Thursday, November 27, 2014

I started trying to sneak in a post tonight but the boss caught me and shut it down.

Sorry y'all.

Holla at you tomorrow.

Enjoy the rest of your turkey day. 


  1. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Ahahaha! Good for her! It's about time she tore you away from the blog ;*D

    Happiest of Thanksginvings to you and the family!

  2. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Folks need to listen to "Michael Brown III: The Agenda" on YouTube. It is scary as hell and if its for real, we are in deep shit.

  3. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Car runs over protester in Minneapolis. This Michael Brown thing is spreading and it appears there is something 'extra' happening but I can't put my finger on it. However, I know it is evil and is hidden. I am surprised that no one else sees it.

  4. Anonymous8:56 PM

    I sometimes wonder what Field's role in this mess is? I mean, he didn't notice that the Grand Jury process was rigged legally by the prosecutor.

    Even Justice Scalia spoke out about it, including a number of lawyers about it. But Field has said nothing. What's up with that?

  5. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Anon8:52pm, you need to let go of Ferguson. It's over. Let's move on. Officer Darren Wilson was not indicted because the evidence presented to the Grand Jury proved him innocent.

    So you need to get over it. Better luck next time although I doubt it.

  6. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Brother Field, you have GOT to learn how to be a man and run your household. Stop being a pussy and allowing your wife to knock you around.

    Stand up for BM! Don't be a marshmellow. You must be the only Negro in Philly who can't control his house.

  7. Anonymous9:44 PM

    If Lilac were my wife, she would not be allowed to blog.

  8. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Oh great! Field has punked out tonight on Thanksgiving--of all days. Now I know why he wouldn't answer my question about blogging. He knew all along he wasn't going to blog as much as the previous years. And he is being quiet about it like BC is being quiet about his shit.

  9. Wishing Mr. Field, fellow bloggers and your families abundant blessings on this Thanksgiving Day and always :~)

  10. Happy Thanksgiving Whitey's Conspiracy.

  11. Anon 8:20pm & 8:52pm-

    it is like whispering in the wind to get the sleepers to awaken.

    when tanks, black hawks, etc roll up on 'em, they will wish they had paid more attention.

    fema camps, agenda 21, etc. just doesn't phase the bulk of sound asleep americans. it is like the stage is being set and folk can't stop whatever long enough to take notice:(

    Black child = homie that did the Michael Brown agenda video. if you want a better understanding of what you see, check out his videos. there are others by righteous folk of all colors that when you put it all together...

    Scriptures = unfolding in Real time. even down to where Scriptures call out the church in KJV Jeremiah 2:8-9. but folk are playing...just as in the times of Noah. as it is written.

    whether folk want to believe or not...

    those running the show for now, down here on the devil level- with Yah holding the ultimate control- are going by the play book aka Yah's Word/ Scriptures. demons/devils/fallen cast out angels/ufo have no choice. it is humans with the free will...

    these freemasons just played a whole joke on folk...

    + murdered bold testifying witnesses.

    DeAndre Joshua was a witness that spoke to what he saw. he was shot in the head + set on fire.

    racist demons bought/sold the official story of gang bangers offing one another. this is how the government is taking folk out in chicago = hidden in plain sight.

    that is not to say there are no violent dum dums contributing as well. there are for sure. but the greatest hell is being reeked by the military police and the government as the NWO tactics are being tested in order to be implemented.

    call humans a gang banger then folk like magic don't care about their lives.

    makes me want to cuss, fuss + holla! WHO decided some life was to be thrown away?

    Anon 9:40- you are mistaken my friend. i pray you awaken...


    Blessings all!



  14. Anonymous1:28 AM


    Strong stuff that needs to be seen.

  15. Happy Indigenous holocaust day!

  16. Anonymous5:25 AM

    These days very few believe there is a God.

    These days no one knows what to believe;

    These days no one seems to know right from wrong;

    These days no one cares how much legal stuff you know because it doesn't lead to justice.

    These days the people are powerless and no longer matter.

    These days the voice of liars rule nations and the earth, while truth Sayers are non-existent.

    These days no one can trust no one because no knows who's who?

    These days it feels like Satan is more real and normal than God.

    These days the people see the crooked as straight and the straight as crooked.

    These days human life is no longer sacred; instead it is to be snuffed out and justified by lawyers.

    These days the 'rule of law' is a penal system instead of a justice system.

    These days evil begets more evil and there is no peace in America.

    These days Truth is not believable and not loved.

    These days it appears as though God is dead.

