Tuesday, November 18, 2014

When being "delusional" can hurt your child.

A friend of mine, who also happens to be a successful attorney, sent me the following article:

"I knew the day would come, but I didn’t know how it would happen, where I would be, or how I would respond. It is the moment that every black parent fears: the day their child is called a nigger.
My wife and I, both African Americans, constitute one of those Type A couples with Ivy League undergraduate and graduate degrees who, for many years, believed that if we worked hard and maintained great jobs, we could insulate our children from the blatant manifestations of bigotry that we experienced as children in the 1960s and ’70s.

We divided our lives between a house in a liberal New York suburb and an apartment on Park Avenue, sent our three kids to a diverse New York City private school, and outfitted them with the accoutrements of success: preppy clothes, perfect diction and that air of quiet graciousness. We convinced ourselves that the economic privilege we bestowed on them could buffer these adolescents against what so many black and Latino children face while living in mostly white settings: being profiled by neighbors, followed in stores and stopped by police simply because their race makes them suspect.

But it happened nevertheless in July, when I was 100 miles away.

It was a Tuesday afternoon when my 15-year-old son called from his academic summer program at a leafy New England boarding school and told me that as he was walking across campus, a gray Acura with a broken rear taillight pulled up beside him. Two men leaned out of the car and glared at him.
“Are you the only nigger at Mellon Academy*?” one shouted.

Certain that he had not heard them correctly, my son moved closer to the curb, and asked politely, “I’m sorry; I didn’t hear you.”

But he had heard correctly. And this time the man spoke more clearly. “Only … nigger,” he said with added emphasis.

My son froze. He dropped his backpack in alarm and stepped back from the idling car. The men honked the horn loudly and drove off, their laughter echoing behind them.

By the time he recounted his experience a few minutes later, my son was back in his dorm room, ensconced on the third floor of a red-brick fortress. He tried to grasp the meaning of the story as he told it: why the men chose to stop him, why they did it in broad daylight, why they were so calm and deliberate. “Why would they do that — to me?” he whispered breathlessly into the phone. “Dad, they don’t know me. And they weren’t acting drunk. It’s just 3:30 in the afternoon. They could see me, and I could see them!”

My son rambled on, describing the car and the men, asking questions that I couldn’t completely answer. One very clear and cogent query was why, in Connecticut in 2014, grown men would target a student who wasn’t bothering them to harass in broad daylight. The men intended to be menacing.

“They got so close — like they were trying to ask directions. … They were definitely trying to scare me,” he said.

“Are you okay?” I interrupted. “Are you —”

“Yeah,” he continued anxiously. “I’m okay. I guess. … Do you think they saw which dorm I went back to? Maybe I shouldn’t have told my roommate. Should I stay in my dorm and not go to the library tonight?”

Despite his reluctance, I insisted that he report the incident to the school. His chief concern was not wanting the white students and administrators to think of him as being special, different, or “racial.” That was his word. “If the other kids around here find out that I was called a nigger, and that I complained about it,” my son pleaded, “then they will call me ‘racial,’ and will be thinking about race every time they see me. I can’t have that.” For the next four weeks of the summer program, my son remained leery of cars that slowed in his proximity (he’s still leery today). He avoided sidewalks, choosing instead to walk on campus lawns. And he worried continually about being perceived as racially odd or different.

Herein lay the difference between my son’s black childhood and my own. Not only was I assaulted by the n-word so much earlier in life — at age 7, while visiting relatives in Memphis — but I also had many other experiences that differentiated my life from the lives of my white childhood friends. There was no way that they would “forget” that I was different. The times, in fact, dictated that they should not forget; our situation would be unavoidably “racial.”

When my family moved into our home in an all-white neighborhood in suburban New York in December 1967, at the height of the black-power movement and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s civil-rights marches, integration did not — at all — mean assimilation. So my small Afro, the three African dashiki-style shirts that I wore to school every other week, and the Southern-style deep-fried chicken and watermelon slices that my Southern-born mother placed lovingly in my school lunchbox all elicited surprise and questions from the white kids who regarded me suspiciously as they walked to school or sat with me in the cafeteria. After all, in the 1960s, it was an “event” — and generally not a trouble-free one — when a black family integrated a white neighborhood. Our welcome was nothing like the comically naive portrayal carried off by Sidney Poitier and his white fiancee’s liberal family members in the film “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner,” which had opened the very month that we moved in.

