Wednesday, January 07, 2015

More terror in "his" name.

Most of you who know me know where I stand on issues of religion. It's no secret that I am squarely in the agnostic camp. This could change, but as of me writing this post I have seen nothing to make me believe otherwise.

This is why terrorists who kill, rob, and maim in the name of their god -or whatever-terrify me so much. You would think that if one embraces a religious doctrine they would spend their life trying to make sure that they spend eternity in whatever afterlife their religion has to offer. Instead, folks like these fanatics who shot up the beautiful city of Paris today seem to spend their time trying to take out innocent people who do not buy into their religious dogma.

We are now, of course, worried about similar attacks taking place here in America. All it takes is one psycho who spends his days watching as much Isis videos as he does ESPN to decide to go on a killing spree. It's not like we don't have enough crazy mass killers in America as it is. Throw in religion and you have a recipe for disaster.

Speaking of terrorists, the terrorists or terrorist who bombed the NAACP offices in Colorado are still on the loose, and this will not get as much play as it should in the media because no lives were lost.

But it should. Whether you want to terrorize someone because of his religion or the color of his skin, you are still a terrorist, and society should deal with you accordingly.

I won't get into Juan Cole style comparisons between Christians and Muslims when it comes to killing and creating terror, because that is not the point of this post.

If you are going to storm the office of a magazine and kill a bunch of people in there because you don't like what they say about your god, you just might need to reserve some quiet time with said god.

If you are going to try a blow up an office of people who don't look like you because of the color of their skin, you, in my humble opinion, are no different than the animals who killed those poor people in Paris, today.

Whether you attack a satirical magazine because you don't like what they have to say about your god, or you attack an organization because it advances the agenda of people you don't view as equals, you deserve to be given the swift hand of justice.

Some would argue that religion helps to create order in a civilized society, and that because most religions teach us to follow a strict moral code,  it makes us all better people in the long run. They also argue that debating whether there is or isn't a god misses the point, entirely.

I could get into more details and argue why this isn't necessarily so, but I believe that the events over the past few days have made my argument for me. 



  1. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Blame people not religion. It' s really that simple.

  2. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Field, er... I mean 'The Field" ;D
    (jes kiddin) I like the Rasta religion.

    Really, when you think about it, that's about the only really peaceful religion there is!

  3. Anonymous8:16 PM

    The only folks allowed to use religion for malovent reasons are White folks ie slavery.

    Muslims would need a couple hundred years of mass murder to catch up.


    1. Far more black slaves were driven across the Sahara to Arab and Muslim lands than We're shUpped to the new world.

  4. lilacpr2000 said...
    Field, er... I mean 'The Field" ;D
    (jes kiddin) I like the Rasta religion.

    Really, when you think about it, that's about the only really peaceful religion there is!

    With an annual murder rate of around 1,500, Jamaica is one of the world's most violent countries, on a par with South Africa and Colombia

  5. Unfortunately, we don't consider bombings in America that don't claim lives to be true acts of terror. Just ask Bill Ayers, who is able to live comfortable in the upper echelon of society.

    Bad people can and do commit horrible acts without religion. But as many have said before me, if you want otherwise good people to do horrible things, you need religion. You need the promise of an afterlife, the supposed go-ahead of some mythical being. You need the ultimate universal authority to make people forgo their common sense and humanity so completely that they'd murder innocent men, women and children for some meaningless cause.

    Only religion can make someone do that. Or at least make so many do that. Outlier maniacs probably exist with or without religion, but to get an entire group of people to do it, it has to be religion. Even Hitler at his worst had some of his SS commanders refusing to do the cruel and inhumane things he demanded. But I bet if they were promised paradise and were told it's what their ultimate sky daddy wanted, fewer would have balked.

    To Anonymous saying "Blame people not religion." No. It isn't that simple. Religion deserves its fair share of the blame. The people are obviously more responsible, but they're not acting alone. They're acting under the supposed infallible wisdom that they should be acting that way. What else but religion causes that?

    Did the evilest white SOBs treat blacks as inhuman because they just decided one day to do it, or because they believed wholeheartedly in some perverted nonsense from their holy books?

    Religion is often the common denominator in some of the world's most atrocious crimes. How it makes life better, I haven't the slightest. Even fabled saints like Mother Teresa were sadists who made people suffer through torturous pains all in the name of a god. "You don't need pain medicine. Lying there dying painfully is God's will." Sickening.

  6. "Muslims would need a couple hundred years of mass murder to catch up."

    Are you not at all aware of the Muslim slave trade happening at relatively the same time white folks were enslaving black folks? I know that to most black folks, no slaves in history matter except black slaves. It's a badge of honor, and no one else's suffering can ever compare. We get it! But Muslim slaves were so much more brutally treated than anything to ever happen to America's slaves that it's not even funny. The men were automatically castrated, and most died. Babies women had after being raped had their skulls bashed in before they could grow up. They were dragged across deserts and brutally tortured, with most ending up dead, unable to reproduce in their new nations to gain any significant population. Muslim slave masters were orders of magnitude more brutal than even anything Hollywood can depict a white slave master as being.

    Muslim violence far exceeded that of any other people on the planet before "America" even existed; hell, before the colonies even existed Muslims had set the mark of what true cruelty was.

  7. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Moron fake doctor said...
    The only folks allowed to use religion for malovent reasons are White folks ie slavery.

    Muslims would need a couple hundred years of mass murder to catch up.

    White folks are not permitted to use religion for slavery. It was white people who were the first to outlaw slavery.

    Muslims have been practicing African slavery for 1,400 years.

    It was not formally outlawed in Muslim countries until 1970, but still goes on today.

    Your ignorance is astounding.

  8. "It was not formally outlawed in Muslim countries until 1970, but still goes on today."

    Evidently there's no cookie in it for people to understand the history of African slaves under Muslim rule.

    White men = the worst of the world's evil, or else it's not worth talking about.

  9. Anonymous8:33 PM

    "If you are going to storm the office of a magazine and kill a bunch of people in there because you don't like what they say about your god, you just might need to reserve some quiet time with said god."

    These are people who have interpreted their faith to mean that God wants them to commit these acts of violence. That is the ugly downside of religion -- some people use it to rationalize the bad acts they already wanted to commit.

    In most cases, I don't think religion is the true cause of these acts of violence. Usually, there is a real-world, material motivator behind the violence (anger over economic issues, objections to government policy, etc.), and religion is just the phony justification after the fact.

    This behavior should not reflect on the majority of the adherents of these faiths, who interpret the faith doctrines differently from those who are terrorists. Unfortunately, everyone gets lumped together, and that just throws gasoline on the fire.

  10. Those fools believe they have to defend Allah.Their Allah requires human beings to defend and protect his honor. The idiots do not even understand how inferior their god appear and the enormous spiritual weakness they project . Yes we have free will and have the ability to practice injustice, hurt and inflict pain and even hurt others but doing evil in the name of a supreme being one exalts is plain illogical.

  11. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Don't expect truth or reason from leftists or black nationalists.

    Only white people believe in racial equality.

    Everyone else considers the concept of "racial equality" to be a weapon against whites.

  12. Given that most Muslims consider themselves WHITE, the slavery point makes perfect sense.

  13. Anonymous8:41 PM

    You are a moron Yingyang

  14. Anonymous8:42 PM

    "Unfortunately, we don't consider bombings in America that don't claim lives to be true acts of terror. Just ask Bill Ayers, who is able to live comfortable in the upper echelon of society."

    Our society DID consider Bill Ayers actions to be terrorism (although not the same level of terrorism as killing people, obviously). Ayers was prosecuted for them.

    He beat the rap because, at that time, the FBI was still acting as the gang of cowboys created by J. Edgar Hoover. Their Dirty Harry-style disregard for constitutional rights caused all the evidence against Ayers to get tossed, so he walked.

  15. "White men = the worst of the world's evil, or else it's not worth talking about."

    Name ONE place/people "discovered" by White men that wasn't destroyed by their presence.

  16. Lilacpr8:43 PM

    JR said...
    With an annual murder rate of around 1,500, Jamaica is one of the world's most violent countries, on a par with South Africa and Colombia
    8:18 PM
    Maybe, but I don't think it's the Rasta's. Because weed makes people peaceful.

    1. No it's the poverty and legacy of colonial corruption.

  17. "The herb is the healing of the nation."

    Yes I.

  18. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    "White men = the worst of the world's evil, or else it's not worth talking about."

    Name ONE place/people "discovered" by White men that wasn't destroyed by their presence

    The white man has built the modern world and everything in it. What he has destroyed is barbarism and poverty.

    The bloodthirsty Mayan civilization, that enslaved all of central America and sacrificed millions, one ripped out heart at a time was destroyed.

    The North American Indian tribes who lived in a constant state of warfare and genocide were destroyed.

    The disease ridden stone age cultures of Africa were destroyed, along with their cannibalism and ritual torture. There are 20 times more Africans alive today than the day the white man came to Africa.

    The oppressive caste system of India was reformed, and endemic starvation banished.

    The feudal cruelty and vast poverty of China have been replaced with a prosperous nation.

    Everything you learn, everything you have, everything you study, every single thing in your soft life came from the white man.

  19. @ Anonymous:

    But today Ayers isn't treated as much of a terrorist. He is a celebrated professor and history has forgiven him as a revolutionary.

    @ Yingaling:

    Muslims consider themselves "white"? Where was this memo posted? But, more importantly, what race do you consider "Muslims" to be? As if "Muslim" is a race or something. I'm curious.

    Or is the answer: "Fuck you white honky and your cracka ass family too!"?

