Saturday, November 01, 2014


I need a caption for this pic.

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous9:37 PM

    MC Cain: Excuse me,I have to go to the bathroom to change my Depends!

  2. Anonymous10:31 PM

    "Field is a homophobe"

  3. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Lindsey, just for variety's sake, let's change things up today and call for an invasion of someplace outside the Middle East.

    I'm thinking Barbados would be good. Cindy and I had a lousy vacation there last spring, and the resort refused -- refused! -- to refund our money. Damn Barbadians!

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Every time I try to talk about God, I get mocked and abandoned.

    7:20 PM


    count it all joy. this is how folk stepped to Messiah first.

    His followers...

    simply got next;)

    if you are the same Anon expressing concern because folk won't dialogue when you flow through over here...

    please know...

    it is all in how you look at it;)

    He showed this to me and not only did it turn my frown upside down...

    it made me laugh.out.loud.

    i actually prefer silence to lost ones woofing at me. ever seen a 'lil dog woofing at a lion?

    nod to my dog:) if she could woof at a lion, she has such heart + Courage...she would.


    it is not lost on me that the way i flow = radiates Yah's Power.

    before the wrong as two left shoes accusers start to shout:

    blah! blah! blah!


    none of that.

    i just know who He created me to be...

    so when i flow through and folk snared by fear act like i haven't spoken + they can't hear...


    literally, i laugh.out.loud...

    'cause i actually hear in my head the chorus to snared soul Beyonce's song:

    BOW DOWN...


    on a Righteous flip the script,'cause i AM taking it back. that He might get the Glory tip...

    of course:)

    Anon please know:

    you shall eat by the fruit of your mouth. confessing that you are "broke" = no joke. if you are that same Anon. hard to tell with no handle/name.

    so even when my bank account is @ -$0...

    my confession= i AM a daughter of the Most High. my Father is rich. He delights in giving me Good things + Blessings. i AM a millionaire in the making.

    then i keep it moving, expecting that He will turn ALL things for my Good.

    so far...

    all Good.



    KJV Romans 8:28- And we know that all things work together for the Good to them that love Almighty, to them that are called according to His purpose.


    those of US with Him/His Word walk by Faith, not by sight. Understanding it is impossible to please Him without Faith.

    been a late bloomer all my life, so things are flowing Right on divine schedule.

    ps. i am lonelier in a room full of people than i am by/with myself.

    Yah has cleaned house in my life.

    when the time is Right, He will send souls that we may walk and talk together. until such time i am Good with my dog, Peace. i got her and she's got me, in Cali the land of beautiful fakery.

    so while FN IS cold.

    he did you a solid on that 'lil bit of advice. when i was over here lighting him up for his heathen ways...

    Yah showed me that his believing wife could intercede that he might be saved.

    but i don't know...

    if she is one of those unwitting satanist... halloween + all other things pagan/baal celebratin' believers...

    he might STILL be in soul trouble. though i will still pray for him.


    he doesn't even have to ask.

    ok...back to my house, with focused purpose.

    Blessings all!

  5. "Gotta tell you, Lin, my hemorrhoids will go away after our party reclaims the senate on Tuesday."


  7. Great captions.

    I absolutely LOVED the first one. :)

  8. Anonymous8:03 AM

    I wonder about the present Pope. He seems to be attempting to change spiritual laws in doctrines and Bible.

    That's got to be scary for Catholics as well as other people in the world.

    1. @ 8:03 AM Anon: Though it's unclear how today's caption theme ties into USA column about Pope Francis, thanks for posting the link. A very well written summary of the pope's emphasis on the true meaning of the gospel. And I agree with those observers pointing out that literal changes to church doctrine or even the bible is wishful thinking at best.

  9. Ms. Lindsey-Just think, it was only yesterday the left were worshiping Obama and calling him their messiah. Today? You can't get a Democrat to admit he/she/it voted for Obama.

    Grumpy old bastard McCain-Black folks still think Obama is their messiah.

  10. Here is a very good article on how the democrats have become the new party of the political Right in America.

    It's a bit long for our wingnut brethren, requiring too much thought and concentration on long words and difficult math for them to cope with. But I post it here as a debating tool for Field's thinking demographic.