It wasn’t about awkward pauses, lingering stares and subtle attempts of “throwing shade” our way. It was often blatant and sometimes ugly. Brokers openly refused to show houses to my parents in any of the neighborhoods that we requested, and once we found a house in the New York Times Sunday classifieds, the seller demanded a price almost 25 percent higher than listed in the paper. (My parents paid it.) A day after Mom and Dad signed the contract, a small band of neighbors circulated a petition that outlined their desire to preemptively buy the house from the seller to circumvent its sale to us. My parents were so uncertain of this new racial adventure that they held onto our prior house for another four years — renting it on a year-to-year lease — “just in case,” as my mother always warned, with trepidation on her tongue." [More]

My friend, like the author, did all the right things to achieve the "American dream". She and her husband are also raising their children in a very lily white environment.

Unlike the author, though, she has no illusions about the alleged "post racial" world that we live in.

None of her children, she assured me, would be as traumatized at being called the n-word by some random white dude in a car. 

"My son rambled on, describing the car and the men, asking questions that I couldn’t completely answer. One very clear and cogent query was why, in Connecticut in 2014, grown men would target a student who wasn’t bothering them to harass in broad daylight. The men intended to be menacing.

“They got so close — like they were trying to ask directions. … They were definitely trying to scare me,” he said.

“Are you okay?” I interrupted. “Are you —”

“Yeah,” he continued anxiously. “I’m okay. I guess. …"

Sorry kid, your daddy should have prepared you.

The picture above is of the author and his family courtesy of the Washington Post.  

h/t TL Esq.


  1. I agree with you Field, this kid's delusional parents really let him down. SHAME ON THEM!!!

  2. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Wow. America sure is racist. A kid lives a comfortable life of privilege among white people until one day when he is 15 and somebody driving buy calls him a ni88er. He should definitely carry a chip on his shoulder the rest of his life and Field should definitely highlight this incident as evidence of America's irredeemable racism; it's the only appropriate response.

    By the time I was 15, I had gotten a lot worse out of my contacts with blacks. Any illusions I had fed to me by society were dispelled by experience.

  3. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Field, have you ever wondered why any black family with kids would want to move into an all-white neighborhood?

    It seems to me that the children's view of themselves, their race, and America would be distorted beyond repair...PTSD.

    1. Detroit is always there6:21 PM

      They could always stay in the ultra safe and thriving black communties. That will insure that theres no racism from whitey. Simple solution right?

  4. Ask not for whom the bell curve tolls11:46 PM

    Yīngyēng said...
    I agree with you Field, this kid's delusional parents really let him down. SHAME ON THEM!!!

    The kid is attending Mellon Academy - they are not letting him down.

    They are probably not all that smart, they were just affirmative-action university types. At least they graduated.






  6. Anonymous12:23 AM

    "Field, have you ever wondered why any black family with kids would want to move into an all-white neighborhood?

    It seems to me that the children's view of themselves, their race, and America would be distorted beyond repair...PTSD."

    Okay, there are still some white neighborhoods in America in 2014 where it would be very unwise, or at least unpleasant, for a black person to live. But that is not all or even most of them. Every town is not Hateful Hillbilly Holler.

    As this story makes pretty clear, this kid's surprise at encountering these racist losers after having already lived there for 15 years would suggest that he's not exactly enduring daily abuse from his friends and neighbors, would it not?

    I'm sure it's still an occasional struggle standing out as different among his classmates, or sometimes having to answer a clueless question ("Why do black people do XYZ?"), but that hardly amounts to PTSD.

  7. Dear Field,

    Far be it for me to criticise your esteemed blog, BUT I have to say, you need a better class of racist troll I'm bored with the ones you've got.

    If you need to move to a higher subscription level with Anons inc to get better quality racists let me know, I would be glad to chip in with some sponsorship money.

    I know with a bronze-level subscription you get a bunch of dimwitted one-trick ponies like Bill and QLB, but if you could just stretch to a Silver Subscription, or even - heaven forbid - 'GOLD' think how much more fun this site would be.

    (And I don't even wanna think about Platinum - I'm not sure I could cope with the excitement!)

    Anyway, have a word with the President of Anons Inc, and let me know what he says.

