Friday, December 19, 2014

Boys To Men.

Here we go again.

Because we all know that black boys cannot be children. They look like grown men. They are a threat.

"The NYPD is investigating the circumstances surrounding an arrest caught on video, in which a plainclothes cop allegedly punched a 12-year-old, already restrained by three cops, repeatedly.

The video, uploaded to Facebook by actress Sarah Doneghy on December 15, depicts a group of officers attempting to restrain two black males, arrested for assaulting a person with a cane. “They had supposedly pushed one of their classmates down,” Doneghy wrote on Facebook. “However when the victim was asked, he said those weren’t the guys.”

Suddenly, a plainclothes officer barrels in from out of nowhere and began striking one of the boys, despite a witness yelling “He’s 12!”
“I can’t believe he just did that after everything that’s happened,” a passerby is heard saying, referring to the recent spate of videotaped assaults by policemen on black males, particularly the recent Eric Garner case.

The NYPD tells New York Daily News that they plan on investigating the incident." {Story with video}

Once again one of our white friends had to come to our rescue.

Thank you Sarah.

You know that if one of us had posted that video they would only say that we are too sensitive and that we look for racism where there is none.

Finally, WTF are they putting in the Vegemite sandwiches in Australia?

They are becoming quite American with the level of barbarism they practice these days.

"An Australian woman was arrested for murder in the killings of eight children, seven of whom are believed to be her own, police said Saturday. The children were found dead inside the woman's home.

The 37-year-old woman, who is recovering in a hospital from stab wounds, was under guard and speaking with police, Queensland Police Detective Inspector Bruno Asnicar said. She has not yet been charged.

Police haven't said how the children died. But Asnicar said they're examining several knives in the home that may have been the weapon used to kill them.
The children ranged in age from 18 months to 14 years, Asnicar said. The woman is thought to be the mother of seven of the children. The eighth is believed to be her niece.

Queensland police were called to the home in the Cairns suburb of Manoora on Friday morning after receiving a report of a woman with serious injuries. When they got to the house, they found the bodies of the children.

The woman, whose name has not been released, was also found in the home with the children, suffering from stab wounds to the chest. Asnicar said she is in stable condition, lucid and talking to police.

"We're not looking for anybody else — we're comfortable that the community at large is safe," Asnicar said.

A coroner was conducting autopsies to determine the causes of death, and police were continuing to comb through the house for evidence.

"They're looking to establish 100 percent what happened in that house when these offenses were committed," Asnicar said.

He dismissed rumors that the house had been the subject of calls from the Department of Social Services.

"It's not a problem house as has been speculated," he said. "This is an ordinary neighborhood — a lot of good people, a lot of kids in the area. This is something that has caught everybody by surprise. It's just an absolutely tragic thing."
Lisa Thaiday, who said she was the injured woman's cousin, said earlier that one of the woman's other sons, a 20-year-old, came home and found his brothers and sisters dead inside the house.

"I'm going to see him now, he needs comforting," Thaiday said. "We're a big family ... I just can't believe it. We just found out (about) those poor babies." {Source}

My Lord! The woman allegedly kills EIGHT children with a knife. Now that's sick.
I thought that Andrea Yates had some issues, but this woman might have her beat.


  1. "Once again one of our white friends had to come to our rescue."

    Black people can always depend on nice white ladies. And nice white men like me.

    These cops should be fired and thrown under the jailhouse. No excuses.

  2. What is it that blacks don't understand about the arrest process and how you should comport yourself around police?

    It's almost as if their parents were teaching them to behave this way.

    Get your shit together, Black America. You don't have much time left.

  3. Anonymous8:20 PM

    How sad! Anyone that kills their children has severe mental illness.

    It just seems that mental illness isn't a public issue that governments want to address in the way of spending money for clinics/hospitals and proper treatment.

    This sounds like another Andrea Yates situation, where between religious zealousness and societal pressures, she just fell through the cracks.

    Nobody paid any real attention until it was too late.

    That's really sad...