  20. field negro said...
    "The herb is the healing of the nation."

    Physician, heal thyself:

    KINGSTON, Jamaica --A new report released by the United Nation's Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) lists Jamaica as having the sixth highest homicide rate in the world:

    1) Honduras

    2) Venezuela

    3) Belize

    4) El Salvador

    5) Guatemala

    6) Jamaica

    7) Swaziland

    8) St Kitts and Nevis

    9) South Africa

    10) Colombia

  21. What's the matter Josucker, are you mad most Muslims consider themselves to be THE SAME RACE AS YOU?

    Funny the world's terrorists throughout history have been "White".

    Own it sucka', OWN IT!!

  22. "Or is the answer: "Fuck you white honky and your cracka ass family too!"?"

    Yes but JUST FOR YOU!!!!

  23. I wasn't aware "Muslim" was anything but a religion. But, then again, I don't pretend to be a doctor with extreme intellectual prowess. I'm just a simple man who assumes a person's religion and their race are two completely separate things.

    Maybe I need the geniuses around here to enlighten me. You know -- the ones who cannot even construct a logical argument but love saying "agree to disagree" or the ones who disagree with you but rather than listing their reasons why just fly into retarded infant fits of rage.

    Snack-pack throwing infants.

  24. The Fixer9:49 PM

    Yīshēng said...

    Funny, the world's scientists throughout history have been "White".

  25. Lilacpr9:59 PM

    Anonymous Slob Marley said...
    Physician, heal thyself:

    KINGSTON, Jamaica --A new report released by the United Nation's Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) lists Jamaica as having the sixth highest homicide rate in the world:
    9:17 PM

    Weed = peace

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Anonymous10:06 PM

    "Did the evilest white SOBs treat blacks as inhuman because they just decided one day to do it, or because they believed wholeheartedly in some perverted nonsense from their holy books?

    Religion is often the common denominator in some of the world's most atrocious crimes. How it makes life better, I haven't the slightest. Even fabled saints like Mother Teresa were sadists who made people suffer through torturous pains all in the name of a god. "You don't need pain medicine. Lying there dying painfully is God's will." Sickening."

    8:19 PM
    Mother Teresa was no fabled Saint. Nor was she a sadist. She was a person of compassion and love who helped the oppressed and poor people on the streets. She took them in, and cared for them as best she and other nuns could.

    Mother Teresa was a Saint who dedicated her life to many many people.

    You are just some mean-spirited pessimistic bitching ego who knows nothing about the Divine, Christ, or anything Divine and Sacred.

    But go ahead and judge. I am sure your ego KNOWS what's right and wrong about EVERYTHING! Including race, color of skin and justice.

  28. So tell me Hilly's hubby Josh, how does it feel that your Muslim White counterparts, despise you so vehemently? ?

    Or are you still confused about the whole race/religion thing?

  29. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Yisheng, "Yes, people like you are the epitome of evil and have beeen for eons."

    10:04 PM
    I totally agree. Their history flows with the blood of humans they considered less than themselves. They lack integrity and cannot be 'trusted'...period.

    Also, they DO NOT believe in religion. They believe they run the universe and there is no God.

    It's a damn shame that some Negroes have adopted their anti-God way of thinking and living. House Negroes!

  30. Field hit da trifecta.

    Field doesn't directly criticize Islam or Muslims-like he would have if the killers had be Christian.

    Field links to some site that cherry picked data to show CHRISTIANS ARE MORE VIOLENT!

    Field than links to a story that shows AMERICA DOES IT TOO!!!

    Fieldbaby, if anything, you are predictable.

  31. Anonymous10:30 PM

    The Bible/Koran is THE cause of MOST of the suffering in the world. That is a fact.

  32. The Fixer10:33 PM

    Blacks is THE cause of MOST of the suffering in the world. That is fact.

    Fixed it for ya.

  33. Yingading:

    Whatever inside joke you have going on with yourself, I'm not abreast of the situation.

    But using the typical American black logic: Muslims are undoubtedly as white as the background of this comments section on which I'm typing. If George Zimmerman was white, the deep desert brown of most Middle Eastern Muslims is undoubtedly a shade lighter than that.

    Let's not pretend race has anything to do with skin color. Hence Obama being "black." Race in America has become whatever a racial minority says it is.

    So, if you want to say Middle Eastern Muslims are white, I'm sure you'll find a slew of people who agree with you around here, on Tumblr, etc.

    But does that mean Jesus was white then? Same part of the world, same beaming bright whiteness.

  34. Yīshēng said...

    What's the matter Josucker, are you mad most Muslims consider themselves to be THE SAME RACE AS YOU?

    Muslim is a race?

    White is a race?




  35. Pescuezo10:41 PM

    "Fieldbaby, if anything, you are predictable."

    I wonder if all the constant lying wears Field out.

  36. Ask a Muslim what race they are and I'll bet 90% of the time the answer is White.

    Now go on wit' yo' peeps, Hilly ho.

  37. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Lilac, fyi the book titled "Killing Patton" is by 'far' and away the #1 best seller.

    I thought you'd like to know since you mentioned the book several threads ago. I think Yisheng mentioned it too.

  38. A. Conundrum10:47 PM

    Only someone so dumb as Yishbag could think she was smart.

    If she had just a little bit more brain power, she'd realize how stupid she was.

    But she doesn't so she can't.

  39. Kkkuckoo you just make sure to keep your pasty pale a$$ above the equator, you're looking a little BRAF negative from here.

  40. Yīshēng said...
    Ask a Muslim what race they are and I'll bet 90% of the time the answer is White.

    Ask a criminal what race they are and I'll bet 90% of the time the answer is Black.

  41. "But Muslim slaves were so much more brutally treated than anything to ever happen to America's slaves that it's not even funny. The men were automatically castrated, and most died. Babies women had after being raped had their skulls bashed in before they could grow up. They were dragged across deserts and brutally tortured, with most ending up dead, unable to reproduce in their new nations to gain any significant population. Muslim slave masters were orders of magnitude more brutal than even anything Hollywood can depict a white slave master as being. "

    you have just described slave breaking tactics...

    that the Hebrews enslaved in America and across the globe ALSO underwent.

    NO ONE with Wisdom is waiting for the Europeans that pretend they are Shemites...

    but are not.

    who created the racist, occult, demonic, ruin all goy humanity industry...

    who cornered the slave trade in America to tell.the.Truth.

    except maybe...


    in the lost book of Enoch...

    the devil is described.

    he looks like a...


    finding that ancient text was the cause of shame.

    yet in order to keep white "right"...

    folk just allowed it to remain lost.

    most won't teach from it at all.

    those called sand n-words pride themselves on their whiteness.

    as per ALWAYS...

    NO group can be oppressed without traitors from the oppressed group.




    so it is wise to recognize that it is NOT about color.

    Good comes in all colors and so does evil.

    some white folk seem awful angry that their history won't change.

  42. Anonymous11:01 PM

    In the name of Allah while smoking on an herb pipe free from tobacco chemicals and cocaine. ..

    One love



    Play nice in 2015

  43. Anonymous11:04 PM

    FP, "some white folk seem awful angry that their history won't change."

    10:55 PM
    You can't change white history. It's embedded in their souls. They can't make anything right without giving up their white privileges. And that is too painful and too shameful. They MUST remain superior in order to cover up their shame.

    Yet, the rest of humanity knows it about them. Evil tends to bring with it great fear, shame and truth that threatens exposure.

  44. Hillyho I know that blue eyed Jesus has confused your people for centuries but TRUE history is clear that Jesus was a man of color.

    In fact, ALL MAJOR religious figures were people of color, Jesus, Buddha, Brahman, Confucius, Lao Tzu, and Mohammed. ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR.

    And don't you White folks go pulling charactes like Zeus and Athena out your a$$e$, people of color advanced your thinking from Paganism a long time ago.

  45. focusedpurpose said...

    in the lost book of Enoch...

    the devil is described.

    he looks like a...


    But in the lost book of Amos...

    the devil is described.

    he looks like ...

    Flip Wilson.

    So there's that.

  46. 1) I don't subscribe to these religious myths, so Jesus' eye color makes me no never mind. And Zeus and Athena are the equivalent to me of modern-day religious figures, just some folks choose to grip to modern-day religion too tightly to realize the spooky, not-so-coincidental similarities in what they'd call "myths" of that time but "truth" today.

    2) You cannot logically say that Muslims, from that exact area, are white men, while then claiming Jesus, from that exact area, "was a man of color."

    3) I apologize profusely for assuming wrongly that you're capable of logical thought.

  47. Yīshēng said...
    Hillyho I know that blue eyed Jesus has confused your people for centuries but TRUE history is clear that Jesus was a man of color

    I thought you said Middle Easterners were White?

    Are you inconsistent, or just stupid?

  48. And Muslim is a race! All Muslims think they are white! Even the black ones think they are white!

    And White is a race!

    What about Hispanic, Yisheng? I bet of you ask 90% of them, they be telling you they be white!

    Yisheng will cure cancer and eliminate the Sickle cell in blacks!

    We are blessed.....

  49. "Yisheng will cure cancer and eliminate the Sickle cell in blacks!"

    But she can't cure the sickness in her soul.

    Not without me, anyway.

  50. What abouts the Asian race? How many of them think they be white? I bet 90%.

    So that only leaves the black race. (Unless yisheng makes some more racial discoveries!)

    Do blacks think they're white? If not, why?

