Sunday, November 02, 2014

"Bad Teachers".

I can't understand what is going on with some of our nation's teachers these days.

First, there is the case of the teacher in North Carolina who told her students that one of the things on her "bucket list" is to kill all black people. True story.

 "A student at Camden County High School in North Carolina was having lunch in the classroom when she began discussing with her teacher items on her bucket list.

Cynthia Ramsey, who teaches math at the school, reportedly shocked the student with one of her items.

"She conveyed to me that Mrs. Ramsey had indicated that if she only had 10 days to live that she would kill all black people," the student's mother, Kimberly Ashcraft, told WAVY-TV.

Ashcraft said she was shocked when her daughter reported this to her, and she wanted to make sure that her daughter had heard the teacher correctly. "I was completely shocked," Ashcraft told WAVY-TV. "I asked her again, 'Are you sure that was what you heard?' I could not have imagined a teacher saying that.

"I conveyed to my daughter that this is a very serious allegation and I need confirmation that this did happen," Ashcraft said.

The Camden County sheriff told the news station that other students who were nearby when the comment was made confirmed the account and that the teacher was suspended without pay.
The suspension lasted only a few days." [More here]


  1. Anonymous9:33 PM

    "Then there is the case of the substitute teacher in Chicago who told two first generation Jamaicans who didn't want to be called African American that, to paraphrase, they are lucky they aren't being called the N-word like back in the day."

    I know a lot of Jamaicans who don't want to be called AAs. In fact, it would be a rarity to find one who doesn't mind being called an AA.

    They are quite insulted and make it clear they don't like AAs much like Whites don't.

    Brother Field, never trust a Jamaican when it comes to racism. They are some of the biggest racists on the planet. Hell, they make the Klan look liberal.

  2. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Meanwhile a Dr. Kamau Kambon is on record as supporting the extermination of Whites on Youtube.


  3. Anonymous9:42 PM

    PR's are pretty racist too. So are Mexicans. So are Muslims.

    In comparison, Kinky isn't that racist. I am so glad Whites aren't very racist.

    I mean, Kinky is a light-weight compared to Jamaicans, PR's, Mexicans Muslims and let us not forget those Africans.

    It's a damn shame a white teacher gets booted off her job for telling the truth.

    These days, the policy is to honor LIES instead of the TRUTH.

  4. Me racist? Not even a little bit.

  5. Well um...I do laugh at black folks when they coon.

    Would that make me racist?

    What makes cooning so funny to whites?

    Watch the SNL skit

    SNL Asks What It Would Take for Obama to Lose the Black Vote

    Now tell me that ain't some kind of funny.

  6. Even Eric Holder can't salvage this fantasy:

    Justice Department investigators have all but concluded they do not have a strong enough case to bring civil rights charges against Darren Wilson, the white police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, Mo., law enforcement officials said.

    When racial tension boiled over in Ferguson after the Aug. 9 shooting, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. traveled to the St. Louis suburb to meet with city leaders and protest organizers in an effort to bring calm. He assured them that the federal government would open a civil rights investigation into the fatal shooting of Michael Brown. But that investigation now seems unlikely to result in any charges.

    “The evidence at this point does not support civil rights charges against Officer Wilson,” said one person briefed on the investigation, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the case.

    Justice Department officials are loath to acknowledge publicly that their case cannot now meet the high legal threshold for a successful civil rights prosecution. The timing is sensitive: Tensions are high in greater St. Louis as people await the results of a grand jury’s review of the case.

  7. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Kinky, you were right. The SNL skit was hilarious, plus it was absolutely true.

  8. I find the label African Americans ridiculous. How many other races of people are named after a continent? European American? Really?

    Black American is more than adequate for describing people with a little or a lot of African ancestry.

    1. Africans with American citizenship should be called Black Americans too. The LAST think Black ppeople need is an inter race "war" between African Americans and Black Americans. :(

  9. @ FN, it is wise to know there is not a great distinction to be made between Black Americans and Jamaicans.

    the elder White lady that remembers when the world was slightly different and clearly misses it...just bottom lined matters for the youngsters.

    slave ships stopped everywhere.