    As for the police, well I think it's pretty obvious that they haven't gotten the memo, or the memo hasn't been sent ;)

  4. Socialism Kills8:23 PM

    Finally, WTF are they putting in the Vegemite sandwiches in Australia? They are becoming quite American with the level of barbarism they practice these days.

    This is another tragedy caused by liberalism. This was a minority family subsisting on government benefits. The children she murdered were by four different fathers.

    Just like in America. most of the barbarism is associated with non-whites.

  5. Fewer US-Born People Working in American Now Than in 2007; Foreign-Born Migrant Workers Account for the Increase in Employment

    Fewer Americans born in the U.S. have jobs now than were employed to November 2007, despite a working-age population growth of 11 million. The amazing drop in employment highlights President Barack Obama’s slow recovery from the deep 2008 shock, but also spotlights many companies' growing reliance on foreign migrant labor.

    In November 2014, one in every five U.S. jobs was held by a foreign-born worker, up from one-in-six jobs in January 2010, according to federal data highlighted by the Center for Immigration Studies.

    Since November 2007, the number of working legal and illegal migrants has risen by two million, from 23.1 million in November 2007 to 25.1 million in November 2014.

    But the number of Americans with jobs has fallen by 1.5 million, from 124 million in November 2007 to 122.6 million November 2014.

    All of the net gain in employment from 2007 to 2014 -- all of it -- has gone to foreign immigrants.

    When Americans say they still feel like they're in a recession -- that's because they are. American employment is lower now than it ever has been.

    Is that what the Democrats promised black America for their support? Jobs for Mexicans?

  6. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Socialism Kills said...
    Finally, WTF are they putting in the Vegemite sandwiches in Australia? They are becoming quite American with the level of barbarism they practice these days.

    This is another tragedy caused by liberalism. This was a minority family subsisting on government benefits. The children she murdered were by four different fathers.

    Just like in America. most of the barbarism is associated with non-whites.

    8:23 PM
    The barbarism starts with Whites hating Blacks. Then Blacks follow Whites by hating Blacks. Not because they want to, but because of discrimination and no protection or power.

    Over the centuries of being treated less than human by Whites who need to feel better about themselves, Blacks take on the views of Whites about Blacks.

    This is not rocket science. Damn near everyone is against Blacks including some Blacks themselves. Racism is a mess, it's a cancer that no one in America or the West knows how to treat, let alone cure.


  7. FN Said...
    They are becoming quite American

    And to think banning guns is the answer to stop the mass killing of children.

  8. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Meanwhile in Ferguson,
    Big Lots has announced the closing of its store in Ferguson. Of course LMFAO, the riots had nothing to do with it. Kmart has previously stated it was closing the store that serviced Ferguson. Soon the community will be a food desert, bereft of business, a tribute to Black run America.
    Then there is Chicago. Twenty dead this month alone with virtually all of the perp and vics Black. Yep. Peace on earth, good will to all mankind. That is unless you're the wrong thug rat on the wrong corner. Pathetic.


  9. Anonymous9:44 PM

    "And to think banning guns is the answer to stop the mass killing of children."

    9:22 PM
    It appears banning of guns is NOT the answer. But banning certain people is.

    Where o where did this kind of violence and killing of people begin? What group of people started all this mess?

    I highly recommend Blacks and Whites read "All God's Children". It will give you a factual clue who began killing, raping, genocide, lynching, lying, denying, etc.

    HINT: This same group of people today tries to play a moral God who judges, prosecutes and kill others 'outside' of their own group.....please see video that the brilliant courageous and pugnacious Black Warrior, Mr Field has posted today.

    Thank God for Field. Otherwise, where would we be today if we didn't have people like Field fighting for us?

    Fight on, Brother...fight on!! Lay a knock out post on Bill where he won't know whether he's coming or going.

    You are my hero.

  10. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Meanwhile in Ferguson,
    Big Lots has announced the closing of its store in Ferguson. Of course LMFAO, the riots had nothing to do with it. Kmart has previously stated it was closing the store that serviced Ferguson. Soon the community will be a food desert, bereft of business, a tribute to Black run America."