  11. @Purple Cow:

    Article is probably right, but it's easier to see (1) both parties in thrall to big money and (2) a seismic shift in the political center so that Republicans represent the John Birch right wing of the 60s and the Dems, Nixonian Republicans. The historic left (us) get to be called "socialist" or commies or words of one syllable.

  12. McCain: Feels like you've been working out big L.

    Lindsey: how sweet of you to notice but I still can't forgive you for picking a fish over me.


  13. The Purple Cow said...
    But I post it here as a debating tool for Field's thinking demographic.

    I don't remember any of the "thinking demographics" agreeing with you regarding obama being a right-winger.

    Let's see if FN chnmes in and agrees that obama is a right-winger.

    I'm wondering how FN's "thinking demographic" got played for a fool voting for a right-winger.

    Obama presented himself as a blank slate promising amorphous “hope and change.”

    What's funny about this link is how much of it rush/hannity was saying before obama got elected.

    I find it strange that democrats watching obama throw friend after friend (rev wright) under the bus when it was no longer politically convenient thought he would stand for something.

  14. "What's funny about this link is how much of it rush/hannity was saying before obama got elected."


    Where did they say Obama was a conservative?

  15. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Blogger Faith_and_Fairness said...
    @ 8:03 AM Anon: Though it's unclear how today's caption theme ties into USA column about Pope Francis, thanks for posting the link. A very well written summary of the pope's emphasis on the true meaning of the gospel. And I agree with those observers pointing out that literal changes to church doctrine or even the bible is wishful thinking at best.

    9:56 AM
    hmmmmmm. I wonder. The previous Popes..Pope Benedict and Pope John Paul II stuck to the doctrine of the Bible.

    But this Pope is taking a different path. It has to be confusing considering Spiritual Laws are unchanging and do not 'bend' to accommodate the wishes of society.

    It seems to me that society and humanity should conform to Divine Law, not the other way around.

    In any case, far be it from me to question the Pope. I'll leave that to the Cardinals and Bishops at the Vatican and around the world.

    Personally, I think this Pope is headed for a lot of trouble...HELL to be precise.

    1. Interesting how encouraging each of us to extend a welcoming spirit to others by loving God and neighbor leads to the road of Hades... Over-reach much?

  16. Barak Gramsci12:31 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Here is a very good article on how the democrats have become the new party of the political Right in America.

    HaHaHaHahaHa....ahhhh...Purple Cow is a treat.

    Only such a clueless numbskull, here at the moment of utter ascendancy of the Left in America, could seriously think the Democrats were anything but the Marxist Lite party.

    You can see why Leftism is so popular over the left side of the bell curve.

  17. ctrl+halt+del12:55 PM

    McCain finds Lindsey's missing ben wa balls


  18. Gotta love those non-violent peace loving democrats...

    Santa Cruz man says 'I hate Fox News,' then allegedly attacks victim wearing Fox reporter Halloween costume

    Democrats are fueled by hate.

  19. Here is one of the most balanced excerpt I've come across to date effectively summarizing the challenges, missteps and accomplishments of the Obama Presidency.


  20. Maybe PurpleCow is right, democrat rulers can fool their voters without a problem. Without a fact check. Or without using their own eyes.

    She continually advocated for all three candidates, Quinn, Durbin and Bustos. Obama said 10 million new jobs have been created in Illinois in recent years.

    "And we are here to keep this state in the right direction," she said to thunderous applause. "And this state is leading the nation in job creation."

    Facts say otherwise.

    ranked from fastest to slowest growth in hiring:
    (40 states not copied/pasted)
    Illinois / 5.64 million / 5.81 million / +3.0 percent
    (9 states not copied/pasted)

    I guess the democrats have a good reason to lie to voters.

    And democrat voters must have a good reason to vote for liars.

  21. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Blogger Faith_and_Fairness said...
    Interesting how encouraging each of us to extend a welcoming spirit to others by loving God and neighbor leads to the road of Hades... Over-reach much?

    1:25 PM
    It's not interesting at all to me. It sounds like you are quite knowledgeable in doctrine and GOD. I am not. Just a human being who questions himself and practices everyday.

