Friday, March 06, 2015


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  1. StillaPanther211:12 PM

    Rest well Brother Field. Fist up!

  2. Anonymous11:48 PM

    WTF? What the hell is this suppose to mean?

    Field, you had a day off earlier this week already! What's the matter with you?

    Did your mistress ditch you for Bill? damn, that must really hurt. In that case, take another day off.

  3. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Well, it'll be interesting to see if Josh has anything wise and brilliant to say about this post. He probably can't relate to the post.

  4. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Lilac, I will keep you in my dreams tonight.


  5. The Black Justice Department investigations are over, and even Eric "My People" Holder has admitted there was no wrongdoing in the (justified) killings of Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown, but the beat goes on.


  6. Yep, nothing wrong at all with shooting unarmed blah folks. The beat goes on.

  7. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Ah yes! Dreams... that's where I'm going dreamyville...couldn't sleep last night cos of asthma meds.

    So tired...ZZZZZZzzzzzzzz goodnight.

  8. PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Yep, nothing wrong at all with shooting unarmed blah folks. The beat goes on.

    You are correct: The is nothing wrong with killing an unarmed person who is trying to kill you by bashing your head into the concrete or attacking you and trying to take your firearm.

    Eric Holder agrees.


  9. Yep, blah lives have never mattered. You always have to shoot them, they have superhuman strength and even skinny teenagers can get the jump on people 50lbs heavier. Even when you stalk them after having been told to leave him alone. Yep. Even from 100 feet away they can charge like rhinos. You just have to shoot them.

  10. Eric Holder knows how hard it is in amerikkka to get charges against someone who kills a blah. That should tell us something, even a down brotha can't do it.

  11. Whiny White Boys2:15 AM


  12. PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Eric Holder knows how hard it is in amerikkka to get charges against someone who kills a blah. That should tell us something, even a down brotha can't do it.

    Thank God is still difficult to convict an innocent person. Even a down brotha can't do it.

  13. PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Yep, blah lives have never mattered. You always have to shoot them, they have superhuman strength and even skinny teenagers can get the jump on people 50lbs heavier.

    George Zimmerman was 5'8", 170 lbs.

    Trayvon Martin was 6'0", 160 lbs.

    You can't even get basic facts right, because you are married to the inital false narrative.

    I'll bet you believe the Gentle Giant had his hands up and was saying "Don't shoot" when he got his brains blown out.

    At least the juries were capable of understanding the evidence and putting aside the lies.

    But there you are, an unreformed dumbass, keepin' hope alive.


  14. Josh molests little boys3:27 AM

    White people=tiny penises, tiny brains

    1. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Still better than being black. Anything is better than being black. I'd rather be part of a tribe discovered in the Amazon after centuries of isolation than have to be black.

  15. Josh molests little boys10:25 AM

    Where's that mick Josh? Or is it too early for pattie?

  16. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I see you have posted an homage to Kasimir Malevich's painting, "Black Square." Who knew you were such a fan of geometric abstract art, Field?

  17. I know y'all won't be surprised by this.

    Holder frames Ferguson PD for racism using bogus 'disparate impact' stats:

    Outrageously, the nation's top prosecutor failed to control for factors that explain the racial "disparity" in traffic stops, such as speeding, DUI, expired license plates, headlight, seat-belt and child-restraint violations and other reasons for being pulled over.

    Holder's own department statistics show that African Americans, on average, violate speeding and other traffic laws at much greater rates than whites.

    The Justice Department's research arm, the National Institute of Justice, explains that differences in traffic stops can simply be attributed to "differences in offending."

    For another example, "Seat-belt usage is chronically lower among blacks," the NIJ says in a 2013 study. "If a law enforcement agency aggressively enforces violations, police will stop more black drivers.

    Because blacks commit more crimes, blacks get arrested more. This is rayciss in BRA.

    African Americans are overrepresented in FPD's vehicular stops" and victims of "racial bias," Holder concludes in his report.

    He notes that blacks accounted for 85% of vehicle stops, "despite comprising only 67% of Ferguson's population," while whites made up 15% of stops, despite representing 29% of the population.

    But it is not the percentage of the total population that matters, it's the percentage of the population of violators that matters. For one thing, the median age of a white person in Ferguson is 48. The median age for blacks is 28. Do people in their 40's have different driving habits than people in their 20's?

    Eric Holder is not dumb enough to believe the statistics indicate the Ferguson PD is racist, but he is counting on the fact that you are. I'm sure you won't let him down.

  18. I've committed a significant portion of my professional and academic career over the past 10 or so years to health disparities, especially in cancer incidence and mortality. But when I think on how screwed up the (in)justice system is, I wonder how much of an overall difference is my work going to make.




  19. Get Real12:07 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    "I wonder how much of an overall difference is my work going to make."