    Is He? Is He dead? Some would like to know.

    For some, their lives depend on God's Existence and Presence.

    Satan surely has proven his existence and worth among the people beyond doubt.

    Where is God? I desperately need to know.

  17. Anonymous6:47 AM

    PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...

    Happy Indigenous holocaust day!

    You should celebrate that you live in a society and country that allowed you to do something other than pack animal dung onto the walls of your hut, be sure to thank a White male for this.

  18. Anonymous7:11 AM

    "You should celebrate that you live in a society and country that allowed you to do something other than pack animal dung onto the walls of your hut, be sure to thank a White male for this."

    Are you celebrating that you live in a country that allows you to do something other than pack animal dung onto the walls of your hut?

    The demonic spirit always remain mean-spirited and destructive...not because it 'wants' to but because it 'has' to.


    Now that they gentle giant narrative is falling apart-facts are now irrelevant.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...

    Happy Indigenous holocaust day!

    You should celebrate that you live in a society and country that allowed you to do something other than pack animal dung onto the walls of your hut, be sure to thank a White male for this.

    6:47 AM

    Oh the paradox of the hate YT crowd. On the one hand they hate the white man(but love them some white vagina),on the other hand, their success, the comforts they enjoy in life, were made possible by the white man.

    What's a hater like pilotx to do?

    1. KKKuckoo you know the White woman's preference for big Black penis pretty much ensures your race will eventually become extinct.

      It's just a matter of time.

  21. Anonymous8:59 AM

    señor kinky said...
    the comforts they enjoy in life, were made possible by the white man.

    8:43 AM

    Nope they were made by the blood sweat and tears of the black man. Then he was kicked to the curb. He had to gnaw the bones but he couldn't partake of the meat.

  22. I think a lot of other men in Philly(and the world) are in my position, they just can't say it. Hey, I know who the boss is. :)

    Pilot, did u read that? All the success we enjoy in life is because of YT. Go figure.

    1. It's actually impossible for ANY Black man to have learned from a White man since 90% of his ideas were originally a Black man's ideas. Hidden Colors, know your history!!

      Plus they're genetic mutants, and were the last race to appear on earth. As a result, they will be the first to disappear especially as the planet continues to get hotter.


  23. señor kinky said...


    Now that they gentle giant narrative is falling apart-facts are now irrelevant.

    Facts are inconvenient to the democrat agenda.


  24. field negro said...
    I think a lot of other men in Philly(and the world) are in my position, they just can't say it. Hey, I know who the boss is. :)

    Now YOU'RE preaching to the choir.

  25. teh stupid stupid11:40 AM

    Any ideas the black man had were given to him by the white man.

    Blacks have been taking credit for things white people created for hundreds of years.

    Black invention myths! Now your history!

    The death of the white race will also mean the death of the black race. Blacks are co-dependent on whites.

    Without whites, any majority black country will turn into Afrikkka.

    Full of aids, ebola and fat bitches like dr. queen running around naked with fleas and fly's flying around her vagina.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Bill I never once called Brown a "gentle giant". In fact I called him a thug because thugs rob stores and push store owners around. But if a White man can shoot up a movie theater KILLING people and be allowed to surrender to police with not ONE bullet fired in his direction, then a convenience store thug should have had the opportunity to surrender too without catching 2 bullets in the skull and 4 others in the body.

  28. Dr. Queen, if you weren't blinded by your racial hatred, you would see by reading witness accounts that show Brown was given chances to surrender before he was killed.

    1. As a Black woman that is almost equally genotypically Black, Native American, and White I can assure you that I don't hate ANY part of my racial makeup.

      What I do hate is modern day genocide masking as itself as law enforcement.


  29. Yīshēng said...

    Bill I never once called Brown a "gentle giant". In fact I called him a thug because thugs rob stores and push store owners around. But if a White man can shoot up a movie theater KILLING people and be allowed to surrender to police with not ONE bullet fired in his direction,

    If you believe he's a thug, why spend so much of your time defending him?

    The "Gentle Giant" is mocking the media's use of the term to make Michael Brown sound like a young kid getting ready for college and not someone you agree is a thug.

    How many times have you bragged, rightfully so, about your kids excelling in college? Michael brown did not have the privilege of having a mother (& father) like you that would guide him to a path of success instead of stealing from stores.

    Isn't that the real problem today, not enough parents like you?

    1. ANY person shot down like a rabid dog in the street then left there for 4 hours in the hot ass sun, DESERVES to be defended as a HUMAN BEING!!! And np matter how much you insist on changing my words to fit your illintended agenda, the FACTS remain the same that Micheal Brown was treated as less than human over a couple stolen cigars.

