Thursday, November 06, 2014

An accidental racist joke?

I have a confession to make: The other member of my household loves Country & Southern  music. (I see you Mrs. Field.)

I didn't watch the CMAs last night, but I am pretty sure that she did. So I know that she heard some dude named Brad Paisley (Mrs. Field says he is a big deal) who was hosting the show make what some people consider a racist joke.

"The award show bumped ABC’s Black-ish from its usual spot. So Paisley made what seemed like only a fitting joke: “If any of you tuned into ABC tonight expecting to see the new show Black-ish, yeah, this ain’t it. In the meantime, I hope you all are enjoying White-ish.”

OK then, so where is the racism? A white Country music star telling the truth about Country music. It is  "White-ish". Let's face it, there aren't too many black folks involved with Country music. (Darius you don't count.) So he was speaking more truth than anything else. The fact that he even went there with the race issue at a country music program should be applauded.

So he took a shot at the sitcom, "Blackish". ----Which, truth be told, is a horrible show. Big deal.

Honestly, what I find racist is the fact that some folks find the title "Blackish" offensive. They are the same folks who whine about black folks having a television channel and black themed beauty contests etc. In other words, they think that black folks are getting special treatment because they have their own stuff. Forgetting, of course, that the only reason we have it is because they excluded us in the first place.

The fact that Paisley drew attention to white folks as a race is not racist, it is refreshing. I liked the fact that he pointed out the obvious: That a television show created for black folks was preempted by the very white CMA show.

I thought that this white person writing for Think Progress had an interesting take on the situation:

"Conversations about race in America almost universally focus on “race” as the identity of non-white people. When American media identifies something as having a race, that race is almost always black or Asian or Latino or Native. “Race” is hardly ever taken to mean “whiteness,” unless you’re looking at a census form.

But shouldn’t it be? I don’t mean that we should be advocating for white history month or talking about white people’s oppression. Just, simply, that we need to start treating whiteness not as a default but as yet another socially-constructed racial identity, one that comes with a lot of privileges." [Source]

Wait a minute, I remember this Paisley dude now. I knew his name sounded familiar.

He is the dude who teamed up with LL to make that awkward song about racism.

"Paisley’s first verse on “Accidental Racist” follows this formula to a T. He wants “the man that waited on me / At the Starbucks down on Main” to know that he doesn’t intend to telegraph his racial politics, that “The only thing I meant to say / Is I’m a Skynyrd fan.”

First a song and now a joke.

I think Brad just wants a black friend.



  1. Just look at your own blog. There are only 2 things that most white people know about racism: 1) they are not racists, and 2)black people and libruls are the real racists. If they have no idea what racism is, how can they tell if something is racist?

  2. whitey9:38 PM

    That's what we keep telling you whitey's con.

    You have no idea what you are talking about.

  3. Brad needs a black girlfriend.

    Because let me tell ya-black women rock!

  4. Anonymous9:45 PM

    "Pope Francis has made a crackdown on corruption within the church one of the dominant themes of his papacy, initiating a shake-up of both the Vatican bureaucracy and its bank in a bid to stem the damage caused by a string of scandals in recent years."

    this Pope is cracking down on everything that is wrong in the Vatican. By the end of 2015, the Catholic Church will be 'squeaky

    How can anybody NOT trust the Pope?

  5. And once again for the culturally impaired,

    It's not Country and Western music.

    It's not Country and Southern music.

    It's just Country music.

    Country music....

  6. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Blogger señor kinky said...
    Brad needs a black girlfriend.

    Because let me tell ya-black women rock!

    9:44 PM
    I bet PC vehemently disagrees with you.

  7. Anonymous10:13 PM

    This video proves Obama is a double-talker who lies, lies and lies.

  8. "Just look at your own blog. There are only 2 things that most white people know about racism: 1) they are not racists, and 2)black people and libruls are the real racists. If they have no idea what racism is, how can they tell if something is racist?"

    Totally agree and they have an entire network to justify their beliefs. If one wants to have an honest discussion about race/racism those engaged must first agree on the definition of racism. That doesn't usually happen so the conversation gets derailed very quickly.

  9. Trollonymous Burgundy11:06 PM

    Field said: "OK then, so where is the racism?"

