Friday, December 12, 2014

Racism isn't just for red states.

I love it when certain folks have an alleged lapse in their "color aroused" judgment.

The latest is this female executive from Sony Entertainment, who, as some folks tend to do when they think that they are alone with like minded people, said some racially insensitive things about Barack Obama.   

But field, she is a Hollywood liberal who supported the president with her own money.

Yes, there is that. But I need you Negroes to understand that it's not just Southern conservatives who have "color arousal" issues.  Some of your so called liberal friends have issues as well.

Of course this executive went to the Priest of all things racial in America for absolution.
"Hours after Rev. Al Sharpton released a statement comparing her to disgraced L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling, Sony Pictures co-chair Amy Pascal revealed in a Q&A interview with Deadline’s Mike Fleming, Jr. that she has spoken to Sharpton on the phone, saying, “I know I screwed up.”

Sharpton’s condemnation of Pascal came after an email exchange between the Sony exec and movie producer Scott Rudin leaked as part of the larger cyber-attack on Sony Pictures from a possibly-North Korean-connected group. In the conversation, Pascal and Rudin joked about the types of movies President Barack Obama likes, with clear racial overtones.

I’m so disappointed in myself, that I ever would have had such a lapse in my thinking,” Pascal said in her first public comments aside from a short apology statement earlier today, adding that she doesn’t want her 30 year career defined by these leaked emails.

Asked if she has apologized directly to the president, she said, “I don’t know Barack Obama. I worked really hard for him in both of his campaigns. I am inspired by him. I…I’m embarrassed, deeply.”

Yep, I am guessing that after she kissed Rev. Al's ring he gave her communion.

Lady, you are only "embarrassed" because you were exposed.

And you Negroes wonder why black actors can't find work in Hollywood.


  1. Anonymous8:07 PM

    e-mails; plural

    Thirty years, and she learned nothing.

  2. Sleepless in Seattle8:08 PM

    As transcribed by BuzzFeed, Pascal wrote “What should I ask the president at this stupid Jeffrey breakfast?” and the two began to bandy about films by and/or about African-Americans:

    RUDIN: “Would he like to finance some movies.”
    PASCAL: “I doubt it. Should I ask him if he liked DJANGO?”
    RUDIN: “12 YEARS.”
    PASCAL: “Or the butler. Or think like a man? [sic]”
    RUDIN: “Ride-along. I bet he likes Kevin Hart.”

    That such words could even be thought, let alone spoken in this day and age is absolutely terrifying. We have not progressed an inch from the days when blacks were used as paving material and fuel for locomotives.

  3. 12 inches a slave8:13 PM

    No worries. These two racist liberals have already donated some cash to lib super pacs.

    See, that's all it takes to absolve the left of their racial sins.


  4. Serious question (which, granted, this is probably the wrong blog for such):

    Are we to a point in ultimate butthurt land that joking using racial stereotypes (sorta, I guess?) is in the same category as Donald Sterling?

    I know that Donald Sterling was instantly in the same category as Klansmen, and anyone who thinks America hasn't radically changed must have not noticed that the man was practically universally shunned, lost his team, received a lifetime ban, and is mud for his remaining years.

    The woman suggested asking Obama if he liked movies which would be considered "black" movies, I guess, given their content and stars.

    If folks think it's in poor taste, I won't argue. If folks think it's like Sterling, I have to scratch my head.

    Like it or not, we're all some stereotype-using mf'ers, most likely, and particularly when speaking with friends. Anyone with both white and black friends may understand how topics change and jokes change depending on with whom you're hanging. Is there actual malicious intent behind it? Doesn't that count for something?

    Right after Obama was elected, I was browsing some random message board, and a question arose: "If you could invite the President over for dinner, what would you make?"

    Some lady answered, "I'd make my famous roasted chicken and potatoes," which sent people hysterical! "Racist! Racist! OMG, post-racial my ass! CHICKEN!?!? Figures! Racist!"

    Poor girl meant nothing by it and started having a breakdown as she was begging and pleading for people to leave her alone, after profusely apologizing to people who we know fuck-all well were not even offended.

    That's how we're all being programmed in America. When you're white and see a KFC commercial with a black guy, you don't want chicken. You want to know if it's even alright to watch it. "Is this racism? Does it offend anyone?" You're trained to notice that the ADT Security commercials never use black people. "Are they scared to be racists? Are all criminals tie-wearing white men?"

    Is this what we want -- to be so hypersensitive and aware about differences and stereotypes that we trip over ourselves in social life? I hope not.

    If the woman is to be criticized, have at it. Compared to actual racists? Pump your brakes.

  5. Friendless in Frisco8:18 PM

    Pascal wrote “What should I ask the president at this stupid Jeffrey breakfast?” and the two began to bandy about stuff African-Americans like:

    RUDIN: “Would he like to fondle some white women?”
    PASCAL: “I doubt it. Should I ask him if he likes DICK?”
    RUDIN: “12 INCHES.”
    PASCAL: “Or in the butt. Or spunk like a man? [sic]”
    RUDIN: “Ride-a dong. I bet he likes Kevin Hart.”

  6. Josh, welcome to the PC world the left has created.

    Everyone is a victim. Only liberals can save us.

