Friday, March 20, 2015

"The state of black America."

Image result for black lives  imagesMore knowledge from the Field Negro education series:

"Last year was a year of great tumult in America. Income, education and equality gaps have remained steady. The voting rights of many Americans were eroded or greatly limited. And the killings of unarmed black men by police and later the lack of indictments in those killings sparked massive unrest, illuminating the trust gap between many communities of color and law enforcement.
Even as 2014 marked a year of momentous job growth, many have not seen their job and income prospects buoyed by the upsurge.

“The dark cloud inside this silver lining is that too many people are still being left behind,” Marc Morial, head of the National Urban League, wrote in the organization’s 2015 State of Black America Report, the annual indexing of black and Latino equity in America.

I’d like to be here reporting to each and every one of you that equality is flourishing. I’d like to be here reporting that equal opportunity is abundant and flowing. I’d like to be able to say that racism is dead and gone forever and ever from American life,” Morial said during an event in Washington. “But the reality is that we cannot. And the reality is we have this obligation. This duty, this essential role to report the facts and the truth and how it is today even if those fact and that truth are extremely painful.”

The report, the “State of Black America – Save our Cities: Education, Jobs + Justice” was released on Thursday morning during the event. This year’s report, The National Urban League’s 39th, is available in an all-digital format featuring reports, graphs and articles.

The facts as stated in the report are mostly dismal and stark, particularly in terms of economic parity for blacks and Hispanics and whites. Despite 12 straight months of private sector job gains above 200,000 and a national unemployment rate of just 5.5%, the unemployment rates for blacks and Hispanics in many of the country’s major metropolitan areas is as much as 3-to-1 or 4-to-1.
The numbers are even more disheartening in terms of the wealth gap. The net worth for African-Americans was $6,000, for Hispanics it was $7,000 and for whites it was $110,500.

The disparities weren’t, as some might intuit, limited to the gritty urban cores of the Northeast or impoverished areas of the South. San Francisco, which Morial described as a picturesque, “bastion of progressive politics,” ranked 70th out of 70 major metropolitan areas in medium income equality.
In that city, the average medium income for black households was just $39,000 compared to $95,000 for whites.

According to the report, which uses a formula of quantifiable factors to produce its equality index, African-Americans in 2014 were just 72% equal to whites with full equality between the two groups being 100%. Hispanics were slightly better at 78%.

The equality index included economics (black 55.8%, Hispanic 61.7%), health (black 79.8%, Hispanic 106.9%0, education (black 76.1%, Hispanic 74.6%), social justice (black 60.6%, Hispanic 72.7%) and civic engagement (black 104%, Hispanic 71%).
“Education is not the automatic great equalizer,” Morial said.

Even college educated African-Americans faced drastically higher unemployment rates compared to their white counterparts with the same level of educational attainment, according to the report.
Yet, even with the deep and lingering disparities 2014 was indeed a banner year in some educational aspects. The high school graduation rates for American students are the highest they’ve been in history, dropout rates are at historic lows and there are more students of color in college than ever before.

But in the aggregate of the broader indexing of education, employment and justice, the outlook for black and brown people remains troubling as ever.

“What do we say and how would we frame the state of black America for 2015,” Morial said. “I must use the word crisis.”

On the justice front fewer African-Americans were victims of violent crimes. There are more black lawmakers in Congress than ever before, 48. And the Justice Department under Attorney General Eric Holder has confronted misconduct by law enforcement and worked hard to improve police and community relations, Morial said.

Yet, 2014 was a watershed moment in the collision of violence and law enforcement.

Perhaps no incident of last year exemplified that crisis – in the confluence of income, housing and social justice concerns— as the killing of Michael Brown Jr. in Ferguson, Missouri and the local and national fallout that followed. Long before Brown’s killing by former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson last August, the small city in the suburbs of St. Louis was rife with income inequality and deep residential segregation. While blacks made up the majority of the population there, the city’s leadership was majority white including nearly all of the police force, the city council and school board.