  51. Are you inconsistent, or just stupid?

    My guess: Just too caught up on trying to spin her yarn about white men being inherently evil to realize she argues from no place of authority nor consistency, yet continues to argue while reaping praises from other knuckleheads who applaud her more loudly the more vicious she's able to insult white people.

  52. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Am I wrong for saying a good portion of the bible reads gangsta, but the Quran is fair while addressing both the believers and non belivers.



    There, I cleared it up for you word twisting mutherf*ckers who can't win a "debate" without lying/twisting the words of others.

  54. the comment section makes it painfully clear that folk are sleeping on MK Ultra.

    that folk don't seem to Understand that america was all hands on deck with the crypto jew led nazi fiasco where 6 million europeans and 5 million others that don't count apparently, perished.

    the mad scientists came to america and south america to continue to get their wickedness on.

    their "research" has been tested on the military folk and unwitting citizens for quite the while.

    there is a religious mind control program that is BEYOND insidious.

    HOW else do folk think this religious WWIII is going to get poppin' and lockin'?

    when i look...

    it is not clear what i am seeing.

    are these folk being activated? mind controlled? elf'd? manipulated?

    we don't know and when folk tell it they are quickly dismissed as "crazy" so the wicked government and its demonic puppets get to reek havoc, world wide, UNchecked or noticed in most instances.

    those that own the news have too much to lose by revealing the Truth.

    what i DO know is this:

    the anti Faith/spiritual bond with your Creator=

    right on schedule.

    Faith= the new mental illness under this demonic, inverted/perverted wicked order out of chaos system.

    it is what it is. those of US that know what is written 'cause we are not waiting for folk to tell US...

    will NOT fall for the okey doke. though the okey doke is quite the counterfeit Good. so much so that IF it were possible EVEN the elect might be fooled.

    folk with fancy titles telling me what i should think, speak, not speak, feel, be, etc...

    will need to pray for me.

    true story:

    a fancy titled soul literally blocked me on social media because i won't be quiet...

    just because he said so. he wasn't giving no Scriptures. taking no questions. do what he said for how long then get back to him...

    why should i be quiet?

    'cause he is anointed with celebrities that come to him. that was a much as i could get out of him before the call concluded and my subsequent, get an Understanding, calls sent to voicemail.

    for Real.

    folk best know that Yah is Real.

    'cause if not...homie would have been lit up.


    'cause i STILL need to know if he twirled his red robe skirts in a huff Right before he blocked me. lol.

    so when i see women being taken advantage of and children molested by folk in the pulpit...

    folk killing in the name of the Creator of their Understanding...

    i don't doubt Him/His Word.

    'cause it is ALREADY addressed by Him/His Word.

    people do much then blame it on Yah. doctrines of men + bad= has always been.

    THIS is how we know He is merciful. He has held back the Wrath to date.

    i am not terrified by what i see. nor do i doubt Him/His Word.

    this is NOT to say that i have never asked Him what was up with all the hate and stuff.

    but then, i am not "religious" as most folk Understand it to be. which is CLEARLY more of folk not understanding what is written.

  55. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    There, I cleared it up for you word twisting mutherf*ckers who can't win a "debate" without lying/twisting the words of others.

    Says the halfwit who just lost a debate with herself.

    Give it up, Yingyang. Embrace your limitations.

  56. When WM can't win a debate without telling lies.

    I guess it really shrinks your scrotum that 4 or 5 of you COMBINED can't win an argument with me. But that's likely related to the fact that I'm 100X smarter than all of you COMBINED.

  57. "Speaking of terrorists, the terrorists or terrorist who bombed the NAACP offices in Colorado are still on the loose,"

    You Mean-

    Speaking of terrorists, the terrorists or terrorist who bombed Mr. G’s Hair Salon in Colorado are still on the loose?


  58. Yisheng is moon walking back her racist, ignorant statements.

    She had to use Google to realize Muslim or white isn't a race.

    Yisheng will still cure cancer and Sickle cell in blacks!!!!!!

  59. Well, I figured someone 100x more intelligent than anyone here (really? 100x? holy fuckstick!) wouldn't list that Muslims consider themselves white, agree that they are just to dis whites, and then forget it.

    Isn't part of intelligence memory retention?

    But 100x! Holy shit, man. That's on some next-level shit. That's on some two-7-year-olds-arguing shit. "I'm 100x more smart!" "Nuh uh!!"

    Though I do recommend cutting down on the self-pwnage before you claim victory. lol I mean, at the least...

  60. "Yisheng will still cure cancer and Sickle cell in blacks!!!!!!"

    Right after she figures out how to get her hand out of that pickle jar.

    Then she's gonna be right on it.

  61. "Am I wrong for saying a good portion of the bible reads gangsta"



    which is why ANY body coming with the slave catching, whitened version of the Bible...

    'cause the White missionaries were deployed with the okey doke "be a Good slave" bad jokes...

    Right before the blood lusting mercenaries came with the demonic Most.

    as a small child i often wondered why the Good White folk would not be brave with their own demonic brethren. why no willingness to die for what is Right for so long in history?

    to this day, Good White folk LOVE to preach to Black folk and others- while their own STAY outside of the human circle.

    this is Chr-stians, Jews and plain heathen White folk, too. White Chr-stians like to pretend it is not written that we are not to make graven images. that the "church" hasn't sinned mightily against Him/His Word + humanity.

    color don't matter but we are keeping it all white.


    folk coming with that madness get a polite invitation to back up + change courses...

    for their own Good and in the interest of Peace.

    random side note: a Black Muslim woman that i respect greatly indicated that followers of Messiah are engaged in a "slave" religion.

    i didn't have the energy nor heart to point out that a Black Muslim woman is a quadruple slave. in recognized as well as unrecognized Islamic sects.

    which is why i decided as a young child that Islam ONLY makes sense when folk are men. whorish ones no less. call all women and girls "wives" and it is ON. read somewhere an 8 year old died on her "wedding" night with her 50+ year old "husband"...girls in cradles, literally, are eligible to be "wives"...

    sexist/racist menfolk quoting the Bible to justify their madness, just need to be mad 'cause womenfolk can now read. far be it from me not to point out what most teach = NOT what is written.

    case in point...

    Eve = responsible for the downfall of man.

    bad joke.

    Almighty told man BEFORE Eve was ever on the scene what the dealio was.

    THIS, too, is ALSO how i knew that the Ancients were Black folk. who else, to this day, abdicates their responsibilities...

    then blames...

    their womenfolk?


    slave breaking started the breakdown...

    now folk just like the man is optional get down. women get to be treated like men. and menfolk don't have to man up. new world order. that's what's up.

  62. In fact, ALL MAJOR religious figures were people of color, Jesus, Buddha, Brahman, Confucius, Lao Tzu, and Mohammed. ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR.

    I wonder why? ?

  63. Yīshēng said...
    When WM can't win a debate without telling lies.

    I guess it really shrinks your scrotum that 4 or 5 of you COMBINED can't win an argument with me. But that's likely related to the fact that I'm 100X smarter than all of you COMBINED.

    HA! HA! HA!Is that all your little racist mind could come up with?

    HA! HA! HA!

  64. None of them were black.

    I wonder why? ?

  65. Given that most Muslims consider themselves WHITE, the slavery point makes perfect sense.

    Sounded so good the first time I had to quote myself!

  66. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Mr. The Field Negro,

    I assure I do not 'screw' clients. I can see I struck a nerve. May I suggest you find a psychologist you trust and make an appointment? I detect much free floating anger in your words. It took little for me to become the target of that. All I want is for you to be well. Please do not give up on happiness.

    D. H. Clemens

  67. Kkkuckoo, SPF1, 000, 000, 000 that's my cancer tip for you today.

  68. Why do blacks always end up be everybody's slaves?

  69. Enslave the strongest members of society because you mutants have never been able to compete.

    In America it's called the prison system.

  70. BTW Black is the original race so ALL religious figures are Black.

    What they CLEARLY are NOT is White.

  71. "Funny the world's terrorists throughout history have been "White"."

    When good quotes go bad.

    But, I know, you're 100x more smarter than me!

    "Nuh uh! I's is 2 hundred hundred times more smarter!"

    "Nuh uh, dummy! I am a billion gazillion more smarter than you!"

    "I am infinity times more smarter than you!"

    "Nuh uh! I am infinity plus 1 times more smarter!"

    "I am infinity plus infinity more smarter, so neener!"

    And all I have to say about the black people enslaved being the "strongest": Motherfucking Spartacus!

  72. "Zeus and Athena are the equivalent to me of modern-day religious figures"

    heathen paganism ALL day.

    Jesus= Zeus...

    when folk dig deep enough. "religion" as most know it discourage this practice.

    folk are on the spoon fed + nose led program. that + Almighty = prosperity blessing slot machine. pay the preacher and out spews His Blessings...

    the letter J= new letter in English language.

    NO WAY Messiah could have been named that.

    folk talking 'bout "fables" and myths aka lies when the lands and peoples described in Scriptures are here today.

    IF folk would read...

    they would see CLEARLY that the Ashkenazim are from the sons of Gomer- isles of the Gentiles. they do NOT come from Shem. NOR does Scriptures describe them nor their condition.

    White folk that are super mad at poor BW having babies oow, when the first baby mama was a WW...

    think Candice Bergen, Murphy Brown. that was the first "baby mama" i ever saw.

