Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A very expensive burritos, and the strange prosecution of Tiny Doo.

You have to wonder how a Negro like Billy Goree ended up in Utah. I mean, with all due respect to Mia Love, I am not feeling the Utah vibe.

Anyway, Billy learned a very important lesson about crime and punishment in Utah.

Unfortunately for Billy, however, he could be spending the next five years in a Utah prison for stealing two burritos from a gas station.

"Judge Scott Hadley said Tuesday he felt uncomfortable sending the 42-year-old man to prison for shoplifting a meal, but the man has a long history of theft arrests.

Billy Goree said he was hungry when he stole the burritos and was willing to change, but the judge said he's violated his probation in the past.

Police say Goree was caught stealing the burritos on a security camera in September and police found and arrested him nearby."  [Source]

Hmmm, "long history of arrests". I would love to see if those arrests were for violent crimes or if they were similar to the type of crime that landed poor Billy in this mess.

Maybe Billy has a drug problem; maybe he has mental issues; or maybe he just can't resist a good burrito.

Anyway, I am ripping Utah on crime and punishment issues. But maybe I should be getting on the very liberal state of California as well.

"San Diego-based two burritos , better known as rapper Tiny Doo, is facing attempted murder charges along with 14 alleged gang members.

But with no criminal record, nor having been previously tied to any of the murders being prosecuted, how is it possible that Duncan is facing jail time?

A little-known California state law, passed in 2000, allows for prosecution of gang members if they are found to profit from the crimes of their fellow gang members.

This is the first time this law is being used. Prosecutors argue that Duncan benefited from the shootings because after the murders, his gang rose in status. A rise in status allowed Duncan to increase his album sales, say San Diego prosecutors.

“We’re not just talking about a CD of anything, of love songs. We’re talking about a CD [cover] ... there is a revolver with bullets,” Deputy District Attorney Anthony Campagna told the news station.
But Duncan’s lawyer, Brian Watkins, is crying foul. “It’s shocking. He has no criminal record. Nothing in his lyrics say go out and commit a crime. Nothing in his lyrics references these shootings, yet they are holding him liable for conspiracy. There are huge constitutional issues,” he said.



  1. Piney Joe9:11 PM

    "Those prosecutors better grab on to something before they fall too far down that "slippery slope" they are standing on."

    Y'all referring to the President's unconstitutional power grab?

  2. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Brother Field, why do you have Terry Turnage as FIELD NEGRO OF THE DAY for not taking care of his kids? You need Jesus.

    You better hope FP doesn't notice.

  3. James Crow9:19 PM

    "You have to wonder how a Negro like Billy Goree ended up in Utah."

    Protestations about 'racism' to the contrary, don't black people always gravitate towards white areas whenever and wherever they can?

    Without whites to feed, clothe, and house them, what would happen to black people?

  4. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Those Mormon Whites in Utah don't play. They will lock a hungry Negro up for looking at a candy bar.

    You see, there is an unspoken agreement among Whites across America to starve Negroes.

    QLB will attest to this.

  5. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.-Sammy Davis Jr.

  6. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Sammy Davis Jr is dead.

  7. And his music and style will live on forever.

  8. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Field wrote,"Judge Scott Hadley said Tuesday he felt uncomfortable sending the 42-year-old man to prison for shoplifting a meal, but the man has a long history of theft arrests.

    Billy Goree said he was hungry when he stole the burritos and was willing to change, but the judge said he's violated his probation in the past.
    And Field doesn't understand exactly what? Long history of theft arrests? Violation of probation in the past? Is it the low IQ, poor impulse control or the lack of future time orientation that you have difficulty with?


  9. There isn't a major county DA in California who doesn't look a future governor in the mirror every morning. Wy former DA used to prosecute provocative-act murder. Made 60 minutes with it. All trying to move to Sacramento.

  10. Anonymous9:59 PM

    WC, the below comment to you is from a previous thread:

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    St. Francis was a soldier, a brawler and a drunk as a young man, before his conversion. Mother Terasa's humanitarianism was murdurously dogmatic on HIV prevention, and willfully blind to the human suffering of excess childbearing. Not my version of a Saint at all.

    3:08 PM
    Re: St Francis, it is true he was a soldier and a business man before his
    his conversion. He might have been a drunk and a brawler but I must have missed that in his bio. Regardless, he converted and left the secular world to serve God.

    So what's your point about Francis? Are you saying because he was a soldier, a 'drunk and a brawler' that he is a phony? Please explain.

    Re: Mother Teresa: Your opinion of Mother Teresa is murderously callous of a Saint. Of course, the human ego(Satan) will always see a Saint as someone who is wrong in their ways. It can't be otherwise. People like you are anti-Saints, anti-Sages, anti-Church, anti-Religion, anti-God and anti-people of faith.

    You are in the business of 'staining' the Sacred and the good in any way you can.

    Mother Teresa, like St Francis, dedicated her life to God and and His children. Of course, you wouldn't see that. All you can see is what you want to see in order to discredit her and others the Sacrificial Spirit that you know nothing about, and care nothing about.

