Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Open thread.

Kind of busy tonight.

So it's open thread night.

Tell me what you are thinking.


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbEbM7FJxd4&list=UUsu-iJAHNytFUWZgNHtrNWw&index=200

  2. The Dems that lost got what they deserved for turing thier backs on the President. Given what he started with 6 years ago, what he has done is miraculous and it should have been an easy sell.


  3. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Amazing. Watching the news. Dems in trouble. Pols running away from the President. He got bin Laden. The deficit is plunging so fast a fund manager interviewed on Wealthtrack says the wealthy don't have enough bond investment opportunities. Gas is cheaper than it's been in years and if you're in the stock market, it's all good. WTF? Maybe it's not just 'cause he's Black. Maybe it's just 'cause there are no stained dresses or dead political operatives to flaunt.

  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Qk95SVRdEo

  5. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Well, with the Republicans winning the House and Senate, the stock market will do better than ever.

    America and the world will do exceptionally well. My prayers for Reps to take over Congress has been answered. Now Blacks will finally be able to find some jobs.

    Thank goodness we are finally getting our country back.

  6. Anonymous12:05 AM

    We can no longer trust computers to count up votes. Or maybe we never could?

    The system is rigged.

  7. the system has ALWAYS been rigged. when that Truth was revealed in U.S...folk missed it.

    elsewhere folk had public fits.

    whoever thinks "good 'ole" U.S days are comin' back...

    has been distracted by Black...



  8. it should have been an easy sell.

    Obviously the internal polling democrats did said otherwise.

    1. Bill Dems are weak and have been for YEARS. Rethugs in EVERY state should have been shown the door due to the government shutdown alone.


  9. Yīshēng said...
    Bill Dems are weak and have been for YEARS.

    If internal polling (all politicians do it) showed their agenda would be voted for, politicians run on it.

    If only people standing on principles ran for office instead of people wanting to be elected.

  10. Anonymous2:31 AM

    "The Dems that lost got what they deserved for turing thier backs on the President. Given what he started with 6 years ago, what he has done is miraculous and it should have been an easy sell.


    I totally agree. Especially if you're in a red state you sell hard because you're probably going to lose anyway so why not be true to your party. And folks ask why I'm not a Dem.


  11. Anonymous2:32 AM

    "Bill Dems are weak and have been for YEARS. Rethugs in EVERY state should have been shown the door due to the government shutdown alone."

    Agree again. Why elect folks who hate government to run the government? How could any good come of that?


  12. Anonymous2:35 AM

    Wow, Mia Love won so now the Repubs have their very first sista in congress. Watch them talk much shit but it took until 2014 to get ONE. Nice. Let's see if she holds to her pledge to destroy the CBC.


  13. Regarding our debate over the last couple of days about the Pope and the future of Catholicism. Not being a Catholic I was somewhat out of my depth. So I emailed a good friend who is editor-in-chief of a national Catholic newspaper and is considered one of the leading lay Catholics in his nation. I emailed him for his views, this was the response.

    ”How and in which way has Pope Francis denied the belief in an all-powerful God? If your interlocutor is actually referring to the thing about evolution, then he might as well condemn Pius XII, John Paul II and Benedict XVI, who have all endorsed the evolution theory.

    Pope Francis is not changing the teachings on homosexuality at all. He is proposing a new pastoral application, one which would conform God's all-embracing and infinite love for all of humanity.

    It is the denial of that divine love that is heresy. Jesus welcomed everybody — except the Pharisees, who loved the law too much and assumed God's prerogative to judge the individual for themselves. In that way, Pope Francis is acting as a true Vicar of Christ.

    I don't think your bigoted interlocutor will yield. But whatever he responds, just tell him to go back to Jesus, who was not a bigot.

    And, for crying out loud, why are you voluntarily engaging with people like that?”

  14. This is why one of the highlights of this blog is Purple Cow. Many thanks for the clarification about the pope's message.