    Dan Potatoe Quayle and others went ballistic so gears were shiftedd before folk doubled back to it. this is why we now see the increase oow in WW. though in their new "man roles" that BW have ALWAYS dealt with in this nation...

    they require less assistance. + the court system makes sure WW stay paid. it is a WW that will go to court and take MORE than half of her soon to be ex's stuff. lol. folk just auto know/believe that BW deserve little if anything. peep Chris tired of being married + Jennifer Lopez = most beautiful woman Rock's flow.

    folk that are concerned with White folk being taxed 'cause they enjoy the generational spoils and have decided they have paid enough for what they didn't do personally yet still benefit from today...

    ever looked at the $ going to apartheid Israel? occupied on the strength of terrorism?

    would you ever dare address THAT?

    you might if you knew there was no such thing as a "semite" + what is written about how His People would be returned to the land...

    but that's Right.

    in the land of the free...

    home of the brave...

    folk are really neither.

  73. Josh you're a mutant race of course I'm smarter than you. Your people just lie, steal, and manipulate better than others.

  74. All the slaves kept in America, what did we get? The Underground Railroad.

    A handful of white Gauls and Thracians kept by the Romans, what did we get? A fucking slave revolt that went on to create one of the most famous revolts in history -- an all-out war of slaves against masters.

    Some slaves just stood there and took it for centuries. Others rose up and said, "Fuck this shit. I'm fighting back!"

    But, yeah, white folks enslaved the strongest. They enslaved the cheapest the easiest to deal with. They wouldn't enslave too many other white folks;
    they didn't want any issues like a revolt going down. But black Africans were so bred for slavery, having been slaves of other black Africans, that
    it just kind of made sense to go that route.

    Sure, blame that on white folks if you want. I wasn't alive back then and couldn't give a fuck. But history shows us just how easy it was to enslave,
    and to keep enslaved, these so-called "strongest" people.

    Who didn't invent a wheel. Who didn't domesticate animals. Who didn't build any real monuments or even multi-story dwellings.

    Slavery was utterly fucking horrible and is forever a stain on humanity. There is no escaping that. But blacks from Africa weren't the "strongest"; they were kept because they were the most economically friendly. Cheaper, good labor, less struggle, fewer questions asked.

    If there is a hell, slave masters are undoubtedly getting pineapple enemas on the daily. But this "they enslaved the strongest" stuff is about as real as Zeus.

  75. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Mutants kick ass. Just watch the x-men.


  76. Anonymous Arab Jesus said...

    Why do blacks always end up be everybody's slaves?

    11:55 PM


    if you can read...

    go to KJV Deuteronomy 28.

    read the whole book.

    IF you walk away thinking of Europeans...

    you might be mind controlled, heavily programmed on the white supremacy tip + beyond any help available on this blog.


    for whoever thinks these folk are not Black...

    you demonstrate that you are NOT enlightened. those in the know...


    and the forbidden graven images are INDEED Black.

    which is the color from which ALL other colors come.

    not the other way around.

  77. Mother Teresa of Calcutta was a trip.

    on a demonic tip.

    the official stories are just that...

    the official stories.

    it is almost like humanity gets laughed at because at the end of the day...

    those that served satan the hardest are the ones we are led to worship.

    to this day.

    while those on the Righteous tip get slandered, persecuted and crucified.

    funny that.

    nothing new under the sun.

    + the world indeed loves their own.

  78. Josh you inherited the propensity for evil from your ancestors who WERE slavers. And there's not a damn thing you can EVER do about it, it's LITERALLY encoded in your DNA.

    Your people WILL reap all the discourse you've sown throughout human history especially since so many of you are choosing to "not give a fuck" instead of begging God for forgiveness and learning to live in peace
    with people diffferent from you.

  79. when the belly aching ceases...

    Black = dominant.

    no way around it.

    when WM lose their job...

    they kill themselves.

    blood lusting and true savagery = not something to be proud of either.

    and despite liking to lie like white folk work Real hard..

    who but a laaaaazy lethargic demon would genocide a kind warm people, steal their land, then steal other folk to work the land?

    the people of the lie. m scott peck. a blue eyed white man. wrote the road less traveled about Good. people of the lie= book about evil. describes the edomite nation to a tee.

  80. Actually, you genius, my ancestors weren't slavers. My Irish ancestors were actually slaves of the Brits who busted into their homes, stole their babies from their arms, forced the women into prostitution, and beat and oftentimes killed the men, if not sending them to act as target practice somewhere on a battlefield.

    I can check up on my ancestry, and nary a slave owner in it. Sorry, cupcake, but your racist generalizations about white people don't stick. Maybe there are some blahs here who will patronizingly pat you on the back and tell you what a good job you're doing sticking it to whitey, but you're coming across like a racist tool.


  81. Whitey's Conspiracy...

    that name cracks me up.

    it is not just "whitey" though. and it is NOT just WM.

    why do WW never get called for what their sons do? like BW get called for all day. folk ain't mentioned not one White serial killer's MOTHER. lol.

    KJV Psalm 83 names nations + speaks of the conspiracy...which is quite Real.

    ps. ancient artifacts that support Scriptures are being destroyed when lands are terrorized. folk are too fixated on whatever to notice though.

  82. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Yīshēng said...
    Enslave the strongest members of society because you mutants have never been able to compete.

    So the weak enslave the strong....hmmm.

  83. Yīshēng said...
    Josh you're a mutant race of course I'm smarter than you. Your people just lie, steal, and manipulate better than others.

    So dumb people lie, steal, and manipulate better than smart people?

    How did human intelligence evolve if not by mutation?

  84. Expecting Yingaling to offer a logical explanation for her inconsistent stances on white inferiority is like expecting the rain to fall up. It's just not gonna happen.

    Perhaps some more screaming about "Whites are MUTANTS! SLAVERS! And fuck YOUR CRACKA ASS FAMILY!" But intelligently illustrating why she holds those positions? lol ....

  85. 12:25 AM..

    got it.

    angry fighting irish man.

    nope. not enslavers, too poor + indentured servants themselves. though racist as the day is long in quite a few instances.

    folk do know that humans can't "own" other people, not even their own children, right?

    or no?

    that's some wicked edomite speech. no doubt. my people "owned" your people. lol.

    the rejected, didn't used to be White white folk usually do.the.most.


    that's the irish, italians, and the europeans that folk call jews, too. the low White birth rates create the new deal with others once rejected now included in White numbers.

    when the "White" hispanics get in on the act in greater numbers. lol! folk can pretend like they don't know how Zimmerman got that label if they want to. hispanic mami married a WM, too. lol. i have personally spoken with hispanics that have white STEP parents and can't wait to point to said no relation by blood parent as evidence of their Whiteness.

    or maybe that's just California folk for ya.

  86. FP, I honestly want to respond to you intelligently. I do. But never before have I seen an individual actually transform type font into incoherent chicken scratch.

    I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about. I can't find a subject, a predicate, any grammatical structure, proper punctuation, or any other basic English indicators which would suggest to me how to properly decode what you write.

    The puzzles on Uncharted 3 weren't this tough.

  87. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Found the full video at:

    Not for all viewers.

  88. I'm Irish too Josh, McDougal would be the name of my Irish ancestors.

    Better yet, waz up, Cuz??

  89. Ah, so you're those "black Irish" I've been hearing about all my life? lol

  90. BTW Irish men LOVED Black women back in the day and more than a few of my earlier ancestors were known to "pass for White".

    So, waz up Cuz?

  91. Anonymous1:05 AM

    Blogger señor kinky said...
    "Speaking of terrorists, the terrorists or terrorist who bombed the NAACP offices in Colorado are still on the loose,"

    You Mean-

    Speaking of terrorists, the terrorists or terrorist who bombed Mr. G’s Hair Salon in Colorado are still on the loose?

    11:35 PM
    Kinky, I swear that you live to put brother Field down.

    The amount of energy you use to 'discredit' Field is shameful and racist.

    You should be praising Field because he is providing your racist ass a playground so you can act out your racism.

    And don't even try to defend...don't even try it, milkface.

  92. @Josh-

    you don't want to respond intelligently. you want to play english teacher. and this is ok.

    prior experience informs my belief that you want to be angry, cuss, insult + fuss at BW.


    i, too, have irish folk in my family. dailey = last name. folk sexing Black men and women does not mean anything. never has. never will. when i say racist as the day is long...

    i do it on purpose.

    ps. you write many long sentences. yet, none of them make a bit of Good sense. grammatically correct, properly structured, angry WM gibberish= just that. gibberish.

  93. Yīshēng said...
    BTW Irish men LOVED Black women back in the day and more than a few of my earlier ancestors were known to "pass for White"

    So you're part mutant?

  94. FP, I believe there are two types of people in the world: Writers and editors. Writers wanna write; editors wanna be right.

    I'm not attempting to scold you for writing I can't read; I'm simply pointing out that I could not understand WTF you were talking about.

    its hard sometimes + straining ...

    praise Him only + worship + read ...

    Corinthians all verse inherited the earth were the meek and meager not WM and not WW but BM and BW from the only place...

    .. to the only shores if ever you knew anything...

    understanding this english structure might be unfriendly + difficult + ..... all the same

    ...agree to disagree

    just know praise Him and read + studying the course of this history + ancestry of Irish or servants ....

    ...and if you know WTF I'm speaking + meaning here...'re better at this than I am.

  95. Porter1:40 AM

    Blood is thicker than narrative. Particularly when congealing under the sun of a cool Parisian afternoon.

    I am serene in the certainty that today’s morbid slaughter won’t move a sole liberal toward circumspection. That their worldviews, clad in Kevlar composites, will deflect all foreign projectiles in a way the skulls of prone french policemen can not. Though believing is not the same as living. And many more will cease the latter in service to the Narrative of our age. As with other noted Attacks before it, today may not trigger a long-delayed assessment of blank-slate, open borders multi-cultism. But the grave is a patient teacher. I do not enjoy the thought of how many more will come to learn.

