Sunday, November 16, 2014

The laughter has stopped for "America's dad".

This post is going to be tough for me, because the person I am going to post about in a less than positive light has done some good things for his community and his race in the past. I know, because I have met the man and seen some of the good things that he has done first hand.

Having said that, it has been painful to watch the slow decline of "America's Dad".

If what is being alleged about the Cos is true, he deserves to be taken down, because no one, no matter how rich and famous, is above the law.

We have all heard the whispers for years, and for those of us who live in his hometown the whispers have been louder. It took a comedian putting him on blast on a national stage and one of his accusers going public on CNN (and penning an op-ed for the Washington Post) for us to start getting a peek at the alleged skeletons in Bill Cosby's closet again. 

Some folks have been saying that the man is a hypocrite all along. This is the same guy, they argue, who has been telling black folks to get their family life right and telling young black men to pull their pants up and get their stuff together. And yet there he was allegedly drugging and sexually assaulting multiple women. "Do as I say not what I do."  

For the record, I agree with a lot of what Cosby was preaching about. When he talked about personal responsibility and taking back our neighborhoods and homes, he was on point. When he was going from city to city and facing down black men with a message of responsibility, I was with him as well.
Sadly, his message will be lost now, because the messenger might be flawed.

The shunning has already begun. Letterman canceled his appearance and so did Queen Latifah. NPR confronted him about the rape allegations as well, and he remained silent. (In Bill Cosby's case silence is most definitely not golden.) The only person coming to Cosby's defense these days is Rush Limbaugh. Which, given his disdain for the fairer sex, is not at all surprising. "It's not like he did it yesterday".  Oh the mind of a wingnut.

Anyway, here is my advice to Cos: Book an hour on Oprah's couch and have a heart to heart in prime time.

If he really did what he is being accused of he needs to come clean. The statute of limitations is 12 years in Pennsylvania (not sure what it is in New York) for crimes such as this so he would be out of the legal woods. At least as far as the alleged crimes committed in Pennsylvania is concerned.

If what is being alleged is true, he needs to look into the camera and apologize to each and every woman he assaulted and beg for their forgiveness. He needs to ask America to forgive him as well. Especially black America. ----All those speeches and all that finger pointing.   

He should also vow to spend the rest of his life giving to causes that support women in abusive relationships and supporting them with his money and his time.

If what is alleged is not true, he should say so. And he should cry real tears to Oprah and tell her and the country why he thinks the women that he was involved with might all feel this way.

"Comedian Bill Cosby will not comment on "discredited" accusations of sexual assault that have resurfaced in recent weeks against him, his lawyer said on Sunday.

Allegations that Cosby, 77, drugged and sexually assaulted several young women decades ago gained renewed attention after comedian Hannibal Buress called him a rapist during a stand-up comedy routine last month.

"Over the last several weeks, decade-old, discredited allegations against Mr. Cosby have resurfaced," said John P. Schmitt, Cosby's attorney, in a statement. "The fact that they are being repeated does not make them true."

Neither Cosby nor his representatives will comment further on the allegations, Schmitt added."

Mr. Schmitt, I am sorry to hear that.





  1. Anonymous10:40 PM

    I find it interesting that another Black man and so called comic would attempt to destroy Cosby's rep after all these years. She wouldn't be the first woman to claim sexual assault when there was none. Ask Kobe, Mike Tyson or Big Ben. Tyson paid a price he shouldn't have. But then again there was Bill Clinton.
    Meanwhile in Chicago lets talk about some real assault. There have been some milestones. Friday was a "no hitter" the first Friday in 6 months without a confirmed homicide. Despite a slow start for the weekend shit show and with a few more hours of shooting time left the unofficial score is 5 dead and 16 wounded. Still no NRA, Tea Party Member or Republicans for that matter involved. The 400th confirmed homicide for the year was also put on the books with every indication that the Windy City will break last years number.


  2. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Field, "This post is going to be tough for me, because the person I am going to post about in a less than positive light has done some good things for his community and his race in the past. I know, because I have met the man and seen some of the good things that he has done first hand."

    When will you do a post about Obama and all the good things he has done for Blacks? Instead, you are messing with Cosby. You are one sick Obamaholic who will dump on any bm EXCEPT the black President who has done more harm to the black community than all other Blacks AND Whites combined. smh

  3. "Sadly, his message will be lost now, because the messenger might be flawed."

    who but for Messiah wasn't flawed?

    as FN says...

    i'll wait.

    but i won't 'cause there are none that are not flawed. it is a part of the human condition.

    folk would do well to get into Scriptures or give an ear to flawed people. whichever comes first. i have been suggesting Scriptures for awhile now. i just pray Blessed Black men get the message already. survival mandates it.

    14 women have reportedly come forward re: BCosby. what's the likelihood that all those women are lying? saved by the statute of limitations.

    QLB keep counting dead people and save your position on rape for when it is your daughter or womenfolk in your immediate family...


    it appears that BC has offended power players. this is why he is being exposed. 'cause Yah knows there are others in h-llyweird/politics that could be aired out with the same charges. there are quite a few that are above the law. it is called riding the freedom train. when the powers that be are unhappy...folk get tossed from the freedom train.