    Yours in Comradeship,


  8. PC, I am trying ro get the gold or silver package, but unfortunately I still owe Anon Inc

    But u I are right, this is sad. I am going to have to suck it up and pay them.:)

    PC, can u work some of your British contacts for some contributions? How strong is the pound these days?

  9. Anon@12:23, u seem like a pretty reasonable person, so I wil ask u this: Don't u find it ironic and sad that the same s*** the kid's grandparents went through is still with us in 2014?

    1. sabrina johnson6:16 PM

      Thats about the biggest load of shit ive ever read. Jeez Luiz people its a WORD. GET OVER IT..MOVE ON!!

      No one beat the kid up or raped him. No one lynched him. No one robbed him..its some immature little boys saying a word they heard from Lil Wayne or Kanye West.

  10. Anonymous7:25 AM

    The irony of a successful black family needing to move into a lily white neighborhood seems to escape you. Why do blacks who gain any success, invariably move into a white neighborhood with white culture and morals and safety.

    He should have moved into a black neighborhood, he would have been called nigga every other sentence, especially by his parents. I love it when they say.look at my little nigga..

    What a bunch of sniveling eternal victim nonsense.

  11. Anonymous8:59 AM

    "Anon@12:23, u seem like a pretty reasonable person, so I wil ask u this: Don't u find it ironic and sad that the same s*** the kid's grandparents went through is still with us in 2014?"

    Absolutely. It's terrible that it's still necessary to fight these battles.

    But we should take stock of the progress that has been made. The level of hate does seem to have gone down from that kid's parents' and grandparents' generations, and there's a difference between acknowledging that and pronouncing the nation "post-racial."

    My view is that, unfortunately, while our country has gotten racially more fair over the past several decades, it's also gotten economically less fair. For a lot of poor black people, that's left them seeing not much of an tangible improvement in their lives.

  12. Anonymous9:49 AM

    PC has lost every debate with anons on this site, yet he wants even more abuse. Go figure.

    1. Italians created SWAG11:41 AM

      LOL..so true. What do you expect, PC is a soft british negro.

  13. ¿Quién es este negro campo?

    Ciertamente no a alguien digno de la atención de una princesa.

    Mientras que el celoso es preocupante, su belleza va a seguir siendo la obra maestra de la isla para que todos admiran.


  14. field negro said...
    But u I are right, this is sad. I am going to have to suck it up and pay them.:)

    Are you at least paying your taxes?

    As Sharpton Rose, So Did His Unpaid Taxes
    Records reviewed by The New York Times show more than $4.5 million in current state and federal tax liens against him and his for-profit businesses.


    If I was a friend of Obamas could I also get away with not paying my fair share?

    Maybe it's time for FN to mention the koch brothers again.

    If the koch brothers didn't pay their taxes for years I'm sure FN would call them out.

  15. Ever notice the leftists who scream the loudest about everyone paying their fair share are the ones who do everything the can not pay their fair share?


  16. señor kinky said...

    Ever notice the leftists who scream the loudest about everyone paying their fair share are the ones who do everything the can not pay their fair share?

    Imagine the batshit crazy of obama picking tax cheat timmy geitner for Secretary of the Treasury.

    Although, obama picked a lot of democrats that didn't pay their fair share.

    Hilda Solis
    Ron Kirk
    Tom Daschle
    Nancy Killefer
    Bill Richardson
    Max Baucus

    Why do democrats cheat on paying taxes?

  17. Anon@8:59, welcome to the fields. And please leave more comments.

    Anon@7:25, u are the kind of troll PC is talking about. I think you are a part of the economy package.

  18. It's sad and stupid and ridiculous to hear this and every other story of racial and religious hatred. It all boils down to fear. Everyone is afraid and they use their fear as a weapon to demean, discourage & murder that which they do not understand. New England is surprisingly bigoted in some parts. I remember, years ago, when I lived & worked in VA, one of my co-workers told me she preferred southern bigotry to northern bigotry because, in the South, it was all out in the open. At the time, I didn't understand what she meant. I do now.

    1. dumb white women11:43 AM

      Oh shut the fuck up..

  19. Vice President of Anon Inc.11:34 AM

    field negro said...
    I am trying ro get the gold or silver package, but unfortunately I still owe Anon Inc money
    6:34 AM

    Mr.Field we regret to inform you that you already have the Platinum class of our trolls. The best we have to offer. That's it, Doesn't get any better. Sorry.

