Monday, April 13, 2015

"Fear and loathing" in Europe.

Image result for white pride world wide europe imagesIt seems that the "fear of a black planet' has spread to Europe.

The Field Negro education series continues.

"Here in the U.S., it's hard to imagine that Europe could go back to its old muscular and expansive ways. But the Continent is turning in that direction — and it's a move that carries huge and unsettling implications.

In all likelihood, what happens to Europe in this regard will freak us Americans out. It will make us painfully, perhaps angrily, aware of our differences. It will throw our similarities into doubt. But if it happens, we'll be stuck with it. We'll have to figure out how to deal.

Because here's the thing: Europe is on track to rediscover what looks to us like a highly unsettling form of white pride.

The demographic tale is straightforward. As of 2010, Pew has noted, 13 million Muslim immigrants resided in the European Union. That year, their median age was 32, eight years younger than the median for all Europeans. According to Pew, "the Muslim share of the population throughout Europe grew about 1 percentage point a decade, from 4 percent in 1990 to 6 percent in 2010. This pattern is expected to continue through 2030, when Muslims are projected to make up 8 percent of Europe's population."

Native Europeans fear these changes are far more dramatic than the numbers say. As The Economist reported, "European publics wildly overestimate the proportion of their populations that is Muslim: an Ipsos-Mori poll in 2014 found that on average French respondents thought 31 percent of their compatriots were Muslim, against an actual figure closer to 8 percent." The pattern is repeated in Italy, Belgium, Britain, and across the EU.

One path to Europe's troubling destination is already being carved out by Europe's far-right parties, many of which are implicitly or explicitly ethnocentric. At a gathering last year, France24 observed, Dutch party chief Geert Wilders captured the mood. "'Just like you, we don't want foreigners to tell us they are masters in our country. We say: Kick the criminals, the jihadists, the illegal migrants out,' he told the entirely Caucasian audience to rapturous applause."
In some countries, racism has become even more overt. Hungary's far right, for instance, has pushed to create a national registry of Jews. Rather than self-marginalizing, however, some groups are broadening their appeal. In France, the National Front has rapidly transformed from a backwater for old reactionaries into a category-scrambling destination for citizens who want what the EU can't and won't provide.

The shift has not been neat and tidy. Any European political organization that intentionally evokes fascism is certain to set off the racism alarm, among fellow Europeans most of all. The transition is also far from complete. But it reflects a sweeping shift in Europe away from the bland, safe ideology of post-Cold War officialdom, and toward something much more assertive and proud.

Inevitably, in Europe, assertive pride carries ethnic and national overtones. What's remarkable is that even Europe's instinctively meddlesome technocrats have begun to rediscover the political significance of demographics. After decades of favoring smaller families and privileging individual autonomy, they've caught on that, if current trends hold, there will soon be nobody to meddle with.
As The New York Times reports, they're switching — with a true sense of urgency — from pushing safe sex to pushing reproductive sex:
The Italian health minister described Italy as a "dying country" in February. Germany has spent heavily on family subsidies but has little to show for it. Greece's depression has further stalled its birthrate. And in Denmark, the birthrate has been below the so-called replacement rate needed to keep a population from declining — just over two children per woman — since the early 1970s. 
"For many, many years, we only talked about safe sex, how to prevent getting pregnant," said Marianne Lomholt, the national director of [Danish nonprofit group] Sex and Society. "Suddenly we just thought, maybe we should actually also tell them about how to get pregnant." [The New York Times]
These epiphanies mark the beginnings of a European exodus across a huge psychological and cultural bridge. From an American standpoint, it's a spectacle of European governments and nongovernmental organizations working together to encourage white Europeans to be fruitful and multiply. After all, they're the ones who need the motivation. In countries like Britain, immigrant birth rates have been the only demographic bright spot. The disparity in birth rates is so clear that in other European nations, like Italy, when immigration dips, the birth rate sags apace.

Seeing politicians open the door to the return of history's most frightening prejudices makes Americans not just queasy but angry.

We have a hard enough time tolerating the persistence of Confederate memory here at home. What could be more offensive and unnerving than seeing the Old World half of Western democracies slip back into the ancient pattern of demographic expansionism?

True, Europe could boost its national populations just enough to keep their willfully bland and impressively meaningless social democracy trundling along without breaking the bank of its welfare superstate. But the more likely possibility, given what we know about European civilization and its long tradition of "extremism," plays right into our worst fears. Europe will very probably rediscover Eurocentrism — not just as an abstract idea, but as an imperative for survival.

Some analysts will observe that, in a way, this is actually good news. Fact is, the U.S. really is in trouble if Europe withers away as a cultural and political force. We just can't compensate all on our own, and the American people would never accept such a deeply uncharacteristic mission even if we could.

But regardless of that important silver lining, it's going to get scary for us to watch the world's longest-running white societies get more prideful, assertive, and, from our standpoint, statist.

Those are our alarms, and here in the New World, they're good ones. They've served us well, morally and politically. They'll continue to do so. But in Europe, the alarms are now of a much different nature. And they're on track to push the West's democracies a lot further apart — unless we can find a way to get radically pluralistic about Western civilization." [Source]

And here I thought that America was already a "radically pluralistic" society.

Oh wait, my bad, that's what some folks in America who see the country going to the Third World dogs like to tell themselves.

So the "alarms" of fascism have been sounded, but most of us don't hear them. We are listening to different sounds going off in our heads.

Those alarms, sadly, are going off for a totally different reason.   


  1. "In some countries, racism has become even more overt."

    Should read: "In white countries."

    Let's all be honest here. Nobody gives a flying fuck about a non-white majority country attempting to keep what it considers to be its own culture and its own racial makeup. It's when a white-majority country has these elements that people start saying shit like "troubling" and whatnot. But there are reasons that one is hard-pressed to find anyone non-Chinese in China or non-Japanese in Japan or non-Middle Eastern in Pakistan or Iran, in any number that would tip past a percentage point.

    But "white" countries are expected to shut the fuck up and open up for everyone.

    White people seriously aren't fucking allowed to claim they have any color or culture or standards. They're expected to be the world's toy chest to share with all the other kids, while the other kids who don't are treated like they're too retarded to understand the concept to begin with.

    I think the idea of keeping immigrants out is stupid, personally. I don't buy into the nationalist perspective that so many unfortunately have. However, I'm also not blind and notice that nobody gives a shit about this type of attitude unless it's white people holding it; then, not surprisingly, it's damaging and regressive and no good, very bad shit.