    Welp, the folks are just going to have to shop in the white section of town. It'll be good for business.

  11. StillaPanther210:06 PM

    A people wanting to be integrated by immerging/submerging themselves in the ways of the majority- that had a long, long history of abuse- can only blame (who)? The lesson that I told my sons were that they had no allies after dark. Police and other Blacks were to be avoided at all cost.

    These lessons went against my telling them about a race that had finally stood face to face with the oppressors.. Yes, I do have a memory bank that I go to to have some sanity to this insane positions that Blacks find themselves in.

    The Blacks that know how to conduct themselves are not able to conduct themselves in an assertive manner. I am taking a stab at this but... maybe if we taught our kids what the police CAN DO instead of "they can't do that to you". AGAIN... I don't know what is being told to the kids of NOW, I only see/hear results daily on the news and when I am out and about.

    Black assertiveness and white assertiveness sounds the same. b how people (police, people in authority)respond to it may be the problem. Something has to change because "the beat (down) goes on.

  12. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Brother Panther, do you really think something will change. Like you I have a memory from the 60s. As far as I can tell, police abuse has not changed in the black community. Nor has white attitude toward us has changed. They are just as disrespectful and evil toward us as they were during the Jim Crow days.

    I don't think it will change. I hope it does, for my sons sake, but I doubt it.

  13. It will change.

    When blacks and whites open their hearts to each other and to Jesus.

    Love conquers all.

  14. Trollonymous Burgundy10:48 PM

    Racist at 8:23 pm, look at how whites historically treat the Aboriginal people. You talk about barbarism? Everywhere you white anti-social-humanity-deficient people go, it never ends well for others. What do you expect?

  15. White Man's Burden11:06 PM

    @ Trollonymous Burgundy:

    So the fact primitive peoples cannot navigate the complexities of white societies is the fault of white people?

    We feed you, clothe you, shelter you. We give you phones, computers, cars. You live healthy lives in our sanitary cities and are given our medicines when you ail. We even pretend you are equal.

    Yet even your failures are ours.

    Despite us being "anti-social-humanity-deficient people", everywhere we go, you follow.

    Enough already.

  16. Trollonymous Burgundy11:41 PM

    Ignorance again at 11:06 pm,

    No one follows you people, it's always the other way around. You historical thieves are always the ones who invade civilizations and destroy them. You people have the largest footprint of destruction as compared to any other race of humans on this planet.

    In fact, before you treacherous sociopaths had managed to stumble out your lice infested caves... Africans, Asians/Indians etc. were already exploring and trading among each other in peace. Yes, it's true.

    If it wasn't for the black Moors who introduced the white Europeans to civilization, including how to wash their filthy body, you people would have died out a long time ago from all of your own nasty diseases--and there were a lot!

  17. Oh yeah they're America's sibling alright. Every bit as crazy and genocidally racist as white 'murka. They even had the "white Austrailia" immigration apartheid into the 70s.

  18. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Anonymous Trollonymous Burgundy said...

    Ignorance again at 11:06 pm,

    No one follows you people, it's always the other way around. You historical thieves are always the ones who invade civilizations and destroy them. You people have the largest footprint of destruction as compared to any other race of humans on this planet.

    In fact, before you treacherous sociopaths had managed to stumble out your lice infested caves... Africans, Asians/Indians etc. were already exploring and trading among each other in peace. Yes, it's true.

    If it wasn't for the black Moors who introduced the white Europeans to civilization, including how to wash their filthy body, you people would have died out a long time ago from all of your own nasty diseases--and there were a lot!

    The only thing historical Africans had to trade with anyone were slaves. You know Black savages captured other Black savages and enslaved them or sold them.

    "Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa - rich beyond the dream of poet’s fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail.”

    1. Racist fantasy without even any coincidental resemblance to reality.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. "I take your pompous criticism as high praise."

    He calls ME pompous!


    "This is another tragedy caused by liberalism.

    ...and now this idiot thinks Australia is a liberal state.

    (Incidentally Dufus, Aboriginal Australians have not had nuclear family structures at a any time in their 40,000 year history.)

