Friday, January 30, 2015


So there is this tony little area just outside of Philly called Lower Marion. It's where Kobe Bryant played his high school ball, and it is the start of what is known around here as the Main Line. Which, around these parts, is the zip- code with the most dollars.

Anyway, as is always the case with these types of communities, a Negro sighting can quickly send the local police into action.

"Lower Merion's median income is $115,226, and the township of 58,000 is 85 percent white. Saldana, who grew up in the township, is Hispanic; her family hails from Peru. Her work as a translator takes her into constant contact with minority communities, and she thought she should make the incident public after her 10-year-old son's reaction to seeing the shovelers sitting in the snow.

"My son asked me, 'Are they in trouble? Did they do something wrong?' And I didn't know how to answer him," said Saldana, 49. "That question from him really left me perplexed."

The description she posted to the Lower Merion Community Network forum on Facebook prompted outrage, with more than 600 people commenting, many concerned about the incident's racial overtones.

The other shovelers questioned by police were also black, Walsh said.

Race had nothing to do with police conduct, Walsh said, and enforcing the ordinance, which requires any adult conducting door-to-door solicitation to obtain a permit, is commonplace. In the last year, police conducted 140 such stops, he said.

"There's a really good reason for that, because, business or not," he said. "Residents can be assured Lower Merion police have checked them." [Source]

I am not sure how many of you reading this live on the East Coast. But there is a long standing tradition here of folks going door to door and offering to shovel your snow after a big storm for a small price.

For those of you who don't think that racism and "color arousal" issues still persists in America, ask yourselves this question: Do you think if those folks going around and offering to shovel snow were from the majority population, they would have been held and told to sit in the snow, while the Gestapo police stood over them and checked them out?

If you do, I have a wonderful antique bell here in Philly with a slight crack on the side that I would love to sell you.

But I want to be fair, so I will give you the response from my friends in Lower Marion, Township.

"A woman who witnessed police interacting with two men her father hired to shovel snow Tuesday worried they were questioned because of their skin color."

No mam. The police have an explanation for what you saw.

"Anti-solicitation ordinances like Lower Merion's are common and cops say they are a useful tool.

The 1964 ordinance, most recently amended in 2009, restricts "sale of goods, wares or merchandise," including magazines, home repair devices and services and contributions to some groups. When the ordinance was written, door-to-door vacuum-cleaner salesmen and magazine peddlers were common irritants.

The ordinance does not apply to teenagers or to religious, political or nonprofit groups. Anyone trying to make money by knocking on doors must acquire a permit, valid through a calendar year.
There are 18 approved permits in Lower Merion, said Mike McGrath, police superintendent.

"As far as profiling that's a bogus argument," said John Norris, police chief in Cheltenham Township, which has a similar ordinance. "It's all about public safety."

It helps protect people from criminals who pose as solicitors to case out burglary targets.
Legal experts agree the law serves a purpose.

"You also have to realize there is a history of fraud and other criminal activity associated with door to door salesmen," said Mary Catherine Roper, senior attorney with the Pennsylvania ACLU.
Police noted anti-solicitation ordinances are popular with the public.

Several lawyers, though, believed Lower Merion police may have stretched the ordinance beyond its intent. Jeff Garton, who served as town solicitor in several Bucks County municipalities, said such ordinances aren't typically designed to apply to services like snow shoveling.

Mark Portella, a Haddon Heights, NJ, attorney who represents clients accused of violating municipal law, said it was unfair to conclude police were profiling, but asked why the men were approached even though cops had received no complaints.

"It causes me some concern," he said. "They're just canvassing the neighborhood and they're going to ask them a question?"

The witness, Deborah Saldana, said police questioned the shovelers as they shoveled. Police say officers witnessed them soliciting. A picture posted by Saldana showed the two shovelers sitting in the snow while talking to police, but a township spokesman said the interaction was cordial.

Police do not need a justification to engage in a conversation with people. McGrath noted the shovelers were not detained and were free to refuse to talk with officers." [Source]

Did I mention that the bell I would like to sell you has some great historical value?


  1. The Field Negro said...
    It's where Kobe Bryant played his high school ball

    Only because his parents lived there.