Brown’s killing sparked protests and riots that spilled nationwide that focused on state sanctioned violence against blacks but also the various inequities in the criminal justice system for African-Americans, in particular young black men.

The black community in Ferguson had “no role in their government, with no representation in their police department, so when the incident happened it was as Langston Hughes poems says, it exploded,” Morial said, referencing Hughes’s poem “A Raisin in the Sun.”

The Justice Department recently released a scathing report that outlined a broad pattern and practices of abuses and violations of both federal law and the constitutional rights of African-Americans by police.

“While America may have seen the reaction, the Justice Department report put a spotlight on a long system of practices in Ferguson, Missouri, there are Fergusons here and there are Fergusons there and there are Fergusons everywhere,” Morial said. “America today is a tale of two nations. It is a tale of two Americas. It is a tale of some who have achieved a great modicum of success, economic success, upward mobility, home ownership, a strong quality of life.

“It’s the product of their hard work, it’s a product of opportunity, a product of many factors,” Morial said. “But there is that America that is too black and too brown, not all black and all brown, but too black and too brown, which seems to be stuck on the other side, stuck on the other side of this great American divide.”' [Source]

Thank you for your contribution Mr. Lee.


  1. Reality9:48 PM

    The voting rights of many Americans were eroded or greatly limited."

    Name one American whose voting rights were eroded or greatly limited last year.

    Just one.

  2. Anonymous9:58 PM

    On the justice front fewer African-Americans were victims of violent crimes. There are more black lawmakers in Congress than ever before, 48. And the Justice Department under Attorney General Eric Holder has confronted misconduct by law enforcement and worked hard to improve police and community relations, Morial said.

    But, but, but.

    Nothing ever changes. Doesn't matter how many excuses you make, whether or not the President and everyone else in charge is black, reality keeps winning.

    Maybe, just maybe, it's not the white man's fault.

  3. Wesley R10:45 PM

    Black Unemployment went down when the public sector was hiring. Under Obama public sector hiring isn't the same as it was under The Bushes or Reagon. The GOP made sure of that.

    BUT- if African Americans would stop following the Willie Lynch formula and do business with each other and Black Immigrants, there would be no unemployment issues in those communities.

  4. Anonymous11:01 PM

    “It’s the product of their hard work, it’s a product of opportunity, a product of many factors,” Morial said. “But there is that America that is too black and too brown, not all black and all brown, but too black and too brown, which seems to be stuck on the other side, stuck on the other side of this great American divide.”' [Source]

    Stuck for too long,way too long!

  5. The Martians are coming11:06 PM

    "Doesn't matter how many excuses you make, whether or not the President and everyone else in charge is black, reality keeps winning.

    Maybe, just maybe, it's not the white man's fault."

    HUh? when the fuck has everyone else Black been in charge? What planet do you live on?

  6. The anti-troll11:08 PM

    "Name one American whose voting rights were eroded or greatly limited last year.

    Just one."

    Here you go asshole. Learn how to do an internet search dumbass.

  7. Anonymous12:00 AM

    what a joke

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Anonymous1:40 AM

    And Yabba dabba doo to you too.

  10. Anonymous3:43 AM

    "BUT- if African Americans would stop following the Willie Lynch formula and do business with each other and Black Immigrants, there would be no unemployment issues in those communities."

    There's a major flaw with that plan (probably more than one). Relying on consumer altruism almost never works to solve major social problems.

    Patriotic "buy American" slogans didn't save the Big Three auto makers or the city of Detroit from taking a brutal economic beating by globalization.

    "Buy Fairtrade and sustainable" hasn't saved the residents of 3rd World countries from crap wages and environmental devastation.

    "Buy black" won't save the black community.

    Most consumers are self-interested. They want the best product at the best price, and they don't give a toss how the "sausage gets made." Black shoppers are no different than anyone else. No Willie Lynch conspiracies required.