    I urge you to read Mother Teresa's letter to the Supreme Court regarding the Roe vs Wade decision. You being a lawyer should appreciate it. If, after reading it, you still think she is no humanitarian and murderously hard on human conscience, then there is nothing more to talk about.

  11. Whiny White Men10:13 PM

    QLB said
    "Is it the low IQ...?"

    Takes one to know one.

  12. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Blogger señor kinky said...
    And his music and style will live on forever.

    9:47 PM
    Actually, that is not true. He is forgotten and besides, he wasn't that much of a singer. He was known because he knew Frank Sinatra, the greatest singer of all time.

  13. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Oh Lordy lordy! Put a man in jail for taking a burrito! I mean really!

    With all of the real crime such as the drugs entering the country, white collar crime, those acres of poppies for heroin being grown in Afghanistan,white collar crime, corruption everywhere, and they give a man 5 years for a burrito!

    Lordy,lordy, will wonders never cease!

    What they should have done is gift him a little burrito making cart so he could sell them, but noooooo, they give him 5 years in the slammer!

    and someone else for song lyrics???

    I dunno, the world is upside down it seems !!!

    Sometimes it's just too much for me! Going to sleep...

  14. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Blogger señor kinky said...
    Dulces sueños princesa

    eff u too!

  15. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Thank u mi senor kinky! You too have muy dulces suenos! See you tomorrow over cafe!


  16. Prosecutors argue that Duncan benefited from the shootings because after the murders, his gang rose in status. A rise in status allowed Duncan to increase his album sales, say San Diego prosecutors.

    They didn't teach this stuff in music business classes.

    Which explains why I'm not famous.

  17. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Bill, "They didn't teach this stuff in music business classes.

    Which explains why I'm not famous."

    Bill, you probably had a white teacher. When it comes to the music biz, they are very incompetent because they lack forsight. But don't blame yourself. You are just following what you were poorly taught. Now you know how a black kid feels at Bertram High.

    Next time, get yourself a black music teacher and you'll learn how to make millions.


  18. FN said...
    Hmmm, "long history of arrests". I would love to see if those arrests were for violent crimes

    Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong History.

    The charge alone normally wouldn't come with such a severe punishment as prison, but Hadley pointed out that Goree had about 50 prior offenses, most of them theft related.

    If he's been caught 50 times, how many times did he get away with it?

  19. Anonymous12:00 AM

    I just saw Janice Dikenson saying on TV that "Cosby gave me a pill and wine, ( meanwhile she'd just gotten out of rehab,go figure)and the next thing I knew,I woke up in the morning and I didn't have my pajamas on"

    Waaaaaiiiitt justa minute here, she went to see Cosby and she expected to wake up with her PAJAMAS ON??? She went to see him with her pajamas packed! WTF!!!

    Ahahahahaa! I swear I almost peed MY pajamas when she said that!!! Ahaahaa

    What the hell is going on here??? A hahahaha! I was cracking up in my bed watching this. Even Cosby must have been laughing. Man oh man, some broads! :D

    Okay now I'm really going to bed!

    1. PR my problem with all these "victums" is that they had NO PROBLEM keeping company ALONE with another woman's husband. And in hotels and at the home he shares with his WIFE.

  20. Anonymous12:03 AM

    "Is it the low IQ, poor impulse control or the lack of future time orientation that you have difficulty with?"

    I think you have trouble with all three QLB which would explain your lack of a job or college degree.

  21. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Do you think the judge will laugh this prosecutor right out of court? Increased album sales? So basically somebody can be at home chilling and get arrested for a crime someone else commits? Really?


  22. lilacpr2000 said...
    She went to see him with her pajamas packed! WTF!!!

    That we did learn about in those music business classes.

  23. Anon@9:15, that was a good catch by you. Mr. Turnage was given FN status in error. He is clearly a HN.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I know what you are thinking...

    "Oh no TPC not another condescending charity single released in a lame attempt at saving a couple of flagging pop music careers, while pretending to do some good"

    Well you be dead wrong.

    The song is indeed crap, but it is a worthy cause for very needy people.

    Say YES, to Radi-Aid...

  26. Have you seen this? referenced on the Yahoo! homepage:

    This country is nuts, truly.


  27. Univision says it will postpone part of the awards show to air Obama's speech, while the big four TV networks, ABC, CBS, Fox and NBC, currently have no plans to air the address.

    ABC,CBS and NBC won't be covering Obama's historic speech as king.

    I wonder if Obama thinks if the media doesn't cover it people won't know.

    I remember the old days when Obama thought amnesty was bad for working blacks.

    Still, there’s no denying that many blacks share the same anxieties as many whites
    about the wave of illegal immigration flooding our Southern border—a sense that
    what’s happening now is fundamentally different from what has gone on before. Not all
    these fears are irrational. The number of immigrants added to the labor force every year
    is of a magnitude not seen in this country for over a century. If this huge influx of
    mostly low-skill workers provides some benefits to the economy as a whole—especially
    by keeping our workforce young, in contrast to an increasingly geriatric Europe and
    Japan—it also threatens to depress further the wages of blue-collar Americans and put
    strains on an already overburdened safety net.