  7. Clueless in Chicago8:28 PM

    As transcribed by BuzzFeed, Pascal wrote “What should I ask the president at this stupid Jeffrey breakfast?” and the two began to bandy about things by and/or about African-Americans:

    RUDIN: “Would he like to bust some moves?”
    PASCAL: “I doubt it. Should I ask him if he likes TO LOOT?”
    PASCAL: “Or play knockout. Or kill a cracka with a hamma? [sic]”
    RUDIN: “Talk about shoes. I bet he likes Kevin Hart.

  8. @ Disculpe, and every black person here on this blog:

    Over at Progressive Eruptions, I was talking about Michael Brown and that whole Photoshopped sign deal. I suggested that racism is bad enough that one should not extend it to mean using Photoshop to change some words. Then I was bombarded by progressives calling me an idiot and racist. (And the blog owner never posted my replies where I defended myself, so I have a new appreciation for Field!)

    My favorite, though, was the blog owner, Shaw, who quoted me Jon Stewart, which said, paraphrased: "I guarantee every non-white in America has suffered indignities in the past few hours."

    The unmitigated gall (to borrow Stephen A's phrase) of guilt-ridden white people to transform all blacks into victims is amazing. Talk about needing to check one's privilege! Holy shit.

    Black people, are these the white people you want in your corner? They tell each other that they "get it," and when they see you, they see an oppressed person who is miserable in his or her skin, who suffers hourly indignities at the hands of whites, and who must be treated specially because of your history. You black folks are nothing but retarded children to progressives, who apparently can't think for yourselves, can't be individuals, and who can't make it in life as black people without the help of white progressives.

    I'm not saying vote Republican, but please stop putting these idiots in power. Go third party; shake it up a bit!

    These white folks expect black people to be poor, unruly and to have kids like it's a habit. They think so little of you that they metaphorically knight the person who suggests every black person in America is an hourly victim. How fucking degrading.

  9. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Field wrote,
    And you Negroes wonder why black actors can't find work in Hollywood.
    Actually I think Black actors are pretty safe as long as they make movies/ TV shows about drug dealers, pimps, prostitutes, homicidal youth, the homeless or barber shops.
    Meanwhile in Chicago, the weekend shit show is on. The shot clock is ticking with the end of the years totals coming. Nine confirmed dead to mark the Christmas season. Nothing like peace on earth, good will to all ( Black ) men. Yep, all Black lives matter.

  10. That's why you will find most black actors acting in the other hollywood.

  11. The Negro Mind Is A Terrible Thing9:04 PM

    " You black folks are nothing but retarded children to progressives, who apparently can't think for yourselves, can't be individuals, and who can't make it in life as black people without the help of white progressives. "

    Has a black man, i enjoy the way i am treated by white progressives.

    Ever notice how white progressives fall all over themselves to love, feed, give money to and sex up retarded children?

    Who wouldn't want that?

  12. Wesley R9:05 PM

    Not a good month or so for hollyweird. First there's another white washed bible movie, then this.

  13. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Whites like Kinky are the attraction for bw like Lilac and FP, esp when he lays out a thimble of truth.

    Hell, Satan talks truth all the time. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

    Kinky is a racist and enjoys it. Yet, he is a follower of

  14. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Least Wesley can still put the R in racism.

  15. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Anonymous Wesley R said...
    Not a good month or so for hollyweird. First there's another white washed bible movie, then this.

    9:05 PM

    This has been a good month for Hollywood. There are two white classic movies that have been black washed and another Django Unchained movie has gotten the green light.

  16. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Brother Field, I just got back from seeing the movie "Exodus:Gods and Kings".

    Fyi, there were Blacks in the movie as slaves. Even back then, there was slavery of Blacks for 400 years.

    Does anybody know why God shows up every 400 years to free slaves?

    IMO, I think it would be better if God showed up sooner... 400-year-cycles of slavery seems a little much to me.

    Does anyone know what's up the number 400?

    Incidentally, over 80% of the people who went to see it were Black.

    Based on that, brother Field I recommend you go see the movie. You need a little religion anyway. If you have a problem with Jesus, go see Moses instead.

  17. Anonymous9:22 PM

    I also hear hollywood is going to reboot/blackwash the Death Wish series with Tyler Perry playing the role of Paul Kersey.

  18. Anonymous 9:05 PM, Truth isn't the only thing i'm laying out ;)

  19. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Brother Field, thank you for this post. Now maybe Kinky and Bill will STFU about you being biased left. I know that you are NOT. You merely speak the truth and it seems they just can't handle the truth.

    If they knew you like I know you, they would fully support everything you say, instead of trying to debunk what you say. But because they are racists, they can't see the forest for the trees.

    That's a damn shame. We could be having intimate and honest conversation about truth, if they could only 'see' better.

    Maybe someday they will be able to sing the lyrics of "Amazing Grace"... "was blind but now I see."

    Keep up the good work, brother. The country and the world needs you.

  20. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Blogger Disculpe seƱorita, usted tiene una luz said...
    Anonymous 9:05 PM, Truth isn't the only thing i'm laying out ;)

    9:37 PM
    What?! This is messed up...Where is FP and Lilac?