  21. Socialism kills@8:23, what was Mrs, Yates's excuse?

  22. Anonymous7:38 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "I take your pompous criticism as high praise."

    He calls ME pompous!


    "This is another tragedy caused by liberalism.

    ...and now this idiot thinks Australia is a liberal state.

    (Incidentally Dufus, Aboriginal Australians have not had nuclear family structures at a any time in their 40,000 year history.)

    Yes, we know. It shows. Who is your daddy?

  23. "Yes, we know. It shows. Who is your daddy?

    That it?

    That's all you got?

  24. Anonymous8:17 AM

    The Peak Negro Cow said...

    "Yes, we know. It shows. Who is your daddy?

    That it?

    That's all you got?
    If you had the intelligence you forcefully attempt to claim that you do; that comment would be more than sufficient to understand why some civilizations have advanced, and others with very common undercurrents do not.

    Who is your daddy? And yes, "that be it"

  25. Anonymous8:59 AM

    señor kinky said...
    It will change.
    When blacks and whites open their hearts to each other and to Jesus.
    Love conquers all.
    10:32 PM

    Whooooaaa! Mi amigo Kinky!

    Et tu Kinkus??? There is hope for the human race after all!!! :p

    Abrazos Kinky!

  26. "If you had the intelligence you forcefully attempt to claim that you do; that comment would be more than sufficient to understand why some civilizations have advanced, and others with very common undercurrents do not. "

    So is it seriously your contention that the nuclear family is at the heart of civilisation?

  27. Anonymous10:09 AM

    The purple sow said,
    So is it seriously your contention that the nuclear family is at the heart of civilization?
    Just about every successful civilization has had some form of the nuclear family, but hey, if you want to live in a mud hut with a bone in your nose go for it. Just don't expect me to pay for it. In looking at the crime rates and educational success ( of lack thereof ) the Aussie aboriginal people makes American thug rats look almost civilized.
    Meanwhile in New Orleans. A gunfight involving 6 people with over 50 shots fired occurred. Only one wounded but 7 cars were hit. Also 5 arrests made with those honor students heading toward a stretch at the University in Angola.


  28. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Dear Mr Field, below is a link re:the Ferguson Grand Jury decision, witnesses who lied and the prosecutor who said he will not prosecute those witnesses who lied under oath.

    Mr Field, why is this prosecutor so against justice, against making sure everything was done right? After all, an 18 year old American was shot six times to death in the streets of Ferguson.

    Surely this prosecutor by the name of McCullough would be willing to go to any length to insure justice. What is going on with our justice system? Has true justice abandoned us?

    I thought I'd ask you since you are a lawyer who seeks justice for all, esp Blacks.

    I understand the racial implications in this case which will probably not go away during this generation or even the next.

    I am White and like Blacks, I want to see Justice, not a cover up of lies.

  29. Anonymous10:55 AM

    QLB, every hear of Jessie James, Billy the Kid, Al Capone, the Mob, Jeffry Dahmer, John Gacey....I could go on but a smart man like you get the picture, don't you?

    Clean up your own back yard before you act civilized and holy toward others.

  30. Quote:QLB

    "Just about every successful civilization has had some form of the nuclear family..."

    So how many forms of nuclear family are there, QLB?

  31. Anonymous11:40 AM

    @Purple Sow,
    The term nuclear family is a relatively new term and difficult to apply to other societies in the past. For instance Roman families used adoption often, many times in cases of divorce which were common. Chinese aristocrats would have concubines that had legal status. Then there were societies in which there was polygamy. I know you get the picture. Perhaps a more accurate description would be a patriarchal family unit instead of the matriarchal one most common in Black society.
    Meanwhile speaking of not breathing. One dead in Chicago with 17 wounded overnight. He's not breathing either, a YBM done in by another YBM.



  32. PHILADELPHIA - State Reps. Ron Waters and Vanessa Lowery Brown, both Philadelphia Democrats, surrendered Tuesday in Harrisburg on bribery, conflict of interest and other charges after a Philadelphia grand jury investigation.

    More dumbocrats being arrested.