  20. The failed race report11:46 AM

    The failed race report:

    Bill Cosby turns out not to be a "good one".

    Al Sharpton doesnt pay his taxes and feels like a victim..go figure.

    NYC negro pushes asian father in front of train. NYC negro has prior violent history.

    Michigan football player Frank Clark arrested for home invasion and domestic violence..how surprising

  21. America is heaven for Blacks11:55 AM

    Hey field, could be worse for that family. They could still be living in Africa starving, fighting ebola and getting slaughtered by their own.

  22. The black double standard12:03 PM

    Field and all the other Black racists slammed Cliven Bundy for supposedly not paying his taxes...bundy got threatened with armed government agency.

    Al slim shady Sharpton doesnt pay his taxes..yet gets to have a friendly press conference to explain himself.

  23. Man, the kid should just have laughed. Two poor and probably uneducated whites jealous of the life he will attain. He should feel sorry for them if anything. They are just reacting in the only way they can. Gotta be strong to be a successful brotha. They can't destroy us physically so they'll try to do so mentally but since racists are dimwits their attempts are very often humorous. Also, my friends and I have this discussion all the time about whether or not it's truly beneficial to send our kids to all white or nearly all white schools.

  24. That narrative about the car and the sidewalk and the N-word: this is where class comes in, I bet. It shouldn't have to be the case that every minority kid in America has to be a sociologist, but that may help. Those crackers trying to menace the boy were probably poor (broken tail light, etc.) or at least FELT INFERIOR to the kid they were harrassing. Hence. They couldn't have afforded attendance at a posh private school or camp, and needed to feel superior to someone who did. Period. The boy should have been told that, or figured it out. Anyway I think it would have helped him cope.

  25. PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Two poor and probably uneducated whites jealous of the life he will attain. He should feel sorry for them if anything. They are just reacting in the only way they can. Gotta be strong to be a successful brotha

    Hey, if you are going to take all the Affirmative Action admissions, jobs, and promotions, you are going to have to put up with those whose opportunity you were handed being resentful. The government is on your side, so all they can do is call you names once in a great while. You still get to pretend you are self-made success.

    You don't have be strong, just devoid of self-respect.

  26. Sure BP, because we all know none of us are smart enough to get into good schools or get good jobs on our own. Only white males are capable of such achievement. Thanks for the info.

  27. Some blacks are, but you never know because of racial preferences.

    It's not such a big deal for postal workers, university professors, or middle managers, but if I need a doctor or a pilot, I want one I know didn't get there because they weren't a white male.

  28. Ross Douthat writing in the New York Times:

    So there is no public will at work here. There is only the will to power of this White House.

    Which is why the thinking liberal’s move, if this action goes forward, will be to invoke structural forces, flaws inherent in our constitutional order, to justify Obama’s unilateralism. This won’t be a completely fallacious argument: Presidential systems like ours have a long record, especially in Latin America, of producing standoffs between executive and legislative branches, which tends to make executive power grabs more likely. In the United States this tendency has been less dangerous -- our imperial presidency has grown on us gradually; the worst overreaches have often been rolled back. But we do seem to be in an era whose various forces -- our open-ended post-9/11 wars, the ideological uniformity of the parties -- are making a kind of creeping caudillismo more likely.

    But if that evil must come, woe to the president who chooses it. And make no mistake, the president is free to choose. No immediate crisis forces his hand; no doom awaits the country if he waits. He once campaigned on constitutionalism and executive restraint; he once abjured exactly this power. There is still time for him to respect the limits of his office, the lines of authority established by the Constitution, the outcome of the last election.

    Or he can choose the power grab, and the accompanying disgrace.

  29. Trust me dude, there are plenty of white pilots who were affirmative action hires.

    1. Lying pilot x3:32 PM

      LOL sureeeeeee

  30. Barack is just doing what Reagan and GWB did. Only difference is he is doing it while being blah.

    1. MS-13, Nortenos, Mexican slums3:34 PM

      It was a different world back in the 80's. We dont need this immigration push.

  31. teh stupid is really stupid in this one3:49 PM

    Why Obama isn't doing what Reagan and GWB did while Obama is blah.

