Saturday, November 15, 2014


I need a caption for this pic.

For instance:

Who is YOUR tailor?


  1. Anonymous8:19 PM

    I am your savior, do not be afraid. I will transform your violence to peace.

  2. Anonymous8:20 PM

    In my house there are many mansions for you to clean.

  3. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Black man: When the missionaries came to Africa, they had the Bible,and we had the land. They said,"let us pray" we closed our eyes. When we opened our eyes, we had the Bible and they had the land.

    (Quote by Desmond Tutu)

  4. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Mark my words, he will use me for his caption Saturday!

  5. Anonymous10:11 PM

    if wilson is not indicted he will be returned to the police force to carry on his police duties in ferguson.

    wow. another big insult to all u negroes who lovingly like to call each other the n-word. well, once wilson is free, he will be using the n-word down in the hood, but it won't be out of love.

  6. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Wow, the KKK is getting involved in Ferguson against the protesters. It looks like protesters are going to be put down by the KKK and police.

  7. "Anyone seen a crackhor running by with my suit? I had to dress in this motel sheet and drapes to chase her when she ran out of the room with it."

  8. Anonymous10:51 PM

    I remember the days when FN blog was great on Saturday night. So many looked forward to commenting. Now nothing much happens here on Sat night. What a drag!

  9. Anonymous11:17 PM


    I am a Jew. This is what Jews look like -- not like yourselves.

    Take off your silly satin Halloween costumes, abandon your clownish joke of a religion, and stop pissing away your lives.

  10. I'm your real messiah. You should be worshiping me instead of Obama.

  11. Anonymous11:54 PM

    "to your point, Blacks do look silly holding on to that word + the mandingo madness while hollering 'bout racism/racist stereotypes."

    FP is always trying to tell black men what they should and should not be doing. lol

    What about feminist women (including some black feminist women) and their campaign against "slut shaming"? How is it different from being a "mandingo"?

    I imagine some black men try their best to live up to the "mandingo madness" because it's fun. They like it. Like some women (including many black women) like being sluts.

  12. @11:54pm-

    my friend, you lack understanding, which is not something i can give to you.

    it is not just the black man holding onto the n word and mandingo madness. there are Black and non black women that promote the racist madness double time.

    i am not a feminist...

    mandingo + slut = same thing.


    when folk bottom line it- which i tend to do.

    whether folk want to call it or not, the black man is treated like a woman more so than a man.

    this has been what it is since our people's time in this land.

    role reversal.

    the dresses/makeup, heavy homo agenda promotion, etc = natural progression in the attack on black manhood.

    many think it is fun to play this mirl role as well. they seem to not mind casting their women in the man role so they can hold it down like girls. requiring MUCH provision and protection...


    this acceptance of the role reversal is just cloaked in blaming white menfolk (provide us a job!) while they mandingo/slut through as many ww/non Black women as they can get to hold still.

    then boast about it in public + fan the racial war flames...

    while treating Black women like garbage in many cases. being married to a Black woman means not a thing.

    these sad facts make it near impossible for clue having Black women to give a solid dang, either way, at this point in the game.


    yet, i persist...

    i don't do the man vs woman madness. said that many times. humanity loses in that scenario.

    hope my efforts to clarify helps your understanding.

    Blessings to you!

  13. In other news today, Black Israelite job applicants for Darren Wilson's position in Ferguson get a vote of confidence from their nemesis, Philly Jesus.

  14. to the original point...

    folk look/sound dumb holding onto racism while crying 'bout racism.

    it is hard for anyone to take that seriously.

    just as it is hard to take the images captured in the pic for this post seriously.


    i Love humanity and pray we all do better.

    Blessings all!

  15. Quotes Bill

    The Purple Cow said...
    1. Governments are not elected to be lead by the people, their job is to lead the people.

    Socialist propaganda to help make people subservient and obedient."

    Dear god Bill, even by your poor standards that's a lame response.

    i) Governments can not ask the people for help every single time they have to make a decision. So the electorate elects a government to govern, and that's what they do.

    ii) Sometimes the government has to make unpopular decisions because they believe it is the right thing to do.

    iii)Many times the government knows a lot more about a situation than the general public can know. So the general public's opinion is based on imperfect information


    2. You cannot run a government by opinion polls.

    Voting is an opinion poll with ramifications.
    2008 Obama ran on hope and change, not his accomplishments.