    As for the new republican majority in congress and the senate, no surprise. For the first time in years, I had zero interest in the election results. Nor did I watch or listen to any of the panel discusions or commentary.

    Voters, especially people of color, are angry or tired of being part of a political process that caters to special interests. A wake up call to democrats, in which many campaigns appeared to be devoid of solutions.

    People are not trying to hear about the return to Jim Crow. Our public schools are under attack; double digit unemployment in urban communities; rampant crime with little trust in law enforcement and the justice system. Even reneging on immigration reform resulted in dire consequences.

    At the end of the day, the electorate has spoken. Hoping and praying for the best.

  15. Question to the fields..... With a democratic majority in congress and the senate after the 2008 election, can someone effectively explain the mandate to work on the ACA first, and not an effective jobs recovery initiative?

  16. Faith, from a pure political standpoint it was not a good move, but I honestly think it was better for the country in the long run.

    Congrats to that Love lady in Utah.
    It should be interesting to see how she legislates.

    Last nigjt's elections were interesting and predictable. Now the fun begins.

  17. Anonymous7:13 AM

    PC, "Regarding our debate over the last couple of days about the Pope and the future of Catholicism. Not being a Catholic I was somewhat out of my depth. So I emailed a good friend who is editor-in-chief of a national Catholic newspaper and is considered one of the leading lay Catholics in his nation. I emailed him for his views, this was the response."

    PC, you are still out of your depth. You know nothing about Catholicism and neither does your friend, which of course, IS YOU.

    If you are going to be a fake editor-in-chief of 'some' Catholic lay newspaper, at least don't write like yourself.

    And what are you doing even 'considering' having a friend who is Catholic? You are an atheist who hates anyone who has faith in God.

    Nice try, though. You really ought to work on your dishonesty. It really comes through in every aspect of your sold-out soul. Of course, since you don't believe in the existence of God, lies and dishonesty is allowed. In fact, you have proven by your comments, past and present, that anything corrupt is a good thing as long as you think it will support you.

    You are right about one thing: You are out of your depth--far out to sea-- when it comes to religion, faith and God. You know nothing about it. Yet, you seem to be interested in it. Are you trying to find yourself?

    Anyway, why bother to have a conversation with people of faith? I mean, what's the point?

    Go have a conversation with atheists, it will be more meaningful for you. Check out Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris. They are leading atheists in the West.

    At your level of intensity against the existence of God, you'll feel right at home with them.

  18. @ PC-

    run this by your "authority" friend, then holla back, please:


    folk skate past it and start talking 'bout the church's works, like they don't know it is written that folk will stand on judgment day doing the same...

    didn't i do this? but i did that?!

    and will be told to depart, 'cause He never knew them.

    the Most wicked among US like to give the appearance of Good works. like those pushing depopulation LOVE to come pushing the notion of life saving vaccines. and other such inverted wickedness.

    people of the lie- M. Scott Peck.

    get familiar.

    as it relates to the rigged political puppet show...

    are folk familiar with concept of putting 'em ALL out?

    it is not just the brand new baby rapin' pope that is on the freedom train, moving above + out of reach of the laws of man...

    it is the compromised politicians as well.

    notice just as folk can read straight devil brand new pope antics and go right back to church talking points like they didn't get the memo...

    politicians are whacking folk, over and over and over again- with no charges being brought against them. public confession won't make folk blink. corrupt as the day is long.

    evidence that the system is rigged and what people vote making no difference= ignored.

    you know, it is ONLY the Love of Yah that makes me bother at all to Stand and Speak.

    someone said folk will get what they deserve. such is true for humanity as well...

    but for Yah's Grace and Mercy.

    THIS is why i Love Him/His Word so...He saves US from the hell we so richly deserve in our conforming cowardice.

    i am Grateful.

  19. the Love of Yah gives me the Love for people.

    the strong must Stand Strong for the weaker more fearful souls.

    the persecution that comes with this...

    prompts a tantrum or two some days, in all Truth.

    once that passes it is ON, 'cause He built the Strong to Stand long in His Power. in Messiah's Name i pray more will find the strength to Stand.