  11. If we get into voting suppression it's not about ID's it's about limiting the franchise. For example, in NC the number of polling places were reduced, in florida the number of early voting days were reduced, in Ohio the Second of state famously stated only a certain stock of paper could be used for ballots and let's not forget florida's voter purge. I'll conceed we should use some form of ID that is easily obtainable but what's with all the other methods of voter suppression? Fewer voting machines in certain areas? That's the kind of stuff we're talking about not ID's. (Watch someone automatically bring up ID's even though I've conceeded that point).

  12. Anonymous11:50 AM

    That's propaganda PilotX.

    Blacks vote at higher percentages than anyone.

    Voter suppression cases, such as limiting machines, are easily verifiable if they exist. Since all you are concerned about is the black vote, the precincts in question are all democrat precincts run by democrats, usually black democrats, so the idea they are trying to intentionally suppress their own vote does not make sense.

  13. Anonymous12:07 PM

    The numbers are even more disheartening in terms of the wealth gap. The net worth for African-Americans was $6,000, for Hispanics it was $7,000 and for whites it was $110,500.


    Notice these statistics NEVER discuss the "wealth gap" between equal economic households.

    Anecdotal evidence would support the premise that if two households, one black and one white, both bring in equivalent gross income, and after ten years or so, the black household has NO wealth and the white household has improved their financial standing, then the underlying issues are not race per se, but cultural.

    The black sense of entitlement, impulsivity and inability to delay gratification translates long term inability to secure generational wealth.

    When you're spending after tax income on the latest Air Jordans, a luxury car you can't really afford, and a premium cable package and on and on and on, (I could list forever the ridiculous frivolous consumption by blacks) you don't get to cry racism when your neighbors chose to allocate their income differently.

  14. "Buy Fairtrade and sustainable" hasn't saved the residents of 3rd World countries from crap wages and environmental devastation.

    I never by anything "fairtrade" or "sustainable". If there are two products that cost the same, and one says fairtrade or sustainable on it, then I know the other product must be better because the labor and/or environmental costs to produce it are cheaper, yet it prices the same as the product where the workers were paid too much and the producer paid extra for environmental concerns that had nothing to do with the quality of the product.

    "Fairtrade or sustainable" means overpriced and lower quality.

    The more the workers are exploited, the more "unsustainable" the production process is, the better the coffee tastes.


  15. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Even college educated African-Americans faced drastically higher unemployment rates compared to their white counterparts with the same level of educational attainment, according to the report.


    Duh. That's because there is no way to discern without "racist" standardized testing whether or not a black is actually educated. Affirmative action/disparate impact policies which demand the admission and social promotion of blacks solely on the basis of skin color as part of the collective and ritual social sacrifice to the God of Diversity means that of course blacks aren't going to be hired at the same rate or same level as others.

    And, the second sting is that if you hire them, and it turns out they're not qualified or a good fit, it's a nightmare to dismiss a black, so many people choose to not even attempt to do so, unless they're a large corporation that can afford to have some tokens as insurance against expensive federal litigation.

    Going "365 Black" is backfiring for many major corporations - (a) because of their decision to hire and promote tragically unqualified blacks within their management structures (here's looking at you, McDonalds!) and

    (b) because of a silent but growing repudiation of black grievance demands through boycott of products and companies that have trumpeted going "365 Black" (here's looking at you, American Airlines, Chrysler and now.... Starbucks. Race-baiting and race capitulation is expensive!)

    The fruits of the Affirmative Action tree are now coming to maturation. Blacks are being passed by other "model minorities" who have no sympathy for their demands for "unequal outcomes". Asians and Hispanics now declare themselves "minority" status, and mega-corps and schools now use their numbers to box-check the "diversity" box demanded by the BGI.

    It's delicious. Yes, America will soon be "minority-majority", but blacks will still be at the very bottom of the ladder. And those who have gone past them don't have the same reflexive guilt to hand out unearned privileges the way the BGI has milked the White Guilt Market for the past 5 decades.