    @10:47pm- FN is trying to visit DC without worrying 'bout a drone whacking him up side his head. you know drone 'em BO don't play:)


    ok, i got jokes...

  4. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I find it interesting that another Black man and so called comic would attempt to destroy Cosby's rep after all these years. She wouldn't be the first woman to claim sexual assault when there was none. Ask Kobe, Mike Tyson or Big Ben. Tyson paid a price he shouldn't have. But then again there was Bill Clinton.

    Nothing interesting about it at all, QLB. If Blacks degrade each other with the N-Word, they will degrade each other on just about anything.

    Some black comedian is trying his best to destroy Cosby by trying to look self-righteous by publicly calling Cosby out as if he knew Cosby was guilty. He doesn't.

    Hannibal Buress is a person seeking publicity at Cosby's expense. What an asshole. He has no knowledge of Cosby's innocence or guilt. He needs to STFU and mind his own business.

  5. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Why hasn't Hannibal Buress called out Obama for what he has done to the entire black race?

  6. Anonymous11:18 PM

    FP wrote,
    14 women have reportedly come forward re: BCosby. what's the likelihood that all those women are lying? saved by the statute of limitations.

    Probably about the same as Bill Clinton.


  7. Anonymous11:27 PM

    First of all in this country there is a presumption of innocence until proven guilty.

    Secondly, I've never heard these accusations about him before, BUT,it has always been,and it will always be that when a woman walks into a mans room there is a presumption and expectation that sex will happen. The "respect the no" bs notwithstanding.

    Ladies, if you go into a mans room with him,you run the risk of his not being a gentleman, please remember, not all of them are.Some of them will take it by force if need be. The man is stronger. So think twice about this lest you also be raped or drugged and raped.

    Now I can hear all the 'oh she's blaming the victim' You're damned right I am.

    Just as I would blame someone stepping in front of a train, or into a tigers cage.Same thing. The sexes are different.

    If you step into the mans abode, especially if there have been libations involved, unfortunately all bets are off!

    Having said that, I will also add that I never liked his humor or his persona, and much less his little pull yourself up by the bootstrap chats.Something about that faraway look in his eyes...

  8. Anonymous11:33 PM

    lilacpr wrote,
    Having said that, I will also add that I never liked his humor or his persona, and much less his little pull yourself up by the bootstrap chats.
    Of course you wouldn't like the bootstraps chat.


  9. Mr. William Jefferson


    okey doke.

    thanks for the joke.

    PR, you don't have to go into his room anymore. you can just come out the house sans a burka. there are some that think you did it just for them.


    or you could meet 'em for lunch, look away for a hot minute and get ghb'd all in the drink.

    so i would chill with all that blame the victim. + one of those girls was 17 at the time. folk don't call it young and dumb for no reason.

    i wasn't there + don't know. what i do know is IF you got a whole wife + family...

    it would be wise to not put yourself in situations where folk can falsely accuse you. there is responsibility to go all the way around. how does it always land squarely only on the woman's/girl's shoulders?

    never mind.

    been down that road before over here.


    some of US have heard these nasty little stories 'bout more than just BC. like i said, someone has an axe to grind with him. clearly.

  10. Anonymous11:41 PM

    FP-"14 women have reportedly come forward re: BCosby. what's the likelihood that all those women are lying? saved by the statute of limitations."

    Why did all those women wait until the statute of limitations run out to make their voices heard really loud? Could it be it's not true?

    FYI, Bill Cosby came on TV with a show that showed a Black family as a wholesome family. What happened between then and now?

    And why are women trying to tear down this poor elderly black man who has been one of America's black icon?

    Could it be they are trying to tear down anything good about being Black? Think about it. Who do we have left as a model bm?

  11. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Field, God is not pleased with this post about Cosby. I hope a bolt of lightening strikes Field right in his ass for posting this story.

    I hope the lightning carves and shaves Field's ass down until his ass is 'flat'... like those trailer park whites down South. I also hope the lightning scares Field so much his skin turns a ghostly White.

    Now that should be a sight to behold: a ball-headed albino Negro with a flat ass.

    Brother Field, when the brothers see your albino flat ass, they will call you "White". And I will rejoice...

  12. Anonymous11:55 PM

    lilacpr2000 said...
    If you step into the mans abode, especially if there have been libations involved, unfortunately all bets are off!

    11:27 PM
    O BTW, I was also referring to me here ;D

    If I step into a mans room,especially if there have been libations involved, unfortunately all bets are off!

    That mo fo is going to get USED!!! Oh yeah,you know it,and he best be prepared too is all I'm saying! ;)

  13. Anon 11:41pm- these women did come forward before...


    he was at the height of his popularity. so their claims got buried/voices muted.

    which is why i am saying someone has an axe to grind with BC. none of this is new. it is now getting play. which is wrong if these women were in fact assaulted. it shouldn't matter if folk are rich and famous...

    but it does.

    it is like the Janay Rice spectacle. that got a re-play for reasons that the public were not looped in on. but then lying to the masses = favorite media past time.

    folk learn the hard way all the time 'bout celebrity worship. it is forbidden. dropping folks' kids off + one's guard = all bad.

    i feel for Camille in all this. really. i don't know what's what with the accusations. i just know it can't feel good to have a husband that couldn't be bothered to shun the very appearance...

    may all parties come out of this whole mess wiser for the experience. i pray Almighty turns it for Good.

    no one's suffering = entertainment to me. the Hannibal guy i don't know at.all. because of how he came on the scene, i don't feel compelled to change that, really.