  20. Obama's liberal chickens coming home to roost.....

  21. Congratulations, Senor: One favor, por favor, so to speak... Try being gentle on the souls transitioning to the dawn of a new era. Gracias!!

  22. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Blogger señor kinky said...
    Obama's liberal chickens coming home to roost.....

    8:24 AM
    Field's leftists coming home to roost. FN should be interesting now, considering Obama is poison and the Dems are snake oil.

    Black Dems had better wake up! It's over for the Dems, no one wants them except Field and PilotX and PC....LOSERS!

  23. Anonymous9:51 AM

    FP--That link is stranger than fiction. If true, then NO ONE--no human being is trustworthy and the entire human race is doomed...

    I don't believe the story. And why hasn't the media mentioned it?

    Why hasn't Field mentioned it? Or Pat Roberts? Or Rev Graham?

    I mean, this is such a sensational story that even Megyn Kelly or O'Reilly would be on it. 60 minutes would surely be investigating.

    The atheists would be out in full force...But not a peep from them. This leads me to suspect that the story is not true or creditable.

  24. Faith_and_Fairness said...
    Congratulations, Senor: One favor, por favor, so to speak... Try being gentle on the souls transitioning to the dawn of a new era. Gracias!!


    Anonymous said...

    Field's leftists coming home to roost. FN should be interesting now, considering Obama is poison and the Dems are snake oil.

    Black Dems had better wake up! It's over for the Dems, no one wants them except Field and PilotX and PC....LOSERS!

    9:22 AM

    Una nueva era de esperanza y cambio. Espero que la era trabajará para los negros como la vieja era de esperanza y el cambio lo hizo.

    Los negros, como campo bajarán con el USS OBAMA.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. "Black Dems had better wake up! It's over for the Dems, no one wants them except Field and PilotX and PC....LOSERS!"

    Point of information: I've never supported the Democrats.


  27. "PC, you are still out of your depth. You know nothing about Catholicism and neither does your friend, which of course, IS YOU."

    Ummmm, nope, he's about as different from me as you could get and still be a nice bloke.

    "If you are going to be a fake editor-in-chief of 'some' Catholic lay newspaper, at least don't write like yourself."

    We are both professional writers, but his style is not even close to mine. He's a journalist, I'm a copywriter. Our styles could not be more different. And you, are even dumber than I thought.


    "And what are you doing even 'considering' having a friend who is Catholic? You are an atheist who hates anyone who has faith in God."

    I have many friends who hold religious beliefs. My best friend for one, my wife for another, and most of the guys I play cricket with are Muslims. I'm not the bigot that you are. It's bigotry that I hate, not belief systems.


    "Nice try, though. You really ought to work on your dishonesty. It really comes through in every aspect of your sold-out soul. Of course, since you don't believe in the existence of God, lies and dishonesty is allowed...."

    Even you know that's bollocks.

    "...In fact, you have proven by your comments, past and present, that anything corrupt is a good thing as long as you think it will support you. "

    If you would translate that sentence in English I might be able to respond to whatever point you are trying to make.


    "You are right about one thing: You are out of your depth--far out to sea-- when it comes to religion, faith and God. You know nothing about it. Yet, you seem to be interested in it. Are you trying to find yourself?"

    No I'm past that stage. As I said, I hate bigots like you. I believe that people like you should be exposed and opposed at every possible opportunity.


    "Anyway, why bother to have a conversation with people of faith? I mean, what's the point?"

    You're not weakling out of this that easily sunshine, see my previous answer.


    "Go have a conversation with atheists, it will be more meaningful for you. Check out Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris. They are leading atheists in the West."

    No they are not.

    Dawkins is a bigot - just like you, you would get on fine I suspect. He should have stuck to what he knows. 'The Selfish Gene' was an excellent book, but the shit he's come out with recently is beyond parody. Never heard of Sam Harris, if he was that important in the west" I would have done.