    Field, you sure give him a lot of credit considering his 'mishap' history. Folks like him will always be suspect. It could go both ways.

    For all we know, Paisley might be one of those same white folks who harbor that misguided resentment towards television programs/magazines which caters to black people.

    It's possible the "joke" may have derived from within that context/idea, even if subconscious. Therefore, if so, the "joke" would be insidiously racist at best. And based on his track record, it's more safe to assume and not give him the benefit.

  10. Before you can agree on a definition of racism you have to agree it exists in the
    first place, hence the inability of many White folks
    to have a discussion.

  11. There's Charley Pride... He doesn't SOUND black (or at least his stuff on the radio didn't) but he is. He sure sold a lot of country records back in the day.
    There does exist a duet between a black guy and a white guy on the subject of race that isn't lame. It's the title track to Frank Zappa's album "You Are What You Is", sung by Zappa and Ray White, the lead vocalist in his touring band. The song makes fun of the behavior of certain white men and certain black men where race is concerned. Frank does use the n-word once in the song, but in the place where he uses it, no other word would do. I'm sure some people would be offended by the song, but the same could be said about the truth itself. I miss Frank a lot.

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. "Before you can agree on a definition of racism you have to agree it exists in the
    first place, hence the inability of many White folks
    to have a discussion."

    I don't know. Once you establish a definition the evidence will point to a certain conclusion one way or the other. If defined properly their idea of what racism is may change. I've seen this happen.

  13. @9:45 PM-lol. you gone learn...

    one day.

    @KC- some of all of US rock:)

  14. Senor been "turn out". Oh lawd!

    Reilly, u might be right, he does have a history. And if this joke was a reflection of some other
    belief system of his he got me.

    My Big R antennas might need some cleaning.

  15. Damn auto correct. I.meant Trolly not Reilly. Sorry Trolly.

    And that should have read " t urnt out" for Kinky.

  16. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Brad Paisley is a democrat and he supports Obama. Brad even wrote a song praising Obama.

    So it wouldn't shock me to find out he is racist.

  17. There are only ten things in life I hate, and country and western music is two of them.

  18. teh stupid9:11 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    There are only ten things in life I hate, and country and western music is two of them.

    There's no such thing has country and western music.

    The stupid is strong in this one.

  19. Why are white libs/black race hustlers sooooooo humor/mentally challenged?

    At least some blacks got the joke...

    And so did most whites.

    Which is why this is only a thing with uptight white libs and blacks who live in a constant state of victimization.

  20. Pilot fed x, one more fun fact about Tim Scott.

    In 2010, Tim Scott won the 1st Congressional district in South Carolina. He beat Paul Thurmond in the Republican primary that year.

    Paul Thurmond is the son of Strom Thurmond.

    Pilotx, would you support a Rand Paul/Tim Scott Republican ticket in 2016?

  21. Too bad "Blackish" is a crummy show. Maybe they can make a sitcom out of "Dear White People." The times call for a smart show that takes on racial confusions for laughs. I mean besides Key & Peele.

    When race is mentioned I want every American to think of Botswana. That's where we ALL come from, those people, those genes. I'd be broadcasting this ironic fact of DNA at every opportunity: we're all Africans. Get over it.

  22. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Field,I love your blog. I learn things here that a thinking person should know about. I am not with you on Blackish though,I think it's funny. I also think some white people need more exposure in a non - threatening way to the similarities between ourselves and black people. Having the talk,wanting your kids to be like you,and dealing with cranky aging parents,very similar indeed.

  23. Quote the stupid

    "There's no such thing has country and western music.

    The stupid is strong in this one."

    Yes little man, let me explain.

    This is what we on the political Left commonly describe as "a joke".

    Defined as....

    a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline.
    "she was in a mood to tell jokes"
    synonyms: funny story, jest, witticism, quip, pleasantry;

    a trick played on someone for fun.
    "the others were playing a joke on her"
    synonyms: trick, practical joke, prank, stunt, hoax, jape;

    a person or thing that is ridiculously inadequate.
    "public transport is a joke"
    synonyms: laughing stock, figure of fun, source of amusement, object of ridicule;

    verb: joke; 3rd person present: jokes; past tense: joked; past participle: joked; gerund or present participle: joking
    make jokes; talk humorously or flippantly.
    "she could laugh and joke with her colleagues"
    synonyms:tell jokes, crack jokes;

    Let me know what bit of that you understood, and I'll go over the rest in words of one syllable.