    There is a legitimate fear, practical and logical and very deductive, dealing with allowing too many from the third world into a first-world nation. After all, why the fuck are nations third-world in the first place? No, it's not all because America and imperialism and white people, as some love to sing. It's primarily because, on average, these citizens don't offer anything much in terms of value to a first-world, modern society. They haven't built their home nations up; what makes people think they'll suddenly be hot shooters on the road?

    I understand that's a drastic and fairly mean-sounding view to take, but it's purely pragmatic. If, for example, 10 million Muslim immigrants settle into the UK in the next two years or so from Iran and Iraq and Pakistan, what are they providing to that nation to better it?

    Let me guess: "Diversity is our strength!" lmao

    No. What's expected is simple: White countries, bend over and accept everyone, no questions asked, lest you're just racists.

    Like with every fucking thing else in the world today: It's only prejudiced when white people do it.

  2. Once again we have American exceptionalism. America has had racist undertones for years and now we're supposed to react to European nations following our lead? Ha! The Republican party is one big white only dance and has been for years and that's after the Dems gave up that title about 50 years ago.

  3. Anonymous10:19 PM

    JOSH, "Like with every fucking thing else in the world today: It's only prejudiced when white people do it."

    Brother JOSH(notice that I capitalize your name out of respect), there was no such thing as racial prejudice in America until Europeans arrived. Then, all kinds of shit happened: genocide of the Indians, diseases, enslaved Africans who were brutalized raped terrorized and treated inhumanely.

    Now I am not saying Whites are bad people, they are just a little off psychotically. But that doesn't matter because you run and rule the world so your off-brand of thinking toward skin color is considered normal in the world....what you say, is what will be because you have the power, sir.

    Now this European thing that's happening in Europe was bound to happen with all of the terrorism and bombing going on by non-Europeans. It's really a mess that I am afraid the wm won't be able to get out of unless he hires some magic Negroes to run things for him until things get back to normal.

    TPC lives in London. He is smart and insightful. I bet he could work some magic for the white cause?

    Personally, I think the world is so screwed up that only God can straighten it out. The trouble is, Europeans become nauseous at the thought of God. If I didn't know better, I would say they were part of Satan's army.

    But of course, we know Satan doesn't exist?..according to many Whites. Are you in that number too?

  4. Anonymous10:19 PM

    JOSH, "Like with every fucking thing else in the world today: It's only prejudiced when white people do it."

    Brother JOSH(notice that I capitalize your name out of respect), there was no such thing as racial prejudice in America until Europeans arrived. Then, all kinds of shit happened: genocide of the Indians, diseases, enslaved Africans who were brutalized raped terrorized and treated inhumanely.

    Now I am not saying Whites are bad people, they are just a little off psychotically. But that doesn't matter because you run and rule the world so your off-brand of thinking toward skin color is considered normal in the world....what you say, is what will be because you have the power, sir.

    Now this European thing that's happening in Europe was bound to happen with all of the terrorism and bombing going on by non-Europeans. It's really a mess that I am afraid the wm won't be able to get out of unless he hires some magic Negroes to run things for him until things get back to normal.

    TPC lives in London. He is smart and insightful. I bet he could work some magic for the white cause?

    Personally, I think the world is so screwed up that only God can straighten it out. The trouble is, Europeans become nauseous at the thought of God. If I didn't know better, I would say they were part of Satan's army.

    But of course, we know Satan doesn't exist?..according to many Whites. Are you in that number too?

  5. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Dear brother Field, I am more concerned about the lack of spirituality and religion on FN.

    What gives? There was a time when FP and a couple of Anons spoke regularly about God, the Devil, Heaven and Hell. Now there is absolutely nothing said.

    Have you been monitoring their comments? You really shouldn't be so biased. I thought you were for free speech?

  6. Joshua is annoying12:44 AM

    "Nobody gives a flying fuck about a non-white majority country attempting to keep what it considers to be its own culture and its own racial makeup"

    No Josh, you don't give a fuck. Stop speaking for the entire planet. You act like you speak for all white people and now since you lived in the projects among poor negroes you also think you speak for all negroes too. Get over yourself and stop posting ignorant racist shit. You have some serious issues megalomania is not the least of which. Go back to doing whatever it was you were doing before you butted your way onto this blog. The world needs less of your stupidity or as you say sophistry. Bye Felicia.

  7. Anonymous1:21 AM

    I would like for someone to check out this link.
    It is addressing the author of this blog and a situation involving him. What is scary, are the comments made by people concerning the article. Comments including: "They (Black people) won't be satisfied till we show them real violence."
    "There needs to be another Tusla!"
    There is blatant racism on this site title:
    American Thinking.
    Quite ironic, and sad. I am seriously heartbroken to how society has progressed. There is no respect anymore.

  8. Anonymous3:22 AM

    It's an oversimplification to say that what Europe is going through is only about race. It isn't. Religious prejudice is also a very big part of it.

    Keep in mind that Europe is a lot more secularized than the U.S., so a bunch of immigrants entering Europe who are very devout practitioners of a faith, especially an unfamiliar one, is automatically uncomfortable for many people.

    On top of that, you've got Islamophobia. When you've got a small segment of Muslims committing crazy atrocities and claiming they speak for the entire faith, unfortunately, some people who are not Muslim will take them at their word and condemn all of Islam.

    Additionally, you've got to look at what is happening with the economy at the moment.

    The eurozone is a structural failure. As virtually all economists acknowledge, you cannot simply take a bunch of countries with very different economies and stick them all on the same currency without courting disaster. If you want to have a joint currency, then you have to literally become a United States of Europe, with a single pan-European government and transfers of wealth from richer countries to poorer ones -- the whole nine yards.

    Since Europe didn't do this, they set themselves up for catastrophe when the global economic crisis hit. America's large recession became Europe's full-on depression. Large parts of Europe have unemployment between 10-25%, and it's been like that for years because Europeans won't work together in continent-wide interest. It's every nation for itself right now.

    The economic circumstances dictate what has occurred. When there is a severe, sustained economic collapse, the majority of the populace demand that the people on the top redistribute wealth downwards to relieve their misery. The rich then inevitably deflect criticism of themselves by blaming scapegoats -- the poor, ethnic minorities, anyone who is in any way different and can be demonized. Hate parties of various levels of virulence proliferate.

    This is not unique to Europe; it is likely to happen anywhere there is any level of demographic diversity. And it's very hard to fight.

