Saturday, December 20, 2014


I need a caption for this pic.


  1. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Fidel: "Coño, Señor Jackson, this picture of us is going to make Field's racist trolls go absolutely bananas!!"

  2. Jesse Jackson9:55 PM

    Ismaaiyl Brinsley just capped two cops as revenge for Eric Garner! Viva community organizers!

  3. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Ismaaiyl Brinsley just capped two cops as revenge for Eric Garner! Viva field negro.

  4. Won't you take me to....Hymietown!!

  5. Hey Jesse, where all the white women at?

  6. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Fidel, you've got the best cigars in the world. Can I have a few boxes before heading back to the states?

  7. Anonymous10:21 PM

    The ambush and murder of two NYPD cops proves Charles Barkley is right. We have folks that hold us back and make us look bad.

    This is 'why' Field has been mute about the incident.

    Field you can run but you can't hide.

  8. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Fidel: "Señor Jackson, please understand that you light up at your own risk. The evil imperialist Yanquis are always trying to slip me exploding cigars. I never know which might be my last one!"

  9. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Yisheng is our biggest person who holds us back. If it wasn't for Yisheng. Kinky and Bill would approve of Blacks. Racism would be a thing of the past.

  10. Field you just wrong for this one, LOL!!!

  11. What is Ronald Reagan doing in a picture with Jesse and Fidel?

  12. Well since Barack lifted the embargo I can come down here and light up with you guys a lot more now. Puff puff pass amigo, puff puff pass!

  13. @PilotX:

    Are you a peter puffer?

  14. Anonymous6:30 AM

    "What is Ronald Reagan doing in a picture with Jesse and Fidel?"

    Nah, looks more like curmudgeonly Texan actor Barry Corbin, now appearing in "Anger Management" with Charlie Sheen.

    He seems rather unhappy that no one will give him a cigar.

  15. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Fidel: "Did you really threaten to chop off your presidente's cojones? If this is true, perhaps I should name you an honorary revolutionary and extend to you asylum on our island? There is a vacant hut next door to Assata's ..."

  16. My Jamaican ganja is a LOT more fun than your Cuban cigar, amigo!

  17. Quote Bill-oh

    "Rich billionaires are profiting well from the Obama economy."

    Errr yes, that's exactly the point I was making numbnuts.

  18. Anonymous8:27 AM

    "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!"

    Protesters got what they wanted. The left got what they wanted.

    Field has blood on his hands.

  19. Anonymous9:12 AM

    "Protesters got what they wanted. The left got what they wanted."

    A handful of protesters are angry enough to want dead cops. The vast majority just want a real system of accountability to discipline bad cops, not DAs who work directly with the police, are loyal to them, and will rig grand juries to cover up their mistakes.

    Takeaways from the DOJ's review of Cleveland's police department, which got a failing grade:

  20. Anonymous9:36 AM

    It's the majority of protesters. The majority who cheer murder. The majority of protesters who are quite this morning.

  21. The anti-cop, hateful rhetoric coming from De Blasio, Sharpton Holder, Obama and field negro fueled this killer.

  22. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Fidel thinking:
    Asi me gusta! El Jackson esta feliz! Esta pasandola suoer!

    Para que los gringos alla vean, en mi Cuba linda se disfruta carajo!:)

  23. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Ooops, Esta pasandola 'super' is the word that )should be there :)

  24. I see u Josh anothbozo and Pilot.Those were pretty good captions.

    "Blood on MY hands"? I think not. Altough every racist in America (INCLUDING THE ONES WHO COMMENT HERE) should be looking at themselves in the mirror.

  25. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Field wrote,
    Blood on MY hands"? I think not. Altough every racist in America (INCLUDING THE ONES WHO COMMENT HERE) should be looking at themselves in the mirror.
    Please Field, you're the biggest racist here as well as the biggest hypocrite. The two officers were serving in anti-crime efforts in a mostly Black neighborhood. I find it laughable to see some of the liberal pundits calling the PD a so called "occupation force." We can solve that by just withdrawing the PD from you neighborhoods and let you solve the problem, Inside 100 days every predominant Black neighborhood would resemble like every town and village in Somalia. It would be the ultimate gibs me state. But this time YT is not riding to the rescue. You own this one.