    I wonder if FN knew about this.

    I wonder if FN was going to ignore it because it involved dumbocrats?

    Of course.

  33. "Perhaps a more accurate description would be a patriarchal family unit instead of the matriarchal one most common in Black society."

    So, are you now saying that it is male domination that leads to successful societies?


  34. Rich white dumbocrats calling Obama a liar?

    A source tells The Hollywood Reporter that Sony was surprised by the president's comments and did, in fact, have many conversations with the White House both before and after the movie was pulled Wednesday. That would fly in the face of President Obama's claim that the studio never approached him for advice on how to handle the threats of violence that invoked the 9/11 terror attacks.

    "Fly in the face" is how rich white dumbocrats call the black president a liar.

    Why did Obama lie about it?

    Why is Obama getting caught in so many lies?

  35. Obama lies because he can. Like his predecessor Bill Clinton, the democratic/state run Media is there to cover for him. The Media's job in America is to never report anything that makes the Democrats look bad, and never miss an opportunity to make the Republicans look bad.

    Obama, like Clinton before him, can literally say anything and the press will never call him on it, even if it directly contradicts something he said yesterday.

    This can be dangerous as it leads to a tremendous hubris among the recipients of this protection, to the point you can look straight into the cameras and say "I did not have sex with that woman" or "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period" despite the truth being impossible to deny.

    This can lead to some unpleasantness for a little while, but the Media will work tirelessly to deflect attention and anger elsewhere and convince folks to "move on".

    So Obama doesn't really need to worry about being caught in his lies. He says whatever is expedient and his people manage the delivery. America is way past the point where the truth matters.

  36. Socialism Kills12:44 PM

    field negro said...
    Socialism kills@8:23, what was Mrs, Yates's excuse?

    I believe it was a case of mental illness, but not one facilitated by government subsidization of dysfunction.

  37. Bill said...
    Rich white dumbocrats calling Obama a liar?

    Rich white dumbocrats = jews.

    Obama better watch himself.

  38. "Why did Obama lie about it?"

    We don't know that he did.

    Is an unnamed "source" all you got?

    "The Media's job in America is to never report anything that makes the Democrats look bad, and never miss an opportunity to make the Republicans look bad."

    You're fucking demented, sunshine.

    American media is simply a tool of capitalism, it's one and only job is to make its billionaire owners even richer.

  39. "American media is simply a tool of capitalism, it's one and only job is to make its billionaire owners even richer."

    You are correct, however you neglect to consider who those billionaires are and how they accomplish their agenda.


  40. The Purple Cow said...
    "The Media's job in America is to never report anything that makes the Democrats look bad, and never miss an opportunity to make the Republicans look bad."

    You're fucking demented, sunshine.

    What changed for corporation profits that the media isn't keeping a daily track of deaths in iraq/afghanistan anymore?

    What changed for corporation profits that the killing of innocent children in afghanistan by drones is no longer newsworthy?

  41. Just finished reading Darryl Pinckney's reporting on Ferguson in the New York Review of Books. Good background, overview, profile of Rev. Sekou, a new kind of black leader. Worthy journalism by a novelist.

    On this latest vid: We have GOT to stop putting Neanderthals on our police forces. There MUST be a way to screen out the thugs. And don't tell me they become that way after they join.

  42. Anonymous5:31 PM

    ST. LOUIS (KSDK) -- "St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch says some witnesses quote "clearly lied" to the Michael Brown grand jury.

    His statements came during an interview Friday with radio station KTRS 550."

    Whites will never change despite what Kinky says. They were dishonest during slavery, dishonest during Jim Crow, and they remain even more dishonest today.

    Isn't it criminal for a prosecutor to 'fix' a grand jury? I mean, there is no way a grand jury bent on "Justice" to rule in favor of lies led by McCullough, the state's attorney with a racial history behind him.

    There was NO JUSTICE in the Michael Brown case, just like the Eric Garner case just like the TM case and many of the cases over the history of America.

    Whites don't care about justice. It is clear the prosecutors the police the grand juries and governors don't care about fairness in the lives of bm.