  9. "TPC lives in London."

    No I don't.

    Field by and large that article you posted is total nonsense. I don;t have time right now, but I'll get back to you later.

    But think on this. Far Right Islamophobic and racist parties are now making noise on street corners in Europe.

    The far-Left Syriza with its explicitly pro-immigrant inclusive policies ACTUALLY WON THE GREEK ELECTION. They are not waving flags on street corners they running the fucking country.

    Similarly PODEMOS in Spain with identical policies will surely win their elections later this year. Portugal may well also go the same way.

    That's the real political story in Europe, the rise of the Left.

  10. Anon 10:48 PM-

    FN doesn't censor me. i censor myself.

    too much fussing and cussing going on over here on the regular.

    the comment @ 10:19...

    i confess it made me laugh.

    that and "bye felicia"...

    Blessings all!

  11. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Purple Cow, wouldn't be so sure about that.

    I mean, you're right that both Left and Right movements spring up in an economic crisis. I'd say the Left usually identifies constructive reforms to make to the economy, while the Right finds scapegoats to kick.

    But it's very much up in the air who will win this contest. I was pleased to see Syriza win their election, but I am not 100% confident they can successfully renegotiate their country's debt situation with the Troika. Particularly since they seem to be engaging in stupid stunts like demanding war reparations and kissing up to Putin, and similar non-value-added antics. All of this looks rather amateurish.

    And if Syriza fail, well ... it's Springtime for Hitler in Greece.

    We shall see. I truly hope this crisis causes Europe to improve, not blow itself up.

  12. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Wow, PC knows a lot about Europe and what's going on. Field should have checked with him before posting something that was "nonsense".

    I swear, I don't know where Field gets his information.

    Next time talk it over with PC. As I have said before, PC is brilliant, very much like Josh. However, I wish they wouldn't cuss so much.

  13. Anonymous5:42 AM

    This link proves the outrageous racist attitudes that Whites have toward bm.

    JOSH, you need to take a look at this and apologize to FN for your racist shortcomings and lack of respect for bm.

  14. Anonymous6:00 AM

    WATCH: 22 year old African American defends police...

  15. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Anon 6:00am

    The video was a total publicity stunt. Here's another video from his blog of him admitting he just wanted to see how many views he would get if he defended whites. It worked. Even CNN showed the video after it went viral.

  16. I hear that kid was all over FOX VIEWS. They praised him on The Five.


    PC, I am looking forward to u breaking down the article from the perspective of someone who actually lives there.

  17. Anonymous6:32 AM

    What kind of blog is FN? It seems to talk a lot about race. I have noticed that the few Whites on this blog get attacked by Blacks and Latinos. That is not the right thing.

    Who is the sorry owner of this blog?

  18. Religious anon:

    In a time where tribes were warring with tribes, when native peoples were literally kidnapping and exterminating their fellow weaker native tribes to sacrifice the men to their gods while raping the women and murdering the children, etc, white people were playing the game too.

    Whose fault is it white people were better at conquering people and lands than other people? While some peoples' idea of rule and control was for tribe A to wipe out the competition in B, white folks set their sights higher. Instead of wanting to sacrifice some random people to their god, they figured they could just take over lands and force their god on the world.

    They were more organized. They had kingdoms and armies and a game plan.

    Blaming shit on white folks for being better at cruelty is like blaming Money Mayweather for being undefeated. Is it his fault he wins against everybody and is so much better than the field? (Maybe not when Manny whips his ass, but notwithstanding...) Does he have some unfair advantage or something? There's a man standing across from him every fight. Win now and you won't have to cry later.

    If blacks or Asians or native peoples of the Americas were better at conquering, they would have conquered. White folks were better at it. That's just the way it played out.

    Get over it or don't.

    No sense in turning it into some god or the devil thing. It fucking sucks how the world was back then, particularly if you were on the wrong side of whatever power structure ruled over you, but that's how it was.

    Playing hindsight bias with socially evolved morality is just heartburn fodder. Now, if that's how you want to carry it, I don't begrudge it. But I also see no point. White folks being better at conquering and ruling just means other folks have to train harder.

    Watch Rocky or something...

  19. "But it's very much up in the air who will win this contest. I was pleased to see Syriza win their election, but I am not 100% confident they can successfully renegotiate their country's debt situation with the Troika. Particularly since they seem to be engaging in stupid stunts like demanding war reparations and kissing up to Putin, and similar non-value-added antics. All of this looks rather amateurish."

    I don;t think its up in the air right now. Syria are the GOVERNMENT, that's a long way ahead of those who hang around on street corners handing out leaflets and swearing at foreigners. Similarly PODEMOS are on the fringe of taking power in Spain, with the exception of Front Nationale in France no far-Right party is anywhere near exercising real power in Europe. And as we have seen with F.N. this week the splits in their organization are already starting to show.

    As far as Syria's tactics are concerned, the one bargaining chip they have is GREXIT. They have to convince the Troika that that is a real possibility. Demanding the unpaid war reparations and meeting with Putin are intended as signals that Greece is looking at the possibility of finding a different way ahead. Obviously with the price of oil being what it is Russia can't hope to bail Greece out, but a new alliance between Greece, Russia, potentially Spain and Portugal with throw the Eurozone into a potential crisis. One that the Troika could do without.

    [As an aside I think GREXIT is indeed the way to go fro Greece. In any normal fiscal crisis the government can simply devalue its currency and move on, by joining the Euro that option has been removed. Leaving the Euro and printing New Drachma bills at a more realistic rate will give the Greek economy the lift it needs.]

  20. Dr. Ramos, PHD7:54 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    That's the real political story in Europe, the rise of the Left.


    True. Filed often misses the forest for the racial trees.

    Hate, division, crime and poverty always coincides with the rise of the left.

    Muslims commit most of the terrorist acts in Europe. Muslims have turned once thriving area of Europe in ghettos that are not safe for anyone non-Muslim. Similar to what blacks did to once thriving white and Hispanic areas of America.

    Then there's the Muslim rape epidemic the left is doing everything they can to cover up.

    Then there's the fact that Muslims are kidnapping young European's and forcing them into slavery.

    The left is doing everything they can to cover that up too.

    Of course field doesn't want to talk about that.

    I wonder why field has no issue with countries who have majority black, Hispanic and Asian doing everything they can to ensure their countries stay they way they are. Field doesn't want to talk about their immigrant policies.

    Maybe field will explain his hypocrisy.