  26. Actually stupid racist White people YOU fueled the NYC.

    You see, if you had given a f**k about the Black woman the cop killer killed BEFORE he went to NYC, those cops would still be alive.

    But alas, Black lives don't mean $hit in the US, and he didn't get your attention until a couple cops got axed.

    So blame YOURSELVES, Darren Wilson, the cops that killed Eric Garner, and that punk a$$ prosecutor in Mo.

  27. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Yingyang said,
    Actually stupid racist White people YOU fueled the NYC.
    How's that $100 an hour tutoring job for medical students going? You know the one that doesn't exist and the one you made up. Funny how you state you tutor students in an academic institution of which you yourself cannot get admitted to. You're pathetic and utterly laughable.
    BTW Garner and Brown would have been alive if they wouldn't have engaged in criminal activity and resisted arrest.

  28. You trolls do realize that good community policing tactics will actually save police lives, right?


  29. The Purple Cow said...

    Quote Bill-oh

    "Rich billionaires are profiting well from the Obama economy."

    Errr yes, that's exactly the point I was making numbnuts.

    You used the word conservative.

    Please don't let me catch you lying again.

    Helping rich people get richer that donate to Obama doesn't make Obama a conservative.

    If so, aren't ALL dumbocrats conservative?


  30. field negro said...
    You trolls do realize that good community policing tactics will actually save police lives, right?

    You do realize that good parenting tactics will actually save black lives, right?

    Did you not point out the parent advantage because you feel guilty growing up so privileged?

    1. Bill is absolutely right about good parenting.

      If those thug White cops had been raised to be civilized, America would be a better place for people of ALL races to live.


  31. Yīshēng said...
    You see, if you had given a f**k about the Black woman the cop killer killed BEFORE he went to NYC, those cops would still be alive.

    When white people talk about black on black crime the white person gets labeled a racist for pointing it out.

    What kind of a "f**k" can white people make about a black male killing a black female without being called a racist?

    1. Bill is this supposed to be your limp, viagra needing attempt at defending an internet bully and coward like 2 slice Hilly? What da' f**k use is it to highlight crime between criminals as is the case for the overwhelming MAJORITY of Black on Black crime?

      Not only is highlighting this info highly irrevelant to a
      Black blog about empowerment, it's racists too. Because it doesn't have a hot damn thing to do witg the strides the folks who post here are making everyday.

      Should I really give a damn about Hilly's Black Male criminal/nut sack obsession when I'm trying to develope computer algorithms in C++ that mimick biological pathways for diseases like cancer? Should I care the next time I have rounds at the cancer center?

      Why exactly should ANY sane minority give a rat's ass about the views of a racist pig?

  32. "Helping rich people get richer that donate to Obama doesn't make Obama a conservative."

    Nope, it's Obama's policies that make him a conservative.

    "If so, aren't ALL dumbocrats conservative?"

    Not all no, but probably north of 90%.

  33. Anonymous12:09 PM

    No police lives should be lost period. None! Ever!

    No civilian lives should be taken!

    No lives at all should be taken by anyone!!! Ever!

    Barring any sickness that might end their lives, people should live to a ripe old age'

    The irony of this very tragic situation is that those two policemen that were killed, were probably the least racist of all.

    Being as they are from minorities also, and having won a hard fight to be on the NYPD to earn a decent wage and better their standards of living!

    And I say this from bitter experience as many Hispanic and Black friends, in New York, as little ago as 1979, were not hired by the NYPD.

    Irregardless of how high they may have scored on tests. There was always an excuse.

    I have one Hispanic friend who finally made it around 1979, and he was so proud. The only one in his precinct. But he did have green eyes and was quite white skinned!

    May they rest in peace and may God give their families the fortitude to weather this storm.

    May God pour his Love over all of New York that there may be no more violence of any kind.

  34. Fight the Power12:10 PM

    field negro said...
    You trolls do realize that good community policing tactics will actually save police lives, right?

    Not inciting rioting and violence against police will save lives too.