    @ Yisheng, i have met White African Americans. this is when i realized that it was imperative to stand strong on Blessed Black. you make a sound point.

    @Anon that i was speaking with before regarding Chr-stmas & the birth of Messiah + the correlation between the satanic calendar...

    this brotha is breaking it down. it is a bit long, but i urge you to save the link and get back to it rather than watching demonic programming tv.

    Blessings all!


    there is more for those that are interested to know. this IS the information age. there is NOTHING hidden that will not be it is written.

    those that are heavily programmed + quick to call folk "crazy/looney" seem to be missing the reveal.

    these demons operate above the law. for now. those following these men/women and not the Word of Almighty will follow them into the pit of hell.

    now i know Good and well Roman Catholics are NOT pretending they don't know there is a huge problem with the peds (pedophile/pederasts) in their religion. now boogie to the Bible and tell yourselves the Truth about what is written re: harming the babies.

    folk need more info.


    the Righteous are called to be as Bold as lions. some of US have no problem being just that.

    call it arrogance.

    i call it Obedience.

    all one would have to do is LOOK at these demons folk are following. unless the 3rd eye is completely blind, their wickedness is hard to miss.

    F & F, you may want to ask somebody, my friend. it is clear you have missed a few memos. they have been jailing folk that are talking 'bout all the baby rapin' + eatin' the pope and his peeps do.

    until he gets a handle on all that, i won't be trying to hear him counseling folk to come all outside of Yah's Word. i recognize devils...even the ones in robes.

    @FN and his readers...peep the people hunting reflected in the article. i wasn't jokin' really, last thread. i was tryin' to keep from crying + tell folk what's really going on.

    it is time for folk to wake up.

    Yah Almighty i pray you will even pray for your people.

  11. Over here we make a distinction between African Americans and Afro-Caribbeans. But that's largely because we haven't lived in America. What the correct term is for Jamaicans living in the States is, I have no idea. Not that it matters a jot.

    Some of the great philosophers and thinkers of the modern area were Afro-Caribbeans...Marcus Garvey, Stuart Hall, Frantz Fannon, Stokely Carmichael, C.L.R. James, Toussaint L'Ouverture, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Nicki Minaj...

  12. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Yeah, that comes up a bit. I don't like the term African American because it is exclusive. When the term gets thrown around in OBAP (Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals) I have to remind some folks that not all of our folks live in America. I still prefer Black or if I'm in Pennsylvania in the company of a Republican Presidential candidate "blah".

    But the chick who wants to exterminate all blah folks has some serious mental issues and doesn't need to be teaching kids.


  13. Anonymous6:03 AM

    I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that this woman apparently said such a horrible thing ("kill all black people") out loud in a professional setting.

    It's not that I'm in any way shocked that some people with that level of racist animosity still exist, but nowadays, generally they at least have some clue that there might be personal consequences to publicly spewing such virulent hate around.

    Also, just as a side note, but killing all the black people on Earth does sound like a pretty tall order. I guess she was just going to somehow wedge that little recreational activity into her bucket list schedule, in between "Visiting the Grand Canyon" and "Trying Sushi for the First Time"?

    She's quite the ambitious mini-Hitler, no?

  14. Anonymous6:24 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Over here we make a distinction between African Americans and Afro-Caribbeans. But that's largely because we haven't lived in America. What the correct term is for Jamaicans living in the States is, I have no idea. Not that it matters a jot.

    Some of the great philosophers and thinkers of the modern area were Afro-Caribbeans...Marcus Garvey, Stuart Hall, Frantz Fannon, Stokely Carmichael, C.L.R. James, Toussaint L'Ouverture, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Nicki Minaj...

    Now this shit right here is the funniest thing ever..

    Some of the great philosophers and thinkers - Nicki Minaj...HAHAHAHAHAHA

    "Cause my flow’s stupid, wheelchair bound, take the small bus all year round”

    --Nicki Minaj

    You are peak Negro. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Kinky, I know u like to be around cooning blacks. It explains why u are a republican.