  21. Muslims commit most of the terrorist acts in Europe."

    That depends on how you choose to define the word 'terrorist'. The political Right seems to believe that anyone who disagrees with them is a terrorist. Ann Coulter believe that all Democrats are terrorists or terrorist-enablers. As such the word has lost all useful meaning.

    "Muslims have turned once thriving area of Europe in ghettos that are not safe for anyone non-Muslim."

    That's a flat lie that has been disproved so often it beggars belief that anyone is disingenuous enough to say it.

    My answer remains the same. Name a specific area where this can be proven to be true. Name one.

    "Then there's the Muslim rape epidemic the left is doing everything they can to cover up."

    Another lie. The rates of violent crimes amongst Muslims in Europe is marginally below that of christians.

    "Then there's the fact that Muslims are kidnapping young European's and forcing them into slavery."

    Oh good grief....

    Firstly there is no apostrophe in 'Europeans.'

    Secondly it's a pity they don't kidnap the likes of you.


  22. The Purple Cow said...
    That depends on how you choose to define the word 'terrorist'. The political Right seems to believe that anyone who disagrees with them is a terrorist. Ann Coulter believe that all Democrats are terrorists or terrorist-enablers. As such the word has lost all useful meaning.

    Because of ann coulter the word terrorist has lost it's meaning?

    I'm sorry a white woman you hate has such control over your vocabulary.

    You really are a victim of life aren't you PurpleCow.

    Ding Ding.

  23. Anonymous11:01 AM

    The left is on the rise in marginalized European countries as a counter to the corruption and oligarchy, created by an unsustainable welfare state while simultaneously creating an uber-class of wealthy who feel they are above the law. Kinda like Obama's Amerikkka.

    This is an article written by someone in Greece, who arrived in Athens the day after the Syrzia government was sworn in:

    Ethnic awareness is indeed on the rise in Europe, and that's a good thing.
    Norway has begun expelling muslims, and most of Europe will follow. It's not the first time that mass expulsions of jews and muslims has happened throughout Europe's history, it's part of the ongoing cycle.

    I think northern Europe finally waking up and deciding that preservation of their culture is important is a good thing.

    You are seeing the same fractures here. America is becoming more segregated in the meaningful ways, not less. The myth of the benefit of "diversity" has been unmasked.

  24. Anonymous11:41 AM

    One symptom of the Liberal Disease is an irrational aversion to certain words. The psychological instability of the Liberal mind cannot tolerate certain truths. Eventually, as the diease progresses, the Liberal become unable to tolerate any truth at all. Ironically, it is at this dark moment the Liberal feels the most enlighteened. Yet the sufferer then sinks into perpetual negativity due to his or her inability to control the speech, ideas and actions of others and feels constantly offended, rejected and marginalized.

    An urgency to strictly control the language of others is a sign the disease is in its early stage. Help should be saught.

  25. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Josh, "No sense in turning it into some god or the devil thing. It fucking sucks how the world was back then, particularly if you were on the wrong side of whatever power structure ruled over you, but that's how it was."

    Josh, I am constantly amazed at your insight. I'm not being sarcastic, I am being truthful, as well as humble. You see, when I try to rationalize or justify GOD I can't but GOD does make sense for the human existence and the universe. No one has explained that well-enough 'for me' yet. 'IF' or 'when' science can explain it all, and prove there is no God, then I will drop GOD.

    Frankly, I don't think Science has a 'clue' to what's happening in the world or Universe. It can only speculate or theorize. 50% of the time it's right; and 50% of the time it's wrong, which is pretty much the same track record as anybody else.

    You amaze me because your track record has been far greater in percentage than Science will ever be. And, what you talk about and have uncovered is truth about what human beings have done for thousands of years and still do...i.e. dominate and conquer and rule.

    I must admit Whites rule and dominate the world, no question about it. They dominate and rule because they are better and more skillful at it than people of color. And, it looks like they will dominate forever.

    I have put my heart investment into spiritual matters because there just isn't anything else that a human being can count on, esp if you are NOT White. The comments in the last thread proved to me that even the most radical white-hating Negroes have admitted such(Yisheng, Lilac, and PX). I urge you to read their comments about AAs, esp Yisheng's dis-identification with AAs and her subsequent identification with islanders....Even she thinks like the dominant race(Whites) and divorces herself from Blacks in America.( I swear, she is so confusing to me about 'where' she stands because she changes from post to post. Miraculously, she seems to "become" whoever makes her look good. Maybe you can give a little insight on her...good luck.)

    In any case, I still have faith. It's quite difficult at times but I just press on. You see, I can't count on people who are biased and prejudice but see their biases and prejudices as 'fact'.

    I come to FN to test my faith and to face truth at the human level(such as racism and injustices)--and at the spiritual level. You provide challenges to me on both levels.

    I appreciate that. Thank you.

  26. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Anon@12:09pm is the Religious Anon as labeled by Josh. I like the name and will adopt it... Thanks.

  27. Dr. Ramos, PHD12:16 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Name a specific area where this can be proven to be true. Name one.


    A great representation of diversity, Marseille, France. A real shame what Muslim immigrants have done to such a wonderful city.

    Maybe purple cow can explain Rotherham to us. And why the left covered up the kidnappings and rapes. Which allowed Muslims to kidnap and raped European children for over 15 years.

    "Oh good grief...."?????

    Maybe purple cow can explain when examples of slavery come to light, the perpetrators are almost always Muslim.

  28. Anonymous12:34 PM

    The Field negro works so hardd! He never takes a day off to be here with us all day, chatting...

    That would be nice though, all day just debating back and forth with the Field. *sigh*

    Just like my kids,always working...

  29. Anonymous12:37 PM

    JOSH, do you think the struggles African American Officers have in the Army a case of racism? Or do you think it's because they are not competent as their White counterpart? Or maybe because they are AAs and don't have what it takes as Yisheng, Lilac and others in previous thread alluded to regarding AAs vs Africans or Latinos?

  30. Anonymous1:01 PM

    For all FN posters and readers. The video below is one I 'never' thought I would see or hear from a wm. Amazingly, this video has gone 'viral'....hmmmm, I wonder if JOSH or BILL has seen it? I wonder how many Whites agree and are willing to take action against racism as the result of it?

  31. Anonymous1:15 PM

    "JOSH, do you think the struggles African American Officers have in the Army a case of racism?"

    Josh never served in the military, he was running a drug gang in the hood. He wouldn't know about this.