    Both Reagan’s and Bush’s moves were cleanup measures for the implementation of the once-in-history amnesty that was passed by Congress. In other words, it was a coda, a tying up of loose ends, for something that Congress had actually enacted, and thus arguably a legitimate part of executing the law — which is, after all, the function of the executive. Obama’s threatened move, on the other hand, is directly contrary to Congress’s decision not to pass an amnesty…Whatever their merits, the Reagan and Bush measures were modest attempts at faithfully executing legislation duly enacted by Congress. Obama’s planned amnesty decree is Caesarism, pure and simple. “Precedent” isn’t the right word for the Obama crowd’s invocation of Reagan. The right word is “pretext.”


  32. "LOL sureeeeeee"

    Nope, it's true. In the years following WWII there was a pilot hiring boom because of the introduction of jets. Many airlines were hiring unqualified pilots and actually paid for their commercial pilot's license (I've seen the actual recruitment posters at the UAL training center) while there were close to 1,000 highly trained blah military aviators who could fill those jobs. White affirmative action at its finest. Most of those guys are all retired but now at a certain airlines there are hundreds of guys who were "hired" simply because they willingly crossed the striking pilots picket line. We call these guys scabs. Now due to a merger a certain airline acquired these scabs and other marginally qualified white guys with only high school diplomas.
    Trust me because I know, the blahs who are hired belong to one of the only organizations that represent blah pilots and we all make sure ever damned one of us knows his or her shit because like the racists that post here everything we do as individuals reflects on all of us. Especially at the old United, it was made known to me that I would be better and sharper than my counterparts and the brothers that were there before me made sure of that. So BP, don't worry if you have a blah pilot, they've been screened much more intensely than any white pilot.

  33. teh stupid3:53 PM


    Oh gee, taking a page from the great mind of Bill and using an opinion piece as evidence. Yes, teh stupid is very strong in this one.

  34. “I am president, I am not king. I can't do these things just by myself."

    I guess Obama has crowned himself King.

  35. Anonymous3:55 PM

    "Ross Gregory Douthat (/ˈdaʊθət/; born November 28, 1979) is a conservative American author, blogger[1] and New York Times columnist. He was a senior editor at The Atlantic [2] and wrote Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics (Free Press, 2012), Grand New Party (Doubleday, 2008) with Reihan Salam, and Privilege: Harvard and the Education of the Ruling Class (Hyperion, 2005). David Brooks called Grand New Party the "best single roadmap of where the Republican Party should and is likely to head."[3] Douthat is a film critic for National Review and has also contributed to The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Weekly Standard, the Claremont Review of Books, GQ, Slate, and other publications. In addition, he frequently appears on the video debate site Bloggingheads.tv. In April 2009, he became an online and op-ed columnist for The New York Times, replacing Bill Kristol as a conservative voice on the Times editorial page.[4] Douthat is the youngest regular op-ed writer in the paper's history,[5] and has been described as "the New York Times' most consistently thoughtful and level-headed opinion columnist"[6] and "the best Times columnist by far".[7]"

    Wow, a conservative writer opines that Barack's actions are beyond the pale. I'm shocked, shocked!

  36. America is Heaven, he could be living in a trailer park next to u. Now that would be hell on earth.

    I see the poster boy for angry white males, Charlie Manson, is taking on a bride.

    Go figure.

    1. America is heaven for Blacks5:55 PM

      I live in an upscale apartment in Manhattan. .good one though.

      They shouldve fried that scum Manson longggg ago.

  37. teh stupid is really stupid in this one3:56 PM

    Oh gee, a opinion piece that is backed up by facts. A page out of Bill's book filled with fact.

    You would have known that if you took the time to read it.

    Yes, teh stupid is really stupid in this one.

  38. Anonymous3:57 PM

    As this story makes pretty clear, this kid's surprise at encountering these racist losers after having already lived there for 15 years would suggest that he's not exactly enduring daily abuse from his friends and neighbors, would it not?

    The abuse lies in the fact that he is living among all Whites and "zero" Blacks. That means he has got to feel somewhat alienated and isolated.

    "I'm sure it's still an occasional struggle standing out as different among his classmates, or sometimes having to answer a clueless question ("Why do black people do XYZ?"), but that hardly amounts to PTSD."

    An 'occasional' struggle? How about a daily struggle about 'who' he is? This kid is so far removed from himself he hasn't the slightest idea of who he is.

    The psychological damage within is PTSD.

    You can minimize it all you want, but the kid has an inferiority complex. The fact that he lives in a lily White community states "clearly" without a word being spoken, that Whites are superior, are better than Blacks. And that it's better for him to stay with the Whites than to be around Blacks.