      The real issue with people who think like you is that the Brown case shows you for who you really are, intellectual deviants who have condemened an ENTIRE race of people to subhuman treatment. And as such you are NO DIFFERENT than the idiots who justified the killing millions of Native Americans and
      tens of millions of Africans. And thanks to social media the entire world knows it too.

      Finally why do you think there are so many White people marching in support of justice for Michael Brown? They can't all be liberals and you like to remind us, the DA was a Democrat.

  30. BTW the problem isn't there aren't more parents like me. The problem is that there aren't enough White people that value Black lives.

    My brilliant kid whom I speak FACTS about but that you malovently characterize as me bragging about, is NO DIFFERENT from Micheal Brown in the eyes of racists like you. Because I'm certain Wilson didn't ask to see Brown's transcripts before he shot him in the face.

  31. Bill, I didn't know that being a "thug" is a crime punishable by death in America. Go figure.

  32. Pilot X @ 4:11 AM-

    thank you.

    said there was a massacre attached to the day last thread.

    folk were clowning an may have been an elder + me for not going there- so rather than explain it, i dipped out instead. not much new to be said.

    it is interesting...

    Black folk want others to acknowledge our pain, yet we don't seem to want to do the same.

    we are rather unprincipled in all thangs.


    folk should know by now how "thanksgiving" was a celebration of those that successfully pulled off a massacre + genocide.

    add some history for how black friday + slavery coincide...

    and i feel like the face FN posted.

    we don't seem to care.

    folk coming through cracking our heads = what we richly deserve for our zombie like state.


    Amos 5:21-26

    21 I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies.

    22 Though ye offer me burnt offerings I will not accept them: neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts.

    23 Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols.

    24 But let judgement run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream.

    25 Have ye offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house of Israel?

    26 But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your g-d, which ye made to yourselves.

    27 Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus, saith the Sovereign whose name is the Almighty of hosts.


    i pray folk with a bunch of stuff start telling it sometime soon...

    never mind Messiah Himself was not the bling bling king, but folk seem to need that in order to hear.

    hopefully the well paid folk will stand up and start telling it.


    seems to me they got stuff they don't want to lose.

    never mind Messiah said be prepared to lose your life + all else. never mind His Walk, as he was tempted, CLEARLY showed folk the quickest route to much stuff.

    but let's all cry 'bout the Wrath for america that is clearly lined up...

    i have asked for help and folk have told me i was begging. as they preached a message of give! so i am done with all that. i will work + wait on the Sovereign.

    though i am not sure how all this will shake out.

    here's what i know without a doubt:

    Yah's got my back.

    walking + working with Faith.

    every day is a day to give thanks and praise + to put family first. for those that will excuse their participation.

    IF Black folk really believed that our nation's situation would look different. but let US distract ourselves with...



    or see the face of this post.


    Blessings all!

  33. forgive typos.


    bad multi tasking...


    folk were clowning what may have been an elder + me for not going there- so rather than explain it, i dipped out instead. not much new to be said.

    KJV Amos 5:21


    @FN- being a "thug" should not punishable by death.

    it is just a very bad case for folk to throw their full support behind.

    it makes folk look Real dumb.

    here's what's so:

    IF MBrown had been killed by a Black fellow thug...

    mum= the word.

    some folk- me being one= tired of the nonstop dumbness.

    folk need to look at folk background like they do BW when it comes to rallying behind BM.

    or at least be prepared to not be taken seriously on ANY level.

    that said, i don't Believe the "official" version of MBrown nor the TMartin exercises.


  34. Yīshēng said...
    FACTS remain the same that Micheal Brown was treated as less than human over a couple stolen cigars.

    I believe his hands inside the police car fighting for the officers gun had more to do with his death than stealing a couple smokes.

    Finally why do you think there are so many White people marching in support of justice for Michael Brown? They can't all be liberals and you like to remind us, the DA was a Democrat.

    Lots of reasons.
    They are against cops shooting/killing people.
    Against racism.
    Support for the family.

    How many times have I been told republicans=racist.

    Yesterday at thanksgiving, my niece was informing us about Michael being handcuffed and shot in the back because of a racist cop.

    The media pushed a lot of misinformation that fit their agenda.

    What do you consider the biggest problem for black youth today, racism or not having parents like you and your husband?

  35. Micheal Brown was treated like any human-regardless of skin hue-would have been treated who attacked a police officer.