  32. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    as Yisheng, Lilac and others in previous thread alluded to regarding AAs vs Africans or Latinos?

    12:37 PM


    Oh f*** u bitch!

    We're referring to the way THEY ARE PERCEIVED by Anglos. You understand now dummy?

    PERCEIVED by the Anglo community!

    Capishe?? Or not yet?


  33. Anonymous2:22 PM

    From the previous thread:

    Lilac, "As for Whites reacting differently to foreign Blacks, that may be so, if they KNOW they are foreign.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    as Yisheng, Lilac and others in previous thread alluded to regarding AAs vs Africans or Latinos?

    12:37 PM
    I agree, Anon. Lilac is prejudiced against Black Americans. She has proven this again and again in her comments.

    She is no better than the white racist. Let quickly add Yisheng as an uncle tom pretending to be an islander.

    Does anyone know who or what Yisheng's lying ass is besides a PHONY?

    More proof from Lilac,

    "Why? Because whites do not respect or appreciate Black Americans. To them the Black was brought here to do heavy labor and that's it. They don't even want to think or attribute anything else to the American Black. Yet somehow, a Black that comes from foreign lands is a different Black, a better Black, because they come from their own country and that is respected. Just my own thoughts."

    Lilac is guilty, guilty and guilty on all uncle tommin counts. Go bake a cake and eat it. It will soothe your nerves and quiet your filthy mouth.

  34. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Ya can't live widdout me kid! I love it!

    You see, you love us Blacks and Browns more than you realize! xD

    I looove it!!! ;*D

  35. The anon actually asking a legitimate question instead of being a punk-ass buffoon:

    I don't know a whole lot about this issue, but it shares in common traits with other issues.

    One of the things folks have to look at, if we're actually going to approach honestly these sorts of discussions, is whether or not the number of blacks actually vying for rank is proportionate to their counterparts and those positions which need filled.

    For instance, while something like the Rooney Rule in the NFL was good--and perhaps even necessary--and has got some black coaches' names out there, one thing it can never do: Get more qualified black candidates to pursue the job. You can't force people to pursue fields.

    You can also step back from the issue and approach it through a purely logical standpoint. For instance, let's use women CEOs as an example.

    Now, that women CEOs exist automatically disproves the idea of a glass ceiling specifically and purposefully keeping them out. What, then, stops more women from becoming CEOs? Now, there's a huge swath of people out there whose only answer ever is going to be, "Misogyny, patriarchy, men!" But it is an objective fact that a woman can become a CEO. For the women who are CEOs, who stopped them? The answer: Nobody. They got there. And while their road may have been tougher, or perhaps just the same, that doesn't change the fact of the matter: There is nothing banning women from CEO positions. Most, however, pursue things in college in the realm of soft liberal arts. That's not anyone's fault but the people majoring in gender studies and cut-rate psychology.

    It seems to me to be the same thing here. That blacks do exist in these positions is proof that no one is intentionally keeping blacks out of those positions. If that were the case, there wouldn't be any blacks. That there aren't enough blacks to satiate some arbitrary demands of certain individuals, well, that needs to go to the "why" of it on the black candidates' end.

    If some blacks can make it, then we're not looking at racism. Or to the extent it is racism, it's pretty shitty in its implementation to not have the desired effect of keeping blacks out.

    According to the article I read, the author seems to be implying that there's something wrong strictly because of the numbers; e.g. because someone somewhere feels that there should be X number of Y race for "representation," it's thus a problem that there isn't.

    But is that actually a problem? It says that the Army channels black soldiers into combat fields rather than logistics. Is someone suggesting that the Army is doing so out of racist intent, or could it be that they're doing so because they feel the individuals in question shine particularly in combat fields?

    If we were talking about officers being incompetent or promoted due to nepotism or cronyism, etc, that's one thing. But to suggest something untoward simply because one wants more of Y to make themselves feel like the Army is more diverse, that's another issue entirely.

    As long as the best people are going to be the best positions, I don't see an issue. It's the law of averages. More black people in the Army will ultimately result in more black officers. Just like more black coaches in general will ultimately result in more black head coaches in the NFL.

    I notice the author didn't list the percentage of blacks in the Army. Doing so, I suspect, would betray his/her implied point of discrimination.

    Somebody always wants a numbers game for the appearance of diversity rather than allowing something to be a meritocracy.

  36. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Wow, this site's stances are so laughably easy to refute that I often wonder if fieldnegro is actually a conservative troll. Quoth fieldnegro: "It's a move that carries huge and unsettling implications." Yes, considering that about 95% of rapes in Sweden are committed by non-white immigrants. "A 1996 report by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention reached the conclusion that immigrants from North Africa (Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia) were 23 times as likely to commit rape as Swedish men. The figures for men from Iraq, Bulgaria and Romania were, respectively, 20, 18 and 18. Men from the rest of Africa were 16 times more prone to commit rape; and men from Iran, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia, 10 times as prone as Swedish men."

    Why on earth does peaceful, liberal Holland need over 450 mosques preaching the overthrow of that country?

    Did you know many of the 9/11 terrorists planned their attack in Hamburg?

    And don't get me started on the no-go zones that that liberal media would have you believe do not exist...

    I think the people of Europe (which has been under attack for 1500 years by various violent groups, from Huns to Mongols to Muslims, etc.) have every right to be very afraid of their countries becoming even more Islamic / melanin-rich. Face it, more melanin = more murder, rape, and other crimes, no matter what part of the world is being discussed, whether the melanin-rich people are in the majority or the minority. There's a reason why South Africa is the rape, carjacking and HIV capital of the world.

  37. Aging and shrinking native populations are a common characteristic of all post industrial societies, just as youth and baby booms are common characteristics of developing societies. All of the pressures in a developing economies are for large families, and the opposite is true in developed economies. EUROPE is at least theoretically able to make up for negative native birth rates with immigration; not like the US or Austrailia, but enough to stave off collapse. Japan is becoming a geriotricy; its average age is a post-reproductive 46 years. Only Monaco, retirement home for the mega rich, is older. Compare that to the US's 33 which is right in developing range or Europe as a whole of 41. China has a geriatric bomb coming in the middle of this century because of its 1 child policy, not to mention a dangerous surplus of men due to sex selective birth that's already transferred all marital bargaining power to women & leaves tens of millions of men with no hope whatsoever of forming families. That's not a recipe for a stable society.