  16. Anonymous6:39 AM

    hmmmm. I wonder how many black people are in the USA? Would killing all the Blacks in America exceed the number of Jews murdered in WWII?

    I think the teacher is bond to pure evil. And she is teaching kids? Wow. we really are in Satanic times. They are government, in schools, in health fields, in law enforcement, in parenting, on blogs, tv, internet....

    There seems to be no escape. They run the world. Either you conform to evil principles or you suffer greatly.

    There definitely is something weird and dark going on. And it's getting darker! And, it seems as though nobody notices it or maybe no one cares?

    What's happening is both unbelievable and amazing. It's 'unbelievable' because I thought this level of evil among human beings was not possible, that the 'good' in us would triumph. But now I see that is malarkey....Satan is real.

    Wow. The greatest trick Satan ever played on the human race was to make us believe that he didn't/doesn't exist.

    The Buddha was right: "Humans are ignorant and blind." The two always come together. You remain ignorant as long as you can't see. You remain blind as long as you remain ignorant.'s hell being human.

  17. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Blogger field negro said...
    Kinky, I know u like to be around cooning blacks. It explains why u are a republican.

    6:36 AM
    OUCH! It will take Kinky some time to get over that

  18. Anonymous10:21 AM

    "I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that this woman apparently said such a horrible thing ("kill all black people") out loud in a professional setting."

    That's because it never happened.

    Will you people believe anything they tell you?

  19. Fly the Racist Skies10:23 AM

    PilotXcrement said...
    But the chick who wants to exterminate all blah folks has some serious mental issues and doesn't need to be teaching kids.

    People with serious mental issues shouldn't be flying airplanes either, but there you are.

  20. Anon 6:39am-

    it is "hell" to be human when in disobedience to Him/His Word.

    He is our Strong Tower, buckler, shield and Protection.

    i AM a witness and bound to give Him some PRAISE!!!


    KJV Yahushua/Joshua 1:5-9

    5 There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

    6 Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them.

    7 Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.

    8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

    9 Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Sovereign thy Almighty is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

    KJV Deuteronomy 31:6- Be strong an of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Sovereign thy Almighty, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

    KJV Psalm 27:14- Wait on the Sovereign: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Sovereign.


    there is more food for the soul. His Word is our Daily Bread. we are to live by it...

    most folk that follow after the flesh, eat three square meals a day at least. while they starve their spiritual man.

    add to this that we are in spiritual warfare...

    look to Him/His Word and He will direct your path. Love will cast out all fear.

    i AM a witness.

    i make mistakes, daily. yet, i Love Yah with all my heart. i Love humanity and want to see our suffering stopped. there is no fear of these defeated demons. they WILL run out of time.

    that's what's written.

    Blessings to you! i pray you are encouraged to stay the path. knowing that it only looks like defeated lucifer/satan wins..

    Yah + His recruits giving only Him/His Word the salute...WIN!

    Stand Strong. Stand long + hold fast to your crowns, kings + queens in Him. heirs to the Promise of Abraham, no less:)

    create a beautiful day...that's my plan!


  21. FN said...
    Cynthia Ramsey,
    The unidentified teacher
    Jessica Vanessa

    Is this the beginning of your expose outing teacher unions protecting teachers?

    Let me add a few more names for you.

    Heather Michelle Cooksey
    Kinsley Wentzky
    Laura Elizabeth Whitehurst
    Megan Crafton
    Kathryn Murray
    Marisa Anton
    Cassandra Elfers
    Donna Newton-McNally
    Alicia Gray
    Nikki Scherwitz

    Oops, you're only going after selected teachers. Not all teachers doing wrong.


  22. And another proud teacher union member.

    2 time teacher of the year.
    Joaquim Andrade


  23. Former state Sen. Wright's jail term ends quickly
    Sheriff’s spokeswoman Nicole Nishida said Wright came to the inmate reception center about 9:40 p.m. Friday to begin serving his time, but was released soon after the paperwork was completed.

    This is the difference between being a member of the democrat ruling class and a regular black man.

    The ruling class only has to show up for a couple hours to serve their sentence.