    PR is wildin' out. lol. omgoodness...

  14. "Who do we have left as a model bm?"

    Yahushua Messiah aka Jesus Christ around the world.

    folk have painted Him white + stole His religion so BM won't listen.

    maybe just maybe all folk been taught= a lie.

    from MLK to BC. the role model = the One folk insist on rejecting.

    @ 11:52pm- now see...

    i'm gone, ya'll just goin' all kinds of ways wrong.


  15. Anonymous12:13 AM

    It's a good thing Cosby didn't end up in the bedroom with Lilac. The tables would have been turned on him.

    Somebody throw some cold water on that woman.

    I nominate Kinky to bring the ice water.

  16. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Lord have mercy, this is some kind of blog.


  17. This is the same guy, they argue, who has been telling black folks to get their family life right and telling young black men to pull their pants up and get their stuff together.

    Aren't you one of the "they" you talked about?

    Let's flashback to 2008...

    calling out your own, and saying what other people say about your ass secretly but are afraid to say publicly, will always make you a hero in A-merry-ca. Just ask Chris Rock or Bill Cosby.

    For the record, I agree with a lot of what Cosby was preaching about. When he talked about personal responsibility and taking back our neighborhoods and homes, he was on point.

    "personal responsibility"

    Codespeak for right-wing rethug racist agenda.

  18. If life has taught me any great truth, it's that everyone has their own internal evil twin. It's that old duality of the human condition. Everything that we do has its concomitant. A man like Cosby whose done so much good -over a billion dollars donated to education- had to have been chasing some daemons.

  19. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Bill-"personal responsibility"

    Codespeak for right-wing rethug racist agenda.

    12:39 AM
    hmmmm. You don't miss a thing do you?

  20. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    If life has taught me any great truth, it's that everyone has their own internal evil twin. It's that old duality of the human condition. Everything that we do has its concomitant. A man like Cosby whose done so much good -over a billion dollars donated to education- had to have been chasing some daemons.

    1:00 AM
    Well, Christ had no demons. St Francis had no demons. Mother Teresa had no demons. How about the Dalai Lama has no demons.

    You see, some people are born pure. Then there are some who have gotten rid of their demons before death. Then there are those like FN folks who die to their demons because their demons own them.

    The GOP has some demons but they have a chance to get rid of their demons because they are willing and humble enough to do so. The Democrats have no chance.

    1. St. Francis was a soldier, a brawler and a drunk as a young man, before his conversion. Mother Terasa's humanitarianism was murdurously dogmatic on HIV prevention, and willfully blind to the human suffering of excess childbearing. Not my version of a Saint at all.

  21. ”I thought the point was that you are under the impression, because of that one link to an opinion article on a socialist website, that Obama is a conservative.

    From your reply, it appears being mocked for that one socialist website link you now want to change the point to it's all about romney being a sleazeball.

    From Obama is a conservative to romney is a sleaze ball.”

    Bill, it is genuinely difficult to communicate with someone of your limited intelligence. I’m not used to attempting to communicate with people as dumb as you, and it takes some getting used to. In my private life I know of nobody as limited in their cognitive abilities as you.

    This time, you start off with a straight up and down lie. You say that one link from a Socialist website convinced me that Obama was a conservative. Leaving aside the fact that it was not even a Socialist website, the more important point is that I have said on many occasions over many years that Obama is a conservative, and what’s more you picked up on that very point on many occasions. You claimed several times that was evidence of my far-Left extremism. So you are either a liar or you have early stage Alzheimer’s. I suspect the truth is, you are a liar (but you might want to check up with a neurologist just to be sure...)


    Secondly, both the statements ‘Obama is a Conservative’ and ‘Romney is a racist sleazeball’ are manifestly true. There has been no attempt to move goalposts. I was simply explaining that for many, Obama was the least worst option. Of course you know that, you simply chose to be disingenuous - again.


    Imagine a white troll trying to make the point all those black democrats voters are so stupid they voted for a conservative.”

    i) By any European standards Democrats ARE conservatives, in America the political landscape only covers varying shades of conservatism.
    ii) Voting for Obama was not stupid, as I have pointed out above and yesterday, it was the least worst option.

    ”I guess it's obvious why FN won't chime in and agree with PurpleCow.”

    Here’s the thing you still don’t get, Bill. Field does not have to agree with me. I know you think all black folks are exactly the same and are incapable of independent thought, but the truth is we have different opinions about stuff quite often.

  22. Well Bill is a Que afterall and so as is often the case Queish behavior often manifests. Not surprised if true. Ha! I bet Dick Gregory won't be accused of drugging chicks. 00000000006!