    The West believes in its water of Economy, consumption, and entertainment to bind disparate peoples. Others adhere to the blood of shared ancestry, culture, religion, and disposition.

    We’ll see which is thicker in the end.

  96. @11:04 PM-

    i pray for ALL nations.

    White folk won't give up anything.

    it is written that all will be taken from them.

    to whoever thinks the book of Amos...written by a king of Yahudah/Judah for kings of Yahudah/Judah = lost.

    here's a clue:

    the book of Amos is in the Bible. very few chapters. 9 to be exact. so find + read it. then keep going to Obadiah which is the next chapter right after that. this is where you will find the clue of how matters will be set Right.

    again, i pray for all nations. there is neither Greek nor Hebrew...we are all heirs to the promises of Abraham in Messiah.


    didn't your mother teach you that it is wrong to cuss at women? that decent men don't behave in that manner?

    i am going to charge your inability to conduct yourself like a proper gentleman to your mother's account.

    you don't understand what i am saying...yet, you like to pretend to be so smart. what gives?


    if i told you that the reason for your chronic befuddlement is also written...

    would you believe me?


    ps. i understand what you wrote without problem. so much for that superior intellect myth/lie, huh?

    for your understanding, please know you don't need to respond to me. what i am speaking might not be for you. it is for someone that might take to heart the racist nastiness you like to post here. if Almighty gives you greater understanding + you find the manners your mother should have taught you as your first teacher...

    then maybe you can holla back at that time;)

    or not.

    whatever's clever, really.

  97. If you told me something about me was written, would I believe it?

    Well, I would believe any holy scripture you could point me to has as much validity and predictive powers as Cat in the Hat. And at least that one rhymes.

    And which females am I cursing at? You? I've never cursed at you, far as I'm aware. Yisheng? Yes, I cursed at her because she cursed not only at me but also my family. Sorry, but folks can cuss at me, and I'll just "lol" and give it back as good as I get. But when somebody brings my family into a discussion, I'm going to let them hear it. Why would someone do that?

    Yisheng might be a good person. She might be cute. My jaw might drop in awe of her. I don't know. and I don't care. She cursed me and my family like a dog, so I let her have it.

    This is 2015 America. Equal rights! You think women deserve special treatment? lol But yet you complain about "patriarchy."

    Read + absorb + focus + sleep on more like Krauss and Kaku and Hitchens and less of the Bronze Age stuff maybe. It's food for the soul.

  98. @Josh-

    take that feminazi madness to WW and shout it out with them. THEY seek to be treated as men as a thank you for all the little/huge white lies + protection WM have provided them.

    i said nothing of females. i said with specificity BW. aka Black women.

    BW have not gotten the woman treatment,yet. are you familiar with Sojourner Truth?

    well no one answered her + my question before some WW lost their whole minds.

    some lost BW followed right behind them like they had no clues, to be fair.

    i don't require special rights.

    i require respect and basic human rights. i don't quietly submit to neutering either. men and women are different. "equal" has nothing to do with the convo on any level.

    WTF= what?

    you thought the F meant what? more superior intellect, huh?

    this is how you are addressing me without provocation.


    and it is not the first time. several posts back when your understanding was turned up more...

    you were conducting yourself in the same disrespectful, catty manner.

    then just as soon as i go in + regulate...

    i will be the most evil, angry, bitter bw in the world.


    i suspect your mother taught you better. if not...

    you WILL learn.

    i simply prefer to reason/converse in the interest of Peace 1st.

    thanks for your reading suggestions. though you started with cat in the hat...

    like you missed all the hidden/occult knowledge that's been revealed. there is nothing Good about that madness. disney either for that matter.

    it is interesting how folk pick and choose which books written by men they will accept and embrace. lol.

    free will.

    Yah respects it and so do i.

    if you will not step to me all rude with it, i would be much obliged.

    meekness does not come naturally. folk with unfounded superiority complexes, fresh mouth with it without cause- invite me to verbally maul them.

    so let us be civil even in disagreement, sir.

    thank you kindly.

    ps. i started to respond like this:



    since folk want to tell me how to express myself. but i need you to get as much of the check yourself message as possible;)

  99. I don't think you're angry. I never said you were bitter. And I would have no idea whatsoever you were a bw unless you said so.

    And if you think "WTF" is treating you with some level of disrespect, I'd have to ask "WTF" are you so sensitive?


    and then T + F ...

    "WTF" is a very common initialism used to denote things, like "DAFUQ," which is more an acronym, of course, and even "LMAO" -- when we both know no one actually laughs their ass off. Their asses are still attached.

    As to people telling you how to express yourself, I have no idea WTF you're talking about. The worst I've ever said to you is that I don't always understand what it is you're talking about.

    When I look + read ...

    what you type sometimes...

    ...comes across as pretty hard + difficult to = decipher.

    If you take offense to that, perhaps you should lighten up? Or is that just a WM trying to tell a BW how to act?

  100. Limpbaugh3:56 AM

    Killing people over cartoons is about as ignorant as it can get.

  101. "Blood is thicker than narrative. Particularly when congealing under the sun of a cool Parisian afternoon."

    So Porter, are you gong to explain the concept of the "ethnopatriot" to us? Or did you copy and paste that shit from his blog without attribution?

  102. ""It was not formally outlawed in Muslim countries until 1970, but still goes on today."

    Gosh, so your saying all Muslim countries have the same laws are you? How do they all amend their laws at the same time? How do they coordinate that?

  103. Quote Josh

    "Actually, you genius, my ancestors weren't slavers. My Irish ancestors were actually slaves of the Brits who busted into their homes, stole their babies from their arms, forced the women into prostitution, and beat and oftentimes killed the men, if not sending them to act as target practice somewhere on a battlefield. "

    Typically superficial analysis from Josh there. In fact his ancestors alleged oppressors were the aristocracy, English, Scottish and Irish. What happened to the Irish was classic class warfare, the same people who allegedly oppressed your ancestors also pressed mine and for the same reasons.

  104. The Purple Finger-Wagger:

    I admit, I'm thrilled to see that you offer over 20 words in high-and-mighty, high-horse-riding fashion. Still drivel, but at least a lengthier response than your usual fly-by non-assessment of comments left.

    Make a claim, but don't bother supporting it. "Superficial" because TPC says so! A fallacy of bare assertion? I think not! A point of fact from the number-one comment assessor currently operating at TFN.

    And so we have a common oppressor. Should we hug it out?

  105. Porter, are u related to Cole?

    Anyway, your screed read well, but it was all bull s##&.

  106. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Yīshēng is a mutant? Go figure.

    Sad to see she's a self-hating mutant.

  107. Anonymous8:38 AM

    focusedpurpose said...

    didn't your mother teach you that it is wrong to cuss at women?

    find the manners your mother should have taught you as your first teacher...
    1:54 AM


    WHA??? Didn't your mother teach you that it's wrong to call decent women you don't know "out of pocket sluts"

    Oops, forgot,prostitutes don't know bout such manners :)

  108. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Agnostics and atheists lack a crucial brain function in the frontal lobe governing the capacity for spirituality. In that respect, they are less sentient than people of faith. Another way to express this is that they lack a soul. Without a soul, there will be no afterlife for them. So, their claim that there is nothing after death is quite correct for them. The rest of us need not worry about them as their existence is truly finite.

  109. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Lack of crucial brain functions frontal lobe issues could explain the left's rationalization of their hypocrisy and double standards.


  110. CNN Isn’t Showing the Charlie Hebdo Cartoons
    Although we are not at this time showing the Charlie Hebdo cartoons of the Prophet considered offensive by many Muslims

    Dumbocrats go out of their way to pander to muslims.

  111. Anonymous11:47 AM

    The putative "attack" on the NAACP office in Colorado isn't getting much play because no one in the right mind believes it's a legitimate "attack". Once again, it is most likely a faux attack designed to gin up sympathy for non-existant "racism". We are all tired of these fake "racism" claims.


  112. Cold and snow. Close the school.

    But open it to give out free food.

    5 IPS schools open for lunch during cold-weather closing

    The more people dependent on the government will guarantee dumbocrats will have voters for many years.


  113. Is this the white guy and white truck in the NAACP attack?,-104.810472&spn=0.026246,0.048881&cid=6041706222843345426&t=m&z=15&layer=c&cbll=38.824893,-104.813351&panoid=cRs0DYd2hCU-m1q9matBmw&cbp=12,121.48,,1,9.12

  114. Anonymous12:06 PM

    The murders today in Paris are not a result of France's failure to assimilate two generations of Muslim immigrants from its former colonies. They're not about French military action against the Islamic State in the Middle East, or the American invasion of Iraq before that. They're not part of some general wave of nihilistic violence in the economically depressed, socially atomized, morally hollow West--the Paris version of Newtown or Oslo. Least of all should they be "understood" as reactions to disrespect for religion on the part of irresponsible cartoonists.

    They are only the latest blows delivered by an ideology that has sought to achieve power through terror for decades. It's the same ideology that sent Salman Rushdie into hiding for a decade under a death sentence for writing a novel, then killed his Japanese translator and tried to kill his Italian translator and Norwegian publisher. The ideology that murdered three thousand people in the U.S. on September 11, 2001. The one that butchered Theo van Gogh in the streets of Amsterdam, in 2004, for making a film. The one that has brought mass rape and slaughter to the cities and deserts of Syria and Iraq. That massacred a hundred and thirty-two children and thirteen adults in a school in Peshawar last month. That regularly kills so many Nigerians, especially young ones, that hardly anyone pays attention.