    Even the halfrican PINO Noir (President in Name Only) is on board with disenfranching blacks by putting hispanics (who are far more racists than whites or asians) on the express train to be America's new model minority and democratic party backbone. All the juice, none of the rot.

    Make popcorn. It's going to get good.

  16. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Here in PR we have what is called the Comision Estatal de Elecciones. I believe there is one in every town. Usually situated in the heart of the city.

    When you become of age you go and inscribe yourself and they give you a card with your photo and DOB etc. This card can then be used as your id in case you do not drive and so do not have a drivers license. This also automatically puts you on a national voter registry.

    When you go to vote you have to present this card.Your then name is located on the lists as a registered voter.

  17. Anonymous12:30 PM

    there are more students of color in college than ever before.


    Okay. But I don't think crowing about large masses of gullible marks enrolling in sham for-profit "colleges" is an "achievement" by any standard.

    Just recently an "Open Letter" by a number of recent college graduates of color circulated the social media outlining the reasons why they felt they should not have to pay back their students loans to a failed and predatory private institution.

    Uneducated (in any meaningful sense of the word), unemployable, and saddled with debt, the bean counters will still chock these "students" up as some sort of statistically "win".

    And you wonder why the majority no longer takes Progressives seriously anymore.

    We are well past peak Negro, and into post-Negro and definitely in the decline of Progressive domination of social influence.

  18. Anonymous12:32 PM

    they give you a card with your photo and DOB etc. This card can then be used as your id in case you do not drive and so do not have a drivers license. This also automatically puts you on a national voter registry.

    When you go to vote you have to present this card.Your then name is located on the lists as a registered voter.


    Progressive cognitive dissonance at its finest.

    Perfectly legal and a social norm in minority controlled Puerto Rico, but rampantly racist on the mainland, especially if the exact same standards and public policy was suggested - and God Forbid - enacted by Republican leadership.

  19. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Anecdotal evidence would support the premise that if two households, one black and one white, both bring in equivalent gross income, and after ten years or so, the black household has NO wealth and the white household has improved their financial standing, then the underlying issues are not race per se, but cultural.
    The black sense of entitlement, impulsivity and inability to delay gratification translates long term inability to secure generational wealth.

    When you're spending after tax income on the latest Air Jordans, a luxury car you can't really afford, and a premium cable package and on and on and on, (I could list forever the ridiculous frivolous consumption by blacks) you don't get to cry racism when your neighbors chose to allocate their income differently.
    12:07 PM

    Do you have any statistics to substantiate these racist,bigoted and totally erroneous assumptions of yours?

    Luxury car, premium cable? A poor family has these things. Do you actually know one? Negro puhleeeese!!! Stop dreaming and go out and smell the reality!

  20. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Wesley R said...

    Black Unemployment went down when the public sector was hiring.


    Nice to see you posting, Wesley.

    And you are 100% correct. The modern black middle and upper middle classes were created by the extortion of monies from the productive to fund make work, union dominated "public sector" and ancillary agency (Amtrak, Post Office) positions as part of the wealth-redistribution efforts.

    The problem with these types of schemes is that they only "buy" peace for a limited time, because at some point, you run out of other people's money to redistribute. The US is rapidly approaching that point, in spite of the best cheerleading efforts of the Progressive controlled press.

    Public sector employees, especially in positions dominated by blacks, don't contribute anything meaningful to the economy, save for consumer spending.

    When the music stops, those are the persons who are going to be the most negatively impacted. The precedent is set by the living standards of the impoverished civil service class now barely surviving in ravaged Argentina.

    It turns out that when the means of barter is actually tied to a hard asset or productive skill, and not monopoly money, those with ephemeral skills such as "Equal Opportunity" or "Diversity Vision" officers find themselves with little skills to barter with in the real marketplace.