    Now that you have the gist of this 'joke' thing, let me try you with another.


    Q: What happens if you play a country song backwards?

    A: You get your job back, you get your wife back, you get your dog back...

  24. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Brother Field, why is it that whenever we are involved, like "Blackish" it turns out to be a failure?

    Detroit, Camden, Atlanta, East Oakland, Richmond, Baltimore, Washington, DC(Yisheng lives there), Philly, Newark, Trenton, Wilmington, Milwaukee, Chicago...what do you think is going on with our people?

    Could it be that we are inferior to the rest of humanity? I'm talking specifically about AAs. There is something going on with AAs.

    Could it be that we never recovered from the evils of slavery? That is a very hard thing to overcome, if ever.

    I mean, in CA Blacks think like slaves and they think "White is right." Since slavery a LOT of Blacks have thought that way. And it continues at an unconscious level that operates quickly and automatically without notice.

    It is especially noticeable in the Bay Area.

  25. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...
    Quote the stupid

    "There's no such thing has country and western music.

    The stupid is strong in this one."

    Yes little man, let me explain.

    This is what we on the political Left commonly describe as "a joke".


    Dear PC, I am so happy to read that you were joking about people who like Country and Western Music because Field's wife loves it and I'm sure she isn't stupid.

    As a matter of fact, I am sure she is a lot smarter than Field and you combined.

    Your joke exposed you as the stupid ignorant one...But most FN folks already know that.

    Except maybe Bill. But maybe he DOES KNOW?

  26. "Dear PC, I am so happy to read that you were joking about people who like Country and Western Music because Field's wife loves it and I'm sure she isn't stupid."

    You far-Right types can't even agree on the name of your own music. Is it Country and Western or not? You guys need to make your minds up.


    "As a matter of fact, I am sure she is a lot smarter than Field and you combined."

    Never doubted it for a moment. No idea why you think this is relevant.


    "Your joke exposed you as the stupid ignorant one...But most FN folks already know that."

    So your argument is that anyone who does;t like countryandwestern/country/countryandsouthern
    (delete as appropriate) is "stupid" and "ignorant".

    Mmmmmmmmmm. How very trailer park of you. I don't drink Coors beer either. Does that also make me a bad person?


    "Except maybe Bill. But maybe he DOES KNOW?"

    Dunno Bill, why are you asking me?

  27. Limpbaugh4:10 PM

    There is nothing wrong with talking about race. Conservatives mistake speaking out against racism as being racism, so maybe the joke reached people who might benefit from being exposed to it. But I know black people who like country music. Of course it wasn't all he did, but in my opinion Ray Charles was the first person to play country music on piano.

  28. teh stupid4:15 PM

    "Brad Paisley is a democrat and he supports Obama. Brad even wrote a song praising Obama.

    So it wouldn't shock me to find out he is racist."

    Wow, yeah. Nothing says racist white like voting for the Black president. Well since my catchphrase has been jacked again..........

  29. teh stupid4:18 PM

    "Why are white libs/black race hustlers sooooooo humor/mentally challenged?"

    Says a conservative. The least funny people on the planet. You think Rush Limbaugh is funny so you might want to rethink your own humor.


    Looks like every single Democratic opponent Timmy Scott ran against was a Republican plant. He can't win a fair election because we know Republicans won't vote for a blah man.

    "Pilotx, would you support a Rand Paul/Tim Scott Republican ticket in 2016?"

    Nope, and neither would racist Republicans. They will NEVER have a person of color on a national ticket. Hell, it took until 2014 to FINALLY elect a blah woman. Sad but keep dreaming.

  31. teh stupid4:55 PM

    Hey asshat at 9:11 am. I thought you were done jacking my screenname. I guess conservatives are just thieves as usual. not creative enough to come up with your own handle? I know, teh stupid is strong in you guys.


  32. PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Looks like every single Democratic opponent Timmy Scott ran against was a Republican plant.

    A plant?

    Known by local media as the "perennial candidate," Frasier has tried running for office since 1972, and always using a platform that comes straight from the Republican Party.

