Saturday, March 07, 2015



I need a caption for this pic.

Example: This damn candy crush is harder than running the state department.


  1. Wesley R10:13 PM

    A sister her age looks 20 years younger.

  2. "Here's the picture I took in the lobby. I told you it was Teddy Roosevelt in Jackie O's glasses!"

  3. Delete, delete, delete, forward to Bill, delete.....

  4. Anonymous10:20 PM

    who is the guy Josh? and why is he trying to put the make on me?

    check this fool out.

  5. Fun fact of the day. On this date in 1942 the first class of five candidates graduated from pilot Army Air Corps at Tuskegee Institute. Capt. Benjamin O. Davis Jr. was part of this class.

    1. Extraordinary group of men. I've been privileged to meet a few.

  6. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Dear Mr Field, this caption is not appropriate. Bill O'Reilly would work better or even Bush.

    I really don't think you should be messing with Hillary. She will have enough of a hard time running for her party, esp if Elizabeth Warren shows up.

  7. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Wesley R said...
    A sister her age looks 20 years younger.

    10:13 PM
    A sister Hillary's age would be twice the size of Hillary. But you are right...the sister would look younger but fat and uglier.

    I can't get over the huge size of sisters walking around. They are twice the size of any ww or Latino woman. It makes you wonder how they manage to walk and get around. Yet they seem to get around.

    Wesley, my dear brother thanks for reminding us about most of our sisters.

    BTW, are you one of those brothers married to a ww like PC?

    Please tell me you are NOT married to Yisheng. Are you?

  8. SuckItTedCruz10:47 PM

    Hillary (creating an email in her personal email account):


    Subject: my evil plan

    Message: BenghaziBenghaziBenghaziBenghaziBenghaziBenghaziBenghaziBenghaziBenghaziBenghaziBenghaziBenghaziBenghaziBenghaziBenghaziBenghaziBenghazi

    Haha, just kidding, Republican asshats!!


  9. "Yup, Trolling Republicans"

  10. Wesley R said...
    A sister her age looks 20 years younger.

    And you know this!!!!

    Hey PX!!!

  11. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Hilary: That's right bitches I'm starting a new trend,wearing sunglasses inside the house!

  12. Anonymous1:05 AM

    Blogger Yīshēng said...
    Wesley R said...
    A sister her age looks 20 years younger.

    But, butt, butt the sister's ass is twice the size, her boobs hang down to her stomach, her huge body stands on stilts, and she pierces every one's ears with her loud talking.

    But you are right: she looks 20 years younger, as if that matters to anyone.

  13. Anonymous1:39 AM

    "But, butt, butt the sister's ass is twice the size, her boobs hang down to her stomach, her huge body stands on stilts, and she pierces every one's ears with her loud talking."

    That sounds like a white woman from Texas.

  14. Anonymous3:04 AM

    ww's body doesn't stand on stilts and she doesn't have a lard ass. And she doesn't talk loud wherever she goes, esp on public transportation or McDonald's.

  15. Hillary: Aahh...those were the glory days.

  16. HRC..... "Hmm... Think it even takes a village to operate these gadgets..."

  17. Limpbaugh7:20 AM

    "Good thing this one isn't on the State Department server".

  18. Laughing@pilot@10:19 PM.

    Limpbaugh & Faith_and_Fairness above as well.


  19. "This is a cool youtube video. Let's blame this one for benghazi."


  20. "I know Obama is going to lie about receiving these emails. Good thing I'm hiding them on my private server."

    President Obama said Saturday that he had learned only last week that Hillary Rodham Clinton used a private email system for her official correspondence while she was secretary of state.

    How batshit crazy to believe Obama didn't know the email address of the secretary of state.

    Hey Field, do you know the email addresses of your co-workers they use at work?

    Lucky for Obama, dumbocrats will believe Obama didn't know.


  21. "Sorry Obama, I have reservations at the CapitalGrill at 1:30, can't make your walk on the bridge. Cover for me so foxnews won't report on it."


  22. "Click.


  23. "Siri - I agree B comma it's more important to defend our name to those that contribute to our foundation than any silly old civil rights march period"

    Former President Bill Clinton defended his foundation's acceptance of donations from foreign governments on Saturday, pointing to the track record of his global philanthropy as Hillary Rodham Clinton nears an announcement on a 2016 presidential campaign.