    And free market consumer choice does not favor blacks. Just ask Jesse Jackson, who in Selma declared the solution to the economic deadzones created by black management will be cured when white entrepreneurs are mandated to remain in economic black holes (pun intended).


  21. Field Negro said..
    San Francisco, which Morial described as a picturesque, “bastion of progressive politics,” ranked 70th out of 70 major metropolitan areas in medium income equality.
    In that city, the average medium income for black households was just $39,000 compared to $95,000 for whites.

    I've been pointing out how white San Francisco is for a while. I guess NOW it's a problem.

    Unlike Ferguson, the DOJ will not release any report on racial injustice because of all the $$$$$ dumbocrats get from rich whites in San Francisco.

    And besides, all good dumbocrats know that all good Blacks will vote for them because the other party is racist. No need for dumbocrats to work to earn the Black vote when all it takes is some political flyers talking about lynchings. Or the vice president telling Blacks that rethugs will "put y'all back in chains."

    the unemployment rates for blacks and Hispanics in many of the country’s major metropolitan areas is as much as 3-to-1 or 4-to-1.

    Ironic that white rethugs and house negroes have been talking about this for a while.
    It's about time the other side of the political isle caught on to this injustice.


  22. Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize.

    Breaking a decades-long trend, the world gets more violent
    If you were watching the news last year, it was hard to escape the impression the world was falling apart. Now the data is in. And yes, it turns out the world’s most violent conflicts got a lot bloodier in 2014 — almost 30 percent bloodier, in fact.

    Imagine the non-fox teev coverage if bush was still president.

    Obama is lucky his media won't call his policies out.


  23. Santa Monica Police Department
    Black Rate 630.7
    Non-black Rate 91

    (Perspective, Ferguson 186.1 Black - 66 Non-Black rate)

    Black population in Santa Monica-
    Black or African American 2010 3.9%


    In a city with a lot of rich white Obama voters, Blacks get arrested at a much higher rate than Ferguson.

    Any chance Holder and the DOJ will write a report about Santa Monica?

  24. McFred2:41 PM

    Some of the most hypocritical progressive politics come out of liberal California.

  25. Meanwhile here's some good news:

    There's a drive to put a woman on the $20 bill in place of Cherokee-killing President Andrew Jackson. Top contenders: Sojourner Truth, Shirley Chisholm, Rosa Parks, Barbara Jordan (loved her but I don't think she'll win), and Harriet Tubman, of a total 15 candidates. Gloria Steinem favors Sojourner. Hard to argue.


    (Hey, it's only symbolic, I know. But symbols can drag a better reality behind them)

  26. I would have thought blacks in San Francisco and the Bay Area would be the happiest and most content.

  27. White Man's Burden5:41 PM

    (Hey, it's only symbolic, I know. But symbols can drag a better reality behind them)

    Symbols can also drag a degenerate, mediocre, and failing reality behind them too.

  28. Anon@12:46, to that wingnut only FOX VIEWS is reality.

    Watch this experiment people.


    Let's see how long it takes Bill to post a response.......

  29. "Just one."

    How dare you!

    Dat's wacist!

  30. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Welp, Latinos are being hired to be policemen over Blacks. Welp, it won't be long now before Blacks realize what White cops did to them was nothing compared to what racist Latinos do.

  31. Anonymous9:52 AM

    We're in a country of murderers and insanity. Bottom line. We need to start speaking TRUTH!!

  32. Virginia3:45 PM

    "Anecdotal evidence would support the premise that if two households, one black and one white, both bring in equivalent gross income, and after ten years or so, the black household has NO wealth and the white household has improved their financial standing, then the underlying issues are not race per se, but cultural."

    Cultural? Don't make your fellow whites look so ignorant. And you got your wealth and financial standing all on your own, right? Ha!

    "The black sense of entitlement, impulsivity and inability to delay gratification translates long term inability to secure generational wealth."

    Again, ignorant. Sadly it benefits you to believe this is true. Get your delusional ass out of fantasy land.
