Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Why "teachable moments" fall short.

Image result for racism teachable moments imagesThe Field Negro education series continues.

Tonight we will read what Kali Holloway has to say.

"'People of color] are expected to educate white people as to our humanity. Women are expected to educate men. Lesbians and gay men are expected to educate the heterosexual world. The oppressors maintain their position and evade their responsibility for their own actions.' —Audre Lorde

America loves teachable moments, those real-life Very Special Episodes of supposed cross-cultural exchange and transracial learning.

The problem with those teachable moments is that the same people always end up doing all the teaching. In matters of race (and sex, disability, gender and sexuality, but let’s stick to race right now), the marginalized are tasked with being educators. That is, people of color (POC), are expected to be patient and polite racial and cultural ambassadors who provide white people new to this whole “thinking critically about race” thing with a “way in.” The role entails charitably and unselfishly engaging questions, assertions and doubts from white people who’ve previously done precious little thinking about racism and privilege, but often have quite a bit to say on the topic.

When POC refuse to take on this dual role of spokesperson and resource library, they’re often accused of having shirked an assumed responsibility. The idea seems to be that we’ve missed an opportunity, that it’s our duty to hold white people’s hands and educate them, that we’re condemning some poor white person to a continued life of ignorance.

It’s a classic tool of derailing, this feigned helplessness and subtly accusatory question of, “If you don’t teach me, how can I learn?” (Implied answer: “I won’t, and it’ll be all your fault!”) The idea is lazy, circuitous and tantamount to accusing POC who don’t want to have the same tiresome, not infrequently pointless, conversation about race of being complicit in racism. The failure to erase racial inequity doesn’t result from POCs’ failure to be patient with uninformed ideas and questions. We live in a world saturated with racism and its runoff. The people who experience it with sustained regularity don’t always feel like talking about it. And that is absolutely fine.

Because here’s the thing: people of color are not obligated to teach even the most well-intentioned white people anything about race. They certainly can if they want to, but it’s neither their duty or obligation. The onus rests on white “allies” to educate themselves.

Here’s why: Conversations around race are often microcosmic representations of structural racism at large. Derailing tactics like the aforementioned essentially serve to divert the conversation back to territory where the derailer feels more comfortable, and perhaps most importantly, help reestablish the traditional power dynamic. Once again, a person of color must focus on and give precedence to a white person’s opinions and queries—and often, their expressions of disbelief—instead of merely being able to speak their experiences. It’s not irresponsible to refuse to let white voices take center stage in a conversation ostensibly about issues of anti-blackness or racism against other POC. It’s an act of resistance that’s actually called “decentering whiteness.”

Just as often, it’s the result of plain old fatigue. It’s tiring to deal with uninformed white people’s ignorance around race. In those situations, what a white person perceives as a “learning experience” is, for a person of color, yet another confrontation with racial microaggressions. It’s equally frustrating, and incredibly dumb, to have it suggested that because another person who looks vaguely like you holds a different opinion or claims a different experience, your own opinion or experience is invalidated. (“But Stacey Dash says there is no racism…”)

It’s both exhausting and total bullshit to be reprimanded for your tone, should you be perceived as impolite or angry, or told precisely how you, as a person of color, should mind your manners when you talk to white people about race. The implication is that issues around racism should only be recognized when presented in a way that neither upsets nor offends your white audience. (It’s called tone policing, and credit where it’s due, it is yet another brilliant diversionary tactic.)
It’s futile to have discussions with white people who pretend to want to talk race, but actually delight in verbally sparring or debating the veracity of POC experiences. The Internet is absolutely lousy with examples, and no one will ever accuse comment threads of being the place to look for incisive racial commentary. It happens in real life situations as well, of course. Most black and other POC are uninterested in having yet another conversation with white people who articulate ideas about race that are simplistic or essentialist, ill-informed or purposely provocative or inflammatory.

Few people of color gain any reward from trying to talk substantively about issues around race with white people who are willfully and wantonly obtuse about racism. There are white people who genuinely don’t get it, and also those who don’t want to get it—would fight tooth and nail just to avoid getting it—and to all those people, I say good luck and godspeed! Because don’t get me wrong: I have great, honest, difficult conversations about race with friends all the time—people of vastly different races and ethnicities who’ve thought critically about race. But I’m not going to beg anyone to believe that racism is real. Not in 2015, and most certainly not when life is finite. And no POC should have to.

That said, there are also white people who want to get it, who are trying to do the work of actively being anti-racist. If you’re a white person who wants to be an ally, who’s dedicated to learning, who wants to be educated, start by looking it up yourself! Never before have we had in our homes, schools and libraries little boxes that provide such unfettered access to the whole of human knowledge. There exists more literature than you can possibly consume on race, all of it readily accessible, just a Google search away.