    Obama, Holder, and DeBlasio send these cops out to enforce their laws, then they throw them under the bus when it's politically expedient.


    The blood of these two men and countless others is on their hands.


  35. Yīshēng said...
    Bill is absolutely right about good parenting.

    If those thug White cops had been raised to be civilized, America would be a better place for people of ALL races to live.

    If that black male you wrote about above (11:07) had better parents a black woman would still be alive along with the black woman killer.
    How many black youths would still be alive if only they had better parents?
    Of course you only mentioned the parents of white cops.

    Bad parenting isn't the sole property of one race, it's a human condition.

    1. @12:11 No $hit Sherlock, tell that your buddy 2slice.

  36. The Purple Cow said...
    >"If so, aren't ALL dumbocrats conservative?"<

    Not all no, but probably north of 90%.

    Anyone not eager to "cull" the opposition through industrial-scale murder is "conservative" by Purple Cow's estimation.


  37. The Purple Cow said...

    "Helping rich people get richer that donate to Obama doesn't make Obama a conservative."

    Nope, it's Obama's policies that make him a conservative.

    Flip Flop PurpleCow.

    Let's get back to what you wrote.

    Errr yes, that's exactly the point I was making numbnuts.

    Were you making the point dumbocrat billionaires that donate to Obama are getting richer at the expense of the poor and middle class?

    [ ] Yes
    [ ] No

  38. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Field wrote,
    You trolls do realize that good community policing tactics will actually save police lives, right?
    And you know this exactly how? Wow field, now you're just making up stuff like Yingyang and her medical school tutoring business at $100/hour. Still typical though.



  39. “Any use of the names of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, in connection with any violence or killing of police, is reprehensible and against the pursuit of justice in both cases,” Rev. Al Sharpton said in a statement.

    Interesting prepared statement.

    No comment about killing cops is wrong, it's only wrong to use the names of Michael or Eric to justify the killing of cops.

  40. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Again, I do believe Black folks are really, deep down, afraid and fearful of White folks (understandable, since we are taught to fear their "god" at an early age. But I digress)...
    The identities of police officers who kill unarmed citizens are well known; yet they keep their jobs; walk around in broad daylight - fearless because they realize that Negroes ain't gonna do shytte but march and protest; beg the corrupt judicial power structure - the same one that authorizes killing unarmed and (often) harmless citizens - to recognize their humanity. GMAFB! Once again, the wrong po-po perpetrators were killed in Brooklyn (though, I have zero sympathy). The killers of Eric Gardner, Michael Brown, Oscar Grant, ad nauseam, are alive and doing quite well. The only explanation available has gotta be fear of white - from their god to the guardians of white supremacy - KKK, disguised as law enforcement officers and the courts/judges who authorize, endorse and approve the criminal abuse of citizens' human rights.
    Rant over.


  41. Yīshēng said...
    Bill is this supposed to be your limp, viagra needing attempt at defending an internet bully and coward like 2 slice Hilly?

    Help me out and tell me what post you are referring to that I am defending "2 slice hilly."

  42. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Yingyang wrote,
    Should I really give a damn about Hilly's Black Male criminal/nut sack obsession when I'm trying to develope computer algorithms in C++ that mimick biological pathways for diseases like cancer? Should I care the next time I have rounds at the cancer center?
    But you don't do any of those things, except in the fantasy world you live in. You've presented yourself a scientist, PhD and MD without an iota of knowledge of the processes involved.
    So tell us this. Tutoring in medical school is uncommon and when it does occur virtually all of it is peer to peer that is either free or for a very nominal fee. Yet, you Yingyang provide tutorial services for medical students at $100/hour, something that is essentially unheard of. Yes, you the village idiot here provides these services in multiple subjects at an academic institution of which you yourself cannot gain admission to. So tell us how this is possible? Just name the medical school you provide these services to.


    1. Just tell us if you have a college degree QLB.

    2. Pilot you know that criminal nut sack Hilly isn't a college grad otherwise it would have not only named the school, but the STEM department it graduated from as well.

      An old, bitter, melanoma face racists is the worst kind of all, LOL!!