    I wonder how many poor blacks get that kind of special treatment?

    Not all jail terms for blacks are equal to democrats.

  24. Bill, why do u say "democrat" instead of democratic?It makes u sound like a FOX wingnut. Unless......never mind.


  25. Even Without Voter ID Laws, Minority Voters Face More Hurdles to Casting Ballots

    Scroll down the article.

    Scroll down past the pretty graph.

    Scroll down a little more...

    At the county level, it is hard to find evidence of Republican schemes to keep heavily Democratic areas from voting. Local officials are responsible for buying voting machines and staffing polling places. Many of the places with the fewest resources and longest lines are governed by African Americans and Latinos and tend to skew Democratic.

    Democrats not doing the right thing for poor people?

    No surprise to me.

    My surprise is how many poor democrat voters don't see it.


  26. field negro said...
    Bill, why do u say "democrat" instead of democratic?It makes u sound like a FOX wingnut. Unless......never mind.

    Didn't I just refer to republicans as rethugs the other day?

    I don't remember you calling me out for that.

    Funny how you only observe from one perspective.

    Even funnier is what you pick to comment on. Totally predictable, but still funny. :)

    Off topic...
    Did your tech guy ever find out who was hacking your blog?
    Did you see what the hacker wrote?

    field negro said...
    Bill's obsession with proving that Dems are just as bad as the repubs continues.
    Failing to realize, of course, that he is preaching to the choir.
    4:24 PM

  27. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Maybe the students pressered to be identified as just 'Jamaican.' Here in Canada, it's the 'American' part we usually take exception to, using Afro-Canadian or African-Canadian or even occasionally Afro-Ontarian instead. Even 'Canadian of African heritage' is more typical than African American. Latin Americans also use other terms in their countries.

  28. "Some of the great philosophers and thinkers of the modern area were Afro-Caribbeans...Marcus Garvey, Stuart Hall, Frantz Fannon, Stokely Carmichael, C.L.R. James, Toussaint L'Ouverture, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Nicki Minaj...

    Now this shit right here is the funniest thing ever..

    Some of the great philosophers and thinkers - Nicki Minaj...HAHAHAHAHAHA"

    Yes Adolf, this was what we on the political Left refer to as a "joke". I understand that by definition you guys are not possessed of a sense of humour which is why said joke was intended for those readers who stand politically to to the left of Genghis Khan.

    You can rest assured that I never for a moment expected our 'Peak-Hillbilly' respondents to be amused.

  29. Conservatives lack a sense of irony and a sense of humor. That's why the comedy show on Fox News lasted one episode.

  30. PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...

    Conservatives lack a sense of irony and a sense of humor:

  31. Anonymous3:44 PM

    PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Conservatives lack a sense of irony and a sense of humor. That's why the comedy show on Fox News lasted one episode.

    Which "comedy show"are you talking about?

  32. Anonymous3:47 PM

    "People with serious mental issues shouldn't be flying airplanes either, but there you are".

    Yep, flying airplanes and making six figures while you sit in your mother's trailer collecting welfare and sleeping with your sister/wife.


  33. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Which comedy show am I talking about? Gee, it was only on so briefly nobody really knows. Ha! It got cancelled quickly because even conservatives can't stand conservative humor.

  34. Affirmative Action Jackson3:51 PM

    PilotX gets to ride up front while the white pilot flies the plane. Sometimes they let let him pretend he is flying, but only when the autopilot is on.

    The airline gets to say they have a blah pilot, and we all just have to pay a little more for our airline tickets.

  35. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Affirmative Action Jackson gets to go to the park and drool on the swingset while his uncle/daddy pushes him. We pay for his uncledaddy's welfare so we have to pay for his entertainment.

  36. The White Stuff4:18 PM

    PilotX knows he's a pilot because they gave him some plastic wings and let him wear the hat while he's pushing the beverage cart.

    He thinks he's a VIP because his doctor told him he was impotent.

    1. Ha! More conservative "humor". Hilarious! VIP!

  37. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Teaching should be a vocation. Chosen as a career if there is truly a passion for educating.