  28. By winning last night the Rethugs has guaranteed that they will NOT win the White House in 2016. That's if the punk ass Dumbs play the grid lock and presidential veto power to their advantage.
    EVERTHING that goea wrong in the US between now and 2016 can be blamed on Rethugs IF it's played right.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. BTW the President's legacy was ruined the day he decided to run for relection. And there will NEVER be another Dem candidate of color in the White House.


  31. field negro said...
    Last nigjt's elections were interesting and predictable.


    The pre-election polling averages (not the FiveThirtyEight forecasts, which also account for other factors) in the 10 most competitive Senate races had a 6-percentage point Democratic bias as compared to the votes counted in each state so far.

    6 percentage point democrat bias.



  32. Yīshēng said...
    EVERTHING that goea wrong in the US between now and 2016 can be blamed on Rethugs IF it's played right.

    Blame game.

    If it's played right.

    This is the democrats agenda.


  33. Yīshēng said...
    And there will NEVER be another Dem candidate of color in the White House.

    I agree. White democrats erased their white liberal guilt voting for obama.


  34. More of that voter fraud, democrat style.

    Two weeks after he lost his right to vote, former Charlotte mayor and convicted felon Patrick Cannon apparently cast a ballot.
    It may even mean the 47-year-old Democrat goes to prison sooner.


    The myth continues to unravel.

  35. "Predictable?"

    Extremely predictable.

    Fivethirtyeight have been saying the Republicans were going to win for many months. Last week they were giving the Republicans a 75% chance of winning.

    Also, traditionally the party of the sitting President usually does poorly in mid-term elections.


  36. Federal Way state House Rep. Roger Freeman is winning re-election despite dying six days ago

    Didn't the voters know he died?

    No press coverage of his death?

    Low information voters?

  37. One good thing came outta this midterm election and that was the Legalization of Cannabis in our nations capital D.C.
    This sets up a monumental showdown between a republican congress and Obamas office who has explicitly stated they will VETO any attempt to subvert the will of the people on this issue. After Rethuglicans have their victory lap ...

    Where is the substance to the rhetoric??

    Its just a huge Obomber hate fest...with no solutions..

    In two more election cycles Politicians that oppose Cannabis Legalization are going to become irrelevant Relics.


    In two more election cycles Politicians that oppose Cannabis Legalization are going to become irrelevant Relics.

    I disagree.

    All the stupid drug laws makes it easy for the government to profit from their asset forfeiture program.

    The same reason smoking is still allowed, all the tax $ the government profits from.


  39. The Purple Cow said...
    Extremely predictable.

    Of course no mention of the bias.

    PurpleCow is "Extremely predictable."

    Also, traditionally the party of the sitting President usually does poorly in mid-term elections.

    Keep defending democrats.

    PurpleCow is "Extremely predictable."

  40. Anonymous12:56 PM

    @Bill- True dat.

  41. @9:51 AM-

    IF you are waiting to see it on controlled by lucifer's minions tv...

    you will Believe no Truth told to you.

    THIS is a part of the agenda.

    do you think it coincidence that the tv is called the programming networks? tell lie vision programming is messing folk ALL the way up.

    turn it off.

    just because the jesuit pope and the other bloodlines that trace back to nimrod- they are proud to say- have positioned themselves to reek havoc on humanity does not mean there is no Good among US. there is.

    folk that are telling it are being shut down at every turn.

    go here for more information:


    as a place to start.

    for those of US that have clocked many hours digging beneath the commonly accepted story lines...

    demonic = only way to describe what we find.



    KJV Revelation 12:9- And the great dragon was out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.


    the above is NO lie. the devil and his demon angels seem to have gotten a stranglehold on high places.

    the Truth IS stranger than fiction.

    though if folk paid attention to the predictive programming in tv and movies, they would see that the enemy to our souls has to show US what the deal is...

    when we keep going back for more- this = exercising our will for evil.