    Why haven't they been around for a few days?

  21. Anonymous9:57 PM

    "Lady, you are only "embarrassed" because you were exposed."

    Yep. I have always known that there is no difference between Whites. ALL of them are racists...every last one of them except Tim Wise. And I'm not sure about him.

  22. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Wesley R said...
    Not a good month or so for hollyweird. First there's another white washed bible movie, then this.

    Egyptians aren't and were never black.

  23. OD'd in Orlando10:21 PM

    As transcribed by BuzzFeed, Pascal wrote “What should I ask the president at this stupid Jeffrey breakfast?” and the two began to bandy about drug use by African-Americans:

    RUDIN: “Would he like to buy some Loosies?”
    PASCAL: “I doubt it. Should I ask him if he likes SKITTLES?”
    RUDIN: “LEAN.”
    PASCAL: “Or Robitussin. Or fat bags crunch n' munch? [sic]”
    RUDIN: “Swisher Sweets. I bet he likes Kevin Hart.”

  24. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I think white libs should be given the benefit of the doubt. They deserve it. After all, they are the ones who freed us from slavery. The Repubs wanted to sucede from the union before freeing us. They should never be given the benefit of the doubt EVER. They are racist to core of their being.

    And may I suggest that you watch yourself with Bill? The man is a racist who is playing you and PilotX.

  25. Anonymous12:09 AM

    FP and Lilac have become vampires. No joke.

  26. Anonymous12:26 AM

    This seems like a real nothingburger of a racism scandal to me. We're talking mild insensitivity at worst. As far as I know, the most "incriminating" part of these leaked emails involved these movie moguls chatting about how Obama probably only watches black movies.

    Wow, that's really some hateful stuff! What's next, will they be accusing Mr. Obama of liking basketball?

    And we're seriously comparing that to Don Sterling? The guy who told his mistress not to "bring niggers around" or be seen with them, lest people might figure out that she was part nigger and that would embarrass him? That Don Sterling? (Not to mention that Sterling was known for not merely saying bigoted things, but doing bigoted things, like treating the minority tenants in the apartments he owned like human garbage.)

    As they used to say on Sesame Street, one of these things is not like the other ...

  27. Oh yeah, if she was truly sorry......
    Damn shame but is anyone surprised? Them n. Koreans are laughing their asses off right about now.

  28. Anonymous1:04 AM

    "Damn shame but is anyone surprised? Them n. Koreans are laughing their asses off right about now."

    They won't be laughing long, once Kim Jong Un finds out they've been pissing away valuable hacking time infiltrating the gossip of Hollywood producers.

    "You were supposed to be stealing bomb plans!" he will shriek, right before he pushes them in front of a firing squad.

  29. How do you know the movie won't be a bomb?
    Ba dum bum. Is this thing on? I'll be here all week, try the veal and tip those waitresses.

  30. The Franco Grogan (?) movie seems kind of dumb to begin with. Gotta love those Koreans. :)

    Josh and Anon, icould argue that what this woman did was just as bad as Sterling. Yes, Sterling had issues with seeing his woman with "those people" because of his ignorance. This lady also shows her ignorance with her racial jokes.

    It shows a lot about her character. Given her position of power, it's scare that she actually thinks this way. Not just a "nothing burger" because of her position.

    Still, at the end of the day, this is America, so she is free to say what she wants. We just know how she thinks now. And she has to deal with whatever comes her way.

  31. "argue that what this woman did was just as bad as Sterling."

    Okay. But how so? I think it's in poor taste and rather ignorant, full disclosure. I'm not taking up for her dumb-ass comments. But Sterling seemed quite malicious in tone; he seemed very serious, which suddenly made his history of discrimination make perfect sense. He seems to hate black people.

    This woman seems to me (unless I'm missing some of the story) to just be using a I-guess-it's-a-stereotype of black people liking "black" movies to make a stupid joke.

    If I were to start joking around with a white person here and said, "I bet Pilot will be watching the Source Awards," is that really in the Sterling category?

    If folks think that, I don't begrudge it. Ah salute! But I'm from the school that intent plays a role in outcome. Stupid racial jokes that were meant to be jokes don't, for me, make the cut of grade-A asshole Sterlingisms. If this were Lisa Lampanelli on a comedy stage, nobody says a word. It's not like the Kramer meltdown.

  32. Fair point Josh. My issue with her is that she is a woman-like Sterling- in a position of power. Harboring those types of stereotypes no doubt affects her judgment in hiring, etc.
    This, to me, is the real ssue.

  33. Now, that, I agree with. These folks in power positions harboring their prejudices is an issue; I agree completely.

  34. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Field wrote,
    Harboring those types of stereotypes no doubt affects her judgment in hiring, etc
    Please, there is such a thing as earned stereotypes. In Chicago last night we have 2 confirmed dead and 13 wounded with 2 probables in the batter's box. Virtually all of them are Black. Nothing like those Black lives that matter and those that somehow don't. The two best roles Michael K Williams has had were playing two gangsters on "The Wire" and "Boardwalk Empire." It's not exactly like he could play a Nobel Prize winner in STEM and be believable.