    Even by your execrable standards of debating that makes no sense at all. An election is the electorate expressing their will. An opinion poll is simply a scientific attempt at guessing what the public thinks. Again, I come back to my point, you cannot ask the people what they want to do about every single question. You cannot run a government by opinion polls.


    3. You don't know what American people think about Obamacare.

    "As said by someone living in a foreign country.

    So your logic is, if I lived in the USA you would know what the American people think of Obamacare?



    "4. Sometimes governments have to take unpopular decisions, that's part of the job description."

    "Non-socialists believe that unpopular decisions require a explanation from the president, not lies."

    Really? You've done a survey have you? Where? When?

    "If Obama feels he is doing the right thing, why does he continuously lie?"

    He does not lie continuously, like all politicians he lies when he feels it is necessary. He is after all, a Conservative.


    "5. Every government that has ever existed has lied to the people.

    "So.Excluding socialists like you, I believe most people don't like being lied to by their government. At least in America. Are people in your country that much different than Americans?"

    Classic Bill-Oh Straw man.

    I did not say people liked being lied to by their government. I'm saying in Democracies all governments lie. In totalitarian states they don;t have to, because it does not matter what the people think.

  16. Some good ones.

    I am impressed that so many of you recognize that the pic is of Philly Jesus facing down the black Israelites.

    Anon@8:20, that was funny.

    Amon@10:51, have u thought about a girl/boy friend?:)

  17. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Flashing his gang sign...

  18. As a Christian, I got nuthin' on this post.


  19. Friday night news dump at the NY Times...

    Cost of Coverage Under Affordable Care Act to Increase in 2015
    The Obama administration on Friday unveiled data showing that many Americans with health insurance bought under the Affordable Care Act could face substantial price increases next year — in some cases as much as 20 percent — unless they switch plans.

    The data became available just hours before the health insurance marketplace was to open to buyers seeking insurance for 2015.

    The data that costs were going up became available just hours before the health insurance marketplace was to open?
    How convenient.

    I remember the days Obama was promising will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family's premium by up to $2,500 a year."

    As we now see, it's just the opposite.

    Obamacare reminds me of a bait & switch scam, except with Obamacare if you don't take the bait the IRS will fine you.


  20. The Purple Cow said...
    He does not lie continuously, like all politicians he lies when he feels it is necessary. He is after all, a Conservative.

    One link from a socialist website does not make Obama a conservative.

    Did you get FN to agree with you that FN voted for a conservative?

    Your reply belonged in the other thread. Please try and keep up in the future.

  21. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Don't cast your pearls before swine.

  22. Anonymous11:12 AM

    There once was a thug named Brown, who bum rushed a cop with a frown. Six bullets later he met his creator, then his homies burned down the town.

  23. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Lord, Bill loves to smackdown PC...UNMERCIFICALLY!! PC is weak, and needs to find some other wm. Bill clearly is too intellectually and politically powerful. I am embarrassed for PC.

  24. Anonymous11:32 AM

    "the dresses/makeup, heavy homo agenda promotion, etc = natural progression in the attack on black manhood.

    many think it is fun to play this mirl role as well. they seem to not mind casting their women in the man role so they can hold it down like girls. requiring MUCH provision and protection..."

    There you go again with your "homo agenda" talk.

    I personally don't know any BM who are being provided for and "protected" by BW (unless it's their mama). Maybe you need new people.

    But even if significant numbers of BM are being provided for and protected by BW, so what. Women fought to be liberated and independent, and so they are. In many cases these days, women out earn men. And this is true among whites as well as blacks.

    After all, there are more black women in college than there are black men in college BUT there are also more white women in college than there are white men in college.

    Since women have more formal education on average than men these days, women of ALL racial groups are catching up to and passing men in earning potential across racial lines.

    The kind of factory type jobs that black men who were not highly educated/trained depended on in decades past are no longer there: modern technology has phased many jobs of these jobs out of existence OR they've been exported to foreign countries. Meanwhile office type jobs of all types where you sit at a desk and look at a computer screen all day, held mostly by women, are increasing.

    So your point, FP, is what exactly? I mean besides your incessant denigration of BM?


  25. Gotta love how safe Obama feels lying knowing the democrat media won't call him on it...

    Obama saying he just found out about Gruber before coming on stage.

    Obama using Gruber to attack romney years ago.
    (from the account)


  26. The Obama economy that FN keeps talking about...

    Tensions Over Park Behavior as Homelessness Rises in New York City
    Over all, the city’s homeless population is at a record high, with 57,676 people living in shelters as of early November, in addition to the growing numbers on the streets.