    There is so much 'anti-Black-Whites-Superior' daily signals the kid is picking up that he has to pretend he to be someone he is not. That is no way to live a life.

  39. When you can't challenge fact, attack the source. How purple cow of you.

  40. Anonymous4:03 PM

    No matter how high up on the social or economic ladder you are,your child should always have knowledge of all aspects of society. Racial tensions make this all the more important.

    Otherwise he'[[ be thought a fool and taken advantage of. For example by approaching that car this young man put himself in harms way.

    Also people have to be able to get along with the high and the low brow. Race notwithstanding. That's just the reality of it. Kids have to know how to interact with everyone.

    Yes you're 100% right Field, his daddy should have prepared him.

  41. The Fixer4:03 PM

    "Oh gee, a opinion piece that is backed up by CHERRY PICKED facts. A page out of Bill's book filled with CHERRY PICKED fact."

    No need to thank me.

  42. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I see the number of rape victims of the poster boy for black dads, Bill Cosby, is increasing.

    Go figure.

  43. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Man oh man! I've been out in my garden all morning and afternoon! So nice,in the 80's sunny, hot but breezy, you can smell the ocean in the breeze! Got a lot done too!

    What? It's 33 and 32 respectively in Philadelphia and New york?

    Aaawwwwww! Poor,poor baby's

    hehehehehehehehe! ;*D

  44. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    PC, I am trying ro get the gold or silver package, but unfortunately I still owe Anon Inc

    But u I are right, this is sad. I am going to have to suck it up and pay them.:)
    Dear Mr Field, you are TWO YEARS behind in payment. For Anon Inc to trust your ass and give you any upgrades in service would be to commit financial suicide.

    However, I DO find it encouraging that you are 'thinking' about 'sucking it up' and paying Anon Inc. That would move your credit rating from 350 to 450, which would put you in the same range as other Democrats. But right now your credit rating is worst than Al Sharton's rating.....that's pretty damn bad.

    How I long for the 'old days' when you were responsible conscious. I noticed a change in your attitude, financially and politically when Obama became President.

    Even so, our class D trolls exceed the comments of PC's best day. The way Bill whips his ass everyday PC needs to be begging for our "F" class trolls.

    FYI, Bill and Kinky don't even have a class rating because they are still in training. Never before in the history of Anon Inc have trainees beat up on a person like PC.

    Of course, this is our first time using 'white' trainees to take on PC. They have been doing a splendid job.

    hmmmmmmm. I wonder what that means?

    Anon Inc.

  45. "Man oh man! I've been out in my garden all morning and afternoon! So nice,in the 80's sunny, hot but breezy, you can smell the ocean in the breeze! Got a lot done too!"

    Shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!:-P

  46. Anonymous4:21 PM

    "Yes you're 100% right Field, his daddy should have prepared him."

    4:03 PM
    His Daddy should have never moved there in the first place. There are other neighborhoods he could have moved into that would have been a LOT HEALTHIER mentally, physically and spiritually for his child.


  47. PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Barack is just doing what Reagan and GWB did. Only difference is he is doing it while being blah.

    When the Obama-bots play the "bush did it too" card you know they lost the argument.


  48. Obama promised Obamacare wouldn't do exactly what Gruber says it will do

    Let me guess...

    Bush did it too.

  49. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Anonymous Bill said...

    PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Barack is just doing what Reagan and GWB did. Only difference is he is doing it while being blah.

    When the Obama-bots play the "bush did it too" card you know they lost the argument.

    4:57 PM
    Brother Bill, you are brilliant. Anon Inc would like to hire you...You are so good at slamming these FN Negroes we are willing to pay a high price to get you.

    We were going to hire Kinky but the man no longer speaks English. He now speaks some 'off-brand' PR language.

  50. When I was 12 my mother moved me to an all white school because she was convinced it would be "better for me."

    When I was 13 I tried to kill myself from being bullied by white racist kids.

    My mother, having lived not five blocks from where Dr. King was killed never once told me about racism from white people.

    She should have told me.

    1. Delusions of grandeur5:59 PM

      You wouldve been much safer and more equipped to learn in an all black school/

      Sarcasm off.

  51. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I can relate to ThatDeborahGirl's experience. While the education might have been better, self-esteem, self-worth and how you feel about yourself can be destroyed right to the soul.

