who live in these states, and you know it.

    Nobody likes you Whitey, not even the negroes you so cravenly prostrate yourself before.

    1. Most of the decent folk in that state look nothing like thee or me.

  22. "Even South Carolina, the epicenter of the confederate sphincter."

    THIS, ROTFL!!!!

  23. "The WSJ reports that the President is ‘expected to benefit businesses that use large numbers of legal immigrants, such as technology companies.’ Those changes include measures to massively expand the number of foreign workers for IT companies—measures aggressively lobbied for by IT giants like Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates. Yet we have more than 11 million Americans with STEM degrees who don’t have jobs in these fields. Rutgers professor Hal Salzman documented that two-thirds of all new IT jobs are being filled by foreign workers. From 2000 through today, a period of record legal immigration, all net gains in employment among the working-age have gone entirely to immigrant workers.

    "And now, in order to help open borders billionaires, President Obama is going to deny millions of Americans their shot at entering the middle class and a better life."

  24. Anonymous2:00 AM

    Is America burdened with a President that heads one of three co-equal branches of the federal government…or with an emperor? The former is reputedly obliged to obey and enforce written laws, while the latter enjoys the latitude of fiat. And just because some withering scrap of paper indicates a preference is not a determining factor.

    In reading speculation of Obama’s post-election (naturally) executive immigration edict, many are anticipating a move of breathtaking scale. Something along the lines of 1965–in hyper-drive. And though my question is quaint, pedenatic, almost pointless it still percolates to the surface: Under what authority? Under what authority may a president simply renounce law that he finds chaffing to his designs?

    Though this naive query is nothing more than the antique remnant of my goyishe kopf percolating to the surface. One has the power that others cede to you, whether by force or personality. And if Obama orders tattered borders removed, and congress recedes, the court agrees, bureaucrats obey, and citizens merely sulk…the law is established. Documents will have absolutely no comment on the matter.

  25. "LA is my home state and I have NEVER EVER considered moving to another state because of racism because today there is none. In fact, it's the ONLY state where there is no discrimination."


    for Real?

    Anon from last thread whom i Love...

    please forgive me for snappin' at you earlier. i erased it Right quick, but even still.

    i feel convicted.

    repressed rather than expressed today and that grrr popped out at you. please forgive me.

    @ FN, i don't know why you picking at Bieber. i like the young man. and i vote to leave KK a WW. Kanye may remain Blessed Black:) baby girl born to the two of them= Blackish. like BO.

    if we are checking for "race" let US get it Right. though at the end of the day, it doesn't matter either way:)

    Blessings & Shabbat Shalom all!

  26. Spare A Dolla For A Negro7:07 AM




  27. Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Oh, KKKalifornia's got it's share of crackers, rednecks, and trailer trash, and our affluant whit lefties live in WSZ's too, but few states hold a candle to Louisiana for racism. Probably only Mississippi and Alabama are in the running. Even South Carolina, the epicenter of the confederate sphincter. has to stand aside to those three states for active unreconstructed racism.

    (dis)Honorable mention to east Texas' rural counties and the Florida panhandle as subregional racist outliers.

    Gotta love the left. Only they can whine about racism while using racial slurs and looking down on people who disagree with them.

  28. Bill said...
    A better question might be WHY do democrats have to use it to get elected?

    Why not run on all the positives democrats have done for blacks?

    Good question Bill. Maybe Field or his trusty sidekicks purple cow, pilotx can answer why Democrats resort to negroscaring instead of running on their record.

    Could it be black voters tend to be ill-informed and unaware?

    Obama's DOJ seems to think so....

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. kinky, maybe dems resort to those tactics because you and your repub buddies make it so easy for them.

    Anon@10:34, you must be from South Louisiana (which I love) which is where my wife proudly calls home and where her family resides. I do find myself in these parts quite often and must admit that I enjoy myself when I am there.

    I never go above Alexandria, however, as that is considered red state territory.

  31. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Blogger señor kinky said...
    Bill said...
    A better question might be WHY do democrats have to use it to get elected?

    Why not run on all the positives democrats have done for blacks?