    Because the ideology is the product of a major world religion, a lot of painstaking pretzel logic goes into trying to explain what the violence does, or does'’t, have to do with Islam. Some well-meaning people tiptoe around the Islamic connection, claiming that the carnage has nothing to do with faith, or that Islam is a religion of peace, or that, at most, the violence represents a "distortion" of a great religion....

    A religion is not just a set of texts but the living beliefs and practices of its adherents. Islam today includes a substantial minority of believers who countenance, if they don't actually carry out, a degree of violence in the application of their convictions that is currently unique.


  115. The dumbocrats war on police continues.

    Baltimore police: Armed BGF gunman sent into police station
    Police said Armstrong was sent to the Northeastern District station. Officers smelled marijuana on Armstrong, searched him and found a loaded gun, police said. Armstrong told them he had been sent in by the BGF gang to test security, police said.

    Now dumbocrat supporters are sending people into police stations to test security.

  116. @Josh-

    there has got to be a man around that you can ask what i might mean.

    try older ones. they tend to have more Good sense. a lot less feminine and brand new.

    some menfolk are noticing the change in western women. yet, somehow, many can't seem to notice the change in western men.

    women more masculine and menfolk who are REALLY in touch with their feminine side.

    blurred lines.

    menfolk that spend LOTS of time bickering with womenfolk.

    it's the bpa poisoning i think.

    not only the food is being genetically modified.

    take a look at this:

    peep the comments.

    then know that BW have always been treated as men in this nation. that wickedness was part and parcel to the justification of treating US as less than human. imagine...

    the BM= 3/5 human.

    wicked lie.

    the BW=?

    wickedness magnified.

    it was rank sexism and abuse that caused the feminist pendulum to swing waaay to the left ending with shrill, racist, feminazis in their place.

    WM created a mingled race of people while gaming WW with the lie that they were just super chaste. lol.

    dna has memory. historical enemies all day in quite a few cases.

    as a BW, i have no dog in that "feminist" fight.

    BW were ALWAYS in the workplace. WW decided they needed to get some of that.

    it is written that what has been done to others, the daughters of Edom will do to themselves.

    so far, things are moving right on schedule according to what is written. those that don't get it will waste time bickering over isms.

    to be fair there was a great deal of trickery and deceit in getting WW and those that follow them to act against their + their family's best interest.

    to be clear: i don't like when menfolk use profanity with me. it is unacceptable and perceived as disrespect.

    there was a time when the F bomb would fly out of a man's mouth and he would correct/excuse himself.

    you want to debate + update on why i should accept your disrespect.


    that dog won't hunt.

    you go bananas over your family. if a need-some-home-training soul was cussing at your sister, daughter, or mother...

    would you start the equality programmed madness or suggest he check himself?

    it is kind to invite folk to check themselves.


    "WHA??? Didn't your mother teach you that it's wrong to call decent women you don't know "out of pocket sluts"

    Oops, forgot,prostitutes don't know bout such manners :)

    8:38 AM"


    my mother told me to call things what they are and let the chips fall where they may...

    at least at certain times and regarding certain matters.

    clearly my doing so left you with a verbally inflicted scar. i just finished saying verbally mauling = instinct. you must''ve stepped reckless before Yah started taking me through the meekness process.

    please forgive me.

    i apologize even if it might well all be yet another lie.

    'cause folk over her like to bring it...

    then whine + lie when it doesn't work out for them.

    this is why i say repeatedly that i am not a soft target. that's a kind heads up.


    prostitute = paid for sex.

    or souls for sale in exchange for stuff, power,influence etc.

    same thing.

    it just looks different so folk can't recognize all the souled out to satan prostitutes running through.

    so your little thoughts are officially not applicable as it relates to me on any level.

    okey doke.

    you are welcome for that clue.

    here's another one:

    try to let things go. for your sake, my friend...

    those who don't forgive can't be forgiven. that's what's written.

    please forgive any typos.

    Blessings all!


  117. Reverend Jarrett Maupin
    describes himself as a, “Progressive Baptist Preacher. Civil Rights Campaigner. Radical Political Activist.”

    Was offered the chance to try out a police training scenario.

    He gets scared (in a training exercise) he shoots an unarmed man.

    He learns the most important thing is compliance with a police officer.

    Field Negro better start calling the reverend a house negro for speaking out against dumbocrat talking points.

  118. a different take:

  119. Anonymous1:46 PM

    focusedpurpose said...

    my mother told me to call things what they are and let the chips fall where they may...

    please forgive me.

    i apologize even if it might well all be yet another lie.
    12:34 PM


    FP what are you talking about??? I don't understand! If you called what things what they are then why are you aolologizing? Asking to bee forgiven for what???

    FP you are so mysterious sometimes!

    What did you call for what it was, and now want to be forgiven for FP????

  120. She once said the devil looked like Flip Wilson.


  121. Is it racist of the ferguson police to release video of looters and remove all the white looters from the video?

    Is it racist for to post pictures of looters and to remove all the pictures of white looters?

    Why are white looters being given a free pass from dumbocrats?

  122. Anonymous2:26 PM


    Thanks for the link.

    Yes NWO is very real. But how do the average person defend themselves against such evil force. Is it better to not know and just die a victim. After all the good God above seem to accommodate them. I believe in G-d, just don't understand G-d

  123. @Bill: All the looters are white people in blackface.

  124. Bill, I think your trolling standards are dropping.

    Anon@10:42, I will see u in heaven. ;)

  125. Anonymous2:34 PM

    The Rev is a house negro or just scare.

  126. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Anon 10:58am said...

    "Lack of crucial brain functions frontal lobe issues could explain the left's rationalization of their hypocrisy and double standards."

    I certainly think you are right about this. Part of the brain is not working for the liberal. I suspect, also, this is compounded by their widely known reliance on psychtrophic drugs as an emotional crutch.

    They need this, because they are in a constant state of saddness over the percieved cruelty of society. They are crushed by the fact that things cost money, not everyone becomes a doctor or lawyer or intellectual, that people have to work, that healthcare is not free, that criminals are judged, that certain words, like "terrorist" or "evil" or "God" or "right" or wrong" are used so wrecklessly by conservatives.

    It's just too much saddness for them to deal with. So, their rationality needs to be numbed so that the heart can gush forth tears of blood over the absolute tragedy of the human condition.


  127. field negro said...
    Bill, I think your trolling standards are dropping.

    Psych 101 tells us you feel that way because you are ducking your responsibility paying your anon inc. bill.

    I am also sensing a little anger on your part that because unlike anon inc that you tricked into sitting and waiting for your check to arrive in the mail, my troll corporation helped you sign up for automatic payments from your account and thus you can't play games with your payments to my trolling corporation.

    It is good business for me to take your words to heart and upgrade my trolling. I'll go back and review the work of Mike Vanderman.

  128. 1:46 PM-

    that Anon was holding onto something attributed to me.

    i have NO clue what they are allowing to hold too much power over them.

    if i spoke wrong and hurt people...i want to apologize and pray that Anon gets free by forgiving me.

    for Real.

    since folk lie on me over here, it occurred to me that i should make mention of that fact as well.



    Anon 2:26 PM-

    don't believe the hype. it is important to know what is written.

    when they say "Peace"...

    destruction will descend upon...


    not Yah's people.

    peep the illuminati card game. they run out of time 'cause NO one, save the Father know the appointed time and hour that babylon will fall.

    they are trying to go to outer space and deep underground...

    to avoid the Wrath. there is no way though.

    perfect Love casts out all fear.

    these jokers want folk to be so afraid that they will lie down and take it.

    i refuse.

    it is written those of US with Him/His Word don't Love our lives to death + we overcome by our testimony/blood of the Lamb. persecution = par for the course.

    this is war. of the spiritual variety. so telling the Truth so others know and Standing on His Word= what time it is. otherwise it is blood on folks' hands. be willing to wake others up despite the personal cost. that true Love. lay down your life that another might be saved. Love has waxed cold though, as is written. folk have yet deny the Power of Yah that He gave US just because He Loves US.

    i would rather go out Righteously, as best i know how, than to bow down to ANYONE that seeks to enslave me. that's physical, mental AND spiritually.

    Yah said know the Truth and it shall make US free.

    that whole be a Good quiet, afraid slave madness...

    defeated devils are going to need to show me what that looks like as i come through sharing His Word with NO care for what other folk think about it. the perverted defeated demons Really don't care about US nor what we think about ANYTHING.

    there are two sides.

    BOTH are Bold as Lions.

    it is impossible to please Him without Faith. His Word says that He will laugh in these fools' faces when He comes back through.

    mistakes, flaws, falls, and all...

    with all that i am..

    i just want to be close to Him.

    i pray all those afraid will get to know Him/His Word. His people perish for lack of Knowledge.

    WE got the Power.

    the Power belongs to the People given by Yah Almighty Himself NOT the "state"...

    gotta go for now but will come back when i can share His Word that addresses all of this mess.

    folk actually seem to believe that demons are just making this madness comply with what's written just because.


    bad joke.

    demons/devils know Yah + tremble.

    forget what you heard. as it is written...

    so shall it be done.

    forgive any typos. moving quickly.


  129. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Thank you FP

  130. Anonymous3:55 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    1:46 PM-
    that Anon was holding onto something attributed to me.

    i have NO clue what they are allowing to hold too much power over them.

    if i spoke wrong and hurt people...i want to apologize and pray that Anon gets free by forgiving me.
    for Real.

    since folk lie on me over here, it occurred to me that i should make mention of that fact as well ;)

    3:25 PM

    FP How sweet of you to apologize for something that you don't even know what it is!!! OMG!