    Public education for the most part has become just a job, a steady income, with benefits and an assured retirement.

    If there is no acknowledgment of the individual student, then it becomes just rote indoctrination in lockstep instruction.

    One of the reasons why there is so much desertion.

    There are teachers and then there are educators.

    I also like this new Pope,when he says "Gods mercy is for everyone".

    That is a good thing! :)

  38. d rex4:33 PM

    lilacpr2000 said...
    I also like this new Pope,when he says "Gods mercy is for everyone".

    He also said “God is not afraid of new things.”

    What would qualify as a “new thing” to the omniscient creator of the Earth and heavens?

    Is Francis implying that God follows along behind the will and impulsion of man, rather than the opposite?

  39. The White Stuff sits in his pickup truck on bricks in his mom's front yard making engine noises and pretends he's driving. Hillbillies are so cute.

  40. "What would qualify as a “new thing” to the omniscient creator of the Earth and heavens?"


  41. Pilot, don't waste your time with these clowns.

    It's called I am a miserable failure in life because I am not doing better than the black man and all my life I was led to believe that I am superior. :)

  42. Hillbillionaire5:04 PM

    If I wasn't doing better than PilotX, believe me, I'd think I was a failure.

  43. d rex5:09 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "What would qualify as a “new thing” to the omniscient creator of the Earth and heavens?"


    Reality is subject to redefinition, apparently. According to Catholic doctrine, God is immutable, omnipotent, omniscient, and infinite in intellect.

    Yet Pope Francis stated that God is not afraid of new things in context of his initiative to make the church more accommodating to homosexuals. The supreme being now apparently reconsidering his previously negative position on homosexuality as expressed by those who reputedly reduced his will to writing in the bible.

    This seems to imply that God is not omniscient and actually changes his mind to accommodate whatever notions he has previously not conceived.

    So God’s prior positions were premised on imperfect knowledge and subsequently found to be flawed.

    That is to say God is not infallible or perfect of wisdom.

    Which of course is to say he’s not actually a God as defined by the church.

    Have Catholics digested that this is tantamount to a statement of disbelief?

  44. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Anonymous d rex said...
    lilacpr2000 said...
    I also like this new Pope,when he says "Gods mercy is for everyone".

    He also said “God is not afraid of new things.”

    What would qualify as a “new thing” to the omniscient creator of the Earth and heavens?
    Is Francis implying that God follows along behind the will and impulsion of man, rather than the opposite?
    4:33 PM

    MY thoughts are that "new things refers to the changes in the church's attitudes and policy's towards divorce,homosexuality etc.

    "New things" being the changes themselves. So as to say to the members, if God isn't afraid of these changes, then neither should you be.

    The Pope is an intelligent man, who would never infer about God what you have written :)

    For example,I know a few very devout Catholics who have divorced and thus find themselves sort of on the outs with the church. They are now very happy, as they have been seeing a new attitude towards them and second marriages.

  45. d rex5:21 PM

    Like antifreeze that drips from a car and poisons cats, the statements exuded by the Vatican Synod on the Family are sweet. It is tempting to lap them up, to welcome the Church’s new proposed stance of apologizing to sinners and obscuring the nature of sin.
    The institution of marriage is frail enough already, like an old woman getting shoved around in a crowded subway station. Marriage is being corroded by social forces that make its promises seem absurd, persecuted by laws that make divorce easier than refinancing a speedboat, and redefined by a secular state at the whim of radical elites.

    You would think that the clerics might defend the old girl, and insist that marriage is the basic building block of society and the safest refuge of helpless children. Instead they are treating marriage as some utopian ideal, which it’s foolish to think that everyone can attain — so we must learn to love, value, and learn from the grotesque failures which we sinners, in our weakness, accept instead: shacking up, second unions unblessed by God, and even homosexual partnerships, whose central activity used to be called a “sin that cries out to heaven.”

    Oh well, times change — why shouldn’t eternity? As progressive humankind charges forward like a pack of rogue elephants, we will leave it to God and His Church to follow with brooms and shovels.