  35. @ Anon:

    Michael K Williams is a hell of an actor. I get what you're saying, but maybe a better example is warranted. He was good in Robocop, The Road, and other pretty good movies and shows. I can see him pulling off a STEM innovator. Particularly if things went sideways and the script called for a shotgun-wielding badass with pumpkin balls.

    Omar comin'!

  36. QLB, go back to your room. The grown ups are talking.

  37. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I think you miss the point about earned stereotypes, those that are supported by hard data. For instance, while Blacks only comprise 23% of the population in NYC, they account for 80% of the shootings. They are also 25X more likely to commit assault against Whites than visa versa. Yet, somehow racial profiling and stop and frisk was somehow racist. Go figure.



  38. field negro said...
    It shows a lot about her character. Given her position of power, it's scare that she actually thinks this way.


    All the time you spent chasing rethug racism when you have enough in your own dumbocrat party to keep you busy.

    And she has to deal with whatever comes her way.


    She donates to dumbocrats, nothing will happen to her.

    I don't see anyone calling for her to quit.

    I don't Eric Holder calling for investigations.

    Obama's not concerned.

    The only people talking about it are rush, hannity and right wingnuts.

    Move On FN.

    Not all racism is equal.

  39. Anonymous11:02 AM

    field negro said...
    QLB, go back to your room. The grown ups are talking.
    Please field, a weak response even for you. Inconvenient truths are not your strong point.



  40. CNN talking about the sony emails...

    “Might need to spend a little more money now and make a phone call to the White House,” Pereira said.


    Write another check to the dumbocrat party and rich white people will be forgiven for being racist.

    Even CNN knows it.

  41. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Anybody who is butt-hurt over this email exchange needs to unbunch their panties and get a life.

    You know, I'll bet the President has seen everyone of the movies those two numbnuts brought up.

    And newsflash: This is how Jews talk about blacks among themselves. Black people's problems are just something to bash the Gentiles with to them.

  42. Redhand11:28 AM

    As a white guy I do have to ask, innocently or naively, about this comment: And you Negroes wonder why black actors can't find work in Hollywood.

    What about Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington, Eddie Murphy, LeVar Burton, James Earl Jones, Forest Whitaker, Don Cheadle, Will Smith, Laurence Fishburne, Cuba Gooding Jr. and Chris Rock?

    I'm not saying that there isn't racism in Hollywood, see, but many on this list are Hollywood leading men, and many of the roles they play are truly color blind.

  43. Who let Hilly out of the basement?? Go finish your chocolate pie heffa.

  44. "Lady, you are only "embarrassed" because you were exposed."

    Now, see here, Field, you don't know how easy it is to fall into stereotyping groupthink, since you're not... white. I can speak to this. Keep in mind that racism in this country is so pervasive (see Andrew Hacker's books on the subject) that it's easy to fall into the mire, the us vs. them, a "black people naturally like black-themed films" thought clichƩ (among so many others). Maybe I didn't read all this woman's email remarks, but questioning whether Obama saw or like "Django" "The Butler" etc. fell into this category. Stupid, shallow, but something she would've been ashamed of even if a friend had privately called her on it, I warrant.

  45. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    ALL men redhand. Harumph!!

    I guess there is not much demand to see black women.


  46. anotherbozo said...
    but something she would've been ashamed of even if a friend had privately called her on it, I warrant.

    Why do you believe her rich white friends would call her out?

    It's almost as if you are assuming that's the first "joke" she's made about black people.

  47. Hey Doc! Sent you a message.

    QLB, hey buddy. Do you have a college degree?

  48. Anonymous1:25 PM

    What's your degree in X, bidness? Social studies?

  49. What's your degree in anon? Stop covering for your girl.

  50. The shucking and jiving begins.

  51. Anonymous1:38 PM

    You never stop.

    1. I don't see how you confused me for QLB. I'm a blah male and she's a white woman. Get them eyes checked.

  52. Nope, that would be QLB.

  53. Anonymous1:50 PM

    "Fair point Josh. My issue with her is that she is a woman-like Sterling- in a position of power. Harboring those types of stereotypes no doubt affects her judgment in hiring, etc.
    This, to me, is the real ssue."

    Okay, but what stereotypes, exactly?

    I mean, the stereotype that black people only like to watch movies with black casts probably isn't going to prevent any black person from getting hired. (And this is assuming that these two producers even genuinely believed in the stereotype, and weren't just pretending for the purpose of their dumb joke.)

    If people are getting really mad about this exchange, I honestly think it's because they are assuming other underlying beliefs, must also be held by these people. "This is just the tip of the iceberg. If they're saying X, they probably really believe Y, as well"

    And that is one thing I have a problem with. If you don't know what someone believes, then you just don't know. Suspicion isn't enough. It's always possible to read someone's statements as proof of some deeper, uglier intent, but that approach can turn anyone into a villain.

  54. Trayvon Martin jumps a neighborhood watch guy and gets shot. President Obama says "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon".

    But President Obama doesn't have a son. He has two daughters.

    Last week, 19 year old Jessica Chambers broke up with her black boyfriend and he poured lighter fluid down her nose and throat and burned her alive.