  43. Bill said...
    No comment about killing cops is wrong, it's only wrong to use the names of Michael or Eric to justify the killing of cops."

    According to the White House visitor logs, Al Sharpton has had private visits with the president 61 times. The same Al Sharpton of the Tawana Brawley hoax, the Crown Heights riots, and Freddy's Fashion Mart.

    This dumb, rhyming, mush-mouthed, formerly jheri-curled charlatan has been remolded by his handlers into a real life Morgan Freeman character. His counsel sought by the president, his imprimatur required for any race impacting initiative. My God, the deplorable humiliation of feigning respect for this farcical fuck.

    Any society where this man has power and influence is a sick joke.

    Burn it all down.


  44. Now that Obama has normalized relations with Cuba, I wonder how long before dumbocrat donating corporations move their factories from china to cuba?

    The cost of labor in cuba is half the cost in china.

    A visit to the factory is only 231 miles away from American soil instead of a 13 hour flight to china.

    All the advantages of slave labor, only a few miles away where the "slaves" could be better controlled.


  45. Yīshēng said...
    12:07 Bill.

    I don't see that as defending.

    I see it as what can white people say about black on black crime that doesn't result in being called a racist.

    Even black people that speak out about black on black crime get called a house negro.

    What do you suggest I (white people) say about a crime like that black man killing the black woman?

    1. I'm going to say this clearly as I can.

      The problem isn't your choice of topic IF the subject is life in urban america or something along those lines.

      So bringing up criminal activity among criminals when the subject is a 12 year old being shot dead reeks of a COMPLETE disregard for Black lives even when children are murdered in cold blood. But if Molly or Becky are the victims you have sympathy for the victim and theirs familieas to spare.

  46. Kakistocracy, u do realize that Al Sharpton exists because of racist whites, right? I am no big fan of the guy, but people call HIM for help when they feel wronged. They realize that he will at least bring attention to their cause.

  47. URGH smart phone posting SUCKS, LOL!!

  48. About Sharpton, educated Blacks could care less about Sharpton and a few of them shut his a$$ down in DC a few weeks ago.

    Now Cornell West? NOW you're talking!!

  49. It would be nice if those on the left would learn from the Tea Party that change can be made through non violent protest and grass roots politics. Looting, rioting, arson, assaults, physical detainments, and murder is not the way to solve our problems. I hope the violent left in this country stops before it gets too out of hand.

  50. Anonymous2:10 PM

    "You see, if you had given a f**k about the Black woman the cop killer killed BEFORE he went to NYC, those cops would still be alive."

    Er, how does this woman's death figure in the killing of these police officers?

    Are you saying that the police could have done something that would've prevented Ismaaiyl Brinsley from killing his girlfriend?

    Or are you saying that they failed to investigate after her death? (Clearly, that is not the case. She was killed the same day as the cops.)

    I'm not seeing any kind of connection.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Anonymous2:23 PM

    This blame-shifting involves the same conservative "logic" at work with the Bush administration's torture program.

    If security officers (C.I.A., cops) do terrible things and people get mad about that, it's the fault of those damn liberals for revealing the terrible things that have been done.

    It is, of course, in no way the fault of those security officers for doing the terrible things in the first place. It's too much to expect them not to behave like sociopathic thugs. No blame should be aimed in their direction.

  53. I think the left needs to embrace the teachings of MLK.

  54. We did. That's why all those marches in the sixties were so peaceful. And look what it got him. Just sayin....

  55. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Yingyang wrote,
    Pilot you know that criminal nut sack Hilly isn't a college grad otherwise it would have not only named the school, but the STEM department it graduated from as well.
    You're avoiding the question Yingyang, Everyone knows you're a fraud. How do you explain your so called $100 dollar an hour tutoring job for medical students especially since such events are not only rare but always peer to peer. You (LMAO) tutor at a place you've been denied admission to. You don't even realize how stupid your lies are.

    Meanwhile Field said,
    Kakistocracy, u do realize that Al Sharpton exists because of racist whites, right? I am no big fan of the guy, but people call HIM for help when they feel wronged.
    Wrong, Sharpton exists because he's a first class shakedown artist who might just get them some cash. Too bad he doesn't know how to pay his taxes.