Do your own research on why that person doesn’t answer when you ask “What are you?” or why that woman doesn’t want you touching her hair, or why all these people seem so angry. But please stop expecting to have it explained to you by a benevolent POC. To just slightly paraphrase transgender activist Parker Marie Molloy:
Think of it this way: I may not have ever had a professional baseball player sit me down and explain the rules and the history of the game, but I’ve still managed to learn the difference between a “ball” and a “strike.” How did I accomplish this? By consulting the glut of information readily available on the subject online and in print. Interrupting people while they are playing the game to ask basic questions is rude, and moreover, would not be viewed as something players should take the time to address. If I want to call myself a baseball fan, the onus is on me to get up to speed. The resources exist, and if I persist in not understanding baseball, it’s willful ignorance on my part. So how is the learning about or becoming an ally of [people of color] any different?
Yes, of course, learning is good and working to be more consciously and unconsciously anti-racist is great. There should be a lot more of it! But no POC has to serve as any white person’s gateway. Part of the work of being an anti-racist white person is caring enough not to be part of the problem. Start by educating yourself." [Source]


  1. Anonymous10:53 PM

    "Conversations around race are often microcosmic representations of structural racism at large. Derailing tactics like the aforementioned essentially serve to divert the conversation back to territory where the derailer feels more comfortable, and perhaps most importantly, help reestablish the traditional power dynamic. Once again, a person of color must focus on and give precedence to a white person’s opinions and queries—and often, their expressions of disbelief—instead of merely being able to speak their experiences. It’s not irresponsible to refuse to let white voices take center stage in a conversation ostensibly about issues of anti-blackness or racism against other POC. It’s an act of resistance that’s actually called “decentering whiteness.”

    Good luck getting idiots like Josh to understand this. Nice effort though.

  2. Sounds like the best response to the Josh's of the world.

  3. Anonymous11:25 PM

    "It’s futile to have discussions with white people who pretend to want to talk race, but actually delight in verbally sparring or debating the veracity of POC experiences. The Internet is absolutely lousy with examples, and no one will ever accuse comment threads of being the place to look for incisive racial commentary."

    Why do I get the feeling that this post was intended for somebody like me who believes in the sincerity of Whites to end racism?

    It is every Negro's responsibility to educate Whites and to do it in a skillful way instead of cussing and calling them names.

    PC and some other black rage-aholics on here ought to go see a therapist. Some of you Negroes make me sick.

    But the main problem here is Negroes don't read the Bible; don't pray and practice what the Bible says. There are too many Negroes who just don't believe or have an ounce of faith.

  4. "Few people of color gain any reward from trying to talk substantively about issues around race with white people who are willfully and wantonly obtuse about racism. There are white people who genuinely don’t get it, and also those who don’t want to get it—would fight tooth and nail just to avoid getting it—"


    then there's this:

    "Few BW gain any reward from trying to talk substantively about issues around sexism with BM who are willfully and wantonly obtuse about sexism. There are BM who genuinely don’t get it, and also those who don’t want to get it—would fight tooth and nail just to avoid getting it—"

    frankly between racism and sexism...

    i would prefer to deal with racism.

    folk make things all about white folk while we self terminate as Black people. what can a nation that treats the daughters of the nation like garbage do, but self terminate?

    maybe survival/autonomy as a nation is NOT the objective after all...

    folk fixate on white folk yet refuse to take clues and emulate/do the things white folk got Right...

    for example: get fresh mouth, even, with white women and see how long before the shut down gets executed.


    back to the regularly scheduled racism program though. THAT is the biggest issue facing Black folk around the world. not a refusal to work together, support one another, support the babies folk make, love and respect one another. nope. it is ALL racism...

    maybe only i see the news stories of the non stop black on black carnage? the unchecked or mentioned full out assault on Black women. maybe only i see that black lives matters should REALLY read...

    black lives matter as long as it is non black folk tampering with them. black lives REALLY matter, if folk can fan the flames of a race war! in this race war, it will be ONLY an issue with wm and BW WILL be expected to fight on the frontlines like men. ww...nah. too feminine.

    'cause i ain't seen NOT one non bw getting maced in the face behind bm issues and black lives mattering. so i got the message Loud and Clear.

    forgive my intrusion into the regularly scheduled racism chase program.

    i pray some day soon our people will get it.


  5. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Just as often, it’s the result of plain old fatigue. It’s tiring to deal with uninformed white people’s ignorance around race. In those situations, what a white person perceives as a “learning experience” is, for a person of color, yet another confrontation with racial microaggressions. It’s equally frustrating, and incredibly dumb, to have it suggested that because another person who looks vaguely like you holds a different opinion or claims a different experience, your own opinion or experience is invalidated. (“But Stacey Dash says there is no racism…”)

    This is where Whites go when racism comes up. They make their phone calls to the old black stand-bys they can always count on to support them. There are always Negroes who will prostitute themselves with a lie by taking the opposite position against their victimized Black(s).