    I'll agree with FN that the top 1% of the country is doing very very well under Obama.

    The other 99%, not so much.

  27. ctrl+halt+del1:04 PM

    BHI: What percent of post WW II FHA-backed loans went to African-American veterans?

    PJ: 2

  28. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    There once was a thug named Brown, who bum rushed a cop with a frown. Six bullets later he met his creator, then his homies burned down the town.

    11:12 AM
    What? no poem for the Grand Jury who is going to free Officer Wilson who shot Brown?

    And who is Brown's Creator? FN Negroes need to know because there are some here like PC and Field and PilotX who don't believe in a Creator.

    You have to be smart and intelligent to recognize that it is a good thing to believe, which the atheist fundamentalist trio will never understand. LOL

  29. Anon 11:32 AM-

    time does not permit a full breakdown, so i will drop some clues + pray for you to see where i am coming from.

    you may pretend that ww and other women are facing what bw are facing if you so choose. that is your choice + personal business.

    however, other women are not facing what bw are facing because their men in much greater numbers show + stand up for them and their children.

    what i speak is not what is in my life personally. just as most folk lamenting police brutality in ferguson/across nation were not personally brutalized in ferguson/across nation by the police.

    get it?

    there is no denigration of BM by me. i am simply suggesting that folk might do well to stop exploiting that which they also reserve the right to lament on and on about.

    you know the oh so fun mandingo + n-word racist sterotypes? you brought slut into the convo, remember?

    folk are either down for racism or they are not. those that are sortta for racism when it suits their purposes cannot expect everyone else to play along. i.will.not and it looks like some other folk have no intentions to stop. they will simply point to Black folk that won't cut it out either. lol. what about Black folk take that convenient excuse away? go behind closed doors and racial slur each other all day. in public, cut.the.madness.out.

    mandingo isn't working so well for BM or BW. but then quite a few folk don't care about the feelings, image or humanity of BW. not even quite a few BM. it is BM with very public platforms that cannot wait to make up new denigrating words for BW. no other nation's men do this...

    these BM will talk about their Black wives while elevating all images BUT the image of the Black woman. history = pretty clear that WM reserve the right to off BM behind WW. so those that persist in mandingo/slut action with as many ww as possible may NOT expect my support. look at Cosby and the ww falling out of his closet. keep in mind that man was married to a Black woman when all these allegations were flying...he is not the first nor the last to get hemmed up in this manner. mandingo/slut. THAT behavior = denigrating to BM. not my calling it what it is. but have "fun"...

    MANY BW are waking up to the non stop game that is being run on them by those that should be trying to provide for + protect them. by those that should be working together to advance the Black nation. SOME BM are noticing more BW opting out...

    you clearly have not.

    are you my friendly homosexual friend? that might explain it. ya'll don't give a solid dang about het women. we are standing in the way of what you really want. lol. not mad, just Real clear on what time it is.

    it takes Love for folk to tell the Truth. BM are the heads. the Black nation is in disarray because the head is completely out of divine order in very large numbers. rather than pulling together to see how folk may work together to better the condition of our nation...

    folk would rather prey on the women, children and each other. then blame...

    the women.

    i for one was not consulted nor did i agree with those foolish Blacks that decided to create a matriarch inside a patriarch society. folk may KEEP.that + expect zero cooperation from me.

  30. there are internal + external destructive forces at work, with the Black nation.

    clue: there will be no government program to fix this sad state of affairs. WE will need to fix this. what's the point of "education" + $ if it cannot be used to this end? pretending it does not exist = no way to get to resolution.

    the body (women and children) will go where the head goes. take out the head and the body collapses.

    BW, in large numbers, are no longer willing to keep trying to hold it all up by themselves.

    BM that are taken care of by their mommas, solo, have no problem with women taking care of them. they should be taken care of by their mommas + daddies. + taught to work/provide early on...THIS is NOT happening in large numbers. it used to, but not now.

    IF you are pretending there are not a grip of BM living off of women of all need more information. then you will see that my calling it is not denigrating BM. the behavior of quite a few BM= denigrating to BM. the decent BM would do well to address + shut it down, rather than make excuses for it.

    aas it relates to ww and the white nation: ww deliberately set about destroying their men. to their credit, they had a lot of deceptive satanic help + recognize it in some circles now. the role reversal that was done to our nation by others...whites did to themselves. that is not my battle + wm aren't having it. they will go buy them an asian bride in a heartbeat. lol.

    you may also pretend there is not a full force homosexual agenda in effect. world wide. you are entitled to play your game of make believe. you are not entitled to demand i play it with you. 'cause that won't happen.

    your thoughts do not threaten my thoughts, in the least. so we may agree to disagree.

    blessings to you!