    42 years ago, some racist republicans sitting in mommy's basement hatched up this plan to make Fraiser a republican plant?

    The other option is you think all those democrat voters are that clueless.

    For 42 years.

  33. teh stupid is really stupid5:59 PM

    teh stupid said...
    Hey asshat at 9:11 am. I thought you were done jacking my screenname. I guess conservatives are just thieves as usual. not creative enough to come up with your own handle? I know, teh stupid is strong in you guys.

    4:55 PM

    Stop yo bitching and create an account.

    Liberals are such bitchy little girls.


  34. Anonymous teh stupid said...
    "Why are white libs/black race hustlers sooooooo humor/mentally challenged?"

    Says a conservative. The least funny people on the planet. You think Rush Limbaugh is funny so you might want to rethink your own humor.

    4:18 PM

    The way Rush clowns you on the left-that's funny.

  35. Anonymous7:04 PM

    They are going to impeach Obama. But before that, they are going to humiliate him and make him look stupid and incompetent...which will be fairly easy to do.

  36. Anonymous7:34 PM

    I agree. They will break his spirit first. Having a black President was too soon.

    We should have waited another 50-100 years. Now there will never be another black President. Maybe bm shouldn't be Presidents?

    At least Whites get an 'A' for taking a huge risk.

    Come to think of it, Whites on FN are taking a huge risk also. They could become addicted and lose all sense of logic and reason.

    Please, no comments from the UK purple peanut gallery. Seriously, no comment. I'd hate to humiliate PC.

  37. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Brother Field, why is it that whenever we are involved, like "Blackish" it turns out to be a failure?

    Detroit, Camden, Atlanta, East Oakland, Richmond, Baltimore, Washington, DC(Yisheng lives there), Philly, Newark, Trenton, Wilmington, Milwaukee, Chicago...what do you think is going on with our people?

    Could it be that we are inferior to the rest of humanity? I'm talking specifically about AAs. There is something going on with AAs.

    Just wait till the impending chimp out in Ferguson.


  38. teh stupid8:15 PM

    "Stop yo bitching and create an account."

    Or you can be an honorable person and not steal. Oh that's right, you're a conservative.

  39. Anonymous8:17 PM

    "The way Rush clowns you on the left-that's funny."

    Yeah,a fat, drug addicted, racist sexist is hilarious. His bone in the nose joke was a real knee slapper. He should have his own tv show, oh wait he did but it got cancelled. White racist humor doesn't really have that popular appeal.

  40. Anonymous8:19 PM

    "Just wait till the impending chimp out in Ferguson."

    Just wait until QLB gets a job.
    Do you have a college degree QLB? Bwaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaaaa. Yeah, right.

    Typical racist Republican. You are a piece of work QLB. I wonder if Tim Scott enjoyed the bj you gave him.

  41. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Meanwhile In Chicago the weekend shit show is ON with two shooting of YBM's in less than an hour of start time. Already approaching the 400 mark for the year. You were saying something anon@8;19?


  42. Anonymous8:46 PM

    "Meanwhile In Chicago the weekend shit show is ON with two shooting of YBM's in less than an hour of start time. Already approaching the 400 mark for the year. You were saying something anon@8;19?"

    Yes, I was saying something. If you spent half the time studying as you do worrying about Chicago crime statistics you might have your GED by now and you could start working on a college degree. You could be the first person in your trailer park to get past the 6th grade. Don't you want that? C'mon sister, girl power!

  43. Limpbaugh11:28 PM

    The best way to find out about the Accidental Racist song is for Stephen Colbert to tell you about it:

    His The Ballad of Cliven Bundy and He's Singing In Korean are hilarious too. There won't be anyone to tell us how conservatives think when his show ends.

  44. Anonymous4:02 AM

    Don't forget Charlie Pride. A few decades ago, but he was huge. One of the first country cross-over artists that brought that genre into the big bucks. Today we got the Carolina Chocolate Drops. Great band from North Carolina. Not nationally famous, but folks who are really great musicians rarely are. I just saw Taylor Swift on some late night show. That's not even close to country music. Plus the woman can't dance or sing. What the heck is that all about?

  45. Anonymous7:26 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "Dear PC, I am so happy to read that you were joking about people who like Country and Western Music because Field's wife loves it and I'm sure she isn't stupid."