    They are the uncle toms and slave catchers of our time. They are by far more evil than the racists.

  6. @11:25pm-

    um no...

    "It is every Negro's responsibility to educate Whites and to do it in a skillful way instead of cussing and calling them names."

    cussing, fussing, disrespectful, woefully ignorant, angry whipcrackas like JOSH (yelling, be clear:) indeed, reap what they sow.

    i submit to you that the tribe of Edom, collectively, is not all that interested in loosing any resources, land, nor privilege.

    they have painted Messiah white, declared it doesn't matter as long as we keep Him pale and do EVERYTHING but what is written in that book, routinely, with the Real tribe of Yahudah/Judah.

    while folk yelling looooong and haaard 'bout racism and NOT mentioning the european, gentile, ashkenazim that CORNERED the slave trade...

    i am inclined to ask:

    what's up with that? folk either hate racism or they don't.

    i don't think folk hate it that much frankly. it is a cottage industry to keep fanning the flames and high lighting the grievances. while steadfastly ignoring all the fall out from our generational disobedience to Yah Almighty and His Word.

    Anon, on this point we can agree. if you read the Word, you know Edom is the LEAST of the worries of Real Yahudah/Judah. it is CLEARLY written that IF we won't worship Yah Almighty, then He will cause US to worship those that hate US.

    individually, i don't think that Jews or White folk hate US. collectively, it IS a part of the collective objective to hate, oppress and profit from our suffering. we help them mightily.

    if you could stop fawning all over JOSH! that would be great. dignity mandates it. additionally, notice the Love is NOT reciprocated...

    forgive any typos. proof reading did not make the cut. been a long week.

    blessings all!

  7. Anonymous12:03 AM

    FP-"back to the regularly scheduled racism program though. THAT is the biggest issue facing Black folk around the world. not a refusal to work together, support one another, support the babies folk make, love and respect one another. nope. it is ALL racism..."

    Yep, this is what I see all the time. Ever wonder 'why' Negroes don't talk about it? Do you think they don't recognize it? The Whites do. The Latinos do. The Asians do.

    How come the Blacks don't see it? It's all very weird to me...being Black that is because it doesn't make sense to me as a bm.

    FP-"black lives matter as long as it is non black folk tampering with them. black lives REALLY matter, if folk can fan the flames of a race war! in this race war, it will be ONLY an issue with wm and BW WILL be expected to fight on the frontlines like men. ww...nah. too"

    Isn't that weird? I mean all that black on black killing going on across America..Chicago, Detroit, Philly, Atlanta, etc and Blacks never made a sign or logo that said, "Black lives matter". Yet White on Black killing and signs "Black lives Matter" are all over the place. Hell, you can buy t-shirts and hoodies with it.

    FP- "i pray some day soon our people will get it."

    You have GOT to be kidding. It's over for us. It's just a matter of several decades maybe a century, and we will be more extinct than Native Indians.

  8. Anonymous12:26 AM

    FP-"Anon, on this point we can agree. if you read the Word, you know Edom is the LEAST of the worries of Real Yahudah/Judah. it is CLEARLY written that IF we won't worship Yah Almighty, then He will cause US to worship those that hate US."

    I agree, and that's not from reading the Bible, it's from direct experience. If I am not worshiping the Almighty, then I am worshiping the world, which means white folks in America along with untrustworthy black folks.

    Looks to me like there are only two choices while on this planet: To follow Yah, or follow the way of the world. Most follow the world right to their death. Following Yah is eternal life.

    Now why would humans follow the way of the world? That is a big mystery to me.

    I am not trying to be negative but I must speak the truth as I see it:

    I see this world of humans as chaotic, insane and perverted(over flowing in sin)...I want out.

  9. Yep, this is what I see all the time. Ever wonder 'why' Negroes don't talk about it? Do you think they don't recognize it? The Whites do. The Latinos do. The Asians do.

    How come the Blacks don't see it? It's all very weird to me...being Black that is because it doesn't make sense to me as a bm.


    KJV Psalm 83'ers must look and think their work is Good.

    we don't talk about it, 'cause to do so would mean folk might have to bring it to the Providers, Protectors, Problem Solvers, and Producers.




    folk would rather DIE than get that Right. it is MUCH easier and fun to make manhood center around a single, solitary, much hyped, won't get with Yah nor Right...


    the soaring OOW rate bears witness...

    the Black Lives Matter campaign is a sham and a shame.

    i will get with it when folk come out and admit it:

    folk are ONLY dead, raped, maimed and treated less than humane at the hands of White and non Black folk.

    outside of that...i wrestle with the keen desire to wish these folk would choke on their hypocritical bad jokes.

    the homie in the side bar needs to issue wake up calls to Black folk. White folk are substantially more wide awake and faring much better than we are.

    come on now!