    You know where he wanted to go don't you?

    Swimming Pools.

    Movie stars.


  2. Birds of a feather11:14 PM

    "Anyway, as is always the case with these types of communities, a Negro sighting can quickly send the local police into action."

    I would certainly hope so; that is what they are paid for.

    Once again, any unfairly hassled young black man only has the behavior of his peers to blame.

    Get your house in order, and this kind of problem will go away.


  3. I remember the old days when dumbocrats were for bioenergy.

    Avoiding Bioenergy Competition for Food Crops and Land
    It recommends several policy changes to phase out forms of bioenergy that use crops or that otherwise make dedicated use of land.

    Gotta love science.

    Most calculations claiming that bioenergy reduces greenhouse gas emissions do not include the carbon dioxide released when biomass (e.g., from maize) is burned.

    Gotta love agenda before science.

  4. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Field, FN can be so depressing sometimes. Yet, it is true that bm, trying to make a dime still are harassed. Don't have a job bm are called lazy and are harassed.

    For Blacks, it's damn if you do and damn if you don't. Of course when the cops are in the wrong, some commenter justifies the wrong with: "Once again, any unfairly hassled young bm only has the behavior of his peers to blame."

    These bm were shoveling snow to try to make a living. Yet, comes the racist viewpoint: "Get your house in order, and this kind of problem will go away."

    Fortunately, the KKK is close to extinction. People get tired of hating.

  5. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Has anyone noticed that Bill rarely stays on topic?

  6. Anonymous11:43 PM

    " It's where Kobe Bryant played his high school ball, and it is the start of what is known around here as the Main Line. Which, around these parts, is the zip- code with the most dollars."

    Hmmmmm. I thought it was called City Line?

  7. Wesley R11:58 PM

    I feel bad for The Shorties there trying to hustle, shoveling snow, or raking leaves. I made money doing that sort of thing in my youth.

  8. Anonymous12:01 AM

    What sort of thing, hustling? Were you a teabagger?

  9. Great Article Shared. I love to read it. Thanks for writing and sharing this article.


  10. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Brother Field, after centuries of being discriminated against and lynched and shot to death, shouldn't we as a nation just admit that Blacks are considered less than everybody else?

    I mean, that would relieve everyone of pretending Blacks are equal citizens when they are not.

    Also, it would take the pressure off the police. They could openly do whatever they felt like doing to Blacks.

    Just think: no more hiding, no more lying, no more justifying, no more would be good for cops and Whites.

  11. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Their only crime, not being an illegal. Black service no longer needed.

  12. Transgendered Illegal Aliens Are Now Being Given Hormone Therapy by ICE, Because the Constitution Says So:

    You can't make this shit up. We are so fucked.

  13. Anonymous12:40 AM

    "I remember the old days when dumbocrats were for bioenergy."

    Man, you literally know nothing about what liberals actually believe, do you? It's just all scary Marxists and Ebola-infected illegal immigrants, isn't it?

    Environmentalists have been griping about this problem forever. Biofuels are a great thing, but not if you're going to make them out of food crops. This is what happens when you let the people with loads of money (in this case the agriculture lobby) make policy by cashing in on "green" technology that isn't really green.

    Don't allow rich people to buy off the government and you won't end up with dumb policies.

  14. 12thManUnited1:11 AM

    GO HAWKS!!!

  15. Anonymous1:33 AM

    Swanky suburbs do tend to frown on door-to-door soliciting. Having grown up in such a place, I can tell you this is no joke. You have to file the proper paperwork before you go knocking on people's doors. (Unless you actually live there, like a neighbor's kid selling girl scout cookies. Then no one will hassle you.)

    I'll concede it's probably more likely that the po-po will come if the solicitors are black.

    But is that because the town is flat-out hostile to black people? Or is it just because they are more likely to be quickly identified as solicitors because they are visibly "not from around these parts"? Either reason could apply.

  16. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Fields must be irregular today.

  17. Dear Lt. Commander Johnson

    The idiocy of your responses in yesterday's thread indicate that I have over-estimated your intelligence, for which I apologise.

    Let me explain my point in simpler terms so that someone of your limited intellect might understand.