    If I am over reaching then so be it. I am not perfect, only try to do the right thing in everything I do and hope that will please GOD.

    1. If I am over reaching then so be it. I am not perfect, only try to do the right thing in everything I do and hope that will please GOD.

      AMEN, dear Anon... And that is my point about what the Pope Francis is asking us to do as well.

  22. Anonymous2:10 PM

    @Purple Cow

    Yeah, that article is very unrealistic about American politics.

    The argument from the Left that the Democrats have moved rightward on defense is bogus. There has literally never, at any time, been any appetite for pacifism anywhere in American politics. Truman was a hawk. Kennedy was a hawk. Johnson, for all intents and purposes, started the Vietnam War.

    Both American parties still favor pretty aggressive defense policies, just to different degrees. (In my opinion, the main difference at this moment in time is that the Democrats see defense as, well, defense, whereas Republicans see it as a tool for projecting American ideology all over the globe.)

    On economic issues, yes, both parties moved to the right as a whole since the early '70s. But that's really old news. The Democrats are only just beginning to move back leftward, but are somewhat constrained by the rotten way that campaigns are financed in the U.S. Rich donors influence both parties, to disgusting degrees.

    But you can easily see the divisions in the Democratic Party, between genuine liberals like Elizabeth Warren, Bill de Blasio, or Keith Ellison, and pro-business centrists like Rahm Emanuel, Andrew Cuomo, or Cory Booker. (On economic issues, the latter group are pretty indistinguishable from Republicans.)

    Even if the Democrats were all uniformly liberal, though, it's a complete fantasy that Obama could just wave some kind of magic wand and eliminate GOP obstruction. In the short-term, there are too many structural advantages still possessed by Republicans that allow them to throw up lots of roadblocks. (In the longer term, that party is totally demographically fucked, unless they can find a way to widen their appeal beyond rich guys and rednecks.)

  23. annette2:26 PM

    Damn John, I thought you said she lived in Alaska.


    one wonders what it will take to open investigations for the clinton murders?

    while folk have already been studied and the results released that they would like to see Hillary as POTUS. the body count = off the charts. even a soul admitting as much doesn't seem to matter.

    those in deals with the devil truly move above the corrupt to the core court system.

    i zeroed in on that...

    more so than sodomites offing one another. so the shrill sodomites that congregate here may save it.


    thank you.

    i am still not afraid of the gay mafia + they will get the gay kevorkian fella before they touch billary. i am more interested in a billary shut down.

    frankly, there is no more allotted energy for the gay mafia. Scriptures is clear. the secret society, jesuit, roman catholic (all roads lead to rome) pope may gas folks' heads if they exercise their will in that manner. His Word is clear + UNchanging.

    when folk Love souls, they will tell them the Truth according to what is written. roman catholics have been praying to Mary + some mo' so the whole anything goes= natural progression.

    there will be ONE government and ONE Faith for ALL nations. what the pope is repping has NOTHING to do with Scriptures.

    babylon WILL fall.

    in one hour...

    vast riches will come to nought.

    KJV Revelation 17 & 18 breaks it all down...if folk feel so inclined to study to show themselves approved, rightly dividing the Word of Yah for themselves.

  25. Anon @1:59pm-

    you are Right to question.

    try the spirits by the spirits.

    previous popes kept the wickedness behind closed doors.

    child molestation has been traced directly to the pope's office. the whistle blower(s) were imprisoned.

    this brand new jesuit pope with the brand new doctrine is here to bring what was hidden out to the masses. those that Love the sin they are in will fall for it. while shouting about Love.

    pay attention as the churches are wooed to visit rome + sign on to the brand newness.

    what is written = Real.

    i pray Almighty will have mercy on US all. we all wrestle with something...

    it is my prayer that none of US will be lost.

    Blessings all!

  26. Bill is a F'n retard3:24 PM

    "Gotta love those non-violent peace loving democrats...

    Santa Cruz man says 'I hate Fox News,' then allegedly attacks victim wearing Fox reporter Halloween costume

    Democrats are fueled by hate."

    How do you know he was a Democrat? Special bill intuition?

  27. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Looks like the FAA created a no-fly zone to keep news helicopters out. Shocking huh?