    ""FP- "i pray some day soon our people will get it."

    You have GOT to be kidding. It's over for us. It's just a matter of several decades maybe a century, and we will be more extinct than Native Indians."

    either you are mistaken...

    or He/His Word is.

    i think it is all you.

    with all due respect of course.

  10. Anonymous12:44 AM

    FP-"i am inclined to ask:

    what's up with that? folk either hate racism or they don't.

    i don't think folk hate it that much frankly. it is a cottage industry to keep fanning the flames and high lighting the grievances. while steadfastly ignoring all the fall out from our generational disobedience to Yah Almighty and His Word."

    Yes, you speak the truth. It's straight forward, insight-fully simple but heavy and powerful and painful.

    Do you think the truth has ever been defeated? I know it's been covered up a lot throughout human history, but it never dies. I mean it's kind of like nuclear waste. You can bury it deep in the earth but eventually it's going to leak out and come to the surface.

    It's much easier to deal with it right away before it goes nuclear.

  11. "Looks to me like there are only two choices while on this planet: To follow Yah, or follow the way of the world. Most follow the world right to their death. Following Yah is eternal life."

    battle of Good and evil.

    satan (who dummies think don't exist) says it is all mine. they are all mine. he/his defeated minions and agents accuse US day and night before Almighty...

    Yah, Ancient of Ancients, says they are mine. they will choose me. they can't stop sinning, so Messiah, my Lamb for ALL world sin ensures they stay winning in the soul snatch game.

    then folk exercise their free will.


    i know that Yah has got this and it is IMPOSSIBLE to please Him without Faith.

    so let's get it!


    i Love Him/His Word and really don't care what other souls think about it.

    had a cussing hot mess tell me that i could Love Him without being obnoxious.

    asked this soul if he noticed that those repping the defeated one don't get the don't be obnoxious chats?

    bold as lions.

    both sides.

    i am riding with Yah 'til the wheels fall off:)

    blessings all!

  12. @12:44am-

    at some point in Time, if folk wanted to tell the Truth...

    we would all have to admit being on the wrong side of Truth.

    this is my confession.

    it is painful to be dealt with and put back where one belongs on the Right side of Truth. i am thankful.

    folk may try to hide, bury, lie, paint it white, pretend it is pro Black or do whatever, as it relates to the Truth.

    in reality Truth will ALWAYS Stand in the end. Yah and His Word is Truth. so no, there is NO defeating Him. how folk think they 'bout to get around it/claim victory= say what, now?

    at least to me.

    of all the nations of the earth, it is the Blessed Blacks He has known...

    He plays NO games and is quite clear on how all of this will shake out. there are consequences for our disobedience. distracting ourselves with white folk= dumb.

  13. Anonymous1:24 AM

    FP-"...there are consequences for our disobedience. distracting ourselves with white folk= dumb."

    I am so glad you come to FN and sometimes speak truth. You are like a breath of fresh air.

    And it IS DUMB, to keep fooling around with white folks thinking that's where the 'action is'...that's where happiness for Blacks lie. It's pretty stupid when you think about it and look at what it has brought upon us.

    Ever wonder why it is so much harder to follow GOD than to follow Satan? I do. Why can't the road to God be as easy as the road to hell? Not that I plan to change course and go the other way, but I do wonder.

  14. Yaawwn1:37 AM


    Burp and fart!

  15. coffee and cigarettes1:38 AM

    "The onus rests on white “allies” to educate themselves."

    I would take this further: the onus rests on white 'allies' not only to educate themselves but more importantly to EDUCATE OTHER WHITE PEOPLE.

    In social contexts, of course, but also: IN POLITICS.

    #1 failure of Democrats.

    #1 failure of the Left in general.

    What do I mean?

    The left needs to focus on anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-homophobia. But it also needs concurrently focus on economic issues, which it has largely forgotten.

    The working-class conservative whites do not align their social interests with the left. But their economic interests are inherently aligned.

    This presents an opportunity-to work with such people in a common economic interest while trying educate/change them.

    Some people can't be salvaged-some have grown up with hateful/white supremacist ideologies that are too far ingrained in the psyche (even if they don't realise it or understand the terms, ahem, cough, Josh).

    Some people can be changed and educated. If race issues are to progress in the US these people need to be tapped by the white left.

    And yes, the white left, because this isn't the job of blacks but the job of whites. The onus falls on the white left (mainly urbane and middle class) to start doing some hard work in working-class conservative white communities.

  16. Anon 1:24am- depending on how you look at it...

    it is harder to serve the defeated one.

    serving Yah brings heathen haters.

    no doubt.

    but you know as long as you walk righteously you are Good.

    exactly none of that is the case when folk rolling with defeated, lying satan..

  17. Anonymous1:47 AM

    You make a good point coffee and cigarettes.