    I don't.

    If you can't even understand basic statistics, you are not going to cure cancer.


  20. McJosh12:08 PM

    What's worse? Fat white women, or skinny white women?


  21. Yīshēng said...
    I wonder how much of an overall difference is my work going to make.

    Just because the government system is rigged doesn't mean you won't be helping people on a personal level to improve the quality of their lives.

  22. Bill is a fucking idiot1:04 PM

    Who the fuck could Yisheng possibly help on a personal level?

  23. George Zimmermann was 170 lbs????????

    Maybe on the moon.

  24. Anonymous Bill said...
    Just because the government system is rigged doesn't mean you won't be helping people on a personal level to improve the quality of their lives.

    Saving people from one type of miserable death so that can live to experience another?

    On the anniversary of Selma, I'm struggling with this one. :(

  25. PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    George Zimmermann was 170 lbs????????

    Maybe on the moon.

    Ahhh PX, thank's for that one, ROTFL!!!!!


    "Because blacks commit more crimes, blacks get arrested more. This is rayciss in BRA."

    Nope, completely wrong. 2011 FBI statistics show whites were arrested for 6.5 million crimes 70% while blah people were arrested for 2.6 million crimes 25%. That's a lot of crime by whites and on what planet is 6.5 million more than 2.6 million? Just an inaccurate fact and an excuse to racially profile blah people. The director of the FBI spoke to this a few weeks ago.

  27. Anonymous1:32 PM

    "Holder frames Ferguson PD for racism using bogus 'disparate impact' stats"


    It can be tricky sometimes to interpret statistics, but when a town is deriving 20% of its operating revenues from handing out traffic fines, and such a high percentage of those being fined are black, it's pretty damn obvious the town government, not just the police force, is rotten. (Maybe if the black residents of Ferguson bothered to vote, they'd end up with a government that respected them at least a little.)

    Btw, this isn't the first municipal government to be run in this shady manner. This scam is often run in a way that isn't racist but is still wrong.

    Small rural towns along highways often attempt to fund themselves by shaking down motorists in speed traps that bust people for going 1 mile over the limit or even falsely claim people were speeding when they weren't. The towns' politicians and police rely on the fact that the people receiving tickets are mostly long-distance travelers who won't feel it's worth it to drive all the way back to some county in the boondocks to fight the phony charges in court.

    Little towns can sometimes be subject to more corruption than the big cities, simply because there is less attention paid to what they are up to. Take Bell, California, for example. The mayor of this town (with a population around 35,000) paid himself an annual salary of $1.5 million, and the rest of the top government figures were similarly grossly overcompensated. They were bleeding the town's residents blind.

  28. "It can be tricky sometimes to interpret statistics, but when a town is deriving 20% of its operating revenues from handing out traffic fines, and such a high percentage of those being fined are black,"

    It's not tricky, it's math. Very simple math. Math that an 8 year old should easily understand.

    If 85% of traffic violators in an area are part of one group, and 85% of stops involve that group, there is no group bias.

  29. PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    George Zimmermann was 170 lbs????????

    Maybe on the moon

    Or in Orlando:

    But don't let facts get in your way.

  30. Anonymous2:05 PM

    "If 85% of traffic violators in an area are part of one group, and 85% of stops involve that group, there is no group bias."

    Your quotation provides no actual evidence that black drivers commit vastly more traffic offenses than anyone else. It's just sneering insinuation.

    Disparities in black crime versus white crime relate mostly to street crime and economics. The percentage of black people below the poverty line is 4 times greater than for whites. Correspondingly, blacks commit street crime (robberies and drug dealing, etc) at a higher rate because poverty is the main motive for street crime.

    But there is no reason to believe that blacks are substantially worse drivers than any other ethnic group. This is garbage.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Yīshēng said...

    PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...That's a lot of crime by whites and on what planet is 6.5 million more than 2.6 million? Just an inaccurate fact and an excuse to racially profile blah people. The director of the FBI spoke to this a few weeks ago.

    What a friendly reminder that racism just isn't a mental health issue, it's equivalent to having a moral cancer, pun intended.

  33. I guess an opinion article from a biased conservative site counts as "facts" for conservatives but did you even read the article you linked to? Of course not, that would entail actual thought. The only "fact" was this little gem

    "The police surveillance video, recently shown on ABC National News shows a fairly slender George Zimmerman the night of the attack. A close friend of Zimmerman, Joe Oliver, says Zimmerman is 5'8" and currently only weighs 170 pounds."

    Ha! His friend says Zimmermann is 170 lbs. Really? This counts as a fact? the dude's friend estimates he weighs 170 lbs? No wonder conservatives fall for so much stupid, they have no clue as to what constitutes a fact. Nice try though, nice to see your browser works.