  28. Anonymous4:16 PM

  29. Anon, don't be fooled. the pope indicates one does not even need to Believe in Almighty to get to heaven.

    what part of the game is THAT?

    i am all for loving others. however, Scriptures is very clear...

    those that take a Stand for Him/His Word will have a walk that looks like Messiah's n this world..

    who was the epitome of Love. Loved all. harmed no one. just steadfast in His giving of Scriptures. fought the devil himself by sayin'...

    it is written.

    you, F& F, Scriptures, and the pope are not all saying the same thing.

    peep the demonic game.

    Much Love + Blessings all!

  30. Anonymous4:33 PM

    The pope is a homo.

  31. @ 4:16pm- Ferguson is a cia psych op. it didn't/isn't shaping up the way folk thought it would.

    no race war.

    yet, again.

    imagine that.


    couldn't get it with Trayvon and failed again with Mike Brown.

    forgive the profanity, in the video below .

    the locals are like, hold up! the "looters" are being bused in. they are not even from 'round here.

    go further down the rabbit hole and freemasonry rears its head. martin and brown's mason sign throwing daddies look like...


    follow the money trail.

    folk...much of this is a wicked production. to make folk give up rights + beg the powers that be to save US that they might further enslave US.

    it is not about dems vs repubs. they are all in on it. whoever is selected to go into office will bring US more of the same corrupt to the core corruption.

    this is but one source to start digging for the Truth. those expecting to see the Truth on the evening news or taught in schools, will never be the wiser.

  32. Obama lied, American kids died:

  33. Wingnut@4:49, call your doctor ASAP, you need your meds.

  34. think the cia/fbi/gov't wouldn't bus in "looters" to get their race war poppin'?

    probably the same folk that think making sure Blacks were addicted to crack= urban legend.

    think again.

    folk have not cut it out.


    notice it was a wm sounding the alarm 'bout what the gov't was up to...

    official story = suicide. i don't know that i Believe that. just as i don't Believe Aaron Schwartz took his own life.

    r.i.p to those courageous souls that will put it all on the line.

    re: this post:

    McCain question: wonder if these folk will still Believe anything i say at this point in the game?

    McCain answer: never mind. of course they will, it is all on tv. makes it official. heck Black folk will even vote for me if i ran again. never mind. let's just get through this dang meeting. we're hunting people later. ssshhh! but you're invited. tons of fun.


    lol! i cracked myself up.

  35. Purple Cow @10:10 AM, i stopped at this line, i mean lie-

    "deported record numbers of immigrants,"

    That's a myth that was busted last year.

    The rest is typical leftists dribble.

  36. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Mr Field, why haven't you done a post on the Pope and religion? Don't you think that the Pope is changing the Bible, the Word of God?

    Why won't you speak up about how wrong it is for the Pope to do this?

    What will happen to our Judeo-Christian religion?

    It may be destroyed and faith in God as well.I don't know about this Pope. He seems a little weird to me. And he seems like the type to alter the Catholic religion, which will burn down the Church as we know it.

    Does the Vatican have a panel of Cardinals who can prevent the Pope from altering the Bible? Just asking.

    1. Give it up, Anon... You sound as looney-tooned as some of the media folks totally misinterpreting the pope's words.

  37. Anonymous7:38 PM

    "Just between you and me, I hate niggers, too."

  38. field negro said...
    Wingnut@4:49, call your doctor ASAP, you need your meds.

    We'll all need our meds before Obama is done importing diseases from all over the third world.

    Unfortunately, we can't call doctors that he won't let us keep.

  39. @FP.... Me thinks the folks mostly fooled are the ones presuming full knowledge of every faith community. Fortunately, despite the issues of any church, God, Yaweh, Allah looks beyond those faults to save the people who love and worship HIM in spirit and truth. As you can probably surmise, I'm Catholic and conclude with one of my favorite verses 1Peter 3:15 (NIV). Also too, the link below is Pope Francis' spiritual message regarding salvation to the "Almighty." Blessings!!

  40. @F & F- i don't presume to know anything.

    of myself i am nothing.

    i am simply speaking to Scriptures.