  24. "Watched"

  25. Beale2:27 PM

    Anti-racism is anti-science, anti-history, and anti-freedom. It is pernicious and evil. Racism is neither a sin nor is it a societal evil. Race-based self-segregation is not only the observably preferred human norm for all races throughout the entirety of recorded human history, it is inevitable. You cannot support freedom and anti-racism at the same time. It is not logically possible. You cannot support freedom of speech and thought control. You cannot support diversity and freedom of association.

    It is true that racism has inspired various crimes throughout history, as has greed, ambition, lust, and a variety of other concepts. But it is the crimes that matter, and it is the crimes that should be prevented, not whatever the intellectual motivation for them might be. Consider how ridiculous most people would believe the idea of passing a law against thinking or expressing lustful thoughts to be. That is precisely how stupid and totalitarian it is to try to ban racism.

  26. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Beale, It shouldn't be fomented either.

  27. "This Obamacare is popular and working, now how do we change the name back to Hillarycare"?

  28. Anonymous2:56 PM

    "ww's body doesn't stand on stilts and she doesn't have a lard ass. And she doesn't talk loud wherever she goes, esp on public transportation or McDonald's."

    Bullshit, every white broad south of the mason dixon looks and sounds like Mamma June.

  29. Porter3:36 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Beale, It shouldn't be fomented either.

    Isn't that what Sharpton, Holder and Obama do? Anti-racist crusaders need to keep racism alive in order to stay in business.

    But, alas, white racism is becoming harder to harder to find, to the point where the spotting of a potential supply sends the anti-racists scurrying to get a piece of the action.

    Everyone wants some of their own. But we have entered the age of peak racism. Following its discovery about 80 years ago, it has become an increasingly rare and valuable commodity. Since this time, peoples of all shapes and colors have scrambled into western countries (where the element is found exclusively) in hopes of obtaining an enriching sample for themselves. Though the supply has dried up, they still come by the millions.

    Even the full resources of the Federal government working the recently discovered Ferguson Mine for a year could only come up with a thimbleful. It is now a legacy resource, with quantities insufficient to power the modern Economy.

    Racism, racism everywhere…but not a thought to think.

  30. Oh no, Anthony Weiner sexting ME??

  31. Elijah Cummings is going to jail:

    Last April House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) released a report implicating Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) in colluding with the IRS and Lois Lerner against the nonpartisan voters rights group “True the Vote.”

    Catherine Engelbrecht, the founder of “True the Vote,” testified before Congress in February.

    She was targeted by FBI, IRS, ATF, and OSHA after she filed for tax exempt status for her voters rights group. …

    This week the House Oversight Committee released more emails that prove the IRS was feeding Rep. Cummings with confidential tax information on the voter fraud prevention group True the Vote.

  32. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Gottdamn Monica again!!!

  33. Holy god, still with the IRS stuff? I guess the gop is still looking for scandals that don't exist.

  34. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "ww's body doesn't stand on stilts and she doesn't have a lard ass. And she doesn't talk loud wherever she goes, esp on public transportation or McDonald's."

    Bullshit, every white broad south of the mason dixon looks and sounds like Mamma June.

    2:56 PM
    TNB. Unable to look at themselves truthfully. You will never make it.

  35. Um yeah, ok. Rep. Cummings will be going to jail for a manufactured "scandal". Keep hope alive. Thatll be on the same day as Barack's impeachment.

  36. "Oh no, Anthony Weiner sexting ME??"

    Now see.....

  37. Anonymous7:15 PM

    "TNB. Unable to look at themselves truthfully. You will never make it."

    TCB. So delusional that you think all white women look like Kate Upton huh? You are either blind, insane or both. get out of your mother's basement every once in a while.

  38. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Um yeah, ok. Rep. Cummings will be going to jail for a manufactured "scandal"

    Yeah, the one he "manufactured".

    You find a good tree, and I'll get the rope.

  39. Ha! Good one, white justice. Just find a negro and we'll just make up some shit he's guilty of. Keep swinging and missing.