    The Ferguson pd had to wait for a outside forensic team to come in and process the crime scene.

    Most small to medium size police departments lack the resources to have their own forensic teams. And also, this was a officer involve shooting.

    Browns supporters hijacked(or has Rudy G called them "racial arsonists") the Brown shooting and tried to turn it into a metaphor for policing in inner cities.

    Problem is, the Brown shooting was a righteous one. Once all the evidence is out, Brown supporters can no longer lie and spin the facts.

    Now that these racial arsonists have set the media and country on fire,their has to be a rebuilding and cooling off period.

    There's no time for Tamir Rice. No non-stop media coverage. No debating police tactics. No debating police/minority interactions.

    Tamir Rice is the shooting that should have drawn national outrage. Drawn non-stop media coverage.

    Tamir Rice shooting could have lead to change.

    But no. The racial arsonists had to fuck it up.

  36. Anon 5:25 AM-

    i Believe Yah is being Patient.

    He wants that none of US be lost.

    the few that Believe = the remnant. as it is written.

    i am thankful that He has not come already. i would not have made it in. so i trust He's got this.


  37. Yīshēng said...
    My brilliant kid whom I speak FACTS about but that you malovently characterize as me bragging about,


    I say that with all respect.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. And did anybody catch dems/reps pulled a bi-partisan bill that would have stopped/restricted the DOD from selling military equipment to police departments at discount rates after the riots?

    We can thank the racial arsonists for that too.

  40. Anonymous2:05 PM

    The biggest problem of my peeps is as has been said: "continuous dumbness". It's as if we are brainless but expect folks to respond positively to ignorance and stupidity.

    "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

    Martin Luther King, Jr.

  41. those thinking that there is about to be some Good change with the police force=

    not paying attention.

    at least not to the important details.

    those that have not figured out that the "rioting" was an heavily orchestrated exercise...

    not sure what else to say. since when did the gov't dispatch folk to "train" folk on how to spontaneously riot? lol. come on now.

    the Wrath of Yah aka nwo is here.

    for the white folk that seem to believe that america will not fall, try this on for size.

    first, let me just say, it is forbidden to establish a city or town in the manner that america was established. so one can only imagine if a whole country was set up in this way. i have already posted the Scripture that speaks to the Wrath Yah will pour out on the nation that enslaved His People for 400 years.

    i have also posted Scripture of how color does not matter.

    those speaking ill of Africa seem not to notice how rich that nation is. Ashkenazis just helped themselves to BILLIONS in african gold. the conditions folk see= man made and not even remotely race related.


    KJV Habakkuk 2:8-14

    8 Because thou hast spoiled many nations, all the remnant of the people shall spoil thee; because of men's blood, and for the violence of the land, of the city, and of all that dwell therein.

    9 Woe to him that coveteth an evil covetousness to his house, that he may set his nest on high, that he may be delivered from the power of evil!

    10 Thou hast consulted shame to thy house by cutting off many people, and hast sinned against thy soul.

    11 For the stone shall cry out of the wall, and the beam out of the timber shall answer it.

    12 Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood, and stablisheth a city by iniquity!


    so just keep on acting like the litte/giant White lie= right. in this Christian built on the Bible land no less.

    :( see THIS is why He has not shut this down yet Anon 5:25 AM.

    "What do you consider the biggest problem for black youth today, racism or not having parents like you and your husband?"

    folk can't discuss that. they run the risk of being called "bitter" among many many many other unfounded names...

    there is minimal marriage (which men control) much less parenting going on in the Black nation. all go after their own g-d. which is many instances = BM.

    it is MUCH safer to discuss stuff like this:

    " the White woman's preference for big Black penis pretty much ensures your race will eventually become extinct."

    it meets with BM's approval.

    + highlights the callous disregard for the condition of less fortunate BW that prefer/seek BM but won't have one after all the internal/external killing, imprisonment, and interracial/strange woman love is done. 'cause how does the above Bless BW?

    it doesn't.

    so the circular go no where convo...


    i would say it is not about color, but i have done that already.

    Blessings all!

  42. @KC-

    "And did anybody catch dems/reps pulled a bi-partisan bill that would have stopped/restricted the DOD from selling military equipment to police departments at discount rates after the riots?"

    don't fall for the okey doke.

    Ferguson was made to happen. so folk can do precisely what you are doing.

    while folk behaved like puppets on a string...