  18. Anonymous2:16 AM

    Anon10:53pm, WC, TPC, PX, Yisheng, Lilac and FP...You are all wrong about Josh. Underneath it all he is trying his best to understand. Nevertheless, I have confidence that he shall overcome and y'all will apologize for misunderstanding this gentle wm.

  19. Limpbaugh2:38 AM

    I definitely agree that the way to find out the truth about a subject is to research it on the internet. There is a lot of BS to wade through, so you have use judgement to figure out how credible information is and sometimes look into individual claims made by the sources. I tend to see things as having a degree of probability. There are a lot of possibilities that I don't rule out, but I put the most credence on the simplest explanation that makes sense. For example, when network TV was lying us into the Iraq War, I read things like online Knight Ridder newspaper articles that told the truth. I still see the corporate media lying to downplay it and portray intentional lies as mistakes. An example is MSNBC saying that Saddam Hussein chased the inspectors out of Iraq on a recent occasion, and that the U.N. pulled them out on another. They never mentioned that the U.N. pulled them out because Bush warned them to get out. MSNBC is owned by that bastion of liberalism, Comcast. The Huffington Post is owned by AOL. Almost all of my comments about 9/11 truth, Dick Cheney, the Sunni Awakening, and racism, got wiped off the Huffington Post within minutes. Things that are welcomed on the Field Negro blog are censored there and on many other sites. The supposedly liberal media lies to protect the elite. It's one subtle lie after another. If net neutrality is ended, the internet will probably become just like the corporate TV media.

  20. StillaPanther23:20 AM

    If I was white I would ask the question- why?

    If I am on top, why would I want someone else to share what I have. Be it power, wealth or any other means whereby I am given any concessions. After the AA, should they allow the last boat-load of people the same status.

    Black people, let us maintain some mystery about self. Stop whining
    about our inferior status. (You placed yourselves in that position- not me.

    Low -level whites can love you to death. They can't give us what as long as they have the right to first refusal. As long as we demonstrate that we can't be strong partners in this global community, I see no reason why any sane person would want to be a entity in a community where SOME of us would be a part of.

    Now to infuse why I feel this way, I have seen the demise of a strong race of people. We are too far gone. Look at the morning, evening and nightly news. Need I say more. I can just imagine a white person being requested to have more respect and compassion- after a full day of looking at the number one source of social news for many.

    Have you ever thought what a white person is thinking when a race of people go out their way to be with them? Need I say more.

    I say bring our race in line with social norms before we beg them to love us. Remember, I still love us. I think that is the toughest job in America.

    I remember when we did not need their love. Nor we are a people that mimic them so much.

    Please, keep the name calling to someone that would be offend. I don't think there is any more insults that I have not seen.

  21. Quote: Josh-the-Racist

    "And at least TPC finally provided his motives for calling me a racist. I don't treat black people with kids' gloves because they're black, as he demands be the rule. "

    As usual Josh, there are several faults in your logic.

    1. I've never once demanded you or anyone else treat me with kid gloves.

    2. I've exposed you for the pseudo-intellectual charlatan that you are on many occasions, by destroying your dimwitted opinions in every single debate we have had. Given your track record of losing every debate you enter, why on Earth would I need you to treat me with kid gloves???

    3. You're a racist Josh, have you ever known a racist treat blacks with kid gloves?


    I don;t know the source of your anger that drives you here every day, Josh-the-racist. But I do know this;

    It is not black peoples' fault that your life is such a disappointment to you. It is not women' fault that your life is such a disappointment to you. So the sooner you isolate the true cause of your anger and bitterness, the sooner you can start dealing with your issues of inadequacy. Start today, look at your life, look where it is going, change your life before it is too late.

  22. Dr. Ramos, PHD7:59 AM

    Purple cow doesn't want to talk about Rotherham or any Muslim gang rapes that the left has tried to cover up.

    I wonder why?

  23. In other words, blahs are tired of debating their position on race( which is, agree with everything i say or you is evil, stoopid and racist) and don't want to debate anymore.

    They only time YT (those who are not libs) is asking to debate POC about race is when a POC is demanding YT accept and live with whatever.

    Funnie, YT tends to asks questions and debate.

  24. "Do your own research on why that person doesn’t answer when you ask “What are you?” or why that woman doesn’t want you touching her hair, or why all these people seem so angry."

    You don't have to ask a black person “What are you?”. They are more than happy to tell you.

    Dr. queen for example. Or go to YouTube. There are hundreds of blacks happy to tell the world who they is.

    " why that woman doesn’t want you touching her hair,"

    Who's going up to random black women and asking to touch her hair?

    I would ask for examples but that would be pointless since there are none...

    "why all these people seem so angry"

    That question mostly gets asked of blacks-by whites, asians and hispanics.

    That's because most blacks tend to be angry. See this board and blogs like this one.