  38. "The left is on the rise in marginalized European countries as a counter to the corruption and oligarchy, created by an unsustainable welfare state while simultaneously creating an uber-class of wealthy who feel they are above the law."

    The Left invented the welfare state you numpty. Why is the welfare state suddenly "unsustainable"?


    "Ethnic awareness is indeed on the rise in Europe, and that's a good thing."

    Ethnic awareness isn't on the rise in Europe. The far-Right are certainly less prominent in European politics than they ere in the 70's and 80's, I live in Europe, you do not, you've never been off your trailer park in your entire god-forsaken little life.


    "Norway has begun expelling muslims...

    No it has not.


    ... and most of Europe will follow."

    They will not.


    "I think northern Europe finally waking up and deciding that preservation of their culture is important is a good thing."

    That's because you are totally fucking clueless.

  39. QUOTE Dr. Ramos PHD (Yeah Right)

    "A great representation of diversity, Marseille, France. A real shame what Muslim immigrants have done to such a wonderful city."

    I was last in Marseilles last June for two days, what in particular have they done to it? I can't say it looks any different than it ever has, and I've been going there semi-regularly fro the last 20 years.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. "Why on earth does peaceful, liberal Holland need over 450 mosques preaching the overthrow of that country?"

    If you are asking why Muslims believe in God, no I don;t know either, but they don't preach the overthrow of anything. I lived in Amsterdam for 23 years - I know from life experience. You just parrot lies from fascist websites.

    "And don't get me started on the no-go zones that that liberal media would have you believe do not exist..."

    It's not the alleged liberal media that's telling you they don't exist, it's all the people who actually live there who are telling you they don't exist.

    I remember the huge hilarity that greeted FoxNews story about Muslim No Go areas in my home town of Birmingham. There were pages and pages of jokes about it on Twitter and Facebook.

    Even the Daily Mail - the most right wing newspaper in the U.K. got in on the joke.

    Similarly, the French Satyrical TV show 'Le Petit Journal' had great fun trying to find the alleged Parisienne No Go Zones.

  42. Anonymous5:01 PM

    "A 1996 report by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention reached the conclusion that immigrants from North Africa (Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia) were 23 times as likely to commit rape as Swedish men."

    I am just curious: Are the immigrants you mentioned White or Black? Please refer your answer to TPC because he seems to have a mis-handle on what it means to be Black in his part of the world.

    1. North Africa, and each of those countries is North African, has both white and black populations so it's impossible to say.

  43. Anonymous5:08 PM

    "There's a new south and a new America and it's called white racial responsibility and it's time we all took some y'all. Let's take a little bit of white racial responsibility. Let's start by standing up against it, let's recognize that in every American institution, in education, financial, healthcare, justice -- for God's sake it's in justice -- in the police departments and our police officers, many of them.
    And when I talk I'm not talking about all. I'm ain't saying all white people are bad I'm saying we've got an evil called white supremacy in this culture. Stop being defensive. Get off your fucking ass and do something about it. Speak up, don't ever ignore racism. If you hear something racist, fucking stand as a white American, take some fucking responsibility. It's the inaction that has always destroyed other people and other nations."

    Mr JOSH and others on FN, I hope you are on board with the New South and the New America as explained in the quoted excerpt from the link below.

  44. "If you hear something racist, fucking stand as a white American, take some fucking responsibility. It's the inaction that has always destroyed other people and other nations."

    I'm willing to concede that to about a level of, oh, 20% or so, if others are willing to meet the other 80% by admitting that the word "racist" is the most grossly overused word in western vernacular.

    I mean, we don't have to look far at all to see what some here would suggest people stand up against as "racism," and this nonsensical list includes but isn't limited to:

    - Disagreeing with black people
    - Telling people not to attack police
    - Saying anything negative against Obama
    - Not including BB King in your personal list of favorite guitarists

    Who the fuck wants to stand up against "racism" when what's being pushed as "racist" is something as innocuous as someone not liking a progressive liberal politician or not being into King for his blues?

    Just postulating here, but I'm guessing that if the word "racist" was actually only levied against racism, far more people would stand firmly against it.

    But it's worse than feminists crying misogynist on everything and blaming their first-world problems on patriarchy.

    There's not a single instance I can recall of posting an opinion here and not being called a racist. Even in the posts where I flat-out call police fucking murderers and say they should be dealt with harshly, somebody will still quote-mine the piss out of me, with the full context above, as shameless as they are, and throw out "racist!" with the full expectation that half a dozen others will come behind them and echo the slur -- which, without fail, is what happens.

    So, forgive me for not giving a fuck about "racism" perhaps as much as someone else feels I should. From my seat here, a "racist" isn't even necessarily a racist; it's merely a person a black person wants to insult on the quick without having to think deep on it.

  45. ""A 1996 report by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention reached the conclusion that immigrants from North Africa (Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia) were 23 times as likely to commit rape as Swedish men."

    Ahhhh yes, this mythical report. Much discussed never actually found.

  46. Josh, you are clearly in denial, no matter how many times it has been explained to you, you still attempt to make hay with your straw man arguments.

    Nobody is calling you a racist because you don't rate B.B. King. People are calling you racist because of the racist shit you post here day fucking in, day fucking out.

    Racism defines you as a man, it contains your self-image, your manhood. it is your raison d'être. It appears to be the only thing that holds your psyche together.

    I can think of no other explanation why anyone would come to a blog about racism every single fucking day to hurl abuse at black folks and constantly attempt to promote their alleged intellectual superiority.

    Can you?

  47. "Nobody is calling you a racist because you don't rate B.B. King."

    Except for the motherfucker explicitly calling me a racist because I don't rate B.B. King.

    I guess you're going to attempt another instance of explaining to me that the incorrect definition of a word (e.g. straw-man) is actually the right definition of a word because you decide to say so.

    This is one of these instances where you just so happen not to be the center of the universe.

    Tough pill to swallow, I realize.

    But the examples don't get much more coherent besides. It basically is just this simple:

    - Disagree with black people (not all of them, mind you; but the whiny bitches who enjoy labeling whites racists and ideological impure blacks as house negros)

    "...every single fucking day to hurl abuse at black folks"

    Buy "hurl abuse," all I can figure is that my calling you a cunt registers to your stupid fucking ass as something I do only because you're black!

    It's not my fault that your ilk hold that shield so far out in front that nothing can ever get by it.

    Maybe I just happen to think you're a cunt because you're a cunt, fuck your skin color. Cunt.

    A black person can be an asshole, can be wrong, can be an infinite number of things without it needing to be because they're black.