  43. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Sarah Doneghy isn't white... By the way, how can you stand all of the bigoted stupid that infects your comments section? You've got to have some of the thickest skin on the planet! The amusing part is that none of these cowards would vomit out any of this idiocy if they weren't hiding behind a computer. Pathetic.

  44. "ST. LOUIS (KSDK) -- "St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch says some witnesses quote "clearly lied" to the Michael Brown grand jury"

    Yes, for example, Dorian Johnson lied when he said Mike Brown had his hands up, among other things.

    Mr. Johnson's statements were proven to be lies by the forensic evidence.

    That's why the Grand Jury did not indict Darren Wilson.

    Why the eerie incapacity of underclass blacks to understand evidence, or law, or much of anything?


  45. Flashback Saturday...

    NYPD cops warned militant group Black Guerilla Family ‘preparing to shoot on-duty police officers’

    And 2 cops get murdered.

    And dumbocrats go crickets.

    Yet dumbocrats believe palin political maps were the cause of gabby giffords getting shot.

  46. Anonymous7:45 PM

    The shooter was motivated by leftwing hate.

    Are you happy field?


  47. The Purple Cow said...
    American media is simply a tool of capitalism, it's one and only job is to make its billionaire owners even richer.

    It appears that Obama has invited a lot of those billionaire types to the white house.


    he wealth gap between middle- and upper-income households has widened to the highest level on record, says a new report.

    Rich billionaires are profiting well from the Obama economy.

  48. "I believe it was a case of mental illness.."

    Of course. Always "mental illness" when there is a heinous crime committed by white folks. Got it.

  49. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Anon6:42PM said, "Sarah Doneghy isn't white..."

    Sarah Donegy is as whiter than you. In fact, she is the white symbol of racism, like you.

    Anon6:42PM said, "By the way, how can you stand all of the bigoted stupid that infects your comments section? You've got to have some of the thickest skin on the planet!"

    How do you? And if comments are so stupid why are you answering them? 'Stupid does as stupid does'.

    Anon6:42PM said, "The amusing part is that none of these cowards would vomit out any of this idiocy if they weren't hiding behind a computer. Pathetic."

    Well, you're hiding behind a computer and you're hiding behind a name called 'Anonymous'. That's not what I would call courageous. Face it. Everything you have said in YOUR comment is a reflection of YOU. Learn to look in the mirror before you comment. Otherwise, you don't look so good yourself....

    Say "hi" to Sarah.

  50. Anonymous9:00 PM

    "Why the eerie incapacity of underclass blacks to understand evidence, or law, or much of anything?"

    7:09 PM
    Those are your feelings not anyone else. People don't care about your opinion. It stinks anyway.

  51. white guy12:42 AM

    "Why the eerie incapacity of underclass blacks to understand evidence, or law, or much of anything?"

    Because we all know poor uneducated whites are experts on law and evidence. Everything except dental hygene.

  52. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Socialism Kills said...
    This is another tragedy caused by liberalism. This was a minority family subsisting on government benefits. The children she murdered were by four different fathers.
    8:23 PM

    There are multitudes of mothers from all races,creed and color with children fathered by different men.

    They do not kill all of their children in one fell swoop!!!

    This is the consequence of a psychotic episode in the life of a woman whose brain is severely ill.

    The fact that she may have been poor may have something to do with it as this may have limited her ability to get the proper medical care.

    But access to adecuate psychiatric care is not relative to poverty as we have seen in other cases of middle and upper class women.

  53. Anonymous10:01 AM

    lilacpr wrote,
    This is the consequence of a psychotic episode in the life of a woman whose brain is severely ill.
    It's also the consequence of a people and culture with an astronomical crime rate and extremely low educational standards.


  54. Anonymous10:11 AM

    @ QLB 10:91 AM

    This has occurred in all races QLB.

    Your theory is totally obfuscated by the facts.

    and mind you it's just that, a 'theory', because a look at past civilizations will show that the highest evolved ones were of color. While the 'vandals' were still in caves.