    You far-Right types can't even agree on the name of your own music. Is it Country and Western or not? You guys need to make your minds up.

    You think music is political? What's the lefts music? Gangsta rap? How stupid are you?? No really?

    So your argument is that anyone who does;t like countryandwestern/country/countryandsouthern
    (delete as appropriate) is "stupid" and "ignorant".

    Well, let's see. You are vehement with your dislike about country music, then you claimed it was a joke. So you aren't really sure wether you hate it or not and everytime you make an asshat of yourself, you claim you were just joking and others are have no sense of humor.

    Did it ever occur to you, you're just a waffling Peak Negro who is tremendously stupid and your lame excuse of getting out of your stupid statements by claiming they are "jokes" - isn't saving you anymore?

    Mmmmmmmmmm. How very trailer park of you. I don't drink Coors beer either. Does that also make me a bad person?

    Oh, how cliche, trailer park. Now that's funny coming from a Peak Negro who literally lives in a previous Animal shelter . You live in a barn, my feral Peak Negro. A barn . Get it?

  46. Anon@7:04, "Romney by a landslide".
    He beat your peeps, TWICE! Sucks don't it?

  47. Anonymous9:21 AM

    An Accidental racist Joke?

    Yup, that would be Blacks voting Democrat and Obama's presidency.

    The employment situation in October improved in every way for most Americans, except for African Americans, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

    The number of African Americans who were employed in the United States in October dropped by 41,000; and the number of African-Americans not participating in the labor force increased by 114,000.

  48. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Field wrote,
    He beat your peeps, TWICE! Sucks don't it?
    And Tuesday really sucked for you didn't it. You'll be on medication again if Ferguson doesn't go your way.


  49. "You think music is political? What's the lefts music? Gangsta rap? How stupid are you?? No really?"

    How stupid am I? About 0.1% as stupid as you.

    Oh and on the left we have many types of music. That's because we have broad tastes and don;t limit ourselves to one type of music like you people.

    "Well, let's see. You are vehement with your dislike about country music, then you claimed it was a joke. So you aren't really sure wether you hate it or not and everytime you make an asshat of yourself, you claim you were just joking and others are have no sense of humor. "

    Christ, you are one stopped hillbilly. I said no such thing.

    I hate country music, I always did, I always will. I did not ever say I was joking about that.

    Do you remember the bit about country and western music being two of the ten things in life I hate? - that was the joke bit.

    Two out of ten instead of one out of ten, see?


    "Did it ever occur to you, you're just a waffling Peak Negro who is tremendously stupid and your lame excuse of getting out of your stupid statements by claiming they are "jokes" - isn't saving you anymore?"

    Do it ever occur to you that you should read what I actually say, before you go off on one of your incoherent rants? Because yet again, you have made a complete tit of yourself.


    "Oh, how cliche, trailer park. Now that's funny coming from a Peak Negro who literally lives in a previous Animal shelter . You live in a barn, my feral Peak Negro. A barn . Get it?"

    A stables you moron, a stables. Built in 1742. The year your ancestors were busy being ass-raped by Cossacks out on the steppes.

    What year was your hillbilly shack built in?



  50. field negro said...
    Anon@7:04, "Romney by a landslide".

    You like that fox news lie.

    Let me one up you and quote some lies from the president...

    Shovel ready jobs
    Stimulus lower unemployment
    keep your doctor

    Lies from a news show entertainer or a sitting president.

    And you pick the entertainer.

    Preaching to the choir?


  51. Tuesday was great for me. I get to watch these clowns in control make a fool of themselves for the next two years.
    So yeah, it was pretty good.

    PC, never argue with a redneck. It's just a different level of stupid with those types.


  52. The Purple Cow said...
    How stupid am I?

    Considering every anonymous goads you into replying, pretty damn stupid with a big dose of clueless.

    It's like watching a dog chase his tail.

    Pavlov's dog.

  53. Anonymous11:32 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "You think music is political? What's the lefts music? Gangsta rap? How stupid are you?? No really?"

    How stupid am I? About 0.1% as stupid as you.

    Yes, that was intelligent. Baseless, meaningless and useless . Just like a peak Negro.


    Oh and on the left we have many types of music. That's because we have broad tastes and don;t limit ourselves to one type of music like you people.