    1. Yes, there are genomic differences between people who trace their ancestry predominantly from one part of the world, to people predominantly from another. That’s why (for instance) people from a predominantly European background tend to be melanin-challenged.

    2. But as Lewontin (Sp?) pointed out in the early ‘70’s, the difference in the genomes of people within a social group (i.e. the differences in the 0.1% of DNA that can be different) can differ by anything up to 8%. Whereas the differences across these differing groups is generally around 6%. (You can look up the exact figures if you like it’s a well known study - I can’t be arsed). So in other words the genetic differences within the group of people who we choose to call white, are often greater than those between the groups that we choose to call black and those we choose to call white.

    3. So categorizing or differentiating human beings into racial groups has no scientific meaning. Now we as a society tend to categorise people into what we call races (Black, White, Brown, Yellow etc.) because it’s a kind of convenient shorthand, there’s no scientific logic to it at all.

    4. Here’s the complicated bit Lt. These genomic differences between what we choose to call “races” are a tiny fraction of a tiny fraction, and they are only significant when those differences are allotted a social importance. That’s what we mean when we say race is a social construct.

    5. So because race has no scientific basis, that does not make “race” irrelevant, or racism impossible. Racism developed in the 14th and 15th centuries as a retroactive justification for the economic imperative of slavery. Up till that time slaves were basically people who had lost wars. Now a new justification was needed for slavery, and racism fitted the bill.

    6. In Greek and Roman times for instance, there was no systemic racism at all, because society had seen no need to find genomic differences socially relevant, so it had not yet attached any social relevance to genomic differences. You should read ‘Blacks in Antiquity’ by Prof. Frank M Snowden. Very good book on the subject.

  18. Anon@11:43, I suspect that u have been to Philly a time or two and u are trying to impress us with your knowledge.

    Major fail.

    City Line Avenue is the border of the city and Montco and in certain places is, in fact, considered the start of the Main Line.

    Lower Merlon, however, is in fact considered a part of the Main Line.

    Glad I could help.

    Bill, just because that's Jerry West on the NBA logo that doesn't give u the right to make it about your Lakers.

    That pic was from his days at West Virginia. ;)

  19. Anonymous11:18 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    2. But as Lewontin (Sp?) pointed out in the early ‘70’s, the difference in the genomes of people within a social group (i.e. the differences in the 0.1% of DNA that can be different) can differ by anything up to 8%. Whereas the differences across these differing groups is generally around 6%. (You can look up the exact figures if you like it’s a well known study - I can’t be arsed). So in other words the genetic differences within the group of people who we choose to call white, are often greater than those between the groups that we choose to call black and those we choose to call white.

    Lewontin has argued that the distribution of genetic variation in humans (more within-population variation than between-population variation) means that populations can’t really be very different. Except for skin color ( just a few alleles), height (Pygmies exist and really are short), brain volume, etc etc.

    The argument is crap: you need to look at allele frequencies weighted by their phenotypic effects. One funny allele like EDAR370a contributes an infinitesimal amount to interpopulation genetic variation, but it sure makes a difference. Mild differences in the frequency of a few hundred alleles can cause big differences in highly polygenic traits.

    If Lewontin's argument is valid, it should apply to any genetically determined trait. Thus the variation in skin color within a population should be larger than the skin color differences between populations – except that it’s not. The difference in skin color between Europeans and Pygmies is large, so large that there is no overlap at all. No European is as dark as the lightest Pygmy (discounting rare cases of albinism).

    So, is skin color an exception? Maybe Lewontin’s argument works on highly polygenic traits like height, that are influenced by many alleles of small effect. But no! Pygmies are notoriously short, while Bantus are about the same height as Europeans. We know that in a mixed population (part-Pygmy and part-Bantu) height goes up with the percentage of Bantu ancestry. So, there is a big, non-environmental difference in height (several standard deviations), even though height (itself highly heritable) is influenced by many genes of small effect.

    So Lewontin’s argument does not work. You can’t predict group differences in trait values from the distribution of genetic variation – except in the limiting case where all of the variation is within-group, which means that the two populations are genetically identical.