    What kind of emotional tornado has strewn your brain cells about so wildly?

    1. You are a racist Josh. I'm calling you a racist because of the constant stream of racist invective that you post on here day after day. Happy?

  48. The abuse you hurl at me is now what I'm talking about . Abuse from sub-human scum like you I wear as a badge of honour.

  49. Oh, I understand perfectly the standard your ilk uses.

    If there's a better word for it than sophistry, then I don't know it.

    But it's as transparent as my living room windows.

    If I call a person a "punk," for instance, what I really mean by "punk" depends on the person's skin color.

    1) If they're white, then what I'm really saying: "Punk."

    2) If they're black, then what I'm really saying: "Nigger."

    Easy enough to get. If somebody attempts to libel me as something or ascribe to me sinister motives for my opinions, and I get at them with a "motherfucker," then all that matters is that person's skin color.

    It isn't what one says; it's to whom one says it. You morons act like I don't live in the world or something. Or to the extent I do, I was born April 13, 2015.

    You want to exist by the standard that black folks are immune from criticism and hold the line that the only reason someone would criticize a black person in the first place is because of racism.

    That's what hurling abuse is. It isn't anything I say; it's about the recipients. Blacks, to you, are a protected class, and whomsoever pierces through that protective armor has racist intent.

    As if to say no one would ever say anything negative to someone who's black unless it's strictly because they're black.

    It's all a fucking catch-22. And that's why the word "racist" means next to nothing. It's a weak, lazy attempt at an insult, in desperate hopes that it shames a dissenter and sets them to fleeing the scene.

    Or at least I hope so. The fucking real shame would be if you actually believe the weak-ass, emotionally-charged shit you spit. You progressive lot who exist based on nothing more than your precious's disgraceful.

  50. Anonymous8:33 PM

    JOSH SAID, "I'm willing to concede that to about a level of, oh, 20% or so, if others are willing to meet the other 80% by admitting that the word "racist" is the most grossly overused word in western vernacular.

    I mean, we don't have to look far at all to see what some here would suggest people stand up against as "racism," and this nonsensical list includes but isn't limited to:

    - Disagreeing with black people
    - Telling people not to attack police
    - Saying anything negative against Obama
    - Not including BB King in your personal list of favorite guitarists

    Who the fuck wants to stand up against "racism" when what's being pushed as "racist" is something as innocuous as someone not liking a progressive liberal politician or not being into King for his blues?"

    My dear Josh, I feel your hurt. I mean I feel the pain it in your comments and maybe you are right. Maybe these FN Negroes like PX, TPC, Yisheng and Lilac ought to dispense with the word "racist" and find a 'kinder' word that won't hurt so much.

    I agree with you that there are some mean-ass Negroes on this blog. I cringe at some of the shit some of them say about you. Let me be the first to apologize for them. They make me sick.

    There is no good reason for them to keep calling you a racist when you are not. That's why I have stood by you. And believe me, there are many many Blacks who will stand by you. Hell, there are many Blacks on the planet who wouldn't give the time of day to TPC OR PX OR Yisheng. In some black communities they aren't recognized as Blacks.

    If you ever get the chance see Chris Rock's "I love Blacks, but I hate niggers." You'll see what I mean.

    Once again, I am sorry for the grief some of my folks have given you. Clearly you do not deserve that. And I hope I set the example for them to come forth one-by-one and apologize to you.

    AND, I'm hoping Field will be the first to take responsibility.

    Meanwhile, I really thought the video by the redneck was honest, insightful and sincere. If all of America were to take such a stance, racism would be dead.

    God bless you brother.

  51. Anonymous8:41 PM

    PS to Josh, the BB King thing was intended to be a joke. But I now see it was not funny.

    A secret confession: I always wanted to be a stand up comedian but I see I have a long way to go. I think I will hang on to my day job for a while longer.

  52. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Oh Yeezus!!! x(

  53. Anon@3:42, did u really give us a link to Brietbart?

    This confirms that u are a fraud and pretty much cancels out everything that u wrote.

    See what TPC said.

    You really need to get out more.

  54. Anonymous9:48 PM

    "PS to Josh, the BB King thing was intended to be a joke. But I now see it was not funny."

    Josh isn't smart enough to get jokes. You should know that by now. He is even past Bill dumb territory.

  55. Anonymous9:51 PM

    "If there's a better word for it than sophistry, then I don't know it."

    yes Josh, we've established the fact you're stupid. You claim to be a writer and you don't know many words.

  56. Anonymous9:58 PM

    "If some blacks can make it, then we're not looking at racism. Or to the extent it is racism, it's pretty shitty in its implementation to not have the desired effect of keeping blacks out."

    More demonstration of the total ignorance expressed by Josh. Teh stupid is strong in this one. Holy fuck how does this fool even breathe with such retarded logic? By Josh logic because there were Black officers in WWII and some Black CEO's and some well to do Black people racism didn't exist nor was there an effort to keep Black people from obtaining certain positions. Stupid white trash. Josh is the perfect example of white supremacy. A stupid piece of white trash has the temerity to think he is intelligent enough to lecture better educated Black folks. If this don't beat all. Thom Hartmann was correct, omly about 5% of white males are able to understand white privilege. If Josh was any other race than white he'd be shunned as the idiot he is.

  57. Anonymous10:00 PM

    OpenID lilacpr2000 said...
    Oh Yeezus!!! x(

    8:43 PM
    what the hell are whining about now? call Yisheng, she'll comfort you.

  58. The exchange is still up on Field's post:

    Motherfucker was serious as a compound fracture, now trying to pull some "Ah, syke!" shit.

    Don't even play that weak tune.

    But at least dude could legitimately tell me why he thought I was a racist. Because I didn't include BB King.

    Better than the Euro cunt manages. His best piece of evidence: I say mean things to people who happen to be black -- 'cause we all know that you can't talk to a black person like you talk to anyone else. Either show deference because they're black, which would be racist, or speak to them like you would any other human being you disagree with, in which case it's racist.

    Fucking catch-22. The standard at Field's is that whites are racist until proven otherwise. And "proof" consists of judgments from the black members here who created the standard in the first place. Damned if you do or don't.

    So, yep, racist numero-uno here. I wear a hood. I hang negros and negresses and even nigglets. I'm actually the last Highlander and owned an entire plantation's worth of slaves in 1712. Then I voted against civil rights when I was 400 years old.