    Another ridiculously clearly Low IQ statement. You create fantasy worlds that your limited intelligence can handle and then pretend they are real.

    "Well, let's see. You are vehement with your dislike about country music, then you claimed it was a joke. So you aren't really sure wether you hate it or not and everytime you make an asshat of yourself, you claim you were just joking and others are have no sense of humor. "

    Christ, you are one stopped hillbilly. I said no such thing.


    You think everyone who points out that you are a low IQ peak Negro is a Hillbilly?? LOL. Again, you clearly possess a severely limited intellect.

    I hate country music, I always did, I always will. I did not ever say I was joking about that.

    You did . Improve your communications skills at least, your IQ is limited by genetics, but you certainly can better utilize the little you have ,read your words again .


    Do you remember the bit about country and western music being two of the ten things in life I hate? - that was the joke bit.

    Do you remember the portion of your post (this isn't Britain, it isn't a bit or an even an itsy - peak Negro) where you said.

    " This is what we on the political Left commonly describe as "a joke".

    Two out of ten instead of one out of ten, see?


    Are we supposed to be impressed because you can seperate two from ten? Sorry, this might be an impressive skill for a peak Negro, but it most certainly isn't impressive in the slightest .

    "Did it ever occur to you, you're just a waffling Peak Negro who is tremendously stupid and your lame excuse of getting out of your stupid statements by claiming they are "jokes" - isn't saving you anymore?"

    Do it ever occur to you that you should read what I actually say, before you go off on one of your incoherent rants? Because yet again, you have made a complete tit of yourself.


    Oh, my post was completely coherent and perfectly clear.

    Or are you joking again.....????


    "Oh, how cliche, trailer park. Now that's funny coming from a Peak Negro who literally lives in a previous Animal shelter . You live in a barn, my feral Peak Negro. A barn . Get it?"

    A stables you moron, a stables. Built in 1742. The year your ancestors were busy being ass-raped by Cossacks out on the steppes.

    What year was your hillbilly shack built in?


    LOL. Poor feral Negro. I assure you, that you could not afford nor would you be allowed entry into any of the homes or properties I own. Even my hispanic landscaper would turn you away at the gate. But I do understand, you Peak Negroes live in a fantasy world, despite all the evidence in the world and reality, you go ahead and believe that White people live in trailers.

    Oh...and Peak Negro...yes you.....
    are horses animals? Yes, you are right at home, aren't you.

    Now go ahead, say some more things to demonstrate your low IQ, you really are quite funny.

  54. The Purple Cow said...
    How stupid am I?


    field negro said...

    PC, never argue with a redneck.

    Field using racial slurs? Say it ain't so..

  55. @QLB

    Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania.


  56. señor kinky said...
    "PC, never argue with a redneck."
    Field using racial slurs? Say it ain't so..

    Give FN a break, his party and their agenda just got a shellacking from the American people.

  57. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Field wrote,

    Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania.
    Please. How long did you have to wait to find one example? A month? Meanwhile in Chicago, a single city, I can find several examples PER DAY of Black on Black homicide. Already 7 wounded, two critical and one dead, a 15 y/o YBM for the weekend. It's so common it's not even news anymore.



  58. field negro said...
    Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania.

    So you couldn't link to the failed kidnapping but you can link to this?

    Besides the race of the people committing the crime, what's different?

    Any links to Michael Browns mother fighting with grandmother?

    I'm seeing a pattern (ie: agenda) here FN.

  59. So if people from spain are considered hispanic why are people from Italy considered white?

  60. tribalecho2:08 PM

    Limpbaugh. I believe Colbert is going to replace David Letterman. That's great for me since I refuse to pay for Cable tv and now have to watch him on the magic box.

    Back to African Americans and country music, there's also DeFord Bailey, grandson of slaves, who was one of the first performers on the Grand Ole Oprey radio show around 1927. He toured with Roy Acuff and one of my favs, Bill Monroe. And of course went through the usual hell of traveling with whites while being black. That whole eating and sleeping thing.

  61. QLB, how can u compare this heinous crime to those shootings among gang bangers in Chicago?
    Wow, the mind of a wingnut is a very sad place.

    Bill really gets upset when u make fun if his party. Bill, please see my comment at 11:23 AM.