    I understand. Things are tough for blacks in America. Blacks are worse off under the first official black president than they were under the last white one. Blacks voted Democrat 90% of the time and are the chumps of the Democrat party.

    SCOTUS is moving America towards a true color blind society. Blacks are losing their special benefits and privilege.

    Blacks had to sit back and watch hispanics become the dems favorite racial minority group.

    Now blacks are having to sit back and watch teh gays replace them in the Democrat pecking order.

    Before long, blacks will be at the back of the Democrat bus.

    Question is, who's going to be the new Rosa Parks?

  25. Oh my, Whuteemoo #2 is back.

    Or is that just Whuteemoo #1, in Koon clothes?

  26. Virginia10:12 AM

    "It’s both exhausting and total bullshit to be reprimanded for your tone, should you be perceived as impolite or angry, or told precisely how you, as a person of color, should mind your manners when you talk to white people about race. The implication is that issues around racism should only be recognized when presented in a way that neither upsets nor offends your white audience."

    Just last month I asked my oldest son to be more patient and polite when discussing race issues, if he truly wants to educate friends, family, etc. (not jerks like Bill) on racism and WP.

    He looked at me frustrated and said, "Mom, it's not that easy, there's pain and passion around this you don't understand ." I want to understand. I want to know what he and others are feeling and why.

    My advise wasn't a tactic. I noticed in my discussions about race with family/friends they shut down and go on the defense most time. I figured if I could react less they would hear me more. If I could do it over again, I'd say he has the right to be frustrated and angry and just support him.

    I know black folks aren't obligated to teach white folk about race. That said, please do. I want to learn from different perspectives and experiences, so I can do my part to educate other white folks and others.

    Important topic.

  27. Anonymous11:48 AM

    SAP2-"Please, keep the name calling to someone that would be offend. I don't think there is any more insults that I have not seen."

    3:20 AM
    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    "Quote: Josh-the-Racist"
    Dear SAP2, I don't think PC heard you. He calls Josh insulting names all the time and it looks like he will continue to do so. Not such a good look.

    I am sorry but your words are falling on deft ears.

    SAP2, note what Yisheng has to say about name calling:
    Blogger Yīshēng said...
    Oh my, Whuteemoo #2 is back.

    Or is that just Whuteemoo #1, in Koon clothes?

    9:59 AM
    Yep, everyone is listening and paying attention to the best of their ability.

    Ever wonder why people consider themselves honorable and educated by humiliation of their fellow man? I think it's a cry for the wm to love us, as you indicated in your comment.

    I don't know, but it looks like a bad strategy. But I suppose if we keep doing the same thing over and over again, we'll get different results?

    I agree with you. We are finished. It's hopeless. There is nothing left to do but turn to God. But will He accept us after all we have done?

    This truthful comment of yours puts it all in a nutshell about our dilemma:

    SAP2, "Now to infuse why I feel this way, I have seen the demise of a strong race of people. We are too far gone. Look at the morning, evening and nightly news. Need I say more. I can just imagine a white person being requested to have more respect and compassion- after a full day of looking at the number one source of social news for many."

    We are a 'done' race. There is no hope for African Americans and we have done and continue to do it to ourselves. It's as if we want to destroy US because we don't like US. We have no self-respect and that is a human being's greatest loss.

    I hope I'm wrong, but I've been watching this slow macabre 'slide' down into hell by our race for a lot of years. And that's where my anger lies. I am angry at US. Why can't we be better?

  28. "2. I've exposed you for the pseudo-intellectual charlatan that you are on many occasions, by destroying your dimwitted opinions in every single debate we have had."

    By your decree and your decree alone. But such is to be expected. Since ever I first started posting on this blog, I couldn't get something out without you quoting a sentence out of it, giving some snarky, one-line comment about it from your high horse, and then utterly refusing to answer any questions I would have about what you found fault with.

    Then, after needing to be called out over a dozen times, you finally started to engage me man-up rather than the back-road bitch detour you innately prefer traveling. And in every exchange it's basically the same thing:

    You say some stupid shit, attempt to redefine what words actually mean, call me a racist at least twice, and name yourself the victor and label me the conquered.

    You control the standards of any "debate" we've ever had here. You pick the topics. You decide what's relevant/irrelevant to the exchange. You move the needle to where you feel it's relevant to point. And you name yourself the arbiter of what's right, what's wrong, what's a winning argument, and what's a losing argument.

    You have completely crafted this fictional world wherein it is a literal impossibility for you to not only never outright lose a point, but you don't even have to fucking concede the possibility that you may be wrong about anything. You have crafted this for yourself, not me. And every single bit of it is on record.

    To me, it's all utter horseshit -- a vainglorious chump who enters into every exchange with the exact same presupposition: Everything I say will be wrong, while everything you say will not only be correct, but there isn't even a possibility that exists you could be wrong. Josh is a racist, he's wrong about everything. TPC is the victor, he's right about everything.