    Catholics are not followers of Messiah or Chr-stians as people call themselves. it took a Jesuit priest (the military order- ends justify the means- aspect of the Roman Catholic church to share that Truth.) of course, i point blank asked. the nuns and other priests shut me down. a Jesuit priest was quite candid.

    what you Believe is on you + what you will need to give an account for on judgment day.

    there will be no blood on my hands...

    because i acted in Obedience and shared what is written. as a Lawgiver from the tribe of Yahudah.

    i follow Him/His Word not man. for this i make no apology. if you are offended...

    it is written that we should strive to not be easily offended.

    this Jesuit pope is veering far from even the Roman Catholic faith. Roman Catholics, in large numbers, are even alarmed. you must be really young and Love the blatant do what thou wilt brand new version. this pope indicated one does not need to even Believe. come on in to heaven!

    ps. i went to Roman Catholic school for middle and high school. i don't presume to know "all" of anything. though i am quite familiar. it has been quite the process to UNlearn quite a bit of behavior.

    Almighty= me lifting out the baal.

    Blessings in Abundance to you.

  41. also F&F, i covered the false arrogance accusations in my first comment. you seem new, so you may want to scroll + catch up.

    you may also want to go to the KJV version of the Bible. the other versions are changing the Word. lucis trust changed their name (a nod to defeated lucifer) and got into the bible game.

    this could account for some of your confusion which Almighty is not the author of... as it is written.

    anyone mildly familiar with what is written will see almost immediately that this brand new pope is outside of the Word. you don't recognize. i pray that Almighty will open your spiritual eyes in Messiah's Name.

    no snark.

    though your comment reeks of it. aimed at both Anon and me.


    but i thank you 'cause you gave me an opportunity to practice this Scripture: KJV 2 Tim. 2:19-26.

    ask anyone not new here and they will tell ya:) so thank you, again for growing me spiritually. i count it all joy, really.

    just because what the pope is teaching tickles your ears and feels Good to you...

    does not mean it will be Good for you or your soul.

    @Anon- Judeo Chr-stianity = extra. it is based off of those that Messiah clearly called the synagogue of satan. they don't want to enter in and serve as stumbling blocks for others seeking to go in.

    some of their more brazen rabbis have laughed at how the "dumb goyim" worship their g-d without even knowing.

    i speak not of Torah followers.

    i speak of talmud and cabbala/kabbala followers...that seem to be running things.

    most Chr-stians are so redirected that they don't see anything wrong with sending vast sums of money to the violently occupied/apartheid Promised lands. despite what is written about how one will know the tribe Chosen to bring the Law to all nations, that all might be saved. despite what is written about how His People will be returned to the Promised Land.

    to your point, the Roman Catholic church will be used to dismantle faiths...

    then it will be destroyed.

    this is what is written. not sure who folk think Scriptures means when it speaks to the whore of babylon...that has caused many to sin.

    will post another link with a video that is pretty interesting. it links the Roman catholic jesuits with the illuminati/freemasonry. all very interesting to note the overlap.

    indeed it seems, all roads lead to Rome.

    blessings all!

  42. as promised...additional links for folk to start seeking the Truth re: the world in which we live.

    if folk are familiar with Carolyn Hamlett's story, they will learn she is a former generational satanist. she is very candid about the work she did in Chr-stian churches.

    Messiah plucked her out of the soul snare and she now shares the Truth that most won't encounter unless He wakes you up and shows you:

    the video above speaks to how music has been infiltrated by satan worshipers. lucifer being in charge of music and all before he and his fallen companions were tossed out of heaven. the video gives some insight on the jesuits as well.

    in fairness, quite a few catholics have no idea what they are supposed to believe in. it is all about rituals and showing up on set days. at least this was my take when i was a part of the whole process.

    in Messiah's Name i pray more will awaken to the Truth of where we are...

    we are at war.

    those that lead US...

    lead US astray.

    blessings all!

  43. Speak it loud and proud focusedpurpose!!!!!!!

  44. I like this Pope. I bet he has god on speed dial.

  45. Anonymous6:41 PM

    "The deficit's plunging so fast the rich can't find bond investments. Bin Ladin's dead. For God Sakes, don't tell the Democrats."