    Kinky said, "Good question Bill. Maybe Field or his trusty sidekicks purple cow, pilotx can answer why Democrats resort to negroscaring instead of running on their record.

    Could it be black voters tend to be ill-informed and unaware?

    Obama's DOJ seems to think so...."

    7:20 AM
    Good answer Kinky. Rest assured PC will find 'something' he considers positive Democrats have done for us Blacks.

    Still, I see my race as experiencing the worst economic and racist era of our existence since Obama has been sitting in the WH.

    But you and Bill have had it good under Obama. Nevertheless, it's nice and reassuring that there are Whites out there like you and Bill who are looking out for us.

    Because you are exactly right about us: we ARE ill-informed. Not because we can't read, but because we are too lazy to become informed or to better ourselves.

    The fact that Negroes like Field, PC and PX STILL defend the indefensible Obama proves we are not only ill-informed but quite delusional. I am often embarrassed by Field and his sidekicks.

    Take a look at the sidebar. See who he calls a House Negro? There's your proof about Field. He lives on another planet.

    I'm surprised he lives in Philly instead of Hollywood where they make-believe the world and life is different from the way it actually is. But maybe Philly is an off-shoot of Hollywood?

  32. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Anon@10:34, you must be from South Louisiana (which I love) which is where my wife proudly calls home and where her family resides. I do find myself in these parts quite often and must admit that I enjoy myself when I am there.

    I never go above Alexandria, however, as that is considered red state territory.

    8:25 AM
    Your comment about LA contradicts your post. However, it IS consistent with your bought-and-sold-to-the-devilish-Democratic-leftist views.

    Do you ever feel inside yourself that maybe you are headed in the wrong direction? Shouldn't you reconsider your position, considering the Democratic Party has been screwing Blacks Latinos AND THE COUNTRY on a continuous basis?

    They have done it consistently, Dem President after Dem President.

    The HALLMARK of Obama, Clinton and the female Clinton is that they are LIARS who cannot be trusted.

    What does that say about Democrats?

    What does that say about Blacks? Are Blacks ill-informed or have such low-esteem that they are masochists who love and expect to be screwed and abused? After all, AAs have been conditioned to take abuse from the days of slavery and Jim Crow.

    That is profound abuse that is so destructive to the human soul it may NEVER go away. Only GOD can save souls from that evil.

    So, I beg you to stop supporting Leftists for they are by far stealthiest of all Satan's disciples.

    Hell, they even try to deny the existence of GOD.


  33. field negro said...
    kinky, maybe dems resort to those tactics because you and your repub buddies make it so easy for them.

    Maybe, and maybe not. Maybe the democrats have nothing positive to run on?
    Maybe fear and hate is a bigger motivator than actually helping black people?

    What is this fear you have?

    Do you believe republicans are "going to put y'all back in chains" as Biden said?

    Maybe republicans are going to start lynching people like hagan says?

    What exactly do you fear republicans doing?


  34. I think the Democrats just threatened me:

    John is non-political as his tweets and blog and music prove.

    And he votes democrat.

    And he feels he's being threatened.

    Using fear always works best to get democrat voters.

    Is there any democrat that is running on their record instead of scaring democrat voters?

    Why not?

  35. As long as Rethugs have an open and active policy of voter suppression, I will NEVER AGAIN support another Rethug candidate.

    I be voting ALL Dems for the first time in my voting history.

    1. Pre coffee grammatical errors, ROTFL!! :)


  36. This is why democrats successfully use fear to get voters.

    Using fear works with people that don't know history.

  37. Yīshēng said...
    "As long as Rethugs have an open and active policy of voter suppression, I will NEVER AGAIN support another Rethug candidate."

    The only votes Republicans are trying to suppress are fraudulent ones.

    For this, you vow to vote for the party invested in committing voter fraud.

    The Democrats sure do know their voters...


  38. Democrats need to run on fear.

    How can any democrat spin this into a positive?

    Child poverty in U.S. is at highest point in 20 years, report finds

    You won't find "science" in any democrat campaign ad.