    BO the unofficial king,...

    quietly pushed through 3K new bills.

    how will the masses know how this will affect US?

    we probably won't ever know...

    and the dum dums will flip into the dem/repub, left/right, Black/white fun times for dum dums. when all these folk share the same bloodline, advisors + party line. dems+ repubs= same.

    the republic is being internally dismantled in keeping with the Wrath of Yah, as it is written.

  43. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Blogger Yīshēng said...
    KKKuckoo you know the White woman's preference for big Black penis pretty much ensures your race will eventually become extinct.

    It's just a matter of time.

    11:06 AM
    Yīshēng sounds like Black Hitler.

  44. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Blogger focusedpurpose said...

    "And did anybody catch dems/reps pulled a bi-partisan bill that would have stopped/restricted the DOD from selling military equipment to police departments at discount rates after the riots?"

    don't fall for the okey doke.

    Ferguson was made to happen. so folk can do precisely what you are doing.

    while folk behaved like puppets on a string...


    Don't forget Bill. He's knee deep in Republican/Democrat politics. As a matter of fact, he might be one of the ones who is pushing the okey doke.
    Field is suspect too.

    Who can be trusted?

  45. Anonymous said...
    Yīshēng sounds like Black Hitler.

    Don't blame me or Hitler that so many of your women are making your people extinct.

    Maybe some White man (obviously) will create a penis extender/thickener to make you more appealing to your women.

  46. Anonymous3:50 PM

    OMG! A Costco employee was stabbed by another Costco employee on Black Friday. What is happening in our country? All this evil hatred is out of control and nobody seems to notice. It's as if this evil has become the 'norm'.

    From USA Today:

    "One Costco employee reportedly stabbed another before the store opened for customers Black Friday morning in Nanuet, N.Y., according to police.

    The victim was cut across the abdomen and face with a box cutter in the attack, which occurred about 6 a.m. in the bathroom of the store, Clarkstown "

  47. "I believe his hands inside the police car fighting for the officers gun had more to do with his death than stealing a couple smokes."

    So how come he was shot 148 feet from the cop car?

  48. FP, maybe if you were more appealing to BM, you wouldn't have so much disdain for them. But you allow yourself to think it's your kinky hair that Black men reject when it's your bitterness toward them which speaks volumes.

    I've worn my hair natural for YEARS and I don't have "good hair", so hair can't possibly be your problem. Your mirror is.

  49. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Ray Rice is eligible to play again. The way they have been coming down on bm, this is a miracle....

    Thank God! The man has been through hell over some little family black squabble in an elevator. For once a bm received justice.

    NFL FOOTBALL will be the better for this decision.

  50. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Yisheng, you need to STFU because your uncle tomming stupidity is clearly showing.

  51. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Yīshēng is clearly a size queen interested in the science of eugenics. Her right arm becomes erect when she thinks of the future. For it is long, vast and black.

  52. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Blogger Yīshēng said...
    Anonymous said...
    Yīshēng sounds like Black Hitler.

    Don't blame me or Hitler that so many of your women are making your people extinct.

    Maybe some White man (obviously) will create a penis extender/thickener to make you more appealing to your womens.


    The problem is the baby daddy don't stay. Can't fix that with an extender.

  53. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Yinsheng, did your momma teach you anything about the black mens way? If the baby daddy don't stay then the baby daddy no man no woman want anyways. It might be big. It might be thick. You might moan it out. Then you paying all the baby bills alone girl. then some white dude you never met support your baby by taxes. You knows what I'm talking about. You knows I'm right. Next time, wrap that thing tight!

  54. Well at least assnon isn't acting like a lonely old man in soiled depends today.


  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Yisheng-

    i have Good hair...

    because it is healthy and given to me by Almighty Yah. unlike you, my brain is not mangled by white supremacy.

    creating lower standards for the menfolk plays into the enemy's hands. i Love His People/my people entirely too much for that.

    when you get a moment, do a bit of study on learned helplessness.

    you speak in ignorance, as per usual.

    please know, i don't have problems with het menfolk of any color.

    stand corrected + you are welcome.


    on 2nd thought...

    i will leave it there.

    Yah is changing me:) enjoy your day.

  57. Anonymous3:15 AM

    I've been reading the writing on this computer page. I am sad to see so many young people so very angry. But I understand why. There are many wrongs in life. Too many.

    I think it must make G-d very sad to see the children of his making, children of all races, treat each other so hatefully. I have no solution. But I know this from so many years. Hate leads to more hate. Love leads to more love. To hate is easy. To love is hard. I think at least that much must be true. Maybe that's our test here, to learn to do the harder thing. I don't know.

  58. Doc, that was cooooold.
