Saturday, November 08, 2014


I need a caption for this pic.

I have one:

I love your style. My Cherie Amour is my favorite song of all time. 


  1. Bill T.1:10 PM

    "I hate to tell you this, Ray, but you just peed in the ladies' room."

  2. Ronaldus Maximus2:22 PM


    "See, I told you I was black"

  3. I see you're doing a great job


  4. Reagan: Ray, I appreciate you singing at the '84 republican party convention.

    Ray: No worries Ronnie, glad to help you out. Had great fun performing at your Inaugural Ball.
    I autographed my "Ray Charles: The Complete Country & Western Recordings" album for you and the wife.

    Reagan: Thanks, I'm going to wear a groove in this record listening to it.

    Ray: It's the least I can do for all your help with working on disability issues. Your proclamation "decade of disabled persons" and helping me with launching the National Organization On Disability's Ad Council campaign.

  5. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Mr Reagan, I want you and everybody to know that I live in a 'color blind world.'

  6. Ok Bill @1:10 pm, that wasn't bad.

    Anon@4:20, that was pretty good as well.

  7. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Kanye who?


  8. Ray Charles cooning? Disgusting.

    I will destroy all my Ray Charles cds.

    I don't listen to country and western uncle toms.

  9. Anonymous6:26 PM

    "And then they said Michael Sam was innocent and the upcoming protests would be peaceful."

  10. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Ronald Reagan:

    No, seriously, Ray, I used to be a liberal -- a union head -- until wealthy businessman Lemuel Boulware Lemuel Boulware got ahold of me and melted my brain.

  11. You n***** won't be laughing in 30 years once Reganomics kicks in.

  12. Wesley R8:43 PM

    Ha Yisheng.

    Reaganomics also known as Voodoo Economics by George Bush The Senior.

  13. Anonymous9:02 PM

    And she, dr. queen claims to be a doctor!


  14. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Ray, have you heard? Purple Cow hates Country and Western!

    Ray, I thought that would make you laugh.

  15. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Ray, have you heard? Purple Cow hates Country and Western!


    But purple cow loves white women.

    You know these black militant types, they love sticking it to whitey!!!


  16. R.C.: I know it ain't polite to laugh at the feeble-minded, but this old cracker is a scream.

    -Doug in Oakland

  17. Craka Smasha11:45 PM

    Reagun: "Ray, don't laugh but I think I just shit on myself again."

  18. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Ray - I can tell by your smile, no one has told you that you are Black yet.

  19. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Yīngratē said...

    You n***** won't be laughing in 30 years once Reganomics kicks in.

    Says the leach who Reaganomics has kept in school for 30 years...

    1. And now thanks to Obamacare, your methhead mammy can afford dentures.

      But keep paying your trailer taxes, because I'm not done with school yet.

  20. Anonymous1:34 AM

    Whoa wait, you mean to tell me the B actor who starred in "Bedtime for Bonzo" is the president????????????


  21. Expanding upon Mr. Field's caption: "Funny how you are color blind, Ronnie, confusing me with Stevie Wonder. Guess I"ll Drown in My Own Tears."

  22. Oh my, Saint Ronnie Of Reagan gets no love from you Negroes. :)

  23. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Whoa wait, you mean to tell me the B actor who starred in "Bedtime for Bonzo" is the president????????????


    1:34 AM
    If you think that is shocking, wait til I tell ya about the lying actor who is President now.

    BTW, they are going to impeach that no good lying ass actor from Chicago.

    But Mr. Reagan, you were a good President who brought down the Berlin Wall. That was magnificent!

    But this President today sinks us deeper into war, and racial strife. Blacks are poorer than they have ever been jobs.

    America is headed toward the way of Detroit. They will impeach this President(GOP + Dems).

    It's a shame. He is the country's first black President and he has made the worst showing of all previous Presidents.

    It's a damn shame.

  24. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Blogger field negro said...
    Oh my, Saint Ronnie Of Reagan gets no love from you Negroes. :)

    6:19 AM

    Brother Field, anon6:31am is Black and recognizes the great things Reagan did.

    I mean, he was the first to bring awareness to our "color blind society".

    And, don't forget, he freed East Berlin without firing a shot.

    You see, when Reagan was President, Russia was afraid of Reagan.