  39. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Field said...
    Laurence Fishburne's statement about that idiot Justin Beiber being "blackish"

    Justin Beiber is just plain cray-cray, to put it mildly! :)

    But then again so is Laurence Fishbourne! The last time I looked, he was saying that he approved of his daughter being in prostitution, or shall we say "sex work" (yes because nowadays it seems to have acquired an actual 'job' status!) As well as her being in porn movies! well what more can I say.

    As for that "blackish people" list, I always say "you gotta put your money where your mouth is" "You can't just talk the talk,you have to walk the walk also"

    I always look to the families, no blacks there? then they are def not "blackish" they are "whitish".
    As "whitish" as the driven snow!;)

    1. PR I remember Larry saying the exact opposite about his daughter being in porn.

  40. Bill@10:17 asks what blacks fear republicans doing. Well, where do we start? They have a long history. Even when the ones who are now republicans were democrats,

    Anon@10:06, have u met "GOD"?

    I actually thought I did once , but, as it turns out, she was just another beautiful Jamaican woman who did some incredible things. :)


  41. field negro said...
    Bill@10:17 asks what blacks fear republicans doing. Well, where do we start?

    Start with the top 5 racist things republicans will do if they control the senate.



  42. field negro said...
    Bill@10:17 asks what blacks fear republicans doing. Well, where do we start?

    If you don't mind...

    I would also be interested in reading what you believe are the top 5 racist things republicans did when taking the congress a couple years back.


  43. "I'll be very, very honest with you. The South has not always been the friendliest place for African-Americans,”

    WOW! She's one very astute woman. It's no wonder she's a politician.

  44. Bill, I will start with laws that make it hard to vote, and then I will end with all the cuts in social programs that they voted for.

    I am quite sure that there are more than 8 things in between.


  45. field negro said...
    Bill, I will start with laws that make it hard to vote, and then I will end with all the cuts in social programs that they voted for.

    Your #1 fear of racism from the right is making it harder to vote?

    I don't understand how cuts in social programs are directed at blacks. To my music educated mind, cutting social programs hurts many many more white republican voters than black democrat voters.
    Do you believe right-wingers are willing to throw white republican voters under the bus to hurt blacks?

    I am quite sure that there are more than 8 things in between.

    I would be interested in hearing some of these other fears of racism. PilotX? Whitey'sConspiracy? Anyone?

  46. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    PR I remember Larry saying the exact opposite about his daughter being in porn.
    12:29 PM

    Well I just searched and could not find anything. But I know I read it some years ago.

    He got a lot of criticism for the statement where he said that he was fine with it and that that was his daughters decision and he supported it and saw nothing wrong with it.

    So he may have bowed down to the pressure and changed his comments, but I know I read it and was of course kinda shocked as was everyone.

    I'll keep searching a little later on, when I find it I'll post the link here.

  47. field negro said...
    "Bill, I will start with laws that make it hard to vote,"

    There is absolutely no difference in the prevalence of picture IDs among the black or white populations, none. Therefore there is zero racial discrimination involved in voter ID laws.

    The only reason to fight against a state's right to require identification to vote is to defend the ability to commit voter fraud.

    You can't be that stupid, therefore you have to be lying about this subject.

  48. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Hi Yisheng! After watching various videos and reading more articles, I think that when he said that he might have been upset, and so in effect said that he either didn't care and thus approved it and she could do whatever she wanted. I now read that he did take a car away from her and various persons asking that he go get her.

    She was only 18 at the time this was happening, and from what I read she seemed to be an out of control wild child who did as she pleased, and got thrown outta the house type thing.

    I imagine her father was pretty fed up with her. But I do know I remember reading the comments and the ensuing firestorm :) But I can see how it coulda happened in a moment of anger. Although it should have never been said.

    1. PR the frustated dad meme was my take on Fishburne's statements but you're right, he probably should have responded in a more supportive manner.

  49. Bobby Jindal is ok because he spoke truth about the GOP being the stupid party. That alone makes his existence palatable.

  50. I know the first thing Republicans did when they won the state house in Virginia was re-institute confederate history month and in SC they fought tooth and nail to keep the confederate flag flying over the state house. Call me crazy but that's not exactly the best way to reach out to blah folks.