  23. Bill, I am glad you are checking the archives , you could learn a lot from my past words. ;)

  24. Limpbaugh6:38 AM

    Cosby's don't talk Ebonics types of speeches seemed "house" to me. His criticisms were sort of the opposite of accusing people of "acting white", and that isn't right either. Thankfully, everybody isn't the same.

  25. Anonymous8:28 AM

    It's hard to reconcile Cosby's grandfatherly public image and his efforts on behalf of the black community (controversial as he is, I think his career has been a net positive overall) with the accusation that he's a serial rapist.

    But then, it's also pretty hard to believe that Cosby could be innocent. I mean, if there were only one or two accusations, these could maybe have been made by malicious women looking for a payday. That is remotely believable.

    But 13 women? A grand total of 13 women have now accused him of assaulting them. It's extremely difficult to believe they could all be lying.

    And I don't think anyone is ever going to admit to being a prolific rapist, even if there are no legal consequences. The public shame alone is too great. It will always be preferable to maintain some doubt about the situation, if only a tiny shred of doubt.

  26. Anonymous8:54 AM

    "Well, Christ had no demons. St Francis had no demons. Mother Teresa had no demons. How about the Dalai Lama has no demons."

    I don't know about the rest of the folks you've listed, but there have been some "demons" alleged against Mother Teresa. (I don't know how credible they are, just that they've been made.)

    There have been claims that some of her care for the poor and the sick wasn't all it was cracked up to be, and that sometimes she used the money donated to help the unfortunate was used irresponsibly by her organization, thereby worsening their suffering.

    There have also been claims that she protected a pedophile priest with whom she associated.

  27. Anonymous8:58 AM

    "I hope the lightning carves and shaves Field's ass down until his ass is 'flat'... like those trailer park whites down South."

    I am sure Mr. Field is quaking in fear that God will smite him with a flat butt.


    Some of the commenters on this blog are truly strange cats.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.





  30. Anonymous9:59 AM


    "Success is the black man's kryptonite. Those women would not be attacking him if he were not successful. They are just doing what the wm asked them to do:

    "Set Bill up for the shame-kill."

  31. Lord have mercy! Anon@11:52 is funny.
    Will the god of the Kardashians strike me down?


  32. The Purple Cow said...
    This time, you start off with a straight up and down lie. You say that one link from a Socialist website convinced me that Obama was a conservative

    You're right, I was wrong.

    2 links

    You also posted a link to american conservative, quoting hannity and coulter.

  33. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I am devastated by this article about Bill Cosby. I don't know what to do. I am so depressed that I can't get out of bed.

    What is this world coming to? It can't be true. If Bill did this then everybody in life is crooked and crazy and life is not what it is cracked up to be.

    Mr Field, I do hope your ass is flat by now and your skin is the right hue for an albino. You should be an interesting a negro zombie.


  34. field negro said...
    Bill, I am glad you are checking the archives , you could learn a lot from my past words. ;)

    That is true.


  35. The Today show is showing the gruber videos.

    Not a good look for Obama.

  36. Anonymous10:19 AM

    "Set Bill up for the shame-kill."

    9:59 AM
    I just want to clarify 'who' Bill is. Bill is Bill Cosby, the bm, not the wm on FN.

    I want to cover my ass because I don't want white Bill to be pissed at me and after me start whip-sawing me like he does to PC.

    I hope I am in the 'clear'?


  37. Another example of the Obama economy that FN keeps praising...

    Number Of Homeless Children In America Surges To All-Time High: Report

    Doesn't get a lot of media attention, after all, how does reporting the truth help Obama?

  38. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Well, the physician with ebola has died in Nebraska. He was Black. Funny, the only ones dying from this disease in America are Black.

  39. Cos has been notorious for years for being a sleaze and a hypocrite. When he'd do an extended gig in Vegas or Reno back in the '80s he'd stay in the celebrity suite at the hotel but stick the wife and kids in a rental house so he'd be free to party. I'd like to believe the women he partied with all did so were all of legal age and hopping into bed willingly, but apparently not.

    Sorry about the Eagles. It's not that often that I watch a football game and start thinking the NFL should have a mercy rule.

  40. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Man oh man! Ahahahaaa! Well I just had my first laugh of the day!

    The latest so called 'victim' that was allegedly drugged and raped by Mr. Cosby, get this: SHE WENT BACK A SECOND TIME!!!

    She went back and DRANK a spiked drink YET AGAIN! With of course,surprise surprise, the same results!

    Ahahahahahaa! OMG! Will wonders never cease.

  41. Bueno, mi isla princesa, una vez que usted va negro que siempre vuelves.

  42. Anonymous12:42 PM

    FP from a previous thread:
    "are you my friendly homosexual friend? that might explain it. ya'll don't give a solid dang about het women. we are standing in the way of what you really want. lol. not mad, just Real clear on what time it is."

    I am your "friendly homosexual friend" AKA the "hateful homo queen" (the name you gave me a while back, although you later kinda/sorta took it back).

    Let me be clear. There is no competition between straight women and gay men for men. Let me break it down.

    If a man is gay, no woman can have him sexually.

    If a man is straight, no man can have him sexually.

    If a man is bisexual, well, he's up for grabs. It depends on what HE wants at any given point in time.