  31. "One link from a socialist website does not make Obama a conservative."

    No, his policies do.


    "Did you get FN to agree with you that FN voted for a conservative?"

    I neither know nor care who Field voted for. But (as usual) you miss the point. Romney is a racist sleaze ball, Obama is not. For all his many faults Obama was the least worst option.

    "Your reply belonged in the other thread. Please try and keep up in the future."

    Listen Bill, I know you are a dumb cunt, because that's a very dumb cunt thing to say. That's why every time I see one of your posts I am reminded of this video.

  32. Anonymous8:30 PM

    FP, "are you my friendly homosexual friend? that might explain it. ya'll don't give a solid dang about het women. we are standing in the way of what you really want. lol. not mad, just Real clear on what time it is."

    I have noticed that black homosexuals don't give a damn about het bm either. I sometimes wonder if they are bigger traitors than uncle tom? They really don't care what happens to the black race, esp hets. They certainly aren't fond of religion, esp Christianity.

  33. Anonymous8:35 PM

    PC, "Listen Bill, I know you are a dumb cunt, because that's a very dumb cunt thing to say. That's why every time I see one of your posts I am reminded of this video."

    You have the filthiest, most profane and vile mouth on the planet. You are living proof of the existent gutter sewer Negroes still persists. You shouldn't be allowed out of the jungle.


  34. The Purple Cow said...
    But (as usual) you miss the point. Romney is a racist sleaze ball, Obama is not

    I thought the point was that you are under the impression, because of that one link to an opinion article on a socialist website, that Obama is a conservative.

    From your reply, it appears being mocked for that one socialist website link you now want to change the point to it's all about romney being a sleazeball.

    From Obama is a conservative to romney is a sleaze ball.

    Keep trying to move the goalposts PurpleCow. Considering how often you get caught doing it, it must be working for you with your friends.

  35. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Bill, "Keep trying to move the goalposts PurpleCow. Considering how often you get caught doing it, it must be working for you with your friends."

    No it doesn't work with his friends. I can vouch for that. Consequently, PC has no friends. This midnight cow is sooo very alone....BY HIMSELF.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. barack obama was a liberal/socialist/communist/ and every other leftnuts wet dream.

    Obama represented all they hopes and dreams.

    Now that obama is a failed president and world nightmare, they now try to rewrite they history and claim obama is a conservative.

    And they wonder why we laugh at them.

  38. Anonymous9:24 PM

    "SOME BM are noticing more BW opting out..."

    I've noticed that many younger het BM no longer date/marry BW at all. I'm not the only one who has noticed this, I'm sure.

    It's best for BW who think as you do, to do yourselves a favor and just "move on" to men you can respect (WM?).

    BM who are "providing for and protecting" their women/children don't need you to tell them what they should be doing and the ones who are not doing this don't give a rat's ass about what you or anyone else thinks about them. I'm sure you know this.

    You don't seem to be following a core BWE principle which says that BW should end their ties to BM and "move on". Your friend BWE blogger Muslim Bushido would not approve.


  39. seƱor kinky said...

    barack obama was a liberal/socialist/communist/ and every other leftnuts wet dream.

    Imagine a white troll trying to make the point all those black democrats voters are so stupid they voted for a conservative.

    I guess it's obvious why FN won't chime in and agree with PurpleCow.

  40. "Keep trying to move the goalposts PurpleCow"

    Not sure if he is a racist, but the Mitzer is a bit "sleazy".

    "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    There once was a thug named Brown, who bum rushed a cop with a frown. Six bullets later he met his creator, then his homies burned down the town."

    Wow, a poet AND a dumb ignorant racist.

  41. @8:30pm- homosexuals consider themselves to be a separate group. complete with their own dictionary...

    prior to folk trying to make all folk spokespersons for the homosexual agenda, i used to take a stand for homosexuals. their mistreatment was hard to miss. particularly in the Black community.

    so on some level i understand the axe many have to grind. i just refuse to be bullied into promoting that which need not be promoted. it is still my interest to see folk stop maiming + murdering folk because of the lives they choose/were born that way to live.

    i don't seek to be caught all up in something that i frankly don't understand.

    @9:24pm- with all due respect...

    you sound deranged.