  51. McDonnell's Confederate History Month proclamation irks civil rights leaders

    Network News
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    By Anita Kumar and Rosalind S. Helderman
    Washington Post Staff Writers
    Wednesday, April 7, 2010

    RICHMOND -- Gov. Robert F. McDonnell, reviving a controversy that had been dormant for eight years, has declared that April will be Confederate History Month in Virginia, a move that angered civil rights leaders Tuesday but that political observers said would strengthen his position with his conservative base.

  52. "The two previous Democratic governors had refused to issue the mostly symbolic proclamation honoring the soldiers who fought for the South in the Civil War. McDonnell (R) revived a practice started by Republican governor George Allen in 1997. McDonnell left out anti-slavery language that Allen's successor, James S. Gilmore III (R), had included in his proclamation.

    McDonnell said Tuesday that the move was designed to promote tourism in the state, which next year will mark the 150th anniversary of the start of the war. McDonnell said he did not include a reference to slavery because "there were any number of aspects to that conflict between the states. Obviously, it involved slavery. It involved other issues. But I focused on the ones I thought were most significant for Virginia."

    Gotta leave it to a Republican to leave out the "bad" slavery part to increase tourism? GOP logic huh? Maybe he wanted to change the state's moto to "Virginia is for racists". SMDH

  53. "ATLANTA — In a cultural war that has pitted Old South against New, defenders of the Confederate legacy have opened a fresh front in their campaign to polish an image tarnished, they say, by people who do not respect Southern values.

    With the 150th anniversary of the start of the Civil War coming up in 2011, efforts are underway in statehouses, small towns and counties across the South to push for proclamations or legislation promoting Confederate history.

    Alabama, Virginia, Mississippi, Texas, Louisiana and Florida observe Confederate History Month in April. Georgia has recognized it by proclamation since 1995, and the state Senate recently passed a bill that would make it official -- assuming the measure passes muster in the state House, which could be problematic.

    Most Southern states recognize Confederate Memorial Day as a legal holiday. Some celebrate it on the June birthday of Confederate President Jefferson Davis, but Texas and Arkansas observe it on Jan. 19, the federal holiday for the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr."

  54. "Georgia has recognized it by proclamation since 1995, and the state Senate recently passed a bill that would make it official"

    Anyone wanna bet the Georgia state senate is largely Republican? Anyone? If I'm wrong I'll leave FN forever or if I'm right whomever takes the bet has to leave. Any takers?


    Oh so true. so much stooopid in the GOP. As Bill Maher said, they run their crazies and there is no equivalence in the opposition party.

  56. Confederate History Month is what you're bringing?


  57. Rethugs refusal to raise the minimum wage, how about THAT Bill?

  58. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Bill Maher ? Is that THE Islamophobic Bill Maher/

    How nice.

  59. Yīshēng said...
    Rethugs refusal to raise the minimum wage, how about THAT Bill?

    OH LAWDY LAWDY. Rethugs refuse to do something that the CBO says will cost jobs and do little to lower the poverty rate.

    Another reason to vote Democrat!

  60. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Anon@10:06, have u met "GOD"?

    I actually thought I did once , but, as it turns out, she was just another beautiful Jamaican woman who did some incredible things. :)

    12:25 PM
    As it has turned out GOD has been with me from the beginning.

    I am sure the Jamaican woman was god to you. However, GOD is SPIRIT those that worship HIM must worship HIM in SPIRIT, not some Jamaican woman.

    Your spiritual IQ is that of a spiritual retard.

  61. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Blogger señor kinky said...
    Yīshēng said...
    Rethugs refusal to raise the minimum wage, how about THAT Bill?

    OH LAWDY LAWDY. Rethugs refuse to do something that the CBO says will cost jobs and do little to lower the poverty rate.

    Another reason to vote Democrat!

    4:49 PM
    Kinky, why do you make digs at FN Negroes? You know damn well they vote Democrat NO MATTER WHAT....even if it will cost them MORE jobs. They are loyal soldiers and will lay down their lives for the Dems and Obama.

  62. They are stupid for the cause.

    Which makes them fun to laugh at and mock.