    I repeat, there is no competition between straight women and gay men for men. Period.

    I hope my explanation cleared that up but something tells me that "somebody" is going to have something to say about it.

  43. Poop Avenger12:52 PM

    The three greatest presidents in America's history:

    1.William Taft
    2.John Quincy Adams
    3.Barack Obama

  44. Anonymous1:01 PM

    señor kinky said...
    Bueno, mi isla princesa, una vez que usted va negro que siempre vuelves.
    12:39 PM
    Si mi rey! Asi parece ser,at least in her case anyway ;D
    Pero como todo, eso depende!

  45. Anonymous1:52 PM

    "If a man is bisexual, well, he's up for grabs. It depends on what HE wants at any given point in time.

    I repeat, there is no competition between straight women and gay men for men. Period."

    Most gay bm are bisexual. I found my wife in bed with her gay male friend.

    You are an endangerment to het men and women. That is probably why the Bible speaks out against homosexuality because it can destroy het families.

    Isn't that why you can't stand FP, because she laid out the truth? There is something wrong going on spiritually on the planet...the likes never seen or experienced before. It's very scary and I am sure you will agree.

    I wish Field would address this conundrum but he is too scared and weak to do so.

    Even PC and PilotX are mum about this, which proves they are against it. And they are two leftist liberals who have spoken 'for' just about anything moral and immoral...including abortions.

  46. Anonymous2:00 PM

    OpenID lilacpr2000 said...
    señor kinky said...
    Bueno, mi isla princesa, una vez que usted va negro que siempre vuelves.
    12:39 PM
    Si mi rey! Asi parece ser,at least in her case anyway ;D
    Pero como todo, eso depende!

    Can somebody tell FN what the hell they are talking about? I bet it's about sex.

  47. I agree - this is oh, so sad. (My wife thinks Cosby's personality type is consistent with rape charges--was always too "arrogant", she says) She wasn't even in the country when "I Spy" aired, though.

    A small point - I think Cosby cancelled the Letterman and Queen Latifah appearances rather than vice-versa. Even if it's true he's sexually twisted, he's not a fool.

  48. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Bill Cosby likes to have sex just like Lillac and some of the rest of you FN folks do.

    Why can't an old man have a little nooky every now and then? What's the big deal?

    Lilac isn't bothered by it. So why should any woman be bothered by it?

    This a witch hunt on Cosby. As a bm I won't stand for it.

    I bet Buress was paid handsomely to accuse Cosby while on stage.

  49. Really anon? You "found" your wife in bed with a gay dude? Ok, sorry to break it to ya playa but one of two things happened. 1. Dude wasn't really gay but played the role to get your girl or 2. You skills were so lame she said F it and tried to get it on with a gay dude. If I were you I'd go with 1 but I'm not in the business of giving grown assed men advice. And in the future leave my name out of your bullshit.

  50. No problem with a little "nookey".But it has to be given voluntarily.

    Kinky, u two cut that out right now. I am getting jealous.

  51. Pilot checking fools in the fields. :)

  52. Why is it appropriate for Black media outlets including FN blog to take down BC now??

    Where was this posture during his backward and offensive lecture tour on the shortcomings of poor folks??

    Let me think here oh yeah because the MSM aka White Media now has BC on radar the Black media must now engaged ....WTF

    Yawn not interested in BC sex life BTW

  53. Anonymous2:40 PM

    "Most gay bm are bisexual. I found my wife in bed with her gay male friend."

    Oh my goodness. This is the silliest thing I've read all ... month (year?).

    So based on you allegedly catching your wife in bed with her "gay" male friend you conclude that MOST gay men (this would be a few million men) are bisexual. lol

    Probably your wife's "gay" friend was bisexual all along and she knew this. She just told you he was gay. Did this ever occur to you? In fact, he might not have even been bisexual. He may, in fact, have been STRAIGHT. She just didn't want you to think she was hanging out with a straight man. Your wife has definitely lied to you on some level.

    Your wife probably just told your dumb azz he was "gay" to throw you off the track. Did that ever occur to you? Have you divorced the hussy yet? lol

    I'm sure that your wife was not the first woman he ever fucked. And the time you caught them was not the first time they ever fucked. They were probably fucking all along. They were having an affair and he was NOT gay OR bisexual.

    Apparently you weren't getting the job done the way your wife wanted so she decided to let her "gay" friend (who was actually straight, btw) pick up the slack.

    I'm sorry but you are a fool.

  54. Anonymous2:44 PM

    @Pilot X
    You got to the point in a lot less time than I did. That was brilliant. lol

  55. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    Pilot checking fools in the fields. :)

    2:23 PM

    Now see? This is why FN is unsafe to work through the past about one's experiences on FN. Not only does some south side Negro puts you down, but Field himself joins in the party.

    I've been depressed every since that incident, and so was my wife and even the gay guy. He was totally surprised that he was bisexual.

    Now I know you are thinking the gay man wasn't gay and he was lying. FYI, we had a friend with a lie detector come by the house and it proved he was telling the truth.

    My wife? Well, we have been in therapy for 8 years and we are still working through that traumatic day..