    But today it is just the reverse:

    Obama is afraid of Russia!

    Some of you FN Negroes need to wake up and appreciate Reagan....Obama did! That was a clue into the nature of this Negro...all good for Whites.

  25. field negro said...
    Oh my, Saint Ronnie Of Reagan gets no love from you Negroes. :)

    Well, considering negroes are the most ill-informed and unaware among us (according to the DOJ), their hate and disrespect isn't shocking.

    Blacks consider Obama their messiah and give him a 90% approval rating.

    There's nothing Obama can do that would cause him to lose support among blacks.

    Which makes this SNL skit so funny.

    Question is, how has Obama reward blacks for their undying loyalty?

  26. Yīngyēng said...
    But keep paying your trailer taxes, because I'm not done with school yet.

    Gotta love that Black Privilege.

  27. Anon@6:31, from a scale of 1-10 Saint Ronnie was a 4 and O is a 6+

    Sorry. :)

    Just the facts.


  28. field negro said...
    Anon@6:31, from a scale of 1-10 Saint Ronnie was a 4 and O is a 6+
    Just the facts.

    Facts say otherwise...

    Obama re-election 2012
    Electoral vote 332
    States carried 26

    reagan re-election 1984
    Electoral vote 525
    States carried 49

    Reagan was so popular his vice president was elected president.

    Biden has zero chance of being elected president.

    Democrats didn't even want obama campaigning for them.

    Where did you get your facts?


  29. field negro said...
    Anon@6:31, from a scale of 1-10 Saint Ronnie was a 4 and O is a 6+

    25 years ago today-
    “Mr. Gorbachev, Tear down this wall!”

    25 years from now Obama will still be remembered for-
    "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor."

  30. "Ray, they tell me you're black and I believe them, but I don't see color."

    shoutout to Stephen Colbert.

  31. Anonymous12:14 PM

    C'mon Ray shine my shoe,aint no body lookin'!

  32. field negro said...

    Anon@6:31, from a scale of 1-10 Saint Ronnie was a 4 and O is a 6+

    Reagan turns around the worst economy since Roosevelt, sparks a 25 year boom, wins the Cold War, and makes Americans proud of their country again.

    Obama adds 8 trillion in debt, puts 1/6 of the nation on food stamps, ruins the country's healthcare system, turns the military into a bathhouse, shreds the Constitution, imports tens of millions of welfare recipients along with their exotic diseases, and takes race relations back to Reconstruction.

    Gotta love that Negro Logic.

  33. Ronny: "Did you hear that Michael Brown's mom was arrested for felony robbery with a weapon when she attacked Michael Brown's Grandma over T-shirt money?

    Ray: "Oh dem Negroes!"

    Ronny: "Pants up, don't loot!"

    Ray: "Stop it motherfucker or I'm a gonna piss my pants!"

  34. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Ahahahahaha! You've got some good crack did you say Ronnie? What a joker ahaahaahaa!

  35. Hmmm, gotta love redneck logic even more. (Sarcasm off)

    Let's see now: Crack epidemic, tripled the debt, lost the trade war with countries like China and Japan, spread human rights abuses throughout the region and at home....I could go on. Glad to give u a link if u like.

    Let's see now, Obama:

    Deficit reduced by over trillion dollars, unemployment below 6% , record number of jobs added, OBL dead, overall reform of a f****d up healthcare system, GM saved, country saved from financial disaster after the fiasco of the George Bush presidency, and no major terrorist attacks on American soil.

    Maybe I will give him a 7 and not a 6+.

  36. Here u go wingnut, I know that reading is not your thing, but check out this link.
    Have your nurse read it for you if it gets to be a bit much.

  37. ctrl+halt+del3:20 PM

    Mr. Charles I almost died when you told Nancy to "squeal like a pig!"

  38. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Kinky, "Question is, how has Obama reward blacks for their undying loyalty?"

    10:11 AM
    Kinky you have hit my black hot button. That ungrateful sorry Obama has rewarded us with no jobs, less jobs and has ignored us as if we don't even exist. I will never forget it.

    What's more, he has dug us into a deeper hole for the future to insure we will even go deeper into that snake hole.

    So, to answer your question: "Obama has done NOTHING to reward or help us."