    You're right though it's probably a lie! Yes indeed,I think you're right, there's just a whole lot of liars on here right? Lying about you!But what did they say FP?

    What's the lie FP? Is it something they say you said or did that you didn't do? Well they're going to hell for that! For sure! God doesn't like liars! Right FP?

    What a mystery! You're so mysterious FP! Just say it, you are usually such an honest, Godly, spiritual person! Why the runaround? I want to know! I have faith in your teachings, so spill the beans already will ya! :)

    C'mon tell us what it is already! :D I mean how bad can it be? Did you murder somebody? Did you steal something? Did you blaspheme the Lord? Did you sully a reputation? Was it adultery? Noooo! Not you FP

    See if you don't say, I can think all sorts of wild things. But if it was just a lie, by the liars you say are on here, well then....that's a whole other story then.

  131. No worries focusedpurpose. You still my boo:)

  132. Someone PLEASE pass Hilly a slice of chocolate pie so she'll STFU!!!

  133. @Black America:

    These are are your children:

    What is to be done with you?

  134. This comment has been removed by the author.

  135. Looks like field is doing some stealth deleting of comments.

    No worries. Like the Dallas Cowboys, field's team needs the help.


  136. señor kinky said...

    Looks like field is doing some stealth deleting of comments.

    No worries. Like the Dallas Cowboys, field's team needs the help.

    The Field Negro is in Philly isn't he?

    76ers could use some help.

    As could my Lakers.

  137. Lilacpr4:35 PM

    The killings in Paris are lamentable and barbaric.

    According to Sharia law it's punishable to insult or depict the Prophet, but I believe that is only applicable to Muslims.

    That magazine and it's satirists were not Muslim.

    But also freedom of the press should carry some responsibility also. Perhaps showing more sensitivity towards other cultural and religious beliefs.

  138. Field does not censor comments. I believe in letting stupid people expose themselves.

  139. While I don't condone what was done in Paris, I agree with PR 1000%.

    And I'm sure the idiot racists will misrepresent this post as usual in 5, 4, 3...

  140. Pescuezo4:58 PM

    "But also freedom of the press should carry some responsibility also. Perhaps showing more sensitivity towards other cultural and religious beliefs."

    So you are saying these people are to blame for their own deaths because they made cartoons others found offensive?

  141. It is interesting that we are asked to NOT judge all Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics. Too bad gun owners can't get same judgement.

    Travis Tritt has a valid point.

  142. This comment has been removed by the author.

  143. Yīshēng said...
    And I'm sure the idiot racists will misrepresent this post as usual

    Mocking your ignorance is hardly a misrepresentation.

  144. Anonymous5:20 PM

    No one is out for blood or death. But stop blaming religion and look at the whole picture.
    Free speech with responsibility can be the start of someyhing beautiful (peaceful) .

  145. Lilacpr5:32 PM

    Pescuezo said...
    So you are saying these people are to blame for their own deaths because they made cartoons others found offensive?

    4:58 PM

    No I'm not saying that. I said this act was barbaric and wrong.

    That the satire and cartoons fueled the religious fanaticism of some is obvious.

    When a an offensive cartoon or statue or art exhibit of Jesus Christ or Mary are displayed anywhere the fur flies! Protests and even death threats!

    Wrong or right, eligion is a very intimate part of peoples lives. And they understandably take offense when it is ridiculed or depicted in a demeaning manner.

    I think the press should be more sensitive to these feelings.

  146. field negro said...
    "The herb is the healing of the nation."

    Um field, you do know the terrorists smoked weed, right?

    On a side note, they also were rappers.

  147. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Anon 10:58am said...

    "Lack of crucial brain functions frontal lobe issues could explain the left's rationalization of their hypocrisy and double standards."

    I certainly think you are right about this. Part of the brain is not working for the liberal. I suspect, also, this is compounded by their widely known reliance on psychtrophic drugs as an emotional crutch.

    They need this, because they are in a constant state of saddness over the percieved cruelty of society. They are crushed by the fact that things cost money, not everyone becomes a doctor or lawyer or intellectual, that people have to work, that healthcare is not free, that criminals are judged, that certain words, like "terrorist" or "evil" or "God" or "right" or wrong" are used so wrecklessly by conservatives.

    It's just too much saddness for them to deal with. So, their rationality needs to be numbed so that the heart can gush forth tears of blood over the absolute tragedy of the human condition.

  148. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Enjoy 45% more sputum.

  149. Kkkuckoo you couldn't mock my intelligence if you had 100 brains.

  150. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Yingyang is beyond parody.

  151. "field negro said...
    "The herb is the healing of the nation."

    Um field, you do know the terrorists smoked weed, right? On a side note, they also were rappers."

    Yeah and I have it on good authority that they drank milk as children.

    Ban milk - end terrorism!

  152. Anonymous6:18 PM

    The Field Negro, I believe most if not all people, including agnostics and atheists go to heaven. God's goodness does not rely on our faith. If he's good, then he's good regardless of what we think or the rituals we practice.

    So I'm looking forward to seeing you there. If I do, then that means I made it too! I doubt our races, politics, or religions will even exist in heaven. But maybe the struggles of this life will be reflected in some glorified way so they are not forgotten as if meaningless. Perfect unity and perfect reconciliation will replace all that sadly divides us here. At least that's my hope and vision.

    But what do I know about anything? We might all come back as grasshoppers for all I know. My luck it will be the day the exterminator comes.

  153. Pescuezo6:19 PM

    Lilacpr said...
    a an offensive cartoon or statue or art exhibit of Jesus Christ or Mary are displayed anywhere the fur flies! Protests and even death threats!

    Can you name one incident in your lifetime where someone was murdered for mocking Christianity?

    The cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo had mercilessly offended Christians in far more vulgar ways for decades, yet no one ever lost their life over it.

    Why this bizarre need to excuse Islam while falsely impugning Christianity? Can't liberals for once step back and take a dose of reality?


  154. The Purple Cow said...
    "field negro said...
    "The herb is the healing of the nation."
    Um field, you do know the terrorists smoked weed, right? On a side note, they also were rappers."

    Ban milk - end terrorism!

    How does banning milk stop terrorism?

    Oh, you missed the point.

    The Field Negro posted "herb is the healing of a nation."

    Kinky pointed out the herb didn't heal the terrorists.

  155. Anonymous6:22 PM


    1,000,000 brains would be powerless to challenge your one brain because it's not turned on. In fact, I think you got the demo. You push a button, it says a few phrases, then turns off again.

  156. "Why this bizarre need to excuse Islam while falsely impugning Christianity? Can't liberals for once step back and take a dose of reality?"

    Good point. I've notice field will criticize Christians and Christianity without bring up other religions.

    When field dares to criticize Muslims or Islam he does the false equivalence thang.

  157. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Trolls are robots.

  158. Lilacpr7:04 PM

    Anonymous Pescuezo said...
    Can you name one incident in your lifetime where someone was murdered for mocking Christianity?
    6:19 PM
    Are you serious Pezcuezo (which BTW is a slang term for neck in Spanish for those who don't know :)

    What about all of the killings of doctors for performing abortions by Christian zealots? And I could cite many more but I'm actually too lazy to;)

    Listen Pesky people get crazy about their religion, don't act like you don't know okay! ALL religions!

    People, all people, identify and define themselves by the tenets of their particular religion. So this should be respected.

  159. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Dear FP, are you throwing a jab at Creflo Dollar on the sly? He is an angel who has come to earth just like Jesus did.

    The heavens sent Creflo to lift black folks up. Heck, even Whites go to him for blessings.

    Don't you 'dare' dump on Clef-yo-dollar. The man works hard for his money.

    Btw, I would be glad to get you hired as one of his assistants. Interested?

    Now don't do something like Jesus did: "Man cannot live by bread alone."

  160. FP,

    "DNA has memory."

    Define "memory."

    The ability to carry the code which will grow arms and fingers the same way? Sure, and that's technically memory.

    The ability to have vivid visions and recollection from past lives? The ability for a white child born today to know what it's like to be a slavery in 1750? Or a black child born today to know what it's like to use a separate water fountain? Sorry, that's mysticism and has no basis in scientific fact.

    I could be wrong here, so I won't outright accuse you of it. But you appear to be attempting to preemptively shame men in your posts, so that what you say ends up going unchallenged.

    You can say something, and when I say something back, you get to say how I'm being too aggressive and assertive when talking to a woman -- especially a BW.

    I don't subscribe to that. Sorry. I do go out of my way to treat people with respect on this board. Notice now that Purple Cow has done his drive-by prodding of my comments in troll fashion about half a dozen times. I've never cursed at him. The only time I go off and treat people with disrespect is when it's done to me first.

    Want to use white racist stereotypes? I'll use black ones. Want to cuss me like a dog? I'll kick like a mule. Want to simply troll me incessantly without logically refuting anything I say? I work on the PC and have plenty of time to click over here and troll right back.

    But in no way do I find that I'm being rude, disrespectful or overly assertive with you. You say things I disagree with--when I can understand them--and I disagree.

    Your opinions aren't protected because your a BW. Anyone who addresses a public forum with their opinions open themselves up to debate, trolling, ridicule, etc. Personally, I choose to give back in kind, regardless of situation. You seem to be suggesting that your feminine status should protect you from such a fate, or else it proves that I'm a symptom of a changing man.

    If that's not what you're trying to say, I apologize. If it is what you're trying to say, get over it.