    So Brother Field, I would appreciate a little compassion here....PX YOU ARE AN INSENSITIVE SOUTH-SIDE CHICAGO ASS!

  56. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Judging from your comment, het bw are not to be trusted.


  57. Still, there’s no denying that many blacks share the same anxieties as many whites
    about the wave of illegal immigration flooding our Southern border—a sense that
    what’s happening now is fundamentally different from what has gone on before. Not all
    these fears are irrational. The number of immigrants added to the labor force every year
    is of a magnitude not seen in this country for over a century. If this huge influx of
    mostly low-skill workers provides some benefits to the economy as a whole—especially
    by keeping our workforce young, in contrast to an increasingly geriatric Europe and
    Japan—it also threatens to depress further the wages of blue-collar Americans and put
    strains on an already overburdened safety net.

  58. Anonymous2:59 PM

    "Well, the physician with ebola has died in Nebraska. He was Black. Funny, the only ones dying from this disease in America are Black."

    If you're using this dude as evidence of a racist conspiracy in the U.S., then you're not being entirely truthful with yourself. The doctor got infected with Ebola while working in Africa and was already in extremely bad shape before the decision was even made to ship him home. He died within 36 hours of arriving back to the U.S.

    If blame for his death needs to be laid somewhere, it's not with our health system.

    (This is a contrast with the Liberian fellow who died in Dallas. In that case the hospital definitely did screw up. We'll never know for sure whether his life could have been saved, but the hospital has reached an undisclosed financial settlement with the man's family.)

  59. Anonymous3:05 PM

    "Well, the physician with ebola has died in Nebraska. He was Black. Funny, the only ones dying from this disease in America are Black."

    Also, you might want to note that Amber Vinson, one of the Dallas nurses who got infected while treating Liberian Thomas Duncan, was black.

    She received the best treatment our health system can provide and has now made a full recovery.

  60. Anonymous3:08 PM

    "Judging from your comment, het bw are not to be trusted."

    The results of a study that was published in Ebony magazine about 10 years ago indicated that almost half of MARRIED black women cheat on their husbands.

    Btw, this study was done by a black woman medical professional.

  61. Anonymous3:18 PM

    "Isn't that why you can't stand FP, because she laid out the truth?"

    What truth did FP "lay out"? She admitted in a previous thread that she did not understand homosexuality. Did you miss that?

  62. bi anybody = up for grabs.

    that would be bi curious as well.

    and age = just a number.

    some hets + some gays come for 'em super young. chicken hawk is how the gay men call their behavior with little boys. not sure what the lesbians call their get down. molestation? that's how folk call it when hets practice the same behavior.

    some gays reserve the right to be quite vocal about the hets involvement in such practices. while mums the word on the gay side of things. homophobe!

    deny, lie + name call all folk want. i won't play along.

    i hate injustice which is why i have stood for gay folk in the past without ever needing to be asked. folk gotta a right to live freely.

    however the everyone must promote the gay agenda bullying = ya'll got it from here. i'm Good.

    some gay folk have a term called "flipping" which = take a het and flip them to the other side.

    as an outside observer it looks like the same behavior in het men when they feverishly seek to conquer the woman that was not trying to be bothered. rather than going to get it in with the woman who is down for whatever. whenever.

    i have personally sat and listened as gay men spoke of flipping a het man. they tend to fixate on the most masculine manly ones. this is also why sometimes gay men meet with violence though it is not trendy to tell this Truth. sometimes it is not gay bashing but an over zealous gay man treating a no like it means yes. ya'll know how some menfolk do. gay men are STILL men.

    deception + homosexuality go together like peanut butter and the non stop lies do not surprise.

    in the closet simply = cloaked in lies/ deceit.

    @ Anon- your wife probably did not consider her behavior cheating...since her homie was gay/bi/will try anything at least once. lol. het man= cheating. same behavior with a gay man= not so much. makes no sense but none of this madness does, really.

    i have seen het women allow gay men take all types of liberties with them/their bodies. from feeling them up in ways that they would NEVER allow a het man. to dressing/making them up to look like trannies. to the point where it was clear, from the outside looking in, that the gay was playing a cruel anti woman joke. a joke which only the woman on the receiving end did not get.

    some misguided women even do all this in front of their men and can't see why their men take offense. it boggles the mind really.

    this behavior resonates with me as disrespect for hets and the het contract which quite a few gays- men + women- have. het women have it coming from all sides. ex) Sandra Rose SWEARS it is in keeping with Scriptures for menfolk to be running throughout the land fornicating up a storm + dropping bastard seed in the process. weaker het women allow themselves to be tormented by this lesbian lie straight from the pit of hell.

    maybe she is trying to flip a few het women out...literally. 'cause when some het women get disgusted enough with the misbehavior of some menfolk...