  46. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Wanna compare W2's sometime Hillbillionaire? That would be interesting.


  47. Hillbillionaire5:55 PM

    I'm sure I have you beat both on income and penis size, but internet boasting is cheap.

    A professional pilot making in excess of $100,000 per year, with good benefits and a guaranteed pension plan is quite a successful person, career-wise. Congratulations.

    The point is that your assumptions of superiority are wrong, and everyone who disagrees with your bigoted and and uninformed opinions is not some toothless shitkicker living in a dilapidated trailer.

  48. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Let's Pilotfedx. I know you won't because you're a coward who loves to make shit up and insult people.

  49. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Hey, don't talk to PX that way, he's a very impotent person!

  50. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Meanwhile, Thompson’s mother, Shayna Thompson, has filed a police report. She wants the teacher slapped with a disorderly conduct charge and, possibly, a hate crime.

    “I’m angry,” the mad mom told NBC Chicago. “It’s a new world, and the people of the past that still hang onto hatred and bigotry don’t belong in this world anymore.”


    Of course she did. Oh - and she's angry. And somebody gonna pay for all this.

    Just following in the fine tradition of other grifting ghetto Moms before her, like Sabrina "Cookie" Fulton, Leslie MacSpadden etc etc etc lining up to win them some eazy ghetto litigation bucks.

    If she really is lucky, she can grift herself a free ride to Europe where she can lecture white people about the evils of deb slabery and deb raycissm while passing around her trashcan for cash.


    But that is the default response of blacks. Make up some fake lie about an alleged "rayciss" incident and then get out to hustle some shakedown bucks.

  51. Ok, challenege my assumptions. What do you do for a living HB?
    This should be good.

  52. Ahhhh 22! Things can make sense then that never will again.

    Racist teachers are no more qualified to teach than sex offenders. I don't want either endangering children. Especially on the public dime.

  53. ''FYI, you are African Americans just like your North American brothers and sisters. You just got off the boat a little sooner. Don't fall into the us vs. them trap where folks tell you that you are different than those "black Americans" because you come from another country. You are not. Your struggle and your history is inextricably linked to theirs. But I digress''

    Amen Field!!!!!

  54. before i can even get to homosexuals...

    who most definitely deserve Love...

    i want to look at the babies.

    can the Roman Catholic church institution + this brand new pope PLEASE show the babies/teens some Love?!

    those that like this brand new pope are entitled.

    different strokes for different folks.


    "Yesterday defendants Pope Francis Bergoglio, Catholic Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon and Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby were found guilty of rape, torture, murder and trafficking of children. Five judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels determined that the crimes occurred as recently as 2010. Since last March over 48 eyewitnesses have come forward to testify before this ICLCJ Court about the defendants’ activities as members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult."

    "The Ninth Circle Satanic Cult was said to do child sacrifices at Roman Catholic cathedrals in Montreal, New York, Rome, Scotland, London, Carnarvon Castle in Wales, an undisclosed French Chateau in Holland and at Canadian Catholic and Anglican Indian residential schools in Kamloops, British Columbia and Brantford, Ontario Canada. The Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult was believed to use privately owned forest groves in the US, Canada, France and Holland for their “Human Hunting Parties” for global elites including members of European royal families. Teens were said to be obtained by the mafia, then stripped naked, raped, hunted down and killed. The Chief Prosecutor stated. “The Catholic Church is the world’s largest corporation and appears to be in collusion with the mafia, governments, police and courts worldwide.”

    = a LOT to overlook.

    but hey...

    Love + do what thou wilt= on the menu ALL day.

    Anon, Stand Strong.

    hopefully these folk wouldn't leave their children with this man after bowing to kiss his ring. lol. but i don't know...

    Blessings all!

  55. Anonymous10:43 PM

    This Pope gives me the creeps. There is nothing holy about him.

  56. Trollonymous Burgundy11:02 PM

    I personally consider myself "Black Caribbean American", if otherwise I would prefer "Black American" (I was actually born as an American Citizen).

    I refuse to associate myself with "white Africans" who migrate to America, they too can identify themselves as "African Americans", especially when it suits them.