  63. AfterPresident Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, he reportedly said that the Democrats “have lost the South for a generation.”

    Beyond swings at presidential elections (where the electorate is more diverse), the democrats will only comprehensively regain the South when:

    1. Minorities vote in greater numbers (and are not stopped from doing so by restrictions)
    2. Demographic change means that white voters are no longer in the majority takes its course

  64. Colonel Corn5:33 PM

    PilotXcrement wants to use control of the government to stamp out cultural expressions he doesn't like.

    He'll back policies that bankrupt America, destroy families, and eliminate freedoms just as long as crackers aren't allowed to fly the Confederate flag.

    Go figure.

  65. 21st Century New Liberal said...
    After President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, he reportedly said that the Democrats “have lost the South for a generation.”

    Immediately afterwards, he said “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

    How's that working out for black people?

  66. Anonymous5:40 PM

    me think you are jealous that the dems have loyal servants and willing to support them to the very end.

    rethugs have no such negroes who think like that. the problem with rethug negroes is instead of being uninformed like fn negroes, they are 'too' informed.

    the gop can't change ignorant minds. not even god can do that.

  67. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Anonymous Real History for 21st Century Liberals said...
    21st Century New Liberal said...
    After President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, he reportedly said that the Democrats “have lost the South for a generation.”

    Immediately afterwards, he said “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

    How's that working out for black people?

    5:39 PM
    You are asking the 'wrong' question. The 'right' question is:

    "How's that working out for the Democrats?"

    You see, no one cared about Blacks, only their votes. Look at Obama. He carried damn near the entire black race. He also ignored the entire black race when it came to jobs, justice, police abuse and murders.

    Get the picture? Johnson was right. Blacks will go with the Democrats for AT LEAST the next 200 years...maybe twice that if America lasts that long.

  68. Anonymous5:50 PM

    America won't last another 20 years.

  69. Anonymous5:51 PM

    When white America is gone, who will feed black America?


  70. Yīshēng said...
    Rethugs refusal to raise the minimum wage, how about THAT Bill?

    That they do.

    How is that aimed at hurting black people?
    Aren't there more white people working minimum wage jobs? Why wouldn't rethugs pander to their white voters and increase their pay?

  71. Anonymous6:04 PM

    "Confederate History Month is what you're bringing?


    Nope, that's the Republican's job.

  72. Anonymous6:05 PM

    The South is wary of black because of their violent criminal behavior. It will NEVER change because blacks NEVER take responsibility for themselves.

  73. The GOP6:06 PM

    "PilotXcrement wants to use control of the government to stamp out cultural expressions he doesn't like."

    really? So we should have nazi appreciation week too huh colonel? Just like a racist, justify racism as "cultural expression". How much you wanna bet colonel is a Republican? Welcome to the racist plantation son.

  74. Anonymous6:07 PM

    "He'll back policies that bankrupt America, destroy families, and eliminate freedoms just as long as crackers aren't allowed to fly the Confederate flag."

    What policies are those colonel?

  75. Anonymous6:08 PM

    "When white America is gone, who will feed black America?"

    Where are they going? Mexico?


  76. PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    As Bill Maher said, they run their crazies and there is no equivalence in the opposition party.

    As a pilot, have you ever seen an island like Guam tip over?

    I ask only because I couldn't find any online reference to bill mahr mentioning the science behind it.

  77. The GOP6:34 PM

    I love how the Republicans support racism, treason and slavery. In fact they celebrate it as "cultural expression". And they wonder why folks don't want to align themselves with them. Oh that's right, they can deflect by accusing the other party as taking away "freedom" or trying to destroy the economy. No wonder idiots like Kinky, colonel corn and bill support these ass hats.

  78. Bill, u didn't comment on your party wanting to bring back confederate history month.

    When white America goes can I run your banks for you? I promise I will make prudent investments and only loan money to brown people with good credit.

    Anon@4:57, if u met that woman u wouldn't say that I am a "spiritual retard". I mean I found religion when I was with her. :)

  79. Anonymous6:40 PM

    "Bill, u didn't comment on your party wanting to bring back confederate history month."