  63. from last thread: there IS a gay dictionary- because gays consider themselves to be a separate people with their own language- hence the dictionary. one can find chicken hawk in said dictionary. not sure if flipping made the cut. yet.

    this dictionary was no doubt created by White gays who in some cases practice racism + outcast Black gays quite frequently. so i can see how an ignorant BM homo that seeks to bicker with het women over nothing, would miss the memo. i forgive in advance for ignorance causing folk to accuse me of lying. don't take my word for it...

    check it out.

    this is the information age.

    nothing hidden will remain that way.

    i have been as tolerant, as i can be, of the residential hurt/angry gay guy that seeks to negatively engage me. it is written that folk shall eat by the fruit of their mouths, so i changed the accurate description into what i would like to see.

    that still didn't work so much. lol. so i give up.

    i recognize my limitations and will limit my comments as a direct result going forward. i truly seek to be pleasing in Yah's sight. so residential gay guy that truly seems to despise you. i am a natural queen + elevated above certain things. bickering with menfolk = one of 'em.


    Anon, i am sorry for the betrayal. gayness has not much to do with the equation, really when folk bottom line it. it is the betrayal that stings. hopefully understanding how some women process things when it deals with gay buddies will help in some small way.

    folk that won't tell the Truth about BO cannot be expected to tell the Truth about the clear as day gay agenda. it is common knowledge that the gay mafia will be unleashed to eliminate all Peace. so folk play it safe. neutral. lukewarm. let US pray for them not lash out at 'em.

    i pray your heart is healed and Love fills it again:) you deserve it. big hug + Much Love.

    Blessings all!

  64. @ 3:18 PM-

    let me say it a different way...

    as a het woman...

    homosexuality makes no sense.

    it is a clear dead end.

    without creative science application it gives birth to nothing outside of disease and confusion...which Almighty is not the author of.

    the above is not popular to say. when efforts to be diplomatic are made...

    those that stay twisted get things all twisted.

    now, there. hope that straightened matters out for you.

    pun intended.

    ps. do yourself a favor and keep my name out your mouth.


    Blessings to you.

    for Real. not mad at ya, just a bit tired of you. you are not a cute happy gay. me no likey angry spiteful deceitful gays;( though i appreciate you. you show me how much He has grown me. i am thankful to Most High.

  65. Maybe Bill was trying to teach these ladies how to handle Jello Pudding Pops.

  66. And these ladies being racist, they misinterpreted the kindness of a black man.

  67. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    St. Francis was a soldier, a brawler and a drunk as a young man, before his conversion. Mother Terasa's humanitarianism was murdurously dogmatic on HIV prevention, and willfully blind to the human suffering of excess childbearing. Not my version of a Saint at all.

    3:08 PM
    Re: St Francis, it is true he was a soldier and a business man before his
    his conversion. He might have been a drunk and a brawler but I must have missed that in his bio. Regardless, he converted and left the secular world to serve God.

    So what's your point about Francis? Are you saying because he was a soldier, a 'drunk and a brawler' that he is a phony? Please explain.

    Re: Mother Teresa: Your opinion of Mother Teresa is murderously callous of a Saint. Of course, the human ego(Satan) will always see a Saint as someone who is wrong in their ways. It can't be otherwise. People like you are anti-Saints, anti-Sages, anti-Church, anti-Religion, anti-God and anti-people of faith.

    You are in the business of 'staining' the Sacred and the good in any way you can.

    Mother Teresa, like St Francis, dedicated her life to God and and His children. Of course, you wouldn't see that. All you can see is what you want to see in order to discredit her and others the Sacrificial Spirit that you know nothing about, and care nothing about.

    I urge you to read Mother Teresa's letter to the Supreme Court regarding the Roe vs Wade decision. You being a lawyer should appreciate it. If, after reading it, you still think she is no humanitarian and murderously hard on human conscience, then there is nothing more to talk about.

  68. Judging from your comment, het bw are not to be trusted.


    actually from that comment/story menfolk best be giving so called gay bff's another/closer look.

    het, homo, bi...people cheat. up a storm now a days. lots of sex with e'erybody = how gay men get down. those all committed = rare, indeed. so let's just stop pretending homosexuals are dying, in large numbers, to "marry" and adopt the babies they could never naturally have.


    thank you.

    for purposes of this convo...

    are folk acting like they Really don't know that gays marry/sex women and have children while pretending they are straight?

    is that info REALLY a newsflash?

    so it stands to reason that a gay man will sex his best woman friend if she will let him. men do what they are allowed. gay or straight. this post demonstrates that there are some that do what they want whether they are allowed or not.

    so the notion there are no crossed wires= stop lying. mr gay man laying out his elementary explanation like it is all that cut and dry = lie.

    come on ya'll. the pc all gay everything agenda is not telling hets the Truth about anything. those with no exposure to the life have NO IDEA how things Really go down.

    angry gay BM that wishes BW would die out knows i know. he still didn't answer if that sentiment goes double for hiv infected gay men. THAT'S how this whole exchange began. my question was NOT rhetorical. so he is all med. (spelled how it needs to be pronounced. lol) med, still.

    there is a reason the homosexual condition was classified a mental disorder...folk getting all brand new changes nothing. those that don't know the purpose of things tend to abuse them. gay men abuse that which is used for what it is not naturally intended. those professionals that treat them have been silenced in the interest of advancing the gay agenda.

    het men in large numbers demonstrate limited self control with women. but folk will straight face pretend when it comes to gay men they are somehow different. why?

    while folk over here quoting professionals from ebony magazine. lol. go see what professionals treating homosexuals have to say then run tell THAT.

    it will be interesting to see if folk will act like baby, man/boy, + furry love = perfectly normal once these folk get that re-classified. they are working on it and been working on it as long as the gays have. no doubt folk like me that won't fall for it will get the stank eye then, too.

    it is all Good. Stand for nothing, fall for everything.