    To live in fear every school day with no one around to support you, is a terrorifying experience.

    I submit that parents who do this don't do it for their child's welfare, they do it for themselves and care nothing for the scars left inside the child. It sucks to be the only black kid in the classroom, because you will be bullied and called the N-word and even physically assaulted.

    It's very tough to be born Black in America.

  52. America is heaven for Blacks6:01 PM

    "It's very tough to be born Black in America."

    I know right..its so much easier being born in Africa.

    Wow, you people really are delusional to the extreme.

  53. Mia ebony bella Reeves6:07 PM

    There are PLENTY of white schools that blacks attend where there are no tension at all. I know, I went to one. I didnt have any problems and everyone was pretty friendly to me.

    My cousins went to a predominantly black and hispanic school and ended up in trouble all the time and got pregnant at 16. They were always telling me stories of all the drama and violence that went on there.

  54. The black double standard6:11 PM

    Im sure the few white folks that live in majority black neighborhoods neverrrrrrrrr get called racial slurs or harassed. Nope..no way.

  55. Anonymous6:14 PM

    @ Pilot: ;p

    @ Anon President: On the contrary, you should be looking to grab up the kinky con! He is bi-lingual!

    Imagine, he can diss folks in both languages! You need to be more open minded and progressive :)

  56. Reading is FUNdamental6:28 PM

    Heres a lesson class, pay attention:

    Whites Only Laugh at Your Humor out of Pity. If you wish to continue lollygagging upon the dole, then show some patriotism you miserable brutes. The Moslems and Latins will not be so merciful. Moslems will force you to convert or die, force you to abandon drugs and alcohol, and whip you for hip hop music. Latins are already murdering you in droves in the southwest and the west, especially in California. White America is your greatest ally, so stop fighting us. You have a history in this nation, and it would be best for you to not attempt to create a distinct racial nationality within this land. Your division will only serve to hasten your oppression by foreigners who’s culture is more unlike your own than your modern day white “oppressors”,

    You have done nothing but complain for as long as I can remember, and yet whites still struggle to maintain wealth and security in this land. We have a hard enough time as it is, you seem to think that you are the only ones struggling. Should you maintain a B- average and an SAT score equal to the national average, you will have money thrown at you to attend very good universities. All that is required is that you avoid gang influence and self destructive behaviors. Yet you continue to murder each other in a manner most akin to civil warfare and still blame your miserable state on white people who have nothing and want nothing to do with you.

    If I hear another peep about the Black Struggle I may Vomit.

    There will be a test on this comment tomorrow. Study up!

  57. After reading Anon@6:28's comment, I think I will call Anon Inc. right now and pay up. I can't take these low rent trolls any longer. :(

  58. "Yet you continue to murder each other in a manner most akin to civil warfare and still blame your miserable state on white people who have nothing and want nothing to do with you."

    You murder anybody lately Field? I guess I'd better step up my game. My family and friends better step it up too. Seems we've been going to school, getting good jobs and paying taxes all these years when we should be shooting and blaming white folks. I'm glad you have smart trolls to tell me what I should be doing. I bet they're highly educated and successful too. No way they make less money and are less educated than us.
    I changed my mind, maybe you should keep these trolls, they remind me that white supremacy is a joke.

  59. "Im sure the few white folks that live in majority black neighborhoods neverrrrrrrrr get called racial slurs or harassed. Nope..no way."

    I can ask my neighbor downstairs in our condo. She and her kids seem to be doing ok but i will inquire.

  60. "You wouldve been much safer and more equipped to learn in an all black school"

    I agree with this. Many successful blah people went to majority blah schools. Sitting next to a white person doesn't make you any smarter. I bet in the case of this troll it actually made them dumber.

  61. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Of course this could just be a Tawana Brawley type story, completely made up. Chances are it is. No proof that this ever happened.
    This is what is not made up. In Chicago there are 28 confirmed kills for the month with the death rate neck and neck with last year.


  62. "I changed my mind, maybe you should keep these trolls, they remind me that white supremacy is a joke."

    They will certainly save me money. :)

  63. Anonymous8:48 PM

    "You have done nothing but complain for as long as I can remember, and yet whites still struggle to maintain wealth and security in this land"

    You Whites are always complaining about Blacks complaining. Now you are complaining because you aren't making enough money to keep your house and whatever.