    They never do. If you recall he and Kinky never answered when they were questioned about their feelings about the confederate flag. Republicans like to ignore such questions while using terms like plantation. Hypocrites all.

  80. Anonymous6:43 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon@4:57, if u met that woman u wouldn't say that I am a "spiritual retard". I mean I found religion when I was with her. :)
    6:34 PM

    Field really now!

    Just because she may have yelled out "OOOOOH GODDDDD"? ;)


  81. Why doesn't field or any of his trusty sidekicks answer Bill's simple question?

    Instead they trot out confederate history month and try to change the subject.

  82. Anonymous7:16 PM

    field negro said...
    When white America goes can I run your banks for you? I promise I will make prudent investments and only loan money to brown people with good credit.

    Sure, you can run the banks, but there won't any money in them.

    And it is against the law to only loan money to brown people with good credit; being brown means you don't need good credit to get a loan. Ask Eric Holder.

  83. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Every time I try to talk about God, I get mocked and abandoned.

  84. Anonymous7:22 PM

    May I nominate FN as "house negro of the day" because he is seriously "in the house" for Obama. (So much so, that FN may be able to tell us if the Chicago Jesus has colon polyps.)

    And the super "house negro" is the Chicago Jesus himself.

  85. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Kinky, 'if' LA is not racist, then Senator Mary Landrieu should win hands down.

    I mean, LA Negroes will fall out in huge numbers to put her easily over the top.

    You see, it's important to keep Dems in office to protect our interests.

    Even Bill has to understand that is sound reasoning.

    Now I don't know how many Blacks are in LA, but there has to be a boatload of them...enough to help Landrieu win...GO LANDRIEU! We know you are down for the cause!


  86. field negro said...
    Bill, u didn't comment on your party wanting to bring back confederate history month.

    Of all the people on this blog, I can really appreciate you trying to goad me into defending reps. :)

    I agree confederate history month is some batshit crazy.

  87. Anonymous8:25 PM

    nobody ever talks to me. i am so lonely. i try to get whites to talk to me and i get nothing. i try to get blacks to talk to me and i get nothing.

    what kind of blog is this? i thought it was a blog that loved blacks. obviously not. hell the blacks talk more to bill and kinky than me.

    on a saturday, it's a damn shame.

  88. Anon@8:25, get a dog.

  89. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Field, you are one cold dude. Now I remember you talking about how dogs owned by Whites live better than Blacks.

    I took that to mean that a bm like me could not afford a dog. So now you are telling me to get a dog? I am broke Field. I can't afford a damn dog. Plus I don't want a dog.

    Instead, I want you to talk to me on FN. If I am patronizing your blog, the least you can do is talk to me.

  90. @Anon 7:20pm- don't let it phase you.

    Yah's recruits giving only Him the salute...


    others will see in due time.

    or not.

    they may remain in the haze that is deliberate.

    there is no difference between dems and repubs. none. zilch. nada. zero.

    the hidden hand/ shadow government controls it all. and it hates US all. especially Blacks who pose the greatest threat to the plans of the enemy.

    IF we wake up to who we are in Him/His Word...

    it is a wrap on this system of death.

    THEY know this.

    slaves toiling in the houses/fields of babylon that think mere women = Yah...

    will learn.

    sidenote: Bieber is not "cray". he is a young man that is snared all up in the uber occultic/demonic entertainment industry. got caught up as a youngster.

    IF he were in fact "Black-ish" his dumb teen snafu would've been promptly blamed on his...



    Anon, it is difficult for me to communicate since you are Anon.

    confession: i am struggling with duality Right now. in my travels He has shown me much. sometimes it is hard to differentiate between sincerity and double talk. i pray His Spirit/my Comforter will increase me in discernment.

    sometimes learning 'bout devils = programming.

    Blessings all!

  91. Bill is a F'n retard3:26 PM

    "Why doesn't field or any of his trusty sidekicks answer Bill's simple question?"

    Because Bill is an idiot and no one reads his posts except other idiots like you.

  92. Limpbaug1:09 AM

    Racism and conservatism are pretty much synonymous.

  93. No racism in the south, seriously none at all. Republitrolls, thou doth protest too much.