    I'm not making the shit up. This is how you've carried it the entire time. You craft every conceivable piece of the exchange and decide to name yourself judge, jury and executioner. So, of course, according to you, no doubt you win 'em all. You can't lose through your system; it literally, physically--shit, even metaphorically--cannot happen. Ever.

    Yet you project on me that I'm the one trying to convince people of some "superiority." Like I'm the motherfucker here who constantly appeals to the audience and follows you around the blog attempting to drag you through the mud.

    Dude, you're weak like watered-down hot sauce. The motherfucker whose grasp on logic is so loose that he insists that it's another person's job to prove a claim for the claimant, and he thus decrees that he wins. Not sometimes. Not often. But every single time, on every single point, on every single thing that's ever been said between the two of us.

    Vanity doesn't cover that, my man. Delusions of grandeur. You need to check your privilege on this. Get the fuck over yourself a little bit. I had no idea who you were until about the 11th time you trolled me with a quote-mined quibble up through the ether and not at me directly. Since then, you have some weird fucking obsession with me.

    You'll post in Field's latest piece about some shit that was discussed a week ago. Then you go waving your party favors around claiming victory.

    Something's seriously wrong with how you trolls live your day to day.

    I'm a motherfucking stranger who offers his opinions via the Internet.

    You morons need to get a hold of your lives.

    But, sure, tell me more about how you win because you say so. There's a reason teachers don't let students grade their own shit. Yet you carry it like it's everyone else who's too stupid to see the game rather than just owning up to the game you're running.

  29. Brotha Panther, I have to disagree that we are too far gone by any stretch of the imagination. It all depends on where your focus is. For centuries the focus has been to dehumanize us and show how we are the "other" while normalizing whiteness. What would happen if the roles were reversed and white depravity and disfunction was all that was highlighted 24/7? The first step is recognizing what the problem is and doing a course correction. Not easy but not impossible.

  30. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Josh, you are right about PC. He's a jackass.

  31. McFred12:36 PM

    Everybody on this blog is kind of annoying, but Josh and Yisheng are the worst. Josh is just another whiny white boy, and Yisheng is a classless whore.

  32. Anonymous12:47 PM

    More prideful black moments:


    Yep, we are 'done'.

  33. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Everybody on this blog is kind of annoying, but Josh and Yisheng are the worst. Josh is just another whiny white boy, and Yisheng is a classless whore.

    12:36 PM
    Could you elaborate on 'who' "Everybody" is? Surely you don't consider TPC and Field annoying?

    Although I must admit that it appears that Field writes posts to stir up shit. But can you blame him? He is a frustrated reporter.


  34. These kids can't read,"

    A bunch of teachers, principals and other school staff cheated children out of an education and now get to go to jail.

    I wonder how many of the teachers/principals/school staff are right-wing NRA tea party members.

    I was joking. :)

    Once again, it is dumbocrats cheating poor children out of an education.

    Rich white liberal Bill Maher is concerned about the jail sentences for the Black teachers.

    So what poor Black kids were screwed over by those in power.

  35. I noticed field hasn't mention the rape that happen at spring break in front of many peoples.


  36. Anonymous2:11 PM


    After the abolition of slavery in Jamaica (Aug. 1, 1834), many plantation owners feared an impending shortage of labor. Apparently the newly freed and well experienced Africans on the island were not good candidates for a paid labor force.

    Consequently, the former slave owners sought new measures in an effort to solve this problem. One solution was the establishment of a European settlement by Lord Seaford, then-owner of Montpelier Estate and Shettlewood Pen which were located in Westmoreland, in the parish of St. James. More than 1,000 Germans were brought to Jamaica with the promise of being granted housing, land and employment.

    The white migration never amounted to much, because mixing with the Black population and migration to the U.S. depleted much of its population. Moreover a century of in-breeding had a degenerative effect on what’s left of the population. However, many Jamaicans in Seaford Town and German Town in Trelawny carry heavy European features such as blue eyes, blond hair, freckles and white skin, as a result of the German genetic influences.

    Hahaha, fake ass Field Negro failed to get some of that German DNA!

  37. McF**kMyself said....Everybody on this blog is kind of annoying, but Josh and Yisheng are the worst.

    So says the bitch with multiple usernames.

    Tell us, how long does it take you to reshelve books at the library where you work, Sybil?

  38. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Yisheng, "So says the bitch with multiple usernames.

    Tell us, how long does it take you to reshelve books at the library where you work, Sybil?"

    You talk about using multiple usernames? What do you call "flying N My Forties", "Dr Queen", "Dr Yisheng", and other multiple names you are known by? HYPOCRITE!!

    And you have the nerve to call someone else Sybil? HYPOCRITE!!


  39. Yīshēng said...
    Tell us, how long does it take you to reshelve books at the library where you work, Sybil?

    I think you are misinterpreting "adult book store" for a library.