  161. Man, religion, like politics, should be held close to the vest. It's only vanity to let others know what you believe. I'm of course talking about real life and not the comments section of a blog. I bet we would get along a lot better if religious and political preferences were likeyour favorite color, no one really cares anyway and no one is out there trying to force me to like lime green.

  162. Anonymous7:18 PM

    FocusedPurpose, I can't believe you trashed Mother Teresa. That is waaaay out of bounds.

    I am beginning to see a pattern here: Gandhi, now Mother any grievances against India where religion began and made it possible for you to have a spiritual life?

  163. " I work on the PC and have plenty of time to click over here and troll right back."

    In other words you're on Stormfronts payroll to troll Black blogs all day?

    Got it!

  164. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Brother PX, some of us in the comment section are just trying to save your soul. For real, this is the real deal.

  165. Yisheng,

    I don't get the "Stormfronts" reference. I write web copy for a living for companies like Qwaya and CasinoTop10. I didn't know people were paid to troll blogs -- but that does explain a lot.

    And I didn't know this was a "black blog." I thought this was Field's blog, and anyone wanting to participate could. I did not see any banner or ad which stated this was one of those sissified "POC safe spaces" wherein all whites are not welcome.

  166. "Stormfront" "black blog." Is what they throw at you when they lose the debate.

  167. Pescuezo8:23 PM

    Lilacpr said...
    What about all of the killings of doctors for performing abortions by Christian zealots? And I could cite many more but I'm actually too lazy to;)

    How many abortion doctors have been killed by Christian zealots?

    And I know you are lazy in your assumptions, bit as far as those "many more" other categories, could you cite just one?

  168. Anonymous8:32 PM

    NAACP thing is a false flag operation.Look for black race baiters for this one.

  169. Anonymous8:52 PM

    focusedpurpose said...

    my mother told me to call things what they are and let the chips fall where they may...

    at least at certain times and regarding certain matters.

    12:34 PM


    What certain times and what certain matters FP?

    What about other times? What do you do then? Tuck your tail between your legs and run?

  170. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Anonymous Pescuezo said...
    How many abortion doctors have been killed by Christian zealots?

    And I know you are lazy in your assumptions, bit as far as those "many more" other categories, could you cite just one?

    8:23 PM

    Why don't you go suck a dick? Make yourself useful

  171. A Black blog is a blog that speaks to the interests, issues, and concerns of the Black community.

    In words don't trust White folks to do what you should do for yourself.

    BTW isn't that a racist idiot's favorite meme, that Blacks expect Whites to do everything for them? Yet when they do, racists b*tch about that too??

  172. Oh, by a "black blog," I thought you meant a blog that Field conceived of, created and made popular through his hard work, yet since he's "black," other black folks get to come in, play the "we're black" card, and steal credit away from the creator to make it part of the collective.

    You know, like those kids on the corner where I grew up: "Hip hop is ours! Not yours!" Knowing damn well they couldn't carry a beat in a bucket or rhyme if you give them the words to use, but because they were "black," they got to lay claim on it as part of the collective.

    But thanks for clearing that up.

  173. Actually Josh, this blog is YOURS too.

    Cuz! ;)

  174. I enjoy this blog. Not all of the trolls and racists and "anonymous" posters who seem to make it their mission to refute a person's point with insults. But growing up around black folks, I've never subscribed to the popular postulate that people can't understand and speak on issues outside of their race.

    Plus you need to add in the fact that white people are still the number-one scapegoat for every issue in the black community, from stubbed toes and chipped paint to skin rashes from lace fronts and orange juice with too much pulp. Whitey at work! So, whites should be voicing their opinions on these matters more. It's only fair the accused gets to present a defense.

    And you love that I'm here, Yisheng, admit it. Girls can be thirsty too! I know you want some more Irish in you. lol

  175. If you had a little more African in you Josh, you'd know that incest is frowned upon in the Black community.

    Besides I prefer a LOT more "mandingo" that you'll EVER possess. And the ONLY think I want skinny and pink is my lip liner pencil.

  176. this:

    "If you had a little more African in you Josh, you'd know that incest is frowned upon in the Black community. "


    blatant lie from the pit of hell.

    stop snitching reigns. folk pushing the all BM have big package lie will push most any dumb lie.

    in the so called Black community it is imperative that another BM NOT go to jail. folk will know their sons deserve jail time and their daughters need protecting...

    yet will throw the daughters under the bus. then name call the daughters if the abuse shows.

    thought this story was a Black girl.

    turns out it is a married couple that gave their son free reign. IF folk want to think it is about poverty take a peek at how the elite get down.

  177. @Josh-

    your apology is accepted. i didn't step to you with disrespect and merely suggested you check yourself + how you elected to address me.

    @Anon that mentioned a pastor by name. i did not mention any names on purpose.

    man shall not live by bread alone is a suggesting that man dine on His Word aka food for the soul. man is called to live by every word that proceeds out of His Mouth.

    @Anon with the India comment. so India = cradle of civilization now?

    maybe you could do some independent research and see what you come up with? i get this is frowned upon in the mind control/behavior modification/puppet creating educational programs.

    we don't have to agree and your thoughts don't threaten mine in the least. peace to you.

    @PR/DF- there is no tuck tail and run in me. in fact, if folk hostile look too long...

    it will be on.

    verbally of course.

    confrontation is necessary for resolution sometimes and i am never afraid of it.


    my Stand up + What?! approach was before i learned more of Yah and His Way.

    ex) of when to let things ride you requested:

    i could have suggested that Josh not diminish his man standing by bickering with the long term, many named, field/village idiot.

    in the interest of Peace i refrained.

    get it?

    question: if your shame is left in your mother's womb, does that mean you have your daughter/sons' shame in you?

    seems to me no matter how you slice it you should have some shame.

    we did not just meet and you know full well how things have flowed.

    even when i suggested you pull up on your indictments of the silly women out eating and drinking with menfolk they know full well are married. women that now cry rape.

    recall your oh he WILL perform quip as folk discussed BCosby's challenges? challenges born of his refusal to shun the very appearance of evil.

    lol. full circle. hope that helps your understanding + jogs your selective memory.

    here's another clue:

    don't start none.
    won't be none.
    'cause you don't want none.

    i told you this before, recall? nothing has changed.

    i am prayerful that the triple portion of patience, i prayed for, is evident in my response.

    if not...

    again i ask your forgiveness for your sake. meekness is new to me;)

  178. "Besides I prefer a LOT more "mandingo" that you'll EVER possess. And the ONLY think I want skinny and pink is my lip liner pencil."

    In other words, "I wore out the elasticity in my vajayjay before I was 16, now I need someone packing the equivalent of the sweet end of a Louisville Slugger or else it feels like a warm breeze."

    Hey, I won't judge. It's no secret that the sex toys that fly off the shelves first are the 9" rockets big around as a Solo cup. lol Such is life.

    Women have the luxury of being that selective; guys just have to hope we don't come out burnt to a crisp.

  179. Josh if that's the best comeback you can come up with, then I feel REAL sorry for you.

    You MUST be the most boring person EVER to be around.

  180. Not so boring that you can ignore.

    I bet you're very exciting to be around, though. Like a circus act, or one of those Tijauna Donkey Shows. lol

    Step right up, witness the Amazing Yisheng as she makes cantaloupes and various breeds of animal disappear into her dark, wide abyss. Stay tuned for the after show as she teaches a course on survival: How to Start a Fire Using the SOS Pad Pubes for Friction. Or the alternative method, a battery vs. steel wool.

  181. Yaaaawwwwnnnnnn.

    That's a racist White man's favorite come back on a more intelligent Black woman, call her a ho'.

    No wonder your ancestors couldn't stay out of the slave quarters, you're genetically disposwd to be obsessed with Black vagina.

  182. BTW a circus analogy from a clown is too touche', LOL!!!

  183. Anonymous9:27 AM

    focusedpurpose said...

    man is called to live by every word that proceeds out of His Mouth.

    1:11 AM

    Forever and ever

  184. I've been with black chicks before. I don't mind black women at all. I don't know about "obsessed," although the head is unreal. Pillowy lips, slobber for days -- now I gotta try and reconnect for the weekend. But the really darker-skinned ones are a bit unhinged. But, come on, we all know that. lol They'll fight you in a second, and, boom, fake hair all over the damn place. Won't calm down for shit. Trying to grab kitchen knives. Threatening to get her crew on somebody. Slashing tires. Stalking. Typical good-time shit. And don't dare take 'em out in public. They'll start a f'n riot!

    And I'm not calling you a ho. For all I know, your wide circumference clap trap is self induced and not the result of sexual promiscuity. Maybe you sculpted a replica of Shaq's leg in art class and decided to get down with the get down.

  185. Anonymous1:30 PM

    focusedpurpose said...

    question: if your shame is left in your mother's womb, does that mean you have your daughter/sons' shame in you?

    seems to me no matter how you slice it you should have some shame.

    silly women out eating and drinking with menfolk they know full well are married. women that now cry rape.
    1:11 AM

    OMG! FP girla who you talking to?

    Drinking and dancing with married men??? Who be dat?

    Are you really a private eye FP???

    Hmmmm did you take pictures with a secret camera too???

    Post them, please post theeemmm I want to see who's drinking and dancing with a married man! and then SHE CRIED RAPE??? OMG this gets better every post!

    That sounds like food for the Enquirer or Star or something like that! Wow! FP is a private eye!!!

  186. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Oh please fp is shit. that ghetto trash don't even have self respect. The only eye that troll gots private is the one between it's ass cheeks cuz nobody wants to go there