    IF someone told you there were deep underground military bases were human experimentation takes place, would you believe?

    do you think the mad scientists stopped with GMO'ing the food? what about humans?

    the very 1st link i posted in this comment section addresses transhumanism.

    cloning. think folk just stumbled up on the info and didn't bother to use it?

    what if folk told you that high profile folk that serve a purpose + are profitable are replaced if their free will becomes unmanageable?

    would you believe?

    there is much going down right now and folk are too busy to pay attention. by the time the boom gets lowered...'cause many many many laws are written + passed in secrecy while folk do what is happening on this thread now. when the big reveal takes place...

    too late.

    ps. the folk you mention are connected to the machine in some way. otherwise they would have been discredited and moved out of the spotlight awhile ago. in order to get paid, one must play. particularly at certain levels. even the opposition is controlled. look. see.

    pretty much none of what we think is Real = Real. that's from history to what our military is up to overseas right now. nothing just happens. things are made to happen.

    no one gives much concern or thought to folk that believe in nothing. those that run hard with lucifer know lucifer/satan is real. under the one world government those that believe nothing will be in for the rudest awakening of all. my guess is they will get familiar with Yah + call for Him Real fast!


    blessings to you!

  42. Anonymous1:04 PM

    And folks ask why I'm not a Dem.


    Sure PX. You're not a Dem. You just vote for Dems every time you vote.

  43. "Of course no mention of the bias."

    Probably people are ashamed to vote Republican, so they lie to the posters about their polling intentions.

    The same thing happens in the U.K. People are embarrassed to admit they are going to vote Conservative. So posters have to add a '4% fudge factor' to the Conservative vote on any polling they do in the UK to allow for people's self-imposed under-reporting.

  44. forgive typos. moving fast.

    skimmed comments. yes! to whoever is speaking of the government plan to do away with personal property.

    folk thinking they 'bout to return to the 1950's= not paying attention...

    at least not to the important stuff.

    focused on race and party lines, when these folk ALL work together AGAINST the best interests of the masses. worldwide.

    may Yah be with US all.

    Anon, don't take anyone's word for information shared. i understand that folk are spoon fed info, made to remember + regurgitate it and then called "educated". it will get worse with the core curriculum...

    may i suggest that you research all the information shared with you? check foreign sources...

    'cause they are NOT in the U.S. we-so-special-bubble. some wonder, frankly, why we are so slow + not in the know 'bout our government and the Truth of the world in which we live.

    you can check to see if the brand new pope has been convicted in a court of law for crimes against the most vulnerable of humanity. when the employee of the vatican was releasing info regarding ped behavior from the pope's office...

    the media over here in U.S. did not make a peep. folk resigned, got moved around to fresh victims and i think we were encouraged to focus on Beyonce, Miley Cyrus or some Real important tmz matter like that...


  45. I loved trolling right-wingers when republicans started catching on about bush and republicans started saying they weren't republicans.

    And folks ask why I'm not a Dem.
    The Purple Cow said...
    Point of information: I've never supported the Democrats.

    Now I get to watch democrats deny their party allegiance.

  46. Bill, you do realise that the Democrats don't exist in the UK, right?

    They are an American political party. I'm an English Socialist who is a fully paid-up member of, and a regional organiser for, the Left Unity Party.

    You do know Democrats only operate in America.

    Don't you????????????

  47. More stringent background checks for gun ownership won on a ballot measure in Washington despite NRA opposition. Gotta find the good.
    Something's up in SC again, the Dems running an inferior candidate against Timmy Scott thus ensuring his victory. Joyce Dickerson wasn't as bad as what's his face Green but let's be real, they ran a sista? Really? Once again funny business.

  48. Anonymous3:18 PM

    "I loved trolling"

    Because you're a stupid troll Bill. We know.

  49. PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...

    More stringent background checks for gun ownership won on a ballot measure in Washington despite NRA opposition. Gotta find the good.

    Why is that good? Stringent background checks won't stop one person from committing a crime with a gun.