    Selection generates correlated genetic differences. Selection for increased height causes changes in the frequency of many alleles, in principle at all loci that influence height, although that is still a small subset of the genome. What matter is the difference in that subset: the overall distribution of genetic variation tells you nothing. Moreover, imagine that in the ancestral population, there were two alleles for each of those loci – a short allele with a frequency of 0.7 and a tall allele with a frequency of 0.3. Suppose that after selection for height, the frequency of each short allele was 0.3 and the frequency of the tall allele was 0.7. This could significantly increase height. In that subset of the genome, about 85% of the variation between those two population is within-group while 15% is between-group.

  20. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Lewontin started it, but responsibility is infinitely divisible, so that’s no excuse. Later practitioners are just as guilty.

    He tried to argue away the possibility of phenotypic differences between different human populations using the magic of genetic statistics. Looking at overall genetic variation in humans (why?) most is within-group, rather than between groups. That’s true of dog breeds, as well, which is why they’re all really the same, even though they may seem to vary wildly in size, appearance, lifespan, and behavior.

    Which is why Pygmies aren’t really short: they’re faking it.

    Height is highly polygenic, almost as much so as IQ. Pygmies are about six standard deviations shorter than Europeans or Bantus: what magic principle says that you couldn’t see comparably large differences in IQ? There is none. Although the evidence we suggests that average population IQ doesn’t vary quite that much – probably ranges over something like 3 std, from low to high.


  21. field negro said...
    Bill, just because that's Jerry West on the NBA logo that doesn't give u the right to make it about your Lakers.

    Props for knowing who Logo is.

    That pic was from his days at West Virginia. ;)

    Does Alan Siegel agree with you or me?

    Laker haters gotta hate. :)

    Are the Lakers going to become another obsession of yours like foxnews. :)


  22. Jeb Bush smoked pot in school?

    Waiting to see how dumbocrats react since their guy was the leader of the choom gang.

    I am expecting a plethora of hypocrisy and double standards.

  23. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Hitler was a socialist said...
    The Purple Cow said...
    It's the Left that teaches there is no such thing as race. Race is a social construct. Only the Right believes that skin colour classifies human beings.

    In case you haven't noticed, all leftist thought today is centered on identity politics, foremost being race. Just like the Nazis.

    Race based affirmative action and racial quotas are policies of the Left.

    How can one enforce race-based affirmative action and racial quotas if one believes there is no such thing as race?

    Beyond that, if race does not exist, how can anyone be racist? How would a poor racist figure out who he needs to discriminate against?

    Talk about denying reality, and supporting one's position with idiocy. You know you are talking shit but you just don't care, because Leftism is based on the denial of reality.

    It sure is.

    Thanks for proving once again that Purple Cow is full of shit, and that Hitler was a socialist.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Dear Anonymous 11:18 and 11:25,

    Are you actually G. Cochran? Or did you simply steal his written words without permission or attribution?

    Do you even understand the arguments you have made?

    I'm pretty sure you do not, because if you did, you would see that the arguments Cochrane made about Lewontin's research do not contradict the points I have made.

  26. Quote Anonymous 11:54

    "It sure is.

    Thanks for proving once again that Purple Cow is full of shit, and that Hitler was a socialist."

    You still pushing Johnson's line after I had already demolished his arguments?

    Wow! How dumb are you?

  27. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I am Greg Cochran, yes.

    You cited Lewontin's fallacious argument that,in your words, "the genetic differences within the group of people who we choose to call white, are often greater than those between the groups that we choose to call black and those we choose to call white."

    This is wrong, as I have shown above.

  28. Went to Saint Joe's; Lower Merion subtle racism is quite a thing to behold.

  29. Law came around in 1964, eh. What a coinkydink, just when certain people started feeling uppity about thinking they should be able to live in all sorts of neighborhoods and not be redlined.

  30. Anonymous12:23 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous 11:54

    "It sure is.

    Thanks for proving once again that Purple Cow is full of shit, and that Hitler was a socialist."

    You still pushing Johnson's line after I had already demolished his arguments?

    Wow! How dumb are you?

    There is such a thing as "race". It has a real physical basis that can be proven by genetic analysis as well as by direct observation.

    Purple Cow is full of shit, and that Hitler was a socialist.