  40. Blogger Yīshēng said...

    So says the bitch with multiple usernames.

    Tell us, how long does it take you to reshelve books at the library where you work, Sybil?

    Why are blacks such hypocrites?

    Wait....Is it racist to ask a black person that? Do black people get tired of answering that question?

  41. Yisheng3:17 PM

    The difference between me and McF**kMyself is:

    1) I don't use multiple usernames to harass and stalk people.
    2) I CLAIM the usernames I've used now AND in the past.
    3) I've revealed a good amount of info about who I am in real life. In other words, I'm not friendless,lifeless coward loser like the McF**kMyself.
    4) I haven't pretended to be a "friend" to someone here to then post as assnon/McStupid and say dumb $hit to them.

    In other words, I'm not a silly, immature, coward McF**KMyself. Now go f**k yourself in the ear!


  42. Bill said...
    I think you are misinterpreting "adult book store" for a library.

    Touche' Bill, Touche'!!!

  43. Kinky is a child molester3:23 PM

    "Why are blacks such hypocrites?"

    Because we learned so well from whites? Why are you not only a hypocrite but an asshole Kinky?

  44. Dr. Ramos, PHD (yeah right...) said

    "Purple cow doesn't want to talk about Rotherham or any Muslim gang rapes that the left has tried to cover up."

    We've talked about Rotherham ad nauseum I don't know what else to say. Rotherham is not far from here, quite a nice little town.

    Yes, as previously discussed there was a Pakistani gang that drew underage girls into prostitution. They are in prison now, where they will remain for a very long time.

    So what? If you've got something new and illuminating to say, say it. Otherwise shut the fuck, dickbreath.

    Are there no nominally christian rapists or pimps anywhere in the world, to match these nominal Muslims?

  45. "However, many Jamaicans in Seaford Town and German Town in Trelawny carry heavy European features such as blue eyes, blond hair, freckles and white skin, as a result of the German genetic influences."

    Yes da's true, an' what's more they are well organised, their food is inedible, their beer is very good, and they invade Poland on a regular basis.

  46. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Bro Field, something has to be done about Yisheng. Whenever Kinky or Bill shows up she acts like an ass straight out of the ghetto, giving them fodder to use against us.

    Because of people like Yisheng, we can't get ahead. So please, ban her from FN.

    And did you know that PC has been kicked off more blogs than anyone else? FN is his last chance. Please end that.

  47. "And did you know that PC has been kicked off more blogs than anyone else?


    Is that really more than anyone else? I find that hard to believe.

  48. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Oh, sorry PC. I was hoping you wouldn't have seen what I wrote. You read nicely and you seem to be a neat and clean cut black man.

  49. Can someone pass some ear wash to @5:33 STAT?

  50. Anonymous6:17 PM

    I now realize that there is no excuse for the way we act, given all the movies we go to. We should have learned how behave appropriately. Of course, Yisheng never got it.

  51. Anonymous10:56 PM

    "Bro Field, something has to be done about Yisheng. Whenever Kinky or Bill shows up she acts like an ass straight out of the ghetto, giving them fodder to use against us."

    What's wrong with acting ghetto? Josh is from the ghetto and you're not posting about him. Are you sexist?

  52. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Josh is White and that makes all the difference in the world. There are things Whites can do that Blacks should not do.

    You must be from another country.

  53. "Josh is from the ghetto and you're not posting about him."

    You mean there exists on this blog a person who doesn't post about me? Holy shit.

    Yisheng, FP, Pilot, TPC, Lilac, and about a dozen anons -- all of whom seem to love to post about me. Although there might exist an instance where I went through the comments and dragged one of their sentences out to quibble with it, I can't remember doing so. It usually only operates as a one-way street via initiation, which shows the level of obsession some people have with others only because they don't like the opinions of a random-ass, stranger who happens to be white.

    If worked the other way, and any one of those black folks were on a white blog being trolled by over a dozen white people, you'd never hear the fucking end of the "RACISM!" accusations. The side-splitting humor in it: Even when it's black folks harassing white folks, it's still "RACISM!" serving as their justification. lmfao - catch-22 all day. ... But I seriously digress here.

    My point: If someone doesn't post about me at this point, I'm shocked! I seem to be the favorite topic here on the daily. I don't have a fucking blog. I comment on every 4th to 5th post Field has. I've been around less than a year. And yet I seem to be the favorite whipping post of the populous.

    Flattering and funny. A little creepy, but it is the Internet after all...

  54. White people need to sit down, shut up and educate OURSELVES. Yeah, I'm white. I do a lot of reading, always have. I learned how to research topics from my privileged, better-than-average public school education. The Web helps me very much in this regard. So, if I can do it, anyone who can do a Web search can do it.

    Quitcher belly-achin', white people. Stop insisting someone else teach you.