  56. Kkkuckoo, did your ancestors utilize tactics similar to Kings when they "discovered" America?

    Of course North Korea has introduced a new form of "violence" to America that your peeps had better prepare for.

  57. Anonymous3:37 PM

    "Well since Barack lifted the embargo I can come down here and light up with you guys a lot more now. Puff puff pass amigo, puff puff pass!"

    Sorry to be nitpicky, Pilot, but Obama actually hasn't technically ended the embargo.

    I know everyone is reporting it this way. (Liberals: Yay, the embargo is lifted! Conservatives: Grrr, the tyrant Obama has lifted the embargo! All is lost!)

    But the embargo is still in place.

    The president doesn't have the power to lift it, since the embargo was written into law by cheerful racist and supreme a-hole Jesse Helms back in 1996. This will take an act of Congress to repeal.

    What Obama has actually restored is diplomatic relations with Cuba. Banking and travel restrictions will also be eased, so Americans can vacation or visit relatives there without the hassle currently required to circumvent the rules.

    Full trade with Cuba will have to wait until more of the people on Capitol Hill manage to pull their heads out of their nether regions.

  58. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Fidel,"You think you can do something about this embargo Jeff"? Jeffy,oops,Jesse"Not a chance,and I'll be back next week for more cigars,I'll just tell 'em there's a march down here,I can fly anywhere!!

  59. Were you making the point dumbocrat billionaires that donate to Obama are getting richer at the expense of the poor and middle class?

    [ X] Yes
    [ ] No

    But I'm betting you still don't get it.

  60. Anonymous4:08 PM

    I see you're ignoring NYC news these days Master Field.

  61. Anonymous4:10 PM

    field negro said...
    Kakistocracy, u do realize that Al Sharpton exists because of racist whites, right

    That's why the President chums around with him, because of 'racist whites'?

  62. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Yinsheng, you would fit in very well in North Korea. You hate America and you thrive on propaganda and lies. Why don't you go ahead and defect?

  63. Anonymous4:15 PM

    They don't allow negroes in North Korea.


  64. The Purple Cow said...

    Were you making the point dumbocrat billionaires that donate to Obama are getting richer at the expense of the poor and middle class?

    [ X] Yes
    [ ] No

    But I'm betting you still don't get it.

    Please stop lying PurpleCow.

    You haven't mentioned billionaires profiting off of the Obama economy.

    Feel free to prove me a liar by posting a link of you talking about rich white dumbocrat billionaires profiting from the Obama economy.

    Or go crickets.

    Or if history is an indicator of future behavior...
    You will call me cunt, talk about white asses and white dicks all the while never posting links.

    PurpleCow is so predictable.


  65. No mention of cigars and Clinton?

    "Hey Jesse, it's me Bill Clinton. How does Monica taste?"

  66. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Why argue with Whites? We lost the race war with slavery. Let's face it, they are far more fit in dominance than Blacks. They 'rule' the earth.

    PC, you should admit the truth instead of trying to argue with Bill who merely playing with you and your seriousness...YOUR serious lying, that is.

    "In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment."

  67. "I see you're ignoring NYC news these days Master Field."

    Read my latest post. I never ignore news.


  68. field negro said...

    "I see you're ignoring NYC news these days Master Field."

    Read my latest post. I never ignore news.

    Master Field?

    I wonder if he knows you were raised in the house. :)

  69. Anonymous9:23 PM

    jackson" ha these racist american pigs think black people will just take injustice like in years past"

    castro"lol yeah and american imperialist pigs claim that america is the land of the free and home of the brave and that every1 is equal"

    jackson" lol equal my ass only whites have rights the rest of us die"

  70. Anonymous11:32 PM

    I'd rathah be puffin' on a DICK instead of dis heeyah see-gar.

  71. Anonymous2:09 PM

    There should have been an emphatic law that the darkest of races and the lightest of races should have never been allowed to occupy the same continentm, ever, for longer than 2 seconds.

  72. Anonymous4:59 PM