    Jessica Chambers was burnt to a crisp over 98% of her body. Everywhere but the soles of her feet. She died soon after the police arrived, but she lived long enough to tell them who did this to her.

    President Obama's daughters will probably date black guys too. One would think such a horrible fate might resonate with him, to the point where he might make some statement about this case as well. But he has been silent.

    If Obama had a daughter who had been set on fire like this, she'd look like Jessica.

    And as a larger issue, there are many more white people killed by black people, including more cases of burning to death than you would like to imagine, than there are cases where law enforcement kills a black person.

    Do you think the President knows this, or is he just too busy coordinating the activities of the Ferguson protesters? Don't all lives matter?


  55. Gotta love how dumbocrats use taxes to punish poor people.

    Ferguson to Increase Police Ticketing to Close City’s Budget Gap ...
    plans to close a budget gap by boosting revenue from public-safety fines and tapping reserves.

    If not for dumbocrats love of taxes, wouldn't Eric Garner still be alive?

    Eric's crime was cheating the government by not paying taxes.

  56. DIE, WHITE DEVILS!!!2:51 PM

    Bro. Field:

    What's new here??? Jews have been racist towards and shitting on Blacks long before they created Hollywood.

    For example:

    "Look, I don't give a good goddamn--no smelly niggers will ever be on MY studio lot!"
    Jack L. Warner--1940
    CEO Warner Bros Pictures Inc.

    Commenting on the success of "Gone With The Wind".

  57. Kathleen, maybe it's because that poor young lady's boyfriend didn't burn her to a crisp BECAUSE she is white. See the difference? Or is that too much for your color aroused brain to understand?

  58. DIE, WHITE DEVILS!!!3:01 PM

    Bullshit Bill is the stupidest White Nazi on this Black blog....

    Homicidal Honky Daniel Pantaload didn't kill Bro. Garner, TAXES DID!!!
    Oh, STFU, GTFOH!!!!

  59. "Okay, but what stereotypes, exactly?"

    @ Anon:

    I do hope somebody answers this question. I'm awfully curious to hear which stereotype(s) were being negatively spoken about myself.

    If you're a white person who has no idea whatsoever about black culture, other than pop culture, then you probably think that black people like black-specific entertainment. BET, Jet, hordes of black universities, "black" movies which are unabashedly aimed directly at black audiences, not at white or broad audiences, etc.

    If one were approaching things from a business mindset alone, one might conclude that movies like Ride Along do specifically target black views, and subsequently assuming a black person would have seen it is a bit more reasoned than it's given credit for.

    I still think she made some dumb-ass comments. It seems clear she was insinuating the President would only watch black entertainment. But as far as stereotypes, I don't know which one this is supposed to be. A new one, maybe?

    Can't say black people watch "black" movies now? Probably can't say black people watch "white" movies either. It'd be culturally insensitive. lol

  60. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Doo not doubt. As Luna wanes, soon they return, as the dark night of the solstice nears. Then, you will behold the like a vapor appearing, you will hear a low, sweet ripple of laughter, and see these new born weird sisters licking their lips. Hypnotized by their voices, like the sound of fine crystal, enthralled by voluptuousness beyond imagination, you will joined in their now horrible laughter, and be unable to run away, standing powerless before their appetites and their sheer gaze of pure will.

  61. field negro said...
    Kathleen, maybe it's because that poor young lady's boyfriend didn't burn her to a crisp BECAUSE she is white. See the difference? Or is that too much for your color aroused brain to understand?

    George Zimmerman didn't shoot Trayvon Martin because he was black, he shot him because he was slamming his head against the pavement.

    But I think there probably was a strong racial aspect to what happened to Jessica Chambers; break ups aren't usually so horrific. Also, there is quite a recent history with blacks setting whites on fire.

    Both are tragic deaths that we need to see don't happen again.

    But all lives do not matter to President Obama.

    Just the ones he can exploit for political advantage.

    1. But Zimmerman FOLLOWED Martin because he thought he was engaging in criminal behavior.

      If Zimmerman had never followed him, the boy would still be alive today.

      Try as you might, you can NOT seperate the fact that Zimmerman's racists viewpoint led to the confrontation hat killed the boy.

  62. Josh if you have no idea what Black culture is and you let racist pop culture define it for you, then you're ignorant on a level that has no "cure".

    I grew up in a culturally mixed neighboorhood of mainly blue collar whites and blacks that bordered on "da hood" on one side and "hickville" on the other. And I didn't need "pop culture" to tell me that the poor white trash I went to school with , didn't defined all or even most of White culture.

    Your statement is an indictment of your subconscious superor attitude over Blacks and a testimony to the subservient status you define most Blacks as being a part of. When the facts are that most Blacks are either working class or middle to upper middle class folks just trying to live the best lives they can.

    In other words the majority of us are no different from most White folks, but your ill intended thinking about race won't let you see reality.

    1. Ha! Josh writes about someone not being able to navigate the English language but he can't distinguish obvious sarcasm and irony. I guess that's why the irony of his post is lost on him.

  63. If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we’d all have a merry Christmas.

  64. Yīshēng,

    If you read my entire comment and that was your inference, you got no damn business suggesting anyone else is ignorant about anything.