    BIRTH.BM + the Black nation.

    forget what you see/heard on tell lie vision. there is NO "new" Black.

    there is no moving on. there is no you without us.

    what's not computing for you?

    i could who dates who.

    what i do care about is that we get it together as a nation.

    get clear on that.

    if Becky, Lola, Mei Ling or whoever came through and scooped the whole lot of you, it would not phase me in the least. i would simply ask that they bring their brothers when they come through. lol.

    BW will just have some more bm that look just like ya, 'cause there will ALWAYS be some Real Black folk that will be revolutionary + Love one another no matter what the demonic p.r. campaign pushes forward. Yah wired it that way;)

    the other women should bring their brothers 'cause due to external/internal demonic forces there won't be enough BM to go around + some BW are just not BM only type of women. just as some BM are not BW only type of men. let's be Real with it already.

    let US ALL do better...


    THIS is what i would like to see.

    we are ONE nation.

    exactly NONE of it can get Right 'til WE get Right.

    THAT'S what's written.

    THAT'S what it is.

    THIS is why i Stand + Speak. i Love His People, my people.


    get that.


    fyi...i don't do labels. bwe has nothing much to do with me. that label came about during one of my cyber absences. though i respect + Love Khadija greatly...we don't walk lock step in our beliefs. nor do we have to. so stop that catty, failed effort to create division already.

    please know, i seek the approval of Yah Almighty and that my friend is about all. the rest of ya'll got limited info opinions and i appreciate 'em when they are delivered respectfully:)

    i ain't mad at ya. just don't agree with where you are coming from. there is no division/hatred in my words. folk are aware in all other things that an opportunity for growth has to be acknowledged in order to be overcome. what plagues the Blessed Black nation is no different. BM ARE strong enough to Stand and face the Truth + do better. survival mandates it.

    gotta get back to work...forgive any typos, moving fast;)

    Blessings to you!

  42. @9:24pm-

    surely you and other BM must know that racists don't care that ya'll don't like being on the receiving end of racism.

    just move on.


    don't i sound deranged?


    of course, you should stand up + for what's Right/justice.


    hope that helped.

  43. @10:53pm- you haven't purchased your asian bride yet? lol. come on now. just get to it already. the announcements= unnecessary mr. john doe.

    i visited your blog and found it humorous. 'family men' that wait 'til 50+ to think about marriage should come with a lemon law clause. or just hire a live in nurse. lol.

    waves bye + wishes you well in your search for superior non westernized women 'cause h-llyweird's corrupting arm doesn't reach around the world.


    pure comedy.

  44. Anonymous1:23 AM

    "homosexuals consider themselves to be a separate group. complete with their own dictionary..."

    Another lie you made it. Most LGBT people want to be accepted by their families, communities, churches, etc., often to their own detriment.

    "i don't seek to be caught all up in something that i frankly don't understand."

    Exactly! You don't understand homosexuality. So why do you keep talking about it?????

  45. Anonymous1:49 AM

    Anon 8:30 PM said:
    "I have noticed that black homosexuals don't give a damn about het bm either. I sometimes wonder if they are bigger traitors than uncle tom? They really don't care what happens to the black race, esp hets. They certainly aren't fond of religion, esp Christianity."

    I give a damn about anybody who gives a damn about me. I don't give a damn about anybody who hates me and I try to keep as far away from them as possible. That sounds like common sense to me.

    Are you kidding me about black gays not being fond of religion? What would black churches do without black gays? Without black gay men the choirs in most predominately black churches would fall apart. The joke is that being gay is one of the unspoken requirements for being a choir director in most black churches.

    And without black gays/lesbians there would be a lot fewer men (and women) in the choirs. lol

    Btw 8:30 PM, FP has said on more than one occasion that she is not a Christian. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

  46. Anonymous5:49 AM

    1:23 AM correction
    FP said:
    "homosexuals consider themselves to be a separate group. complete with their own dictionary..."

    I meant to say:
    Another lie you made up.

  47. Anonymous12:25 PM

    FP said:
    "you sound deranged"

    FP you need to stop playing dumb. You know that BWE activists believe that most BM are damaged beyond repair (DBR)and that BM mostly HATE BW. You KNOW this.

    You also know that a core BWE principle is that BW should separate from BM in order to lead fulfilling lives.

    I am just repeating what the BWE activists have already put out there. You know this as well.

  48. 'I am just repeating what the BWE activists have already put out there.'

    until you step to me with where i have put that out there...

    it is a moot subject to discuss with me.

    you know how to find these other souls that believe what you repeat.

    hit 'em up.