  59. Anonymous10:10 PM

    See TPC, you're wrong. Now the NRA tells us there are even no-go zones in the U.S.

  60. Josh is a whiny bitch10:11 PM

    Just stop whining and go away Josh. You sound like the whiny bitch you are.

  61. Anonymous10:12 PM

    "Fucking catch-22. The standard at Field's is that whites are racist until proven otherwise. And "proof" consists of judgments from the black members here who created the standard in the first place. Damned if you do or don't."

    Then don't. Nobody cares about your whiny ass.

  62. Anonymous10:52 PM

    JOSH, "Better than the Euro cunt manages. His best piece of evidence: I say mean things to people who happen to be black -- 'cause we all know that you can't talk to a black person like you talk to anyone else. Either show deference because they're black, which would be racist, or speak to them like you would any other human being you disagree with, in which case it's racist."

    Brother JOSH, what can I say except that you are not a racist in my book. Some of these FN Negroes are so sensitive Science ought to use them as seismographs for detecting earthquakes.

    But brother JOSH, look at it this way: some of these Negroes are carrying stuff passed down to them for 400+ years. Can you dig that? Believe me, you don't want to be in a Negroe's body. There is so much hyper-emotional shit going on inside that Blacks don't know whether they are coming or going. They can't see straight but they are doing the best they can. Believe me, they just can't do any better.

    TPC, PX, Yisheng, Lilac, and other black anons just can't see the forest for the trees. But again, they are doing the best they can.

    If you look deeply into TPC's comments, PX's comments, they are scared but they cover it up with accusations, blame and name calling. They do this every time. Why? Because that's the pattern of their thinking that controls their thinking.

    So, I don't what else to tell you except that's there is to it when it comes to Negroes on FN. But if you try Roots blog, it'll be a much higher level of communication than here. That's because the Blacks there are educated and emotionally stable and reasonable. The Field's is full of wild out-of-control Negroes.

    I know Field seems to be under control but believe me if he wasn't smoking that Jamaican weed and chasing that smoke with Red Stripe, he would most definitely be out of control.

    Have you tried Jamaican weed and Red Stripe? Ask Field how he gets that mellow feel.

  63. Anonymous11:12 PM

    "Brother JOSH, what can I say except that you are not a racist in my book. Some of these FN Negroes are so sensitive Science ought to use them as seismographs for detecting earthquakes."

    As Josh cries like a little girl. STFU sellout!

  64. Joshua is annoying11:15 PM

    And to top it off Josh doesn't breathe a word about the constant racism against Black people here everyday and on any other blog. We put up with assholes comparing us to apes, saying we got our jobs because of affirmative action, we all steal car stereos ect but he wants to whine about how he's treated. Man, talk about victimization. I would say man up but that won't happen.

  65. This post might be too incredibly long to read, so brace yourselves, fools.

    Some moron wrote: "You are a racist Josh. I'm calling you a racist because of the constant stream of racist invective that you post on here day after day."

    Now, prepare your collective anuses for the long list of examples provided to back up the claim of the "constant stream of racist invective."


    Oh, shit, wait...

    Just like TPC and every other moron, it's a loose, empty claim that must be taken on faith. It's virtually indistinguishable from religion.

    And at least TPC finally provided his motives for calling me a racist. I don't treat black people with kids' gloves because they're black, as he demands be the rule. I treat a black motherfucker like I treat any other motherfucker, and that means I'm a racist because being black is a protected class and you can't speak real with them because someone's feels might get hurt.

  66. coffee and cigarettes12:46 AM

    I'm late to the conversation but in a nutshell: I agree with TPC.

    The radical left is in power in Greece, Podemos looks like it could win Spain, and for all of UKIPs anti-immigration nonsense, Labor is set to win the upcoming UK elections (with the Greens also making significant inroads).

    While all forms of fascism/nationalism/racism/islamophobia are like a virus and should NEVER be underestimated or ignored, a few other things are important to note:

    While a record number of people in Germany attended an anti-Islam march (25,000) a record number of people also attended the counter protest (30,000).

    The "Islamisation of Europe" happened a long time ago-about 800 years ago in fact. The Moors from North Africa controlled Portugal, South Spain and Sicily for hundreds of years (leaving behind beautiful monuments such as the Alhambra palace) while the Ottomans controlled the Balkans and East Europe.

    The only openly Neo-Nazi party in power in Europe is in Ukraine-a government propped up by the US and NATO as a formidable opponent to Russia. As Greek PM Tsipras said: "We should not accept or recognize the government of neo-Nazis in Ukraine." It was due to this government that the US/EU imposed sanctions on Russia. (Putin is a right-wing nationalist. Not my cup of tea. But the rhetoric of the western media on this issue has been ridiculous).

  67. coffee and cigarettes12:54 AM

    On top of all that, there are actually indigenous European populations: Albanians, Bosnians, a minority of Bulgarians, Turks, Chechens, Azerbaijanis etc-mosques/churches/synagogues have existed side by side in certain parts of Europe for hundreds of years.

    It is also important to note that in the years between 1000-1900 BC, the most tolerant empire of religious differences in Europe was probably the Moorish Empire.

  68. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Thank you coffee and cigarettes!

    What a breath of educated, intelligent fresh air you are!

    I love it! :)

  69. coffee and cigarettes2:37 AM

    Thank you lilacpr2000, likewise :)

  70. To be perfectly honest, I'm just happy that, after all these long months, people are finally getting around to being honest about why they call me a racist.

    I happen to speak to a black person like I would anyone else, not automatically assuming they're victims for being black, and thus not filtering my opinions or tone to protect their feelings.

    And to at least a dozen black folks here, that makes me a flat-out racist hurling abuse and invective.

    But to those dozen, give or take, I have an honest question. Don't even answer it. I know you can't be seen actually speaking to me on a real level; it has to be troll blasts. So, just ask it of yourselves in quiet moments when nobody's around.

    Would you rather:

    A) Someone view you first and only by the color of your skin and subsequently treat you differently because of it, not challenging your opinions and never telling you if your shit stinks?

    B) Someone treat you like any fucking body else?

    C'mon, Field. What say you? Do you exist by TPC's standards of being black = protected against "abuse" or else the only reason has to be racism, or would you rather be judged on your opinions and politics and how you carry yourself apart from your skin color?

    To anyone choosing (A), grow the fuck up and stop projecting on me your racially-charged emotional state of dumbfuckery. Or don't. However you wanna carry it, I'll call bullshit on bullshit regardless.