    That's all you people do is complain and you've got everything. You are the most ungrateful racist lynch men and black murderers I have seen in my lifetime. Get a grip snowflake! Go see a priest, ask him to pray that your mean-spirited demons will leave you.

  64. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    After reading Anon@6:28's comment, I think I will call Anon Inc. right now and pay up. I can't take these low rent trolls any longer. :(

    6:34 PM
    Now you're talking brother Field!

  65. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    "I changed my mind, maybe you should keep these trolls, they remind me that white supremacy is a joke."

    They will certainly save me money. :)

    8:43 PM
    damn! Anon Inc is still broke.

  66. Anonymous9:05 PM

    sabrina johnson said...
    Thats about the biggest load of shit ive ever read. Jeez Luiz people its a WORD. GET OVER IT..MOVE ON!!

    No one beat the kid up or raped him. No one lynched him. No one robbed him..its some immature little boys saying a word they heard from Lil Wayne or Kanye West.

    6:16 PM
    Thanks for your in-depth comment. You know what life is about.

    Anon Inc would like to hire you. You would fit in really well in our new "I" Division. The demand for trolls like you is great because the likes of you is so rare. You only need to answer the below question. If you answer right, you get a high paying job with Anon Inc!

    Question: How's life treating you?

  67. StillaPanther29:43 PM

    Bottles of nails, bottles of urine, empty bottles and eggs were the items of choice that I/we faced daily when walking home from Hampton High in the first years of integration. We got them back in the halls and gyms. There was a group of young virile men called the BGs that ran HH prior to integration.

    Today there are no conflicts at our southern schools here in Newport News and Hampton, VA. The races get along peacefully. There are few pockets of poverty due to so many military bases (9) and shipyards. Most of the inner-city core has been replaced, so crime is truly isolated to areas that still have drugs as a means of social commerce.

    Yes, we have many neighborhoods that are all Black and many that have 2-4 races that live in harmony. Long histories or poverty and low education continues to result in the same social negative themes.

    Living on a peninsula, it is difficult to have white flight. Most of the jobs being governmental result in similar housing standards. WE DO HAVE REDLINE Districts that rears it ugly head ever now and then.

    Politically, of the 7 cities in the Tidewater areas, all are closely represented on the city councils. ALl are unfortunately not represented on the police and fire departments. I once had a push to recruit young Black men for the police and fire department. Their usual responses were- "I don't want to be killed" or "that for white boys". Trying to convince the banality of those responses were futile. Needless to say, a lot of our policemen are from western Virginia and West Virginia.

    And NO< I did not say that all Black males rejected my plea for service to the community. Too many young Black males have piss ant misdemeanors that preclude their service as policemen or firemen. Sad state of affairs when 50% (USA Report- not mine) of men fail to finish school. That segment cause too much grief which allows others to think ALL Blacks are criminal. Still counting 5 male brothers, 13 nephews and O felons. Just one average Black trained family.

    PS when people are in the same plight name calling rarely hurts. Any Black calling me the N word I pay it no mind. Somehow, let a white do it and for a flash I revert back to 1950..... BUTTT over the course of time I let it roll off. One other item. Did the author say his mother packed watermelon in his lunch in the 50-60s? He must have been wealthy all his life. We did not have fridgees nor plastics. He must had connections with the café staff

  68. Whiny White Men10:10 PM

    Sounds a lot like Bill Russell when he was playing in Boston.

  69. Anonymous12:14 AM

    "Of course this could just be a Tawana Brawley type story, completely made up. Chances are it is. No proof that this ever happened.
    This is what is not made up."

    What's not made up is you have no college degree. If you spent less time posting crime stats and more time studying you might get your GED and then a job.

  70. Yeah, see what Anon@12:14 said.

  71. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Black, brown, and white girls experience this threatening behavior from boys/men universally. Walking innocently down the street as a young teen and having men leer at you and yell sexist slurs is part of every females lived experience. We feel the same fear that they have seen where we live, the same outrage and confusion.
    I am not diminishing the racism (I am black) but a little more solidarity from our "brothers" would be appreciated.

  72. Why do affluent Black people think they have to go amongst white people to have nice things? There are generations of affluent Black people with their own communities. These people thought that whiter was better and got what they got

  73. This is the silliest story the black cracker has ever posted.
    And that is saying A LOT!
    Keep going, Cartoon Character!