    I mean I hate to start off a Sunday with this s*** but it's the truth. The thing is since you never went to university, and the word says it, where you learn about the universe. You wouldn't know about these things. Sad but true right?

    So no.

  55. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Here, read up and learn from whence the word 'vandalism' derives:

    The Vandals

    "Renaissance and Early Modern writers characterized the Vandals as barbarians, "sacking and looting" Rome. This led to the use of the term vandalism, to describe any senseless destruction, particularly the barbarian defacing of artworks."

  56. Anonymous10:20 AM

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Vandals were an East Germanic tribe, or group of tribes, who were first heard of in southern Poland, but later moved around Europe establishing kingdoms in Spain and later North Africa in the 5th century.[1]

    The Vandals are believed to have migrated from southern Scandinavia to the area between the lower Oder and Vistula rivers during the 2nd century BC and to have settled in Silesia from around 120 BC.[2][3][4] They are associated with the Przeworsk culture, and were possibly the same people as the Lugii. Expanding into Dacia during the Marcomannic Wars and to Pannonia during the Crisis of the Third Century, the Vandals were confined to Pannonia by the Goths around 330 AD, where they received permission to settle by Constantine the Great. Around 400

  57. Limpbaugh10:41 AM

    I wonder how much police violence was always there, and it's just getting more coverage because of cameras on phones and police cars, and the internet? And I wonder how much of it is caused by racists going crazy because the president is black? I suspect it has always been there over the long run, but there has also been a more recent spike in racist hatred from the Fox News viewers reactions to Obama. On the topic of Australia, Rupert Murdoch is from there.

  58. Anonymous10:43 AM

    lilacpr wrote,
    This has occurred in all races QLB.
    Yes it has, however we're talking about the here and now in a modern society with plenty of gigs me, Section 8 housings, EBT cards using the Australian version.


  59. Anonymous11:55 AM

    QLB, the common denominator here is severe mental illness. Nothing else.

  60. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Then the % risk for undertaking such activity means nothing? Really? Look at the crime rates involving that particular set of people and get back to me.


  61. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anon6:42PM said, "Sarah Doneghy isn't white..."

    Sarah Donegy is as whiter than you. In fact, she is the white symbol of racism, like you.

    Anon6:42PM said, "By the way, how can you stand all of the bigoted stupid that infects your comments section? You've got to have some of the thickest skin on the planet!"

    How do you? And if comments are so stupid why are you answering them? 'Stupid does as stupid does'.

    Anon6:42PM said, "The amusing part is that none of these cowards would vomit out any of this idiocy if they weren't hiding behind a computer. Pathetic."

    Well, you're hiding behind a computer and you're hiding behind a name called 'Anonymous'. That's not what I would call courageous. Face it. Everything you have said in YOUR comment is a reflection of YOU. Learn to look in the mirror before you comment. Otherwise, you don't look so good yourself....

    Say "hi" to Sarah.

    My pale skin, hazel colored eyes, and light brown and platinum blonde hair might cause other to think otherwise. Like Sarah, I'm multiethnic, with a mixture of African and European ancestry. Sarah work is focused on how she self identifies, and it's not white.

    I can't stand them, which is why I'm asking Field how he can. As I've responded to none of them, your second "point" makes no sense. You might want to take up a remedial reading course, as your level of comprehension is... lacking. By the way, the proper phrase is "stupid is, as stupid does". As you have first hand experience of the matter, you should know that.

    Not hiding, as I've written nothing I'd be embarrassed or ashamed to say in public in front of any audience. As for the mirror, I'm a sexy mf.

    As Sarah is a very beautiful, intelligent, and talented woman, I'd consider it an honor to meet her and say hello.


  62. Anonymous7:48 PM

    re: Manoora 8, May they RIP!

    Wow! Everyone has an opinon! Even though you don't know or assume you know what the situation is. Why don't you all shut the hell up with your judgements and just pray for all those concerned: the souls of the children, the surviving children, the mother, the fathers, families and the Torres Strait Islander communities. This tragedy has affected so many people and we do not need your disgusting opinions! No one wins here, you bastards ... black and white, need to show some respect!