    Audacity Of Hope page 157

    Yup, fundamentally different from what has gone on before

  28. The failed race report11:05 AM

    The failed race report:

    Negros are harrassing jews in Brooklyn again. Seems like young black males have similar qualities to the KKK.

    Young negro male sexually assaults a 101 year old(yes you read that correctly) in her home in Milwaukee.

  29. Blacks are the real racists11:17 AM

    Blacks whine about racism and bigotry yet they do the same to others. Young black males are assualting teachers, cops, rabbi's, the elderly, pregnant women, whites and blacks almost daily! When will this end!?!?

  30. The failed race report11:37 AM

    Man o man you negro males just cant stop with the crime can you.

  31. whites are the only racists12:56 PM

    more lies you dirty savage little dick honkies

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Great contribution to the site. .worthless groid.

  32. whites are town destroyers12:59 PM

    why do whites sleep with their dogs?

    1. Blacks are the real racists1:10 PM

      Whites destroy towns huh? This whole time I thought blacks were..silly me.

  33. The failed race report1:07 PM

    More rape from the feral negro males.

  34. Failed Race Report/Whites are the only racists appears to be having an argument with his self.

    How strange.

    1. Italians created SWAG1:12 PM

      Great insight soft british negro.

  35. Elections have consequences. Except when democrats lose.

    Obama has dictated to the Congress what legislation he wanted passed regarding immigration, and they declined. Now he will enact the legislation he desires by fiat.

    There is no longer any reason to have a Congress, as it has become completely superfluous to the legislative process.

    And as a large majority of Americans have expressed their opposition to amnesty in opinion polls and at the ballot box, there is no longer any reason to consult them as to their will. Elections have become superfluous.

    Obama has given you a monarchy, if you can keep it.

  36. Dagos created crime2:02 PM

    Italian created SWAG,
    Go back to your pizzeria, greaseball

    1. Italians created SWAG3:50 PM

      LOL.. coming from a dirty n__er.

      Come out to NY and I'll show you the back of my pizzeria.

  37. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    Anon@9:15, that was a good catch by you. Mr. Turnage was given FN status in error. He is clearly a HN.

    2:57 AM

    See? Anons ARE a higher caliber than PX, Lillac, Yisheng, and definitel better than PC. None of them even noticed.

    You should pay your Anon Inc bills ASAP in order to keep the present class of Anons. If you don't pay, we will be removing them from FN and sending white substitutes and MS STEPHENS from our Southern Division in MS.

    The result could be catastrophic. No FN Negro will be exempt from attack. Those Southern black and white boys will make your holiday miserable.

    Why save the ag, and pay up?

    1. Assnon you are FAR from higher caliber, you simply don't have shit to do all day but post on FN.

  38. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Dagos created crime said...
    Italian created SWAG,
    Go back to your pizzeria, greaseball

    2:02 PM
    FYI, we don't use racial slurs against Italians on FN.

  39. Anonymous3:40 PM

    @Yisheng: Exactly!

    As I understand it, and from what I've read and seen,that's called "casting couch" syndrome. Only it seems they didn't get what they expected in return.

  40. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Looks like negros can shoot up schools too!

  41. Anonymous5:33 PM

    "Looks like negros can shoot up schools too!"

    Yeah but white boys like to shoot little kids.

    1. Black Lies9:12 PM

      Really? Name some white "boys" and dont mention that fake sandy hook shit either.

      Speaking of shooting kids..brothas are known for doing that down in the hood.

  42. Anonymous5:37 PM

    "More rape from the feral negro males."

    Let's not mention the fact that more rapes are committed by white males. Shhhhhhhhhh. Missy has more to fear from you grey boys than Bill Cosby and Kobe Bryant on a double date.

    1. Stats dont lie9:10 PM

      LOL. Keep telling yourself that and denying facts. Every other day I hear about a rape by a black male in New York.

  43. Anonymous5:38 PM

    "Come out to NY and I'll show you the back of my pizzeria."

    We knew you were gay SWAG. Just here to get some dark meat just like QLB. At least she's a girl.


  44. Things are coming apart...

    Obamacare Sign-Ups Were Inflated With Dental Plans
    “A mistake was made in calculating the number of individuals with effectuated Marketplace enrollments,”
    The new count puts enrollment short of a 2013 estimate by the Congressional Budget Office, adopted last year as a goal by the Obama administration

    The Obama administration counting dental plans to inflate the enrollment numbers to match the promise Obama made.

    More lies being exposed.

  45. Friendly homo6:11 PM

    Anonymous said...
    We knew you were gay SWAG. Just here to get some dark meat just like QLB. At least she's a girl.

    5:38 PM

    Nothing wrong with being gay!

  46. "The failed race report said...
    Man o man you negro males just cant stop with the crime can you."

    Looks like we have lots of company. ;)

  47. Stats dont lie8:17 PM

    Its all about percentages. Black males..who are prob 7% of the population commit 70% of the crime in the US. Theres no comparison Field.
