Saturday, December 13, 2014

Caption Saturday.

I need a caption for this pic.

Holla at me.


  1. A black cop and a bearded ginger -- which is rarer?

  2. Anonymous7:31 PM

    "Holy crap, I just cuffed the missing link!"

  3. Wesley R7:36 PM

    HaHa, What do you think you're doing, BOY. I'll be out in an hour.

  4. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Police: "I want you to know that I am enjoying putting these cuffs on your ass."

  5. Anonymous8:15 PM

    "I don't give a shit if your lawyer is Field. I'm still taking your ass in!"

  6. Aw man, don't hate the playa/hate the game!

  7. Cop: It's really ironic that I'm arresting you, because statistics indicate that blacks commit 25 times more violent assaults against whites than whites against blacks.

    White dude: Hey careful there officer, or I'll have to make a citizens arrest for you saying a Hatefact!

  8. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Citizen Bill: "I want to see the lawyer they call Field."

    Cop: laughing out loud..."Bill, Field doesn't take white clients....But Michele Bachmann is available. Bill, you'll be in good hands with her. On court day, Field won't know what hit him."

  9. Anonymous11:39 PM

    "I'm getting real tired of you ball-headed skin-heads. Next time I'm gonna bust a cap on your ass."

  10. Anonymous11:46 PM

    "Officer, I was just visiting my black girlfriend named Yisheng, when she pissed me off and I went crazy on her. I guess these interracial relationships with bw like Yisheng don't go so well. I really wish someone had told me."

    Officer: "Next time check with FN blog. Anybody on that blog can tell you that Yisheng is nothing but trouble."

  11. Black cop arresting a Black albino?

    I gots nothing.

  12. Field, insensitive much?

    After what just happen to David Hooks,

    You could have chosen another pic.

    C'mon man.

  13. Yīshēng said...
    Black cop arresting a Black albino?

    I gots nothing.

    Well come see me dr. queen. I hate to see you do without.

  14. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Officer: "Son, you're in violation of the Excessive Orange ordinance. Beard or shirt may be orange, but not both."

  15. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Officer: "I am sorry to have to put an end to your sex life, Mr. QLB, but raping your cattle is against the law."

  16. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Well damn. Orange really is the new black.

  17. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Bearded dude: "Man, you've gotta cut me some slack! I'm a celebrity! I'm Rupert Grint!"

    Officer: "Wow, you've really let yourself go since the Harry Potter movies ended."

  18. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Bearded dude: "We are protesting the cancellation of Sons of Anarchy! Fictional lives matter! No justice, no peace!"

  19. Lt. Commander Johnson1:18 AM

    Huh. He's a bastard., but just stupid. What about this brother?

    funny. No comments.

  20. @1:18am- that link demonstrates that satan and his minions are real + among us.

    that story = evil. and there are many more that are similar with different colored key figures.

    all lives matter to me.

    i pray that the family is able to heal and grow closer to Yah Almighty on the other side of this tragedy.

    i pray that whoever did such an evil thing will know no peace until they repent.

    it is not about color. this is a battle of Good vs evil. evil is running rampant because they know the time is short for them. as it is written.

    no one deserves what happened to baby girl. my heart breaks for her suffering and the suffering of her family. may Yah Almighty be with US all...

    in Messiah's Name i pray.


  21. Anonymous2:18 AM

    What? No body cam?

  22. Anonymous3:01 AM

    "The Last Cracker" ... Capture of the last white man on Earth by Officer Ray Ray Jackson recreated for the cheering Afro Ball crowd in the year 2143.

  23. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Blogger Yīshēng said...

    Black cop arresting a Black albino?

    I gots nothing.

    The word is have, not gots, you illiterate hoochie mama.

    I want all my money back that I paid for your eternal student grants.

  24. Some really great captions. :)

    "Orange really is the new black" . That was classic!


  25. Cop: Sorry guy. Being a ginger is a lot like being a house negro. No one likes you, not even people of your own race.

  26. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Meanwhile in Chicago, for the weekend we have an astounding 28 wounded along with 3 confirmed dead. Hey Field, those YBM's who were killed aren't breathing either, all of them murdered by other BM's. One was a 15 year old. Go figure. Still no NRA, Tea Party types or Republicans involved. Once again, with all those wounded, you have to thank the YT invented and run trauma services. Such ingratitude. Amazing.


  27. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Black cop: "Detective Wojciehowicz, I think this pose is exactly what the Chief said he dreamed about going viral in the MSM."

    White detective: I dunno', maybe with not as big a grin.


  28. Double standard?

    Amy Pascal (sony pictures) wanted mel gibson blackballed for his anti-jewish drunken rant.

    What's the message this rich white dumbocrat is sending?

  29. Many years ago, just after I graduated, I had a red-headed girlfriend who shared her name with an Iconic African-American baseball player.*

    Anyway, to the point - she insisted that calling redheads 'ginger' was just as offensive as calling a black person the 'N - word'.