  34. PilotX: Misunderstanding statistics since the 70's said...

    "Because blacks commit more crimes, blacks get arrested more. This is rayciss in BRA."

    Nope, completely wrong. 2011 FBI statistics show whites were arrested for 6.5 million crimes 70% while blah people were arrested for 2.6 million crimes 25%

    There are six times as many white people as black people in America.

    Your statistics say that blacks committed 2.6 million crimes in 2011.

    If the crime rates were exactly equal, there would have to be 6 times 2.6 million arrests, or 15.6 million crimes committed by whites.

    But 15.6 million is 2.4 times higher than the 6.5 million crimes you quoted.

    Therefore, blacks commit crimes at a rate 2.4 times higher than do whites, and should be being arrested at 2.4 times the rate that whites are.

    If blacks are more than twice as likely to commit crimes, they should be being arrested at more than twice the rate of whites. That is called justice.

    If you, like Yisheng, can't understand this, you should not be allowed to vote.

  35. " is a multiuser blogging site that presents itself as a news site. Don't be fooled. pays its writers based (among other things) on pageviews.[1] As a result, a lot of Examiner material tends to be sensationalistic to attract attention — positive or negative doesn't matter, it's all clicks. Headlines such as "U.S. to bomb moon on UFO witness John Lennon's birthday"[2] and "Official disclosure of extraterrestrial life is imminent"[3] are par for the course. You will see enthusiastic Examiner bloggers linkspamming furiously on other sites (to the point of being in Wikipedia's spam blacklist[4] since 2009[5]), often touting their work as "media coverage" (and themselves as "journalists" or "the press"[6]) rather than just a blog post they themselves wrote. Not that it pays very well — Writers Weekly considers it "just another pay-per-click meat market,"[7][8] exploiting writers to attract people to their site by paying them pennies.
    Cranks and those with really bad critical thinking skills will link Examiner articles as if they're edited journalism rather than just some guy blogging. If you use an Examiner page as a reference for anything whatsoever, treat it with great caution. Not all Examiners are rubbish, but it's the way to bet.
    The domain name used to be owned by the San Francisco Examiner, a proper (if free and local) newspaper, which now uses It's not clear what they were thinking when giving it up.
    The Examiner runs print tabloid editions in several major cities, including Washington, D.C. Virtually all are freely distributed at mass transit stops and tend to run a local news or sports story as the main headline in an attempt to lure readers. The unlucky readers are bombarded with wingnut news articles and an editorial section which runs the full spectrum from moderate-right to far-right.
    The site is owned by conservative mega-donor Phillip Anschutz."

  36. Nope, the statement was "Because blacks commit more crimes, blacks get arrested more. This is rayciss in BRA."

    The statement wasn't blah commit crimes at a higher rate. You should read more carefully but anyone who uses the as a "fact" based source isn't too precise are they?


  38. "Your quotation provides no actual evidence that black drivers commit vastly more traffic offenses than anyone else. It's just sneering insinuation."

    Actually, Eric Holder's Justice Department concluded that blacks actually do commit traffic offenses at a much higher rate than whites.

    "The Justice Department's research arm, the National Institute of Justice, explains that differences in traffic stops can simply be attributed to "differences in offending."

  39. "Cranks and those with really bad critical thinking skills will link Examiner articles as if they're edited journalism rather than just some guy blogging. If you use an Examiner page as a reference for anything whatsoever, treat it with great caution. Not all Examiners are rubbish, but it's the way to bet."

    So which one are you Black Lies Matter? Are you a crank or do you just lack critical thinking skills? My bet is a bit of both but let's continue.
    Maybe you should change your name to White Lies Matter.

  40. PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Nope, the statement was "Because blacks commit more crimes, blacks get arrested more. This is rayciss in BRA."

    The statement wasn't blah commit crimes at a higher rate.

    Are you really making such a infantile argument?

    Are you six years old?

    What an absolute buffoon you are.

  41. "What an absolute buffoon you are."

    Says the person who links to a page as fact that contains no facts. Sure, but if you read the original statement it was "blah commit more crimes" which is false and can be proven by a real link to real facts.

  42. No one from the GOP leadership in Selma. What do you expect from a party whose leadership attends David Duke rallies. Interesting.

  43. Holy shit, Fox is covering Barack's speech from Selma. Better not cut to e-mail gate halfway through. Ha!

  44. Speak that Mr. President, SPEAK!!!!!!

  45. Nice to see 50 years after that injustice a blah man is in the WH. I bet the people back then would flip out if they knew that.