  69. Anonymous8:40 PM

    "there is a reason the homosexual condition was classified a mental disorder"

    The reason homosexuality was once classified as a mental disorder was homophobia. Pure and simple.

    Once upon a time, black men in America were classified by law as 3/5 of a man with "no rights that a white man had to respect". This was considered wrong by some people and they worked to overturn it and eventually they did.

    Homosexuality has not been classified as a mental disorder in the U.S. for more than 30 years. Because good people worked HARD to overturn it. Eventually they succeeded.

    FP probably thinks homosexuality should go BACK to being classified as a mental disorder? She has plenty of company among the Republicans she so loves.

  70. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Anon wrote,
    FP probably thinks homosexuality should go BACK to being classified as a mental disorder? She has plenty of company among the Republicans she so loves.
    Total BS. There are a lot of so called progressives/democrats that would be first in line to call these people faggots. Typical liberal hypocrisy.


  71. Anonymous9:01 PM

    "Once upon a time, black men in America were classified by law as 3/5 of a man with "no rights that a white man had to respect". This was considered wrong by some people and they worked to overturn it and eventually they did."

    FYI, bm are STILL considered as less than a wm with no rights that a wm has to respect today. The treatment of the bm by the police proves that. TM proved that.

    "FP probably thinks homosexuality should go BACK to being classified as a mental disorder? She has plenty of company among the Republicans she so loves."

    FP is a Republican? I didn't know that.

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. @ 8:40pm-

    NO one is afraid of homosexuals.

    and yes...

    pervert kinsey, mr gay hay and the founder of nambla- all there together- worked hard to have it reclassified to healthy new normal.

    take a stroll through history + look. see.

    just as pie (pedophile information exchange)+ other baby "lovers" are working hard now to have their love of children re-classified.

    folk are CLEARLY born Black. homosexuals not so much...folk don't address the rampant molestation that goes into the homosexual making process in large numbers. classify it whatever...i will go with what's written. even homosexual deviant King James left what's written as is.

    i neither hate nor fear homosexuals + have zero intent of bowing down in the face of name calling + games of make believe supported by precisely no facts. while folk fixated on what i have to say, get a load of the elementary deceptive nonsense like this:

    "If a man is gay, no woman can have him sexually."

    folk need to hip unsuspecting women married for DECADES to homosexuals of THIS brand newness.



    LOL. whateva...

    QLB= ugh. your hateful slurs = disgusting as per usual + unnecessary. i hope a pack of gay men hem you up but Good. lol.



  74. @9:01pm- please forgive me. i misread the comment.

    i am not a republican...

    to make their non points in the face of pure uncut refuse to bow down this is what it is...

    folk just start making stuff up.

    though it is funny.

    some obamaholics + some homosexuals think it is like calling folk a child molester to call them republicans. i find it nothing short of hysterical.



    please accept my apology for the comment directed at you. i misspoke.

  75. StillaPanther210:02 PM

    Heard that Brother Cosby had so much power in the 70-80s that he could not be arrested for the rape of minors or any other women.

    Brother Cosby nor any other Black male had that much power that he could avoid being arrested for his misdeeds. I can not think of any Black male that had ANY POWER in America that would allow him to play loose and fancy with the white man's law. Don't get 2014 twisted with 1980s.

    Today we have only both ends of the spectrum that are presented. Either we have victims or oppressors. Any questioning of the misdeeds/deeds bring out rigid positions. There is no room for intelligence debate. The gray areas are not present. Especially when the issues are related race or sex. There are unique qualities that are inherent when sex and behaviors are on the table.

    Just remember no Black man had the powers to rape 17 (visions of Tiger Woods) females openly and still walk free in MY America.

    Would not the Freedom of Information Act brings more light to the subject. If Bro Bill can bed 17, just think of the REAL powerful w/male numbers.

  76. Anonymous10:33 PM

    I always felt there was something wrong with Bill but I couldn't tell what it was. All I knew that he was strange and not quite right. Plus he was ugly.

    SAP2, you hit the nail on the head. I have never known any bm with such power that he could get away with such.

    Oh wait! OJ was a powerhouse in his own right. Hell, he got away with murder. Too bad he was so dumb that he threw away his position in the white community. They really loved him. Now they hate 'em or hate 'em.

    Personally, I think OJ lost his marbles when he saw his wife with another dude. It was so traumatic that he lost all control.

    But you are right. Black men in America never had any power. To be Black is to be powerless. Of course, we can take our powerlessness and fear out on other Blacks, on each other and feel like we got power. That is an illusion, though.

  77. Limpbaugh2:02 PM

    Kudos to Hannibal Buress for calling out a serial rapist. He'd be a good Field Negro of the Day. A derogatory designation for Cosby would be an understatement. It might be appropriate if he were only a hypocrite for telling other comedians not to swear, but he did much worse.