  62. Anonymous5:38 PM

    No problem, Sierra Nicole Tankersley of Detroit was just arraigned for the beating death of her one year old daughter, Renee. Wow, the mind of a hypocrite must be really foul. It took me about two minutes to find this example. You'll have to wait weeks for another.


  63. Not that long,

  64. Anonymous6:38 PM

    I didn't know we were playing archive games. Well Texas made good Lisa Coleman for the torture, beating starving death of Devontae (sp) Williams. Are you sure you want to play this game?


  65. Field, i thought you were above the tit-for-tat thing.

    Is QLB getting to you?

  66. Anonymous6:56 PM

    I own him. According to the NIH, Black filicide offenders are "significantly" overrepresented when compared to Whites. Of course if he wants to drill down on the data it will be a YT conspiracy that skews the logical conclusions. Have you noticed the complete lack of shame "in the field" regarding the ongoing blood bath in the inner cities of America?


  67. Vinny8:23 PM

    Is all this crap you spew because you're embarrassed to be black?
    Is that it? Because you sound like you've done lost your mind.

    Your no borders is over. Your white person can't open their mouth without being called a racist is over. Your child like socialism is over. Your racism is now recognized, field. Your bigotry.
    Your ascent at being the new slave master is in deep, deep trouble. You Cracker!

  68. tribalecho11:57 PM

    Oh gosh. Sorry I interrupted. No white woman allowed? Still enjoy the blog though. Among dozens of others.

    Curious. Why do all these obviously bigoted white guys come to this blog? I mean I visit blogs I disagree with to see what's going on, say Townhalldotcom, but I don't really engage.

  69. tribalecho, I think it has something to do with penis size.

    But hey, I am not a shrink. :)

  70. QLB, I already won that game and u know it.

  71. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Bullshit Field, if you think that you really need your meds changed because not only are your delusions breaking through but you're now listening to little green men inside your head.
    Meanwhile in Chicago, the second confirmed kill for the weekend recorded an 18 y/o YBM with another probable in the box. What is it with you people and firearms?


  72. 1. I like country music. Well some, not all.

    2. Accidental Racist was complete and utter bullshit. I get where Paisley thought he was well-meaning in the beginning, but his complete refusal to understand where he and LL went so very wrong puts him right back in the racist camp he's claiming not be a part of. It's just willful blindness on is part to blame it on people misunderstanding his intentions. No, we get your intentions Brad, now you need to understand how very wrong those intentions are.

    3. I wasn't sure about that 'white-ish' joke even though i had no idea that Black-ish had been preempted. It just felt a little icky. And considering the source it's even worse.

    4. In my experience, many white people get uncomfortable really fast when someone tells them that they are actually white. I usually bring it up just to see the shock on their faces. Because it's ok for them to dance round the elephant in the room and just barely keep from mentioning it when they're around a person of color. But they are quick to freak out, get offended or blush terribly when someone points out that they're white - even when they're struggling for outdated cultural references.

    Most white people never have an opportunity to see themselves as "white" versus just "normal." Everyone else is "other" and it's damned annoying, but also kind of funny to remind them, yes, I know you're white. I see you, you're not invisible.

  73. Limpbaugh9:41 PM

    The chairman of the Iran/Contra investigation, Indiana Democrat Lee Hamilton, was brought out of retirement to co-chair the 9/11 Commission. His nickname is Mr. Coverup. He steals our history and we don't learn from it.

  74. tribalecho6:24 AM

    QLB: Blacks got gun violence. Whites got vehicular homicide. Of course both of these memes are what a wonderful teacher I once had always told us to avoid..." glittering
    generalizations ".

  75. DIE, WHITE DEVILS!!12:32 PM

    Quick Lousy Bastard
    Bullshit Bill
    Screwhead Senor KKKinky
    Anonymous Aryan Asswipes


    C&W is syrupy, twangy Caucasian bullshit; the silliest, goofiest, most unmelodic "music" on earth! And these jealous idiot peckerwoods have the NERVE to throw shade at rap; they just can't stand to see black people making money doing it!

  76. DIE, WHITE DEVILS!!12:59 PM

    Quiet Lunatic Bitch (QLB)@7:45 PM

    "Just wait until the upcoming chimp-out in Ferguson"