    Furthermore, just because someone is living in America, it doesn't necessarily make them an "American" or whatever hyphenated "American".

    I feel non-American-born blacks who happen to live in America are not necessarily African-Americans/Black-Americans, especially if they are non-naturalized citizens. I also feel the same way about non-American-born and non-naturalized Whites/Asians/E. Indians/Middle-Eastern/Latin etc. people who just happen to live in America.

  57. Trollonymous Burgundy11:12 PM

    BTW, I do not condone gay bashing/discrimination and I could care less who gay/straight marries who, but a New York court has now allowed an uncle to marry his adult niece.

    This falls under the logic usually used by the gay community "Two consenting adults loving each other and should have the right to marry each other"... I wonder how many gay and/or pro-gay marriage folks agree with this?

    While I leave religion out of this, you can't help but to wonder where will the line be drawn.

  58. Trollonymous Burgundy11:21 PM

    Hey FP sis!

  59. Anonymous11:37 PM

    I find it bothersome that anyone would deny an uncle to marry his niece in these days.

    I mean, what do you expect? Two people of the same sex can marry but you are going to forbid two uncles from the same family from marrying each other? No, I am sorry but the moralized pig full of slop has left the barn and won't be back.

  60. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Sorry, I meant to say an uncle and niece from the same family instead of two uncles from the same family. Actually, it'll work either way....this is a free for all, folks. No morals whatsoever...I hear they are revising all of the Gideon Bibles that are in all the hotels and motels around the world to make them politically correct re: marriage.

    Why bother to revise any Bibles? Just throw them away.

  61. hi Trolly!

    cyber wave + cyber hug sis!!!

    i am NOT leaving religion out of this.

    the whore of babylon as written of in Scriptures is 'bout to be used to take souls OUT.

    folk will politely call it "Love"...which is the new banner for all things abominable.

    they are not going to quit with homosexuals. incest has next. the peds get to play. so do the furry lovers aka beastiality...

    it ALL goes! when will it stop?

    when Almighty Yah shuts down the whole horror show.


    i don't judge the brand new pope 'cause he and his peeps can't seem to keep their filthy paws off babies/children.


    they are consistent. so much so folk don't blink nor speak on it. molestation/abuse is Real close to being a Catholic "tradition" + unofficial sanctioned position. they would go broke overnight if they paid the many generations they have betrayed + destroyed. yet...

    souls repay 'em with silent loyalty.

    now THAT makes NO sense. may i NEVER be so "religious" that my brains = freeze dried/non functioning.

    it is my Right + obligation to call things what they are. i know folk don't want to tackle the corruption in the church. i don't mind.

    so let's go!

    men and women may "marry" same sex.


    Messiah, said go, and sin no more. not change the Word so that what you do = no sin.

    thank Yah for Grace + Mercy!

    now i can ALWAYS see a way to make things work. since all that is wrong = "Love" + brand new "right", let these inverted/perverted/wicked folk tell it.

    maybe, if folk creep up on + whack baby rapers that is NOT quite murder? maybe that, too, = "Love"?

    i don't advocate it-be clear.

    it just boggles the mind that folk can get super creative with Scriptures, but only to the detriment of humanity.

    Anon 11:45pm- dig deep enough and you will see lucifer behind the changing of the Word. literally. those that publish/print the satanic bible now provide "Chr-stians" with their new + improved Scriptures as well. those that Love do what thou wilt won't even notice the durty game. but you know what?

    i AM thankful that He compelled me to Him/His Word. that His Spirit is with me. i AM Blessed and Grateful that He did not leave me in darkness. may all souls get.some, in Messiah's Name, is my heart and soul's prayer. we are in a time of wicked deception.

    Blessings all!

  62. Anonymous2:38 AM

    "A professional pilot making in excess of $100,000 per year, with good benefits and a guaranteed pension plan is quite a successful person, career-wise. Congratulations."

    Actually we lost our pensions during the bankrupcy:-( We have more traditional 401K style retirement plans. Oh well, it was good while it lasted.