    "My statement is a blah blah..."

    Yeah, with just the slightest touch of reading comprehension, you may have noticed I wasn't speaking in any first-person style; that is to say, I wasn't speaking about myself, but rather in more of a devil's advocate context.

    And I'll take it from the strictly attacking nature of your comment that you can't answer the f'n question posed.

    I love how some feign moral superiority over others here yet cannot seem to navigate the English language better than a third-grade kid on the short bus.

    As Crixus might say to Spartacus: Remove head from ass.

  65. Rockefeller Plaza5:29 PM

    Blogger Yīshēng said...

    But Zimmerman FOLLOWED Martin because he thought he was engaging in criminal behavior.

    If Zimmerman had never followed him, the boy would still be alive today.

    Try as you might, you can NOT seperate the fact that Zimmerman's racists viewpoint led to the confrontation hat killed the boy.

    3:55 PM


    Traydemark Martin was a piece of garbage wanna be thug abandoned by both his mother and his sperm donor.

    He died because he thought he would use his fists to beat down a white cracka'. Things didn't turn out the way that false-bravado thug thought.
    Zimmerman is Example "A" of why one should always Conceal Carry and be prepared to Shoot to Kill, not maim.

    My only regret is the wasted money spent "prosecuting" Zimmerman to appease the BGI. Disgusting.

  66. Rockefeller Plaza5:33 PM

    So, let me get this straight: the e-mails were offensive because the writers assumed Zero is a shallow intellectual lightweight who sees the world through the lens of race?

    And something, this is a big brouhaha?

    Now the truth isn't even allowed. Wow.

    Must be nice to live in a First World Country where your every need and whim is catered to, so that you have enough time and energy to invent faux outrages.

  67. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    FP and Lilac have become vampires. No joke.

    12:09 AM

    I wonder where FP is. It has been DAYS since she was here. I feel like Moses, who is Jewish, who was pissed because God hadn't shown up for days and weeks.

    I have given up on FP. If what you say is true, then Lucifer is kicking a lot of ass and not even bothering to take names.

    Maybe this is the battle between God and the Devil on earth? Is this the one?

    I could be wrong, but it looks like Satan is winning. I mean, even FP has disappeared. I guess the pressure got too much for her. Nevertheless, at least she tried.

  68. Actually Rockerfeller, I was living quite the "First World" life in my native country. But hey, whatever helps you make it through the day.

    BTW, I hope u don't lose a loved one to senseless violence one day like Martin's mother.....Wait, did I write loved one? I take that back; there is no way anyone loves you.


  69. field negro said...
    I was living quite the "First World" life in my native country.

    In my native country that kind of upbringing is called white privilege.

    Considering you went to boarding school, are you good with poor black parents having a choice to send their kids to a charter school?


  70. Berkeley nooses?

    Maybe the children of sony executives.

  71. Wesley R6:47 PM

    Anonymous 9:05pm, 9:17pm, 10:01pm. Read this slowly so you can understand the truth;_ylu=X3oDMTExcTdidDdsBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1VJQzFfMQ--/RV=2/RE=1418542866/RO=10/

  72. Good news on the labor front. The NLRB just ruled unions can communicate via company e-mail calling it the modern breakroom. Because there are 3 members appointed by a Dem and 2 Repubs most rulings are labor friendly. Presidential elections do matter, president mcCain's or Romney's appointees would have ruled in the exact opposite way. Gotta know who your friends are.

  73. @Pilot,

    You haven't given up yet with your bullshit nonsensical lies?

    I don't need to drone on about this forever. Every single person here is free to go find our exchanges and judge for themselves. You call something "truth" and then try to justify it, and only after you figure out you're losing do you blame me for not understanding your "obvious hyperbole." You're weak; you fucking ragequit because you were getting stomped demonstrably.

    Now you wanna stir it up again 4 days later, like some time off makes you any less of a liar or moron?

    I own you, son. I might just start calling you Toby -- that's how much pwnage I have on you in our exchanges.


  74. Anon@5:39pm-

    Moses was not Jewish. they did not exist at that time. Jew = relatively brand new and has nothing to do with the Ancients. the people spoken of in Scriptures were Hebrew.

    Jewish scholars must concede that those people written of in Scriptures should not be mistaken for the Ashkenazim that most think of when they say Jew.

    don't worry, i used to get that confused, too.

    it is ok that you have "given up" on me.

    you don't know me.

    + it is not about me.

    it is about Yah.

    you don't seem to have much faith in Him/His Word if you believe that lucifer is anything more than a lying loser.

    i am not paid to comment here. don't get the impression that there is much appreciation for my presence here. as such, i require time away from the nonstop negativity/toxicity. i pray you will understand.

    i also pray Yah Almighty will bless you with triple portions of faith in Him/His Word and that you will refrain from making Jews richer...

    as they mind twist you with their demonic white washed fiction. color doesn't matter. it is time to tell the Truth already...

    Blessings to you!

  75. i believe that Moses was Egyptian...

    often mistaken for Hebrew...

    because they were both Black people.

    prior to the invasion of the lands by whiter skinned people...

    though the land invaders now swear they originated there.

    just as the european invaders to palestine will no doubt lie in due time...