    Congress, controlled by Republicans is a message re: Obama...he IS the worst...And this message comes from both Blacks and Whites.

  39. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    "Here u go wingnut, I know that reading is not your thing, but check out this link.
    Have your nurse read it for you if it gets to be a bit much."

    Brother Field, you are conflating Whites with Blacks. It's Blacks who pitifully uneducated and can't read. REMEMBER?

    Please, brother Field, stop setting us up for an obvious slam from Bill and Kinky. You have GOT to be smarter than that?

  40. "Brother Field, you are conflating Whites with Blacks. It's Blacks who pitifully uneducated and can't read. REMEMBER?"

    You have no right to refer to Field as 'brother'.

  41. Anonymous4:42 PM

    field negro said...

    Deficit reduced by over trillion dollars (Increase it by two, then only increase by one, voila, deficit reduction!)

    unemployment below 6% (just stop counitng 50 million people out of work, voila "6%" unemployment)

    record number of jobs added (umm, no)

    OBL dead (thanks, Seal Team 6),

    overall reform of a f****d up healthcare system (overall fuckup of a functioning healthcare system - just wait til January!)

    GM saved ($50 billion in tax payer money given to Obama campaign donors)

    country saved from financial disaster after the fiasco of the George Bush presidency (a fiasco caused by the democrat slush fun Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac, courtesy of the Pelosi-Reid congress)

    and no major terrorist attacks on American soil (just ask the folks at Fort Hood what a "major" terrorist attack is!)

    Negro facts - not so coherent.

  42. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...
    "Brother Field, you are conflating Whites with Blacks. It's Blacks who pitifully uneducated and can't read. REMEMBER?"

    You have no right to refer to Field as 'brother'.

    4:23 PM
    Who are YOU to determine the rights of others? You sound like some white boy trying to gain Field's pitiful. It's a sign of very low self-esteem.

  43. Anonymous5:12 PM

    "Negro facts - not so coherent."

    4:42 PM
    Anon, I wish you wouldn't use the term "Negro facts". It sounds so bad for the entire black race. Not all Blacks are Negroes with unreasonable and illogical reasoning.

    FYI. AAs are very segmented. One segment does not think or relate like the other. In other words, there are Blacks who 'recognize' and 'don't identify' with Negroes who support Obama.

    It's unfortunate that Blacks aren't a cohesive race, but some Blacks live in reality. Negroes like Field, PX and PC don't.

  44. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Sorry Anon, no offense to coherent thinking blacks.

    Those are "negro facts" in that they are those that are presented to blacks by the media.

    Field probably doesn't know any better.

    Skoal Brother.

  45. PC, is right. You are not black. And besides, even if u were, you certainly would not be considered a brother of mine.

  46. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Such TNB Field, even from you. He can call you anything he wants. There's that pesky 1st Amendment that allows. What would you prefer? For him/her to call you a N!&&@&? You'd be pissed off at that too.
    BTW the weekend Chicago shit show has recorded its 4 confirmed kill along with 12 wounded. The lack of shame is simply stunning.


  47. If a leftist moon bat site pretending to do "Independent Investigative Journalism Since 1995" says it be true, than it mus be true.

    BTW field, have you made a donation yet?

  48. Field i notice you didn't mention job numbers of Obama and Reagan.

    I also notice you didn't mention income growth for poor and the middle class families and wage growth under Obama.

    Oh wait, there hasn't been any.



  49. field negro said...
    Let's see now, Obama:
    Deficit reduced by over trillion dollars,

    12/31/2008 BUSH $10,699,804,864,612
    12/31/2012 OBAMA $16,432,730,050,569

    10/2008-9/2009 $11,909,829
    11/2013-9/2014 $17,824,071

    2009 11,898
    2014 17,824

    record number of jobs added

    Ronald Reagan R +5,322
    Ronald Reagan R +10,780
    Barack Obama D +1,536
    Barack Obama D +3,646

    4875 Barack Obama Democrat
    13,621 Ronald Reagan Republican

    President Obama hasn’t racked up the 18 million jobs created under Reagan or the 22 million under Clinton but the Obama economy...

    unemployment below 6%

    U.S. unemployment decrease reflects more workforce dropouts
    Even so, the unemployment rate dropped from 6.2 percent to 6.1 percent, in large part, because what’s known as the participation rate fell.