  31. So Greg,

    As an aside, do you still believe homosexuality is caused by a pathogen or brain damage?

  32. "There is such a thing as "race". It has a real physical basis that can be proven by genetic analysis as well as by direct observation."

    Go ahead, prove it.

    I'll wait...

  33. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Lt. Commander Johnson proved it on the last thread. One's race can be determined from a DNA sample.

    On top of that, I can look at a person and determine with near 100% accuracy whether his or her ancestry belongs in the African, Caucasian, or East Asian racial classification, or some mixture thereof.

    I am not alone in this ability, with is shared by nearly every other person on the planet.

    If race is not real, then how is this possible?

  34. "If race is not real, then how is this possible?"

    I already answered that question. The differences between black and white people are only called RACE, because you choose to call them that. Scientifically the concept is nonsense.


    When is our new racist and homophobic buddy Greg coming back?

    I've got some questions for him.

  35. Not. "Laker hater" Bill.

    In fact, i am going to reveal something about myself to you.

    I spent a lot of time with Magic Johnson's family as a kid. Pops was a d octorial student at Michigan State Univ in the late sixties (early seventies) and he actually started a little SAD church. The Johnson family (a very large one) all except Pops Johnson were some of his first members.

    My daddy baptized EJ's mama and a bunch of his sisters.:)

    Small world, huh?

    Chris, u seem like cool people.I am sure u are putting that degree u got on "Hawk Hill" to good use.

  36. That should be SDA and not SAD church..

  37. Anonymous1:16 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "If race is not real, then how is this possible?"

    I already answered that question. The differences between black and white people are only called RACE, because you choose to call them that. Scientifically the concept is nonsense.

    So, it's the definition of the word "race" that is at issue? If you divorce the meaning from the word, I guess the word is meaningless.

    What shall call these differences between black and white people then?

    Science is based on observation. How can something that can be observed not exist? Because we can all see these differences.

    Your position makes absolutely no sense.

    Especially since an analysis of a person's DNA can conclusively determine their race.

    Denying the existence of an observable classification is ideology, not science. Leftism is at war with reality.

  38. "If race is not real, then how is this possible?"

    You're not listening to a word I say, are you?

    Race has no basis in science, the genomic differences between us are only of issue because people like you choose to make them an issue.

  39. Could care less if Jeb smoked the good collie.
    In fact, I might consider giving him my vote because of it.

  40. Anonymous1:50 PM

    "the genomic differences between us are only of issue because people like you choose to make them an issue."

    The "issue" here is that you, and other ideologues, deny that these genomic differences exist.

    But they do exist, and this is scientifically provable.

    So your position is demonstrably false, as "race" (or whatever you want to call it) absolutely does have a basis in science.

    Whether or not these differences have any importance is a separate issue. But your denial of the reality of race as an observable classification reveals a deep intellectual dishonesty.


  41. field negro said...

    Not. "Laker hater" Bill.

    Not even you could go there.

    My daddy baptized EJ's mama and a bunch of his sisters.:)

    So you're an old guy.
    I assumed you were around Magic's age, thus your parents aroud EJ's parents age. Yet your dad baptized Magic's mom.

    SAD church

    Too many letters close to LDS church for me.


  42. field negro said...
    Could care less if Jeb smoked the good collie.
    In fact, I might consider giving him my vote because of it.

    Your party is already going after the stoner.

    Jeb Bush's Former Classmates Say He Was A Hash-Smoking Bully
    Former classmate Peter Tibbetts told the Globe that he smoked marijuana for the first time with Bush and other classmates

    I don't remember the media getting quotes from high school classmates about Obama being a stoner.
    For some reason, is it now important to TPM about the pot habits of politicians in high school.


  43. Without double standards, would there be a dumbocrat party?

    How big is Mitt Romney’s California house? Here, compare it to yours.
    The Boston Globe explored Romney's post-2012 real estate boom earlier this week, including a look at that house, all 11,206 square feet of it in La Jolla, Calif. It's a beautiful property, in a beautiful location, that we would not begrudge anyone for owning -- although if that owner then started railing against income inequality, we might then raise one eyebrow, just a bit.