    So in retrospect I should have spelt it G*****.

    *Her Dad played Rugby for Ireland - fact fans.


  30. The Purple Cow said...

    Many years ago, just after I graduated, I had a red-headed girlfriend

    All your stories about women you date/marry have all been about white women.

    Did you ever date black women?

    she insisted that calling redheads 'ginger' was just as offensive as calling a black person the 'N - word'.

    Did you set that white woman straight like you would a troll?

  31. Anonymous2:01 PM


  32. QLB, do you have a college degree?

  33. ctrl+halt+del2:23 PM

    "Police capture escaped "top secret" lab rat at cheese factory."


    Champaign, IL post office renamed for James Burgess Jr. a blah tank battalion commander in WWII.

  35. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Caption: "Black Man Impersonates Police Officer."

  36. Anonymous2:39 PM

    "Rear Loading Only."

  37. Dayan Knight2:42 PM

    White cop, Black suspect, body bag...Black cop, White suspect, justice with a smile.


  38. "Please officer, don't deport me to Tanzania!!"

  39. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Foo Stamps herr
    "Are yous bes rapein me cause I bes YT?"

  40. Anonymous4:46 PM

    FP, "it is not about color. this is a battle of Good vs evil. evil is running rampant because they know the time is short for them. as it is written."

    Has it always been that way, or just recently?

    Since 'when' did 'good and evil' arise in the universe, or more specifically "Earth?"

    About 50 years ago, a Jehovah Witness come to my door smiling like a Christian, and asked me if I had ever been touched by God. I said, "no".

    She then proceeded to tell me that there is a 'big fight' that is going to happen between God and the Devil here on earth. And people had better chose which side they are going to be on before it's too late.

    At the time, I wasn't spiritual, let alone religious. So by my logical intellectual deduction it wouldn't matter which side I was on because if two Gods are going to fight on earth, then there won't be anything left anyway.

    The Jehovah Witness said, "Satan is not a God!"

    I replied, "Anybody who is going to stand toe-to-toe with God has to be another God or a damn fool!"

    I then slammed the door in her face.

    Today, however, I have grown somewhat in faith, but my faith is still weak because I struggle between faith and doubt. Still, I long to be with God, if possible.

    I wish there were more people strong in faith to help others weak in faith.

  41. @4:46pm- i can't tell if you are serious or mocking...

    do you read Scriptures?

    that is a serious question with no mocking.

  42. ctrl+halt+del5:44 PM

    Ginger snaps, arrested, caught with hands in the cookie jar.

    h/t to josh for the anagram

  43. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Make believe Pilot said,
    Champaign, IL post office renamed for James Burgess Jr. a blah tank battalion commander in WWII.
    Wrong again. the battalion commander of the 761st was then Lt.Col Paul Bates, a White man. The rank of Paul Burgess in 1945 at war's end was 1LT. It is possible he was an acting company commander but the rank is in keeping with an XO. He was not the battalion commander. Once again in the Black community there is exaggeration and embellishment. You denigrate the service of Lt. Burgess by doing so.


  44. Anonymous7:30 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Many years ago, just after I graduated, I had a red-headed girlfriend who shared her name with an Iconic African-American baseball player.*

    Anyway, to the point - she insisted that calling redheads 'ginger' was just as offensive as calling a black person the 'N - word'.

    So in retrospect I should have spelt it G*****.

    *Her Dad played Rugby for Ireland - fact fans.

    She was obviously a piece of garbage, slumming with you. Cast off White trash no one else wanted.

  45. Anonymous9:36 PM


  46. "Illinois’ two U.S. Senators have introduced a measure to name a Campustown post office for the first and only African American to be elected to a county-wide office in Champaign County.

    Democrat Dick Durbin, Republican Mark Kirk, and Republican Congressman Rodney Davis of Taylorville made the announcement Wednesday regarding the late James Burgess, who was elected Champaign County State’s Attorney in 1972.

    He is also a war veteran, leading the 761st Tank Battalion, the first African-American armored unit to enter battle during World War II. Burgess died in 1997."

  47. "He was not the battalion commander. Once again in the Black community there is exaggeration and embellishment. You denigrate the service of Lt. Burgess by doing so."

    How would a mistake on my part denigrate his service? Not one iota. BTW, did you ever serve in the military QLB? Also cut the make believe pilot shit out, we've played that game before and we both know how that ended. Also, do you have a college degree?

  48. Anonymous11:30 PM

    FP, I am dead serious. I don't mock religions...none of them.

    I read 'some' Scriptures but am confused where to start. Nevertheless, I do read some Scriptures piece meal simply because I am not certain 'how' to study them.

    I went to a pastor and to tell the truth, I just didn't feel good about him.

    Personally, I am not sure if there ARE many pastors who know the Scriptures accurately.

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