  76. "You haven't given up yet with your bullshit nonsensical lies?"

    And you still have no understanding of irony. Keep bragging about owning someone like a 12 year old. Sad, very sad but not unexpected.

  77. Yeah, get on that high horse, you buffoon. You get pwned on the reg, served on the reg, knocked around and float away like helium balloons on the reg. Soft like down pillows.

    I grasp irony just fine. However, a comment that was explicitly designed in a literary context to convey a specific tone being mistaken wholly for my personal views is a damn sight different than our situation. You would write a paragraph consisting of one deadly serious sentence, one sentence where you claim something is "truth," and one sentence where you're being sarcastic. And through this jumbled mess of 5th-grade level writing technique, everyone else is responsible for sorting through it.

    You bore no responsibility for the mix-up whatsoever. I copied twice your posts verbatim and asked you to specifically point to what was so "obvious." The first, you never even responded to. The second, you responded to it without even reading it, immediately telling a demonstrable lie that I didn't print what I had obviously printed.

    Irony would be like scenarios where I missed the ball. These are nothing alike, other than happening on this blog.

    I can convey a literary message. You jumble shit together in a stew and call people stupid losers if they can't decipher it.

    A spellchecker does not a legible person make.

  78. "I own you, son. I might just start calling you Toby -- that's how much pwnage I have on you in our exchanges. "

    Oh good grief, this is like being in my infant school playground all over again. I'm seven years old again, and somebody is making a lame-ass attempt at becoming a playground bully.

    Macho rhetoric from another thrid-rate brain. Just what this website didn't need more of.

  79. @ The Purple Cow:


    I'll pwn you too, if you're that way inclined.

    Where was that infant school at? Talk about a Head Start program -- holy shit! lol

    Was nap time before or after the diaper change?

  80. "You get pwned on the reg"

    Pwned? What are you 12? Fact is you can't understand or distinguish simple rhetorical devices. Simply put if you can't understand a commonly used figure of speech (used here quite a bit) that kind of casts a light on you as kind of a simpleton there Josh. I guess you can beat your chest all day about pwning (didn't know anyone still used that word but anyway) but as we all know internet debates really have no victors and those that claim victory are usually too stupid to understand this but carry on kid.

  81. "I'll pwn you too, if you're that way inclined."

    You'd better run PC! Young Josh here will pwn you!!!!!!! Oh dear god, don't get pwned!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Josh must be Bill's younger less intelligent brother.
    Oh yeah Josh, since you have a hard time with such things this is sarcasm.

  82. Anonymous2:46 PM

    FP think Ancient Egyptians were black, Hebrews were Black, Moses was Black, Jesus was Black. But she thinks Judas was White. Go figure.

  83. "Simple rhetorical devices" -- which are so simple, in fact, you never bothered to point out where inside of your context I was supposed to easily discern the difference between your sarcastic quip about Bill O'Reilly and your evidently serious point about dead bodies on the street -- which were made in the same breath.

    And it's beyond ironic that you're crying like a bitch now about "pwn" and calling me a kid, acting like I'm doing something in the extreme by insulting you, when you are the one who started this nonsense by maligning my character, my career, and suggesting I must live in a basement and be a social loser, all because you were butthurt that your sorta-sarcasm didn't bleed through red enough with the rest of the meat you were delivering.

    So, it's alright for you to act immature, racist, and like a flailing, wild child, but when someone else does it, you get on that high horse and look down on the plebeians. Zero credibility, son.

    But Purple didn't read all that. Now you've suddenly got some pep in your step, thinking you're going to get a 2 vs. 1.

    Be careful not to fully embrace so many stereotypes in one day. Take a breather. Don't you need another nap?

  84. @2:46pm- you have things twisted...

    White folk think that all the Ancients were White folk...

    except for Judas.

    based on the racist hateful common depictions.

    i believe that all these folk were Black folk. Judas would not need to be White...

    it is abundantly clear to this day that Black folk will sell each other out with the quickness.


    quit lying on me + about color.


    thank you.

    above is what i believe and there is no need to go figure. simply ask.

    color does not matter and White folk would do well to tell the Truth in greater numbers. for the sake of your people.

    stop all the robbing/raping/pillaging + painting things white to support little/GIANT white lies.

    White lies REALLY mess White folk up + makes you look dumb. folk are lobster red with skin cancer concerns in FL/CA but in problems. just cut it out already. lol. "superior" intellect = peculiar at best.

    notice also in Scriptures that Miriam was changed to white as punishment...what color was she before? wonder why the europeans that call themselves jews who created occultic demonic hollyweird didn't depict this either? Moses' hand turning to white. Miriam turning to white as punishment for her backbiting.


    i didn't write it. i just know what is written + recognize the Psalm 83 conspirators in action.

    THIS could be why it was forbidden for my people to read Scriptures. 'cause the Truth is plainly written. of course there is leavening in the bread, but nevertheless.


    color doesn't matter. KJV Galatians 3:28-29

    just tell the Truth already.

    or do folk need the White lie to help them get by in this life?

    Blessings to you in Abundance.