    And Pilot fed x, who was the last Republican or Independent you voted for?

    The Purple Cow said...

    "Of course no mention of the bias."

    Probably people are ashamed to vote Republican, so they lie to the posters about their polling intentions.

    Purple Cow bringing the funnies.

    Since here in America you can't get a leftists to admit who they really are and what they really think.

    But it's Conservatives who are ashamed. Toooo funny.

  50. "Since here in America you can't get a leftists to admit who they really are and what they really think."

    I love the way these far-Right types invent these little factoids they find in their wobbly white asses.

    Tooooooo funny.

  51. Not much for American politics are you Purple Cow?

  52. Proud leftist here. Michael Manley was my hero.

    PC, I knew there was something I liked about you.


  53. Since here in America you can't get a leftists to admit who they really are and what they really think."

    I love the way these far-Right types invent these little factoids they find in their wobbly white asses.

    Isn't Obama admitting leftists (democrats) are trying to give the impression they are distancing themselves from the president?

    "The bottom line is, though, these are all folks who vote with me. They have supported my agenda in Congress," Obama said
    And I tell them, I said, 'You know what, you do what you need to win. I will be responsible for making sure that our voters turn up.'"



    Socialist agenda debunked.

    Leftists weren't being honest about their agenda.

  54. "Isn't Obama admitting leftists (democrats) are trying to give the impression they are distancing themselves from the president?"

    Democrats are NOT leftists, they are simply less extreme conservatives, as I demonstrated the other day. So your latest crackpot theory falls apart yet again.

  55. Here's a good piece by my old mate Ricky Lenin on the overt racism of that video of the woman being sexually abused on New York streets that went viral last week.


    1. A "well nourished" woman with a big butt and tight black yoga pants walks around da' hood in NYC and wonders why men are
      cat calling her?

      B*tch PLEASE! !

      White men wouldn't look twice at her because she's not a size 0.

  56. Democrats are NOT leftists and Obama is a conservative.

    Only in the fantasy world leftists live in.

    Ooooo the overt racism !!!

    Got anymore of that crybaby pie pc?

  57. Oh do fuck off Kinky you tedious little drongo.

  58. Oh the little socialist gets upset when his faux reality is challenged?

    I suppose you won't be coming over for tea and biscuits?

    What a pity....


  59. The Purple Cow said...
    Democrats are NOT leftists, they are simply less extreme conservatives, as I demonstrated the other day.

    Do you mean that socialist website you linked to?

    Well duh!

    Everything to the right of them is considered conservative by those on the extreme left of politics.

  60. Anonymous8:36 PM

    PC, "Dawkins is a bigot - just like you, you would get on fine I suspect. He should have stuck to what he knows. 'The Selfish Gene' was an excellent book, but the shit he's come out with recently is beyond parody. Never heard of Sam Harris, if he was that important in the west" I would have done."

    10:45 AM
    Every atheist knows Sam Harris, except you of course. He is well-known throughout the world, esp in the UK and America.

    FYI, he is considered part of the 'Atheist Trinity'--Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens(dead), and Sam Harris.

    For a passionate atheist you sure as hell don't much about atheism. Come to think of it you don't know much about religion either. You are a lost soul who is 'out there' and can't find his way back. That's a damn shame because Lucifer is going to have a field day with you.



    Finally, here is an article about "Scientific Racism" about that took the
    world by storm, except in America and Britain, of course. It was very unkind to Blacks, considering them not fully human in stature, and very inferior to Whites...Of course, that has been the case even before Europeans enslaved Blacks like you.

    Anyway, it gives insight into the atheistic mind like yours.

  61. "Do you mean that socialist website you linked to?"


    "White men wouldn't look twice at her because she's not a size 0."

    You're missing the point Yisheng. The article demonstrates that white men DID cat call and harass her, but the film-maker - by his own admission - edited the white men out making it look as is only black men were guilty. And what's more he has history in this sort of thing using selectively edited video to abuse back folks.

    Read the article.