    In other words, even more Americans dropped out of the workforce.

    People continue to stop looking for work, and in doing so, are dropping out of the labor pool. In fact, the participation rate in the labor force has fallen to 62.7 percent -- its lowest level since early 1978.

    Despite the unemployment rate plummeting, more than 92 million Americans remain out of the labor force.
    The fall in the unemployment rate was due mainly to the exodus of people who stopped looking for work.

    Keep shilling for your party FN.

    Preaching to the choir? What churches have you been in?

  50. Nice try, Bill.

    More like a "Hulk" double fault.

    All the cooking in the world won't make your boy look any better.

  51. @QLB, he can call me anything he wants, as long as it's not collect.Sadly, though, It still doesn't make him my brother.


  52. The erosion among white men has mostly to do with the fact that the economy has not gotten better

    Howard Dean explaining the fact that the economy has not gotten better.

    The Middle Class Has Been Left Behind

    Joe Biden explaining the middle class has been left behind in the Obama recovery.


    Just the facts.

  54. ctrl+halt+del7:40 PM

    White privilege nets "tool" meeting with "King of Cool"


  55. field negro said...
    Nice try, Bill.

    Go ahead and post a link or two to prove my links wrong.

    On second thought, go ask PurpleCow to help you. :)

    Instead of caption nights, ask StillaPanther2 to write something?

  56. Despite the hate and attempts by the left to rewrite history, our "boy" remains beloved and treasured.

    Your "boy" Obama? All he can to is try to compare himself to one of the greatest presidents who ever lived while counting the historic number of Congressional/Senate seats that has been lost under his watch.

  57. field negro said...,1219970

    Just the facts.

    From fields link-

    I Don't Like Big Dicks

    Did Jesus really exist?

    Gay Hollywood Actors of Old

    I finally made a successful baked spaghetti

    Ummmm field, better sources please.


  58. field negro said...,1219970

    Just the facts.


    "Thread does not exist"

    DataLounge get your fix of gay gossip, news and pointless bitchery.

    Some lame gay innuendo insult that you screwed up the link to?

    How PurpleCow of you.

    I guess that means you don't have any links to refute mine.


  59. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    PC, is right. You are not black. And besides, even if u were, you certainly would not be considered a brother of mine.

    6:24 PM
    Brother Field, for you it's probably true. Negroes split off from the rest of the race with the illusion of 'Negro facts' that were designed to hide the truth, and the inability of Negroes to think and use facts.

    It's understandable because the "facts" hurt, they really hurt. However, Blacks have decided to work through the pain, instead of being enslaved by it...i.e., not run from it like cowardly Negroes like yourself and PC.

    I know you don't consider me a brother, but I know someday, with the help of Bill and Kinky, you will see the light and embrace me as your black brother....keep the faith, brother.

  60. Limpaugh9:31 PM

    Reagan should have been executed for treason. He made a deal with Khomeini to keep Americans hostage while Carter was still president. George Bush was heavily involved also. Having a stolen copy of Carter's debate preparations also helped get Reagan elected. So far, we've seen Clinton cover up for Reagan and Bush, and Obama cover up for W.'s crimes. Liberals should vote Green Party and conservatives should vote Libertarian. Democrats and Republicans are fascists.

  61. Seriously?

    My god, we could do this all night.

    OK, the somewhat conservative, Examiner.

  62. "...and embrace me as your black brother....keep the faith, brother"

    You too my white friend.

  63. Limpbaugh9:47 PM

    On the topic of Pennsylvania, have they dug up that plane that sunk in the mining hole in Shanksville yet?
    Of course they haven't. It isn't there.


    More facts.


  65. field negro said...


    My god, we could do this all night.

    How does that link prove what you said about Obama?


  66. field negro said...

    More facts.

    Let me remind you what you said.

    Deficit reduced by over trillion dollars
    record number of jobs added

    Still waiting.

  67. Horrified English Teacher2:40 AM

    "Brother Field, you are conflating Whites with Blacks. It's Blacks who pitifully uneducated and can't read. REMEMBER?"

    Don't you mean It's Blacks who ARE......?

    SMDH. Learn how to use the English language before trying to pretend you're superior. Thanks.