  85. "And it's beyond ironic that you're crying like a bitch now about "pwn" and calling me a kid, acting like I'm doing something in the extreme by insulting you"

    Take a breath Josh and calm down. You must need mommy because you're really throwing a tantrum. First off if bringing up the fact that no one over the age of 12 uses the term "pwn" anymore is somehow crying like a bitch then I guess I'm guilty or more likely it's someone trying to act cyber tough (my vote is on the latter). And yes, I did expect a reasonably intelligent reader to figure out I was using sarcasm when I responded to your post about the knockout game not being an epidemic. As I can now see that was a mistake on my part. Also I take full responsibility for not allowing for the possibility that there may be someone unable to understand commonly used phrases that lend to exaggeration. I accept this and by all means keep up the inflated ego by thinking you "butt hurt" or "pwned" someone. You come across as a real mature and thoughtful poster, we need more like you. (I don't expect you to recognize the sarcasm so please take that as a compliment).

  86. "I did expect a reasonably intelligent reader to figure out I was using sarcasm..."

    Though when someone didn't, you certainly didn't hold back on the cyber tough-guy act, did you? Insulting me personally, suggesting that I couldn't even a earn a living, etc. And why? Because I committed the crime of addressing one of your points seriously and with respect, but since you were trying to be sarcastic (so you say), that sent you over the fucking edge and obviously enraged you.

    If you would have just said, "Dude, I was trying to be sarcastic." You would have gotten a simple reply. "Oh, my bad." But hell no. You went straight away into the tough-guy routine, you hypocrite, insulting and acting like an ass.

    So, yeah -- I'm "12," I'm "immature," I'm putting on a "tough guy routine."

    I'm simply emulating the behaviors I've learned here. After all, if it's good for the goose...

  87. And by the bye:

    Don't front as if someone reading a blog comment is supposed to catch every word or even every sentence someone writes!

    You know better than to play that game, more than anybody. I posted your own comment to you verbatim, yet somehow you completely overlooked one of your own fucking points in the text and subsequently had to say, as I would have, "my bad."

    So don't act as if people study blog comments from another person like a damn physics textbook. Hell no. Most people just gloss over the comments before replying. Which is something I would have given Yisheng the benefit of the doubt on, if his/her replies to me weren't habitually out of context.

  88. You learned quickly. Now let's just see if you can apply those new comprehension skills. Only time will tell.

  89. Oh, I plan on applying everything here as I receive it. Fire with fire; it's the only way to fly.

  90. Even recognizing sarcasm? That would help out a lot around here.

  91. Or, maybe when someone doesn't recognize something you think they should, perhaps don't make sweeping insinuations about their ability to earn, their social status, their living situation, or their intelligence? It might help.

    Just look at the juxtaposition. Even after being treated like a hostile by you for missing your so-called obvious sarcasm, I was still quite cordial in our discussion when you not only completely missed your own text quoted back to you, but also went on to call me stupid and worse for omitting what I had not omitted.

    Unlike you, I didn't fly off the handle and try to crush you; I simply re-posted the existing text and said "In case you glossed over it."

    Removing the stick from your ass would help tremendously. Maybe with your social status, too, because we all know guys who take sticks up the asses are no friends of the blahs.

  92. DIE, WHITE DEVILS!!1:43 PM

    Quick Lousy Bitch @9:53 AM

    And yet White crime is a worldwide problem/phenomenon, and you can't even bother to mention it?

    86% of White people murdered are murdered by other White people!!

    That's one percentage that you will never acknowledge; because it doesn't fit the White Supremacist narrative!!


  93. "Removing the stick from your ass would help tremendously. Maybe with your social status, too, because we all know guys who take sticks up the asses are no friends of the blahs."

    Thanks for the advice but until you show you can understand basic communication I'll hold off on using you as some sort of sage.

  94. @Pilot:

    This is hilarious. I, a guy who doesn't know you from a fucking Martian, am supposed to read your posts and instantly spot sarcasm amidst points you would like to present as otherwise serious. But you yourself cannot even recognize your own fucking posts! That's apparently how poorly you write to make a point, that when someone quotes it right back you, word for word, you, the person who wrote the actual text, cannot even understand it!

    You literally can't make this shit up. The guy thinks I should be able to glean everything he wants from his writing, to the point I'm a moron if I can't, but he can't even friggin' glean his own shit when it's quoted back to him.

    What were you saying about “irony” earlier?

    When the person who writes the post cannot even understand what the hell he's talking about, maybe he should think twice about his stance that other people should be able to understand it.

  95. "When the person who writes the post cannot even understand what the hell he's talking about, maybe he should think twice about his stance that other people should be able to understand it."

    We get it, you didn't understand what I wrote. get over it man. Whosha. Meditate, smoke some herb, get laid, do something but get over it. Move on. It's ovah. No need for another 1,000 words Mr. Writer. Everyone here thanks you.

  96. So, you can bring it up every time we talk, but I'm the one dwelling on it when I point out how stupid it is that you expect me to understand your writing when you can't even understand your own writing? lol

    Got it, son.

    Another brand new standard from PilotX -- which, fittingly enough, just happens to be custom-tailed to the specific situation. The chameleon of dumbfuckery.