  46. Alveda King is going on a rant about Planned Parenthood. Fox is a joke. SMDH.

  47. LOL, Pilot.... The perfect pairing Alveda King and Ben Carson...

  48. "Does anybody know what happened to BIB and Lilac and FP?"

    i am not really interested in chasing racism at this point.

    what i have been watching/clocking is the fact that even ardent racism chasers won't touch the breach of protocol and flagrant disrespect that finds nuclear weapon having folk over here in the US fanning the flames of war.

    now IF the potus was a WM...

    do folk REALLY think things would have gone down like THAT?

    so no...

    racism chasing from a nice, under control, safe place = not on my list of things to do lately.

    it is useless, been done + dumb.

    the issue is a spiritual one. until Blessed Blacks get hip to THAT...

    Blessings all!

  49. Yīshēng said...
    "Saving people from one type of miserable death so that can live to experience another?"

    Yīshēng is right, I would rather die of cancer than live in a world where I can't attack a policeman without getting shot.

    Please hold your brilliance back until America is the kind of place a young black man can bash a man's head in on the concrete without fear of repercussions.

  50. The typical racist troll logic on full display. George Zimmermann was told not to follow Trayvon, er I mean stalk him but hey a blah kid should not have the right to defend himself from a self appointed neighborhood watchman with a gun. Hopefully you'd be smart enough to let the cops do their jobs and not follow teenagers in your free time.

  51. Limpbaugh7:39 PM

    Temar Boggs should be a field negro of the day.

  52. Then again this isn't about the specifics of Trayvon or Mike it's the constant approval of the killing of blah people no matter the circumstances. Racists will always find a reason to justify killing one of us. If we had the internet in the 50's and 60's racist white trolls would be justifying killing the little girls in Birmingham and the shootings of civil rights workers. It's always been that way and these folks want to keep it that way, they really don't believe blah lives matter. Never have.

  53. Typical Racist Troll8:59 PM

    PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    The typical racist troll logic on full display. George Zimmermann was told not to follow Trayvon, er I mean stalk him but hey a blah kid should not have the right to defend himself from a self appointed neighborhood watchman with a gun

    So, a blah person should have the right to physically attack someone if they feel that person is watching them?

    Does that right extend all the way to killing that person?

    Zimmerman was watching Trayvon, because he was a Neighborhood Watch guy. He never initiated any contact with Trayvon. He was heading back to his car when Trayvon jumped him. If Zimmerman weren't armed, he would have died that night, or at least have been seriously injured. Trayvon told Zimmerman he was going to kill him.

    You think black people should have the right to beat someone to death just because they don't like how they are looking at them.

    Blacks will always find a reason to justify killing a white person, even if he is just a "White Hispanic".


  54. "Zimmerman was watching Trayvon, because he was a Neighborhood Watch guy."

    No he wasn't. Did you get this fact from the examiner too? He was told to leave the kid alone. What would you tell your teenaged kid to do if some strange man with a gun was stalking him?

  55. "The police department official who worked with George Zimmerman on establishing a neighborhood watch program at a gated community in Sanford, Fla., testified Tuesday that members of such groups were not supposed to follow suspicious people and were told to stand aside and allow the police to do their jobs."

    Had Killermann followed instructions no one would have been injured or killed that day.

  56. "When 28-year-old George Zimmerman was discovered by Sanford, Florida police standing over the body of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, they accepted Zimmerman’s claim that he killed in self-defense as a neighborhood watch captain. Now, through a statement released by the National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA) — the parent organization of USAonWatch-Neighborhood Watch — it has been revealed that Zimmerman was not a member of any group recognized by the organization. Zimmerman violated the central tenets of Neighborhood Watch by following Martin, confronting him and carrying a concealed weapon."

  57. Typical Racist Troll11:13 PM

    PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    "Zimmerman was watching Trayvon, because he was a Neighborhood Watch guy."

    No he wasn't. Did you get this fact from the examiner too? He was told to leave the kid alone. What would you tell your teenaged kid to do if some strange man with a gun was stalking him?

    Yes, he was.

    He was not "stalking" Trayvon, and Trayvon obviously never suspected Zimmerman had a gun.

    I certainly would never tell my son that if suspected someone was following him, to sneak up on him, jump him, and attempt to kill him by smashing his head against the pavement.

    Trayvon could have walked straight back to his father's girlfriend's house, gone inside, and no one ever would have heard this story.

    But you would have advised him to attack first and ask questions later. I guess his parents taught him the same thing. Good plan. See how it worked out?


  58. "Yes, he was."

    All the facts say he wasn't. I know facts aren't your strong suit but reality is what it is. Killermann was told to leave the situation alone, period. He was stalking a kid and he had a gun. I guess blah kids don't have a right to confront people who are stalking them with guns.

  59. You still didn't answer my question BLM, are you a crank or simply lack intelligence? I mean it is a fair question since you use the as a basis for your "facts".
    Also another question, did you even read the link you provided?