    Good thing the owner of the washington post isn't held to the same standard.

    this house is 29,000 square feet spread over two buildings with 200 yards of shoreline.

    And one of his other houses...

    12,000-square-foot Beverly Hills estate on more than 2 acres.

    Anytime rich white dumbocrats complain about the houses of rich white rethugs, poor dumbocrat voters are being played for fools.

  44. Bill, u do realize, thar unlike Catholics, Seventh Day Adventists baptize adults, right? I think pops and EJ's mom are around the same age.

    This is your problem Bill, u are always assuming the wrong things. It to draw inaccurate conclusions.

  45. Bill, a "stoner" I can get with, a bully, not so much.

  46. Anonymous4:58 PM

    No more Bushes

    No more Clintons.

  47. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Good Brotha Field,
    Just another example of white people loosing their minds. Again, anyone from the midwest to the upper northeast KNOWS that people solicit snow removal all the time. Hell, I did it for extra money myself growing up in Ohio!.. Now living here in DC, can't find any kid that wants to make a extra buck!!..maybe a few but not like when i grew up!!

    Also, here is a link to a older brother just walking down the street and a cop arresting him. I'm sure the Boot lickers that come to this site will try to explain it away!!

    Now a old brotha can't even walk down the street!!



  48. field negro said...
    Bill, u do realize, thar unlike Catholics, Seventh Day Adventists baptize adults, right?

    No clue.

    I never got into religion.

    Except to make money playing for religious buildings and functions.

    Does that make me a hypocrite?

  49. King of the Choom Gang5:33 PM

    field negro said...
    Bill, a "stoner" I can get with, a bully, not so much.

    Tibbetts told the Globe that he had helped Bush sew pajama pants belonging to a smaller boy shut so that the boy could not wear them.

    What a monster.


  50. field negro said...
    Bill, a "stoner" I can get with, a bully, not so much.

    What is a bully?

    This is what Talking Points Memo was talking about...

    Their target was a short classmate whom they taunted, and then sewed his pajama bottoms so that they were impossible to put on.
    “He sort of lifted me up in the air and I think was going to squash a grapefruit in my face,”

    At a time when kids are killing each other in the street sewing pajamas together seems rather lame.

    Washington Post has got a job to do, trash rethugs so it's called bullying.

    If sewing pajamas is the act of a bully, I was a thug in school.

  51. @Bill: Do you read any comments other than your own?


  52. No, Bill only reads the comments if he sees the name Obama in there.

  53. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Dear brother Field, I know this might irritate you but I find it very necessary to let you know that there is a great weekly segment on the Factor which is taking the country by storm. This includes Black folks.

    The segment is called "Watter's World."

    Have you seen it yet? It's really great and it tests intelligence of our younger generation. I urge you and other FN fans to watch it.

    Here's a sample of it, I guarantee you will enjoy it:


  54. field negro said...
    No, Bill only reads the comments if he sees the name Obama in there.

    Actually I don't read or respond to anonymous and the like.

    If someone lacks the skill to pick a name and stick to it, I lack the tolerance for their adolescent troll games.

    I enjoy the insights from StillAPanther even if he doesn't mention politics.

  55. Anon@7:38, why are you doing this to me?

    I am trying to be a nicer person.

    Please, no more FOX VIEWS links.

  56. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Dear brother Field, I really love you and want to share some light-hearted funny stuff with you. But it seems you have a deep prejudice against O'Reilly and Watters. That's a shame because you are missing out on some funny stuff.

    Nevertheless, I will not share any more links on FN that is connected to the Factor.

  57. I appreciate it. You are a good man.

  58. I grew up there and went to LMHS. Shoveled snow late 50's-early 60's; never had any problems. Once a cop chased us when we pelted his car with snowballs. We bolted through a backyard.

    There were about 100 colored kids at Lower Merion. I don't remember any racial disharmony. A much better world then!

  59. Dred Scott9:03 PM

    "100' colored' kids??"

    Hey Archie Bunker! The year 1951 called, we found your brain right here; just where you left it!

  60. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Kids of color.

    Happy, moron?

  61. @Dred
    That was what my friends called themselves. Certainly not as offensive as the NAA"C"P and the rest of the BGI.
